[m-rev.] for review: chop up a big module

Zoltan Somogyi zs at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Thu Jan 27 13:53:14 AEDT 2011

On 27-Jan-2011, Paul Bone <pbone at csse.unimelb.edu.au> wrote:
> This can probably be deleted, (CVS will remember) since we did the same to the
> compiler half of this work.


> I'd rather call this autopar_callgraph_search.m

I called it autopar_search_callgraph.m.

I also added an mmake rule fo Mercury.options. The updated diff is below.


Start dividing a big module with low cohesion into several smaller, high
cohesion modules.

	Distribute the contents of this module among five new submodules.
	Replace those contents with just the inclusions of the new submodules.
	Remove part of the old module implementing Jerome Tannier's algorithms.

	The part of the old module defining generally useful types
	and the operations on them.

	The part of the old module that annotated the representations of goals.

	The part of the old module that performed the search for the best way
	to parallelize a conjuncyion.

	The rest of the old module; it still has low cohesion.
	I will chop it into smaller pieces over the next couple of days.

	Add a target for Mercury.modules, and build before doing mmake depend.

cvs diff: Diffing .
Index: Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/deep_profiler/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.39
diff -u -b -r1.39 Mmakefile
--- Mmakefile	26 Jan 2011 07:38:03 -0000	1.39
+++ Mmakefile	27 Jan 2011 02:45:51 -0000
@@ -99,7 +99,14 @@
 .PHONY: depend
+# This directory contains source files for which the module
+# name doesn't match the file name, so smart recompilation
+# won't work without the Mercury.modules file.
+.PHONY: Mercury.modules
+Mercury.modules: DEEP_FLAGS
 .PHONY: all
Index: autopar_annotate.m
RCS file: autopar_annotate.m
diff -N autopar_annotate.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ autopar_annotate.m	26 Jan 2011 18:16:17 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
+% Copyright (C) 2006-2011 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: autopar_annotate.m.
+% Author: pbone.
+% This module contains code to annotate goals.
+:- module mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.autopar_annotate.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.goal_path.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.program_representation.
+:- import_module mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.autopar_types.
+:- import_module program_representation_utils.
+:- import_module set.
+    % Note: It may be useful to add other annotations such as goal path or cost
+    % information.
+    %
+    % SeenDuplicateInstiation is used to assert that we're analysing single
+    % assignment code only.
+    %
+    % Vars is the set of variables used by this goal, both consumed and
+    % produced.
+    %
+:- pred goal_annotate_with_instmap(goal_rep(goal_id)::in,
+    seen_duplicate_instantiation::out,
+    set(var_rep)::out, set(var_rep)::out,
+    inst_map::in, inst_map::out,
+    goal_attr_array(inst_map_info)::gaa_di,
+    goal_attr_array(inst_map_info)::gaa_uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module analysis_utils.
+:- import_module branch_and_bound.
+:- import_module coverage.
+:- import_module create_report.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.goal_path.
+:- import_module measurement_units.
+:- import_module measurements.
+:- import_module message.
+:- import_module profile.
+:- import_module recursion_patterns.
+:- import_module report.
+:- import_module solutions.
+:- import_module var_use_analysis.
+:- import_module array.
+:- import_module assoc_list.
+:- import_module bool.
+:- import_module cord.
+:- import_module float.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module io.
+:- import_module lazy.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module map.
+:- import_module maybe.
+:- import_module pair.
+:- import_module require.
+:- import_module std_util.
+:- import_module string.
+:- import_module svmap.
+% Annotate a goal with instantiation information.
+goal_annotate_with_instmap(Goal, SeenDuplicateInstantiation, ConsumedVars,
+        BoundVars, !InstMap, !InstMapArray) :-
+    Goal = goal_rep(GoalExpr, _, GoalId),
+    InstMapBefore = !.InstMap,
+    (
+        GoalExpr = conj_rep(Conjs),
+        conj_annotate_with_instmap(Conjs, SeenDuplicateInstantiation,
+            ConsumedVars, BoundVars, !InstMap, !InstMapArray)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = disj_rep(Disjs),
+        disj_annotate_with_instmap(Disjs, SeenDuplicateInstantiation,
+            ConsumedVars, BoundVars, !InstMap, !InstMapArray)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = switch_rep(Var, _CanFail, Cases),
+        switch_annotate_with_instmap(Cases, SeenDuplicateInstantiation,
+            ConsumedVars0, BoundVars, !InstMap, !InstMapArray),
+        set.insert(ConsumedVars0, Var, ConsumedVars)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = ite_rep(Cond, Then, Else),
+        ite_annotate_with_instmap(Cond, Then, Else,
+            SeenDuplicateInstantiation, ConsumedVars, BoundVars,
+            !InstMap, !InstMapArray)
+    ;
+        % XXX: Not all scope goals can produce variables, in fact some are used
+        % to isolate variables that aren't named apart.  But other scope goals
+        % can bind variables.  We don't know which we're looking at here.
+        GoalExpr = scope_rep(Subgoal, _MaybeCut),
+        goal_annotate_with_instmap(Subgoal, SeenDuplicateInstantiation,
+            ConsumedVars, BoundVars, !InstMap, !InstMapArray)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = negation_rep(Subgoal),
+        % A negated goal cannot affect instantiation.
+        goal_annotate_with_instmap(Subgoal, SeenDuplicateInstantiation,
+            ConsumedVars, _, !.InstMap, _InstMap, !InstMapArray),
+        BoundVars = set.init
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = atomic_goal_rep(_File, _Line, BoundVarsList, AtomicGoal),
+        % The binding of a variable may depend on any number of other
+        % variables, and recursively the variables that those depended-on
+        % variables depend upon.
+        % XXX: This doesn't include variables that can affect control flow and
+        % therefore the values of other variables, this includes variables
+        % referenced from conditions in ITE goals, and variables switched-on.
+        % We may get away with this as our new system for determining
+        % goal-dependance takes these into account.
+        atomic_goal_get_vars(AtomicGoal, Vars),
+        BoundVars = set.from_list(BoundVarsList),
+        set.difference(Vars, BoundVars, ConsumedVars),
+        inst_map_ground_vars(BoundVarsList, ConsumedVars, !InstMap,
+            SeenDuplicateInstantiation)
+    ),
+    InstMapAfter = !.InstMap,
+    InstMapInfo = inst_map_info(InstMapBefore, InstMapAfter, ConsumedVars,
+        BoundVars),
+    update_goal_attribute(GoalId, InstMapInfo, !InstMapArray).
+:- pred conj_annotate_with_instmap(list(goal_rep(goal_id))::in,
+    seen_duplicate_instantiation::out, set(var_rep)::out, set(var_rep)::out,
+    inst_map::in, inst_map::out,
+    goal_attr_array(inst_map_info)::gaa_di,
+    goal_attr_array(inst_map_info)::gaa_uo) is det.
+conj_annotate_with_instmap([], have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation,
+        set.init, set.init, !InstMap, !InstMapArray).
+conj_annotate_with_instmap([Conj | Conjs], SeenDuplicateInstantiation,
+        ConsumedVars, BoundVars, !InstMap, !InstMapArray) :-
+    goal_annotate_with_instmap(Conj, SeenDuplicateInstantiationHead,
+        ConsumedVarsHead, BoundVarsHead, !InstMap, !InstMapArray),
+    conj_annotate_with_instmap(Conjs, SeenDuplicateInstantiationTail,
+        ConsumedVarsTail, BoundVarsTail, !InstMap, !InstMapArray),
+    set.union(ConsumedVarsTail, ConsumedVarsHead, ConsumedVars),
+    set.union(BoundVarsTail, BoundVarsHead, BoundVars),
+    SeenDuplicateInstantiation = merge_seen_duplicate_instantiation(
+        SeenDuplicateInstantiationHead, SeenDuplicateInstantiationTail).
+:- pred disj_annotate_with_instmap(list(goal_rep(goal_id))::in,
+    seen_duplicate_instantiation::out, set(var_rep)::out, set(var_rep)::out,
+    inst_map::in, inst_map::out,
+    goal_attr_array(inst_map_info)::gaa_di,
+    goal_attr_array(inst_map_info)::gaa_uo) is det.
+disj_annotate_with_instmap([], have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation,
+        set.init, set.init, !InstMap, !InstMapArray).
+disj_annotate_with_instmap([Disj | Disjs], SeenDuplicateInstantiation,
+        ConsumedVars, BoundVars, InstMap0, InstMap, !InstMapArray) :-
+    HeadDetism = Disj ^ goal_detism_rep,
+    goal_annotate_with_instmap(Disj, SeenDuplicateInstantiationHead,
+        ConsumedVarsHead, BoundVarsHead, InstMap0, InstMapHead, !InstMapArray),
+    disj_annotate_with_instmap(Disjs, SeenDuplicateInstantiationTail,
+        ConsumedVarsTail, BoundVarsTail, InstMap0, InstMapTail, !InstMapArray),
+    set.union(ConsumedVarsTail, ConsumedVarsHead, ConsumedVars),
+    % merge_inst_map requires the detism of goals that produce both inst maps,
+    % we can create fake values that satisfy merge_inst_map easily.
+    % XXX: Consider inferring determinism as another simple analysis.
+    % A disjunction may only bind a variable if all disjuncts bind that
+    % variable.  We respect that here and handle the special case of this being
+    % the last disjunct in a disjunction.
+    (
+        Disjs = [],
+        TailDetism = failure_rep,
+        BoundVars = BoundVarsHead
+    ;
+        Disjs = [_ | _],
+        TailDetism = det_rep,
+        set.intersect(BoundVarsTail, BoundVarsHead, BoundVars)
+    ),
+    InstMap = merge_inst_map(InstMapHead, HeadDetism, InstMapTail, TailDetism),
+    SeenDuplicateInstantiation = merge_seen_duplicate_instantiation(
+        SeenDuplicateInstantiationHead, SeenDuplicateInstantiationTail).
+:- pred switch_annotate_with_instmap(list(case_rep(goal_id))::in,
+    seen_duplicate_instantiation::out, set(var_rep)::out, set(var_rep)::out,
+    inst_map::in, inst_map::out,
+    goal_attr_array(inst_map_info)::gaa_di,
+    goal_attr_array(inst_map_info)::gaa_uo) is det.
+switch_annotate_with_instmap([], have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation,
+        set.init, set.init, !InstMap, !InstMapArray).
+switch_annotate_with_instmap([Case | Cases], SeenDuplicateInstantiation,
+        ConsumedVars, BoundVars, InstMap0, InstMap, !InstMapArray) :-
+    Case = case_rep(_, _, Goal),
+    HeadDetism = Goal ^ goal_detism_rep,
+    goal_annotate_with_instmap(Goal, SeenDuplicateInstantiationHead,
+        ConsumedVarsHead, BoundVarsHead, InstMap0, InstMapHead, !InstMapArray),
+    switch_annotate_with_instmap(Cases, SeenDuplicateInstantiationTail,
+        ConsumedVarsTail, BoundVarsTail, InstMap0, InstMapTail, !InstMapArray),
+    set.union(ConsumedVarsTail, ConsumedVarsHead, ConsumedVars),
+    % merge_inst_map requires the detism of goals that produce both inst maps,
+    % we can create fake values that satisfy merge_inst_map easily.
+    (
+        Cases = [],
+        TailDetism = failure_rep,
+        BoundVars = BoundVarsHead
+    ;
+        Cases = [_ | _],
+        TailDetism = det_rep,
+        set.intersect(BoundVarsTail, BoundVarsHead, BoundVars)
+    ),
+    InstMap = merge_inst_map(InstMapHead, HeadDetism, InstMapTail, TailDetism),
+    SeenDuplicateInstantiation = merge_seen_duplicate_instantiation(
+        SeenDuplicateInstantiationHead, SeenDuplicateInstantiationTail).
+:- pred ite_annotate_with_instmap(goal_rep(goal_id)::in,
+    goal_rep(goal_id)::in, goal_rep(goal_id)::in,
+    seen_duplicate_instantiation::out, set(var_rep)::out, set(var_rep)::out,
+    inst_map::in, inst_map::out,
+    goal_attr_array(inst_map_info)::gaa_di,
+    goal_attr_array(inst_map_info)::gaa_uo) is det.
+ite_annotate_with_instmap(Cond, Then, Else, SeenDuplicateInstantiation,
+        ConsumedVars, BoundVars, InstMap0, InstMap, !InstMapArray) :-
+    goal_annotate_with_instmap(Cond, SeenDuplicateInstantiationCond,
+        ConsumedVarsCond, _BoundVarsCond, InstMap0, InstMapAfterCond,
+        !InstMapArray),
+    goal_annotate_with_instmap(Then, SeenDuplicateInstantiationThen,
+        ConsumedVarsThen, BoundVarsThen, InstMapAfterCond, InstMapAfterThen,
+        !InstMapArray),
+    goal_annotate_with_instmap(Else, SeenDuplicateInstantiationElse,
+        ConsumedVarsElse, BoundVarsElse, InstMap0, InstMapAfterElse,
+        !InstMapArray),
+    (
+        SeenDuplicateInstantiationCond = have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation,
+        SeenDuplicateInstantiationThen = have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation,
+        SeenDuplicateInstantiationElse = have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation
+    ->
+        SeenDuplicateInstantiation = have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation
+    ;
+        SeenDuplicateInstantiation = seen_duplicate_instantiation
+    ),
+    set.union(ConsumedVarsCond, ConsumedVarsThen, ConsumedVarsCondThen),
+    set.union(ConsumedVarsCondThen, ConsumedVarsElse, ConsumedVars),
+    % Cond is only allowed to bind variables for then.  THe variables bound by
+    % the ITE are only those that both Then and Else bind.
+    set.intersect(BoundVarsThen, BoundVarsElse, BoundVars),
+    ThenDetism = Then ^ goal_detism_rep,
+    ElseDetism = Else ^ goal_detism_rep,
+    InstMap = merge_inst_map(InstMapAfterThen, ThenDetism,
+        InstMapAfterElse, ElseDetism).
Index: autopar_find_best_par.m
RCS file: autopar_find_best_par.m
diff -N autopar_find_best_par.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ autopar_find_best_par.m	27 Jan 2011 02:33:58 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,813 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
+% Copyright (C) 2006-2011 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: autopar_find_best_par.m
+% Author: pbone.
+% This module contains the code for finding the best way to parallelize
+% a given conjunction.
+:- module mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.autopar_find_best_par.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module message.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.feedback.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.feedback.automatic_parallelism.
+:- import_module mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.autopar_types.
+:- import_module cord.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module maybe.
+:- type best_parallelisation
+    --->    bp_parallel_execution(
+                bp_goals_before         :: list(pard_goal_detail),
+                bp_par_conjs            :: list(seq_conj(pard_goal_detail)),
+                bp_goals_after          :: list(pard_goal_detail),
+                bp_is_dependent         :: conjuncts_are_dependent,
+                bp_par_exec_metrics     :: parallel_exec_metrics
+            ).
+:- pred find_best_parallelisation(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    program_location::in, list(pard_goal_detail)::in,
+    maybe(best_parallelisation)::out,
+    cord(message)::in, cord(message)::out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+% XXX temporary only
+:- import_module mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.autopar_search_callgraph.
+:- import_module analysis_utils.
+:- import_module branch_and_bound.
+:- import_module coverage.
+:- import_module create_report.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.goal_path.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.program_representation.
+:- import_module measurement_units.
+:- import_module measurements.
+:- import_module program_representation_utils.
+:- import_module recursion_patterns.
+:- import_module report.
+:- import_module solutions.
+:- import_module var_use_analysis.
+:- import_module array.
+:- import_module assoc_list.
+:- import_module bool.
+:- import_module digraph.
+:- import_module float.
+:- import_module io.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module lazy.
+:- import_module map.
+:- import_module pair.
+:- import_module require.
+:- import_module set.
+:- import_module std_util.
+:- import_module string.
+:- import_module svmap.
+find_best_parallelisation(Info, Location, Goals, MaybeBestParallelisation,
+        !Messages) :-
+    % Decide which algorithm to use.
+    ConjunctionSize = length(Goals),
+    choose_algorithm(Info, ConjunctionSize, Algorithm),
+    preprocess_conjunction(Goals, MaybePreprocessedGoals, Location, !Messages),
+    (
+        MaybePreprocessedGoals = yes(PreprocessedGoals),
+        find_best_parallelisation_complete_bnb(Info, Location,
+            Algorithm, PreprocessedGoals, MaybeBestParallelisation)
+    ;
+        MaybePreprocessedGoals = no,
+        MaybeBestParallelisation = no
+    ).
+:- type best_par_algorithm_simple
+    --->    bpas_complete(maybe(int))
+    ;       bpas_greedy.
+:- pred choose_algorithm(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    int::in, best_par_algorithm_simple::out) is det.
+choose_algorithm(Info, ConjunctionSize, Algorithm) :-
+    Algorithm0 = Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpcp_best_par_alg,
+    (
+        (
+            Algorithm0 = bpa_complete_branches(BranchesLimit),
+            MaybeBranchesLimit = yes(BranchesLimit)
+        ;
+            Algorithm0 = bpa_complete,
+            MaybeBranchesLimit = no
+        ),
+        Algorithm = bpas_complete(MaybeBranchesLimit)
+    ;
+        Algorithm0 = bpa_complete_size(SizeLimit),
+        ( SizeLimit < ConjunctionSize ->
+            Algorithm = bpas_greedy
+        ;
+            Algorithm = bpas_complete(no)
+        )
+    ;
+        Algorithm0 = bpa_greedy,
+        Algorithm = bpas_greedy
+    ).
+:- type goal_group(T)
+    --->    gg_single(
+                ggs_index               :: int,
+                ggs_abstract            :: T
+            )
+    ;       gg_multiple(
+                ggm_index               :: int,
+                ggm_count               :: int,
+                ggm_abstract            :: T
+            ).
+:- pred gg_get_details(goal_group(T)::in, int::out, int::out, T::out) is det.
+gg_get_details(gg_single(Index, P), Index, 1, P).
+gg_get_details(gg_multiple(Index, Num, P), Index, Num, P).
+% NOTE: These commented out types are relevant for some work that
+% hasn't yet been done. They will either be used or removed in a future change.
+%:- type goal_placement
+%    --->    goal_placement(
+%                gp_can_split_group          :: can_split_group,
+%                gp_placement_choices        :: set(goal_placement_enum)
+%            ).
+    % The valid placement decisions that can be made for a given goal.
+    %
+    % Note that this type is not as expressive as it could be, this is
+    % deliberate to avoid symmetry.  It is however still complete.
+    %
+    %  + place_independent is just gpe_place_in_new_conj with the next goal
+    %    having gpe_place_in_new_conj.
+    %
+    %  + place_with_next is just gpe_place_in_new_conj with the next goal
+    %    having place_with_previous.
+    %
+%:- type goal_placement_enum
+%    --->    gpe_place_before_par_conj
+%    ;       gpe_place_after_par_conj
+%    ;       gpe_place_with_previous
+%    ;       gpe_place_in_new_conj.
+%:- type can_split_group
+%    --->    can_split_group
+%    ;       cannot_split_group.
+:- type goal_classification
+    --->    gc_cheap_goals
+    ;       gc_costly_goals.
+    % A summary of goals before parallelisation.
+    %
+    % All indexes are 0-based except where otherwise noded.
+    %
+:- type goals_for_parallelisation
+    --->    goals_for_parallelisation(
+                gfp_goals                   :: array(pard_goal_detail),
+                gfp_first_costly_goal       :: int,
+                gfp_last_costly_goal        :: int,
+                gfp_groups                  ::
+                    list(goal_group(goal_classification)),
+                % The indexes in the dependency graph are 1-based.
+                gfp_dependency_graphs       :: dependency_graphs,
+                gfp_costly_goal_indexes     :: list(int),
+                gfp_num_calls               :: int
+            ).
