[m-rev.] for review: deep profiling.

Zoltan Somogyi zs at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Fri May 4 18:18:11 AEST 2001

On 04-May-2001, Thomas Conway <conway at cs.mu.OZ.AU> wrote:
> You don't seem to have included a diff for the deep directory.

Sorry about that. The diff follows, together with the relevant part of a
(slightly updated) log message.

> > +#define procname	""det_call_port_code_ac""
> > +#define version_ac
> > +#undef need_new_outermost
> > +#include ""mercury_deep_call_port_body.h""
> > +#undef procname
> > +#undef version_ac
> > +}").
> > +
> Shouldn't these macro names have MR_ prefixes or some other
> appropriate namespacing (also for the rest of profiling_builtin.m)?

Not really, because they do not encroach on the user's namespace. They are
all explicitly undefined after being used.


	The deep profiler consists of two programs: mdprof_cgi.m, which acts
	as a CGI "script", and mdprof_server.m, which implements the server
	process that the CGI script talks to. Interface.m defines the
	interface between them.

	The CGI script.

	The top level predicates of the server.

	The main data structures of the server and their operations.

	Code for reading in profiling data files.

	Code for post-processing the information in profiling data files,
	propagating costs from procedures to their ancestors and performing
	various kinds of summaries.

	Code for responding to requests from the CGI script.

	Code to find cliques in graphs.

	Utility predicates.

	An implementation of (part of) the set ADT with dense bit vectors.

	Operations on profiling measurements.

	An implementation of a timeout facility.

