[m-rev.] for post-commit review: split possible_cause into hint and inconsistent

Peter Wang novalazy at gmail.com
Tue Jun 11 17:42:18 AEST 2024

On Fri, 07 Jun 2024 17:41:21 +1000 Peter Wang <novalazy at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'll try to make suggestions for the 256 color modes soon.

Here are my suggestions for the 256 color modes.

specified at subject=111:correct=107:incorrect=174:inconsistent=179:hint=140

specified at subject=27:correct=28:incorrect=160:inconsistent=166:hint=92


color 111:  #87afff  rgb(135, 175, 255)  oklch(0.76, 0.124, 263)
color 107:  #87af5f  rgb(135, 175,  95)  oklch(0.71, 0.117, 131)
color 174:  #d78787  rgb(215, 135, 135)  oklch(0.71, 0.099, 20)
color 179:  #d7af5f  rgb(215, 175,  95)  oklch(0.77, 0.109, 83)
color 140:  #af87d7  rgb(175, 135, 215)  oklch(0.69, 0.122, 306)

color  27:  #005fff  rgb(  0,  95, 255)  oklch(0.55, 0.249, 262)
color  28:  #008700  rgb(  0, 135,   0)  oklch(0.54, 0.184, 142)
color 160:  #d70000  rgb(215,   0,   0)  oklch(0.55, 0.227, 29)
color 166:  #d75f00  rgb(215,  95,   0)  oklch(0.63, 0.172, 48)
color  92:  #8700d7  rgb(135,   0, 215)  oklch(0.50, 0.261, 304)

I tried to select colors with similar L (lightness) and C (chroma)
values in the Oklch color space, which should mean that they will be
perceived to have similar lightness and saturation. The orange-yellow
colors (179 and 166) are a bit brighter due to preference.


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