+:- inst goals_for_parallelisation
+    --->    goals_for_parallelisation(
+                ground, ground, ground,
+                non_empty_list,
+                ground,
+                non_empty_list,
+                ground
+            ).
+:- pred preprocess_conjunction(list(pard_goal_detail)::in,
+    maybe(goals_for_parallelisation)::out(maybe(goals_for_parallelisation)),
+    program_location::in, cord(message)::in, cord(message)::out) is det.
+preprocess_conjunction(Goals, MaybeGoalsForParallelisation, Location,
+        !Messages) :-
+    GoalsArray = array.from_list(Goals),
+    % Phase 1: Build a dependency map.
+    build_dependency_graphs(Goals, DependencyGraphs),
+    % Phase 2: Find the costly calls.
+    identify_costly_goals(Goals, 0, CostlyGoalsIndexes),
+    (
+        CostlyGoalsIndexes = [FirstCostlyGoalIndexPrime | OtherIndexes],
+        last(OtherIndexes, LastCostlyGoalIndexPrime)
+    ->
+        FirstCostlyGoalIndex = FirstCostlyGoalIndexPrime,
+        LastCostlyGoalIndex = LastCostlyGoalIndexPrime
+    ;
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "too few costly goals")
+    ),
+    % Phase 3: Check that all the middle goals are model det.
+    foldl_sub_array(goal_accumulate_detism, GoalsArray,
+        FirstCostlyGoalIndex, LastCostlyGoalIndex, det_rep, Detism),
+    (
+        ( Detism = det_rep
+        ; Detism = cc_multidet_rep
+        ),
+        % Phase 3: Process the middle section into groups.
+        foldl_sub_array(preprocess_conjunction_into_groups, GoalsArray,
+            FirstCostlyGoalIndex, LastCostlyGoalIndex, [], RevGoalGroups),
+        list.reverse(RevGoalGroups, GoalGroups),
+        FirstCostlyGoal = lookup(GoalsArray, FirstCostlyGoalIndex),
+        Cost = FirstCostlyGoal ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_cost,
+        NumCalls = goal_cost_get_calls(Cost),
+        GoalsForParallelisation = goals_for_parallelisation(GoalsArray,
+            FirstCostlyGoalIndex, LastCostlyGoalIndex, GoalGroups,
+            DependencyGraphs, CostlyGoalsIndexes, NumCalls),
+        MaybeGoalsForParallelisation = yes(GoalsForParallelisation)
+    ;
+        ( Detism = semidet_rep
+        ; Detism = multidet_rep
+        ; Detism = nondet_rep
+        ; Detism = erroneous_rep
+        ; Detism = failure_rep
+        ; Detism = cc_nondet_rep
+        ),
+        MaybeGoalsForParallelisation = no,
+        append_message(Location, notice_candidate_conjunction_not_det(Detism),
+            !Messages)
+    ).
+:- pred build_dependency_graphs(list(pard_goal_detail)::in,
+    dependency_graphs::out) is det.
+build_dependency_graphs(Goals, Maps) :-
+    Graph0 = digraph.init,
+    build_dependency_graph(Goals, 1, map.init, _VarDepMap, Graph0, Graph),
+    Maps = dependency_graphs(Graph, tc(Graph)).
+:- pred build_dependency_graph(list(pard_goal_detail)::in, int::in,
+    map(var_rep, int)::in, map(var_rep, int)::out,
+    digraph(int)::in, digraph(int)::out) is det.
+build_dependency_graph([], _ConjNum, !VarDepMap, !Graph).
+build_dependency_graph([PG | PGs], ConjNum, !VarDepMap, !Graph) :-
+    InstMapInfo = PG ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_inst_map_info,
+    % For each variable consumed by a goal we find out which goals instantiate
+    % that variable and add them as it's dependencies along with their
+    % dependencies.  NOTE: We only consider variables that are read
+    % and not those that are set.  This is safe because we only bother
+    % analysing single assignment code.
+    RefedVars = InstMapInfo ^ im_consumed_vars,
+    digraph.add_vertex(ConjNum, ThisConjKey, !Graph),
+    MaybeAddEdge = ( pred(RefedVar::in, GraphI0::in, GraphI::out) is det :-
+        ( map.search(!.VarDepMap, RefedVar, DepConj) ->
+            % DepConj should already be in the graph.
+            digraph.lookup_key(GraphI0, DepConj, DepConjKey),
+            digraph.add_edge(DepConjKey, ThisConjKey, GraphI0, GraphI)
+        ;
+            GraphI = GraphI0
+        )
+    ),
+    list.foldl(MaybeAddEdge, set.to_sorted_list(RefedVars), !Graph),
+    % For each variable instantiated by this goal add it to the VarDepMap with
+    % this goal as it's instantiator.  That is a maping from the variable to
+    % the conj num.
+    InstVars = InstMapInfo ^ im_bound_vars,
+    InsertForConjNum = ( pred(InstVar::in, MapI0::in, MapI::out) is det :-
+        svmap.det_insert(InstVar, ConjNum, MapI0, MapI)
+    ),
+    set.fold(InsertForConjNum, InstVars, !VarDepMap),
+    build_dependency_graph(PGs, ConjNum + 1, !VarDepMap, !Graph).
+:- pred goal_accumulate_detism(int::in, pard_goal_detail::in,
+    detism_rep::in, detism_rep::out) is det.
+goal_accumulate_detism(_, Goal, !Detism) :-
+    detism_components(!.Detism, Solutions0, CanFail0),
+    detism_committed_choice(!.Detism, CommittedChoice0),
+    Detism = Goal ^ goal_detism_rep,
+    detism_components(Detism, GoalSolutions, GoalCanFail),
+    detism_committed_choice(Detism, GoalCommittedChoice),
+    (
+        GoalSolutions = at_most_zero_rep,
+        Solutions = at_most_zero_rep
+    ;
+        GoalSolutions = at_most_one_rep,
+        Solutions = Solutions0
+    ;
+        GoalSolutions = at_most_many_rep,
+        (
+            Solutions0 = at_most_zero_rep,
+            Solutions = at_most_zero_rep
+        ;
+            ( Solutions0 = at_most_one_rep
+            ; Solutions0 = at_most_many_rep
+            ),
+            Solutions = GoalSolutions
+        )
+    ),
+    (
+        GoalCanFail = can_fail_rep,
+        CanFail = can_fail_rep
+    ;
+        GoalCanFail = cannot_fail_rep,
+        CanFail = CanFail0
+    ),
+    (
+        GoalCommittedChoice = committed_choice,
+        CommittedChoice = CommittedChoice0
+    ;
+        GoalCommittedChoice = not_committed_cnoice,
+        CommittedChoice = not_committed_cnoice
+    ),
+    (
+        promise_equivalent_solutions [FinalDetism] (
+            detism_components(FinalDetism, Solutions, CanFail),
+            detism_committed_choice(FinalDetism, CommittedChoice)
+        )
+    ->
+        !:Detism = FinalDetism
+    ;
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "cannot compute detism from components.")
+    ).
+    % foldl(preprocess_conjunction_into_groups, Goals, FirstCostlyGoalIndex,
+    %   LastCostlyGoalIndex, RevGoalGroups)).
+    %
+    % GoalGroups are Goals divided into groups of single costly goals, Larger
+    % groups are not currently used.  Only the goals within the range of costly
+    % goals inclusive are analysed.
+    %
+:- pred preprocess_conjunction_into_groups(int::in, pard_goal_detail::in,
+    list(goal_group(goal_classification))::in,
+    list(goal_group(goal_classification))::out) is det.
+preprocess_conjunction_into_groups(Index, Goal, !RevGoalGroups) :-
+    identify_costly_goal(Goal ^ goal_annotation, Costly),
+    (
+        Costly = is_costly_goal,
+        GoalClassification = gc_costly_goals
+    ;
+        Costly = is_not_costly_goal,
+        GoalClassification = gc_cheap_goals
+    ),
+    % XXX Goal grouping is not yet implemented/tested.
+    GoalGroup = gg_single(Index, GoalClassification),
+    !:RevGoalGroups = [GoalGroup | !.RevGoalGroups].
+    % Find the best parallelisation using the branch and bound algorithm.
+    %
+:- pred find_best_parallelisation_complete_bnb(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    program_location::in, best_par_algorithm_simple::in,
+    goals_for_parallelisation::in, maybe(best_parallelisation)::out) is det.
+find_best_parallelisation_complete_bnb(Info, Location, Algorithm,
+        PreprocessedGoals, MaybeBestParallelisation) :-
+    trace [compile_time(flag("debug_branch_and_bound")), io(!IO)] (
+        io.format("D: Find best parallelisation for:\n%s\n",
+            [s(LocationString)], !IO),
+        location_to_string(1, Location, LocationCord),
+        string.append_list(list(LocationCord), LocationString),
+        NumGoals = size(PreprocessedGoals ^ gfp_goals),
+        NumGoalsBefore = PreprocessedGoals ^ gfp_first_costly_goal,
+        NumGoalsAfter = NumGoals - PreprocessedGoals ^ gfp_last_costly_goal - 1,
+        NumGoalsMiddle = NumGoals - NumGoalsBefore - NumGoalsAfter,
+        io.format("D: Problem size (before, middle, after): %d,%d,%d\n",
+            [i(NumGoalsBefore), i(NumGoalsMiddle), i(NumGoalsAfter)], !IO),
+        io.flush_output(!IO)
+    ),
+    branch_and_bound(
+        generate_parallelisations(Info, Algorithm, PreprocessedGoals),
+        parallelisation_get_objective_value,
+        Solutions, Profile),
+    trace [compile_time(flag("debug_branch_and_bound")), io(!IO)] (
+        io.format("D: Solutions: %d\n",
+            [i(set.count(Solutions))], !IO),
+        io.format("D: Branch and bound profile: %s\n\n",
+            [s(string(Profile))], !IO),
+        io.flush_output(!IO)
+    ),
+    ( set.remove_least(Solutions, BestParallelisation, _) ->
+        MaybeBestParallelisation = yes(BestParallelisation)
+    ;
+        % Solutions is empty.
+        ParalleliseDepConjs = Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpcp_parallelise_dep_conjs,
+        (
+            ( ParalleliseDepConjs = parallelise_dep_conjs_overlap
+            ; ParalleliseDepConjs = parallelise_dep_conjs_naive
+            ; ParalleliseDepConjs = parallelise_dep_conjs_num_vars
+            ),
+            MaybeBestParallelisation = no
+        ;
+            ParalleliseDepConjs = do_not_parallelise_dep_conjs,
+            % Try again to get the best dependent parallelisation.
+            % This is used for guided parallelisation.
+            TempInfo = Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpcp_parallelise_dep_conjs :=
+                parallelise_dep_conjs_overlap,
+            find_best_parallelisation_complete_bnb(TempInfo, Location,
+                Algorithm, PreprocessedGoals, MaybeBestParallelisation)
+        )
+    ).
+    % The objective function for the branch and bound search.
+    % This is ParTime + ParOverheads * 2.  That is we are willing to pay
+    % 1 unit of parallel overheads to get a 2 unit improvement
+    % of parallel execution time.
+    %
+:- func parallelisation_get_objective_value(best_parallelisation) = float.
+parallelisation_get_objective_value(Parallelisation) = Value :-
+    Metrics = Parallelisation ^ bp_par_exec_metrics,
+    Value = Metrics ^ pem_par_time +
+        parallel_exec_metrics_get_overheads(Metrics) * 2.0.
+:- impure pred generate_parallelisations(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    best_par_algorithm_simple::in, goals_for_parallelisation::in,
+    bnb_state(best_parallelisation)::in, best_parallelisation::out) is nondet.
+generate_parallelisations(Info, Algorithm, GoalsForParallelisation,
+        BNBState, BestParallelisation) :-
+    some [!Parallelisation, !GoalGroups] (
+        start_building_parallelisation(Info, GoalsForParallelisation,
+            !:Parallelisation),
+        !:GoalGroups = GoalsForParallelisation ^ gfp_groups,
+        start_first_par_conjunct(!GoalGroups, !Parallelisation),
+        impure generate_parallelisations_body(Info, BNBState, Algorithm,
+            !.GoalGroups, !Parallelisation),
+        ( semipure should_expand_search(BNBState, Algorithm) ->
+            % Try to push goals into the first and last parallel conjuncts
+            % from outside the parallel conjunction.
+            semipure add_goals_into_first_par_conj(BNBState, !Parallelisation),
+            semipure add_goals_into_last_par_conj(BNBState, !Parallelisation)
+        ;
+            true
+        ),
+        finalise_parallelisation(!.Parallelisation, BestParallelisation)
+    ),
+    semipure test_incomplete_solution(BNBState, BestParallelisation).
+:- pred start_building_parallelisation(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    goals_for_parallelisation::in,
+    incomplete_parallelisation::out) is det.
+start_building_parallelisation(Info, PreprocessedGoals, Parallelisation) :-
+    GoalsArray = PreprocessedGoals ^ gfp_goals,
+    FirstParGoal = PreprocessedGoals ^ gfp_first_costly_goal,
+    LastParGoal = PreprocessedGoals ^ gfp_last_costly_goal,
+    NumCalls = PreprocessedGoals ^ gfp_num_calls,
+    DependencyGraphs = PreprocessedGoals ^ gfp_dependency_graphs,
+    Parallelisation = incomplete_parallelisation(Info, GoalsArray,
+        FirstParGoal, LastParGoal, FirstParGoal, [], NumCalls,
+        DependencyGraphs, no, no, no).
+    % Finalise the parallelisation.
+    %
+:- pred finalise_parallelisation(incomplete_parallelisation::in,
+    best_parallelisation::out) is det.
+finalise_parallelisation(Incomplete, Best) :-
+    GoalsBefore = ip_get_goals_before(Incomplete),
+    GoalsAfter = ip_get_goals_after(Incomplete),
+    MaybeCostData = Incomplete ^ ip_maybe_par_cost_data,
+    (
+        MaybeCostData = yes(CostData)
+    ;
+        MaybeCostData = no,
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "parallelisation has no cost data")
+    ),
+    CostData = parallelisation_cost_data(_, Overlap, Metrics0, _),
+    Metrics = finalise_parallel_exec_metrics(Metrics0),
+    par_conj_overlap_is_dependent(Overlap, IsDependent),
+    ParConjs = ip_get_par_conjs(Incomplete),
+    Best = bp_parallel_execution(GoalsBefore, ParConjs,
+        GoalsAfter, IsDependent, Metrics).
+:- semipure pred add_goals_into_first_par_conj(
+    bnb_state(best_parallelisation)::in,
+    incomplete_parallelisation::in, incomplete_parallelisation::out) is multi.
+add_goals_into_first_par_conj(BNBState, !Parallelisation) :-
+    FirstGoal0 = !.Parallelisation ^ ip_first_par_goal,
+    (
+        FirstGoal0 > 0,
+        Goals = !.Parallelisation ^ ip_goals,
+        Goal = lookup(Goals, FirstGoal0 - 1),
+        can_parallelise_goal(Goal),
+        % There are goals before the parallel conjunction that can be included
+        % in the parallel conjunction.
+        add_one_goal_into_first_par_conj(!Parallelisation),
+        semipure test_parallelisation(BNBState, !Parallelisation),
+        semipure add_goals_into_first_par_conj(BNBState, !Parallelisation)
+    ;
+        true
+    ).
+:- semipure pred add_goals_into_last_par_conj(
+    bnb_state(best_parallelisation)::in,
+    incomplete_parallelisation::in, incomplete_parallelisation::out) is multi.
+add_goals_into_last_par_conj(BNBState, !Parallelisation) :-
+    NumGoals = ip_get_num_goals(!.Parallelisation),
+    LastParGoal = !.Parallelisation ^ ip_last_par_goal,
+    (
+        LastParGoal < NumGoals - 1,
+        Goals = !.Parallelisation ^ ip_goals,
+        Goal = lookup(Goals, LastParGoal + 1),
+        can_parallelise_goal(Goal),
+        % Try to move a goal from after the parallelisation into the
+        % parallelisation.
+        add_one_goal_into_last_par_conj(!Parallelisation),
+        semipure test_parallelisation(BNBState, !Parallelisation),
+        semipure add_goals_into_last_par_conj(BNBState, !Parallelisation)
+    ;
+        true
+    ).
+    % Set the last scheduled goal to the goal at the end of the first group,
+    % popping the first group off the list. This initialises the
+    % parallelisation with the first goal group occurring first in the first
+    % parallel conjunction.
+    %
+    % This is done outside of the loop below since the first goal group will
+    % always be added to the first (initially empty) parallel conjunction.
+    %
+:- pred start_first_par_conjunct(
+    list(goal_group(T))::in, list(goal_group(T))::out,
+    incomplete_parallelisation::in, incomplete_parallelisation::out) is det.
+start_first_par_conjunct(!GoalGroups, !Parallelisation) :-
+    (
+        !.GoalGroups = [],
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "no goal groups")
+    ;
+        !.GoalGroups = [Group | !:GoalGroups],
+        gg_get_details(Group, Index, Num, _),
+        LastScheduledGoal = Index + Num - 1,
+        !Parallelisation ^ ip_last_scheduled_goal := LastScheduledGoal
+    ).
+:- impure pred generate_parallelisations_body(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    bnb_state(best_parallelisation)::in, best_par_algorithm_simple::in,
+    list(goal_group(goal_classification))::in,
+    incomplete_parallelisation::in, incomplete_parallelisation::out) is nondet.
+generate_parallelisations_body(_, _, _, [], !Parallelisation) :-
+    % Verify that we've generated at least two parallel conjuncts.
+    ip_get_num_parallel_conjuncts(!.Parallelisation) >= 2.
+generate_parallelisations_body(Info, BNBState, Algorithm,
+        [GoalGroup | GoalGroups], !Parallelisation) :-
+    LastScheduledGoal0 = !.Parallelisation ^ ip_last_scheduled_goal,
+    gg_get_details(GoalGroup, _Index, Num, _Classification),
+    LastScheduledGoal = LastScheduledGoal0 + Num,
+    some [!AddToLastParallelisation, !AddToNewParallelisation] (
+        !:AddToLastParallelisation = !.Parallelisation,
+        !:AddToNewParallelisation = !.Parallelisation,
+        % Consider adding this goal to the last parallel conjunct.
+        !AddToLastParallelisation ^ ip_last_scheduled_goal
+            := LastScheduledGoal,
+        score_parallelisation(BNBState, MaybeAddToLastScore,
+            !AddToLastParallelisation),
+        % Consider putting this goal into a new parallel conjunct.
+        ParConjsRevLastGoal0 = !.Parallelisation ^ ip_par_conjs_rev_last_goal,
+        ParConjsRevLastGoal = [LastScheduledGoal0 | ParConjsRevLastGoal0],
+        !AddToNewParallelisation ^ ip_par_conjs_rev_last_goal :=
+            ParConjsRevLastGoal,
+        !AddToNewParallelisation ^ ip_last_scheduled_goal := LastScheduledGoal,
+        score_parallelisation(BNBState, MaybeAddToNewScore,
+            !AddToNewParallelisation),
+        (
+            MaybeAddToLastScore = yes(AddToLastScore),
+            (
+                MaybeAddToNewScore = yes(AddToNewScore),
+                (
+                    % Smaller scores are better.
+                    AddToNewScore > AddToLastScore
+                ->
+                    % Adding to the last parallel conjunct is better.
+                    BestOption = !.AddToLastParallelisation,
+                    MaybeSndBestOption = yes(!.AddToNewParallelisation)
+                ;
+                    % Adding to a new parallel conjunct is better.
+                    BestOption = !.AddToNewParallelisation,
+                    MaybeSndBestOption = yes(!.AddToLastParallelisation)
+                )
+            ;
+                MaybeAddToNewScore = no,
+                % Adding to the last parallel conjunct is the only option.
+                BestOption = !.AddToLastParallelisation,
+                MaybeSndBestOption = no
+            )
+        ;
+            MaybeAddToLastScore = no,
+            % Adding to a new parallel conjunct is the only option.