cvs diff: Diffing .
Index: array_util.m
RCS file: array_util.m
diff -N array_util.m
--- /dev/null	Fri Dec  1 02:25:58 2000
+++ array_util.m	Fri May  4 13:09:49 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+% Copyright (C) 2001 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% Authors: conway, zs.
+% This module contains utility predicates for handling arrays.
+:- module array_util.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module array, list.
+:- func u(T) = T.
+:- mode (u(in) = array_uo) is det.
+:- pred array_foldl(pred(int, T, U, U), array(T), U, U).
+:- mode array_foldl(pred(in, in, di, uo) is det, in, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode array_foldl(pred(in, in, array_di, array_uo) is det, in,
+	array_di, array_uo) is det.
+:- mode array_foldl(pred(in, in, in, out) is det, in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred array_foldl0(pred(int, T, U, U), array(T), U, U).
+:- mode array_foldl0(pred(in, in, di, uo) is det, in, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode array_foldl0(pred(in, in, array_di, array_uo) is det, in,
+	array_di, array_uo) is det.
+:- mode array_foldl0(pred(in, in, in, out) is det, in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred array_foldl(int, int, pred(int, T, U, U), array(T), U, U).
+:- mode array_foldl(in, in, pred(in, in, di, uo) is det, in, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode array_foldl(in, in, pred(in, in, array_di, array_uo) is det, in,
+	array_di, array_uo) is det.
+:- mode array_foldl(in, in, pred(in, in, in, out) is det, in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred array_foldl2(pred(int, T, U, U, V, V), array(T), U, U, V, V).
+:- mode array_foldl2(pred(in, in, di, uo, di, uo) is det, in, di, uo, di, uo)
+	is det.
+:- mode array_foldl2(pred(in, in, array_di, array_uo, array_di, array_uo)
+	is det, in, array_di, array_uo, array_di, array_uo)
+	is det.
+:- mode array_foldl2(pred(in, in, in, out, di, uo) is det, in, in, out, di, uo)
+	is det.
+:- pred array_foldl2(int, int, pred(int, T, U, U, V, V), array(T), U, U, V, V).
+:- mode array_foldl2(in, in, pred(in, in, di, uo, di, uo) is det, in,
+	di, uo, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode array_foldl2(in, in, pred(in, in,
+	array_di, array_uo, array_di, array_uo) is det, in,
+	array_di, array_uo, array_di, array_uo) is det.
+:- mode array_foldl2(in, in, pred(in, in, in, out, di, uo) is det, in,
+	in, out, di, uo) is det.
+:- pred array_list_foldl(pred(T, array(U), array(U)), list(T),
+	array(U), array(U)).
+:- mode array_list_foldl(pred(in, array_di, array_uo) is det, in,
+	array_di, array_uo) is det.
+:- pred array_list_foldl2(pred(T, array(U), array(U), array(V), array(V)),
+	list(T), array(U), array(U), array(V), array(V)).
+:- mode array_list_foldl2(pred(in, array_di, array_uo, array_di, array_uo)
+	is det, in, array_di, array_uo, array_di, array_uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int, string.
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C", u(A::in) = (B::array_uo),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
+	"B = A;"
+array_foldl(P, A, U0, U) :-
+	array__max(A, Max),
+	array_foldl(1, Max, P, A, U0, U).
+array_foldl0(P, A, U0, U) :-
+	array__max(A, Max),
+	array_foldl(0, Max, P, A, U0, U).
+array_foldl(N, Max, P, A, U0, U) :-
+	( N =< Max ->
+		array__lookup(A, N, E),
+		call(P, N, E, U0, U1),
+		array_foldl(N + 1, Max, P, A, U1, U)
+	;
+		U = U0
+	).
+array_foldl2(P, A, U0, U, V0, V) :-
+	array__max(A, Max),
+	array_foldl2(1, Max, P, A, U0, U, V0, V).
+array_foldl2(N, Max, P, A, U0, U, V0, V) :-
+	( N =< Max ->
+		array__lookup(A, N, E),
+		call(P, N, E, U0, U1, V0, V1),
+		array_foldl2(N + 1, Max, P, A, U1, U, V1, V)
+	;
+		U = U0,
+		V = V0
+	).
+array_list_foldl(_, [], Acc, Acc).
+array_list_foldl(P, [X | Xs], Acc0, Acc) :-
+	call(P, X, Acc0, Acc1),
+	array_list_foldl(P, Xs, Acc1, Acc).
+array_list_foldl2(_, [], AccU, AccU, AccV, AccV).
+array_list_foldl2(P, [X | Xs], AccU0, AccU, AccV0, AccV) :-
+	call(P, X, AccU0, AccU1, AccV0, AccV1),
+	array_list_foldl2(P, Xs, AccU1, AccU, AccV1, AccV).
Index: cliques.m
RCS file: cliques.m
diff -N cliques.m
--- /dev/null	Fri Dec  1 02:25:58 2000
+++ cliques.m	Fri May  4 13:04:10 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+% Copyright (C) 2001 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% Authors: conway, zs.
+% This module allows you build a description of a directed graph (represented
+% as a set of arcs between nodes identified by integers) and then find the
+% strongly connected components (cliques) of that graph.
+:- module cliques.
+:- interface.
+:- type graph.
+:- import_module list, set.
+% Create a graph with no edges.
+:- pred init(graph::out) is det.
+% Add an arc from one node to another.
+:- pred add_arc(graph::in, int::in, int::in, graph::out) is det.
+% Perform a topological sort on the graph. Each set of integers in the
+% resulting list gives the ids of the nodes in a clique. The list contains
+% the cliques in bottom-up order: if there is an arc from node A to node B
+% and the two nodes are not in the same clique, then the clique containing
+% node A will be before the clique containing node B.
+:- pred topological_sort(graph::in, list(set(int))::out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module array_util, dense_bitset.
+:- import_module array, int.
+:- type graph	--->
+		graph(
+			int,
+			array(set(int))
+		).
+:- type visit == dense_bitset.
+init(graph(1, Array)) :-
+	% The initial array size doesn't really matter.
+	array__init(16, set__init, Array).
+add_arc(graph(Size0, Array0), From, To, Graph) :-
+	( array__in_bounds(Array0, From) ->
+		array__lookup(Array0, From, Tos0),
+		set__insert(Tos0, To, Tos),
+		array__set(u(Array0), From, Tos, Array),
+		Size = int__max(int__max(From, To), Size0),
+		Graph = graph(Size, Array)
+	;
+		array__size(Array0, Size),
+		array__resize(u(Array0), Size * 2, init, Array1),
+		add_arc(graph(Size0, Array1), From, To, Graph)
+	).
+:- pred successors(graph::in, int::in, set(int)::out) is det.
+successors(graph(_Size, Array), From, Tos) :-
+	( array__in_bounds(Array, From) ->
+		array__lookup(Array, From, Tos)
+	;
+		Tos = set__init
+	).
+:- pred mklist(int::in, list(int)::in, list(int)::out) is det.
+mklist(N, Acc0, Acc) :-
+	( N < 0 ->
+		Acc = Acc0
+	;
+		Acc1 = [N | Acc0],
+		mklist(N - 1, Acc1, Acc)
+	).
+topological_sort(Graph, TSort) :-
+	dfs_graph(Graph, Dfs),
+	inverse(Graph, InvGraph),
+	Visit = dense_bitset__init,
+	tsort(Dfs, InvGraph, Visit, [], TSort0),
+	reverse(TSort0, TSort).
+:- pred tsort(list(int)::in, graph::in, visit::array_di, list(set(int))::in,
+	list(set(int))::out) is det.
+tsort([], _InvGraph, _Visit, TSort, TSort).
+tsort([Node | Nodes], InvGraph, Visit0, TSort0, TSort) :-
+	( dense_bitset__member(Node, Visit0) ->
+		tsort(Nodes, InvGraph, Visit0, TSort0, TSort)
+	;
+		dfs([Node], InvGraph, Visit0, [], Visit, CliqueList),
+		set__list_to_set(CliqueList, Clique),
+		tsort(Nodes, InvGraph, Visit, [Clique | TSort0], TSort)
+	).
+% Return a list containing all the nodes of the graph. The list is effectively
+% computed by randomly breaking all cycles, doing a pre-order traversal of
+% the resulting trees, and concatenating the resulting lists in a random order.
+:- pred dfs_graph(graph::in, list(int)::out) is det.
+dfs_graph(Graph, Dfs) :-
+	Graph = graph(Size, _Array),
+	mklist(Size, [], NodeList),
+	Visit = dense_bitset__init,
+	dfs_graph_2(NodeList, Graph, Visit, [], Dfs).
+:- pred dfs_graph_2(list(int)::in, graph::in, visit::array_di,
+	list(int)::in, list(int)::out) is det.
+dfs_graph_2([], _Graph, _Visit, Dfs, Dfs).
+dfs_graph_2([Node | Nodes], Graph, Visit0, Dfs0, Dfs) :-
+	dfs([Node], Graph, Visit0, Dfs0, Visit, Dfs1),
+	dfs_graph_2(Nodes, Graph, Visit, Dfs1, Dfs).
+% dfs(NodeList, Graph, Visit0, Dfs0, Visit, Dfs):
+% For every node in NodeList, add the node and all its successors to the front
+% of Dfs0, giving Dfs. The descendants of a node will in general be after that
+% node in Dfs. The only situation where that may not be the case is when two
+% nodes are descendants of each other. We detect such situations by passing
+% along the set of nodes that have been visited already.
+:- pred dfs(list(int)::in, graph::in, visit::array_di, list(int)::in,
+	visit::array_uo, list(int)::out) is det.
+dfs([], _Graph, Visit, Dfs, Visit, Dfs).
+dfs([Node | Nodes], Graph, Visit0, Dfs0, Visit, Dfs) :-
+	( dense_bitset__member(Node, Visit0) ->
+		dfs(Nodes, Graph, Visit0, Dfs0, Visit, Dfs)
+	;
+		Visit1 = dense_bitset__insert(Visit0, Node),
+		successors(Graph, Node, Succ),
+		set__to_sorted_list(Succ, SuccList),
+		dfs(SuccList, Graph, Visit1, Dfs0, Visit2, Dfs1),
+		Dfs2 = [Node | Dfs1],
+		dfs(Nodes, Graph, Visit2, Dfs2, Visit, Dfs)
+	).
+:- pred inverse(graph::in, graph::out) is det.
+inverse(Graph, InvGraph) :-
+	init(InvGraph0),
+	Graph = graph(Size, _Array),
+	inverse_2(Size, Graph, InvGraph0, InvGraph).
+:- pred inverse_2(int::in, graph::in, graph::in, graph::out) is det.
+inverse_2(To, Graph, InvGraph0, InvGraph) :-
+	( To >= 0 ->
+		successors(Graph, To, Froms),
+		set__to_sorted_list(Froms, FromList),
+		add_arcs_to(FromList, To, InvGraph0, InvGraph1),
+		inverse_2(To - 1, Graph, InvGraph1, InvGraph)
+	;
+		InvGraph = InvGraph0
+	).
+:- pred add_arcs_to(list(int)::in, int::in, graph::in, graph::out) is det.
+add_arcs_to([], _, Graph, Graph).
+add_arcs_to([From | FromList], To, Graph0, Graph) :-
+	add_arc(Graph0, From, To, Graph1),
+	add_arcs_to(FromList, To, Graph1, Graph).
Index: dense_bitset.m
RCS file: dense_bitset.m
diff -N dense_bitset.m
--- /dev/null	Fri Dec  1 02:25:58 2000
+++ dense_bitset.m	Fri May  4 12:47:46 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+% Copyright (C) 2001 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% Author: conway.
+% This module provides an ADT for storing sets of integers. The sets are
+% represented as bit vectors, which are implemented as arrays of integers.
+:- module dense_bitset.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module array, int.
+:- type dense_bitset.
+:- func init = dense_bitset.
+:- mode (init = array_uo) is det.
+:- pred member(int, dense_bitset).
+:- mode member(in, array_ui) is semidet.
+:- func insert(dense_bitset, int) = dense_bitset.
+:- mode (insert(array_di, in) = array_uo) is det.
+:- func delete(dense_bitset, int) = dense_bitset.
+:- mode (delete(array_di, in) = array_uo) is det.
+:- func union(dense_bitset, dense_bitset) = dense_bitset.
+:- mode (union(array_di, array_di) = array_uo) is det.
+% Not yet implemented.
+% :- func intersection(dense_bitset, dense_bitset) = dense_bitset.
+% :- mode (intersection(array_di, array_di) = array_uo) is det.
+% Not yet implemented.
+% :- func difference(dense_bitset, dense_bitset) = dense_bitset.
+% :- mode (difference(array_di, array_di) = array_uo) is det.
+:- pred foldl(pred(int, T, T), dense_bitset, T, T).
+:- mode foldl(pred(in, in, out) is det, array_ui, in, out) is det.
+:- mode foldl(pred(in, di, uo) is det, array_ui, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode foldl(pred(in, array_di, array_uo) is det, array_ui,
+		array_di, array_uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module list, require.
+:- type dense_bitset == array(int).
+init = array([0]).
+member(I, A) :-
+	max(A, Max),
+	( word(I) >= 0, word(I) =< Max ->
+		lookup(A, word(I), Word),
+		bit(I) /\ Word \= 0
+	;
+		fail
+	).
+insert(A0, I) = A :-
+	max(A0, Max),
+	( word(I) > Max ->
+		resize(A0, (Max + 1) * 2, 0, A1),
+		A = insert(A1, I)
+	; I >= 0 ->
+		lookup(A0, word(I), Word0),
+		Word = Word0 \/ bit(I),
+		set(A0, word(I), Word, A)
+	;
+		error("insert: cannot use indexes < 0")
+	).
+delete(A0, I) = A :-
+	max(A0, Max),
+	( I > Max ->
+		A = A0
+	; I >= 0 ->
+		lookup(A0, word(I), Word0),
+		Word = Word0 /\ \ bit(I),
+		set(A0, word(I), Word, A)
+	;
+		error("insert: cannot use indexes < 0")
+	).
+union(A, B) = C :-
+	foldl((pred(I::in, C0::array_di, C1::array_uo) is det :-
+		C1 = insert(C0, I)
+	), A, B, C).
+foldl(P, A0, Acc0, Acc) :-
+	max(A0, Max),
+	foldl1(0, Max, P, A0, Acc0, Acc).
+:- pred foldl1(int, int, pred(int, T, T), dense_bitset, T, T).
+:- mode foldl1(in, in, pred(in, in, out) is det, array_ui, in, out) is det.
+:- mode foldl1(in, in, pred(in, di, uo) is det, array_ui, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode foldl1(in, in, pred(in, array_di, array_uo) is det, array_ui,
+		array_di, array_uo) is det.
+foldl1(Min, Max, P, A0, Acc0, Acc) :-
+	( Min =< Max ->
+		foldl2(0, Min, P, A0, Acc0, Acc1),
+		foldl1(Min + 1, Max, P, A0, Acc1, Acc)
+	;
+		Acc = Acc0
+	).
+:- pred foldl2(int, int, pred(int, T, T), dense_bitset, T, T).
+:- mode foldl2(in, in, pred(in, in, out) is det, array_ui, in, out) is det.
+:- mode foldl2(in, in, pred(in, di, uo) is det, array_ui, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode foldl2(in, in, pred(in, array_di, array_uo) is det, array_ui,
+		array_di, array_uo) is det.
+foldl2(B, W, P, A0, Acc0, Acc) :-
+	( B =< 31 ->
+		lookup(A0, W, Word),
+		( (1 << B) /\ Word \= 0 ->
+			I = B + W * 32,
+			call(P, I, Acc0, Acc1)
+		;
+			Acc1 = Acc0
+		),
+		foldl2(B + 1, W, P, A0, Acc1, Acc)
+	;
+		Acc = Acc0
+	).
+:- func word(int) = int.
+word(I) = I // 32.
+:- func bit(int) = int.
+bit(I) = (1 << (I /\ 31)).
Index: interface.m
RCS file: interface.m
diff -N interface.m
--- /dev/null	Fri Dec  1 02:25:58 2000
+++ interface.m	Fri May  4 12:47:46 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,387 @@
+% Copyright (C) 2001 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% Author: zs.
+% This module defines the type of the commands that the CGI program (cgi.m)
+% passes to the deep profiling server (deep.m), as well as utility predicates
+% for manipulating commands and responses.
+:- module interface.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module std_util, io.
+:- type cmd
+	--->	quit
+	;	timeout(int)
+	;	menu
+	;	root(fields)
+	;	clique(int, fields)
+	;	proc(int, fields)
+	;	top_procs(sort_measurement, include_descendants,
+			display_limit, fields)
+	;	proc_static(int)
+	;	proc_dynamic(int)
+	;	call_site_static(int)
+	;	call_site_dynamic(int)
+	;	raw_clique(int)
+	;	num_proc_statics
+	;	num_call_site_statics
+	;	num_proc_dynamics
+	;	num_call_site_dynamics.
+:- type sort_measurement
+	--->	calls
+	;	time
+	;	allocs
+	;	words.
+:- type include_descendants
+	--->	self
+	;	self_and_desc.
+:- type display_limit
+	--->	rank_range(int, int)
+	;	threshold(float).
+:- type resp
+	--->	html(string).
+:- type fields	==	string.		% some subset of "pqtaw", meaning
+					% p: port counts
+					% q: quanta
+					% t: times
+					% a: memory allocations
+					% w: memory words
+					% The characters must be sorted.
+:- func default_fields = string.
+:- func all_fields = string.
+:- func to_server_pipe_name(string) = string.
+:- func from_server_pipe_name(string) = string.
+:- func server_startup_name(string) = string.
+:- pred to(string::in, cmd::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- pred from(string::in, resp::out, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- pred cmd_to_url(string::in, string::in, cmd::in, string::out) is det.
+:- pred cmd_to_query(cmd::in, string::out) is det.
+:- pred query_to_cmd(string::in, maybe(cmd)::out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module util.
+:- import_module char, string, list, set, require.
+default_fields = "pqw".
+all_fields = "apqtw".
+to_server_pipe_name(DataFileName) =
+	server_dir ++ "/" ++
+	"mdprof_server_to" ++
+	filename_mangle(DataFileName).
+from_server_pipe_name(DataFileName) =
+	server_dir ++ "/" ++
+	"mdprof_server_from" ++
+	filename_mangle(DataFileName).
+server_startup_name(DataFileName) =
+	server_dir ++ "/" ++
+	"mdprof_startup_err" ++
+	filename_mangle(DataFileName).
+:- func server_dir = string.
+server_dir = "/var/tmp".
+:- func filename_mangle(string) = string.
+filename_mangle(FileName) =
+	string__replace_all(FileName, "/", ":").
+cmd_to_url(Machine, DataFileName, Cmd, URL) :-
+	cmd_to_query(Cmd, Query),
+	URL =
+		"http://" ++
+		Machine ++
+		"/cgi-bin/mdprof?" ++
+		Query ++
+		"$" ++
+		filename_mangle(DataFileName).
+cmd_to_query(Cmd, Query) :-
+	(
+		Cmd = quit,
+		Query = "quit"
+	;
+		Cmd = timeout(Minutes),
+		Query = format("timeout+%d", [i(Minutes)])
+	;
+		Cmd = menu,
+		Query = "menu"
+	;
+		Cmd = root(Fields),
+		Query = format("root+%s", [s(Fields)])
+	;
+		Cmd = clique(CliqueNum, Fields),
+		Query = format("clique+%s+%d", [s(Fields), i(CliqueNum)])
+	;
+		Cmd = proc(ProcNum, Fields),
+		Query = format("proc+%s+%d", [s(Fields), i(ProcNum)])
+	;
+		Cmd = top_procs(Sort, InclDesc, Limit, Fields),
+		sort_to_str(Sort, SortStr),
+		incl_desc_to_str(InclDesc, InclDescStr),
+		limit_to_str(Limit, LimitStr),
+		Query = format("procs+%s+%s+%s+%s",
+			[s(SortStr), s(InclDescStr), s(LimitStr), s(Fields)])
+	;
+		Cmd = proc_static(PSI),
+		Query = format("proc_static+%d", [i(PSI)])
+	;
+		Cmd = proc_dynamic(PDI),
+		Query = format("proc_dynamic+%d", [i(PDI)])
+	;
+		Cmd = call_site_static(CSSI),
+		Query = format("call_site_static+%d", [i(CSSI)])
+	;
+		Cmd = call_site_dynamic(CSDI),
+		Query = format("call_site_dynamic+%d", [i(CSDI)])
+	;
+		Cmd = raw_clique(CI),
+		Query = format("raw_clique+%d", [i(CI)])
+	;
+		Cmd = num_proc_statics,
+		Query = "num_proc_statics"
+	;
+		Cmd = num_proc_dynamics,
+		Query = "num_proc_dynamics"
+	;
+		Cmd = num_call_site_statics,
+		Query = "num_call_site_statics"
+	;
+		Cmd = num_call_site_dynamics,
+		Query = "num_call_site_dynamics"
+	).
+query_to_cmd(QueryString, MaybeCmd) :-
+	split(QueryString, ('+'), Pieces),
+	(
+		(
+			Pieces = ["clique", NStr],
+			string__to_int(NStr, N),
+			Fields = default_fields
+		;
+			Pieces = ["clique", Fields, NStr],
+			string__to_int(NStr, N),
+			validate_fields(Fields)
+		)
+	->
+		MaybeCmd = yes(clique(N, Fields))
+	;
+		(
+			Pieces = ["proc", NStr],
+			string__to_int(NStr, N),
+			Fields = default_fields
+		;
+			Pieces = ["proc", Fields, NStr],
+			string__to_int(NStr, N),
+			validate_fields(Fields)
+		)
+	->
+		MaybeCmd = yes(proc(N, Fields))
+	;
+		(
+			Pieces = ["procs", SortStr, InclDescStr,
+				LimitStr],
+			Fields = default_fields
+		;
+			Pieces = ["procs", SortStr, InclDescStr,
+				LimitStr, Fields],
+			validate_fields(Fields)
+		),
+		translate_criteria(SortStr, Sort,
+			InclDescStr, InclDesc, LimitStr, Limit)
+	->
+		MaybeCmd = yes(top_procs(Sort, InclDesc, Limit, Fields))
+	;
+		(
+			Pieces = ["root"],
+			Fields = default_fields
+		;
+			Pieces = ["root", Fields],
+			validate_fields(Fields)
+		)
+	->
+		MaybeCmd = yes(root(Fields))
+	;
+		Pieces = ["menu"]
+	->
+		MaybeCmd = yes(menu)
+	;
+		Pieces = ["proc_static", NStr],
+		string__to_int(NStr, N)
+	->
+		MaybeCmd = yes(proc_static(N))
+	;
+		Pieces = ["proc_dynamic", NStr],
+		string__to_int(NStr, N)
+	->
+		MaybeCmd = yes(proc_dynamic(N))
+	;
+		Pieces = ["call_site_static", NStr],
+		string__to_int(NStr, N)
+	->
+		MaybeCmd = yes(call_site_static(N))
+	;
+		Pieces = ["call_site_dynamic", NStr],
+		string__to_int(NStr, N)
+	->
+		MaybeCmd = yes(call_site_dynamic(N))
+	;
+		Pieces = ["raw_clique", NStr],
+		string__to_int(NStr, N)
+	->
+		MaybeCmd = yes(raw_clique(N))
+	;
+		Pieces = ["num_proc_statics"]
+	->
+		MaybeCmd = yes(num_proc_statics)
+	;
+		Pieces = ["num_call_site_statics"]
+	->
+		MaybeCmd = yes(num_call_site_statics)
+	;
+		Pieces = ["num_proc_dynamics"]
+	->
+		MaybeCmd = yes(num_proc_dynamics)
+	;
+		Pieces = ["num_call_site_dynamics"]
+	->
+		MaybeCmd = yes(num_call_site_dynamics)
+	;
+		Pieces = ["timeout", TStr],
+		string__to_int(TStr, TimeOut)
+	->
+		MaybeCmd = yes(timeout(TimeOut))
+	;
+		Pieces = ["quit"]
+	->
+		MaybeCmd = yes(quit)
+	;
+		MaybeCmd = no
+	).
+:- pred sort_to_str(sort_measurement::in, string::out) is det.
+sort_to_str(calls,  "calls").
+sort_to_str(time,   "time").
+sort_to_str(allocs, "allocs").
+sort_to_str(words,  "words").
+:- pred incl_desc_to_str(include_descendants::in, string::out) is det.
+incl_desc_to_str(self,          "self").
+incl_desc_to_str(self_and_desc, "both").
+:- pred limit_to_str(display_limit::in, string::out) is det.
+limit_to_str(rank_range(Lo, Hi),   format("%d-%d", [i(Lo), i(Hi)])).
+limit_to_str(threshold(Threshold), format("%f", [f(Threshold)])).
+:- pred translate_criteria(string::in, sort_measurement::out,
+	string::in, include_descendants::out, string::in, display_limit::out)
+	is semidet.
+translate_criteria(SortStr, Sort, InclDescStr, InclDesc, LimitStr, Limit) :-
+	(
+		SortStr = "calls",
+		Sort = calls
+	;
+		SortStr = "time",
+		Sort = time
+	;
+		SortStr = "allocs",
+		Sort = allocs
+	;
+		SortStr = "words",
+		Sort = words
+	),
+	(
+		InclDescStr = "self",
+		InclDesc = self
+	;
+		InclDescStr = "both",
+		InclDesc = self_and_desc
+	),
+	(
+		split(LimitStr, '-', Pieces),
+		Pieces = [FirstStr, LastStr],
+		string__to_int(FirstStr, First),
+		string__to_int(LastStr, Last)
+	->
+		Limit = rank_range(First, Last)
+	;
+		string__to_float(LimitStr, Threshold)
+	->
+		Limit = threshold(Threshold)
+	;
+		fail
+	).
+:- pred validate_fields(string::in) is semidet.
+validate_fields(String) :-
+	Chars = string__to_char_list(String),
+	list__sort_and_remove_dups(Chars, Chars),
+	validate_field_chars(Chars,
+		set__list_to_set(string__to_char_list(all_fields))).
+:- pred validate_field_chars(list(char)::in, set(char)::in) is semidet.
+validate_field_chars([], _).
+validate_field_chars([Char | Chars], AvailFields0) :-
+	set__delete(AvailFields0, Char, AvailFields1),
+	validate_field_chars(Chars, AvailFields1).
+to(Where, Cmd) -->
+	io__tell(Where, Res),
+	( { Res = ok } ->
+		io__write(Cmd),
+		io__write_string(".\n"),
+		io__told
+	;
+		{ error("mdprof to: couldn't open pipe") }
+	).
+from(Where, Resp) -->
+	io__see(Where, Res0),
+	( { Res0 = ok } ->
+		io__read(Res1),
+		( { Res1 = ok(Resp0) } ->
+			{ Resp = Resp0 }
+		;
+			{ error("mdprof from: read failed") }
+		),
+		io__seen
+	;
+		{ error("mdprof from: couldn't open pipe") }
+	).
Index: measurements.m
RCS file: measurements.m
diff -N measurements.m
--- /dev/null	Fri Dec  1 02:25:58 2000
+++ measurements.m	Fri May  4 12:47:46 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+% Copyright (C) 2001 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% Authors: conway, zs.
+% This module defines the data structures that store deep profiling
+% measurements and the operations on them.
+:- module measurements.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module list.
+:- type own_prof_info.
+:- type inherit_prof_info.
+:- func calls(own_prof_info) = int.
+:- func exits(own_prof_info) = int.
+:- func fails(own_prof_info) = int.
+:- func redos(own_prof_info) = int.
+:- func quanta(own_prof_info) = int.
+:- func mallocs(own_prof_info) = int.
+:- func words(own_prof_info) = int.
+:- func zero_own_prof_info = own_prof_info.
+:- func inherit_quanta(inherit_prof_info) = int.
+:- func inherit_mallocs(inherit_prof_info) = int.
+:- func inherit_words(inherit_prof_info) = int.
+:- func zero_inherit_prof_info = inherit_prof_info.
+:- func add_inherit_to_inherit(inherit_prof_info, inherit_prof_info)
+	= inherit_prof_info.
+:- func add_own_to_inherit(own_prof_info, inherit_prof_info)
+	= inherit_prof_info.
+:- func subtract_own_from_inherit(own_prof_info, inherit_prof_info)
+	= inherit_prof_info.
+:- func add_inherit_to_own(inherit_prof_info, own_prof_info) = own_prof_info.
+:- func add_own_to_own(own_prof_info, own_prof_info) = own_prof_info.
+:- func sum_own_infos(list(own_prof_info)) = own_prof_info.
+:- func sum_inherit_infos(list(inherit_prof_info)) = inherit_prof_info.
+:- func compress_profile(int, int, int, int, int, int, int) = own_prof_info.
+:- func compress_profile(own_prof_info) = own_prof_info.
+:- func own_to_string(own_prof_info) = string.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module string.
+:- type own_prof_info
+	--->	all(int, int, int, int, int, int, int)
+					% calls, exits, fails, redos, quanta,
+					% memory_mallocs, memory_words
+	;	det(int, int, int, int)	% calls, quanta, mallocs, words;
