[mercury-users] Learning Mercury at Melbourne (Was: Re: 15 problems I had learning (as much as I have...) about Mercury.)

Peter Schachte schachte at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Wed Feb 14 12:51:57 AEDT 2007

Ben White wrote:

> Back as an undergrad I dabbled in logic programming, but was whisked away
> into the industry before getting deeper into the subject.  Now, I'm very
> keen to get back into logic and constraint programming, and have been
> fortunate enough to return to Melbourne to take some coursework.  Does
> anyone have any suggestions for specific subjects at the 600 level that
> give a good grounding in these and related fields?

You probably want Zoltan's Logic Programming subject 433-632, which I believe
is taught in semester 2 this year.  I also cover Logic Programming, as well as
Functional and OO programming in Principles of Programming Languages 433-630,
offered this semester, but since I'm covering all these paradigms, the specific
coverage of LP is necessarily brief.

Peter Schachte              Computer science is not about computers any more
schachte at cs.mu.OZ.AU        than astronomy is about telescopes.
www.cs.mu.oz.au/~schachte/      -- EW Dijkstra
Phone: +61 3 8344 1338
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