+            BestOption = !.AddToNewParallelisation,
+            MaybeSndBestOption = no
+        )
+    ),
+    (
+        MaybeSndBestOption = no,
+        !:Parallelisation = BestOption
+    ;
+        MaybeSndBestOption = yes(SndBestOption),
+        (
+            % Should an alternative branch be created here?
+            semipure should_expand_search(BNBState, Algorithm)
+        ->
+            % Create a branch.
+            impure add_alternative(BNBState),
+            % This tries the leftmost disjunct first, so try the best option
+            % there.
+            (
+                !:Parallelisation = BestOption
+            ;
+                impure close_alternative(BNBState),
+                !:Parallelisation = SndBestOption
+            )
+        ;
+            !:Parallelisation = BestOption
+        )
+    ),
+    semipure test_parallelisation(BNBState, !Parallelisation),
+    impure generate_parallelisations_body(Info, BNBState, Algorithm,
+        GoalGroups, !Parallelisation).
+    % True if we should expand the search for parallelisation alternatives by
+    % creating a choice point.
+    %
+:- semipure pred should_expand_search(bnb_state(T)::in,
+    best_par_algorithm_simple::in) is semidet.
+should_expand_search(BNBState, Algorithm) :-
+    Algorithm = bpas_complete(MaybeLimit),
+    (
+        MaybeLimit = yes(Limit),
+        semipure num_alternatives(BNBState, Open, Closed),
+        Open + Closed < Limit
+    ;
+        MaybeLimit = no
+    ).
+    % Test the parallelisation against the best one known to the branch and
+    % bound solver.
+    %
+:- semipure pred test_parallelisation(bnb_state(best_parallelisation)::in,
+    incomplete_parallelisation::in, incomplete_parallelisation::out)
+    is semidet.
+test_parallelisation(BNBState, !Parallelisation) :-
+    calculate_parallel_cost(CostData, !Parallelisation),
+    Info = !.Parallelisation ^ ip_info,
+    test_dependance(Info, CostData),
+    % XXX: We shouldn't need to finalize the parallelisation before testing it.
+    % This is a limitation of the branch and bound module.
+    finalise_parallelisation(!.Parallelisation, TestParallelisation),
+    semipure test_incomplete_solution(BNBState, TestParallelisation).
+    % Score the parallelisation.
+    %
+:- pred score_parallelisation(bnb_state(best_parallelisation)::in,
+    maybe(float)::out,
+    incomplete_parallelisation::in, incomplete_parallelisation::out) is det.
+score_parallelisation(BNBState, MaybeScore, !Parallelisation) :-
+    calculate_parallel_cost(CostData, !Parallelisation),
+    Info = !.Parallelisation ^ ip_info,
+    ( test_dependance(Info, CostData) ->
+        finalise_parallelisation(!.Parallelisation, TestParallelisation),
+        score_solution(BNBState, TestParallelisation, Score),
+        MaybeScore = yes(Score)
+    ;
+        MaybeScore = no
+    ).
+    % Test that the parallelisation includes dependant parallelism
+    % only if permitted by the user.
+    %
+:- pred test_dependance(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    parallelisation_cost_data::in) is semidet.
+test_dependance(Info, CostData) :-
+    Overlap = CostData ^ pcd_par_exec_overlap,
+    ParalleliseDepConjs = Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpcp_parallelise_dep_conjs,
+    par_conj_overlap_is_dependent(Overlap, IsDependent),
+    (
+        ParalleliseDepConjs = do_not_parallelise_dep_conjs
+    =>
+        IsDependent = conjuncts_are_independent
+    ).
+:- pred par_conj_overlap_is_dependent(parallel_execution_overlap::in,
+    conjuncts_are_dependent::out) is det.
+par_conj_overlap_is_dependent(peo_empty_conjunct, conjuncts_are_independent).
+par_conj_overlap_is_dependent(peo_conjunction(Left, _, VarSet0), IsDependent) :-
+    par_conj_overlap_is_dependent(Left, IsDependent0),
+    (
+        IsDependent0 = conjuncts_are_dependent(VarSetLeft),
+        VarSet = union(VarSet0, VarSetLeft),
+        IsDependent = conjuncts_are_dependent(VarSet)
+    ;
+        IsDependent0 = conjuncts_are_independent,
+        ( set.empty(VarSet0) ->
+            IsDependent = conjuncts_are_independent
+        ;
+            IsDependent = conjuncts_are_dependent(VarSet0)
+        )
+    ).
+:- pred add_one_goal_into_first_par_conj(incomplete_parallelisation::in,
+    incomplete_parallelisation::out) is det.
+:- pred add_one_goal_into_last_par_conj(incomplete_parallelisation::in,
+    incomplete_parallelisation::out) is det.
+add_one_goal_into_first_par_conj(!Parallelisation) :-
+    FirstGoal0 = !.Parallelisation ^ ip_first_par_goal,
+    FirstGoal = FirstGoal0 - 1,
+    !Parallelisation ^ ip_first_par_goal := FirstGoal,
+    !Parallelisation ^ ip_maybe_goals_before_cost := no,
+    !Parallelisation ^ ip_maybe_par_cost_data := no.
+add_one_goal_into_last_par_conj(!Parallelisation) :-
+    LastGoal0 = !.Parallelisation ^ ip_last_par_goal,
+    LastGoal = LastGoal0 + 1,
+    !Parallelisation ^ ip_last_par_goal := LastGoal,
+    !Parallelisation ^ ip_maybe_goals_after_cost := no,
+    !Parallelisation ^ ip_maybe_par_cost_data := no.
+:- pred foldl_sub_array(pred(int, T, A, A), array(T), int, int, A, A).
+:- mode foldl_sub_array(pred(in, in, in, out) is det,
+    in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+foldl_sub_array(Pred, Array, Index, Last, !A) :-
+    ( Index =< Last ->
+        X = lookup(Array, Index),
+        Pred(Index, X, !A),
+        foldl_sub_array(Pred, Array, Index + 1, Last, !A)
+    ;
+        true
+    ).
Index: autopar_search_callgraph.m
RCS file: autopar_search_callgraph.m
diff -N autopar_search_callgraph.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ autopar_search_callgraph.m	27 Jan 2011 02:33:15 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,2854 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
+% Copyright (C) 2006-2011 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.m.
+% Author: pbone.
+% This module contains the code for analysing deep profiles of programs in
+% order to determine how best to automatically parallelise the program.  This
+% code is used by the mdprof_feedback tool.
+:- module mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.autopar_search_callgraph.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module profile.
+:- import_module message.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.feedback.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.feedback.automatic_parallelism.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.program_representation.
+:- import_module mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.autopar_types.
+:- import_module cord.
+:- import_module pair.
+    % Build the candidate parallel conjunctions feedback information used for
+    % implicit parallelism.
+    %
+:- pred candidate_parallel_conjunctions(
+    candidate_par_conjunctions_params::in, deep::in, cord(message)::out,
+    feedback_info::in, feedback_info::out) is det.
+:- pred create_candidate_parallel_conj_proc_report(
+    pair(string_proc_label, candidate_par_conjunctions_proc)::in,
+    cord(string)::out) is det.
+% XXX temporary exports.
+    % Check if it is appropriate to parallelise this call. That is it must be
+    % model_det and have a cost above the call site cost threshold.
+    %
+:- pred can_parallelise_goal(goal_rep(T)::in) is semidet.
+    % calculate_parallel_cost(Info, !Parallelisation).
+    %
+    % Analyse the parallel conjuncts and determine their likely performance.
+    %
+    % This is the new parallel execution overlap algorithm, it is general and
+    % therefore we also use is for independent conjunctions.
+    %
+:- pred calculate_parallel_cost(parallelisation_cost_data::out,
+    incomplete_parallelisation::in, incomplete_parallelisation::out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.autopar_annotate.
+:- import_module mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.autopar_find_best_par.
+:- import_module analysis_utils.
+:- import_module branch_and_bound.
+:- import_module coverage.
+:- import_module create_report.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.goal_path.
+:- import_module measurement_units.
+:- import_module measurements.
+:- import_module program_representation_utils.
+:- import_module recursion_patterns.
+:- import_module report.
+:- import_module solutions.
+:- import_module var_use_analysis.
+:- import_module array.
+:- import_module assoc_list.
+:- import_module bool.
+:- import_module digraph.
+:- import_module float.
+:- import_module io.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module lazy.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module map.
+:- import_module maybe.
+:- import_module require.
+:- import_module set.
+:- import_module std_util.
+:- import_module string.
+:- import_module svmap.
+% The code in this section has some trace goals that can be enabled with:
+%   --trace-flag=debug_cpc_search
+%     Debug the traversal through the clique tree.
+%   --trace-flag=debug_parallel_conjunction_speedup
+%     Print candidate parallel conjunctions that are pessimisations.
+%   --trace-flag=debug_branch_and_bound
+%     Debug the branch and bound search for the best parallelisation.
+candidate_parallel_conjunctions(Params, Deep, Messages, !Feedback) :-
+    % Find opportunities for parallelism by walking the clique tree.
+    % Do not descend into cliques cheaper than the threshold.
+    deep_lookup_clique_index(Deep, Deep ^ root, RootCliquePtr),
+    % The +1 here accounts for the cost of the pseudo call into the mercury
+    % runtime since it is modeled here as a call site that in reality
+    % does not exist.
+    RootParallelism = no_parallelism,
+    candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique(Params, Deep,
+        RootParallelism, RootCliquePtr, ConjunctionsMap, Messages),
+    map.to_assoc_list(ConjunctionsMap, ConjunctionsAssocList0),
+    assoc_list.map_values_only(
+        convert_candidate_par_conjunctions_proc(pard_goal_detail_to_pard_goal),
+        ConjunctionsAssocList0, ConjunctionsAssocList),
+    CandidateParallelConjunctions =
+        feedback_data_candidate_parallel_conjunctions(Params,
+            ConjunctionsAssocList),
+    put_feedback_data(CandidateParallelConjunctions, !Feedback).
+:- pred pard_goal_detail_to_pard_goal(
+    candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail)::in,
+    pard_goal_detail::in, pard_goal::out) is det.
+pard_goal_detail_to_pard_goal(CPC, !Goal) :-
+    IsDependent = CPC ^ cpc_is_dependent,
+    (
+        IsDependent = conjuncts_are_dependent(SharedVars)
+    ;
+        IsDependent = conjuncts_are_independent,
+        SharedVars = set.init
+    ),
+    transform_goal_rep(pard_goal_detail_annon_to_pard_goal_annon(SharedVars),
+        !Goal).
+:- pred pard_goal_detail_annon_to_pard_goal_annon(set(var_rep)::in,
+    pard_goal_detail_annotation::in, pard_goal_annotation::out) is det.
+pard_goal_detail_annon_to_pard_goal_annon(SharedVarsSet, PGD, PG) :-
+    CostPercall = goal_cost_get_percall(PGD ^ pgd_cost),
+    CostAboveThreshold = PGD ^ pgd_cost_above_threshold,
+    SharedVars = to_sorted_list(SharedVarsSet),
+    Coverage = PGD ^ pgd_coverage,
+    get_coverage_before_det(Coverage, Calls),
+    ( Calls > 0 ->
+        list.foldl(build_var_use_list(PGD ^ pgd_var_production_map),
+            SharedVars, [], Productions),
+        list.foldl(build_var_use_list(PGD ^ pgd_var_consumption_map),
+            SharedVars, [], Consumptions)
+    ;
+        Productions = [],
+        Consumptions = []
+    ),
+    PG = pard_goal_annotation(CostPercall, CostAboveThreshold, Productions,
+        Consumptions).
+:- pred build_var_use_list(map(var_rep, lazy(var_use_info))::in, var_rep::in,
+    assoc_list(var_rep, float)::in, assoc_list(var_rep, float)::out) is det.
+build_var_use_list(Map, Var, !List) :-
+    (
+        map.search(Map, Var, LazyUse),
+        read_if_val(LazyUse, Use)
+    ->
+        UseTime = Use ^ vui_cost_until_use,
+        !:List = [Var - UseTime | !.List]
+    ;
+        true
+    ).
+% Recurse the call graph searching for parallelisation opportunities.
+    % candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique(Opts, Deep, ParentCSCost,
+    %   ParentUsedParallelism, CliquePtr, CandidateParallelConjunctions,
+    %   Messages)
+    %
+    % Find any CandidateParallelConjunctions in this clique and its children.
+    % We stop searching when ParentCSCost is too low (in which case the
+    % relative overheads of parallelism would be too great), or if
+    % ParentUsedParallelism becomes greater than the desired amount
+    % of parallelism.
+    %
+:- pred candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique(
+    candidate_par_conjunctions_params::in, deep::in,
+    parallelism_amount::in, clique_ptr::in, candidate_par_conjunctions::out,
+    cord(message)::out) is det.
+candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique(Opts, Deep, ParentParallelism,
+        CliquePtr, Candidates, Messages) :-
+    find_clique_first_and_other_procs(Deep, CliquePtr, MaybeFirstPDPtr,
+        OtherPDPtrs),
+    (
+        MaybeFirstPDPtr = yes(FirstPDPtr),
+        PDPtrs = [FirstPDPtr | OtherPDPtrs]
+    ;
+        MaybeFirstPDPtr = no,
+        deep_lookup_clique_index(Deep, Deep ^ root, RootCliquePtr),
+        ( CliquePtr = RootCliquePtr ->
+            % It's okay, this clique never has an entry procedure.
+            PDPtrs = OtherPDPtrs
+        ;
+            CliquePtr = clique_ptr(CliqueNum),
+            string.format("Clique %d has no entry proc", [i(CliqueNum)], Msg),
+            unexpected($module, $pred, Msg)
+        )
+    ),
+    create_clique_recursion_costs_report(Deep, CliquePtr,
+        MaybeRecursiveCostsReport),
+    (
+        MaybeRecursiveCostsReport = ok(RecursiveCostsReport),
+        RecursionType = RecursiveCostsReport ^ crr_recursion_type
+    ;
+        MaybeRecursiveCostsReport = error(ErrorB),
+        RecursionType = rt_errors([ErrorB])
+    ),
+    % Look for parallelisation opportunities in this clique.
+    list.map2(
+        candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc(Opts, Deep,
+            RecursionType, CliquePtr),
+        PDPtrs, CandidateLists, MessageCords),
+    list.foldl(map.union(merge_candidate_par_conjs_proc), CandidateLists,
+        map.init, CliqueCandidates),
+    CliqueMessages = cord_list_to_cord(MessageCords),
+    % Look in descendent cliques.
+    some [!ChildCliques] (
+        list.map(proc_dynamic_callees(Deep, ParentParallelism), PDPtrs,
+            ChildCliquess),
+        !:ChildCliques = cord_list_to_cord(ChildCliquess),
+        list.map2(
+            candidate_parallel_conjunctions_callee(Opts, Deep,
+                CliquePtr, CliqueCandidates),
+            cord.list(!.ChildCliques), CSCandidateLists, CSMessageCords)
+    ),
+    list.foldl(map.union(merge_candidate_par_conjs_proc), CSCandidateLists,
+        map.init, CSCandidates),
+    CSMessages = cord_list_to_cord(CSMessageCords),
+    map.union(merge_candidate_par_conjs_proc, CliqueCandidates, CSCandidates,
+        Candidates),
+    Messages = CliqueMessages ++ CSMessages.
+:- type candidate_child_clique
+    --->    candidate_child_clique(
+                ccc_clique              :: clique_ptr,
+                ccc_cs_cost             :: cs_cost_csq,
+                % The context of the call site that calls this clique.
+                ccc_proc                :: string_proc_label,
+                ccc_goal_path           :: reverse_goal_path,
+                % The amount of parallelism already used during the call due to
+                % parallelisations in the parents.
+                ccc_parallelism         :: parallelism_amount
+            ).
+:- pred proc_dynamic_callees(deep::in, parallelism_amount::in,
+    proc_dynamic_ptr::in, cord(candidate_child_clique)::out) is det.
+proc_dynamic_callees(Deep, Parallelism, PDPtr, ChildCliques) :-
+    deep_lookup_proc_dynamics(Deep, PDPtr, PD),
+    PSPtr = PD ^ pd_proc_static,
+    deep_lookup_proc_statics(Deep, PSPtr, PS),
+    ProcLabel = PS ^ ps_id,
+    proc_dynamic_paired_call_site_slots(Deep, PDPtr, Slots),
+    list.map(pd_slot_callees(Deep, Parallelism, ProcLabel),
+        Slots, ChildCliqueCords),
+    ChildCliques = cord_list_to_cord(ChildCliqueCords).
+:- pred pd_slot_callees(deep::in, parallelism_amount::in,
+    string_proc_label::in,
+    pair(call_site_static_ptr, call_site_array_slot)::in,
+    cord(candidate_child_clique)::out) is det.
+pd_slot_callees(Deep, Parallelism, ProcLabel, CSSPtr - Slot, ChildCliques) :-
+    deep_lookup_call_site_statics(Deep, CSSPtr, CSS),
+    RevGoalPath = CSS ^ css_goal_path,
+    (
+        Slot = slot_normal(CSDPtr),
+        call_site_dynamic_callees(Deep, Parallelism, ProcLabel, RevGoalPath,
+            CSDPtr, ChildCliques)
+    ;
+        Slot = slot_multi(_, CSDPtrs),
+        list.map(
+            call_site_dynamic_callees(Deep, Parallelism, ProcLabel,
+                RevGoalPath),
+            to_list(CSDPtrs), ChildCliqueCords),
+        ChildCliques = cord_list_to_cord(ChildCliqueCords)
+    ).
+:- pred call_site_dynamic_callees(deep::in, parallelism_amount::in,
+    string_proc_label::in, reverse_goal_path::in, call_site_dynamic_ptr::in,
+    cord(candidate_child_clique)::out) is det.
+call_site_dynamic_callees(Deep, Parallelism, ProcLabel, RevGoalPath, CSDPtr,
+        ChildCliques) :-
+    ( valid_call_site_dynamic_ptr(Deep, CSDPtr) ->
+        deep_lookup_clique_maybe_child(Deep, CSDPtr, MaybeClique),
+        (
+            MaybeClique = yes(CliquePtr),
+            deep_lookup_csd_own(Deep, CSDPtr, Own),
+            deep_lookup_csd_desc(Deep, CSDPtr, Desc),
+            Cost = build_cs_cost_csq(calls(Own),
+                float(callseqs(Own) + inherit_callseqs(Desc))),
+            ChildCliques = singleton(
+                candidate_child_clique(CliquePtr, Cost, ProcLabel, RevGoalPath,
+                    Parallelism))
+        ;
+            MaybeClique = no,
+            ChildCliques = empty
+        )
+    ;
+        ChildCliques = empty
+    ).
+:- pred candidate_parallel_conjunctions_callee(
+    candidate_par_conjunctions_params::in, deep::in,
+    clique_ptr::in, candidate_par_conjunctions::in,
+    candidate_child_clique::in, candidate_par_conjunctions::out,
+    cord(message)::out) is det.
+candidate_parallel_conjunctions_callee(Opts, Deep, CliquePtr, CliqueCandidates,
+        !.Callee, Candidates, Messages) :-
+    ( not_callee(CliquePtr, !.Callee) ->
+        ( cost_threshold(Opts, !.Callee) ->
+            update_parallelism_available(CliqueCandidates, !Callee),
+            ( not exceeded_parallelism(Opts, !.Callee) ->
+                AnalyzeChild = yes
+            ;
+                trace [compile_time(flag("debug_cpc_search")), io(!IO)] (
+                    debug_cliques_exceeded_parallelism(!.Callee, !IO)
+                ),
+                AnalyzeChild = no
+            )
+        ;
+            trace [compile_time(flag("debug_cpc_search")), io(!IO)] (
+                debug_cliques_below_threshold(!.Callee, !IO)
+            ),
+            AnalyzeChild = no
+        )
+    ;
+        AnalyzeChild = no
+    ),
+    (
+        AnalyzeChild = yes,
+        Parallelism = !.Callee ^ ccc_parallelism,
+        ChildCliquePtr = !.Callee ^ ccc_clique,
+        candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique(Opts, Deep, Parallelism,
+            ChildCliquePtr, Candidates, Messages)
+    ;
+        AnalyzeChild = no,
+        Candidates = map.init,
+        Messages = cord.empty
+    ).