+					% implicit exits == calls,
+					% implicit fails == redos == 0
+	;	zdet(int, int, int).	% calls, mallocs, words;
+					% implicit exits == calls,
+					% implicit fails == redos == 0
+					% implicit quanta == 0
+:- type inherit_prof_info
+	--->	inherit_prof_info(
+			int, 		% quanta
+			int, 		% memory_mallocs
+			int 		% memory_words
+		).
+calls(zdet(Calls, _, _)) = Calls.
+exits(zdet(Calls, _, _)) = Calls.
+fails(zdet(_, _, _)) = 0.
+redos(zdet(_, _, _)) = 0.
+quanta(zdet(_, _, _)) = 0.
+mallocs(zdet(_, Mallocs, _)) = Mallocs.
+words(zdet(_, _, Words)) = Words.
+calls(det(Calls, _, _, _)) = Calls.
+exits(det(Calls, _, _, _)) = Calls.
+fails(det(_, _, _, _)) = 0.
+redos(det(_, _, _, _)) = 0.
+quanta(det(_, Quanta, _, _)) = Quanta.
+mallocs(det(_, _, Mallocs, _)) = Mallocs.
+words(det(_, _, _, Words)) = Words.
+calls(all(Calls, _, _, _, _, _, _)) = Calls.
+exits(all(_, Exits, _, _, _, _, _)) = Exits.
+fails(all(_, _, Fails, _, _, _, _)) = Fails.
+redos(all(_, _, _, Redos, _, _, _)) = Redos.
+quanta(all(_, _, _, _, Quanta, _, _)) = Quanta.
+mallocs(all(_, _, _, _, _, Mallocs, _)) = Mallocs.
+words(all(_, _, _, _, _, _, Words)) = Words.
+zero_own_prof_info = zdet(0, 0, 0).
+inherit_quanta(inherit_prof_info(Quanta, _, _)) = Quanta.
+inherit_mallocs(inherit_prof_info(_, Mallocs, _)) = Mallocs.
+inherit_words(inherit_prof_info(_, _, Words)) = Words.
+zero_inherit_prof_info = inherit_prof_info(0, 0, 0).
+add_inherit_to_inherit(PI1, PI2) = SumPI :-
+	Quanta = inherit_quanta(PI1) + inherit_quanta(PI2),
+	Mallocs = inherit_mallocs(PI1) + inherit_mallocs(PI2),
+	Words = inherit_words(PI1) + inherit_words(PI2),
+	SumPI = inherit_prof_info(Quanta, Mallocs, Words).
+add_own_to_inherit(PI1, PI2) = SumPI :-
+	Quanta = quanta(PI1) + inherit_quanta(PI2),
+	Mallocs = mallocs(PI1) + inherit_mallocs(PI2),
+	Words = words(PI1) + inherit_words(PI2),
+	SumPI = inherit_prof_info(Quanta, Mallocs, Words).
+subtract_own_from_inherit(PI1, PI2) = SumPI :-
+	Quanta = inherit_quanta(PI2) - quanta(PI1),
+	Mallocs = inherit_mallocs(PI2) - mallocs(PI1),
+	Words = inherit_words(PI2) - words(PI1),
+	SumPI = inherit_prof_info(Quanta, Mallocs, Words).
+add_inherit_to_own(PI1, PI2) = SumPI :-
+	Calls = calls(PI2),
+	Exits = exits(PI2),
+	Fails = fails(PI2),
+	Redos = redos(PI2),
+	Quanta = inherit_quanta(PI1) + quanta(PI2),
+	Mallocs = inherit_mallocs(PI1) + mallocs(PI2),
+	Words = inherit_words(PI1) + words(PI2),
+	SumPI = compress_profile(Calls, Exits, Fails, Redos,
+		Quanta, Mallocs, Words).
+add_own_to_own(PI1, PI2) = SumPI :-
+	Calls = calls(PI1) + calls(PI2),
+	Exits = exits(PI1) + exits(PI2),
+	Fails = fails(PI1) + fails(PI2),
+	Redos = redos(PI1) + redos(PI2),
+	Quanta = quanta(PI1) + quanta(PI2),
+	Mallocs = mallocs(PI1) + mallocs(PI2),
+	Words = words(PI1) + words(PI2),
+	SumPI = compress_profile(Calls, Exits, Fails, Redos,
+		Quanta, Mallocs, Words).
+sum_own_infos(Owns) =
+	list__foldl(add_own_to_own, Owns, zero_own_prof_info).
+sum_inherit_infos(Inherits) =
+	list__foldl(add_inherit_to_inherit, Inherits, zero_inherit_prof_info).
+compress_profile(Calls, Exits, Fails, Redos, Quanta, Mallocs, Words) = PI :-
+	(
+		Calls = Exits,
+		Fails = 0,
+		Redos = 0
+	->
+		(
+			Quanta = 0
+		->
+			PI = zdet(Calls, Mallocs, Words)
+		;
+			PI = det(Calls, Quanta, Mallocs, Words)
+		)
+	;
+		PI = all(Calls, Exits, Fails, Redos, Quanta, Mallocs, Words)
+	).
+compress_profile(PI0) = PI :-
+	(
+		PI0 = all(Calls, Exits, Fails, Redos, Quanta, Mallocs, Words),
+		(
+			Calls = Exits,
+			Fails = 0,
+			Redos = 0
+		->
+			(
+				Quanta = 0
+			->
+				PI = zdet(Calls, Mallocs, Words)
+			;
+				PI = det(Calls, Quanta, Mallocs, Words)
+			)
+		;
+			PI = PI0
+		)
+	;
+		PI0 = det(Calls, Quanta, Mallocs, Words),
+		(
+			Quanta = 0
+		->
+			PI = zdet(Calls, Mallocs, Words)
+		;
+			PI = PI0
+		)
+	;
+		PI0 = zdet(_, _, _),
+		PI = PI0
+	).
+own_to_string(all(Calls, Exits, Fails, Redos, Quanta, Allocs, Words)) =
+	"all(" ++
+	string__int_to_string(Calls) ++ ", " ++
+	string__int_to_string(Exits) ++ ", " ++
+	string__int_to_string(Fails) ++ ", " ++
+	string__int_to_string(Redos) ++ ", " ++
+	string__int_to_string(Quanta) ++ ", " ++
+	string__int_to_string(Allocs) ++ ", " ++
+	string__int_to_string(Words) ++
+	")".
+own_to_string(det(Calls, Quanta, Allocs, Words)) =
+	"det(" ++
+	string__int_to_string(Calls) ++ ", " ++
+	string__int_to_string(Quanta) ++ ", " ++
+	string__int_to_string(Allocs) ++ ", " ++
+	string__int_to_string(Words) ++
+	")".
+own_to_string(zdet(Calls, Allocs, Words)) =
+	"det(" ++
+	string__int_to_string(Calls) ++ ", " ++
+	string__int_to_string(Allocs) ++ ", " ++
+	string__int_to_string(Words) ++
+	")".
Index: profile.m
RCS file: profile.m
diff -N profile.m
--- /dev/null	Fri Dec  1 02:25:58 2000
+++ profile.m	Fri May  4 13:06:26 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,546 @@
+% Copyright (C) 2001 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% Authors: conway, zs.
+% This file defines the main data structures of the Mercury deep profiler,
+% and predicates for accessing it. The main concern of the access predicates
+% is ensuring the safety of array accesses.
+:- module profile.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module measurements.
+:- import_module std_util, array, list, map.
+:- type profile_stats --->
+	profile_stats(
+		instrument_quanta	:: int,
+		user_quanta		:: int,
+		num_csds		:: int,
+		num_pds			:: int,
+		num_csss		:: int,
+		num_pss			:: int
+	).
+:- type initial_deep --->
+	initial_deep(
+		init_profile_stats	:: profile_stats,
+		init_root		:: proc_dynamic_ptr,
+			% The main arrays, each indexed by own xxx_ptr int
+		init_call_site_dynamics	:: call_site_dynamics,
+		init_proc_dynamics	:: proc_dynamics,
+		init_call_site_statics	:: call_site_statics,
+		init_proc_statics	:: proc_statics
+	).
+:- type deep --->
+	deep(
+		profile_stats		:: profile_stats,
+		server_name		:: string,
+		data_file_name		:: string,
+		root			:: proc_dynamic_ptr,
+			% The main arrays, each indexed by own xxx_ptr int
+		call_site_dynamics	:: call_site_dynamics,
+		proc_dynamics		:: proc_dynamics,
+		call_site_statics	:: call_site_statics,
+		proc_statics		:: proc_statics,
+			% Clique information
+		clique_index		:: array(clique_ptr),
+					   % index: proc_dynamic_ptr int
+		clique_members		:: array(list(proc_dynamic_ptr)),
+					   % index: clique_ptr int
+		clique_parents		:: array(call_site_dynamic_ptr),
+					   % index: clique_ptr int
+		clique_maybe_child	:: array(maybe(clique_ptr)),
+					   % index: call_site_dynamic_ptr int
+			% Reverse links
+		proc_callers		:: array(list(call_site_dynamic_ptr)),
+					   % index: proc_static_ptr int
+		call_site_static_map	:: call_site_static_map,
+					   % index: call_site_dynamic_ptr int
+		call_site_calls		:: array(map(proc_static_ptr,
+						list(call_site_dynamic_ptr))),
+					   % index: call_site_static_ptr int
+			% Propagated timing info
+		pd_own			:: array(own_prof_info),
+		pd_desc			:: array(inherit_prof_info),
+		csd_desc		:: array(inherit_prof_info),
+		ps_own			:: array(own_prof_info),
+		ps_desc			:: array(inherit_prof_info),
+		css_own			:: array(own_prof_info),
+		css_desc		:: array(inherit_prof_info)
+	).
+:- type proc_dynamics == array(proc_dynamic).
+:- type proc_statics == array(proc_static).
+:- type call_site_dynamics == array(call_site_dynamic).
+:- type call_site_statics == array(call_site_static).
+:- type call_site_static_map == array(call_site_static_ptr).
+:- type proc_dynamic_ptr
+	--->	proc_dynamic_ptr(int).
+:- type proc_static_ptr
+	--->	proc_static_ptr(int).
+:- type call_site_dynamic_ptr
+	--->	call_site_dynamic_ptr(int).
+:- type call_site_static_ptr
+	--->	call_site_static_ptr(int).
+:- type clique_ptr
+	--->	clique_ptr(int).
+:- type proc_dynamic
+	--->	proc_dynamic(
+			pd_proc_static	:: proc_static_ptr,
+			pd_sites	:: array(call_site_array_slot)
+		).
+:- type proc_static
+	--->	proc_static(
+			ps_id		:: proc_id,	% procedure ID
+			ps_refined_id	:: string, 	% refined procedure id
+			ps_raw_id	:: string, 	% raw procedure id
+			ps_filename	:: string, 	% file name
+			ps_sites	:: array(call_site_static_ptr)
+		).
+:- type call_site_dynamic
+	--->	call_site_dynamic(
+			csd_caller	:: proc_dynamic_ptr,
+			csd_callee	:: proc_dynamic_ptr,
+			csd_own_prof	:: own_prof_info
+		).
+:- type call_site_static
+	--->	call_site_static(
+			css_container	:: proc_static_ptr,
+					   % the containing procedure
+			css_slot_num	:: int,
+					   % slot number in the
+					   % containing procedure
+			css_kind	:: call_site_kind_and_callee,
+			css_line_num	:: int,
+			css_goal_path	:: string
+		).
+:- type pred_or_func
+	--->	predicate
+	;	function.
+:- type proc_id
+	--->	user_defined(
+			user_pred_or_func	:: pred_or_func,
+			user_decl_module	:: string,
+			user_def_module		:: string,
+			user_name		:: string,
+			user_arity		:: int,
+			user_mode		:: int
+		)
+	;	compiler_generated(
+			comp_gen_type_name	:: string,
+			comp_gen_type_module	:: string,
+			comp_gen_def_module	:: string,
+			comp_gen_pred_name	:: string,
+			comp_gen_arity		:: int,
+			comp_gen_mode		:: int
+		).
+:- type call_site_array_slot
+	--->	normal(call_site_dynamic_ptr)
+	;	multi(array(call_site_dynamic_ptr)).
+:- type call_site_kind
+	--->	normal_call
+	;	special_call
+	;	higher_order_call
+	;	method_call
+	;	callback.
+:- type call_site_kind_and_callee
+	--->	normal_call(proc_static_ptr, string)
+	;	special_call
+	;	higher_order_call
+	;	method_call
+	;	callback.
+:- type call_site_callees
+	--->	call_site_callees(
+			list(proc_dynamic_ptr)
+		).
+:- type call_site_caller
+	--->	call_site_caller(
+			call_site_static_ptr
+		).
+:- func dummy_proc_id = proc_id.
+:- func main_parent_proc_id = proc_id.
+:- pred valid_clique_ptr(deep::in, clique_ptr::in) is semidet.
+:- pred valid_proc_dynamic_ptr(deep::in, proc_dynamic_ptr::in) is semidet.
+:- pred valid_proc_static_ptr(deep::in, proc_static_ptr::in) is semidet.
+:- pred valid_call_site_dynamic_ptr(deep::in, call_site_dynamic_ptr::in)
+	is semidet.
+:- pred valid_call_site_static_ptr(deep::in, call_site_static_ptr::in)
+	is semidet.
+:- pred valid_proc_dynamic_ptr_raw(proc_dynamics::in, proc_dynamic_ptr::in)
+	is semidet.
+:- pred valid_proc_static_ptr_raw(proc_statics::in, proc_static_ptr::in)
+	is semidet.
+:- pred valid_call_site_dynamic_ptr_raw(call_site_dynamics::in,
+	call_site_dynamic_ptr::in) is semidet.
+:- pred valid_call_site_static_ptr_raw(call_site_statics::in,
+	call_site_static_ptr::in) is semidet.
+:- pred lookup_call_site_dynamics(call_site_dynamics::in,
+	call_site_dynamic_ptr::in, call_site_dynamic::out) is det.
+:- pred lookup_call_site_statics(call_site_statics::in,
+	call_site_static_ptr::in, call_site_static::out) is det.
+:- pred lookup_proc_dynamics(proc_dynamics::in,
+	proc_dynamic_ptr::in, proc_dynamic::out) is det.
+:- pred lookup_proc_statics(proc_statics::in,
+	proc_static_ptr::in, proc_static::out) is det.
+:- pred lookup_clique_index(array(clique_ptr)::in,
+	proc_dynamic_ptr::in, clique_ptr::out) is det.
+:- pred lookup_clique_members(array(list(proc_dynamic_ptr))::in,
+	clique_ptr::in, list(proc_dynamic_ptr)::out) is det.
+:- pred lookup_clique_parents(array(call_site_dynamic_ptr)::in,
+	clique_ptr::in, call_site_dynamic_ptr::out) is det.
+:- pred lookup_clique_maybe_child(array(maybe(clique_ptr))::in,
+	call_site_dynamic_ptr::in, maybe(clique_ptr)::out) is det.
+:- pred lookup_call_site_static_map(call_site_static_map::in,
+	call_site_dynamic_ptr::in, call_site_static_ptr::out) is det.
+:- pred lookup_call_site_calls(array(map(proc_static_ptr,
+	list(call_site_dynamic_ptr)))::in, call_site_static_ptr::in,
+	map(proc_static_ptr, list(call_site_dynamic_ptr))::out) is det.
+:- pred deep_lookup_call_site_dynamics(deep::in, call_site_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	call_site_dynamic::out) is det.
+:- pred deep_lookup_call_site_statics(deep::in, call_site_static_ptr::in,
+	call_site_static::out) is det.
+:- pred deep_lookup_proc_dynamics(deep::in, proc_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	proc_dynamic::out) is det.
+:- pred deep_lookup_proc_statics(deep::in, proc_static_ptr::in,
+	proc_static::out) is det.
+:- pred deep_lookup_clique_index(deep::in, proc_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	clique_ptr::out) is det.
+:- pred deep_lookup_clique_members(deep::in, clique_ptr::in,
+	list(proc_dynamic_ptr)::out) is det.
+:- pred deep_lookup_clique_parents(deep::in, clique_ptr::in,
+	call_site_dynamic_ptr::out) is det.
+:- pred deep_lookup_clique_maybe_child(deep::in, call_site_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	maybe(clique_ptr)::out) is det.
+:- pred deep_lookup_call_site_static_map(deep::in, call_site_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	call_site_static_ptr::out) is det.
+:- pred deep_lookup_call_site_calls(deep::in, call_site_static_ptr::in,
+	map(proc_static_ptr, list(call_site_dynamic_ptr))::out) is det.
+:- pred deep_lookup_proc_dynamic_sites(deep::in, proc_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	array(call_site_array_slot)::out) is det.
+:- pred deep_lookup_pd_own(deep::in, proc_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	own_prof_info::out) is det.
+:- pred deep_lookup_pd_desc(deep::in, proc_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	inherit_prof_info::out) is det.
+:- pred deep_lookup_csd_own(deep::in, call_site_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	own_prof_info::out) is det.
+:- pred deep_lookup_csd_desc(deep::in, call_site_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	inherit_prof_info::out) is det.
+:- pred deep_lookup_ps_own(deep::in, proc_static_ptr::in,
+	own_prof_info::out) is det.
+:- pred deep_lookup_ps_desc(deep::in, proc_static_ptr::in,
+	inherit_prof_info::out) is det.
+:- pred deep_lookup_css_own(deep::in, call_site_static_ptr::in,
+	own_prof_info::out) is det.
+:- pred deep_lookup_css_desc(deep::in, call_site_static_ptr::in,
+	inherit_prof_info::out) is det.
+:- pred update_call_site_dynamics(call_site_dynamics::array_di,
+	call_site_dynamic_ptr::in, call_site_dynamic::in,
+	call_site_dynamics::array_uo) is det.
+:- pred update_call_site_statics(call_site_statics::array_di,
+	call_site_static_ptr::in, call_site_static::in,
+	call_site_statics::array_uo) is det.
+:- pred update_proc_dynamics(proc_dynamics::array_di,
+	proc_dynamic_ptr::in, proc_dynamic::in,
+	proc_dynamics::array_uo) is det.
+:- pred update_proc_statics(proc_statics::array_di,
+	proc_static_ptr::in, proc_static::in, proc_statics::array_uo) is det.
+:- pred update_call_site_static_map(call_site_static_map::array_di,
+	call_site_dynamic_ptr::in, call_site_static_ptr::in,
+	call_site_static_map::array_uo) is det.
+:- pred deep_update_csd_desc(deep::in, call_site_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	inherit_prof_info::in, deep::out) is det.
+:- pred deep_update_pd_desc(deep::in, proc_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	inherit_prof_info::in, deep::out) is det.
+:- pred deep_update_pd_own(deep::in, proc_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	own_prof_info::in, deep::out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module array_util.
+:- import_module int, require.
+dummy_proc_id = user_defined(predicate, "unknown", "unknown", "unknown",
+	-1, -1).
+main_parent_proc_id = user_defined(predicate, "mercury_runtime",
+	"mercury_runtime", "main_parent", 0, 0).
+valid_clique_ptr(Deep, clique_ptr(CliqueNum)) :-
+	CliqueNum > 0,
+	array__in_bounds(Deep ^ clique_members, CliqueNum).
+valid_proc_dynamic_ptr(Deep, proc_dynamic_ptr(PDI)) :-
+	PDI > 0,
+	array__in_bounds(Deep ^ proc_dynamics, PDI).
+valid_proc_static_ptr(Deep, proc_static_ptr(PSI)) :-
+	PSI > 0,
+	array__in_bounds(Deep ^ proc_statics, PSI).
+valid_call_site_dynamic_ptr(Deep, call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI)) :-
+	CSDI > 0,
+	array__in_bounds(Deep ^ call_site_dynamics, CSDI).
+valid_call_site_static_ptr(Deep, call_site_static_ptr(CSSI)) :-
+	CSSI > 0,
+	array__in_bounds(Deep ^ call_site_statics, CSSI).
+valid_proc_dynamic_ptr_raw(ProcDynamics, proc_dynamic_ptr(PDI)) :-
+	PDI > 0,
+	array__in_bounds(ProcDynamics, PDI).
+valid_proc_static_ptr_raw(ProcStatics, proc_static_ptr(PSI)) :-
+	PSI > 0,
+	array__in_bounds(ProcStatics, PSI).
+		call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI)) :-
+	CSDI > 0,
+	array__in_bounds(CallSiteDynamics, CSDI).
+valid_call_site_static_ptr_raw(CallSiteStatics, call_site_static_ptr(CSSI)) :-
+	CSSI > 0,
+	array__in_bounds(CallSiteStatics, CSSI).
+lookup_call_site_dynamics(CallSiteDynamics, CSDPtr, CSD) :-
+	CSDPtr = call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI),
+	( CSDI > 0, array__in_bounds(CallSiteDynamics, CSDI) ->
+		array__lookup(CallSiteDynamics, CSDI, CSD)
+	;
+		error("lookup_call_site_dynamics: bounds error")
+	).
+lookup_call_site_statics(CallSiteStatics, CSSPtr, CSS) :-
+	CSSPtr = call_site_static_ptr(CSSI),
+	( CSSI > 0, array__in_bounds(CallSiteStatics, CSSI) ->
+		array__lookup(CallSiteStatics, CSSI, CSS)
+	;
+		error("lookup_call_site_statics: bounds error")
+	).
+lookup_proc_dynamics(ProcDynamics, PDPtr, PD) :-
+	PDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(PDI),
+	( PDI > 0, array__in_bounds(ProcDynamics, PDI) ->
+		array__lookup(ProcDynamics, PDI, PD)
+	;
+		error("lookup_proc_dynamics: bounds error")
+	).
+lookup_proc_statics(ProcStatics, PSPtr, PS) :-
+	PSPtr = proc_static_ptr(PSI),
+	( PSI > 0, array__in_bounds(ProcStatics, PSI) ->
+		array__lookup(ProcStatics, PSI, PS)
+	;
+		error("lookup_proc_statics: bounds error")
+	).
+lookup_clique_index(CliqueIndex, PDPtr, CliquePtr) :-
+	PDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(PDI),
+	( PDI > 0, array__in_bounds(CliqueIndex, PDI) ->
+		array__lookup(CliqueIndex, PDI, CliquePtr)
+	;
+		error("lookup_clique_index: bounds error")
+	).
+lookup_clique_members(CliqueMembers, CliquePtr, PDPtrs) :-
+	CliquePtr = clique_ptr(CI),
+	( array__in_bounds(CliqueMembers, CI) ->
+		array__lookup(CliqueMembers, CI, PDPtrs)
+	;
+		error("lookup_clique_members: bounds error")
+	).
+lookup_clique_parents(CliqueParents, CliquePtr, CSDPtr) :-
+	CliquePtr = clique_ptr(CI),
+	( array__in_bounds(CliqueParents, CI) ->
+		array__lookup(CliqueParents, CI, CSDPtr)
+	;
+		error("lookup_clique_parents: bounds error")
+	).
+lookup_clique_maybe_child(CliqueMaybeChild, CSDPtr, MaybeCliquePtr) :-
+	CSDPtr = call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI),
+	( CSDI > 0, array__in_bounds(CliqueMaybeChild, CSDI) ->
+		array__lookup(CliqueMaybeChild, CSDI, MaybeCliquePtr)
+	;
+		error("lookup_clique_maybe_child: bounds error")
+	).
+lookup_call_site_static_map(CallSiteStaticMap, CSDPtr, CSSPtr) :-
+	CSDPtr = call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI),
+	( CSDI > 0, array__in_bounds(CallSiteStaticMap, CSDI) ->
+		array__lookup(CallSiteStaticMap, CSDI, CSSPtr)
+	;
+		error("lookup_call_site_static_map: bounds error")
+	).
+lookup_call_site_calls(CallSiteCalls, CSSPtr, Calls) :-
+	CSSPtr = call_site_static_ptr(CSSI),
+	( CSSI > 0, array__in_bounds(CallSiteCalls, CSSI) ->
+		array__lookup(CallSiteCalls, CSSI, Calls)
+	;
+		error("lookup_call_site_static_map: bounds error")
+	).
+deep_lookup_call_site_dynamics(Deep, CSDPtr, CSD) :-
+	lookup_call_site_dynamics(Deep ^ call_site_dynamics, CSDPtr, CSD).
+deep_lookup_call_site_statics(Deep, CSSPtr, CSS) :-
+	lookup_call_site_statics(Deep ^ call_site_statics, CSSPtr, CSS).
+deep_lookup_proc_dynamics(Deep, PDPtr, PD) :-
+	lookup_proc_dynamics(Deep ^ proc_dynamics, PDPtr, PD).
+deep_lookup_proc_statics(Deep, PSPtr, PS) :-
+	lookup_proc_statics(Deep ^ proc_statics, PSPtr, PS).
+deep_lookup_clique_index(Deep, PDPtr, CliquePtr) :-
+	lookup_clique_index(Deep ^ clique_index, PDPtr, CliquePtr).
+deep_lookup_clique_members(Deep, CliquePtr, PDPtrs) :-
+	lookup_clique_members(Deep ^ clique_members, CliquePtr, PDPtrs).
+deep_lookup_clique_parents(Deep, CliquePtr, CSDPtr) :-
+	lookup_clique_parents(Deep ^ clique_parents, CliquePtr, CSDPtr).
+deep_lookup_clique_maybe_child(Deep, CSDPtr, MaybeCliquePtr) :-
+	lookup_clique_maybe_child(Deep ^ clique_maybe_child, CSDPtr,
+		MaybeCliquePtr).
+deep_lookup_call_site_static_map(Deep, CSDPtr, CSSPtr) :-
+	lookup_call_site_static_map(Deep ^ call_site_static_map, CSDPtr,
+		CSSPtr).
+deep_lookup_call_site_calls(Deep, CSSPtr, Calls) :-
+	lookup_call_site_calls(Deep ^ call_site_calls, CSSPtr, Calls).
+deep_lookup_proc_dynamic_sites(Deep, PDPtr, PDSites) :-
+	deep_lookup_proc_dynamics(Deep, PDPtr, PD),
+	PDSites = PD ^ pd_sites.
+deep_lookup_pd_own(Deep, PDPtr, Own) :-
+	PDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(PDI),
+	array__lookup(Deep ^ pd_own, PDI, Own).
+deep_lookup_pd_desc(Deep, PDPtr, Desc) :-
+	PDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(PDI),
+	array__lookup(Deep ^ pd_desc, PDI, Desc).
+deep_lookup_csd_own(Deep, CSDPtr, Own) :-
+	CSDPtr = call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI),
+	array__lookup(Deep ^ call_site_dynamics, CSDI, CSD),
+	CSD = call_site_dynamic(_, _, Own).
+deep_lookup_csd_desc(Deep, CSDPtr, Desc) :-
+	CSDPtr = call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI),
+	array__lookup(Deep ^ csd_desc, CSDI, Desc).
+deep_lookup_ps_own(Deep, PSPtr, Own) :-
+	PSPtr = proc_static_ptr(PSI),
+	array__lookup(Deep ^ ps_own, PSI, Own).
+deep_lookup_ps_desc(Deep, PSPtr, Desc) :-
+	PSPtr = proc_static_ptr(PSI),
+	array__lookup(Deep ^ ps_desc, PSI, Desc).
+deep_lookup_css_own(Deep, CSSPtr, Own) :-
+	CSSPtr = call_site_static_ptr(CSSI),
+	array__lookup(Deep ^ css_own, CSSI, Own).
+deep_lookup_css_desc(Deep, CSSPtr, Desc) :-
+	CSSPtr = call_site_static_ptr(CSSI),
+	array__lookup(Deep ^ css_desc, CSSI, Desc).
+update_call_site_dynamics(CallSiteDynamics0, CSDPtr, CSD, CallSiteDynamics) :-
+	CSDPtr = call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI),
+	array__set(CallSiteDynamics0, CSDI, CSD, CallSiteDynamics).
+update_call_site_statics(CallSiteStatics0, CSSPtr, CSS, CallSiteStatics) :-
+	CSSPtr = call_site_static_ptr(CSSI),
+	array__set(CallSiteStatics0, CSSI, CSS, CallSiteStatics).
+update_proc_dynamics(ProcDynamics0, PDPtr, PD, ProcDynamics) :-
+	PDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(PDI),
+	array__set(ProcDynamics0, PDI, PD, ProcDynamics).
+update_proc_statics(ProcStatics0, PSPtr, PS, ProcStatics) :-
+	PSPtr = proc_static_ptr(PSI),
+	array__set(ProcStatics0, PSI, PS, ProcStatics).
+update_call_site_static_map(CallSiteStaticMap0, CSDPtr, CSSPtr,
+		CallSiteStaticMap) :-
+	CSDPtr = call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI),
+	array__set(CallSiteStaticMap0, CSDI, CSSPtr, CallSiteStaticMap).
+deep_update_csd_desc(Deep0, CSDPtr, CSDDesc, Deep) :-
+	CSDPtr = call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI),
+	array__set(u(Deep0 ^ csd_desc), CSDI, CSDDesc, CSDDescs),
+	Deep = Deep0 ^ csd_desc := CSDDescs.
+deep_update_pd_desc(Deep0, PDPtr, PDDesc, Deep) :-
+	PDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(PDI),
+	array__set(u(Deep0 ^ pd_desc), PDI, PDDesc, PDDescs),
+	Deep = Deep0 ^ pd_desc := PDDescs.
+deep_update_pd_own(Deep0, PDPtr, PDOwn, Deep) :-
+	PDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(PDI),
+	array__set(u(Deep0 ^ pd_own), PDI, PDOwn, PDOwns),
+	Deep = Deep0 ^ pd_own := PDOwns.
Index: read_profile.m
RCS file: read_profile.m
diff -N read_profile.m
--- /dev/null	Fri Dec  1 02:25:58 2000
+++ read_profile.m	Fri May  4 13:16:52 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,1382 @@
+%-----------------------------------------------------------------------------% % Copyright (C) 2001 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% Authors: conway, zs.
+% This module contains code for reading in a deep profiling data file.
+% Such files, named Deep.data, are created by deep profiled executables.
+:- module read_profile.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module profile.
+:- import_module io.
+:- type deep_result(T)
+	--->	ok(T)
+	;	error(string).
+:- pred read_call_graph(string::in, deep_result(initial_deep)::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module measurements, array_util.
+:- import_module array, char, string, int, float, std_util, list, require.
+:- type deep_result2(T1, T2)
+	--->	ok2(T1, T2)
+	;	error2(string).
+:- type nodes_result
+	--->	ok_eof(initial_deep, ptr_info)
+	;	at_limit(initial_deep, ptr_info)
+	;	error_nodes(string).
+:- type ptr_info --->
+		ptr_info(
+			ps	:: int,
+			css	:: int,
+			pd	:: int,
+			csd	:: int
+		).
+:- type ptr_kind
+	--->	ps
+	;	pd
+	;	css
+	;	csd.
+read_call_graph(FileName, Res) -->
+	io__see_binary(FileName, Res0),
+	(
+		{ Res0 = ok },
+		read_id_string(Res1),
+		(
+			{ Res1 = ok(_) },
+			read_sequence6(
+				read_fixed_size_int,
+				read_fixed_size_int,
+				read_fixed_size_int,
+				read_fixed_size_int,
+				read_num,
+				read_num,
+				(pred(NumCSDs::in, NumCSSs::in,
+						NumPDs::in, NumPSs::in,
+						InstrumentQuanta::in,
+						UserQuanta::in,
+						ResInitDeep::out) is det :-
+					init_deep(NumCSDs, NumCSSs,
+						NumPDs, NumPSs,
+						InstrumentQuanta, UserQuanta,
+						InitDeep0),
+					ResInitDeep = ok(InitDeep0)
+				),
+				Res2),
+			(
+				{ Res2 = ok(InitDeep) },
+				{ PtrInfo0 = ptr_info(0, 0, 0, 0) },
+				read_nodes(InitDeep, PtrInfo0, Res3),
+				io__seen_binary,
+				{ resize_arrays(Res3, Res) }
+			;
+				{ Res2 = error(Err) },
+				{ Res = error(Err) }
+			)
+		;
+			{ Res1 = error(Msg) },
+			{ Res = error(Msg) }
+		)
+	;
+		{ Res0 = error(Err) },
+		{ io__error_message(Err, Msg) },
+		{ Res = error(Msg) }
+	).
+:- pred read_id_string(deep_result(string)::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_id_string(Res) -->
+	read_n_byte_string(string__length(id_string), Res0),
+	(
+		{ Res0 = ok(String) },
+		( { String = id_string } ->
+			{ Res = ok(id_string) }
+		;
+			{ Res = error("not a deep profiling data file") }
+		)
+	;
+		{ Res0 = error(Err) },
+		{ Res = error(Err) }
+	).
+:- func id_string = string.
+id_string = "Mercury deep profiler data".
+:- pred init_deep(int::in, int::in, int::in, int::in, int::in, int::in,
+	initial_deep::out) is det.
+init_deep(NumCSDs, NumCSSs, NumPDs, NumPSs, InstrumentQuanta, UserQuanta,
+		InitDeep) :-
+	InitStats = profile_stats(
+		InstrumentQuanta,
+		UserQuanta,
+		-1, -1, -1, -1),
+	InitDeep = initial_deep(
+		InitStats,
+		proc_dynamic_ptr(-1),
+		array__init(NumCSDs + 1,
+			call_site_dynamic(
+				proc_dynamic_ptr(-1),
+				proc_dynamic_ptr(-1),
+				zero_own_prof_info
+			)),
+		array__init(NumPDs + 1,
+			proc_dynamic(proc_static_ptr(-1), array([]))),
+		array__init(NumCSSs + 1,
+			call_site_static(
+				proc_static_ptr(-1), -1,
+				normal_call(proc_static_ptr(-1), ""), -1, ""
+			)),
+		array__init(NumPSs + 1,
+			proc_static(dummy_proc_id, "", "", "", array([])))
+	).
+:- pred read_nodes(initial_deep::in, ptr_info::in,
+	deep_result2(initial_deep, ptr_info)::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_nodes(InitDeep0, PtrInfo0, Res) -->
+	read_byte(Res0),
+	(
+		{ Res0 = ok(Byte) },
+		( { Byte = token_call_site_static } ->
+			read_call_site_static(Res1),
+			(
+				{ Res1 = ok2(CallSiteStatic, CSSI) },
+				{ deep_insert(
+					InitDeep0 ^ init_call_site_statics,
+					CSSI, CallSiteStatic, CSSs) },
+				{ InitDeep1 = InitDeep0
+					^ init_call_site_statics := CSSs },
+				{ PtrInfo1 = PtrInfo0 ^ css
+					:= max(PtrInfo0 ^ css, CSSI) },
+				read_nodes(InitDeep1, PtrInfo1, Res)
+			;
+				{ Res1 = error2(Err) },
+				{ Res = error2(Err) }
+			)
+		; { Byte = token_proc_static } ->
+			read_proc_static(Res1),
+			(
+				{ Res1 = ok2(ProcStatic, PSI) },
+				{ deep_insert(
+					InitDeep0 ^ init_proc_statics,
+					PSI, ProcStatic, PSs) },
+				{ InitDeep1 = InitDeep0
+					^ init_proc_statics := PSs },
+				{ PtrInfo1 = PtrInfo0 ^ ps
+					:= max(PtrInfo0 ^ ps, PSI) },
+				read_nodes(InitDeep1, PtrInfo1, Res)
+			;
+				{ Res1 = error2(Err) },
+				{ Res = error2(Err) }
+			)
+		; { Byte = token_call_site_dynamic } ->
+			read_call_site_dynamic(Res1),
+			(
+				{ Res1 = ok2(CallSiteDynamic, CSDI) },
+				{ deep_insert(
+					InitDeep0 ^ init_call_site_dynamics,
+					CSDI, CallSiteDynamic, CSDs) },
+				{ InitDeep1 = InitDeep0
+					^ init_call_site_dynamics := CSDs },
+				{ PtrInfo1 = PtrInfo0 ^ csd
+					:= max(PtrInfo0 ^ csd, CSDI) },
+				read_nodes(InitDeep1, PtrInfo1, Res)
+			;
+				{ Res1 = error2(Err) },
+				{ Res = error2(Err) }
+			)
+		; { Byte = token_proc_dynamic } ->
+			read_proc_dynamic(Res1),
+			(
+				{ Res1 = ok2(ProcDynamic, PDI) },
+				{ deep_insert(
+					InitDeep0 ^ init_proc_dynamics,
+					PDI, ProcDynamic, PDs) },
+				{ InitDeep1 = InitDeep0
+					^ init_proc_dynamics := PDs },
+				{ PtrInfo1 = PtrInfo0 ^ pd
+					:= max(PtrInfo0 ^ pd, PDI) },
+				read_nodes(InitDeep1, PtrInfo1, Res)
+			;
+				{ Res1 = error2(Err) },
+				{ Res = error2(Err) }
+			)
+		; { Byte = token_root } ->
+			read_root(Res1),
+			(
+				{ Res1 = ok(PDPtr) },
+				{ InitDeep1 = InitDeep0 ^ init_root := PDPtr },
+				read_nodes(InitDeep1, PtrInfo0, Res)
+			;
+				{ Res1 = error(Err) },
+				{ Res = error2(Err) }
+			)
+		;
+			{ format("unexpected token %d", [i(Byte)], Msg) },
+			{ Res = error2(Msg) }
+		)
+	;
+		{ Res0 = eof },
+		{ Res = ok2(InitDeep0, PtrInfo0) }
+	;
+		{ Res0 = error(Err) },
+		{ io__error_message(Err, Msg) },
+		{ Res = error2(Msg) }
+	).
+:- pred read_root(deep_result(proc_dynamic_ptr)::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_root(Res) -->
+	% format("reading root.\n", []),
+	read_ptr(pd, Res0),
+	(
+		{ Res0 = ok(PDI) },
+		{ PDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(PDI) },
+		{ Res = ok(PDPtr) }
+	;
+		{ Res0 = error(Err) },
+		{ Res = error(Err) }
+	).
+:- pred read_call_site_static(deep_result2(call_site_static, int)::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_call_site_static(Res) -->
+	% format("reading call_site_static.\n", []),
+	read_sequence4(
+		read_ptr(css),
+		read_call_site_kind_and_callee,
+		read_num,
+		read_string,
+		(pred(CSSI0::in, Kind::in, LineNumber::in, Str::in, Res0::out)
+				is det :-
+			DummyPSPtr = proc_static_ptr(-1),
+			DummySlotNum = -1,
+			CallSiteStatic0 = call_site_static(DummyPSPtr,
+				DummySlotNum, Kind, LineNumber, Str),
+			Res0 = ok({CallSiteStatic0, CSSI0})
+		),
+		Res1),
+	(
+		{ Res1 = ok({CallSiteStatic, CSSI}) },
+		{ Res = ok2(CallSiteStatic, CSSI) }
+	;
+		{ Res1 = error(Err) },
+		{ Res = error2(Err) }
+	).
+:- pred read_proc_static(deep_result2(proc_static, int)::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_proc_static(Res) -->
+	% format("reading proc_static.\n", []),
+	read_sequence4(
+		read_ptr(ps),
+		read_proc_id,
+		read_string,
+		read_num,
+		(pred(PSI0::in, Id0::in, F0::in, N0::in, Stuff0::out) is det :-
+			Stuff0 = ok({PSI0, Id0, F0, N0})
+		),
+		Res1),
+	(
+		{ Res1 = ok({PSI, Id, FileName, N}) },
+		read_n_things(N, read_ptr(css), Res2),
+		(
+			{ Res2 = ok(Ptrs0) },
+			{ map((pred(Ptr1::in, Ptr2::out) is det :-
+				Ptr2 = call_site_static_ptr(Ptr1)
+			), Ptrs0, Ptrs) },
+			{ RefinedStr = refined_proc_id_to_string(Id) },
+			{ RawStr = raw_proc_id_to_string(Id) },
+			{ ProcStatic =
+				proc_static(Id, RefinedStr, RawStr,
+					FileName, array(Ptrs)) },
+			{ Res = ok2(ProcStatic, PSI) }
+		;
+			{ Res2 = error(Err) },
+			{ Res = error2(Err) }
+		)
+	;
+		{ Res1 = error(Err) },
+		{ Res = error2(Err) }
+	).
+:- pred read_proc_id(deep_result(proc_id)::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_proc_id(Res) -->
+	read_deep_byte(Res0),
+	(
+		{ Res0 = ok(Byte) },
+		( { Byte = token_isa_compiler_generated } ->
+			read_proc_id_compiler_generated(Res)
+		; { Byte = token_isa_predicate } ->
+			read_proc_id_user_defined(predicate, Res)
+		; { Byte = token_isa_function } ->
+			read_proc_id_user_defined(function, Res)
+		;
+			{ format("unexpected proc_id_kind %d",
+				[i(Byte)], Msg) },
+			{ Res = error(Msg) }
+		)
+	;
+		{ Res0 = error(Err) },
+		{ Res = error(Err) }
+	).
+:- pred read_proc_id_compiler_generated(deep_result(proc_id)::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_proc_id_compiler_generated(Res) -->
+	read_sequence6(
+		read_string,
+		read_string,
+		read_string,
+		read_string,
+		read_num,
+		read_num,
+		(pred(TypeName::in, TypeModule::in, DefModule::in,
+			PredName::in, Arity::in, Mode::in, ProcId::out)
+			is det :-
+			ProcId = ok(compiler_generated(TypeName, TypeModule,
+				DefModule, PredName, Arity, Mode))
+		),
+		Res).
+:- pred read_proc_id_user_defined(pred_or_func::in, deep_result(proc_id)::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_proc_id_user_defined(PredOrFunc, Res) -->
+	read_sequence5(
+		read_string,
+		read_string,
+		read_string,
+		read_num,
+		read_num,
+		(pred(DeclModule::in, DefModule::in, Name::in,
+			Arity::in, Mode::in, ProcId::out)
+			is det :-
+			ProcId = ok(user_defined(PredOrFunc, DeclModule,
+				DefModule, Name, Arity, Mode))
+		),
+		Res).
+:- func raw_proc_id_to_string(proc_id) = string.
+raw_proc_id_to_string(compiler_generated(TypeName, TypeModule, _DefModule,
+		PredName, Arity, Mode)) =
+	string__append_list(
+		[PredName, " for ", TypeModule, ":", TypeName,
+		"/", string__int_to_string(Arity),
+		" mode ", string__int_to_string(Mode)]).
+raw_proc_id_to_string(user_defined(PredOrFunc, DeclModule, _DefModule,
+		Name, Arity, Mode)) =
+	string__append_list([DeclModule, ":", Name,
+		"/", string__int_to_string(Arity),
+		( PredOrFunc = function -> "+1" ; "" ),
+		"-", string__int_to_string(Mode)]).
+:- func refined_proc_id_to_string(proc_id) = string.
+refined_proc_id_to_string(compiler_generated(TypeName, TypeModule, _DefModule,
+		RawPredName, Arity, Mode)) = Name :-
+	( RawPredName = "__Unify__" ->
+		PredName = "Unify"
+	; RawPredName = "__Compare__" ->
+		PredName = "Compare"
+	; RawPredName = "__Index__" ->
+		PredName = "Index"
+	;
+		string__append("unknown special predicate name ", RawPredName,
+			Msg),
+		error(Msg)
+	),
+	Name0 = string__append_list(
+		[PredName, " for ", TypeModule, ":", TypeName,
+			"/", string__int_to_string(Arity)]),
+	( Mode = 0 ->
+		Name = Name0
+	;
+		Name = string__append_list([Name0, " mode ", 
+			string__int_to_string(Mode)])
+	).
+refined_proc_id_to_string(user_defined(PredOrFunc, DeclModule, _DefModule,
+		ProcName, Arity, Mode)) = Name :-
+	(
+		string__append("TypeSpecOf__", ProcName1, ProcName),
+		( string__append("pred__", ProcName2A, ProcName1) ->
+			ProcName2 = ProcName2A
+		; string__append("func__", ProcName2B, ProcName1) ->
+			ProcName2 = ProcName2B
+		; string__append("pred_or_func__", ProcName2C, ProcName1) ->
+			ProcName2 = ProcName2C
+		;
+			error("typespec: neither pred nor func")
+		),
+		string__to_char_list(ProcName2, ProcName2Chars),
+		fix_type_spec_suffix(ProcName2Chars, ProcNameChars, SpecInfo)
+	->
+		RefinedProcName = string__from_char_list(ProcNameChars),
+		Name = string__append_list([DeclModule, ":", RefinedProcName,
+			"/", string__int_to_string(Arity),
+			( PredOrFunc = function -> "+1" ; "" ),
+			"-", string__int_to_string(Mode),
+			" [", SpecInfo, "]"])
+	;
+		string__append("IntroducedFrom__", ProcName1, ProcName),
+		( string__append("pred__", ProcName2A, ProcName1) ->
+			ProcName2 = ProcName2A
+		; string__append("func__", ProcName2B, ProcName1) ->
+			ProcName2 = ProcName2B
+		;
+			error("lambda: neither pred nor func")
+		),
+		string__to_char_list(ProcName2, ProcName2Chars),
+		split_lambda_name(ProcName2Chars, Segments),
+		glue_lambda_name(Segments, ContainingNameChars,
+			LineNumberChars)
+	->
+		string__from_char_list(ContainingNameChars, ContainingName),
+		string__from_char_list(LineNumberChars, LineNumber),
+		Name = string__append_list([DeclModule, ":", ContainingName,
+			" lambda line ", LineNumber,
+			"/", string__int_to_string(Arity),
+			( PredOrFunc = function -> "+1" ; "" )])
+	;
+		Name = string__append_list([DeclModule, ":", ProcName,
+			"/", string__int_to_string(Arity),
+			( PredOrFunc = function -> "+1" ; "" ),
+			"-", string__int_to_string(Mode)])
+	).
+:- pred fix_type_spec_suffix(list(char)::in, list(char)::out, string::out)
+	is semidet.
+fix_type_spec_suffix(Chars0, Chars, SpecInfoStr) :-
+	( Chars0 = ['_', '_', '[' | SpecInfo0 ] ->
+		Chars = [],
+		list__takewhile(non_right_bracket, SpecInfo0, SpecInfo, _),
+		string__from_char_list(SpecInfo, SpecInfoStr)
+	; Chars0 = [Char | TailChars0] ->
+		fix_type_spec_suffix(TailChars0, TailChars, SpecInfoStr),
+		Chars = [Char | TailChars]
+	;
+		fail
+	).
+:- pred non_right_bracket(char::in) is semidet.
+non_right_bracket(C) :-
+	C \= ']'.
+:- pred split_lambda_name(list(char)::in, list(list(char))::out) is det.
+split_lambda_name([], []).
+split_lambda_name([Char0 | Chars0], StringList) :-
+	( Chars0 = ['_', '_' | Chars1 ] ->
+		split_lambda_name(Chars1, StringList0),
+		StringList = [[Char0] | StringList0]
+	;
+		split_lambda_name(Chars0, StringList0),
+		(
+			StringList0 = [],
+			StringList = [[Char0]]
+		;
+			StringList0 = [String0 | StringList1],
+			StringList = [[Char0 | String0] | StringList1]
+		)
+	).
+:- pred glue_lambda_name(list(list(char))::in, list(char)::out,
+	list(char)::out) is semidet.
+glue_lambda_name(Segments, PredName, LineNumber) :-
+	( Segments = [LineNumberPrime, _] ->
+		PredName = [],
+		LineNumber = LineNumberPrime
+	; Segments = [Segment | TailSegments] ->
+		glue_lambda_name(TailSegments, PredName1, LineNumber),
+		( PredName1 = [] ->
+			PredName = Segment
+		;
+			list__append(Segment, ['_', '_' | PredName1], PredName)
+		)
+	;
+		fail
+	).
+:- pred read_proc_dynamic(deep_result2(proc_dynamic, int)::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_proc_dynamic(Res) -->
+	% format("reading proc_dynamic.\n", []),
+	read_sequence3(
+		read_ptr(pd),
+		read_ptr(ps),
+		read_num,
+		(pred(PDI0::in, PSI0::in, N0::in, Stuff0::out) is det :-
+			Stuff0 = ok({PDI0, PSI0, N0})
+		),
+		Res1),
+	(
+		{ Res1 = ok({PDI, PSI, N}) },
+		read_n_things(N, read_call_site_ref, Res2),
+		(
+			{ Res2 = ok(Refs) },
+			{ PSPtr = proc_static_ptr(PSI) },
+			{ ProcDynamic = proc_dynamic(PSPtr, array(Refs)) },
+			{ Res = ok2(ProcDynamic, PDI) }
+		;
+			{ Res2 = error(Err) },
+			{ Res = error2(Err) }
+		)
+	;
+		{ Res1 = error(Err) },
+		{ Res = error2(Err) }
+	).
+:- pred read_call_site_dynamic(deep_result2(call_site_dynamic, int)::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_call_site_dynamic(Res) -->
+	% format("reading call_site_dynamic.\n", []),
+	read_ptr(csd, Res1),
+	(
+		{ Res1 = ok(CSDI) },
+		read_ptr(pd, Res2),
+		(
+			{ Res2 = ok(PDI) },
+			read_profile(Res3),
+			(
+				{ Res3 = ok(Profile) },
+				{ PDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(PDI) },
+				{ DummyPDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(-1) },
+				{ CallSiteDynamic = call_site_dynamic(
+					DummyPDPtr, PDPtr, Profile) },
+				{ Res = ok2(CallSiteDynamic, CSDI) }
+			;
+				{ Res3 = error(Err) },
+				{ Res = error2(Err) }
+			)
+		;
+			{ Res2 = error(Err) },
+			{ Res = error2(Err) }
+		)
+	;
+		{ Res1 = error(Err) },
+		{ Res = error2(Err) }
+	).
+:- pred read_profile(deep_result(own_prof_info)::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_profile(Res) -->
+	read_num(Res0),
+	(
+		{ Res0 = ok(Mask) },
+		{ MaybeError0 = no },
+		( { Mask /\ 0x0001 \= 0 } ->
+			maybe_read_num_handle_error(Calls,
+				MaybeError0, MaybeError1)
+		;
+			{ Calls = 0 },
+			{ MaybeError1 = MaybeError0 }
+		),
+		( { Mask /\ 0x0002 \= 0 } ->
+			maybe_read_num_handle_error(Exits,
+				MaybeError1, MaybeError2)
+		;
+			{ Exits = 0 },
+			{ MaybeError2 = MaybeError1 }
+		),
+		( { Mask /\ 0x0004 \= 0 } ->
+			maybe_read_num_handle_error(Fails,
+				MaybeError2, MaybeError3)
+		;
+			{ Fails = 0 },
+			{ MaybeError3 = MaybeError2 }
+		),
+		( { Mask /\ 0x0008 \= 0 } ->
+			maybe_read_num_handle_error(Redos,
+				MaybeError3, MaybeError4)
+		;
+			{ Redos = 0 },
+			{ MaybeError4 = MaybeError3 }
+		),
+		( { Mask /\ 0x0010 \= 0 } ->
+			maybe_read_num_handle_error(Quanta,
+				MaybeError4, MaybeError5)
+		;
+			{ Quanta = 0 },
+			{ MaybeError5 = MaybeError4 }
+		),
+		( { Mask /\ 0x0020 \= 0 } ->
+			maybe_read_num_handle_error(Mallocs,
+				MaybeError5, MaybeError6)
+		;
+			{ Mallocs = 0 },
+			{ MaybeError6 = MaybeError5 }
+		),
+		( { Mask /\ 0x0040 \= 0 } ->
+			maybe_read_num_handle_error(Words,
+				MaybeError6, MaybeError7)
+		;
+			{ Words = 0 },
+			{ MaybeError7 = MaybeError6 }
+		),
+		(
+			{ MaybeError7 = yes(Error) },
+			{ Res = error(Error) }
+		;
+			{ MaybeError7 = no },
+			{ Res = ok(compress_profile(Calls, Exits, Fails, Redos, 
+				Quanta, Mallocs, Words)) }
+		)
+	;
+		{ Res0 = error(Error) },
+		{ Res = error(Error) }
+	).
+:- pred maybe_read_num_handle_error(int::out,
+	maybe(string)::in, maybe(string)::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+maybe_read_num_handle_error(Value, MaybeError0, MaybeError) -->
+	read_num(Res),
+	(
+		{ Res = ok(Value) },
+		{ MaybeError = MaybeError0 }
+	;
+		{ Res = error(Error) },
+		{ Value = 0 },
+		{ MaybeError = yes(Error) }
+	).
+:- pred read_call_site_ref(deep_result(call_site_array_slot)::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_call_site_ref(Res) -->
+	% format("reading call_site_ref.\n", []),
+	read_call_site_kind(Res1),
+	(
+		{ Res1 = ok(Kind) },
+		( { Kind = normal_call } ->
+			read_ptr(csd, Res2),
+			(
+				{ Res2 = ok(Ptr) },
+				{ CDPtr = call_site_dynamic_ptr(Ptr) },
+				{ Res = ok(normal(CDPtr)) }
+			;
+				{ Res2 = error(Err) },
+				{ Res = error(Err) }
+			)
+		;
+			read_things(read_ptr(csd), Res2),
+			(
+				{ Res2 = ok(Ptrs0) },
+				{ map((pred(PtrX::in, PtrY::out) is det :-
+					PtrY = call_site_dynamic_ptr(PtrX)
+				), Ptrs0, Ptrs) },
+				{ Res = ok(multi(array(Ptrs))) }
+			;
+				{ Res2 = error(Err) },
+				{ Res = error(Err) }
+			)
+		)
+	;
+		{ Res1 = error(Err) },
+		{ Res = error(Err) }
+	).
+:- pred read_call_site_kind(deep_result(call_site_kind)::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_call_site_kind(Res) -->
+	read_deep_byte(Res0),
+	(
+		{ Res0 = ok(Byte) },
+		( { Byte = token_normal_call } ->
+			{ Res = ok(normal_call) }
+		; { Byte = token_special_call } ->
+			{ Res = ok(special_call) }
+		; { Byte = token_higher_order_call } ->
+			{ Res = ok(higher_order_call) }
+		; { Byte = token_method_call } ->
+			{ Res = ok(method_call) }
+		; { Byte = token_callback } ->
+			{ Res = ok(callback) }
+		;
+			{ format("unexpected call_site_kind %d",
+				[i(Byte)], Msg) },
+			{ Res = error(Msg) }
+		)
+		% io__write_string("call_site_kind "),
+		% io__write(Res),
+		% io__write_string("\n")
+	;
+		{ Res0 = error(Err) },
+		{ Res = error(Err) }
+	).
+:- pred read_call_site_kind_and_callee(
+	deep_result(call_site_kind_and_callee)::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_call_site_kind_and_callee(Res) -->
+	read_deep_byte(Res0),
+	(
+		{ Res0 = ok(Byte) },
+		( { Byte = token_normal_call } ->
+			read_num(Res1),
+			(
+				{ Res1 = ok(CalleeProcStatic) },
+				read_string(Res2),
+				(
+					{ Res2 = ok(TypeSubst) },
+					{ Res = ok(normal_call(
+						proc_static_ptr(
+							CalleeProcStatic),
+						TypeSubst)) }
+				;
+					{ Res2 = error(Err) },
+					{ Res = error(Err) }
+				)
+			;
+				{ Res1 = error(Err) },
+				{ Res = error(Err) }
+			)
+		; { Byte = token_special_call } ->
+			{ Res = ok(special_call) }
+		; { Byte = token_higher_order_call } ->
+			{ Res = ok(higher_order_call) }
+		; { Byte = token_method_call } ->
+			{ Res = ok(method_call) }
+		; { Byte = token_callback } ->
+			{ Res = ok(callback) }
+		;
+			{ format("unexpected call_site_kind %d",
+				[i(Byte)], Msg) },
+			{ Res = error(Msg) }
+		)
+		% io__write_string("call_site_kind_and_callee "),
+		% io__write(Res),
+		% io__write_string("\n")
+	;
+		{ Res0 = error(Err) },
+		{ Res = error(Err) }
+	).
+:- pred read_n_things(int, pred(deep_result(T), io__state, io__state),
+		deep_result(list(T)), io__state, io__state).
+:- mode read_n_things(in, pred(out, di, uo) is det, out, di, uo) is det.
+read_n_things(N, ThingReader, Res) -->
+	read_n_things(N, ThingReader, [], Res0),
+	(
+		{ Res0 = ok(Things0) },
+		{ reverse(Things0, Things) },
+		{ Res = ok(Things) }
+	;
+		{ Res0 = error(Err) },
+		{ Res = error(Err) }
+	).
+:- pred read_n_things(int, pred(deep_result(T), io__state, io__state),
+		list(T), deep_result(list(T)), io__state, io__state).
+:- mode read_n_things(in, pred(out, di, uo) is det, in, out, di, uo) is det.
+read_n_things(N, ThingReader, Things0, Res) -->
+	( { N =< 0 } ->
+		{ Res = ok(Things0) }
+	;
+		call(ThingReader, Res1),
+		(
+			{ Res1 = ok(Thing) },
+			read_n_things(N - 1, ThingReader, [Thing|Things0], Res)
+		;
+			{ Res1 = error(Err) },
+			{ Res = error(Err) }
+		)
+	).
+:- pred read_things(pred(deep_result(T), io__state, io__state),
+		deep_result(list(T)), io__state, io__state).
+:- mode read_things(pred(out, di, uo) is det, out, di, uo) is det.
+read_things(ThingReader, Res) -->
+	read_things(ThingReader, [], Res).
+:- pred read_things(pred(deep_result(T), io__state, io__state),
+		list(T), deep_result(list(T)), io__state, io__state).
+:- mode read_things(pred(out, di, uo) is det, in, out, di, uo) is det.
+read_things(ThingReader, Things0, Res) -->
+	read_deep_byte(Res0),
+	(
+		{ Res0 = ok(Byte) },
+		( { Byte = 0 } ->
+			{ Res = ok(Things0) }
+		;
+			putback_byte(Byte),
+			call(ThingReader, Res1),
+			(
+				{ Res1 = ok(Thing) },
+				read_things(ThingReader, [Thing|Things0], Res)
+			;
+				{ Res1 = error(Err) },
+				{ Res = error(Err) }
+			)
+		)
+	;
+		{ Res0 = error(Err) },
+		{ Res = error(Err) }
+	).
+:- pred read_sequence2(
+		pred(deep_result(T1), io__state, io__state),
+		pred(deep_result(T2), io__state, io__state),
+		pred(T1, T2, deep_result(T3)),
+		deep_result(T3), io__state, io__state).
+:- mode read_sequence2(
+		pred(out, di, uo) is det,
+		pred(out, di, uo) is det,
+		pred(in, in, out) is det,
+		out, di, uo) is det.
+read_sequence2(P1, P2, Combine, Res) -->
+	call(P1, Res1),
+	(
+		{ Res1 = ok(T1) },
+		call(P2, Res2),
+		(
+			{ Res2 = ok(T2) },
+			{ call(Combine, T1, T2, Res) }
+		;
+			{ Res2 = error(Err) },
+			{ Res = error(Err) }
+		)
+	;
+		{ Res1 = error(Err) },
+		{ Res = error(Err) }
+	).
+:- pred read_sequence3(
+		pred(deep_result(T1), io__state, io__state),
+		pred(deep_result(T2), io__state, io__state),
+		pred(deep_result(T3), io__state, io__state),
+		pred(T1, T2, T3, deep_result(T4)),
+		deep_result(T4), io__state, io__state).
+:- mode read_sequence3(
+		pred(out, di, uo) is det,
+		pred(out, di, uo) is det,
+		pred(out, di, uo) is det,
+		pred(in, in, in, out) is det,
+		out, di, uo) is det.
+read_sequence3(P1, P2, P3, Combine, Res) -->
+	call(P1, Res1),
+	(
+		{ Res1 = ok(T1) },
+		call(P2, Res2),
+		(
+			{ Res2 = ok(T2) },
+			call(P3, Res3),
+			(
+				{ Res3 = ok(T3) },
+				{ call(Combine, T1, T2, T3, Res) }
+			;
+				{ Res3 = error(Err) },
+				{ Res = error(Err) }
+			)
+		;
+			{ Res2 = error(Err) },
+			{ Res = error(Err) }
+		)
+	;
+		{ Res1 = error(Err) },
+		{ Res = error(Err) }
+	).
+:- pred read_sequence4(
+		pred(deep_result(T1), io__state, io__state),
+		pred(deep_result(T2), io__state, io__state),
+		pred(deep_result(T3), io__state, io__state),
+		pred(deep_result(T4), io__state, io__state),
+		pred(T1, T2, T3, T4, deep_result(T5)),
+		deep_result(T5), io__state, io__state).
+:- mode read_sequence4(
+		pred(out, di, uo) is det,
+		pred(out, di, uo) is det,
+		pred(out, di, uo) is det,
+		pred(out, di, uo) is det,
+		pred(in, in, in, in, out) is det,
+		out, di, uo) is det.
+read_sequence4(P1, P2, P3, P4, Combine, Res) -->
+	call(P1, Res1),
+	(
+		{ Res1 = ok(T1) },
+		call(P2, Res2),
+		(
+			{ Res2 = ok(T2) },
+			call(P3, Res3),
+			(
+				{ Res3 = ok(T3) },
+				call(P4, Res4),
+				(
+					{ Res4 = ok(T4) },
+					{ call(Combine, T1, T2, T3, T4, Res) }
+				;
+					{ Res4 = error(Err) },
+					{ Res = error(Err) }
+				)
+			;
+				{ Res3 = error(Err) },
+				{ Res = error(Err) }
+			)
+		;
+			{ Res2 = error(Err) },
+			{ Res = error(Err) }
+		)
+	;
+		{ Res1 = error(Err) },
+		{ Res = error(Err) }
+	).
+:- pred read_sequence5(
+		pred(deep_result(T1), io__state, io__state),
+		pred(deep_result(T2), io__state, io__state),