+:- pred cost_threshold(candidate_par_conjunctions_params::in,
+    candidate_child_clique::in) is semidet.
+cost_threshold(Opts, ChildClique) :-
+    Threshold = Opts ^ cpcp_clique_threshold,
+    Cost = ChildClique ^ ccc_cs_cost,
+    cs_cost_get_percall(Cost) >= float(Threshold).
+:- pred not_callee(clique_ptr::in, candidate_child_clique::in) is semidet.
+not_callee(CliquePtr, ChildClique) :-
+    CliquePtr \= ChildClique ^ ccc_clique.
+:- pred exceeded_parallelism(candidate_par_conjunctions_params::in,
+    candidate_child_clique::in) is semidet.
+exceeded_parallelism(Opts, ChildClique) :-
+    Parallelism = ChildClique ^ ccc_parallelism,
+    DesiredParallelism = Opts ^ cpcp_desired_parallelism,
+    exceeded_desired_parallelism(DesiredParallelism, Parallelism).
+:- pred update_parallelism_available(candidate_par_conjunctions::in,
+    candidate_child_clique::in, candidate_child_clique::out) is det.
+update_parallelism_available(CandidateConjunctions, !ChildClique) :-
+    ProcLabel = !.ChildClique ^ ccc_proc,
+    ( map.search(CandidateConjunctions, ProcLabel, ProcConjs) ->
+        Conjs = ProcConjs ^ cpcp_par_conjs,
+        list.foldl(update_parallelism_available_conj, Conjs, !ChildClique)
+    ;
+        true
+    ).
+:- pred update_parallelism_available_conj(candidate_par_conjunction(T)::in,
+    candidate_child_clique::in, candidate_child_clique::out) is det.
+update_parallelism_available_conj(Conj, !ChildClique) :-
+    RevGoalPath = !.ChildClique ^ ccc_goal_path,
+    rev_goal_path_from_string_det(Conj ^ cpc_goal_path, RevConjGoalPath),
+    % XXX: This needs revisiting if we allow parallelised conjuncts to be
+    % re-ordered.
+    FirstConjunct = Conj ^ cpc_first_conj_num +
+        list.length(Conj ^ cpc_goals_before),
+    Length = list.foldl((func(seq_conj(ConjsI), Acc) = Acc + length(ConjsI)),
+        Conj ^ cpc_conjs, 0),
+    (
+        RevGoalPath \= RevConjGoalPath,
+        rev_goal_path_inside_relative(RevConjGoalPath, RevGoalPath,
+            RevRelativePath),
+        RevRelativePath = rgp(RevRelativePathSteps),
+        list.last(RevRelativePathSteps, Step),
+        Step = step_conj(ConjNum),
+        ConjNum > FirstConjunct,
+        ConjNum =< FirstConjunct + Length
+    ->
+        % The call into this clique gets parallelised by Conj.
+        % XXX: If we knew the parallelisation type used for Conj we can do this
+        % calculation more accurately.  For instance, if this is a loop, then
+        % we use as many cores as the loop has iterations.  (Except for dead
+        % time).
+        Metrics = Conj ^ cpc_par_exec_metrics,
+        CPUTime = parallel_exec_metrics_get_cpu_time(Metrics),
+        DeadTime = Metrics ^ pem_first_conj_dead_time +
+            Metrics ^ pem_future_dead_time,
+        Efficiency = CPUTime / (CPUTime + DeadTime),
+        Parallelism0 = !.ChildClique ^ ccc_parallelism,
+        sub_computation_parallelism(Parallelism0, probable(Efficiency),
+            Parallelism),
+        !ChildClique ^ ccc_parallelism := Parallelism
+    ;
+        true
+    ).
+    % candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc(Opts, Deep,
+    %   RecursionType, CliquePtr, PDPtr, Candidates, Messages).
+    %
+    % Find candidate parallel conjunctions within a proc dynamic.
+    %
+    % RecursionType: The type of recursion used in the current clique.
+    % CliquePtr: The current clique.
+    %
+:- pred candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc(
+    candidate_par_conjunctions_params::in, deep::in, recursion_type::in,
+    clique_ptr::in, proc_dynamic_ptr::in, candidate_par_conjunctions::out,
+    cord(message)::out) is det.
+candidate_parallel_conjunctions_clique_proc(Opts, Deep, RecursionType,
+        CliquePtr, PDPtr, Candidates, Messages) :-
+    some [!Messages]
+    (
+        !:Messages = cord.empty,
+        % Determine the costs of the call sites in the procedure.
+        recursion_type_get_interesting_parallelisation_depth(RecursionType,
+            MaybeDepth),
+        build_recursive_call_site_cost_map(Deep, CliquePtr, PDPtr,
+            RecursionType, MaybeDepth, MaybeRecursiveCallSiteCostMap),
+        (
+            MaybeRecursiveCallSiteCostMap = ok(RecursiveCallSiteCostMap)
+        ;
+            MaybeRecursiveCallSiteCostMap = error(Error),
+            append_message(pl_clique(CliquePtr),
+                warning_cannot_compute_cost_of_recursive_calls(Error),
+                !Messages),
+            RecursiveCallSiteCostMap = map.init
+        ),
+        % Analyse this procedure for parallelism opportunities.
+        candidate_parallel_conjunctions_proc(Opts, Deep, PDPtr, RecursionType,
+            RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, Candidates, ProcMessages),
+        !:Messages = !.Messages ++ ProcMessages,
+        Messages = !.Messages
+    ).
+:- pred merge_candidate_par_conjs_proc(
+    candidate_par_conjunctions_proc(T)::in,
+    candidate_par_conjunctions_proc(T)::in,
+    candidate_par_conjunctions_proc(T)::out) is det.
+merge_candidate_par_conjs_proc(A, B, Result) :-
+    A = candidate_par_conjunctions_proc(VarTableA, PushGoalsA, CPCsA),
+    B = candidate_par_conjunctions_proc(VarTableB, PushGoalsB, CPCsB),
+    CPCs = CPCsA ++ CPCsB,
+    merge_pushes_for_proc(PushGoalsA ++ PushGoalsB, PushGoals),
+    ( VarTableA = VarTableB ->
+        Result = candidate_par_conjunctions_proc(VarTableA, PushGoals, CPCs)
+    ;
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "var tables do not match")
+    ).
+:- pred merge_pushes_for_proc(list(push_goal)::in, list(push_goal)::out)
+    is det.
+merge_pushes_for_proc([], []).
+merge_pushes_for_proc(Pushes0 @ [_ | _], Pushes) :-
+    list.foldl(insert_into_push_map, Pushes0, map.init, PushMap),
+    map.foldl(extract_from_push_map, PushMap, [], Pushes).
+:- pred insert_into_push_map(push_goal::in,
+    map(goal_path_string, {int, int, set(goal_path_string)})::in,
+    map(goal_path_string, {int, int, set(goal_path_string)})::out) is det.
+insert_into_push_map(PushGoal, !Map) :-
+    PushGoal = push_goal(GoalPathStr, Lo, Hi, TargetGoalPathStrs),
+    ( map.search(!.Map, GoalPathStr, OldTriple) ->
+        OldTriple = {OldLo, OldHi, OldTargetGoalPathStrSet},
+        (
+            Lo = OldLo,
+            Hi = OldHi
+        ->
+            set.insert_list(OldTargetGoalPathStrSet, TargetGoalPathStrs,
+                NewTargetGoalPathStrSet),
+            NewTriple = {OldLo, OldHi, NewTargetGoalPathStrSet},
+            svmap.det_update(GoalPathStr, NewTriple, !Map)
+        ;
+            % There seem to be separate push requests inside the same
+            % conjunction that want to push different seets of conjuncts.
+            % Since they could interfere with each other, we keep only one.
+            % Since we don't have any good basis on which to make the choice,
+            % we keep the earlier pushes.
+            true
+        )
+    ;
+        NewTriple = {Lo, Hi, set.list_to_set(TargetGoalPathStrs)},
+        svmap.det_insert(GoalPathStr, NewTriple, !Map)
+    ).
+:- pred extract_from_push_map(goal_path_string::in,
+    {int, int, set(goal_path_string)}::in,
+    list(push_goal)::in, list(push_goal)::out) is det.
+extract_from_push_map(GoalPathStr, Triple, !Pushes) :-
+    Triple = {Lo, Hi, TargetGoalPathStrSet},
+    Push = push_goal(GoalPathStr, Lo, Hi,
+        set.to_sorted_list(TargetGoalPathStrSet)),
+    !:Pushes = [Push | !.Pushes].
+% Search for parallelisation opportunities within a procedure.
+    % Find candidate parallel conjunctions within the given procedure.
+    %
+:- pred candidate_parallel_conjunctions_proc(
+    candidate_par_conjunctions_params::in, deep::in, proc_dynamic_ptr::in,
+    recursion_type::in, map(reverse_goal_path, cs_cost_csq)::in,
+    candidate_par_conjunctions::out, cord(message)::out) is det.
+candidate_parallel_conjunctions_proc(Opts, Deep, PDPtr, RecursionType,
+        RecursiveCallSiteCostMap, Candidates, !:Messages) :-
+    !:Messages = cord.empty,
+    % Lookup the proc static to find the ProcLabel.
+    deep_lookup_proc_dynamics(Deep, PDPtr, PD),
+    deep_lookup_proc_statics(Deep, PD ^ pd_proc_static, PS),
+    ProcLabel = PS ^ ps_id,
+    ( ProcLabel = str_ordinary_proc_label(_, ModuleName, _, _, _, _)
+    ; ProcLabel = str_special_proc_label(_, ModuleName, _, _, _, _)
+    ),
+    (
+        ( ModuleName = "Mercury runtime"
+        ; ModuleName = "exception"
+        )
+    ->
+        % Silently skip over any code from the runtime, since
+        % we can't expect to find its procedure representation.
+        Candidates = map.init
+    ;
+        deep_lookup_clique_index(Deep, PDPtr, CliquePtr),
+        PSPtr = PD ^ pd_proc_static,
+        deep_get_maybe_procrep(Deep, PSPtr, MaybeProcRep),
+        (
+            MaybeProcRep = ok(ProcRep),
+            ProcDefnRep = ProcRep ^ pr_defn,
+            Goal0 = ProcDefnRep ^ pdr_goal,
+            VarTable = ProcDefnRep ^ pdr_var_table,
+            % Label the goals with IDs.
+            label_goals(LastGoalId, ContainingGoalMap, Goal0, Goal),
+            % Gather call site information.
+            proc_dynamic_paired_call_site_slots(Deep, PDPtr, Slots),
+            list.foldl(build_dynamic_call_site_cost_and_callee_map(Deep),
+                Slots, map.init, CallSitesMap),
+            % Gather information about the procedure.
+            deep_lookup_pd_own(Deep, PDPtr, Own),
+            % Get coverage points.
+            MaybeCoveragePointsArray = PD ^ pd_maybe_coverage_points,
+            (
+                MaybeCoveragePointsArray = yes(CoveragePointsArray),
+                % Build coverage annotation.
+                coverage_point_arrays_to_list(PS ^ ps_coverage_point_infos,
+                    CoveragePointsArray, CoveragePoints),
+                list.foldl2(add_coverage_point_to_map,
+                    CoveragePoints, map.init, SolnsCoveragePointMap,
+                    map.init, BranchCoveragePointMap),
+                goal_annotate_with_coverage(ProcLabel, Goal, Own,
+                    CallSitesMap, SolnsCoveragePointMap,
+                    BranchCoveragePointMap, ContainingGoalMap, LastGoalId,
+                    CoverageArray),
+                % Build inst_map annotation.
+                goal_annotate_with_instmap(Goal,
+                    SeenDuplicateInstantiation, _ConsumedVars, _BoundVars,
+                    initial_inst_map(ProcDefnRep), _FinalInstMap,
+                    create_goal_id_array(LastGoalId), InstMapArray),
+                deep_get_progrep_det(Deep, ProgRep),
+                Info = implicit_parallelism_info(Deep, ProgRep, Opts,
+                    CliquePtr, CallSitesMap, RecursiveCallSiteCostMap,
+                    ContainingGoalMap, CoverageArray, InstMapArray,
+                    RecursionType, VarTable, ProcLabel),
+                goal_to_pard_goal(Info, [], Goal, PardGoal, !Messages),
+                goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Info,
+                    [], PardGoal, _, CandidatesCord0, PushesCord, _Singles,
+                    MessagesA),
+                Candidates0 = cord.list(CandidatesCord0),
+                Pushes = cord.list(PushesCord),
+                !:Messages = !.Messages ++ MessagesA,
+                (
+                    SeenDuplicateInstantiation =
+                        have_not_seen_duplicate_instantiation,
+                    (
+                        Candidates0 = [],
+                        Candidates = map.init
+                    ;
+                        Candidates0 = [_ | _],
+                        merge_pushes_for_proc(Pushes, MergedPushes),
+                        CandidateProc = candidate_par_conjunctions_proc(
+                            VarTable, MergedPushes, Candidates0),
+                        map.det_insert(map.init, ProcLabel, CandidateProc,
+                            Candidates)
+                    )
+                ;
+                    SeenDuplicateInstantiation = seen_duplicate_instantiation,
+                    Candidates = map.init,
+                    append_message(pl_proc(ProcLabel),
+                        notice_duplicate_instantiation(length(Candidates0)),
+                        !Messages)
+                )
+            ;
+                MaybeCoveragePointsArray = no,
+                Candidates = map.init,
+                append_message(pl_proc(ProcLabel),
+                    error_cannot_lookup_coverage_points, !Messages)
+            )
+        ;
+            MaybeProcRep = error(_),
+            Candidates = map.init,
+            append_message(pl_proc(ProcLabel),
+                warning_cannot_lookup_proc_defn, !Messages)
+        )
+    ).
+:- pred build_candidate_par_conjunction_maps(string_proc_label::in,
+    var_table::in, candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail)::in,
+    candidate_par_conjunctions::in, candidate_par_conjunctions::out) is det.
+build_candidate_par_conjunction_maps(ProcLabel, VarTable, Candidate, !Map) :-
+    % XXX: This predicate will also need to add pushes to CandidateProc.
+    ( map.search(!.Map, ProcLabel, CandidateProc0) ->
+        CandidateProc0 = candidate_par_conjunctions_proc(VarTablePrime,
+            PushGoals, CPCs0),
+        CPCs = [Candidate | CPCs0],
+        ( VarTable = VarTablePrime ->
+            true
+        ;
+            unexpected($module, $pred, "var tables do not match")
+        )
+    ;
+        CPCs = [Candidate],
+        PushGoals = []
+    ),
+    CandidateProc = candidate_par_conjunctions_proc(VarTable, PushGoals,
+        CPCs),
+    svmap.set(ProcLabel, CandidateProc, !Map).
+:- pred goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(
+    implicit_parallelism_info::in, list(goal_path_step)::in,
+    pard_goal_detail::in, pard_goal_detail::out,
+    cord(candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail))::out,
+    cord(push_goal)::out, cord(pard_goal_detail)::out, cord(message)::out)
+    is det.
+goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Info, RevGoalPathSteps,
+        !Goal, Candidates, Pushes, Singles, Messages) :-
+    !.Goal = goal_rep(GoalExpr0, DetismRep, Annotation0),
+    Coverage = Annotation0 ^ pgd_coverage,
+    get_coverage_before_det(Coverage, Calls),
+    (
+        (
+            GoalExpr0 = conj_rep(Conjs0),
+            conj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Info, RevGoalPathSteps,
+                Conjs0, Conjs, 1, [], SinglesSoFar, [], RevSingleCands,
+                cord.empty, CandidatesBelow, cord.empty, PushesBelow,
+                cord.empty, MessagesBelow),
+            GoalExpr = conj_rep(Conjs),
+            list.reverse(RevSingleCands, SingleCands),
+            (
+                SingleCands = [],
+                Candidates = CandidatesBelow,
+                Pushes = PushesBelow,
+                Singles = cord.from_list(SinglesSoFar),
+                Messages = MessagesBelow,
+                Cost = Annotation0 ^ pgd_cost
+            ;
+                SingleCands = [CostlyIndex - SinglesBefore],
+                push_and_build_candidate_conjunctions(Info, RevGoalPathSteps,
+                    Conjs, CostlyIndex, SinglesBefore,
+                    MessagesThisLevel, CandidatesThisLevel),
+                (
+                    CandidatesThisLevel = [],
+                    Candidates = CandidatesBelow,
+                    Pushes = PushesBelow,
+                    % No candidate was built, pass our singles to our caller.
+                    Singles = cord.from_list(SinglesSoFar)
+                ;
+                    CandidatesThisLevel = [FirstCandidate | LaterCandidates],
+                    merge_same_level_pushes(FirstCandidate, LaterCandidates,
+                        PushThisLevel),
+                    Candidates = CandidatesBelow ++
+                        cord.from_list(CandidatesThisLevel),
+                    Pushes = cord.snoc(PushesBelow, PushThisLevel),
+                    % Any single expensive goals inside this conjunction
+                    % cannot have later expensive goals pushed next to them
+                    % without reanalysis of the whole goal, which we do not do.
+                    Singles = cord.empty
+                ),
+                Messages = MessagesBelow ++ MessagesThisLevel,
+                % XXX We should update the cost for CandidatesThisLevel.
+                Cost = Annotation0 ^ pgd_cost
+            ;
+                SingleCands = [_, _ | _],
+                assoc_list.keys(SingleCands, CostlyIndexes),
+                build_candidate_conjunction(Info, RevGoalPathSteps,
+                    Conjs, CostlyIndexes, MessagesThisLevel, MaybeCandidate),
+                Pushes = PushesBelow,
+                Messages = MessagesBelow ++ MessagesThisLevel,
+                (
+                    MaybeCandidate = yes(Candidate),
+                    Candidates = cord.cons(Candidate, CandidatesBelow),
+                    ExecMetrics = Candidate ^ cpc_par_exec_metrics,
+                    Cost = call_goal_cost(ExecMetrics ^ pem_num_calls,
+                        ExecMetrics ^ pem_par_time),
+                    % We parallelized this conjunction. Trying to push a goal
+                    % after it next to a costly goal inside it would require
+                    % pushing that following goal into a conjunct of this
+                    % parallel conjunction. Due to our current prohibition
+                    % on reordering, that costly goal would have to be inside
+                    % the last parallel conjunct. That would require replacing
+                    % Candidate with another candidate that includes the
+                    % following goal. While that is in theory doable, it is not
+                    % doable *here*, since at this point yet know whether
+                    % a following costly goal even exists. On the other hand,
+                    % any later part of this algorithm that does discover
+                    % a later costly goal won't know how to redo this overlap
+                    % calculation. We avoid the problem by pretending that this
+                    % conjunction contains no expensive goals.