+		pred(deep_result(T3), io__state, io__state),
+		pred(deep_result(T4), io__state, io__state),
+		pred(deep_result(T5), io__state, io__state),
+		pred(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, deep_result(T6)),
+		deep_result(T6), io__state, io__state).
+:- mode read_sequence5(
+		pred(out, di, uo) is det,
+		pred(out, di, uo) is det,
+		pred(out, di, uo) is det,
+		pred(out, di, uo) is det,
+		pred(out, di, uo) is det,
+		pred(in, in, in, in, in, out) is det,
+		out, di, uo) is det.
+read_sequence5(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, Combine, Res) -->
+	call(P1, Res1),
+	(
+		{ Res1 = ok(T1) },
+		call(P2, Res2),
+		(
+			{ Res2 = ok(T2) },
+			call(P3, Res3),
+			(
+				{ Res3 = ok(T3) },
+				call(P4, Res4),
+				(
+					{ Res4 = ok(T4) },
+					call(P5, Res5),
+					(
+						{ Res5 = ok(T5) },
+						{ call(Combine, T1, T2, T3, T4,
+							T5, Res) }
+					;
+						{ Res5 = error(Err) },
+						{ Res = error(Err) }
+					)
+				;
+					{ Res4 = error(Err) },
+					{ Res = error(Err) }
+				)
+			;
+				{ Res3 = error(Err) },
+				{ Res = error(Err) }
+			)
+		;
+			{ Res2 = error(Err) },
+			{ Res = error(Err) }
+		)
+	;
+		{ Res1 = error(Err) },
+		{ Res = error(Err) }
+	).
+:- pred read_sequence6(
+		pred(deep_result(T1), io__state, io__state),
+		pred(deep_result(T2), io__state, io__state),
+		pred(deep_result(T3), io__state, io__state),
+		pred(deep_result(T4), io__state, io__state),
+		pred(deep_result(T5), io__state, io__state),
+		pred(deep_result(T6), io__state, io__state),
+		pred(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, deep_result(T7)),
+		deep_result(T7), io__state, io__state).
+:- mode read_sequence6(
+		pred(out, di, uo) is det,
+		pred(out, di, uo) is det,
+		pred(out, di, uo) is det,
+		pred(out, di, uo) is det,
+		pred(out, di, uo) is det,
+		pred(out, di, uo) is det,
+		pred(in, in, in, in, in, in, out) is det,
+		out, di, uo) is det.
+read_sequence6(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P6, Combine, Res) -->
+	call(P1, Res1),
+	(
+		{ Res1 = ok(T1) },
+		call(P2, Res2),
+		(
+			{ Res2 = ok(T2) },
+			call(P3, Res3),
+			(
+				{ Res3 = ok(T3) },
+				call(P4, Res4),
+				(
+					{ Res4 = ok(T4) },
+					call(P5, Res5),
+					(
+						{ Res5 = ok(T5) },
+						call(P6, Res6),
+						(
+							{ Res6 = ok(T6) },
+							{ call(Combine, T1, T2,
+								T3, T4, T5,
+								T6, Res) }
+						;
+							{ Res6 = error(Err) },
+							{ Res = error(Err) }
+						)
+					;
+						{ Res5 = error(Err) },
+						{ Res = error(Err) }
+					)
+				;
+					{ Res4 = error(Err) },
+					{ Res = error(Err) }
+				)
+			;
+				{ Res3 = error(Err) },
+				{ Res = error(Err) }
+			)
+		;
+			{ Res2 = error(Err) },
+			{ Res = error(Err) }
+		)
+	;
+		{ Res1 = error(Err) },
+		{ Res = error(Err) }
+	).
+:- pred read_string(deep_result(string)::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_string(Res) -->
+	read_num(Res0),
+	(
+		{ Res0 = ok(Length) },
+		( { Length = 0 } ->
+			{ Res = ok("") }
+		;
+			read_n_byte_string(Length, Res)
+		)
+	;
+		{ Res0 = error(Err) },
+		{ Res = error(Err) }
+	).
+:- pred read_n_byte_string(int::in, deep_result(string)::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_n_byte_string(Length, Res) -->
+	read_n_bytes(Length, Res1),
+	(
+		{ Res1 = ok(Bytes) },
+		(
+			{ map((pred(I::in, C::out) is semidet :-
+				char__to_int(C, I)
+			), Bytes, Chars) }
+		->
+			{ string__from_char_list(Chars, Str) },
+			{ Res = ok(Str) }
+		;
+			{ Res = error("string contained bad char") }
+		)
+	;
+		{ Res1 = error(Err) },
+		{ Res = error(Err) }
+	).
+	% io__write_string("string "),
+	% io__write(Res),
+	% io__write_string("\n")
+:- pred read_ptr(ptr_kind::in, deep_result(int)::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_ptr(_Kind, Res) -->
+	read_num1(0, Res).
+	% io__write_string("ptr "),
+	% io__write(Res),
+	% io__write_string("\n").
+:- pred read_num(deep_result(int)::out, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_num(Res) -->
+	read_num1(0, Res).
+	% io__write_string("num "),
+	% io__write(Res),
+	% io__write_string("\n").
+:- pred read_num1(int::in, deep_result(int)::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_num1(Num0, Res) -->
+	read_byte(Res0),
+	(
+		{ Res0 = ok(Byte) },
+		{ Num1 = (Num0 << 7) \/ (Byte /\ 0x7F) },
+		( { Byte /\ 0x80 \= 0 } ->
+			read_num1(Num1, Res)
+		;
+			{ Res = ok(Num1) }
+		)
+	;
+		{ Res0 = eof },
+		{ Res = error("unexpected end of file") }
+	;
+		{ Res0 = error(Err) },
+		{ io__error_message(Err, Msg) },
+		{ Res = error(Msg) }
+	).
+:- func fixed_size_int_bytes = int.
+% Must correspond to MR_FIXED_SIZE_INT_BYTES
+% in runtime/mercury_deep_profiling.c.
+fixed_size_int_bytes = 4.
+:- pred read_fixed_size_int(deep_result(int)::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_fixed_size_int(Res) -->
+	read_fixed_size_int1(fixed_size_int_bytes, 0, 0, Res).
+:- pred read_fixed_size_int1(int::in, int::in, int::in, deep_result(int)::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_fixed_size_int1(BytesLeft, Num0, ShiftBy, Res) -->
+	( { BytesLeft =< 0 } ->
+		{ Res = ok(Num0) }
+	;
+		read_deep_byte(Res0),
+		(
+			{ Res0 = ok(Byte) },
+			{ Num1 = Num0 \/ ( Byte << ShiftBy) },
+			read_fixed_size_int1(BytesLeft - 1, Num1, ShiftBy + 8,
+				Res)
+		;
+			{ Res0 = error(Err) },
+			{ Res = error(Err) }
+		)
+	).
+:- pred read_n_bytes(int::in, deep_result(list(int))::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_n_bytes(N, Res) -->
+	read_n_bytes(N, [], Res0),
+	(
+		{ Res0 = ok(Bytes0) },
+		{ reverse(Bytes0, Bytes) },
+		{ Res = ok(Bytes) }
+	;
+		{ Res0 = error(Err) },
+		{ Res = error(Err) }
+	).
+:- pred read_n_bytes(int::in, list(int)::in, deep_result(list(int))::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_n_bytes(N, Bytes0, Res) -->
+	( { N =< 0 } ->
+		{ Res = ok(Bytes0) }
+	;
+		read_deep_byte(Res0),
+		(
+			{ Res0 = ok(Byte) },
+			read_n_bytes(N - 1, [Byte | Bytes0], Res)
+		;
+			{ Res0 = error(Err) },
+			{ Res = error(Err) }
+		)
+	).
+:- pred read_deep_byte(deep_result(int)::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+read_deep_byte(Res) -->
+	read_byte(Res0),
+	% io__write_string("byte "),
+	% io__write(Res),
+	% io__write_string("\n"),
+	(
+		{ Res0 = ok(Byte) },
+		{ Res = ok(Byte) }
+	;
+		{ Res0 = eof },
+		{ Res = error("unexpected end of file") }
+	;
+		{ Res0 = error(Err) },
+		{ io__error_message(Err, Msg) },
+		{ Res = error(Msg) }
+	).
+:- pred deep_insert(array(T)::in, int::in, T::in, array(T)::out) is det.
+deep_insert(A0, Ind, Thing, A) :-
+	array__max(A0, Max),
+	( Ind > Max ->
+		array__lookup(A0, 0, X),
+		array__resize(u(A0), 2 * (Max + 1), X, A1),
+		deep_insert(A1, Ind, Thing, A)
+	;
+		set(u(A0), Ind, Thing, A)
+	).
+:- pragma c_header_code("
+#include ""mercury_deep_profiling.h""
+:- func token_root = int.
+:- pragma c_code(token_root = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
+	"X = MR_deep_token_root;").
+:- func token_call_site_static = int.
+:- pragma c_code(token_call_site_static = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
+	"X = MR_deep_token_call_site_static;").
+:- func token_call_site_dynamic = int.
+:- pragma c_code(token_call_site_dynamic = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
+	"X = MR_deep_token_call_site_dynamic;").
+:- func token_proc_static = int.
+:- pragma c_code(token_proc_static = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
+	"X = MR_deep_token_proc_static;").
+:- func token_proc_dynamic = int.
+:- pragma c_code(token_proc_dynamic = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
+	"X = MR_deep_token_proc_dynamic;").
+:- func token_normal_call = int.
+:- pragma c_code(token_normal_call = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
+	"X = MR_deep_token_normal_call;").
+:- func token_special_call = int.
+:- pragma c_code(token_special_call = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
+	"X = MR_deep_token_special_call;").
+:- func token_higher_order_call = int.
+:- pragma c_code(token_higher_order_call = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
+	"X = MR_deep_token_higher_order_call;").
+:- func token_method_call = int.
+:- pragma c_code(token_method_call = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
+	"X = MR_deep_token_method_call;").
+:- func token_callback = int.
+:- pragma c_code(token_callback = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
+	"X = MR_deep_token_callback;").
+:- func token_isa_predicate = int.
+:- pragma c_code(token_isa_predicate = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
+	"X = MR_deep_token_isa_predicate;").
+:- func token_isa_function = int.
+:- pragma c_code(token_isa_function = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
+	"X = MR_deep_token_isa_function;").
+:- func token_isa_compiler_generated = int.
+:- pragma c_code(token_isa_compiler_generated = (X::out),
+	[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
+	"X = MR_deep_token_isa_compiler_generated;").
+:- pred resize_arrays(deep_result2(initial_deep, ptr_info)::in,
+	deep_result(initial_deep)::out) is det.
+resize_arrays(error2(Err), error(Err)).
+resize_arrays(ok2(InitDeep0, PI), ok(InitDeep)) :-
+	PI ^ csd = CSDMax,
+	CSDs0 = InitDeep0 ^ init_call_site_dynamics,
+	array__lookup(CSDs0, 0, CSDx),
+	array__resize(u(CSDs0), CSDMax + 1, CSDx, CSDs),
+	InitDeep1 = InitDeep0 ^ init_call_site_dynamics := CSDs,
+	PI ^ pd = PDMax,
+	PDs0 = InitDeep1 ^ init_proc_dynamics,
+	array__lookup(PDs0, 0, PDx),
+	array__resize(u(PDs0), PDMax + 1, PDx, PDs),
+	InitDeep2 = InitDeep1 ^ init_proc_dynamics := PDs,
+	PI ^ css = CSSMax,
+	CSSs0 = InitDeep2 ^ init_call_site_statics,
+	array__lookup(CSSs0, 0, CSSx),
+	array__resize(u(CSSs0), CSSMax + 1, CSSx, CSSs),
+	InitDeep3 = InitDeep2 ^ init_call_site_statics := CSSs,
+	PI ^ ps = PSMax,
+	PSs0 = InitDeep3 ^ init_proc_statics,
+	array__lookup(PSs0, 0, PSx),
+	array__resize(u(PSs0), PSMax + 1, PSx, PSs),
+	InitDeep4 = InitDeep3 ^ init_proc_statics := PSs,
+	ProfileStats0 = InitDeep4 ^ init_profile_stats,
+	ProfileStats0 = profile_stats(InstrumentQuanta, UserQuanta,
+		_, _, _, _),
+	ProfileStats = profile_stats(InstrumentQuanta, UserQuanta,
+		CSDMax, PDMax, CSSMax, PSMax),
+	InitDeep = InitDeep4 ^ init_profile_stats := ProfileStats.
Index: server.m
RCS file: server.m
diff -N server.m
--- /dev/null	Fri Dec  1 02:25:58 2000
+++ server.m	Fri May  4 13:17:08 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,1801 @@
+% Copyright (C) 2001 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% Authors: conway, zs.
+% This module contains the main server loop of the Mercury deep profiler:
+% each iteration of the server loop servers up one web page.
+% The module also contains test code for checking that all the web pages
+% can be created without runtime aborts.
+:- module server.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module profile.
+:- import_module bool, io.
+:- pred test_server(string::in, deep::in, string::in,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is cc_multi.
+:- pred server(int::in, bool::in, bool::in, deep::in,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is cc_multi.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module interface, measurements, timeout.
+:- import_module std_util, int, float, char, string.
+:- import_module array, list, assoc_list, map.
+:- import_module exception, require.
+:- type call_site_line_number
+	--->	call_site_line_number
+	;	no_call_site_line_number.
+test_server(DirName, Deep, Fields) -->
+	{ string__format("mkdir -p %s", [s(DirName)], Cmd) },
+	io__call_system(Cmd, _),
+	{ array__max(Deep ^ clique_members, NumCliques) },
+	test_cliques(1, NumCliques, DirName, Deep, Fields),
+	{ array__max(Deep ^ proc_statics, NumProcStatics) },
+	test_procs(1, NumProcStatics, DirName, Deep, Fields).
+:- pred test_cliques(int::in, int::in, string::in, deep::in,
+	string::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is cc_multi.
+test_cliques(Cur, Max, DirName, Deep, Fields) -->
+	( { Cur =< Max } ->
+		{ try_exec(clique(Cur, Fields), Deep, HTML) },
+		write_html(DirName, "clique", Cur, HTML),
+		test_cliques(Cur + 1, Max, DirName, Deep, Fields)
+	;
+		[]
+	).
+:- pred test_procs(int::in, int::in, string::in, deep::in,
+	string::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is cc_multi.
+test_procs(Cur, Max, DirName, Deep, Fields) -->
+	( { Cur =< Max } ->
+		{ try_exec(proc(Cur, Fields), Deep, HTML) },
+		write_html(DirName, "proc", Cur, HTML),
+		test_procs(Cur + 1, Max, DirName, Deep, Fields)
+	;
+		[]
+	).
+:- pred write_html(string::in, string::in, int::in, string::in,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+write_html(DirName, BaseName, Num, HTML) -->
+	% For large programs such as the Mercury compiler, the profiler data
+	% file may contain hundreds of thousands of cliques. We therefore put
+	% each batch of pages in a different subdirectory, thus limiting the
+	% number of files/subdirs in each directory.
+	{ Bunch = (Num - 1) // 1000 },
+	( { (Num - 1) rem 1000 = 0 } ->
+		{ string__format("mkdir -p %s/%s_%04d",
+			[s(DirName), s(BaseName), i(Bunch)], Cmd) },
+		io__call_system(Cmd, _)
+	;
+		[]
+	),
+	{ string__format("%s/%s_%04d/%s_%06d.html",
+		[s(DirName), s(BaseName), i(Bunch), s(BaseName), i(Num)],
+		FileName) },
+	io__tell(FileName, _),
+	io__write_string(HTML),
+	io__told.
+server(TimeOut, CreatePipes, Debug, Deep) -->
+	{ DataFileName = Deep ^ data_file_name },
+	{ InputPipe = to_server_pipe_name(DataFileName) },
+	{ OutputPipe = from_server_pipe_name(DataFileName) },
+	(
+		{ CreatePipes = yes },
+		{ format("mknod -m a=rw %s p", [s(InputPipe)],
+			MakeInputPipeCmd) },
+		{ format("mknod -m a=rw %s p", [s(OutputPipe)],
+			MakeOutputPipeCmd) },
+		io__call_system(MakeInputPipeCmd, InputRes),
+		( { InputRes = ok(0) } ->
+			[]
+		;
+			[]
+			% { error("could not make pipe to server") }
+		),
+		io__call_system(MakeOutputPipeCmd, OutputRes),
+		( { OutputRes = ok(0) } ->
+			[]
+		;
+			[]
+			% { error("could not make pipe from server") }
+		)
+	;
+		{ CreatePipes = no }
+	),
+	detach_server_loop,
+	server_loop(InputPipe, OutputPipe, TimeOut, Debug, 0, Deep).
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C", "
+#include <unistd.h>
+:- pred detach_server_loop(io__state::di, io__state::uo) is cc_multi.
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C", detach_server_loop(S0::di, S::uo),
+	[will_not_call_mercury], "
+	int	status;
+	S = S0;
+	fflush(stdout);
+	fflush(stderr);
+	status = fork();
+	if (status < 0) {
+		/*
+		** The fork failed; we cannot detach the server loop from the
+		** startup process. The cgi script would therefore wait forever
+		** if we did not exit now
+		*/
+		exit(1);
+	} else if (status > 0) {
+		/*
+		** The fork succeeded; we are in the parent. We therefore exit
+		** now to let the io__call_system in the cgi script succeed.
+		*/
+		exit(0);
+	}
+	/*
+	** Else the fork succeeded; we are in the child. We continue
+	** executing, and start serving answers to queries.
+	*/
+:- pred server_loop(string::in, string::in, int::in, bool::in, int::in,
+	deep::in, io__state::di, io__state::uo) is cc_multi.
+server_loop(InputPipe, OutputPipe, TimeOut, Debug, QueryNum, Deep) -->
+	setup_timeout(InputPipe, OutputPipe, TimeOut),
+	io__see(InputPipe, SeeRes),
+	(
+		{ SeeRes = ok },
+		io__read(ReadRes),
+		stderr_stream(StdErr),
+		(
+			{ Debug = yes },
+			io__write(StdErr, ReadRes),
+			io__nl(StdErr)
+		;
+			{ Debug = no }
+		),
+		(
+			{ ReadRes = eof },
+			(
+				{ Debug = yes },
+				write_string(StdErr, "eof.\n")
+			;
+				{ Debug = no }
+			),
+			server_loop(InputPipe, OutputPipe,
+				TimeOut, Debug, QueryNum + 1, Deep)
+		;
+			{ ReadRes = error(Msg, Line) },
+			(
+				{ Debug = yes },
+				format(StdErr,
+					"error reading input line %d: %s\n",
+					[i(Line), s(Msg)])
+			;
+				{ Debug = no }
+			),
+			server_loop(InputPipe, OutputPipe,
+				TimeOut, Debug, QueryNum + 1, Deep)
+		;
+			{ ReadRes = ok(Cmd) },
+			{ try_exec(Cmd, Deep, HTML) },
+			(
+				{ Debug = yes },
+				format(StdErr, "query %d output:\n%s\n",
+					[i(QueryNum), s(HTML)])
+			;
+				{ Debug = no }
+			),
+			% If we can't open the output pipe, then we have
+			% no way to report our failure anyway.
+			io__tell(OutputPipe, _),
+			io__write(html(HTML)),
+			io__write_string(".\n"),
+			io__told,
+			( { Cmd = quit } ->
+				{ format("rm -f %s %s",
+					[s(InputPipe), s(OutputPipe)],
+					RemovePipesCmd) },
+				% If we can't open remove the pipes, then
+				% we have no way to report our failure anyway.
+				io__call_system(RemovePipesCmd, _)
+			; { Cmd = timeout(NewTimeOut) } ->
+				server_loop(InputPipe, OutputPipe,
+					NewTimeOut, Debug, QueryNum + 1, Deep)
+			;
+				server_loop(InputPipe, OutputPipe,
+					TimeOut, Debug, QueryNum + 1, Deep)
+			)
+		)
+	;
+		{ SeeRes = error(Error) },
+		{ io__error_message(Error, Msg) },
+		io__write_string(Msg),
+		io__set_exit_status(1)
+	).
+:- pred try_exec(cmd::in, deep::in, string::out) is cc_multi.
+try_exec(Cmd, Deep, HTML) :-
+	try(exec(Cmd, Deep), Result),
+	(
+		Result = succeeded(HTML)
+	;
+		Result = exception(Exception),
+		( univ_to_type(Exception, MsgPrime) ->
+			Msg = MsgPrime
+		;
+			Msg = "unknown exception"
+		),
+		HTML =
+			format("<H1>AN EXCEPTION HAS OCCURRED: %s.</H1>\n",
+				[s(Msg)])
+	).
+:- pred exec(cmd::in, deep::in, string::out) is det.
+exec(Cmd, Deep, HTML) :-
+	Cmd = quit,
+	HTML =
+		format("<H1>Shutting down deep profile server for %s.</H1>\n",
+			[s(Deep ^ data_file_name)]).
+exec(Cmd, _Deep, HTML) :-
+	Cmd = timeout(TimeOut),
+	HTML = format("<H1>Timeout set to %d minutes</H1>\n", [i(TimeOut)]).
+exec(Cmd, Deep, HTML) :-
+	Cmd = menu,
+	HTML =
+		banner ++
+		"<p>\n" ++
+		menu_text ++
+		"<ul>\n" ++
+		"<li>\n" ++
+		menu_item(Deep, root(default_fields),
+			"Exploring the call graph.") ++
+		"<li>\n" ++
+		menu_item(Deep, top_procs(time, self,
+			rank_range(1, 100), default_fields),
+			"Top 100 most expensive procedures: time, self.") ++
+		"<li>\n" ++
+		menu_item(Deep, top_procs(time, self_and_desc,
+			rank_range(1, 100), default_fields),
+			"Top 100 most expensive procedures: time, self+desc.")
+			++
+		"<li>\n" ++
+		menu_item(Deep, top_procs(words, self,
+			rank_range(1, 100), default_fields),
+			"Top 100 most expensive procedures: words, self.") ++
+		"<li>\n" ++
+		menu_item(Deep, top_procs(words, self_and_desc,
+			rank_range(1, 100), default_fields),
+			"Top 100 most expensive procedures: words, self+desc.")
+			++
+		"<li>\n" ++
+		menu_item(Deep, top_procs(time, self,
+			threshold(0.1), default_fields),
+			"Procedures above 0.1% threshold: time, self.") ++
+		"<li>\n" ++
+		menu_item(Deep, top_procs(time, self_and_desc,
+			threshold(1.0), default_fields),
+			"Procedures above 1% threshold: time, self+desc.")
+			++
+		"<li>\n" ++
+		menu_item(Deep, top_procs(words, self,
+			threshold(0.1), default_fields),
+			"Procedures above 0.1% threshold: words, self.") ++
+		"<li>\n" ++
+		menu_item(Deep, top_procs(words, self_and_desc,
+			threshold(1.0), default_fields),
+			"Procedures above 1% threshold: words, self+desc.")
+			++
+		"</ul>\n" ++
+		"<p>\n" ++
+		present_stats(Deep) ++
+		footer(Cmd, Deep).
+exec(Cmd, Deep, HTML) :-
+	Cmd = root(Fields),
+	deep_lookup_clique_index(Deep, Deep ^ root, RootCliquePtr),
+	RootCliquePtr = clique_ptr(RootCliqueNum),
+	exec(clique(RootCliqueNum, Fields), Deep, HTML).
+exec(Cmd, Deep, HTML) :-
+	Cmd = clique(CliqueNum, Fields),
+	( valid_clique_ptr(Deep, clique_ptr(CliqueNum)) ->
+		HTML =
+			banner ++
+			"<TABLE>\n" ++
+			fields_header(Fields) ++
+			clique_to_html(Deep, Fields,
+				clique_ptr(CliqueNum)) ++
+			"</TABLE>\n" ++
+			footer(Cmd, Deep)
+	;
+		HTML =
+			banner ++
+			"There is no clique with that number.\n" ++
+			footer(Cmd, Deep)
+	).
+exec(Cmd, Deep, HTML) :-
+	Cmd = top_procs(Sort, InclDesc, Limit, Fields),
+	find_top_procs(Sort, InclDesc, Limit, Deep, MaybeTopPSIs),
+	(
+		MaybeTopPSIs = error(ErrorMessage),
+		HTML =
+			banner ++
+			ErrorMessage ++ "\n" ++
+			footer(Cmd, Deep)
+	;
+		MaybeTopPSIs = ok(TopPSIs),
+		( TopPSIs = [] ->
+			HTML =
+				banner ++
+				"No procedures match the specification.\n" ++
+				footer(Cmd, Deep)
+		;
+			TopProcSummaries = list__map(
+				proc_total_summary_to_html(Deep, Fields),
+				TopPSIs),
+			HTML =
+				banner ++
+				"<TABLE>\n" ++
+				fields_header(Fields) ++
+				string__append_list(TopProcSummaries) ++
+				"</TABLE>\n" ++
+				footer(Cmd, Deep)
+		)
+	).
+exec(Cmd, Deep, HTML) :-
+	Cmd = proc(PSI, Fields),
+	HTML =
+		"<HTML>\n" ++
+		banner ++
+		"<TABLE>\n" ++
+		fields_header(Fields) ++
+		proc_summary_to_html(Deep, Fields, PSI) ++
+		"</TABLE>\n" ++
+		footer(Cmd, Deep).
+exec(Cmd, Deep, HTML) :-
+	Cmd = proc_static(PSI),
+	PSPtr = proc_static_ptr(PSI),
+	( valid_proc_static_ptr(Deep, PSPtr) ->
+		deep_lookup_proc_statics(Deep, PSPtr, PS),
+		Refined = PS ^ ps_refined_id,
+		Raw = PS ^ ps_raw_id,
+		FileName = PS ^ ps_filename,
+		HTML =
+			"<HTML>\n" ++
+			Refined ++ " " ++ Raw ++ " " ++ FileName ++ " " ++
+			string__int_to_string(array__max(PS ^ ps_sites)) ++
+			"</HTML>\n"
+	;
+		HTML =
+			"<HTML>\n" ++
+			"Invalid proc_static_ptr" ++
+			"</HTML>\n"
+	).
+exec(Cmd, Deep, HTML) :-
+	Cmd = proc_dynamic(PDI),
+	PDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(PDI),
+	( valid_proc_dynamic_ptr(Deep, PDPtr) ->
+		deep_lookup_proc_dynamics(Deep, PDPtr, PD),
+		PSPtr = PD ^ pd_proc_static,
+		PSPtr = proc_static_ptr(PSI),
+		HTML =
+			"<HTML>\n" ++
+			format("proc_static %d, ", [i(PSI)]) ++
+			array_slots_to_html(PD ^ pd_sites) ++
+			"</HTML>\n"
+	;
+		HTML =
+			"<HTML>\n" ++
+			"Invalid proc_dynamic_ptr" ++
+			"</HTML>\n"
+	).
+exec(Cmd, Deep, HTML) :-
+	Cmd = call_site_static(CSSI),
+	CSSPtr = call_site_static_ptr(CSSI),
+	( valid_call_site_static_ptr(Deep, CSSPtr) ->
+		deep_lookup_call_site_statics(Deep, CSSPtr, CSS),
+		ContainerPtr = CSS ^ css_container,
+		ContainerPtr = proc_static_ptr(Container),
+		HTML =
+			"<HTML>\n" ++
+			string__int_to_string(Container) ++ " " ++
+			string__int_to_string(CSS ^ css_slot_num) ++ " " ++
+			string__int_to_string(CSS ^ css_line_num) ++ " " ++
+			kind_and_callee_to_string(CSS ^ css_kind) ++ " " ++
+			CSS ^ css_goal_path ++
+			"</HTML>\n"
+	;
+		HTML =
+			"<HTML>\n" ++
+			"Invalid call_site_static_ptr" ++
+			"</HTML>\n"
+	).
+exec(Cmd, Deep, HTML) :-
+	Cmd = call_site_dynamic(CSDI),
+	CSDPtr = call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI),
+	( valid_call_site_dynamic_ptr(Deep, CSDPtr) ->
+		deep_lookup_call_site_dynamics(Deep, CSDPtr, CSD),
+		CSD ^ csd_caller = proc_dynamic_ptr(CallerPDI),
+		CSD ^ csd_callee = proc_dynamic_ptr(CalleePDI),
+		HTML =
+			"<HTML>\n" ++
+			string__int_to_string(CallerPDI) ++ " -> " ++
+			string__int_to_string(CalleePDI) ++ ": " ++
+			own_to_string(CSD ^ csd_own_prof) ++
+			"</HTML>\n"
+	;
+		HTML =
+			"<HTML>\n" ++
+			"Invalid call_site_dynamic_ptr" ++
+			"</HTML>\n"
+	).
+exec(Cmd, Deep, HTML) :-
+	Cmd = raw_clique(CI),
+	CliquePtr = clique_ptr(CI),
+	( valid_clique_ptr(Deep, CliquePtr) ->
+		deep_lookup_clique_parents(Deep, CliquePtr, Parent),
+		Parent = call_site_dynamic_ptr(ParentPDI),
+		ParentStr = format("%d ->", [i(ParentPDI)]),
+		deep_lookup_clique_members(Deep, CliquePtr, Members),
+		HTML =
+			"<HTML>\n" ++
+			ParentStr ++
+			list__foldl(append_pdi_to_string, Members, "") ++
+			"</HTML>\n"
+	;
+		HTML =
+			"<HTML>\n" ++
+			"Invalid call_site_dynamic_ptr" ++
+			"</HTML>\n"
+	).
+exec(Cmd, Deep, HTML) :-
+	Cmd = num_proc_dynamics,
+	HTML =
+		"<HTML>\n" ++
+		string__int_to_string(Deep ^ profile_stats ^ num_pds) ++
+		"</HTML>\n".
+exec(Cmd, Deep, HTML) :-
+	Cmd = num_call_site_dynamics,
+	HTML =
+		"<HTML>\n" ++
+		string__int_to_string(Deep ^ profile_stats ^ num_csds) ++
+		"</HTML>\n".
+exec(Cmd, Deep, HTML) :-
+	Cmd = num_proc_statics,
+	HTML =
+		"<HTML>\n" ++
+		string__int_to_string(Deep ^ profile_stats ^ num_pss) ++
+		"</HTML>\n".
+exec(Cmd, Deep, HTML) :-
+	Cmd = num_call_site_statics,
+	HTML =
+		"<HTML>\n" ++
+		string__int_to_string(Deep ^ profile_stats ^ num_csss) ++
+		"</HTML>\n".
+:- func array_slots_to_html(array(call_site_array_slot)) = string.
+array_slots_to_html(SlotArray) = HTML :-
+	array__to_list(SlotArray, SlotList),
+	list__foldl(append_slot_to_string, SlotList, "multi", HTML).
+:- pred append_slot_to_string(call_site_array_slot::in,
+	string::in, string::out) is det.
+append_slot_to_string(Slot, Str0, Str) :-
+	Str = Str0 ++ " " ++ array_slot_to_html(Slot).
+:- func array_slot_to_html(call_site_array_slot) = string.
+array_slot_to_html(normal(CSDPtr)) = HTML :-
+	CSDPtr = call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI),
+	HTML = "normal " ++ string__int_to_string(CSDI).
+array_slot_to_html(multi(CSDPtrArray)) = HTML :-
+	array__to_list(CSDPtrArray, CSDPtrs),
+	list__foldl(append_csdi_to_string, CSDPtrs, "", CSDI_HTML),
+	list__length(CSDPtrs, CSDPtrCount),
+	HTML = format("multi(%d): [", [i(CSDPtrCount)]) ++ CSDI_HTML ++ "]".
+:- pred append_csdi_to_string(call_site_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	string::in, string::out) is det.
+append_csdi_to_string(call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI), Str0, Str) :-
+	Str = Str0 ++ " " ++ string__int_to_string(CSDI).
+:- func append_pdi_to_string(proc_dynamic_ptr, string) = string.
+append_pdi_to_string(proc_dynamic_ptr(PDI), Str0) =
+	Str0 ++ " " ++ string__int_to_string(PDI).
+:- func kind_and_callee_to_string(call_site_kind_and_callee) = string.
+kind_and_callee_to_string(normal_call(proc_static_ptr(PSI), TypeSpec)) =
+	"normal " ++ string__int_to_string(PSI) ++ " " ++ TypeSpec.
+kind_and_callee_to_string(special_call) = "special_call".
+kind_and_callee_to_string(higher_order_call) = "higher_order_call".
+kind_and_callee_to_string(method_call) = "method_call".
+kind_and_callee_to_string(callback) = "callback".
+:- func present_stats(deep) = string.
+present_stats(Deep) = HTML :-
+	Stats = Deep ^ profile_stats,
+	HTML =
+		"<TABLE>\n" ++
+		"<TR><TD ALIGN=left>Quanta in user code:</TD>\n" ++
+		format("<TD ALIGN=right>%d</TD></TR>\n",
+			[i(Stats ^ user_quanta)]) ++
+		"<TR><TD ALIGN=left>Quanta in instrumentation:</TD>\n" ++
+		format("<TD ALIGN=right>%d</TD></TR>\n",
+			[i(Stats ^ instrument_quanta)]) ++
+		"<TR><TD ALIGN=left>CallSiteDynamic structures:</TD>\n" ++
+		format("<TD ALIGN=right>%d</TD></TR>\n",
+			[i(Stats ^ num_csds)]) ++
+		"<TR><TD ALIGN=left>ProcDynamic structures:</TD>\n" ++
+		format("<TD ALIGN=right>%d</TD></TR>\n",
+			[i(Stats ^ num_pds)]) ++
+		"<TR><TD ALIGN=left>CallSiteStatic structures:</TD>\n" ++
+		format("<TD ALIGN=right>%d</TD></TR>\n",
+			[i(Stats ^ num_csss)]) ++
+		"<TR><TD ALIGN=left>ProcStatic structures:</TD>\n" ++
+		format("<TD ALIGN=right>%d</TD></TR>\n",
+			[i(Stats ^ num_pss)]) ++
+		"<TR><TD ALIGN=left>Cliques:</TD>\n" ++
+		format("<TD ALIGN=right>%d</TD></TR>\n",
+			[i(array__max(Deep ^ clique_members))]) ++
+		"</TABLE>\n".
+:- func clique_to_html(deep, fields, clique_ptr) = string.
+clique_to_html(Deep, Fields, CliquePtr) = HTML :-
+	Ancestors = clique_ancestors_to_html(Deep, Fields, CliquePtr),
+	deep_lookup_clique_members(Deep, CliquePtr, PDPtrs),
+	list__foldl(group_proc_dynamics_by_proc_static(Deep), PDPtrs,
+		map__init, PStoPDsMap),
+	map__to_assoc_list(PStoPDsMap, PStoPDsList0),
+	deep_lookup_clique_parents(Deep, CliquePtr, EntryCSDPtr),
+	( valid_call_site_dynamic_ptr(Deep, EntryCSDPtr) ->
+		deep_lookup_call_site_dynamics(Deep, EntryCSDPtr, EntryCSD),
+		EntryPDPtr = EntryCSD ^ csd_callee,
+		list__filter(proc_group_contains(EntryPDPtr), PStoPDsList0,
+			EntryGroup, RestGroup),
+		list__append(EntryGroup, RestGroup, PStoPDsList)
+	;
+		PStoPDsList = PStoPDsList0
+	),
+	PDsStrs = list__map(procs_in_clique_to_html(Deep, Fields, CliquePtr),
+		PStoPDsList),
+	string__append_list(PDsStrs, ProcGroups),
+	HTML =
+		Ancestors ++
+		"<a name=""after_ancestors"">\n" ++
+		ProcGroups.
+:- pred proc_group_contains(proc_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	pair(proc_static_ptr, list(proc_dynamic_ptr))::in) is semidet.
+proc_group_contains(EntryPDPtr, _ - PDPtrs) :-
+	list__member(EntryPDPtr, PDPtrs).
+:- func clique_ancestors_to_html(deep, fields, clique_ptr) = string.
+clique_ancestors_to_html(Deep, Fields, CliquePtr) = HTML :-
+	deep_lookup_clique_index(Deep, Deep ^ root, RootCliquePtr),
+	( CliquePtr = RootCliquePtr ->
+		HTML = ""
+	;
+		deep_lookup_clique_parents(Deep, CliquePtr, EntryCSDPtr),
+		ThisHTML = call_site_dynamic_to_html(Deep, Fields,
+			call_site_line_number, no, EntryCSDPtr),
+		deep_lookup_call_site_dynamics(Deep, EntryCSDPtr, EntryCSD),
+		EntryCSD = call_site_dynamic(EntryPDPtr, _, _),
+		require(valid_proc_dynamic_ptr(Deep, EntryPDPtr),
+			"clique_ancestors_to_html: invalid proc_dynamic"),
+		deep_lookup_clique_index(Deep, EntryPDPtr, EntryCliquePtr),
+		AncestorHTML = clique_ancestors_to_html(Deep, Fields,
+			EntryCliquePtr),
+		HTML =
+			AncestorHTML ++
+			ThisHTML
+	).
+:- pred group_proc_dynamics_by_proc_static(deep::in, proc_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	map(proc_static_ptr, list(proc_dynamic_ptr))::in,
+	map(proc_static_ptr, list(proc_dynamic_ptr))::out) is det.
+group_proc_dynamics_by_proc_static(Deep, PDPtr, PStoPDsMap0, PStoPDsMap) :-
+	require(valid_proc_dynamic_ptr(Deep, PDPtr),
+		"group_proc_dynamics_by_proc_static: invalid PDPtr"),
+	deep_lookup_proc_dynamics(Deep, PDPtr, PD),
+	PSPtr = PD ^ pd_proc_static,
+	( map__search(PStoPDsMap0, PSPtr, PSPDs0) ->
+		PSPDs = [PDPtr | PSPDs0],
+		map__det_update(PStoPDsMap0, PSPtr, PSPDs, PStoPDsMap)
+	;
+		map__det_insert(PStoPDsMap0, PSPtr, [PDPtr], PStoPDsMap)
+	).
+:- func procs_in_clique_to_html(deep, fields, clique_ptr,
+	pair(proc_static_ptr, list(proc_dynamic_ptr))) = string.
+procs_in_clique_to_html(Deep, Fields, CliquePtr, PSPtr - PDPtrs) = HTML :-
+	( PDPtrs = [] ->
+		HTML = ""
+	; PDPtrs = [PDPtr] ->
+		HTML = proc_in_clique_to_html(Deep, Fields, CliquePtr, PDPtr)
+	;
+		Separator = separator_row(Fields),
+		list__map(deep_lookup_pd_own(Deep), PDPtrs, ProcOwns),
+		list__map(deep_lookup_pd_desc(Deep), PDPtrs, ProcDescs),
+		ProcOwn = sum_own_infos(ProcOwns),
+		ProcDesc = sum_inherit_infos(ProcDescs),
+		ProcTotal = proc_total_in_clique(Deep, Fields,
+			PSPtr, no, ProcOwn, ProcDesc),
+		ComponentHTMLs = list__map(proc_in_clique_to_html(Deep, Fields,
+			CliquePtr), PDPtrs),
+		string__append_list(ComponentHTMLs, ComponentHTML),
+		HTML =
+			Separator ++
+			ProcTotal ++
+			Separator ++
+			ComponentHTML
+	).
+:- func proc_in_clique_to_html(deep, fields, clique_ptr, proc_dynamic_ptr)
+	= string.
+proc_in_clique_to_html(Deep, Fields, CliquePtr, PDPtr) = HTML :-
+	( valid_proc_dynamic_ptr(Deep, PDPtr) ->
+		InitialSeparator = separator_row(Fields),
+		deep_lookup_pd_own(Deep, PDPtr, ProcOwn),
+		deep_lookup_pd_desc(Deep, PDPtr, ProcDesc),
+		deep_lookup_proc_dynamics(Deep, PDPtr, PD),
+		PD = proc_dynamic(PSPtr, _),
+		ProcTotal = proc_total_in_clique(Deep, Fields,
+			PSPtr, yes, ProcOwn, ProcDesc),
+		child_call_sites(Deep ^ proc_dynamics, Deep ^ proc_statics,
+			PDPtr, GroupPairs),
+		list__foldl(call_site_group_to_html(Deep, Fields, CliquePtr),
+			GroupPairs, map__init, GroupMap),
+		map__to_assoc_list(GroupMap, GroupPairLists),
+		assoc_list__values(GroupPairLists, GroupLists),
+		list__condense(GroupLists, GroupList),
+		string__append_list(GroupList, GroupStr0),
+		( GroupList = [] ->
+			GroupStr = GroupStr0
+		;
+			GroupStr = separator_row(Fields) ++ GroupStr0
+		),
+		HTML =
+			InitialSeparator ++
+			ProcTotal ++
+			GroupStr
+	;
+		HTML = ""
+	).
+:- pred child_call_sites(proc_dynamics::in, proc_statics::in,
+	proc_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	assoc_list(call_site_static_ptr, call_site_array_slot)::out) is det.
+child_call_sites(ProcDynamics, ProcStatics, PDPtr, PairedSlots) :-
+	lookup_proc_dynamics(ProcDynamics, PDPtr, PD),
+	PD = proc_dynamic(PSPtr, CSDArray),
+	lookup_proc_statics(ProcStatics, PSPtr, PS),
+	CSSArray = PS ^ ps_sites,
+	array__to_list(CSDArray, CSDSlots),
+	array__to_list(CSSArray, CSSSlots),
+	assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(CSSSlots, CSDSlots, PairedSlots).
+:- func proc_total_in_clique(deep, fields, proc_static_ptr, bool,
+	own_prof_info, inherit_prof_info) = string.
+proc_total_in_clique(Deep, Fields, PSPtr, Only, Own, Desc) = HTML :-
+	ProcName = proc_static_to_html_ref(Deep, Fields, PSPtr),
+	(
+		Only = no,
+		OnlyStr = "summary "
+	;
+		Only = yes,
+		OnlyStr = ""
+	),
+	HTML = 
+		"<TR>\n" ++
+		format("<TD COLSPAN=2><B>%s%s</B></TD>\n",
+			[s(OnlyStr), s(ProcName)]) ++
+		own_and_desc_to_html(Own, Desc, Deep, Fields) ++
+		"</TR>\n".
+:- pred call_site_group_to_html(deep::in, fields::in,
+	clique_ptr::in, pair(call_site_static_ptr, call_site_array_slot)::in,
+	map(pair(string, int), list(string))::in,
+	map(pair(string, int), list(string))::out) is det.
+call_site_group_to_html(Deep, Fields, ThisCliquePtr, Pair,
+		GroupMap0, GroupMap) :-
+	Pair = CSSPtr - CallSiteArray,
+	deep_lookup_call_site_statics(Deep, CSSPtr, CSS),
+	CSS = call_site_static(PSPtr, _SlotNum, Kind, LineNumber, _GoalPath),
+	deep_lookup_proc_statics(Deep, PSPtr, PS),
+	FileName = PS ^ ps_filename,
+	( Kind = normal_call(_CalleePSPtr, _) ->
+		( CallSiteArray = normal(CSDPtr0) ->
+			CSDPtr = CSDPtr0
+		;
+			error("call_site_group_to_html: normal_call error")
+		),
+		HTML = maybe_call_site_dynamic_to_html(Deep, Fields,
+			call_site_line_number, ThisCliquePtr, CSDPtr)
+	;
+		( CallSiteArray = multi(CSDPtrs0) ->
+			array__to_list(CSDPtrs0, CSDPtrs)
+		;
+			error("call_site_group_to_html: non-normal_call error")
+		),
+		Tuple0 = { "", zero_own_prof_info, zero_inherit_prof_info },
+		Tuple = list__foldl(call_site_array_to_html(Deep, Fields,
+			no_call_site_line_number, ThisCliquePtr),
+			CSDPtrs, Tuple0),
+		Tuple = { GroupHTML, SumOwn, SumDesc },
+		CallSiteName0 = call_site_kind_and_callee_to_html(Kind),
+		( GroupHTML = "" ->
+			CallSiteName = CallSiteName0 ++ " (no calls made)"
+		;
+			CallSiteName = CallSiteName0
+		),
+		HTML =
+			"<TR>\n" ++
+			format("<TD>%s:%d</TD>\n",
+				[s(FileName), i(LineNumber)]) ++
+			format("<TD>%s</TD>\n", [s(CallSiteName)]) ++
+			own_and_desc_to_html(SumOwn, SumDesc, Deep, Fields) ++
+			"</TR>\n" ++
+			GroupHTML
+	),
+	Key = FileName - LineNumber,
+	( map__search(GroupMap0, Key, HTMLs0) ->
+		map__det_update(GroupMap0, Key, [HTML | HTMLs0], GroupMap)
+	;
+		map__det_insert(GroupMap0, Key, [HTML], GroupMap)
+	).
+:- func call_site_array_to_html(deep, fields, call_site_line_number,
+	clique_ptr, call_site_dynamic_ptr,
+	{string, own_prof_info, inherit_prof_info}) =
+	{string, own_prof_info, inherit_prof_info}.
+call_site_array_to_html(Deep, Fields, PrintCallSiteLineNmber,
+		ThisCliquePtr, CSDPtr, Tuple0) = Tuple :-
+	( valid_call_site_dynamic_ptr(Deep, CSDPtr) ->
+		Tuple0 = { HTML0, Own0, Desc0 },
+		HTML1 = call_site_dynamic_to_html(Deep, Fields,
+			PrintCallSiteLineNmber, yes(ThisCliquePtr), CSDPtr),
+		string__append(HTML0, HTML1, HTML),
+		deep_lookup_csd_own(Deep, CSDPtr, CallSiteOwn),
+		deep_lookup_csd_desc(Deep, CSDPtr, CallSiteDesc),
+		Own = add_own_to_own(Own0, CallSiteOwn),
+		Desc = add_inherit_to_inherit(Desc0, CallSiteDesc),
+		Tuple = { HTML, Own, Desc }
+	;
+		Tuple = Tuple0
+	).
+:- pred process_call_site_dynamics_group(list(call_site_dynamic_ptr)::in,
+	deep::in, proc_static_ptr::in,
+	maybe(clique_ptr)::in, maybe(clique_ptr)::out,
+	own_prof_info::in, own_prof_info::out,
+	inherit_prof_info::in, inherit_prof_info::out) is det.
+process_call_site_dynamics_group([], _, _, MaybeToCliquePtr, MaybeToCliquePtr,
+		Own, Own, Desc, Desc).
+process_call_site_dynamics_group([CSDPtr | CSDPtrs], Deep, CalleePSPtr,
+		MaybeToCliquePtr0, MaybeToCliquePtr, Own0, Own, Desc0, Desc) :-
+	deep_lookup_call_site_dynamics(Deep, CSDPtr, CSD),
+	PDPtr = CSD ^ csd_callee,
+	deep_lookup_proc_dynamics(Deep, PDPtr, PD),
+	PSPtr = PD ^ pd_proc_static,
+	require(unify(CalleePSPtr, PSPtr),
+		"process_call_site_dynamics_group: callee mismatch"),
+	deep_lookup_clique_index(Deep, PDPtr, ToCliquePtr),
+	(
+		MaybeToCliquePtr0 = no,
+		MaybeToCliquePtr1 = yes(ToCliquePtr)
+	;
+		MaybeToCliquePtr0 = yes(PrevToCliquePtr),
+		MaybeToCliquePtr1 = MaybeToCliquePtr0,
+		require(unify(PrevToCliquePtr, ToCliquePtr),
+			"process_call_site_dynamics_group: clique mismatch")
+	),
+	deep_lookup_csd_own(Deep, CSDPtr, CSDOwn),
+	deep_lookup_csd_desc(Deep, CSDPtr, CSDDesc),
+	Own1 = add_own_to_own(Own0, CSDOwn),
+	Desc1 = add_inherit_to_inherit(Desc0, CSDDesc),
+	process_call_site_dynamics_group(CSDPtrs, Deep, CalleePSPtr,
+		MaybeToCliquePtr1, MaybeToCliquePtr, Own1, Own, Desc1, Desc).
+:- func call_site_dynamics_to_html(deep, fields, maybe(pair(string, int)),
+	clique_ptr, clique_ptr, proc_static_ptr,
+	own_prof_info, inherit_prof_info) = string.
+call_site_dynamics_to_html(Deep, Fields, MaybeFileNameLineNumber,
+		ThisCliquePtr, ToCliquePtr, PSPtr, Own, Desc) = HTML :-
+	deep_lookup_proc_statics(Deep, PSPtr, PS),
+	CalleeName = PS ^ ps_refined_id,
+	( ThisCliquePtr = ToCliquePtr ->
+		% We don't link recursive calls
+		ProcName = CalleeName
+	;
+		ToCliquePtr = clique_ptr(ToCliqueNum),
+		ToCliqueURL = deep_cmd_to_url(Deep,
+			clique(ToCliqueNum, Fields)),
+		ProcName =
+			format("<A HREF=""%s"">%s</A>\n",
+				[s(ToCliqueURL), s(CalleeName)])
+	),
+	( MaybeFileNameLineNumber = yes(FileName - LineNumber) ->
+		SourceField =
+			format("<TD>%s:%d</TD>\n",
+				[s(FileName), i(LineNumber)])
+	;
+		SourceField = "<TD> </TD>\n"
+	),
+	HTML =
+		"<TR>\n" ++
+		SourceField ++
+		format("<TD>%s</TD>\n", [s(ProcName)]) ++
+		own_and_desc_to_html(Own, Desc, Deep, Fields) ++
+		"</TR>\n".
+:- func maybe_call_site_dynamic_to_html(deep, fields, call_site_line_number,
+	clique_ptr, call_site_dynamic_ptr) = string.
+maybe_call_site_dynamic_to_html(Deep, Fields, PrintCallSiteLineNmber,
+		ThisCliquePtr, CSDPtr) = HTML :-
+	( valid_call_site_dynamic_ptr(Deep, CSDPtr) ->
+		HTML = call_site_dynamic_to_html(Deep, Fields,
+			PrintCallSiteLineNmber, yes(ThisCliquePtr), CSDPtr)
+	;
+		HTML = ""
+	).
+:- func call_site_dynamic_to_html(deep, fields, call_site_line_number,
+	maybe(clique_ptr), call_site_dynamic_ptr) = string.
+call_site_dynamic_to_html(Deep, Fields, PrintCallSiteLineNmber,
+		MaybeThisCliquePtr, CSDPtr) = HTML :-
+	require(valid_call_site_dynamic_ptr(Deep, CSDPtr),
+		"call_site_dynamic_to_html: invalid call_site_dynamic_ptr"),
+	deep_lookup_call_site_dynamics(Deep, CSDPtr, CSD),
+	CSD = call_site_dynamic(_FromPtr, ToProcPtr, CallSiteOwn),
+	deep_lookup_csd_desc(Deep, CSDPtr, CallSiteDesc),
+	( valid_proc_dynamic_ptr(Deep, ToProcPtr) ->
+		deep_lookup_clique_index(Deep, ToProcPtr, ToCliquePtr),
+		CalleeName = call_site_dynamic_label(Deep, CSDPtr),
+		(
+			MaybeThisCliquePtr = yes(ThisCliquePtr),
+			ThisCliquePtr = ToCliquePtr
+		->
+			% We don't link recursive calls
+			ProcName = CalleeName
+		;
+			ToCliquePtr = clique_ptr(ToCliqueNum),
+			ToCliqueURL = deep_cmd_to_url(Deep,
+				clique(ToCliqueNum, Fields)),
+			ProcName =
+				format("<A HREF=""%s"">%s</A>\n",
+					[s(ToCliqueURL), s(CalleeName)])
+		)
+	;
+		ProcName = "builtin special procedure"
+	),
+	( PrintCallSiteLineNmber = call_site_line_number ->
+		deep_lookup_call_site_static_map(Deep, CSDPtr, CSSPtr),
+		deep_lookup_call_site_statics(Deep, CSSPtr, CSS),
+		CSS = call_site_static(PSPtr, _, _, LineNumber, _),
+		deep_lookup_proc_statics(Deep, PSPtr, PS),
+		SourceField =
+			format("<TD>%s:%d</TD>\n",
+				[s(PS ^ ps_filename), i(LineNumber)])
+	;
+		SourceField = "<TD> </TD>\n"
+	),
+	HTML =
+		"<TR>\n" ++
+		SourceField ++
+		format("<TD>%s</TD>\n", [s(ProcName)]) ++
+		own_and_desc_to_html(CallSiteOwn, CallSiteDesc,
+			Deep, Fields) ++
+		"</TR>\n".
+:- func proc_summary_to_html(deep, string, int) = string.
+proc_summary_to_html(Deep, Fields, PSI) = HTML :-
+	deep_lookup_proc_statics(Deep, proc_static_ptr(PSI), PS),
+	CSSPtrsArray = PS ^ ps_sites,
+	array__to_list(CSSPtrsArray, CSSPtrs),
+	CallSiteSummaryList =
+		list__map(call_site_summary_to_html(Deep, Fields), CSSPtrs),
+	string__append_list(CallSiteSummaryList, CallSiteSummaries),
+	HTML =
+		proc_total_summary_to_html(Deep, Fields, PSI) ++
+		CallSiteSummaries.
+:- func proc_total_summary_to_html(deep, string, int) = string.
+proc_total_summary_to_html(Deep, Fields, PSI) = HTML :-
+	PSPtr = proc_static_ptr(PSI),
+	deep_lookup_ps_own(Deep, PSPtr, Own),
+	deep_lookup_ps_desc(Deep, PSPtr, Desc),
+	HTML =
+		"<TR>\n" ++
+		format("<TD COLSPAN=2>%s</TD>\n",
+			[s(proc_static_to_html_ref(Deep, Fields,
+				proc_static_ptr(PSI)))]) ++
+		own_and_desc_to_html(Own, Desc, Deep, Fields) ++
+		"</TR>\n".
+:- func call_site_summary_to_html(deep, string, call_site_static_ptr) = string.
+call_site_summary_to_html(Deep, Fields, CSSPtr) = HTML :-
+	deep_lookup_css_own(Deep, CSSPtr, Own),
+	deep_lookup_css_desc(Deep, CSSPtr, Desc),
+	deep_lookup_call_site_statics(Deep, CSSPtr, CSS),
+	CSS = call_site_static(PSPtr, _, Kind, LineNumber, _GoalPath),
+	deep_lookup_proc_statics(Deep, PSPtr, PS),
+	FileName = PS ^ ps_filename,
+	deep_lookup_call_site_calls(Deep, CSSPtr, CallSiteCallMap),
+	map__to_assoc_list(CallSiteCallMap, CallSiteCallList),
+	( Kind = normal_call(CalleePSPtr, _) ->
+		( CallSiteCallList = [] ->
+			deep_lookup_proc_statics(Deep, CalleePSPtr, CalleePS)
+		; CallSiteCallList = [CallSiteCall] ->
+			CallSiteCall = CalleePSPtr2 - _CallSet,
+			require(unify(CalleePSPtr, CalleePSPtr2),
+				"call_site_summary_to_html: callee mismatch"),
+			deep_lookup_proc_statics(Deep, CalleePSPtr, CalleePS)
+		;
+			error("normal call site calls more than one procedure")
+		),
+		MainLineRest =
+			format("<TD>%s</TD>\n",
+				[s(CalleePS ^ ps_refined_id)]) ++
+			own_and_desc_to_html(Own, Desc, Deep, Fields),
+		AdditionalLines = ""
+	;
+		CallSiteName0 = call_site_kind_and_callee_to_html(Kind),
+		( CallSiteCallList = [] ->
+			CallSiteName = CallSiteName0 ++
+				" (no&nbps;calls&nbps;made)"
+		;
+			CallSiteName = CallSiteName0
+		),
+		MainLineRest =
+			format("<TD>%s</TD>\n",
+				[s(CallSiteName)]) ++
+			own_and_desc_to_html(Own, Desc, Deep, Fields),
+		CallSiteCallLines = list__map(
+			call_site_summary_group_to_html(Deep, Fields),
+			CallSiteCallList),
+		string__append_list(CallSiteCallLines, AdditionalLines)
+	),
+	HTML =
+		"<TR>\n" ++
+		format("<TD>%s:%d</TD>\n", [s(FileName), i(LineNumber)]) ++
+		MainLineRest ++
+		"</TR>\n" ++
+		AdditionalLines.
+:- func call_site_kind_and_callee_to_html(call_site_kind_and_callee) = string.
+call_site_kind_and_callee_to_html(normal_call(_, _)) = "normal_call".
+call_site_kind_and_callee_to_html(special_call) =      "special_call".
+call_site_kind_and_callee_to_html(higher_order_call) = "higher_order_call".
+call_site_kind_and_callee_to_html(method_call) =       "method_call".
+call_site_kind_and_callee_to_html(callback) =          "callback".
+:- func call_site_summary_group_to_html(deep, string,
+	pair(proc_static_ptr, list(call_site_dynamic_ptr))) = string.
+call_site_summary_group_to_html(Deep, Fields, PSPtr - CSDPtrs) = HTML :-
+	list__foldl2(accumulate_csd_prof_info(Deep), CSDPtrs,
+		zero_own_prof_info, Own, zero_inherit_prof_info, Desc),
+	HTML =
+		"<TR>\n" ++
+		format("<TD></TD><TD>%s</TD>\n",
+			[s(proc_static_to_html_ref(Deep, Fields, PSPtr))]) ++
+		own_and_desc_to_html(Own, Desc, Deep, Fields) ++
+		"</TR>\n".
+:- pred accumulate_csd_prof_info(deep::in, call_site_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	own_prof_info::in, own_prof_info::out,
+	inherit_prof_info::in, inherit_prof_info::out) is det.
+accumulate_csd_prof_info(Deep, CSDPtr, Own0, Own, Desc0, Desc) :-
+	deep_lookup_csd_own(Deep, CSDPtr, CSDOwn),
+	deep_lookup_csd_desc(Deep, CSDPtr, CSDDesc),
+	add_own_to_own(Own0, CSDOwn) = Own,
+	add_inherit_to_inherit(Desc0, CSDDesc) = Desc.
+:- func call_site_dynamic_label(deep, call_site_dynamic_ptr) = string.
+call_site_dynamic_label(Deep, CSDPtr) = Name :-
+	(
+		valid_call_site_dynamic_ptr(Deep, CSDPtr),
+		deep_lookup_call_site_dynamics(Deep, CSDPtr, CSD),
+		CSD = call_site_dynamic(_, PDPtr, _),
+		valid_proc_dynamic_ptr(Deep, PDPtr),
+		deep_lookup_proc_dynamics(Deep, PDPtr, PD),
+		PD = proc_dynamic(PSPtr, _),
+		valid_proc_static_ptr(Deep, PSPtr),
+		deep_lookup_proc_statics(Deep, PSPtr, PS)
+	->
+		Name = PS ^ ps_refined_id
+	;
+		Name = "unknown procedure"
+	).
+:- func proc_static_to_html_ref(deep, string, proc_static_ptr) = string.
+proc_static_to_html_ref(Deep, Fields, PSPtr) = HTML :-
+	( valid_proc_static_ptr(Deep, PSPtr) ->
+		deep_lookup_proc_statics(Deep, PSPtr, PS),
+		PSPtr = proc_static_ptr(PSI),
+		PSURL = deep_cmd_to_url(Deep, proc(PSI, Fields)),
+		HTML = format("<A HREF=""%s"">%s</A>\n",
+				[s(PSURL), s(PS ^ ps_refined_id)])
+	;
+		HTML =
+			"mercury_runtime"
+	).
+:- func quantum_time(int) = string.
+quantum_time(Quanta) = TimeStr :-
+	Time = Quanta * 10,	% a quantum is 10 milliseconds on our machines
+	format("%d", [i(Time)], Str0),
+	string__to_char_list(Str0, Chars0),
+	reverse(Chars0, RevChars0),
+	string__from_char_list(reverse(
+		milliseconds_to_seconds(RevChars0)), TimeStr).
+:- func commas(int) = string.
+commas(Num) = Str :-
+	format("%d", [i(Num)], Str0),
+	string__to_char_list(Str0, Chars0),
+	reverse(Chars0, RevChars0),
+	string__from_char_list(reverse(add_commas(RevChars0)), Str).
+:- func milliseconds_to_seconds(list(char)) = list(char).
+milliseconds_to_seconds([]) = ['0', '0', '.', '0'].
+milliseconds_to_seconds([_C]) = ['0', '0', '.', '0'].
+milliseconds_to_seconds([_C, D]) = [D, '0', '.', '0'].
+milliseconds_to_seconds([_C, D, E]) = [D, E, '.', '0'].
+milliseconds_to_seconds([_C, D, E, F | R]) = [D, E, '.' | add_commas([F | R])].
+:- func add_commas(list(char)) = list(char).
+add_commas([]) = [].
+add_commas([C]) = [C].
+add_commas([C, D]) = [C, D].
+add_commas([C, D, E]) = [C, D, E].
+add_commas([C, D, E, F | R]) = [C, D, E, (',') | add_commas([F | R])].
+:- pred show_port_counts(fields::in) is semidet.
+show_port_counts(Fields) :-
+	string__contains_char(Fields, 'p').
+:- pred show_quanta(fields::in) is semidet.
+show_quanta(Fields) :-
+	string__contains_char(Fields, 'q').
+:- pred show_times(fields::in) is semidet.
+show_times(Fields) :-
+	string__contains_char(Fields, 't').
+:- pred show_allocs(fields::in) is semidet.
+show_allocs(Fields) :-
+	string__contains_char(Fields, 'a').
+:- pred show_words(fields::in) is semidet.
+show_words(Fields) :-
+	string__contains_char(Fields, 'w').
+:- pred find_top_procs(sort_measurement::in, include_descendants::in,
+	display_limit::in, deep::in, maybe_error(list(int))::out) is det.
+find_top_procs(Sort, InclDesc, Limit, Deep, MaybeTopPSIs) :-
+	find_top_sort_predicate(Sort, InclDesc, SortCompatible, RawSortPred),
+	(
+		SortCompatible = no,
+		MaybeTopPSIs = error("bad sort specification")
+	;
+		SortCompatible = yes,
+		ProcStatics = Deep ^ proc_statics,
+		array__max(ProcStatics, MaxProcStatic),
+		PSIs = int_list_from_to(1, MaxProcStatic),
+		SortPred = (pred(PSI1::in, PSI2::in, ComparisonResult::out)
+				is det :-
+			call(RawSortPred, Deep, PSI1, PSI2, ComparisonResult)
+		),
+		list__sort(SortPred, PSIs, AscendingPSIs),
+		list__reverse(AscendingPSIs, DescendingPSIs),
+		(
+			Limit = rank_range(First, Last),
+			(
+				list__drop(First - 1, DescendingPSIs,
+					RemainingPSIs)
+			->
+				list__take_upto(Last - First + 1,
+					RemainingPSIs, TopPSIs),
+				MaybeTopPSIs = ok(TopPSIs)
+			;
+				MaybeTopPSIs = ok([])
+			)
+		;
+			Limit = threshold(Threshold),
+			find_threshold_predicate(Sort, InclDesc,
+				ThresholdCompatible, RawThresholdPred),
+			(
+				ThresholdCompatible = no,
+				MaybeTopPSIs =
+					error("bad threshold specification")
+			;
+				ThresholdCompatible = yes,
+				ThresholdPred = (pred(PSI::in) is semidet :-
+					call(RawThresholdPred, Deep, Threshold,
+						PSI)
+				),
+				list__takewhile(ThresholdPred, DescendingPSIs,
+					TopPSIs, _),
+				MaybeTopPSIs = ok(TopPSIs)
+			)
+		)
+	).
+:- func int_list_from_to(int, int) = list(int).
+int_list_from_to(From, To) = List :-
+	( From > To ->
+		List = []
+	;