+                    Singles = cord.empty
+                ;
+                    MaybeCandidate = no,
+                    Candidates = CandidatesBelow,
+                    Singles = cord.from_list(SinglesSoFar),
+                    Cost = Annotation0 ^ pgd_cost
+                )
+            )
+        ;
+            GoalExpr0 = disj_rep(Disjs0),
+            list.map_foldl5(
+                disj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Info,
+                    RevGoalPathSteps),
+                Disjs0, Disjs, 1, _, cord.empty, Candidates,
+                cord.empty, Pushes, cord.empty, Singles,
+                cord.empty, Messages),
+            disj_calc_cost(Disjs, Calls, Cost),
+            GoalExpr = disj_rep(Disjs)
+        ;
+            GoalExpr0 = switch_rep(Var, CanFail, Cases0),
+            list.map_foldl5(
+                switch_case_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Info,
+                    RevGoalPathSteps),
+                Cases0, Cases, 1, _, cord.empty, Candidates,
+                cord.empty, Pushes, cord.empty, Singles,
+                cord.empty, Messages),
+            switch_calc_cost(Cases, Calls, Cost),
+            GoalExpr = switch_rep(Var, CanFail, Cases)
+        ;
+            GoalExpr0 = ite_rep(Cond0, Then0, Else0),
+            ite_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Info, RevGoalPathSteps,
+                Cond0, Cond, Then0, Then, Else0, Else,
+                Candidates, Pushes, Singles, Messages),
+            ite_calc_cost(Cond, Then, Else, Cost),
+            GoalExpr = ite_rep(Cond, Then, Else)
+        ;
+            GoalExpr0 = scope_rep(SubGoal0, MaybeCut),
+            RevSubGoalPathSteps = [step_scope(MaybeCut) | RevGoalPathSteps],
+            goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Info,
+                RevSubGoalPathSteps, SubGoal0, SubGoal,
+                Candidates, Pushes, Singles, Messages),
+            Cost = SubGoal ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_cost,
+            GoalExpr = scope_rep(SubGoal, MaybeCut)
+        ;
+            GoalExpr0 = negation_rep(SubGoal0),
+            RevSubGoalPathSteps = [step_neg | RevGoalPathSteps],
+            % We ignore _Singles here because you cannot push goals
+            % after a negation into the negation.
+            goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Info,
+                RevSubGoalPathSteps, SubGoal0, SubGoal,
+                Candidates, Pushes, _Singles, Messages),
+            Singles = cord.empty,
+            Cost = SubGoal ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_cost,
+            GoalExpr = negation_rep(SubGoal)
+        ),
+        Annotation = Annotation0 ^ pgd_cost := Cost
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = atomic_goal_rep(_, _, _, _),
+        identify_costly_goal(Annotation0, Costly),
+        (
+            Costly = is_costly_goal,
+            Singles = cord.singleton(!.Goal)
+        ;
+            Costly = is_not_costly_goal,
+            Singles = cord.empty
+        ),
+        Candidates = cord.empty,
+        Pushes = cord.empty,
+        Messages = cord.empty,
+        GoalExpr = GoalExpr0,
+        Annotation = Annotation0
+    ),
+    !:Goal = goal_rep(GoalExpr, DetismRep, Annotation).
+:- pred disj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(
+    implicit_parallelism_info::in, list(goal_path_step)::in,
+    pard_goal_detail::in, pard_goal_detail::out,
+    int::in, int::out,
+    cord(candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail))::in,
+    cord(candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail))::out,
+    cord(push_goal)::in, cord(push_goal)::out,
+    cord(pard_goal_detail)::in, cord(pard_goal_detail)::out,
+    cord(message)::in, cord(message)::out) is det.
+disj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Info, RevGoalPathSteps,
+        !Disj, !DisjNum, !Candidates, !Pushes, !Singles, !Messages) :-
+    RevDisjGoalPathSteps = [step_disj(!.DisjNum) | RevGoalPathSteps],
+    goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Info, RevDisjGoalPathSteps,
+        !Disj, Candidates, Pushes, Singles, Messages),
+    !:Candidates = !.Candidates ++ Candidates,
+    !:Pushes = !.Pushes ++ Pushes,
+    !:Singles = !.Singles ++ Singles,
+    !:Messages = !.Messages ++ Messages,
+    !:DisjNum = !.DisjNum + 1.
+:- pred switch_case_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(
+    implicit_parallelism_info::in, list(goal_path_step)::in,
+    case_rep(pard_goal_detail_annotation)::in,
+    case_rep(pard_goal_detail_annotation)::out,
+    int::in, int::out,
+    cord(candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail))::in,
+    cord(candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail))::out,
+    cord(push_goal)::in, cord(push_goal)::out,
+    cord(pard_goal_detail)::in, cord(pard_goal_detail)::out,
+    cord(message)::in, cord(message)::out) is det.
+switch_case_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Info, RevGoalPathSteps, !Case,
+        !CaseNum, !Candidates, !Pushes, !Singles, !Messages) :-
+    !.Case = case_rep(MainConsIdRep, OtherConsIdReps, Goal0),
+    RevCaseGoalPathSteps = [step_switch(!.CaseNum, no) | RevGoalPathSteps],
+    goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Info, RevCaseGoalPathSteps,
+        Goal0, Goal, Candidates, Pushes, Singles, Messages),
+    !:Case = case_rep(MainConsIdRep, OtherConsIdReps, Goal),
+    !:Candidates = !.Candidates ++ Candidates,
+    !:Pushes = !.Pushes ++ Pushes,
+    !:Singles = !.Singles ++ Singles,
+    !:Messages = !.Messages ++ Messages,
+    !:CaseNum = !.CaseNum + 1.
+:- pred ite_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(
+    implicit_parallelism_info::in,  list(goal_path_step)::in,
+    pard_goal_detail::in, pard_goal_detail::out,
+    pard_goal_detail::in, pard_goal_detail::out,
+    pard_goal_detail::in, pard_goal_detail::out,
+    cord(candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail))::out,
+    cord(push_goal)::out, cord(pard_goal_detail)::out,
+    cord(message)::out) is det.
+ite_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Info, RevGoalPathSteps,
+        !Cond, !Then, !Else, Candidates, Pushes, Singles, Messages) :-
+    RevCondGoalPathSteps = [step_ite_cond | RevGoalPathSteps],
+    RevThenGoalPathSteps = [step_ite_then | RevGoalPathSteps],
+    RevElseGoalPathSteps = [step_ite_else | RevGoalPathSteps],
+    % We ignore _CondSingles here because you cannot push goals
+    % following an if-then-else into the condition.
+    goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Info, RevCondGoalPathSteps,
+        !Cond, CondCandidates, CondPushes, _CondSingles, CondMessages),
+    goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Info, RevThenGoalPathSteps,
+        !Then, ThenCandidates, ThenPushes, ThenSingles, ThenMessages),
+    goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Info, RevElseGoalPathSteps,
+        !Else, ElseCandidates, ElsePushes, ElseSingles, ElseMessages),
+    Candidates = CondCandidates ++ ThenCandidates ++ ElseCandidates,
+    Pushes = CondPushes ++ ThenPushes ++ ElsePushes,
+    Singles = ThenSingles ++ ElseSingles,
+    Messages = CondMessages ++ ThenMessages ++ ElseMessages.
+:- pred conj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(
+    implicit_parallelism_info::in, list(goal_path_step)::in,
+    list(pard_goal_detail)::in, list(pard_goal_detail)::out, int::in,
+    list(pard_goal_detail)::in, list(pard_goal_detail)::out,
+    assoc_list(int, list(pard_goal_detail))::in,
+    assoc_list(int, list(pard_goal_detail))::out,
+    cord(candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail))::in,
+    cord(candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail))::out,
+    cord(push_goal)::in, cord(push_goal)::out,
+    cord(message)::in, cord(message)::out) is det.
+conj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(_Info, _RevGoalPathSteps,
+        [], [], _ConjNum, !SinglesSoFar, !RevSingleCands,
+        !CandidatesBelow, !Pushes, !MessagesBelow).
+conj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Info, RevGoalPathSteps,
+        [Conj0 | Conjs0], [Conj | Conjs], ConjNum, SinglesSoFar0, SinglesSoFar,
+        !RevSingleCands, !CandidatesBelow, !Pushes, !MessagesBelow) :-
+    RevConjGoalPathSteps = [step_conj(ConjNum) | RevGoalPathSteps],
+    goal_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Info, RevConjGoalPathSteps,
+        Conj0, Conj, Candidates, Pushes, SinglesCord, Messages),
+    Singles = cord.list(SinglesCord),
+    !:CandidatesBelow = !.CandidatesBelow ++ Candidates,
+    !:Pushes = !.Pushes ++ Pushes,
+    !:MessagesBelow = !.MessagesBelow ++ Messages,
+    identify_costly_goal(Conj ^ goal_annotation, Costly),
+    (
+        Costly = is_costly_goal,
+        !:RevSingleCands = [ConjNum - SinglesSoFar0 | !.RevSingleCands],
+        SinglesSoFar1 = Singles
+    ;
+        Costly = is_not_costly_goal,
+        % This goal might be costly if it is pushed into the cotexted
+        % of one of SinglesSoFar.  This is common for recursive goals.
+        filter(single_context_makes_goal_costly(Info, Conj), SinglesSoFar0,
+            SinglesSoFarMakeConjCostly),
+        (
+            SinglesSoFarMakeConjCostly = []
+        ;
+            SinglesSoFarMakeConjCostly = [_ | _],
+            !:RevSingleCands = [ConjNum - SinglesSoFarMakeConjCostly |
+                !.RevSingleCands]
+        ),
+        (
+            SinglesSoFar0 = [],
+            Singles = [],
+            SinglesSoFar1 = []
+        ;
+            SinglesSoFar0 = [_ | _],
+            Singles = [],
+            SinglesSoFar1 = SinglesSoFar0
+        ;
+            SinglesSoFar0 = [],
+            Singles = [_ | _],
+            SinglesSoFar1 = Singles
+        ;
+            SinglesSoFar0 = [_ | _],
+            Singles = [_ | _],
+            % XXX choose between SinglesSoFar0 and Singles, either on max cost
+            % or total cost.
+            SinglesSoFar1 = Singles
+        )
+    ),
+    conj_get_conjunctions_worth_parallelising(Info, RevGoalPathSteps,
+        Conjs0, Conjs, ConjNum + 1, SinglesSoFar1, SinglesSoFar,
+        !RevSingleCands, !CandidatesBelow, !Pushes, !MessagesBelow).
+:- pred single_context_makes_goal_costly(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    pard_goal_detail::in, pard_goal_detail::in) is semidet.
+single_context_makes_goal_costly(Info, Goal, Single) :-
+    SingleCost = Single ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_cost,
+    SingleCount = goal_cost_get_calls(SingleCost),
+    fix_goal_counts(Info, SingleCount, Goal, ConjNewCounts),
+    identify_costly_goal(ConjNewCounts ^ goal_annotation, is_costly_goal).
+    % Given a conjunction with two or more costly goals (identified by
+    % CostlyGoalsIndexes), check whether executing the conjunction in parallel
+    % can yield a speedup.
+    %
+:- pred build_candidate_conjunction(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    list(goal_path_step)::in, list(pard_goal_detail)::in, list(int)::in,
+    cord(message)::out,
+    maybe(candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail))::out) is det.
+build_candidate_conjunction(Info, RevGoalPathSteps, Conjs, CostlyGoalsIndexes,
+        !:Messages, MaybeCandidate) :-
+    ProcLabel = Info ^ ipi_proc_label,
+    !:Messages = cord.empty,
+    NumCostlyGoals = list.length(CostlyGoalsIndexes),
+    Location = pl_goal(ProcLabel, rgp(RevGoalPathSteps)),
+    append_message(Location,
+        info_found_conjs_above_callsite_threshold(NumCostlyGoals),
+        !Messages),
+    pardgoals_build_candidate_conjunction(Info, Location, RevGoalPathSteps, no,
+        Conjs, MaybeCandidate, !Messages),
+    (
+        MaybeCandidate = yes(_Candidate),
+        append_message(Location,
+            info_found_n_conjunctions_with_positive_speedup(1),
+            !Messages)
+    ;
+        MaybeCandidate = no
+    ).
+    % Given a conjunction one costly goal (identified by CostlyIndex) directly
+    % in it and other costly goals SinglesBefore inside alternate execution
+    % paths in an earlier conjunct (conjunct i < CostlyIndex), check whether
+    % pushing CostlyIndex next to SinglesBefore and executing those
+    % conjunctions in parallel can yield a speedup.
+    %
+:- pred push_and_build_candidate_conjunctions(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    list(goal_path_step)::in, list(pard_goal_detail)::in, int::in,
+    list(pard_goal_detail)::in, cord(message)::out,
+    list(candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail))::out) is det.
+push_and_build_candidate_conjunctions(_Info, _RevGoalPathSteps, _Conjs,
+        _CostlyIndex, [], cord.empty, []).
+push_and_build_candidate_conjunctions(Info, RevGoalPathSteps, Conjs,
+        CostlyIndex, [Single | Singles], Messages, Candidates) :-
+    push_and_build_candidate_conjunction(Info, RevGoalPathSteps, Conjs,
+        CostlyIndex, Single, HeadMessages, MaybeHeadCandidate),
+    push_and_build_candidate_conjunctions(Info, RevGoalPathSteps, Conjs,
+        CostlyIndex, Singles, TailMessages, TailCandidates),
+    Messages = HeadMessages ++ TailMessages,
+    (
+        MaybeHeadCandidate = yes(HeadCandidate),
+        Candidates = [HeadCandidate | TailCandidates]
+    ;
+        MaybeHeadCandidate = no,
+        Candidates = TailCandidates
+    ).
+:- pred push_and_build_candidate_conjunction(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    list(goal_path_step)::in, list(pard_goal_detail)::in, int::in,
+    pard_goal_detail::in, cord(message)::out,
+    maybe(candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail))::out) is det.
+push_and_build_candidate_conjunction(Info, RevGoalPathSteps, Conjs,
+        CostlyIndex, Single, !:Messages, MaybeCandidate) :-
+    SingleRevPath = Single ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_original_path,
+    SingleRevPath = rgp(SingleRevSteps),
+    list.reverse(SingleRevSteps, SingleSteps),
+    list.reverse(RevGoalPathSteps, GoalPathSteps),
+    (
+        goal_path_inside_relative(fgp(GoalPathSteps), fgp(SingleSteps),
+            RelativePath),
+        RelativePath = fgp(RelativeSteps),
+        RelativeSteps = [step_conj(RelConjStep) | TailRelativeSteps],
+        RelConjStep < CostlyIndex,
+        list.take(CostlyIndex, Conjs, ConjsUptoCostly),
+        list.drop(RelConjStep - 1, ConjsUptoCostly,
+            [GoalToPushInto | GoalsToPush])
+    ->
+        RevPushGoalPathSteps = [step_conj(RelConjStep) | RevGoalPathSteps],
+        push_goals_create_candidate(Info, RevPushGoalPathSteps,
+            TailRelativeSteps, GoalToPushInto, GoalsToPush,
+            RevCandidateGoalPathSteps, CandidateConjs),
+        ProcLabel = Info ^ ipi_proc_label,
+        !:Messages = cord.empty,
+        % XXX Location is a lie
+        Location = pl_goal(ProcLabel, rgp(RevGoalPathSteps)),
+        append_message(Location,
+            info_found_pushed_conjs_above_callsite_threshold,
+            !Messages),
+        (
+            list.split_last(RelativeSteps, MostRelativeSteps,
+                LastRelativeStep),
+            LastRelativeStep = step_conj(_)
+        ->
+            % We push GoalsToPush into the existing conjunction
+            % containing Single.
+            PushGoalSteps = MostRelativeSteps
+        ;
+            % We push GoalsToPush next to Single in a newly created
+            % conjunction.
+            PushGoalSteps = RelativeSteps
+        ),
+        PushGoal = push_goal(rev_goal_path_to_string(rgp(RevGoalPathSteps)),
+            RelConjStep + 1, CostlyIndex,
+            [goal_path_to_string(fgp(PushGoalSteps))]),
+        pardgoals_build_candidate_conjunction(Info, Location,
+            RevCandidateGoalPathSteps, yes(PushGoal), CandidateConjs,
+            MaybeCandidate, !Messages),
+        (
+            MaybeCandidate = yes(_),
+            append_message(Location,
+                info_found_n_conjunctions_with_positive_speedup(1),
+                !Messages)
+        ;
+            MaybeCandidate = no
+        )
+    ;
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "bad goal path for Single")
+    ).
+:- pred merge_same_level_pushes(
+    candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail)::in,
+    list(candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail))::in,
+    push_goal::out) is det.
+merge_same_level_pushes(MainCandidate, [], MainPush) :-
+    MaybeMainPush = MainCandidate ^ cpc_maybe_push_goal,
+    (
+        MaybeMainPush = yes(MainPush)
+    ;
+        MaybeMainPush = no,
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "no push")
+    ).
+merge_same_level_pushes(MainCandidate, [HeadCandidate | TailCandidates],
+        Push) :-
+    merge_same_level_pushes(HeadCandidate, TailCandidates, RestPush),
+    MaybeMainPush = MainCandidate ^ cpc_maybe_push_goal,
+    (
+        MaybeMainPush = yes(MainPush)
+    ;
+        MaybeMainPush = no,
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "no push")
+    ),
+    (
+        MainPush = push_goal(GoalPathStr, Lo, Hi, [MainPushInto]),
+        RestPush = push_goal(GoalPathStr, Lo, Hi, RestPushInto)
+    ->
+        Push = push_goal(GoalPathStr, Lo, Hi, [MainPushInto | RestPushInto])
+    ;
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "mismatch on pushed goals")
+    ).
+:- pred push_goals_create_candidate(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    list(goal_path_step)::in, list(goal_path_step)::in,
+    pard_goal_detail::in, list(pard_goal_detail)::in,
+    list(goal_path_step)::out, list(pard_goal_detail)::out) is det.
+push_goals_create_candidate(Info, RevCurPathSteps,
+        [], GoalToPushInto, GoalsToPush0,
+        RevCandidateGoalPathSteps, CandidateConjs) :-
+    RevCandidateGoalPathSteps = RevCurPathSteps,
+    % The pushed goals will have different costs in this context, in particular
+    % the number of times they're called varies, This affects the per-call
+    % costs of recursive calls.
+    Calls = goal_cost_get_calls(GoalToPushInto ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_cost),
+    map(fix_goal_counts(Info, Calls), GoalsToPush0, GoalsToPush),
+    CandidateConjs = [GoalToPushInto | GoalsToPush].
+push_goals_create_candidate(Info, RevCurPathSteps,
+        [HeadRelStep | TailRelSteps], GoalToPushInto, GoalsToPush0,
+        RevCandidateGoalPathSteps, CandidateConjs) :-
+    GoalToPushInto = goal_rep(GoalExpr, _, _),
+    (
+        HeadRelStep = step_conj(N),
+        ( GoalExpr = conj_rep(Goals) ->
+            (
+                TailRelSteps = [],
+                % Conjoin GoalsToPush not with just the expensive goal,
+                % but with the whole conjunction containing it.
+                RevCandidateGoalPathSteps = RevCurPathSteps,
+                % The pushed goals will have different costs in this context,
+                % in particular the number of times they're called varies, This
+                % affects the per-call costs of recursive calls.
+                Cost = GoalToPushInto ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_cost,
+                Calls = goal_cost_get_calls(Cost),
+                map(fix_goal_counts(Info, Calls), GoalsToPush0, GoalsToPush),
+                CandidateConjs = Goals ++ GoalsToPush
+            ;
+                TailRelSteps = [_ | _],
+                list.det_drop(N - 1, Goals, Tail),
+                ( Tail = [SubGoal] ->
+                    push_goals_create_candidate(Info,
+                        [HeadRelStep | RevCurPathSteps],
+                        TailRelSteps, SubGoal, GoalsToPush0,
+                        RevCandidateGoalPathSteps, CandidateConjs)
+                ;
+                    % We can't push goals into the non-last conjunct without
+                    % re-ordering, which is currently not supported.  By
+                    % building a conjunction here we may still be able to
+                    % create a worthwhile parallelisation.  However, there is a
+                    % trade-off to explore between this and not generating the
+                    % single expensive goal from within the conjunction and
+                    % therefore possibly finding other single expensive goals
+                    % later in this conjunction.