+		List = [From | int_list_from_to(From + 1, To)]
+	).
+:- pred find_top_sort_predicate(sort_measurement, include_descendants,
+	bool, pred(deep, int, int, comparison_result)).
+:- mode find_top_sort_predicate(in, in, out, out(pred(in, in, in, out) is det))
+	is det.
+find_top_sort_predicate(calls,  self,          yes, compare_ps_calls_self).
+find_top_sort_predicate(calls,  self_and_desc, no,  compare_ps_calls_self).
+find_top_sort_predicate(time,   self,          yes, compare_ps_time_self).
+find_top_sort_predicate(time,   self_and_desc, yes, compare_ps_time_both).
+find_top_sort_predicate(allocs, self,          yes, compare_ps_allocs_self).
+find_top_sort_predicate(allocs, self_and_desc, yes, compare_ps_allocs_both).
+find_top_sort_predicate(words,  self,          yes, compare_ps_words_self).
+find_top_sort_predicate(words,  self_and_desc, yes, compare_ps_words_both).
+:- pred find_threshold_predicate(sort_measurement, include_descendants,
+	bool, pred(deep, float, int)).
+:- mode find_threshold_predicate(in, in, out, out(pred(in, in, in) is semidet))
+	is det.
+find_threshold_predicate(calls,  self,          no,  threshold_ps_time_self).
+find_threshold_predicate(calls,  self_and_desc, no,  threshold_ps_time_self).
+find_threshold_predicate(time,   self,          yes, threshold_ps_time_self).
+find_threshold_predicate(time,   self_and_desc, yes, threshold_ps_time_both).
+find_threshold_predicate(allocs, self,          yes, threshold_ps_allocs_self).
+find_threshold_predicate(allocs, self_and_desc, yes, threshold_ps_allocs_both).
+find_threshold_predicate(words,  self,          yes, threshold_ps_words_self).
+find_threshold_predicate(words,  self_and_desc, yes, threshold_ps_words_both).
+:- pred compare_ps_calls_self(deep::in, int::in, int::in,
+	comparison_result::out) is det.
+compare_ps_calls_self(Deep, PSI1, PSI2, Result) :-
+	PSOwn = Deep ^ ps_own,
+	array__lookup(PSOwn, PSI1, Own1),
+	array__lookup(PSOwn, PSI2, Own2),
+	OwnCalls1 = calls(Own1),
+	OwnCalls2 = calls(Own2),
+	compare(Result, OwnCalls1, OwnCalls2).
+:- pred compare_ps_time_self(deep::in, int::in, int::in,
+	comparison_result::out) is det.
+compare_ps_time_self(Deep, PSI1, PSI2, Result) :-
+	PSOwn = Deep ^ ps_own,
+	array__lookup(PSOwn, PSI1, Own1),
+	array__lookup(PSOwn, PSI2, Own2),
+	OwnQuanta1 = quanta(Own1),
+	OwnQuanta2 = quanta(Own2),
+	compare(Result, OwnQuanta1, OwnQuanta2).
+:- pred compare_ps_time_both(deep::in, int::in, int::in,
+	comparison_result::out) is det.
+compare_ps_time_both(Deep, PSI1, PSI2, Result) :-
+	PSOwn = Deep ^ ps_own,
+	PSDesc = Deep ^ ps_desc,
+	array__lookup(PSOwn, PSI1, Own1),
+	array__lookup(PSOwn, PSI2, Own2),
+	array__lookup(PSDesc, PSI1, Desc1),
+	array__lookup(PSDesc, PSI2, Desc2),
+	OwnQuanta1 = quanta(Own1),
+	OwnQuanta2 = quanta(Own2),
+	DescQuanta1 = inherit_quanta(Desc1),
+	DescQuanta2 = inherit_quanta(Desc2),
+	TotalQuanta1 = OwnQuanta1 + DescQuanta1,
+	TotalQuanta2 = OwnQuanta2 + DescQuanta2,
+	compare(Result, TotalQuanta1, TotalQuanta2).
+:- pred compare_ps_allocs_self(deep::in, int::in, int::in,
+	comparison_result::out) is det.
+compare_ps_allocs_self(Deep, PSI1, PSI2, Result) :-
+	PSOwn = Deep ^ ps_own,
+	array__lookup(PSOwn, PSI1, Own1),
+	array__lookup(PSOwn, PSI2, Own2),
+	OwnAllocs1 = mallocs(Own1),
+	OwnAllocs2 = mallocs(Own2),
+	compare(Result, OwnAllocs1, OwnAllocs2).
+:- pred compare_ps_allocs_both(deep::in, int::in, int::in,
+	comparison_result::out) is det.
+compare_ps_allocs_both(Deep, PSI1, PSI2, Result) :-
+	PSOwn = Deep ^ ps_own,
+	PSDesc = Deep ^ ps_desc,
+	array__lookup(PSOwn, PSI1, Own1),
+	array__lookup(PSOwn, PSI2, Own2),
+	array__lookup(PSDesc, PSI1, Desc1),
+	array__lookup(PSDesc, PSI2, Desc2),
+	OwnAllocs1 = mallocs(Own1),
+	OwnAllocs2 = mallocs(Own2),
+	DescAllocs1 = inherit_mallocs(Desc1),
+	DescAllocs2 = inherit_mallocs(Desc2),
+	TotalAllocs1 = OwnAllocs1 + DescAllocs1,
+	TotalAllocs2 = OwnAllocs2 + DescAllocs2,
+	compare(Result, TotalAllocs1, TotalAllocs2).
+:- pred compare_ps_words_self(deep::in, int::in, int::in,
+	comparison_result::out) is det.
+compare_ps_words_self(Deep, PSI1, PSI2, Result) :-
+	PSOwn = Deep ^ ps_own,
+	array__lookup(PSOwn, PSI1, Own1),
+	array__lookup(PSOwn, PSI2, Own2),
+	OwnWords1 = words(Own1),
+	OwnWords2 = words(Own2),
+	compare(Result, OwnWords1, OwnWords2).
+:- pred compare_ps_words_both(deep::in, int::in, int::in,
+	comparison_result::out) is det.
+compare_ps_words_both(Deep, PSI1, PSI2, Result) :-
+	PSOwn = Deep ^ ps_own,
+	PSDesc = Deep ^ ps_desc,
+	array__lookup(PSOwn, PSI1, Own1),
+	array__lookup(PSOwn, PSI2, Own2),
+	array__lookup(PSDesc, PSI1, Desc1),
+	array__lookup(PSDesc, PSI2, Desc2),
+	OwnWords1 = words(Own1),
+	OwnWords2 = words(Own2),
+	DescWords1 = inherit_words(Desc1),
+	DescWords2 = inherit_words(Desc2),
+	TotalWords1 = OwnWords1 + DescWords1,
+	TotalWords2 = OwnWords2 + DescWords2,
+	compare(Result, TotalWords1, TotalWords2).
+:- pred threshold_ps_time_self(deep::in, float::in, int::in) is semidet.
+threshold_ps_time_self(Deep, Threshold, PSI) :-
+	PSOwn = Deep ^ ps_own,
+	array__lookup(PSOwn, PSI, Own),
+	RootOwn = root_own_info(Deep),
+	RootDesc = root_desc_info(Deep),
+	OwnQuanta = quanta(Own),
+	RootOwnQuanta = quanta(RootOwn),
+	RootDescQuanta = inherit_quanta(RootDesc),
+	RootTotalQuanta = RootOwnQuanta + RootDescQuanta,
+	100.0 * float(OwnQuanta) > Threshold * float(RootTotalQuanta).
+:- pred threshold_ps_time_both(deep::in, float::in, int::in) is semidet.
+threshold_ps_time_both(Deep, Threshold, PSI) :-
+	PSOwn = Deep ^ ps_own,
+	PSDesc = Deep ^ ps_desc,
+	array__lookup(PSOwn, PSI, Own),
+	array__lookup(PSDesc, PSI, Desc),
+	RootOwn = root_own_info(Deep),
+	RootDesc = root_desc_info(Deep),
+	OwnQuanta = quanta(Own),
+	RootOwnQuanta = quanta(RootOwn),
+	DescQuanta = inherit_quanta(Desc),
+	RootDescQuanta = inherit_quanta(RootDesc),
+	TotalQuanta = OwnQuanta + DescQuanta,
+	RootTotalQuanta = RootOwnQuanta + RootDescQuanta,
+	100.0 * float(TotalQuanta) > Threshold * float(RootTotalQuanta).
+:- pred threshold_ps_allocs_self(deep::in, float::in, int::in) is semidet.
+threshold_ps_allocs_self(Deep, Threshold, PSI) :-
+	PSOwn = Deep ^ ps_own,
+	array__lookup(PSOwn, PSI, Own),
+	RootOwn = root_own_info(Deep),
+	RootDesc = root_desc_info(Deep),
+	OwnAllocs = mallocs(Own),
+	RootOwnAllocs = mallocs(RootOwn),
+	RootDescAllocs = inherit_mallocs(RootDesc),
+	RootTotalAllocs = RootOwnAllocs + RootDescAllocs,
+	100.0 * float(OwnAllocs) > Threshold * float(RootTotalAllocs).
+:- pred threshold_ps_allocs_both(deep::in, float::in, int::in) is semidet.
+threshold_ps_allocs_both(Deep, Threshold, PSI) :-
+	PSOwn = Deep ^ ps_own,
+	PSDesc = Deep ^ ps_desc,
+	array__lookup(PSOwn, PSI, Own),
+	array__lookup(PSDesc, PSI, Desc),
+	RootOwn = root_own_info(Deep),
+	RootDesc = root_desc_info(Deep),
+	OwnAllocs = mallocs(Own),
+	RootOwnAllocs = mallocs(RootOwn),
+	DescAllocs = inherit_mallocs(Desc),
+	RootDescAllocs = inherit_mallocs(RootDesc),
+	TotalAllocs = OwnAllocs + DescAllocs,
+	RootTotalAllocs = RootOwnAllocs + RootDescAllocs,
+	100.0 * float(TotalAllocs) > Threshold * float(RootTotalAllocs).
+:- pred threshold_ps_words_self(deep::in, float::in, int::in) is semidet.
+threshold_ps_words_self(Deep, Threshold, PSI) :-
+	PSOwn = Deep ^ ps_own,
+	array__lookup(PSOwn, PSI, Own),
+	RootOwn = root_own_info(Deep),
+	RootDesc = root_desc_info(Deep),
+	OwnWords = words(Own),
+	RootOwnWords = words(RootOwn),
+	RootDescWords = inherit_words(RootDesc),
+	RootTotalWords = RootOwnWords + RootDescWords,
+	100.0 * float(OwnWords) > Threshold * float(RootTotalWords).
+:- pred threshold_ps_words_both(deep::in, float::in, int::in) is semidet.
+threshold_ps_words_both(Deep, Threshold, PSI) :-
+	PSOwn = Deep ^ ps_own,
+	PSDesc = Deep ^ ps_desc,
+	array__lookup(PSOwn, PSI, Own),
+	array__lookup(PSDesc, PSI, Desc),
+	RootOwn = root_own_info(Deep),
+	RootDesc = root_desc_info(Deep),
+	OwnWords = words(Own),
+	RootOwnWords = words(RootOwn),
+	DescWords = inherit_words(Desc),
+	RootDescWords = inherit_words(RootDesc),
+	TotalWords = OwnWords + DescWords,
+	RootTotalWords = RootOwnWords + RootDescWords,
+	100.0 * float(TotalWords) > Threshold * float(RootTotalWords).
+:- func banner = string.
+banner =
+	"<HTML>\n" ++
+	"<TITLE>The University of Melbourne Mercury Deep Profiler.</TITLE>\n".
+:- func footer(cmd, deep) = string.
+footer(Cmd, Deep) = HTML :-
+	% Link back to root,
+	% Search, etc, etc.
+	HTML =
+		footer_field_select(Cmd, Deep) ++
+		"<p>\n" ++
+		format("<A HREF=""%s"">Menu</A>\n",
+			[s(deep_cmd_to_url(Deep, menu))]) ++
+		format("<A HREF=""%s"">Quit</A>\n",
+			[s(deep_cmd_to_url(Deep, quit))]) ++
+		"</HTML>\n".
+:- func footer_field_select(cmd, deep) = string.
+footer_field_select(quit, _) = "".
+footer_field_select(timeout(_), _) = "".
+footer_field_select(menu, _) = "".
+footer_field_select(root(Fields), Deep) =
+	footer_field_toggle(Deep, Fields,
+		func(ArgFields) = root(ArgFields) :- true).
+footer_field_select(clique(CI, Fields), Deep) =
+	footer_field_toggle(Deep, Fields,
+		func(ArgFields) = clique(CI, ArgFields) :- true).
+footer_field_select(proc(PSI, Fields), Deep) =
+	footer_field_toggle(Deep, Fields,
+		func(ArgFields) = proc(PSI, ArgFields) :- true).
+footer_field_select(top_procs(Sort, InclDesc, Limit, Fields), Deep) =
+	footer_field_toggle(Deep, Fields,
+		func(ArgFields) = top_procs(Sort, InclDesc, Limit, ArgFields)
+			:- true).
+footer_field_select(proc_static(_), _) = "".
+footer_field_select(proc_dynamic(_), _) = "".
+footer_field_select(call_site_static(_), _) = "".
+footer_field_select(call_site_dynamic(_), _) = "".
+footer_field_select(raw_clique(_), _) = "".
+footer_field_select(num_proc_statics, _) = "".
+footer_field_select(num_call_site_statics, _) = "".
+footer_field_select(num_proc_dynamics, _) = "".
+footer_field_select(num_call_site_dynamics, _) = "".
+:- func footer_field_toggle(deep, string, func(string) = cmd) = string.
+footer_field_toggle(Deep, Fields, MakeCmd) = HTML :-
+	FieldsChars = string__to_char_list(Fields),
+	( show_port_counts(Fields) ->
+		PortChars = list__delete_all(FieldsChars, 'p'),
+		PortMsg = "Don't show port counts"
+	;
+		PortChars = ['p' | FieldsChars],
+		PortMsg = "Show port counts"
+	),
+	( show_quanta(Fields) ->
+		QuantaChars = list__delete_all(FieldsChars, 'q'),
+		QuantaMsg = "Don't show quanta"
+	;
+		QuantaChars = ['q' | FieldsChars],
+		QuantaMsg = "Show quanta"
+	),
+	( show_times(Fields) ->
+		TimesChars = list__delete_all(FieldsChars, 't'),
+		TimesMsg = "Don't show time"
+	;
+		TimesChars = ['t' | FieldsChars],
+		TimesMsg = "Show time"
+	),
+	( show_allocs(Fields) ->
+		AllocsChars = list__delete_all(FieldsChars, 'a'),
+		AllocsMsg = "Don't show allocations"
+	;
+		AllocsChars = ['a' | FieldsChars],
+		AllocsMsg = "Show allocations"
+	),
+	( show_words(Fields) ->
+		WordsChars = list__delete_all(FieldsChars, 'w'),
+		WordsMsg = "Don't show words"
+	;
+		WordsChars = ['w' | FieldsChars],
+		WordsMsg = "Show words"
+	),
+	CmdPort   = MakeCmd(string__from_char_list(list__sort(PortChars))),
+	CmdQuanta = MakeCmd(string__from_char_list(list__sort(QuantaChars))),
+	CmdTimes  = MakeCmd(string__from_char_list(list__sort(TimesChars))),
+	CmdAllocs = MakeCmd(string__from_char_list(list__sort(AllocsChars))),
+	CmdWords  = MakeCmd(string__from_char_list(list__sort(WordsChars))),
+	HTML =
+		"<p>\n" ++
+		"Toggle fields: " ++
+		format("<A HREF=""%s"">%s</A>\n",
+			[s(deep_cmd_to_url(Deep, CmdPort)), s(PortMsg)]) ++
+		format("<A HREF=""%s"">%s</A>\n",
+			[s(deep_cmd_to_url(Deep, CmdQuanta)), s(QuantaMsg)]) ++
+		format("<A HREF=""%s"">%s</A>\n",
+			[s(deep_cmd_to_url(Deep, CmdTimes)), s(TimesMsg)]) ++
+		format("<A HREF=""%s"">%s</A>\n",
+			[s(deep_cmd_to_url(Deep, CmdAllocs)), s(AllocsMsg)]) ++
+		format("<A HREF=""%s"">%s</A>\n",
+			[s(deep_cmd_to_url(Deep, CmdWords)), s(WordsMsg)]).
+:- func menu_text = string.
+menu_text =
+	"You can start exploring the deep profile at the following points.\n".
+:- func menu_item(deep, cmd, string) = string.
+menu_item(Deep, Cmd, Text) = 
+	format("<A HREF=""%s"">%s</A>\n",
+		[s(deep_cmd_to_url(Deep, Cmd)), s(Text)]).
+:- func root_total_info(deep) = inherit_prof_info.
+root_total_info(Deep) = RootTotal :-
+	deep_lookup_pd_own(Deep, Deep ^ root, RootOwn),
+	deep_lookup_pd_desc(Deep, Deep ^ root, RootDesc),
+	add_own_to_inherit(RootOwn, RootDesc) = RootTotal.
+:- func root_desc_info(deep) = inherit_prof_info.
+root_desc_info(Deep) = RootDesc :-
+	deep_lookup_pd_desc(Deep, Deep ^ root, RootDesc).
+:- func root_own_info(deep) = own_prof_info.
+root_own_info(Deep) = RootOwn :-
+	deep_lookup_pd_own(Deep, Deep ^ root, RootOwn).
+:- func fields_header(fields) = string.
+fields_header(Fields) =
+	"<TR>\n" ++
+	"<TD>Source</TD>\n" ++
+	"<TD>Procedure</TD>\n" ++
+	( show_port_counts(Fields) ->
+		"<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>Calls</TD>\n" ++
+		"<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>Exits</TD>\n" ++
+		"<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>Fails</TD>\n" ++
+		"<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>Redos</TD>\n"
+	;
+		""
+	) ++
+	( show_quanta(Fields) ->
+		"<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>Self quanta</TD>\n"
+	;
+		""
+	) ++
+	( show_times(Fields) ->
+		"<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>Self time</TD>\n"
+	;
+		""
+	) ++
+	( (show_quanta(Fields) ; show_times(Fields)) ->
+		"<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>% of root</TD>\n"
+	;
+		""
+	) ++
+	( show_quanta(Fields) ->
+		"<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>Total quanta</TD>\n"
+	;
+		""
+	) ++
+	( show_times(Fields) ->
+		"<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>Total time</TD>\n"
+	;
+		""
+	) ++
+	( (show_quanta(Fields) ; show_times(Fields)) ->
+		"<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>% of root</TD>\n"
+	;
+		""
+	) ++
+	( show_allocs(Fields) ->
+		"<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>Self allocs</TD>\n" ++
+		"<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>% of root</TD>\n" ++
+		"<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>Total allocs</TD>\n" ++
+		"<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>% of root</TD>\n"
+	;
+		""
+	) ++
+	( show_words(Fields) ->
+		"<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>Self words</TD>\n" ++
+		"<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>% of root</TD>\n" ++
+		"<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>Total words</TD>\n" ++
+		"<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>% of root</TD>\n"
+	;
+		""
+	) ++
+	"</TR>\n".
+:- func separator_row(fields) = string.
+separator_row(Fields) = Separator :-
+	Fixed = 2,	% Source, Procedure
+	( show_port_counts(Fields) ->
+		Port = 4
+	;
+		Port = 4
+	),
+	( show_quanta(Fields) ->
+		Quanta = 2
+	;
+		Quanta = 0
+	),
+	( show_times(Fields) ->
+		Times = 2
+	;
+		Times = 0
+	),
+	( (show_quanta(Fields) ; show_times(Fields)) ->
+		Percentage = 2
+	;
+		Percentage = 0
+	),
+	( show_allocs(Fields) ->
+		Allocs = 4
+	;
+		Allocs = 0
+	),
+	( show_words(Fields) ->
+		Words = 4
+	;
+		Words = 0
+	),
+	Count = Fixed + Port + Quanta + Times + Percentage + Allocs + Words,
+	Separator = string__format("<TR><TD COLSPAN=%d> </TD></TR>\n",
+		[i(Count)]).
+:- func own_and_desc_to_html(own_prof_info, inherit_prof_info,
+	deep, fields) = string.
+own_and_desc_to_html(Own, Desc, Deep, Fields) = HTML :-
+	add_own_to_inherit(Own, Desc) = OwnPlusDesc,
+	Root = root_total_info(Deep),
+	Calls = calls(Own),
+	Exits = exits(Own),
+	Fails = fails(Own),
+	Redos = redos(Own),
+	OwnQuanta = quanta(Own),
+	TotalQuanta = inherit_quanta(OwnPlusDesc),
+	RootQuanta = inherit_quanta(Root),
+	OwnQuantaProp = 100.0 * float(OwnQuanta) / float(RootQuanta),
+	TotalQuantaProp = 100.0 * float(TotalQuanta) / float(RootQuanta),
+	OwnAllocs = mallocs(Own),
+	TotalAllocs = inherit_mallocs(OwnPlusDesc),
+	RootAllocs = inherit_mallocs(Root),
+	OwnAllocProp = 100.0 * float(OwnAllocs) / float(RootAllocs),
+	TotalAllocProp = 100.0 * float(TotalAllocs) / float(RootAllocs),
+	OwnWords = words(Own),
+	TotalWords = inherit_words(OwnPlusDesc),
+	RootWords = inherit_words(Root),
+	OwnWordProp = 100.0 * float(OwnWords) / float(RootWords),
+	TotalWordProp = 100.0 * float(TotalWords) / float(RootWords),
+	HTML =
+		( show_port_counts(Fields) ->
+			format("<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>%s</TD>\n",
+				[s(commas(Calls))]) ++
+			format("<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>%s</TD>\n",
+				[s(commas(Exits))]) ++
+			format("<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>%s</TD>\n",
+				[s(commas(Fails))]) ++
+			format("<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>%s</TD>\n",
+				[s(commas(Redos))])
+		;
+			""
+		) ++
+		( show_quanta(Fields) ->
+			format("<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>%s</TD>\n",
+				[s(commas(OwnQuanta))])
+		;
+			""
+		) ++
+		( show_times(Fields) ->
+			format("<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>%s</TD>\n",
+				[s(quantum_time(OwnQuanta))])
+		;
+			""
+		) ++
+		( (show_quanta(Fields) ; show_times(Fields)) ->
+			format("<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>%2.2f</TD>\n",
+				[f(OwnQuantaProp)])
+		;
+			""
+		) ++
+		( show_quanta(Fields) ->
+			format("<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>%s</TD>\n",
+				[s(commas(TotalQuanta))])
+		;
+			""
+		) ++
+		( show_times(Fields) ->
+			format("<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>%s</TD>\n",
+				[s(quantum_time(TotalQuanta))])
+		;
+			""
+		) ++
+		( (show_quanta(Fields) ; show_times(Fields)) ->
+			format("<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>%2.2f</TD>\n",
+				[f(TotalQuantaProp)])
+		;
+			""
+		) ++
+		( show_allocs(Fields) ->
+			format("<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>%s</TD>\n",
+				[s(commas(OwnAllocs))]) ++
+			format("<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>%2.2f</TD>\n",
+				[f(OwnAllocProp)]) ++
+			format("<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>%s</TD>\n",
+				[s(commas(TotalAllocs))]) ++
+			format("<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>%2.2f</TD>\n",
+				[f(TotalAllocProp)])
+		;
+			""
+		) ++
+		( show_words(Fields) ->
+			format("<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>%s</TD>\n",
+				[s(commas(OwnWords))]) ++
+			format("<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>%2.2f</TD>\n",
+				[f(OwnWordProp)]) ++
+			format("<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>%s</TD>\n",
+				[s(commas(TotalWords))]) ++
+			format("<TD ALIGN=RIGHT>%2.2f</TD>\n",
+				[f(TotalWordProp)])
+		;
+			""
+		).
+:- func deep_cmd_to_url(deep, cmd) = string.
+deep_cmd_to_url(Deep, Cmd) = URL :-
+	cmd_to_url(Deep ^ server_name, Deep ^ data_file_name, Cmd, URL).
Index: startup.m
RCS file: startup.m
diff -N startup.m
--- /dev/null	Fri Dec  1 02:25:58 2000
+++ startup.m	Fri May  4 13:17:25 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,719 @@
+% Copyright (C) 2001 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% Authors: conway, zs.
+% This module contains the code for turning the raw list of nodes read in by
+% deep.io.m into the data structure that deep.server.m needs to service
+% requests for web pages. The algorithm it implements is documented in the
+% deep profiling paper.
+:- module startup.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module profile.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred startup(string::in, string::in, initial_deep::in, deep::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module measurements, cliques, profile, array_util.
+:- import_module std_util, int, array, list, set, map, require.
+startup(Machine, DataFileName, InitialDeep, Deep) -->
+	stderr_stream(StdErr),
+	{ InitialDeep = initial_deep(InitStats, Root,
+		CallSiteDynamics0, ProcDynamics,
+		CallSiteStatics0, ProcStatics) },
+	format(StdErr,
+		"  Mapping static call sites to containing procedures...\n",
+		[]),
+	{ array_foldl(record_css_containers, ProcStatics,
+		u(CallSiteStatics0), CallSiteStatics) },
+	format(StdErr, "  Done.\n", []),
+	io__report_stats,
+	format(StdErr,
+		"  Mapping dynamic call sites to containing procedures...\n",
+		[]),
+	{ array_foldl(record_csd_containers, ProcDynamics,
+		u(CallSiteDynamics0), CallSiteDynamics) },
+	format(StdErr, "  Done.\n", []),
+	io__report_stats,
+	format(StdErr, "  Constructing graph...\n", []),
+	make_graph(InitialDeep, Graph),
+	format(StdErr, "  Done.\n", []),
+	io__report_stats,
+	format(StdErr, "  Constructing cliques...\n", []),
+	{ topological_sort(Graph, CliqueList0) },
+		% Turn each of the sets into a list.
+		% (We use foldl here because the list may be very
+		% long and map runs out of stack space, and we
+		% want the final list in reverse order anyway.)
+	{ list__foldl((pred(Set::in, L0::in, L::out) is det :-
+		set__to_sorted_list(Set, List0),
+		map((pred(PDI::in, PDPtr::out) is det :-
+			PDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(PDI)
+		), List0, List),
+		L = [List | L0]
+	), CliqueList0, [], CliqueList) },
+		% It's actually more convenient to have the list in
+		% reverse order so that foldl works from the bottom
+		% of the tsort to the top, so that we can use it to
+		% do the propagation simply.
+	{ Cliques = array(CliqueList) },
+	format(StdErr, "  Done.\n", []),
+	io__report_stats,
+	format(StdErr, "  Constructing clique indexes...\n", []),
+	flush_output(StdErr),
+	{ array__max(ProcDynamics, PDMax) },
+	{ NPDs = PDMax + 1 },
+	{ array__max(CallSiteDynamics, CSDMax) },
+	{ NCSDs = CSDMax + 1 },
+	{ array__max(ProcStatics, PSMax) },
+	{ NPSs = PSMax + 1 },
+	{ array__max(CallSiteStatics, CSSMax) },
+	{ NCSSs = CSSMax + 1 },
+	{ array__init(NPDs, clique_ptr(-1), CliqueIndex0) },
+		% For each clique, add entries in an array
+		% that maps from each clique member (ProcDynamic)
+		% back to the clique to which it belongs.
+	{ array_foldl((pred(CliqueN::in, CliqueMembers::in,
+				I0::array_di, I::array_uo) is det :-
+		array_list_foldl((pred(X::in, I1::array_di, I2::array_uo)
+				is det :-
+			X = proc_dynamic_ptr(Y),
+			array__set(I1, Y, clique_ptr(CliqueN), I2)
+		), CliqueMembers, I0, I)
+	), Cliques, CliqueIndex0, CliqueIndex) },
+	format(StdErr, "  Done.\n", []),
+	io__report_stats,
+	format(StdErr, "  Constructing clique parent map...\n", []),
+		% For each CallSiteDynamic pointer, if it points to
+		% a ProcDynamic which is in a different clique to
+		% the one from which the CallSiteDynamic's parent
+		% came, then this CallSiteDynamic is the entry to
+		% the [lower] clique. We need to compute this information
+		% so that we can print clique-based timing summaries in
+		% the browser.
+	{ array__max(Cliques, CliqueMax) },
+	{ NCliques = CliqueMax + 1 },
+	{ array__init(NCliques, call_site_dynamic_ptr(-1), CliqueParents0) },
+	{ array__init(NCSDs, no, CliqueMaybeChildren0) },
+	{ array_foldl2(construct_clique_parents(InitialDeep, CliqueIndex),
+		CliqueIndex,
+		CliqueParents0, CliqueParents,
+		CliqueMaybeChildren0, CliqueMaybeChildren) },
+	format(StdErr, "  Done.\n", []),
+	io__report_stats,
+	format(StdErr, "  Finding procedure callers...\n", []),
+	{ array__init(NPSs, [], ProcCallers0) },
+	{ array_foldl(construct_proc_callers(InitialDeep), CallSiteDynamics,
+		ProcCallers0, ProcCallers) },
+	format(StdErr, "  Done.\n", []),
+	io__report_stats,
+	format(StdErr, "  Constructing call site static map...\n", []),
+	{ array__init(NCSDs, call_site_static_ptr(-1), CallSiteStaticMap0) },
+	{ array_foldl(construct_call_site_caller(InitialDeep), ProcDynamics,
+		CallSiteStaticMap0, CallSiteStaticMap) },
+	format(StdErr, "  Done.\n", []),
+	io__report_stats,
+	format(StdErr, "  Finding call site calls...\n", []),
+	{ array__init(NCSSs, map__init, CallSiteCalls0) },
+	{ array_foldl(construct_call_site_calls(InitialDeep), ProcDynamics,
+		CallSiteCalls0, CallSiteCalls) },
+	format(StdErr, "  Done.\n", []),
+	io__report_stats,
+	format(StdErr, "  Propagating time up call graph...\n", []),
+	{ array__init(NCSDs, zero_inherit_prof_info, CSDDesc0) },
+	{ array__init(NPDs, zero_own_prof_info, PDOwn0) },
+	{ array_foldl(sum_call_sites_in_proc_dynamic,
+		CallSiteDynamics, PDOwn0, PDOwn) },
+	{ array__init(NPDs, zero_inherit_prof_info, PDDesc0) },
+	{ array__init(NPSs, zero_own_prof_info, PSOwn0) },
+	{ array__init(NPSs, zero_inherit_prof_info, PSDesc0) },
+	{ array__init(NCSSs, zero_own_prof_info, CSSOwn0) },
+	{ array__init(NCSSs, zero_inherit_prof_info, CSSDesc0) },
+	{ Deep0 = deep(InitStats, Machine, DataFileName, Root,
+		CallSiteDynamics, ProcDynamics, CallSiteStatics, ProcStatics,
+		CliqueIndex, Cliques, CliqueParents, CliqueMaybeChildren,
+		ProcCallers, CallSiteStaticMap, CallSiteCalls,
+		PDOwn, PDDesc0, CSDDesc0,
+		PSOwn0, PSDesc0, CSSOwn0, CSSDesc0) },
+	{ array_foldl(propagate_to_clique, Cliques, Deep0, Deep1) },
+	format(StdErr, "  Done.\n", []),
+	io__report_stats,
+	format(StdErr, "  Summarizing information...\n", []),
+	{ summarize_proc_dynamics(Deep1, Deep2) },
+	{ summarize_call_site_dynamics(Deep2, Deep) },
+	format(StdErr, "  Done.\n", []),
+	io__report_stats.
+:- pred make_graph(initial_deep::in, graph::out,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+make_graph(InitialDeep, Graph) -->
+	{ init(Graph0) },
+	array_foldl2((pred(PDI::in, PD::in, G1::in, G2::out, di, uo) is det -->
+		{ From = PDI },
+	        { PD = proc_dynamic(_ProcStatic, CallSiteRefArray) },
+	        { array__to_list(CallSiteRefArray, CallSiteRefList) },
+	        list__foldl2((pred(CSR::in, G5::in, G6::out, di, uo) is det -->
+		    (
+			{ CSR = normal(call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI)) },
+			( { CSDI > 0 } ->
+				{ array__lookup(
+					InitialDeep ^ init_call_site_dynamics,
+					CSDI, CSD) },
+				{ CSD = call_site_dynamic(_, CPDPtr, _) },
+				{ CPDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(To) },
+				{ add_arc(G5, From, To, G6) }
+			;
+				{ G6 = G5 }
+			)
+		    ;
+			{ CSR = multi(CallSiteArray) },
+			{ array__to_list(CallSiteArray, CallSites) },
+			list__foldl2((pred(CSDPtr1::in, G7::in, G8::out,
+					di, uo) is det -->
+			    { CSDPtr1 = call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI) },
+			    ( { CSDI > 0 } ->
+			    	{ array__lookup(
+					InitialDeep ^ init_call_site_dynamics,
+					CSDI, CSD) },
+			       	{ CSD = call_site_dynamic(_, CPDPtr, _) },
+			    	{ CPDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(To) },
+			    	{ add_arc(G7, From, To, G8) }
+			    ;
+			    	{ G8 = G7 }
+			    )
+			), CallSites, G5, G6)
+		    )
+	        ), CallSiteRefList, G1, G2)
+	), InitialDeep ^ init_proc_dynamics, Graph0, Graph).
+:- pred record_css_containers(int::in, proc_static::in,
+	array(call_site_static)::array_di,
+	array(call_site_static)::array_uo) is det.
+record_css_containers(PSI, PS, CallSiteStatics0, CallSiteStatics) :-
+	PS = proc_static(_, _, _, _, CSSPtrs),
+	PSPtr = proc_static_ptr(PSI),
+	array__max(CSSPtrs, MaxCS),
+	record_css_containers_2(MaxCS, PSPtr, CSSPtrs,
+		CallSiteStatics0, CallSiteStatics).
+:- pred record_css_containers_2(int::in, proc_static_ptr::in,
+	array(call_site_static_ptr)::in,
+	array(call_site_static)::array_di,
+	array(call_site_static)::array_uo) is det.
+record_css_containers_2(SlotNum, PSPtr, CSSPtrs,
+		CallSiteStatics0, CallSiteStatics) :-
+	( SlotNum >= 0 ->
+		array__lookup(CSSPtrs, SlotNum, CSSPtr),
+		lookup_call_site_statics(CallSiteStatics0, CSSPtr, CSS0),
+		CSS0 = call_site_static(PSPtr0, SlotNum0,
+			Kind, LineNumber, GoalPath),
+		require(unify(PSPtr0, proc_static_ptr(-1)),
+			"record_css_containers_2: real proc_static_ptr"),
+		require(unify(SlotNum0, -1),
+			"record_css_containers_2: real slot_num"),
+		CSS = call_site_static(PSPtr, SlotNum,
+			Kind, LineNumber, GoalPath),
+		update_call_site_statics(CallSiteStatics0, CSSPtr, CSS,
+			CallSiteStatics1),
+		record_css_containers_2(SlotNum - 1,
+			PSPtr, CSSPtrs, CallSiteStatics1, CallSiteStatics)
+	;
+		CallSiteStatics = CallSiteStatics0
+	).
+:- pred record_csd_containers(int::in, proc_dynamic::in,
+	array(call_site_dynamic)::array_di,
+	array(call_site_dynamic)::array_uo) is det.
+record_csd_containers(PDI, PD, CallSiteDynamics0, CallSiteDynamics) :-
+	PD = proc_dynamic(_, CSDArray),
+	PDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(PDI),
+	flatten_call_sites(CSDArray, CSDPtrs),
+	record_csd_containers_2(PDPtr, CSDPtrs,
+		CallSiteDynamics0, CallSiteDynamics).
+:- pred record_csd_containers_2(proc_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	list(call_site_dynamic_ptr)::in,
+	array(call_site_dynamic)::array_di,
+	array(call_site_dynamic)::array_uo) is det.
+record_csd_containers_2(_, [], CallSiteDynamics, CallSiteDynamics).
+record_csd_containers_2(PDPtr, [CSDPtr | CSDPtrs],
+		CallSiteDynamics0, CallSiteDynamics) :-
+	lookup_call_site_dynamics(CallSiteDynamics0, CSDPtr, CSD0),
+	CSD0 = call_site_dynamic(CallerPSPtr0, CalleePSPtr, Own),
+	require(unify(CallerPSPtr0, proc_dynamic_ptr(-1)),
+		"record_csd_containers_2: real proc_dynamic_ptr"),
+	CSD = call_site_dynamic(PDPtr, CalleePSPtr, Own),
+	update_call_site_dynamics(CallSiteDynamics0, CSDPtr, CSD,
+		CallSiteDynamics1),
+	record_csd_containers_2(PDPtr, CSDPtrs,
+		CallSiteDynamics1, CallSiteDynamics).
+:- pred construct_clique_parents(initial_deep::in, array(clique_ptr)::in,
+	int::in, clique_ptr::in,
+	array(call_site_dynamic_ptr)::array_di,
+	array(call_site_dynamic_ptr)::array_uo,
+	array(maybe(clique_ptr))::array_di,
+	array(maybe(clique_ptr))::array_uo) is det.
+construct_clique_parents(InitialDeep, CliqueIndex, PDI, CliquePtr,
+		CliqueParents0, CliqueParents,
+		CliqueMaybeChildren0, CliqueMaybeChildren) :-
+	( PDI > 0 ->
+		flat_call_sites(InitialDeep ^ init_proc_dynamics,
+			proc_dynamic_ptr(PDI), CSDPtrs),
+		array_list_foldl2(
+			construct_clique_parents_2(InitialDeep,
+				CliqueIndex, CliquePtr),
+			CSDPtrs, CliqueParents0, CliqueParents,
+			CliqueMaybeChildren0, CliqueMaybeChildren)
+	;
+		error("emit nasal daemons")
+	).
+:- pred construct_clique_parents_2(initial_deep::in, array(clique_ptr)::in,
+	clique_ptr::in, call_site_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	array(call_site_dynamic_ptr)::array_di,
+	array(call_site_dynamic_ptr)::array_uo,
+	array(maybe(clique_ptr))::array_di,
+	array(maybe(clique_ptr))::array_uo) is det.
+construct_clique_parents_2(InitialDeep, CliqueIndex, ParentCliquePtr, CSDPtr,
+		CliqueParents0, CliqueParents,
+		CliqueMaybeChildren0, CliqueMaybeChildren) :-
+	CSDPtr = call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI),
+	( CSDI > 0 ->
+		array__lookup(InitialDeep ^ init_call_site_dynamics, CSDI,
+			CSD),
+		CSD = call_site_dynamic(_, ChildPDPtr, _),
+		ChildPDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(ChildPDI),
+		( ChildPDI > 0 ->
+			array__lookup(CliqueIndex, ChildPDI, ChildCliquePtr),
+			( ChildCliquePtr \= ParentCliquePtr ->
+				ChildCliquePtr = clique_ptr(ChildCliqueNum),
+				array__set(CliqueParents0, ChildCliqueNum,
+					CSDPtr, CliqueParents),
+				array__set(CliqueMaybeChildren0, CSDI,
+					yes(ChildCliquePtr),
+					CliqueMaybeChildren)
+			;
+				CliqueParents = CliqueParents0,
+				CliqueMaybeChildren = CliqueMaybeChildren0
+			)
+		;
+			CliqueParents = CliqueParents0,
+			CliqueMaybeChildren = CliqueMaybeChildren0
+		)
+	;
+		CliqueParents = CliqueParents0,
+		CliqueMaybeChildren = CliqueMaybeChildren0
+	).
+:- pred flat_call_sites(proc_dynamics::in, proc_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	list(call_site_dynamic_ptr)::out) is det.
+flat_call_sites(ProcDynamics, PDPtr, CSDPtrs) :-
+	( PDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(PDI), PDI > 0 ->
+		array__lookup(ProcDynamics, PDI, PD),
+		PD = proc_dynamic(_PSPtr, CallSiteArray),
+		flatten_call_sites(CallSiteArray, CSDPtrs)
+	;
+		CSDPtrs = []
+	).
+:- pred flatten_call_sites(array(call_site_array_slot)::in,
+	list(call_site_dynamic_ptr)::out) is det.
+flatten_call_sites(CallSiteArray, CSDPtrs) :-
+	array__to_list(CallSiteArray, CallSites),
+	list__foldl((pred(Slot::in, CSDPtrs0::in, CSDPtrs1::out) is det :-
+		(
+			Slot = normal(CSDPtr),
+			CSDPtr = call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI),
+			( CSDI > 0 ->
+				CSDPtrs1 = [[CSDPtr] | CSDPtrs0]
+			;
+				CSDPtrs1 = CSDPtrs0
+			)
+		;
+			Slot = multi(PtrArray),
+			array__to_list(PtrArray, PtrList0),
+			filter((pred(CSDPtr::in) is semidet :-
+				CSDPtr = call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI),
+				CSDI > 0
+			), PtrList0, PtrList1),
+			CSDPtrs1 = [PtrList1 | CSDPtrs0]
+		)
+	), CallSites, [], CSDPtrsList0),
+	list__reverse(CSDPtrsList0, CSDPtrsList),
+	list__condense(CSDPtrsList, CSDPtrs).
+:- pred construct_proc_callers(initial_deep::in, int::in,
+	call_site_dynamic::in,
+	array(list(call_site_dynamic_ptr))::array_di,
+	array(list(call_site_dynamic_ptr))::array_uo) is det.
+construct_proc_callers(InitialDeep, CSDI, CSD, ProcCallers0, ProcCallers) :-
+	CSD = call_site_dynamic(_, PDPtr, _),
+	PDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(PDI),
+	( PDI > 0, array__in_bounds(InitialDeep ^ init_proc_dynamics, PDI) ->
+		array__lookup(InitialDeep ^ init_proc_dynamics, PDI, PD),
+		PD = proc_dynamic(PSPtr, _),
+		PSPtr = proc_static_ptr(PSI),
+		array__lookup(ProcCallers0, PSI, Callers0),
+		Callers = [call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI) | Callers0],
+		array__set(ProcCallers0, PSI, Callers, ProcCallers)
+	;
+		ProcCallers = ProcCallers0
+	).
+:- pred construct_call_site_caller(initial_deep::in, int::in, proc_dynamic::in,
+	array(call_site_static_ptr)::array_di,
+	array(call_site_static_ptr)::array_uo) is det.
+construct_call_site_caller(InitialDeep, _PDI, PD,
+		CallSiteStaticMap0, CallSiteStaticMap) :-
+	PD = proc_dynamic(PSPtr, CSDArraySlots),
+	PSPtr = proc_static_ptr(PSI),
+	array__lookup(InitialDeep ^ init_proc_statics, PSI, PS),
+	PS = proc_static(_, _, _, _, CSSPtrs),
+	array__max(CSDArraySlots, MaxCS),
+	construct_call_site_caller_2(MaxCS,
+		InitialDeep ^ init_call_site_dynamics, CSSPtrs, CSDArraySlots,
+		CallSiteStaticMap0, CallSiteStaticMap).
+:- pred construct_call_site_caller_2(int::in, call_site_dynamics::in,
+	array(call_site_static_ptr)::in,
+	array(call_site_array_slot)::in,
+	array(call_site_static_ptr)::array_di,
+	array(call_site_static_ptr)::array_uo) is det.
+construct_call_site_caller_2(SlotNum, Deep, CSSPtrs, CSDArraySlots,
+		CallSiteStaticMap0, CallSiteStaticMap) :-
+	( SlotNum >= 0 ->
+		array__lookup(CSDArraySlots, SlotNum, CSDArraySlot),
+		array__lookup(CSSPtrs, SlotNum, CSSPtr),
+		(
+			CSDArraySlot = normal(CSDPtr),
+			construct_call_site_caller_3(Deep, CSSPtr, -1, CSDPtr,
+				CallSiteStaticMap0, CallSiteStaticMap1)
+		;
+			CSDArraySlot = multi(CSDPtrs),
+			array_foldl0(
+				construct_call_site_caller_3(Deep, CSSPtr),
+				CSDPtrs,
+				CallSiteStaticMap0, CallSiteStaticMap1)
+		),
+		construct_call_site_caller_2(SlotNum - 1, Deep, CSSPtrs,
+			CSDArraySlots, CallSiteStaticMap1, CallSiteStaticMap)
+	;
+		CallSiteStaticMap = CallSiteStaticMap0
+	).
+:- pred construct_call_site_caller_3(call_site_dynamics::in,
+	call_site_static_ptr::in, int::in, call_site_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	array(call_site_static_ptr)::array_di,
+	array(call_site_static_ptr)::array_uo) is det.
+construct_call_site_caller_3(CallSiteDynamics, CSSPtr, _Dummy, CSDPtr,
+		CallSiteStaticMap0, CallSiteStaticMap) :-
+	( valid_call_site_dynamic_ptr_raw(CallSiteDynamics, CSDPtr) ->
+		update_call_site_static_map(CallSiteStaticMap0,
+			CSDPtr, CSSPtr, CallSiteStaticMap)
+	;
+		CallSiteStaticMap = CallSiteStaticMap0
+	).
+:- pred construct_call_site_calls(initial_deep::in, int::in, proc_dynamic::in,
+	array(map(proc_static_ptr, list(call_site_dynamic_ptr)))::array_di,
+	array(map(proc_static_ptr, list(call_site_dynamic_ptr)))::array_uo)
+	is det.
+construct_call_site_calls(InitialDeep, _PDI, PD,
+		CallSiteCalls0, CallSiteCalls) :-
+	PD = proc_dynamic(PSPtr, CSDArraySlots),
+	array__max(CSDArraySlots, MaxCS),
+	PSPtr = proc_static_ptr(PSI),
+	array__lookup(InitialDeep ^ init_proc_statics, PSI, PS),
+	PS = proc_static(_, _, _, _, CSSPtrs),
+	CallSiteDynamics = InitialDeep ^ init_call_site_dynamics,
+	ProcDynamics = InitialDeep ^ init_proc_dynamics,
+	construct_call_site_calls_2(CallSiteDynamics, ProcDynamics, MaxCS,
+		CSSPtrs, CSDArraySlots, CallSiteCalls0, CallSiteCalls).
+:- pred construct_call_site_calls_2(call_site_dynamics::in, proc_dynamics::in,
+	int::in, array(call_site_static_ptr)::in,
+	array(call_site_array_slot)::in,
+	array(map(proc_static_ptr, list(call_site_dynamic_ptr)))::array_di,
+	array(map(proc_static_ptr, list(call_site_dynamic_ptr)))::array_uo)
+	is det.
+construct_call_site_calls_2(CallSiteDynamics, ProcDynamics, SlotNum,
+		CSSPtrs, CSDArraySlots, CallSiteCalls0, CallSiteCalls) :-
+	( SlotNum >= 0 ->
+		array__lookup(CSDArraySlots, SlotNum, CSDArraySlot),
+		array__lookup(CSSPtrs, SlotNum, CSSPtr),
+		(
+			CSDArraySlot = normal(CSDPtr),
+			construct_call_site_calls_3(CallSiteDynamics,
+				ProcDynamics, CSSPtr, -1,
+				CSDPtr, CallSiteCalls0, CallSiteCalls1)
+		;
+			CSDArraySlot = multi(CSDPtrs),
+			array_foldl0(
+				construct_call_site_calls_3(CallSiteDynamics,
+					ProcDynamics, CSSPtr),
+				CSDPtrs, CallSiteCalls0, CallSiteCalls1)
+		),
+		construct_call_site_calls_2(CallSiteDynamics, ProcDynamics,
+			SlotNum - 1, CSSPtrs, CSDArraySlots,
+			CallSiteCalls1, CallSiteCalls)
+	;
+		CallSiteCalls = CallSiteCalls0
+	).
+:- pred construct_call_site_calls_3(call_site_dynamics::in, proc_dynamics::in,
+	call_site_static_ptr::in, int::in, call_site_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	array(map(proc_static_ptr, list(call_site_dynamic_ptr)))::array_di,
+	array(map(proc_static_ptr, list(call_site_dynamic_ptr)))::array_uo)
+	is det.
+construct_call_site_calls_3(CallSiteDynamics, ProcDynamics, CSSPtr,
+		_Dummy, CSDPtr, CallSiteCalls0, CallSiteCalls) :-
+	CSDPtr = call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI),
+	( CSDI > 0 ->
+		array__lookup(CallSiteDynamics, CSDI, CSD),
+		CSD = call_site_dynamic(_, PDPtr, _),
+		PDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(PDI),
+		array__lookup(ProcDynamics, PDI, PD),
+		PD = proc_dynamic(PSPtr, _),
+		CSSPtr = call_site_static_ptr(CSSI),
+		array__lookup(CallSiteCalls0, CSSI, CallMap0),
+		( map__search(CallMap0, PSPtr, CallList0) ->
+			CallList = [CSDPtr | CallList0],
+			map__det_update(CallMap0, PSPtr, CallList, CallMap)
+		;
+			CallList = [CSDPtr],
+			map__det_insert(CallMap0, PSPtr, CallList, CallMap)
+		),
+		array__set(CallSiteCalls0, CSSI, CallMap, CallSiteCalls)
+	;
+		CallSiteCalls = CallSiteCalls0
+	).
+:- pred sum_call_sites_in_proc_dynamic(int::in, call_site_dynamic::in,
+	array(own_prof_info)::array_di, array(own_prof_info)::array_uo) is det.
+sum_call_sites_in_proc_dynamic(_, CSD, PDO0, PDO) :-
+	CSD = call_site_dynamic(_, PDPtr, PI),
+	PDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(PDI),
+	( PDI > 0 ->
+		array__lookup(PDO0, PDI, OwnPI0),
+		OwnPI = add_own_to_own(PI, OwnPI0),
+		array__set(PDO0, PDI, OwnPI, PDO)
+	;
+		PDO = PDO0
+	).
+:- pred summarize_proc_dynamics(deep::in, deep::out) is det.
+summarize_proc_dynamics(Deep0, Deep) :-
+	PSOwn0 = Deep0 ^ ps_own,
+	PSDesc0 = Deep0 ^ ps_desc,
+	array_foldl2(summarize_proc_dynamic(Deep0 ^ pd_own, Deep0 ^ pd_desc),
+		Deep0 ^ proc_dynamics,
+		copy(PSOwn0), PSOwn, copy(PSDesc0), PSDesc),
+	Deep = ((Deep0
+		^ ps_own := PSOwn)
+		^ ps_desc := PSDesc).
+:- pred summarize_proc_dynamic(array(own_prof_info)::in,
+	array(inherit_prof_info)::in, int::in, proc_dynamic::in,
+	array(own_prof_info)::array_di, array(own_prof_info)::array_uo,
+	array(inherit_prof_info)::array_di, array(inherit_prof_info)::array_uo)
+	is det.
+summarize_proc_dynamic(PDOwn, PDDesc, PDI, PD,
+		PSOwn0, PSOwn, PSDesc0, PSDesc) :-
+	PD = proc_dynamic(PSPtr, _),
+	PSPtr = proc_static_ptr(PSI),
+	( PSI > 0 ->
+		array__lookup(PDOwn, PDI, PDOwnPI),
+		array__lookup(PDDesc, PDI, PDDescPI),
+		array__lookup(PSOwn0, PSI, PSOwnPI0),
+		array__lookup(PSDesc0, PSI, PSDescPI0),
+		add_own_to_own(PDOwnPI, PSOwnPI0) = PSOwnPI,
+		add_inherit_to_inherit(PDDescPI, PSDescPI0) = PSDescPI,
+		array__set(u(PSOwn0), PSI, PSOwnPI, PSOwn),
+		array__set(u(PSDesc0), PSI, PSDescPI, PSDesc)
+	;
+		error("emit nasal devils")
+	).
+:- pred summarize_call_site_dynamics(deep::in, deep::out) is det.
+summarize_call_site_dynamics(Deep0, Deep) :-
+	CSSOwn0 = Deep0 ^ css_own,
+	CSSDesc0 = Deep0 ^ css_desc,
+	array_foldl2(summarize_call_site_dynamic(Deep0 ^ call_site_static_map,
+		Deep0 ^ csd_desc),
+		Deep0 ^ call_site_dynamics,
+		copy(CSSOwn0), CSSOwn, copy(CSSDesc0), CSSDesc),
+	Deep = ((Deep0
+		^ css_own := CSSOwn)
+		^ css_desc := CSSDesc).
+:- pred summarize_call_site_dynamic(call_site_static_map::in,
+	array(inherit_prof_info)::in, int::in, call_site_dynamic::in,
+	array(own_prof_info)::array_di, array(own_prof_info)::array_uo,
+	array(inherit_prof_info)::array_di, array(inherit_prof_info)::array_uo)
+	is det.
+summarize_call_site_dynamic(CallSiteStaticMap, CSDDescs, CSDI, CSD,
+		CSSOwn0, CSSOwn, CSSDesc0, CSSDesc) :-
+	CSDPtr = call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI),
+	lookup_call_site_static_map(CallSiteStaticMap, CSDPtr, CSSPtr),
+	CSSPtr = call_site_static_ptr(CSSI),
+	( CSSI > 0 ->
+		CSD = call_site_dynamic(_, _, CSDOwnPI),
+		array__lookup(CSDDescs, CSDI, CSDDescPI),
+		array__lookup(CSSOwn0, CSSI, CSSOwnPI0),
+		array__lookup(CSSDesc0, CSSI, CSSDescPI0),
+		add_own_to_own(CSDOwnPI, CSSOwnPI0)
+			= CSSOwnPI,
+		add_inherit_to_inherit(CSDDescPI, CSSDescPI0)
+			= CSSDescPI,
+		array__set(u(CSSOwn0), CSSI, CSSOwnPI, CSSOwn),
+		array__set(u(CSSDesc0), CSSI, CSSDescPI, CSSDesc)
+	;
+		error("emit nasal gorgons")
+	).
+:- pred propagate_to_clique(int::in, list(proc_dynamic_ptr)::in,
+	deep::in, deep::out) is det.
+propagate_to_clique(CliqueNumber, Members, Deep0, Deep) :-
+	array__lookup(Deep0 ^ clique_parents, CliqueNumber, ParentCSDPtr),
+	list__foldl(propagate_to_proc_dynamic(CliqueNumber, ParentCSDPtr),
+		Members, Deep0, Deep1),
+	(
+		valid_call_site_dynamic_ptr_raw(Deep1 ^ call_site_dynamics,
+			ParentCSDPtr)
+	->
+		lookup_call_site_dynamics(Deep1 ^ call_site_dynamics,
+			ParentCSDPtr, ParentCSD),
+		ParentCSD = call_site_dynamic(_, _, ParentOwnPI),
+		deep_lookup_csd_desc(Deep1, ParentCSDPtr, ParentDesc0),
+		subtract_own_from_inherit(ParentOwnPI, ParentDesc0) =
+			ParentDesc,
+		deep_update_csd_desc(Deep1, ParentCSDPtr, ParentDesc, Deep)
+	;
+		Deep = Deep1
+	).
+:- pred propagate_to_proc_dynamic(int::in, call_site_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	proc_dynamic_ptr::in, deep::in, deep::out) is det.
+propagate_to_proc_dynamic(CliqueNumber, ParentCSDPtr, PDPtr,
+		Deep0, Deep) :-
+	flat_call_sites(Deep0 ^ proc_dynamics, PDPtr, CSDPtrs),
+	list__foldl(propagate_to_call_site(CliqueNumber, PDPtr),
+		CSDPtrs, Deep0, Deep1),
+	(
+		valid_call_site_dynamic_ptr_raw(Deep1 ^ call_site_dynamics,
+			ParentCSDPtr)
+	->
+		deep_lookup_csd_desc(Deep1, ParentCSDPtr, ParentDesc0),
+		deep_lookup_pd_desc(Deep1, PDPtr, DescPI),
+		deep_lookup_pd_own(Deep1, PDPtr, OwnPI),
+		add_own_to_inherit(OwnPI, ParentDesc0) = ParentDesc1,
+		add_inherit_to_inherit(DescPI, ParentDesc1) = ParentDesc,
+		deep_update_csd_desc(Deep1, ParentCSDPtr, ParentDesc, Deep)
+	;
+		Deep = Deep1
+	).
+:- pred propagate_to_call_site(int::in, proc_dynamic_ptr::in,
+	call_site_dynamic_ptr::in, deep::in, deep::out) is det.
+propagate_to_call_site(CliqueNumber, PDPtr, CSDPtr, Deep0, Deep) :-
+	CSDPtr = call_site_dynamic_ptr(CSDI),
+	( CSDI > 0 ->
+		array__lookup(Deep0 ^ call_site_dynamics, CSDI, CSD),
+		CSD = call_site_dynamic(_, CPDPtr, CPI),
+		CPDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(CPDI),
+		( CPDI > 0 ->
+			array__lookup(Deep0 ^ clique_index, CPDI,
+				clique_ptr(ChildCliqueNumber)),
+			( ChildCliqueNumber \= CliqueNumber ->
+				PDPtr = proc_dynamic_ptr(PDI),
+				array__lookup(Deep0 ^ pd_desc, PDI, PDTotal0),
+				array__lookup(Deep0 ^ csd_desc, CSDI, CDesc),
+				add_own_to_inherit(CPI, PDTotal0) = PDTotal1,
+				add_inherit_to_inherit(CDesc, PDTotal1)
+					= PDTotal,
+				array__set(u(Deep0 ^ pd_desc), PDI, PDTotal,
+					PDDesc),
+				Deep = Deep0 ^ pd_desc := PDDesc
+			;
+				Deep = Deep0
+			)
+		;
+			Deep = Deep0
+		)
+	;
+		Deep = Deep0
+	).
Index: timeout.m
RCS file: timeout.m
diff -N timeout.m
--- /dev/null	Fri Dec  1 02:25:58 2000
+++ timeout.m	Fri May  4 12:47:46 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+% Copyright (C) 2001 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% Author: zs.
+% This module implements timeouts for the deep profiler.
+% The deep profiler uses timeouts to shut down the server process if the
+% programmer has not sent it queries in a while. Before shutdown, we remove the
+% named pipes that the CGI script and the server process use to communicate.
+% Any later invocation of the CGI script will take the absence of the named
+% pipes as indicating that there is no server process for the given data file,
+% and will create a new server process, which will recreate the named pipes.
+% Since the receipt of the alarm signal, the removal the pipes and exiting
+% is not an atomic action, there is a potential race condition. However,
+% there is no simple, portable way to eliminate the race condition, and the
+% window of vulnerability is quite small.
+:- module timeout.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred setup_timeout(string::in, string::in, int::in,
+	io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module string.
+:- pragma foreign_decl("C",
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include ""mercury_signal.h""
+extern	char	*MP_timeout_file1;
+extern	char	*MP_timeout_file2;
+extern	void	delete_timeout_files_and_exit(void);
+:- pragma foreign_code("C",
+char	*MP_timeout_file1;
+char	*MP_timeout_file2;
+	if (unlink(MP_timeout_file1) != 0) {
+		perror(MP_timeout_file1);
+	}
+	if (unlink(MP_timeout_file2) != 0) {
+		perror(MP_timeout_file2);
+	}
+	exit(0);
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+	setup_timeout(File1::in, File2::in, Minutes::in, IO0::di, IO::uo),
+	[will_not_call_mercury],
+	int	seconds;
+	seconds = Minutes * 60;
+	MP_timeout_file1 = File1;
+	MP_timeout_file2 = File2;
+	MR_setup_signal(SIGALRM, delete_timeout_files_and_exit, FALSE,
+		""Mercury deep profiler: cannot setup timeout"");
+	(void) alarm(seconds);
+	IO = IO0;
Index: util.m
RCS file: util.m
diff -N util.m
--- /dev/null	Fri Dec  1 02:25:58 2000
+++ util.m	Fri May  4 13:08:20 2001
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+% Copyright (C) 2001 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% Authors: conway, zs.
+% This module defines utility predicates for both the CGI program and
+% for the server.
+:- module util.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module char, list.
+:- pred split(string::in, char::in, list(string)::out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module string, require.
+split(Str0, SChar, Strs) :-
+	string__to_char_list(Str0, Chars0),
+	split(Chars0, SChar, [], [], Strs0),
+	list__reverse(Strs0, Strs).
+:- pred split(list(char)::in, char::in, list(char)::in,
+	list(string)::in, list(string)::out) is det.
+split([], _SChar, Chars0, Strs0, Strs) :-
+	(
+		Chars0 = [],
+		Strs = Strs0
+	;
+		Chars0 = [_|_],
+		list__reverse(Chars0, Chars),
+		string__from_char_list(Chars, Str),
+		Strs = [Str|Strs0]
+	).
+split([C|Cs], SChar, Chars0, Strs0, Strs) :-
+	( C = SChar ->
+		(
+			Chars0 = [],
+			Strs1 = Strs0
+		;
+			Chars0 = [_|_],
+			list__reverse(Chars0, Chars),
+			string__from_char_list(Chars, Str),
+			Strs1 = [Str|Strs0]
+		),
+		split(Cs, SChar, [], Strs1, Strs)
+	;
+		split(Cs, SChar, [C|Chars0], Strs0, Strs)
+	).
+:- pred require_isnt(pred, string).
+:- mode require_isnt((pred) is semidet, in) is det.
+require_isnt(Goal, Message) :-
+	( call(Goal) ->
+		error(Message)
+	;
+		true
+	).
+:- pred is_member(T::in, list(T)::in) is semidet.
+is_member(Elem, List) :-
+	member(Elem, List).
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