+                    RevCandidateGoalPathSteps = RevCurPathSteps,
+                    Cost = GoalToPushInto ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_cost,
+                    Calls = goal_cost_get_calls(Cost),
+                    map(fix_goal_counts(Info, Calls), GoalsToPush0,
+                        GoalsToPush),
+                    CandidateConjs = Goals ++ GoalsToPush
+                )
+            )
+        ;
+            unexpected($module, $pred, "not conj")
+        )
+    ;
+        HeadRelStep = step_disj(N),
+        ( GoalExpr = disj_rep(Goals) ->
+            list.index1_det(Goals, N, SubGoal),
+            push_goals_create_candidate(Info, [HeadRelStep | RevCurPathSteps],
+                TailRelSteps, SubGoal, GoalsToPush0,
+                RevCandidateGoalPathSteps, CandidateConjs)
+        ;
+            unexpected($module, $pred, "not disj")
+        )
+    ;
+        HeadRelStep = step_switch(N, _),
+        ( GoalExpr = switch_rep(_, _, Cases) ->
+            list.index1_det(Cases, N, Case),
+            Case = case_rep(_, _, SubGoal),
+            push_goals_create_candidate(Info, [HeadRelStep | RevCurPathSteps],
+                TailRelSteps, SubGoal, GoalsToPush0,
+                RevCandidateGoalPathSteps, CandidateConjs)
+        ;
+            unexpected($module, $pred, "not switch")
+        )
+    ;
+        HeadRelStep = step_ite_then,
+        ( GoalExpr = ite_rep(_, Then, _) ->
+            push_goals_create_candidate(Info, [HeadRelStep | RevCurPathSteps],
+                TailRelSteps, Then, GoalsToPush0,
+                RevCandidateGoalPathSteps, CandidateConjs)
+        ;
+            unexpected($module, $pred, "not ite_then")
+        )
+    ;
+        HeadRelStep = step_ite_else,
+        ( GoalExpr = ite_rep(_, _, Else) ->
+            push_goals_create_candidate(Info, [HeadRelStep | RevCurPathSteps],
+                TailRelSteps, Else, GoalsToPush0,
+                RevCandidateGoalPathSteps, CandidateConjs)
+        ;
+            unexpected($module, $pred, "not ite_else")
+        )
+    ;
+        HeadRelStep = step_ite_cond,
+        % We cannot push into a condition.
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "ite_cond")
+    ;
+        HeadRelStep = step_neg,
+        % We cannot push into a negated goal.
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "neg")
+    ;
+        HeadRelStep = step_scope(_),
+        ( GoalExpr = scope_rep(SubGoal, _) ->
+            push_goals_create_candidate(Info, [HeadRelStep | RevCurPathSteps],
+                TailRelSteps, SubGoal, GoalsToPush0,
+                RevCandidateGoalPathSteps, CandidateConjs)
+        ;
+            unexpected($module, $pred, "not scope")
+        )
+    ;
+        HeadRelStep = step_lambda,
+        % These should not exist in a profiled program.
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "lambda")
+    ;
+        HeadRelStep = step_try,
+        % These should not exist in a profiled program.
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "try")
+    ;
+        HeadRelStep = step_atomic_main,
+        % These should not exist in a profiled program.
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "atomic_main")
+    ;
+        HeadRelStep = step_atomic_orelse(_),
+        % These should not exist in a profiled program.
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "atomic_orelse")
+    ).
+:- pred fix_goal_counts(implicit_parallelism_info::in, int::in,
+    pard_goal_detail::in, pard_goal_detail::out) is det.
+fix_goal_counts(Info, Count, !Goal) :-
+    Annotation0 = !.Goal ^ goal_annotation,
+    Cost0 = Annotation0 ^ pgd_cost,
+    (
+        GoalType = Annotation0 ^ pgd_pg_type,
+        GoalType = pgt_call(_, CostAndCallees),
+        % XXX This doesn't work if this is a non-atomic goal containing a
+        % recursive call.
+        set.member(Callee, CostAndCallees ^ cac_callees),
+        % The call is recursive if it calls into the current clique.
+        Info ^ ipi_clique = Callee ^ c_clique
+    ->
+        % for recursive calls.
+        CostTotal = goal_cost_get_total(Cost0),
+        PercallCost = CostTotal / float(Count)
+    ;
+        PercallCost = goal_cost_get_percall(Cost0)
+    ),
+    Cost = call_goal_cost(Count, PercallCost),
+    !Goal ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_cost := Cost,
+    ( goal_cost_above_par_threshold(Info, Cost) ->
+        AboveThreshold = cost_above_par_threshold
+    ;
+        AboveThreshold = cost_not_above_par_threshold
+    ),
+    !Goal ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_cost_above_threshold := AboveThreshold.
+:- pred pardgoals_build_candidate_conjunction(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    program_location::in, list(goal_path_step)::in,
+    maybe(push_goal)::in, list(pard_goal_detail)::in,
+    maybe(candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal_detail))::out,
+    cord(message)::in, cord(message)::out) is det.
+pardgoals_build_candidate_conjunction(Info, Location, RevGoalPathSteps,
+        MaybePushGoal, Goals, MaybeCandidate, !Messages) :-
+    % Setting up the first parallel conjunct is a different algorithm to the
+    % latter ones, at this point we have the option of moving goals from before
+    % the first costly call to either before or during the parallel
+    % conjunction.  Executing them during the parallel conjunction can be more
+    % efficient.  However if goals within other parallel conjuncts depend on
+    % them and don't depend upon the first costly call then this would make the
+    % conjunction dependent when it could be independent.
+    find_best_parallelisation(Info, Location, Goals, MaybeBestParallelisation,
+        !Messages),
+    (
+        MaybeBestParallelisation = yes(BestParallelisation),
+        FirstConjNum = 1,
+        ParalleliseDepConjs = Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpcp_parallelise_dep_conjs,
+        BestParallelisation = bp_parallel_execution(GoalsBefore, ParConjs,
+            GoalsAfter, IsDependent, Metrics),
+        Speedup = parallel_exec_metrics_get_speedup(Metrics),
+        Calls = Metrics ^ pem_num_calls,
+        conj_calc_cost(GoalsBefore, Calls, GoalsBeforeCost0),
+        GoalsBeforeCost = goal_cost_get_percall(GoalsBeforeCost0),
+        conj_calc_cost(GoalsAfter, Calls, GoalsAfterCost0),
+        GoalsAfterCost = goal_cost_get_percall(GoalsAfterCost0),
+        RevGoalPathString = rev_goal_path_to_string(rgp(RevGoalPathSteps)),
+        Candidate = candidate_par_conjunction(RevGoalPathString, MaybePushGoal,
+            FirstConjNum, IsDependent, GoalsBefore, GoalsBeforeCost, ParConjs,
+            GoalsAfter, GoalsAfterCost, Metrics),
+        (
+            Speedup > 1.0,
+            (
+                ParalleliseDepConjs = do_not_parallelise_dep_conjs
+            =>
+                IsDependent = conjuncts_are_independent
+            )
+        ->
+            MaybeCandidate = yes(Candidate)
+        ;
+            MaybeCandidate = no,
+            trace [
+                compile_time(flag("debug_parallel_conjunction_speedup")),
+                io(!IO)
+            ]
+            (
+                (
+                    ( Location = pl_proc(ProcLabel)
+                    ; Location = pl_goal(ProcLabel, _)
+                    )
+                ;
+                    Location = pl_clique(_),
+                    unexpected($module, $pred, "location is a clique")
+                ;
+                    Location = pl_csd(_),
+                    unexpected($module, $pred, "location is a csd")
+                ),
+                convert_candidate_par_conjunction(
+                    pard_goal_detail_to_pard_goal, Candidate, FBCandidate),
+                VarTable = Info ^ ipi_var_table,
+                create_candidate_parallel_conj_report(VarTable,
+                    FBCandidate, Report),
+                print_proc_label_to_string(ProcLabel, ProcLabelString),
+                io.format("Not parallelising conjunction in %s, " ++
+                    "insufficient speedup or too dependent:\n",
+                    [s(ProcLabelString)], !IO),
+                io.write_string(append_list(cord.list(Report)), !IO),
+                io.flush_output(!IO)
+            )
+        )
+    ;
+        MaybeBestParallelisation = no,
+        MaybeCandidate = no
+    ).
+calculate_parallel_cost(CostData, !Parallelisation) :-
+    ParConj = ip_get_par_conjs(!.Parallelisation),
+    NumCalls = !.Parallelisation ^ ip_num_calls,
+    maybe_calc_sequential_cost(
+        (func(P) = P ^ ip_maybe_goals_before_cost),
+        (func(P0, MaybeCost) = P0 ^ ip_maybe_goals_before_cost := MaybeCost),
+        ip_get_goals_before, CostBeforePercall, NumCalls, !Parallelisation),
+    maybe_calc_sequential_cost(
+        (func(P) = P ^ ip_maybe_goals_after_cost),
+        (func(P0, MaybeCost) = P0 ^ ip_maybe_goals_after_cost := MaybeCost),
+        ip_get_goals_after, CostAfterPercall, NumCalls, !Parallelisation),
+    Info = !.Parallelisation ^ ip_info,
+    Opts = Info ^ ipi_opts,
+    SparkCost = Opts ^ cpcp_sparking_cost,
+    SparkDelay = Opts ^ cpcp_sparking_delay,
+    BarrierCost = Opts ^ cpcp_barrier_cost,
+    ContextWakeupDelay = Opts ^ cpcp_context_wakeup_delay,
+    Metrics0 = init_empty_parallel_exec_metrics(CostBeforePercall,
+        CostAfterPercall, NumCalls, float(SparkCost), float(SparkDelay),
+        float(BarrierCost), float(ContextWakeupDelay)),
+    Overlap0 = peo_empty_conjunct,
+    SharedVars = ip_calc_sharedvars_set(!.Parallelisation),
+    CostData0 = parallelisation_cost_data(SharedVars, Overlap0, Metrics0, init),
+    NumMiddleGoals = ip_get_num_goals_middle(!.Parallelisation),
+    list.foldl3(calculate_parallel_cost_step(Info, NumMiddleGoals), ParConj,
+        1, _, 0, _, CostData0, CostData),
+    !Parallelisation ^ ip_maybe_par_cost_data := yes(CostData).
+:- pred maybe_calc_sequential_cost((func(T) = maybe(goal_cost_csq))::in,
+    (func(T, maybe(goal_cost_csq)) = T)::in,
+    (func(T) = list(pard_goal_detail))::in, float::out,
+    int::in, T::in, T::out) is det.
+maybe_calc_sequential_cost(GetMaybe, SetMaybe, GetGoals, CostPercall, Calls,
+        !Acc) :-
+    MaybeCost = GetMaybe(!.Acc),
+    (
+        MaybeCost = yes(Cost)
+    ;
+        MaybeCost = no,
+        Goals = GetGoals(!.Acc),
+        conj_calc_cost(Goals, Calls, Cost),
+        !:Acc = SetMaybe(!.Acc, yes(Cost))
+    ),
+    CostPercall = goal_cost_get_percall(Cost).
+:- type is_last_par_conjunct
+    --->    is_last_par_conjunct
+    ;       not_last_par_conjunct.
+:- pred calculate_parallel_cost_step(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    int::in, seq_conj(pard_goal_detail)::in, int::in, int::out,
+    int::in, int::out,
+    parallelisation_cost_data::in, parallelisation_cost_data::out) is det.
+calculate_parallel_cost_step(Info, NumMiddleGoals, Conjunct, !ConjNum,
+        !NumGoals, !CostData) :-
+    !.CostData = parallelisation_cost_data(SharedVars, Overlap0, Metrics0,
+        PM0),
+    !:NumGoals = !.NumGoals + length(Conjuncts),
+    ( !.NumGoals = NumMiddleGoals ->
+        IsLastConjunct = is_last_par_conjunct
+    ;
+        IsLastConjunct = not_last_par_conjunct
+    ),
+    Conjunct = seq_conj(Conjuncts),
+    calculate_parallel_cost_step(Info, SharedVars, IsLastConjunct, Conjuncts,
+        !ConjNum, PM0, PM, Overlap0, Overlap, Metrics0, Metrics),
+    !:CostData = parallelisation_cost_data(SharedVars, Overlap, Metrics, PM).
+:- pred calculate_parallel_cost_step(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    set(var_rep)::in, is_last_par_conjunct::in, list(pard_goal_detail)::in,
+    int::in, int::out, map(var_rep, float)::in, map(var_rep, float)::out,
+    parallel_execution_overlap::in, parallel_execution_overlap::out,
+    parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete::in,
+    parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete::out) is det.
+calculate_parallel_cost_step(Info, AllSharedVars, IsLastConjunct, Conjunct,
+        !ConjNum, !ProductionsMap, !Overlap, !Metrics) :-
+    Algorithm = Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpcp_parallelise_dep_conjs,
+    Calls = parallel_exec_metrics_get_num_calls(!.Metrics),
+    conj_calc_cost(Conjunct, Calls, CostB0),
+    CostB = goal_cost_get_percall(CostB0),
+    list.foldl2(conj_produced_and_consumed_vars, Conjunct,
+        set.init, RightProducedVars0, set.init, RightConsumedVars0),
+    RightProducedVars = set.intersect(RightProducedVars0, AllSharedVars),
+    RightConsumedVars = set.intersect(RightConsumedVars0, AllSharedVars),
+    ProducedVars =
+        set.from_sorted_list(map.sorted_keys(!.ProductionsMap)),
+    Vars = set.intersect(ProducedVars, RightConsumedVars),
+    % This conjunct will actually start after it has been sparked by
+    % the previous conjunct, which in turn may have been sparked by an
+    % earlier conjunct.
+    SparkDelay = Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpcp_sparking_delay,
+    StartTime0 = float((!.ConjNum - 1) * SparkDelay),
+    % If there are conjuncts after this conjunct, we will have
+    % the additional cost of sparking them.
+    (
+        IsLastConjunct = not_last_par_conjunct,
+        SparkCost = float(Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpcp_sparking_cost)
+    ;
+        IsLastConjunct = is_last_par_conjunct,
+        SparkCost = 0.0
+    ),
+    StartTime = StartTime0 + SparkCost,
+    (
+        Algorithm = parallelise_dep_conjs_overlap,
+        % Get the list of variables consumed by this conjunct
+        % that will be turned into futures.
+        list.foldl4(get_consumptions_and_productions_list, Conjunct, Vars, _,
+            RightProducedVars, _, 0.0, _,
+            [], ConsumptionsAndProductionsList0),
+        list.reverse(ConsumptionsAndProductionsList0,
+            ConsumptionsAndProductionsList),
+        % Determine how the parallel conjuncts overlap.
+        list.foldl5(
+            calculate_dependent_parallel_cost_2(Info, !.ProductionsMap),
+            ConsumptionsAndProductionsList, 0.0, LastSeqConsumeTime,
+            StartTime, LastParConsumeTime, StartTime, LastResumeTime,
+            [], RevExecution0, map.init, ConsumptionsMap),
+        % Calculate the point at which this conjunct finishes execution
+        % and complete the RevExecutions structure..
+        list.reverse(RevExecution, Execution),
+        CostBParElapsed = LastParConsumeTime + (CostB - LastSeqConsumeTime),
+        RevExecution = [ (LastResumeTime - CostBParElapsed) | RevExecution0 ],
+        CostSignals = float(Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpcp_future_signal_cost *
+            count(RightProducedVars)),
+        CostWaits = float(Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpcp_future_wait_cost *
+            count(Vars)),
+        calc_cost_and_dead_time(Execution, CostBPar, DeadTime)
+    ;
+        ( Algorithm = parallelise_dep_conjs_naive
+        ; Algorithm = do_not_parallelise_dep_conjs
+        ; Algorithm = parallelise_dep_conjs_num_vars
+        ),
+        CostBPar = CostB + SparkCost,
+        Execution = [StartTime - (StartTime + CostB)],
+        ConsumptionsMap = init,
+        CostSignals = 0.0,
+        CostWaits = 0.0,
+        DeadTime = 0.0
+    ),
+    % CostB    - the cost of B if it where to be executed in sequence.
+    % CostBPar - CostB plus the overheads of parallel exection (not including
+    %            the dead time).
+    % DeadTime - The time that B spends blocked on other computations.
+    % XXX: Need to account for SparkDelay here,
+    !:Metrics = init_parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete(!.Metrics, CostSignals,
+        CostWaits, CostB, CostBPar, DeadTime),
+    % Build the productions map for the next conjunct. This map contains
+    % all the variables produced by this code, not just that are used for
+    % dependent parallelisation.
+    list.foldl3(get_productions_map(RightProducedVars), Conjunct, StartTime, _,
+        Execution, _, !ProductionsMap),
+    DepConjExec = dependent_conjunct_execution(Execution,
+        !.ProductionsMap, ConsumptionsMap),
+    !:Overlap = peo_conjunction(!.Overlap, DepConjExec, Vars),
+    !:ConjNum = !.ConjNum + 1.
+    % calculate_dependent_parallel_cost_2(Info, ProductionsMap,
+    %   Var - SeqConsTime, !PrevSeqConsumeTime, !PrevParConsumeTime,
+    %   !ResumeTime, !RevExecution, !ConsumptionsMap).
+    %
+    % The main loop of the parallel overlap analysis.
+    %
+    % * ProductionsMap: A map of variable productions to the left of this
+    %   conjunct.
+    %
+    % * Var: The current variable under consideration.
+    %
+    % * SeqConsTime: The type of event for this variable in this conjunct and
+    %   the time at which it occurs.  It is either consumed or produced by this
+    %   conjunct.
+    %
+    % * !PrevSeqConsumeTime: Accumulates the time of the previous consumption
+    %   during sequential execution, or if there is none it represents the
+    %   beginning of sequential execution (0.0).
+    %
+    % * !PrevParConsumeTime: Accumulates the time of the previous consumption
+    %   during parallel execution.  Or if there is none this represents the
+    %   tame that the parallel conjunct first begun execution.
+    %
+    % * !ResumeTime: Accumulates the time that execution last resumed if it
+    %   became blocked, or the beginning of the parallel conjunct's execution.
+    %
+    % * !RevExecution: Accumulates a list of pairs, each pair stores the time
+    %   that execution begun and the time that it pasted.  This never includes
+    %   the remaining execution after all variables have been consumed.  This
+    %   is used by our caller to calculate the production times of this
+    %   conjunct for later ones.
+    %
+    % * !ConsumptionsMap: Accumuates a map of variable consumptions.
+    %
+:- pred calculate_dependent_parallel_cost_2(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    map(var_rep, float)::in, pair(var_rep, production_or_consumption)::in,
+    float::in, float::out, float::in, float::out, float::in, float::out,
+    assoc_list(float, float)::in, assoc_list(float, float)::out,
+    map(var_rep, float)::in, map(var_rep, float)::out) is det.
+calculate_dependent_parallel_cost_2(Info, ProductionsMap, Var - SeqEventTime,
+        !PrevSeqConsumeTime, !PrevParConsumeTime, !ResumeTime,
+        !RevExecution, !ConsumptionsMap) :-
+    (
+        SeqEventTime = consumption(SeqConsTime),
+        calculate_dependent_parallel_cost_consumption(Info, ProductionsMap,
+            Var - SeqConsTime, !PrevSeqConsumeTime, !PrevParConsumeTime,
+            !ResumeTime, !RevExecution, !ConsumptionsMap)
+    ;
+        SeqEventTime = production(SeqProdTime),
+        calculate_dependent_parallel_cost_production(Info, SeqProdTime,
+            !PrevSeqConsumeTime, !PrevParConsumeTime, !ResumeTime,
+            !RevExecution, !ConsumptionsMap)
+    ).
+:- pred calculate_dependent_parallel_cost_consumption(
+    implicit_parallelism_info::in, map(var_rep, float)::in,
+    pair(var_rep, float)::in, float::in, float::out,
+    float::in, float::out, float::in, float::out,
+    assoc_list(float, float)::in, assoc_list(float, float)::out,
+    map(var_rep, float)::in, map(var_rep, float)::out) is det.
+calculate_dependent_parallel_cost_consumption(Info, ProductionsMap,
+        Var - SeqConsTime, !PrevSeqConsumeTime, !PrevParConsumeTime,
+        !ResumeTime, !RevExecution, !ConsumptionsMap) :-
+    map.lookup(ProductionsMap, Var, ProdTime),
+    % Consider (P & Q):
+    %
+    % Q cannot consume the variable until P produces it. Also Q cannot consume
+    % the variable until it is ready for it. These are the two parameters to
+    % max/2.
+    %
+    % The second parameter can be explained further. Q may have waited on a
+    % future previously, if so !.PrevParConsumeTime is when it finished
+    % waiting, and SeqConsTime - !.PrevSeqConsumeTime is how long Q will take
+    % between the two waits.
+    %
+    ParConsTimeBlocked = ProdTime,
+    ParConsTimeNotBlocked = !.PrevParConsumeTime +
+        (SeqConsTime - !.PrevSeqConsumeTime),
+    ParConsTime0 = max(ParConsTimeBlocked, ParConsTimeNotBlocked) +
+        float(Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpcp_future_wait_cost),
+    (
+        % True if Q had to suspend waiting for P. Note that we don't include
+        % FutureSyncTime here. This is true if Q has to block at all even if
+        % it can be made runable before the context switch is complete.
+        ProdTime > ParConsTimeNotBlocked
+    ->
+        % Include the time that it may take to resume this thread.
+        ParConsTime = ParConsTime0 +
+            float(Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpcp_context_wakeup_delay),
+        !:RevExecution =
+            [(!.ResumeTime - ParConsTimeNotBlocked) | !.RevExecution],
+        !:ResumeTime = ParConsTime
+    ;
+        ParConsTime = ParConsTime0
+    ),
+    !:PrevSeqConsumeTime = SeqConsTime,
+    !:PrevParConsumeTime = ParConsTime,
+    svmap.det_insert(Var, ParConsTime, !ConsumptionsMap).
+:- pred calculate_dependent_parallel_cost_production(
+    implicit_parallelism_info::in, float::in, float::in, float::out,
+    float::in, float::out, float::in, float::out,
+    assoc_list(float, float)::in, assoc_list(float, float)::out,
+    map(var_rep, float)::in, map(var_rep, float)::out) is det.
+        SeqProdTime, !PrevSeqConsumeTime, !PrevParConsumeTime,
+        !ResumeTime, !RevExecution, !ConsumptionsMap) :-
+    SignalCost = float(Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpcp_future_signal_cost),
+    ParProdTime = !.PrevParConsumeTime +
+        (SeqProdTime - !.PrevSeqConsumeTime) + SignalCost,
+    !:PrevSeqConsumeTime = SeqProdTime,
+    !:PrevParConsumeTime = ParProdTime.
+:- pred depends_lookup(dependency_graphs::in, int::in, set(int)::out) is det.
+depends_lookup(DependencyGraphs, GoalNum, Deps) :-
+    graph_do_lookup(lookup_from, DependencyGraphs ^ dm_forward, GoalNum, Deps).
+:- pred depends_lookup_tc(dependency_graphs::in, int::in, set(int)::out)
+    is det.
+depends_lookup_tc(DependencyGraphs, GoalNum, Deps) :-
+    graph_do_lookup(lookup_from, DependencyGraphs ^ dm_forward_tc, GoalNum,
+        Deps).
+:- pred depends_lookup_rev(dependency_graphs::in, int::in, set(int)::out)
+    is det.
+depends_lookup_rev(DependencyGraphs, GoalNum, RevDeps) :-
+    graph_do_lookup(lookup_to, DependencyGraphs ^ dm_forward, GoalNum,
+        RevDeps).
+:- pred depends_lookup_tc_rev(dependency_graphs::in, int::in, set(int)::out)
+    is det.
+depends_lookup_tc_rev(DependencyGraphs, GoalNum, RevDeps) :-
+    graph_do_lookup(lookup_to, DependencyGraphs ^ dm_forward_tc, GoalNum,
+        RevDeps).
+    % Abstract code for querying a graph for a goal dependency.
+    %
+:- pred graph_do_lookup(
+    pred(digraph(int), digraph_key(int), set(digraph_key(int)))::
+        in(pred(in, in, out) is det),
+    digraph(int)::in, int::in, set(int)::out) is det.
+graph_do_lookup(Lookup, Graph, GoalNum, Deps) :-
+    Lookup(Graph, lookup_key(Graph, GoalNum), DepsKeys),
+    Deps = set(map(lookup_vertex(Graph), set.to_sorted_list(DepsKeys))).
+    % foldl(get_productions_map(Goals, 0,0, _, Vars, _, map.init, Map).
+    %
+    % If Goals is semidet this can produce incorrect values in the !Time
+    % accumulator that lead to exceptions.  This is prevented by only
+    % attempting to parallelise goals that are det or cc_multi.
+    %
+    % Build a map of variable productions in Goals.
+    %
+:- pred get_productions_map(set(var_rep)::in, pard_goal_detail::in,
+    float::in, float::out,
+    assoc_list(float, float)::in, assoc_list(float, float)::out,
+    map(var_rep, float)::in, map(var_rep, float)::out) is det.
+get_productions_map(Vars, Goal, !Time, !Executions, !Map) :-
+    InstMapInfo = Goal ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_inst_map_info,
+    BoundVars0 = InstMapInfo ^ im_bound_vars,
+    BoundVars = set.intersect(BoundVars0, Vars),
+    adjust_time_for_waits(!Time, !Executions),
+    set.fold(var_production_time_to_map(!.Time, Goal), BoundVars, !Map),
+    !:Time = !.Time + goal_cost_get_percall(Goal ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_cost).
+:- pred adjust_time_for_waits(float::in, float::out,
+    assoc_list(float, float)::in, assoc_list(float, float)::out) is det.
+adjust_time_for_waits(!Time, !Executions) :-
+    (
+        !.Executions = [Execution | NextExecution],
+        ( Start - End ) = Execution,
+        ( (!.Time + adjust_time_for_waits_epsilon) < Start ->
+            error("adjust_time_for_waits: " ++
+                "Time occurs before the current execution")
+        ; !.Time =< (End + adjust_time_for_waits_epsilon) ->
+            % The production is within the current execution, no adjustment is
+            % necessary.
+            true
+        ;
+            % The time is after this execution.
+            !:Executions = NextExecution,
+            adjust_time_for_waits_2(End, !Time, !Executions)
+        )
+    ;
+        !.Executions = [],
+        error("adjust_time_for_waits: Time occurs after all executions")
+    ).
+:- pred adjust_time_for_waits_2(float::in, float::in, float::out,
+    assoc_list(float, float)::in, assoc_list(float, float)::out) is det.
+adjust_time_for_waits_2(LastEnd, !Time, !Executions) :-
+    (
+        !.Executions = [ Execution | NextExecution ],
+        ( Start - End ) = Execution,
+        % Do the adjustment.
+        !:Time = !.Time + (Start - LastEnd),
+        ( (!.Time + adjust_time_for_waits_epsilon) < Start ->
+            error(format("adjust_time_for_waits: Adjustment didn't work, " ++
+                "time occurs before the current execution. " ++
+                "Time: %f, Start: %f.", [f(!.Time), f(Start)]))
+        ; !.Time =< (End + adjust_time_for_waits_epsilon) ->
+            % The adjustment worked.
+            true
+        ;
+            % Further adjustment is needed.
+            !:Executions = NextExecution,
+            adjust_time_for_waits_2(End, !Time, !Executions)
+        )
+    ;
+        !.Executions = [],
+        error("adjust_time_for_waits: Ran out of executions")
+    ).
+:- func adjust_time_for_waits_epsilon = float.
+adjust_time_for_waits_epsilon = 0.0001.
+    % Calculate the time spend during execution and the time spent between
+    % executions (dead time).
+    %
+:- pred calc_cost_and_dead_time(assoc_list(float, float)::in, float::out,
+    float::out) is det.
+calc_cost_and_dead_time([], 0.0, 0.0).
+calc_cost_and_dead_time([Start - Stop | Executions], !:Time, DeadTime) :-
+    !:Time = Stop - Start,
+    calc_cost_and_dead_time_2(Executions, Stop, !Time, 0.0, DeadTime).
+:- pred calc_cost_and_dead_time_2(assoc_list(float, float)::in, float::in,
+    float::in, float::out, float::in, float::out) is det.
+calc_cost_and_dead_time_2([], _, !Time, !DeadTime).
+calc_cost_and_dead_time_2([Start - Stop | Executions], LastStop,
+        !Time, !DeadTime) :-
+    !:Time = !.Time + Stop - Start,
+    !:DeadTime = !.DeadTime + Start - LastStop,
+    calc_cost_and_dead_time_2(Executions, Stop, !Time, !DeadTime).
+    % var_production_time_to_map(TimeBefore, Goal, Var, !Map).
+    %
+    % Find the latest production time of Var in Goal, and add TimeBefore + the
+    % production time to the map.  An exception is thrown if a duplicate map
+    % entry is found, our caller must prevent this.
+    %
+:- pred var_production_time_to_map(float::in, pard_goal_detail::in,
+    var_rep::in, map(var_rep, float)::in, map(var_rep, float)::out) is det.
+var_production_time_to_map(TimeBefore, Goal, Var, !Map) :-
+    var_first_use_time(find_production, TimeBefore, Goal, Var, Time),
+    svmap.det_insert(Var, Time, !Map).
+    % Either a production or consumption time.  Consumptions should sort before
+    % productions.
+    %
+:- type production_or_consumption
+    --->    consumption(float)
+    ;       production(float).
+    % foldl(get_consumptions_list(Vars), Goals, 0.0, _, [], RevConsumptions),
+    %
+    % Compute the order and time of variable consumptions in goals.
+    %
+:- pred get_consumptions_and_productions_list(pard_goal_detail::in,
+    set(var_rep)::in, set(var_rep)::out,
+    set(var_rep)::in, set(var_rep)::out, float::in, float::out,
+    assoc_list(var_rep, production_or_consumption)::in,
+    assoc_list(var_rep, production_or_consumption)::out) is det.
+get_consumptions_and_productions_list(Goal, !ConsumedVars, !ProducedVars,
+        !Time, !List) :-
+    InstMapInfo = Goal ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_inst_map_info,
+    AllConsumptionVars = InstMapInfo ^ im_consumed_vars,
+    ConsumptionVars = set.intersect(!.ConsumedVars, AllConsumptionVars),
+    set.map(var_consumptions(!.Time, Goal),
+        ConsumptionVars, ConsumptionTimesSet0),
+    !:ConsumedVars = difference(!.ConsumedVars, ConsumptionVars),
+    % Since we re-sort the list we don't need a sorted one to start with,
+    % but the set module doesn't export a "to_list" predicate. (Getting
+    % a sorted list has no cost since the set is a sorted list internally).
+    set.to_sorted_list(ConsumptionTimesSet0, ConsumptionTimes0),
+    list.sort(compare_times, ConsumptionTimes0, ConsumptionTimes),
+    AllProductionVars = InstMapInfo ^ im_bound_vars,
+    ProductionVars = set.intersect(!.ProducedVars, AllProductionVars),
+    set.map(var_productions(!.Time, Goal),
+        ProductionVars, ProductionTimesSet0),
+    !:ProducedVars = difference(!.ProducedVars, ProductionVars),
+    set.to_sorted_list(ProductionTimesSet0, ProductionTimes0),
+    list.sort(compare_times, ProductionTimes0, ProductionTimes),
+    merge_consumptions_and_productions(ConsumptionTimes, ProductionTimes,
+        ConsumptionAndProductionTimes),
+    !:List = ConsumptionAndProductionTimes ++ !.List,
+    !:Time = !.Time + goal_cost_get_percall(Goal ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_cost).
+:- pred compare_times(pair(A, float)::in, pair(A, float)::in,
+    comparison_result::out) is det.
+compare_times(_ - TimeA, _ - TimeB, Result) :-
+    % Note that the Time arguments are swapped, this list must be
+    % produced in latest to earliest order.
+    compare(Result, TimeB, TimeA).
+:- pred merge_consumptions_and_productions(
+    assoc_list(var_rep, float)::in, assoc_list(var_rep, float)::in,
+    assoc_list(var_rep, production_or_consumption)::out) is det.
+merge_consumptions_and_productions([], [], []).
+        [Var - Time | Prods0], [Var - production(Time) | Prods]) :-
+    merge_consumptions_and_productions([], Prods0, Prods).
+merge_consumptions_and_productions([Var - Time | Cons0], [],
+        [Var - consumption(Time) | Cons]) :-
+    merge_consumptions_and_productions(Cons0, [], Cons).
+merge_consumptions_and_productions(Cons@[ConsVar - ConsTime | Cons0],
+        Prods@[ProdVar - ProdTime | Prods0], [ProdOrCons | ProdsAndCons]) :-
+    ( ProdTime < ConsTime ->
+        % Order earlier events first,
+        ProdOrCons = ProdVar - production(ProdTime),
+        merge_consumptions_and_productions(Cons, Prods0, ProdsAndCons)
+    ;
+        % In this branch either the consumption occurs first or the events
+        % occur at the same time in which case we order consumptions first.
+        ProdOrCons = ConsVar - consumption(ConsTime),
+        merge_consumptions_and_productions(Cons0, Prods, ProdsAndCons)
+    ).
+:- pred var_consumptions(float::in, pard_goal_detail::in, var_rep::in,
+    pair(var_rep, float)::out) is det.
+var_consumptions(TimeBefore, Goal, Var, Var - Time) :-
+    var_first_use_time(find_consumption, TimeBefore, Goal, Var, Time).
+:- pred var_productions(float::in, pard_goal_detail::in, var_rep::in,
+    pair(var_rep, float)::out) is det.
+var_productions(TimeBefore, Goal, Var, Var - Time) :-
+    var_first_use_time(find_production, TimeBefore, Goal, Var, Time).
+:- type find_production_or_consumption
+    --->    find_production
+    ;       find_consumption.
+    % var_first_use_time(FindProdOrCons, Time0, Goal, Var, Time).
+    %
+    % if FindProdOrCons = find_production
+    %   Time is Time0 + the time that Goal produces Var.
+    % elif FindProdOrCons = find_consumption
+    %   Time is Time0 + the time that Goal first consumes Var.
+    %
+:- pred var_first_use_time(find_production_or_consumption::in,
+    float::in, pard_goal_detail::in, var_rep::in, float::out) is det.
+var_first_use_time(FindProdOrCons, TimeBefore, Goal, Var, Time) :-
+    (
+        FindProdOrCons = find_production,
+        Map = Goal ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_var_production_map
+    ;
+        FindProdOrCons = find_consumption,
+        Map = Goal ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_var_consumption_map
+    ),
+    map.lookup(Map, Var, LazyUse),
+    Use = force(LazyUse),
+    UseType = Use ^ vui_use_type,
+    (
+        (
+            UseType = var_use_production,
+            (
+                FindProdOrCons = find_production
+            ;
+                FindProdOrCons = find_consumption,
+                unexpected($module, $pred,
+                    "Found production when looking for consumption")
+            )
+        ;
+            UseType = var_use_consumption,
+            (
+                FindProdOrCons = find_production,
+                unexpected($module, $pred,
+                    "Found consumption when looking for production")
+            ;
+                FindProdOrCons = find_consumption
+            )
+        ),
+        UseTime = Use ^ vui_cost_until_use
+    ;
+        UseType = var_use_other,
+        % The analysis didn't recognise the instantiation here, so use a
+        % conservative default for the production time.
+        % XXX: How often does this occur?
+        (
+            FindProdOrCons = find_production,
+            UseTime = goal_cost_get_percall(Goal ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_cost)
+        ;
+            FindProdOrCons = find_consumption,
+            UseTime = 0.0
+        )
+    ),
+    Time = TimeBefore + UseTime.
+:- pred pardgoal_consumed_vars_accum(pard_goal_detail::in,
+    set(var_rep)::in, set(var_rep)::out) is det.
+pardgoal_consumed_vars_accum(Goal, !Vars) :-
+    RefedVars = Goal ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_inst_map_info ^ im_consumed_vars,
+    set.union(RefedVars, !Vars).
+can_parallelise_goal(Goal) :-
+    Detism = Goal ^ goal_detism_rep,
+    ( Detism = det_rep
+    ; Detism = cc_multidet_rep
+    ).
+    % XXX We would check purity here except that purity information is not
+    % present in the bytecode.
+:- pred goal_cost_above_par_threshold(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    goal_cost_csq::in) is semidet.
+goal_cost_above_par_threshold(Info, Cost) :-
+    goal_cost_get_calls(Cost) > 0,
+    PercallCost = goal_cost_get_percall(Cost),
+    PercallCost > float(Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpcp_call_site_threshold).
+:- pred atomic_pard_goal_type(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    list(goal_path_step)::in, atomic_goal_rep::in, inst_map_info::in,
+    pard_goal_type::out, cord(message)::out) is det.
+atomic_pard_goal_type(Info, RevGoalPathSteps, AtomicGoal, InstMapInfo,
+        GoalType, !:Messages) :-
+    !:Messages = cord.empty,
+    InstMapBefore = InstMapInfo ^ im_before,
+    InstMapAfter = InstMapInfo ^ im_after,
+    atomic_goal_is_call(AtomicGoal, IsCall),
+    (
+        IsCall = atomic_goal_is_trivial,
+        GoalType = pgt_other_atomic_goal
+    ;
+        IsCall = atomic_goal_is_call(Args),
+        % Lookup var use information.
+        map.lookup(Info ^ ipi_call_sites, rgp(RevGoalPathSteps), CallSite),
+        list.map_foldl(compute_var_modes(InstMapBefore, InstMapAfter),
+            Args, VarsAndModes, 0, _),
+        GoalType = pgt_call(VarsAndModes, CallSite)
+    ).
+:- pred atomic_pard_goal_cost(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    list(goal_path_step)::in, coverage_info::in, atomic_goal_rep::in,
+    goal_cost_csq::out) is det.
+atomic_pard_goal_cost(Info, RevGoalPathSteps, Coverage, AtomicGoal, Cost) :-
+    atomic_goal_is_call(AtomicGoal, IsCall),
+    (
+        IsCall = atomic_goal_is_trivial,
+        get_coverage_before_det(Coverage, Calls),
+        Cost = atomic_goal_cost(Calls)
+    ;
+        IsCall = atomic_goal_is_call(_),
+        RevGoalPath = rgp(RevGoalPathSteps),
+        map.lookup(Info ^ ipi_call_sites, RevGoalPath, CallSite),
+        (
+            cost_and_callees_is_recursive(Info ^ ipi_clique, CallSite),
+            map.search(Info ^ ipi_rec_call_sites, RevGoalPath, RecCost)
+        ->
+            CSCost = RecCost
+        ;
+            CSCost = CallSite ^ cac_cost
+        ),
+        Cost = call_goal_cost(CSCost)
+    ).
+:- pred compute_var_modes(inst_map::in, inst_map::in,
+    var_rep::in, var_and_mode::out, int::in, int::out) is det.
+compute_var_modes(InstMapBefore, InstMapAfter, Arg, VarAndMode, !ArgNum) :-
+    var_get_mode(InstMapBefore, InstMapAfter, Arg, Mode),
+    VarAndMode = var_and_mode(Arg, Mode),
+    !:ArgNum = !.ArgNum + 1.
+:- pred atomic_goal_build_use_map(atomic_goal_rep::in,
+    list(goal_path_step)::in, implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    var_use_type::in, var_rep::in,
+    map(var_rep, lazy(var_use_info))::in,
+    map(var_rep, lazy(var_use_info))::out) is det.
+atomic_goal_build_use_map(AtomicGoal, RevGoalPathSteps, Info, VarUseType, Var,
+        !Map) :-
+    atomic_goal_is_call(AtomicGoal, IsCall),
+    (
+        IsCall = atomic_goal_is_trivial,
+        (
+            VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
+            CostUntilUse = 0.0
+        ;
+            ( VarUseType = var_use_production
+            ; VarUseType = var_use_other
+            ),
+            CostUntilUse = 1.0
+        ),
+        LazyUse = val(var_use_info(CostUntilUse, 1.0, VarUseType))
+    ;
+        IsCall = atomic_goal_is_call(Args),
+        LazyUse = delay(
+            (func) = compute_var_use_lazy(Info, RevGoalPathSteps, Var,
+                Args, VarUseType))
+    ),
+    svmap.det_insert(Var, LazyUse, !Map).
+:- func compute_var_use_lazy(implicit_parallelism_info, list(goal_path_step),
+    var_rep, list(var_rep), var_use_type) = var_use_info.
+compute_var_use_lazy(Info, RevGoalPathSteps, Var, Args, VarUseType) = Use :-
+    CliquePtr = Info ^ ipi_clique,
+    RevGoalPath = rgp(RevGoalPathSteps),
+    map.lookup(Info ^ ipi_call_sites, RevGoalPath, CostAndCallee),
+    (
+        cost_and_callees_is_recursive(CliquePtr, CostAndCallee),
+        map.search(Info ^ ipi_rec_call_sites, RevGoalPath, RecCost)
+    ->
+        Cost = RecCost
+    ;
+        Cost = CostAndCallee ^ cac_cost
+    ),
+    solutions(
+        compute_var_use_lazy_arg(Info, Var, Args, CostAndCallee,
+            Cost, VarUseType),
+        Uses),
+    (
+        VarUseType = var_use_consumption,
+        Uses = [FirstUse | OtherUses],
+        list.foldl(earliest_use, OtherUses, FirstUse, Use)
+    ;
+        ( VarUseType = var_use_production
+        ; VarUseType = var_use_other
+        ),
+        (
+            Uses = [Use]
+        ;
+            Uses = [_, _ | _],
+            unexpected($module, $pred, "Too many solutions ")
+        )
+    ).
+:- pred earliest_use(var_use_info::in, var_use_info::in, var_use_info::out)
+    is det.
+earliest_use(A, B, Ealiest) :-
+    TimeA = A ^ vui_cost_until_use,
+    TimeB = B ^ vui_cost_until_use,
+    ( TimeA < TimeB ->
+        Ealiest = A
+    ;
+        Ealiest = B
+    ).
+:- pred compute_var_use_lazy_arg(implicit_parallelism_info::in, var_rep::in,
+    list(var_rep)::in, cost_and_callees::in, cs_cost_csq::in, var_use_type::in,
+    var_use_info::out) is multi.
+compute_var_use_lazy_arg(Info, Var, Args, CostAndCallee, Cost, VarUseType,
+        Use) :-
+    ( 0.0 < cs_cost_get_calls(Cost) ->
+        CostPercall = cs_cost_get_percall(Cost),
+        ( list.member_index0(Var, Args, ArgNum) ->
+            HigherOrder = CostAndCallee ^ cac_call_site_is_ho,
+            (
+                HigherOrder = higher_order_call,
+                % We cannot push signals or waits into higher order calls.
+                pessimistic_var_use_info(VarUseType, CostPercall, Use)
+            ;
+                HigherOrder = first_order_call,
+                ( singleton_set(CostAndCallee ^ cac_callees, CalleePrime) ->
+                    Callee = CalleePrime
+                ;
+                    unexpected($module, $pred,
+                        "first-order call site has wrong number of CSDs")
+                ),
+                CSDPtr = Callee ^ c_csd,
+                RecursionType = Info ^ ipi_recursion_type,
+                recursion_type_get_interesting_parallelisation_depth(
+                    RecursionType, MaybeCurDepth),
+                compute_var_use_2(Info, ArgNum, RecursionType, MaybeCurDepth,
+                    VarUseType, CostPercall, CSDPtr, Use, Messages),
+                trace [io(!IO)] (
+                    stderr_stream(Stderr, !IO),
+                    write_out_messages(Stderr, Messages, !IO)
+                )
+            )
+        ;
+            Use = var_use_info(0.0, CostPercall, VarUseType),
+            ( VarUseType = var_use_consumption ->
+                true
+            ;
+                unexpected($module, $pred,
+                    "Var use type most be consumption if " ++
+                    "\\+ member(Var, Args)")
+            )
+        )
+    ;
+        % This call site is never called.
+        pessimistic_var_use_info(VarUseType, 0.0, Use)
+    ).
+:- pred compute_var_use_2(implicit_parallelism_info::in, int::in,
+    recursion_type::in, maybe(recursion_depth)::in, var_use_type::in,
+    float::in, call_site_dynamic_ptr::in, var_use_info::out,
+    cord(message)::out) is det.
+compute_var_use_2(Info, ArgNum, RecursionType, MaybeCurDepth, VarUseType, Cost,
+        CSDPtr, Use, !:Messages) :-
+    !:Messages = empty,
+    Deep = Info ^ ipi_deep,
+    CliquePtr = Info ^ ipi_clique,
+    implicit_par_info_intermodule_var_use(Info, FollowCallsAcrossModules),
+    VarUseOptions = var_use_options(Deep, FollowCallsAcrossModules,
+        VarUseType),
+    call_site_dynamic_var_use_info(CliquePtr, CSDPtr, ArgNum,
+        RecursionType, MaybeCurDepth, Cost, set.init, VarUseOptions, MaybeUse),
+    (
+        MaybeUse = ok(Use)
+    ;
+        MaybeUse = error(Error),
+        pessimistic_var_use_info(VarUseType, Cost, Use),
+        append_message(pl_csd(CSDPtr),
+            warning_cannot_compute_first_use_time(Error),
+            !Messages)
+    ).
+:- pred goal_build_use_map(goal_rep(goal_id)::in,
+    list(goal_path_step)::in, goal_cost_csq::in, implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    var_use_type::in, var_rep::in,
+    map(var_rep, lazy(var_use_info))::in,
+    map(var_rep, lazy(var_use_info))::out) is det.
+goal_build_use_map(Goal, RevGoalPathSteps, Cost, Info, VarUseType, Var, !Map) :-
+    LazyUse = delay((func) = compute_goal_var_use_lazy(Goal, RevGoalPathSteps,
+        Cost, Info, VarUseType, Var)),
+    svmap.det_insert(Var, LazyUse, !Map).
+:- func compute_goal_var_use_lazy(goal_rep(goal_id), list(goal_path_step),
+    goal_cost_csq, implicit_parallelism_info, var_use_type, var_rep)
+    = var_use_info.
+compute_goal_var_use_lazy(Goal, RevGoalPathSteps, Cost, Info, VarUseType, Var)
+        = Use :-
+    Info = implicit_parallelism_info(Deep, _ProgRep, _Params, CliquePtr,
+        CallSiteMap, RecursiveCallSiteMap, ContainingGoalMap, CoverageArray,
+        _InstMapArray, RecursionType, _VarTable, _ProcLabel),
+    CostPercall = goal_cost_get_percall(Cost),
+    (
+        ( RecursionType = rt_not_recursive
+        ; RecursionType = rt_single(_, _, _, _, _)
+        ),
+        recursion_type_get_interesting_parallelisation_depth(RecursionType,
+            yes(RecDepth)),
+        implicit_par_info_intermodule_var_use(Info, FollowCallsAcrossModules),
+        VarUseOptions = var_use_options(Deep, FollowCallsAcrossModules,
+            VarUseType),
+        var_first_use(CliquePtr, CallSiteMap, RecursiveCallSiteMap,
+            ContainingGoalMap, CoverageArray, RecursionType, RecDepth, Goal,
+            rgp(RevGoalPathSteps), CostPercall, Var, VarUseOptions, Use)
+    ;
+        ( RecursionType = rt_divide_and_conquer(_, _)
+        ; RecursionType = rt_mutual_recursion(_)
+        ; RecursionType = rt_other(_)
+        ; RecursionType = rt_errors(_)
+        ),
+        % var_first_use doesn't work for these recursion types.
+        pessimistic_var_use_info(VarUseType, CostPercall, Use),
+        append_message(pl_clique(CliquePtr),
+            warning_cannot_compute_first_use_time(
+                "Recursion type unknown for var_first_use/12"),
+            empty, Messages),
+        trace [io(!IO)] (
+            io.stderr_stream(Stderr, !IO),
+            write_out_messages(Stderr, Messages, !IO)
+        )
+    ).
+:- pred implicit_par_info_intermodule_var_use(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    intermodule_var_use::out) is det.
+implicit_par_info_intermodule_var_use(Info, FollowCallsAcrossModules) :-
+    IntermoduleVarUse = Info ^ ipi_opts ^ cpcp_intermodule_var_use,
+    (
+        IntermoduleVarUse = yes,
+        FollowCallsAcrossModules = follow_any_call
+    ;
+        IntermoduleVarUse = no,
+        ProcLabel = Info ^ ipi_proc_label,
+        ( ProcLabel = str_ordinary_proc_label(_, _, Module, _, _, _)
+        ; ProcLabel = str_special_proc_label(_, _, Module, _, _, _)
+        ),
+        FollowCallsAcrossModules = follow_calls_into_module(Module)
+    ).
+:- pred recursion_type_get_interesting_parallelisation_depth(
+    recursion_type, maybe(recursion_depth)).
+:- mode recursion_type_get_interesting_parallelisation_depth(
+    in(recursion_type_known_costs), out(maybe_yes(ground))) is det.
+:- mode recursion_type_get_interesting_parallelisation_depth(
+    in, out) is det.
+        MaybeDepth) :-
+    (
+        RecursionType = rt_not_recursive,
+        MaybeDepth = yes(recursion_depth_from_float(0.0))
+    ;
+        RecursionType = rt_single(_, _, _DepthF, _, _),
+        % The interesting recursion depth is at the bottom of the recursion, if
+        % we can't parallelise here then there's no point parallelising the
+        % loop in general.
+        % XXX: Update metrics to understand that this is a loop.
+        MaybeDepth = yes(recursion_depth_from_float(2.0))
+    ;
+        ( RecursionType = rt_divide_and_conquer(_, _)
+        ; RecursionType = rt_mutual_recursion(_)
+        ; RecursionType = rt_other(_)
+        ; RecursionType = rt_errors(_)
+        ),
+        MaybeDepth = no
+    ).
+:- pred var_get_mode(inst_map::in, inst_map::in, var_rep::in,
+    var_mode_rep::out) is det.
+var_get_mode(InstMapBefore, InstMapAfter, VarRep, VarModeRep) :-
+    inst_map_get(InstMapBefore, VarRep, InstBefore, _),
+    inst_map_get(InstMapAfter, VarRep, InstAfter, _),
+    VarModeRep = var_mode_rep(InstBefore, InstAfter).
+    % Transform a goal in a conjunction into a pard_goal.
+    %
+:- pred goal_to_pard_goal(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    list(goal_path_step)::in, goal_rep(goal_id)::in,
+    pard_goal_detail::out, cord(message)::in, cord(message)::out) is det.
+goal_to_pard_goal(Info, RevGoalPathSteps, !Goal, !Messages) :-
+    !.Goal = goal_rep(GoalExpr0, Detism, GoalId),
+    InstMapInfo = get_goal_attribute_det(Info ^ ipi_inst_map_array, GoalId),
+    Coverage = get_goal_attribute_det(Info ^ ipi_coverage_array, GoalId),
+    get_coverage_before_det(Coverage, Before),
+    (
+        (
+            GoalExpr0 = conj_rep(Conjs0),
+            list.map_foldl2(conj_to_pard_goals(Info, RevGoalPathSteps),
+                Conjs0, Conjs, 1, _, !Messages),
+            conj_calc_cost(Conjs, Before, Cost),
+            GoalExpr = conj_rep(Conjs)
+        ;
+            GoalExpr0 = disj_rep(Disjs0),
+            list.map_foldl2(disj_to_pard_goals(Info, RevGoalPathSteps),
+                Disjs0, Disjs, 1, _, !Messages),
+            disj_calc_cost(Disjs, Before, Cost),
+            GoalExpr = disj_rep(Disjs)
+        ;
+            GoalExpr0 = switch_rep(Var, CanFail, Cases0),
+            list.map_foldl2(case_to_pard_goal(Info, RevGoalPathSteps),
+                Cases0, Cases, 1, _, !Messages),
+            switch_calc_cost(Cases, Before, Cost),
+            GoalExpr = switch_rep(Var, CanFail, Cases)
+        ;
+            GoalExpr0 = ite_rep(Cond0, Then0, Else0),
+            goal_to_pard_goal(Info, [step_ite_cond | RevGoalPathSteps],
+                Cond0, Cond, !Messages),
+            goal_to_pard_goal(Info, [step_ite_then | RevGoalPathSteps],
+                Then0, Then, !Messages),
+            goal_to_pard_goal(Info, [step_ite_else | RevGoalPathSteps],
+                Else0, Else, !Messages),
+            ite_calc_cost(Cond, Then, Else, Cost),
+            GoalExpr = ite_rep(Cond, Then, Else)
+        ;
+            GoalExpr0 = negation_rep(SubGoal0),
+            goal_to_pard_goal(Info, [step_neg | RevGoalPathSteps],
+                SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Messages),
+            Cost = SubGoal ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_cost,
+            GoalExpr = negation_rep(SubGoal)
+        ;
+            GoalExpr0 = scope_rep(SubGoal0, MaybeCut),
+            goal_to_pard_goal(Info, [step_scope(MaybeCut) | RevGoalPathSteps],
+                SubGoal0, SubGoal, !Messages),
+            Cost = SubGoal ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_cost,
+            GoalExpr = scope_rep(SubGoal, MaybeCut)
+        ),
+        PardGoalType = pgt_non_atomic_goal,
+        BoundVars = to_sorted_list(InstMapInfo ^ im_bound_vars),
+        list.foldl(
+            goal_build_use_map(!.Goal, RevGoalPathSteps, Cost, Info,
+                var_use_production),
+            BoundVars, map.init, ProductionUseMap),
+        ConsumedVars = to_sorted_list(InstMapInfo ^ im_consumed_vars),
+        list.foldl(
+            goal_build_use_map(!.Goal, RevGoalPathSteps, Cost, Info,
+                var_use_consumption),
+            ConsumedVars, map.init, ConsumptionUseMap)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = atomic_goal_rep(Context, Line, BoundVars, AtomicGoal),
+        GoalExpr = atomic_goal_rep(Context, Line, BoundVars, AtomicGoal),
+        atomic_pard_goal_type(Info, RevGoalPathSteps, AtomicGoal, InstMapInfo,
+            PardGoalType, Messages),
+        atomic_pard_goal_cost(Info, RevGoalPathSteps, Coverage, AtomicGoal,
+            Cost),
+        list.foldl(
+            atomic_goal_build_use_map(AtomicGoal, RevGoalPathSteps, Info,
+                var_use_production),
+            BoundVars, map.init, ProductionUseMap),
+        ConsumedVars = to_sorted_list(InstMapInfo ^ im_consumed_vars),
+        list.foldl(
+            atomic_goal_build_use_map(AtomicGoal, RevGoalPathSteps, Info,
+                var_use_consumption),
+            ConsumedVars, map.init, ConsumptionUseMap),
+        !:Messages = !.Messages ++ Messages
+    ),
+    % XXX: The goal annotations cannot represent reasons why a goal
+    % can't be parallelised, for example it could be nondet, semidet or
+    % impure.
+    (
+        can_parallelise_goal(!.Goal),
+        goal_cost_above_par_threshold(Info, Cost)
+    ->
+        CostAboveThreshold = cost_above_par_threshold
+    ;
+        CostAboveThreshold = cost_not_above_par_threshold
+    ),
+    PardGoalAnnotation = pard_goal_detail(PardGoalType, InstMapInfo,
+        rgp(RevGoalPathSteps), Coverage, Cost, CostAboveThreshold,
+        ProductionUseMap, ConsumptionUseMap),
+    !:Goal = goal_rep(GoalExpr, Detism, PardGoalAnnotation).
+:- pred conj_to_pard_goals(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    list(goal_path_step)::in, goal_rep(goal_id)::in,
+    pard_goal_detail::out, int::in, int::out,
+    cord(message)::in, cord(message)::out) is det.
+conj_to_pard_goals(Info, RevGoalPathSteps, !Goal, !ConjNum, !Messages) :-
+    goal_to_pard_goal(Info, [step_conj(!.ConjNum) | RevGoalPathSteps],
+        !Goal, !Messages),
+    !:ConjNum = !.ConjNum + 1.
+:- pred disj_to_pard_goals(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    list(goal_path_step)::in, goal_rep(goal_id)::in,
+    pard_goal_detail::out, int::in, int::out,
+    cord(message)::in, cord(message)::out) is det.
+disj_to_pard_goals(Info, RevGoalPathSteps, !Goal, !DisjNum, !Messages) :-
+    goal_to_pard_goal(Info, [step_disj(!.DisjNum) | RevGoalPathSteps],
+        !Goal, !Messages),
+    !:DisjNum = !.DisjNum + 1.
+:- pred case_to_pard_goal(implicit_parallelism_info::in,
+    list(goal_path_step)::in, case_rep(goal_id)::in,
+    case_rep(pard_goal_detail_annotation)::out, int::in, int::out,
+    cord(message)::in, cord(message)::out) is det.
+case_to_pard_goal(Info, RevGoalPathSteps, !Case, !CaseNum, !Messages) :-
+    !.Case = case_rep(ConsId, OtherConsId, Goal0),
+    goal_to_pard_goal(Info, [step_switch(!.CaseNum, no) | RevGoalPathSteps],
+        Goal0, Goal, !Messages),
+    !:CaseNum = !.CaseNum + 1,
+    !:Case = case_rep(ConsId, OtherConsId, Goal).
+:- pred conj_calc_cost(list(pard_goal_detail)::in, int::in,
+    goal_cost_csq::out) is det.
+conj_calc_cost([], Calls, simple_goal_cost(Calls)).
+conj_calc_cost([Conj | Conjs], _, Cost) :-
+    Coverage = Conj ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_coverage,
+    get_coverage_after_det(Coverage, After),
+    conj_calc_cost(Conjs, After, ConjsCost),
+    ConjCost = Conj ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_cost,
+    Cost = add_goal_costs_seq(ConjCost, ConjsCost).
+:- pred disj_calc_cost(list(pard_goal_detail)::in, int::in,
+    goal_cost_csq::out) is det.
+disj_calc_cost([], Calls, simple_goal_cost(Calls)).
+disj_calc_cost([Disj | Disjs], _, Cost) :-
+    Coverage = Disj ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_coverage,
+    get_coverage_before_and_after_det(Coverage, Before, After),
+    ( Before = 0 ->
+        % Avoid a divide by zero.
+        Cost = dead_goal_cost
+    ;
+        _Successes = After,
+        Failures = Before - After,
+        % XXX: We assume this is a semidet disjunction
+        disj_calc_cost(Disjs, Failures, FailureCost),
+        DisjCost = Disj ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_cost,
+        SuccessCost = atomic_goal_cost(After),
+        BranchCost = add_goal_costs_branch(Before, FailureCost, SuccessCost),
+        Cost = add_goal_costs_seq(DisjCost, BranchCost)
+    ).
+:- pred switch_calc_cost(list(case_rep(pard_goal_detail_annotation))::in,
+    int::in, goal_cost_csq::out) is det.
+switch_calc_cost([], Calls, simple_goal_cost(Calls)).
+switch_calc_cost([Case | Cases], TotalCalls, Cost) :-
+    ( TotalCalls = 0 ->
+        % Avoid a divide by zero.
+        Cost = dead_goal_cost
+    ;
+        Coverage = Case ^ cr_case_goal ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_coverage,
+        get_coverage_before_det(Coverage, CaseCalls),
+        switch_calc_cost(Cases, TotalCalls - CaseCalls, CasesCost),
+        CaseCost = Case ^ cr_case_goal ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_cost,
+        Cost = add_goal_costs_branch(TotalCalls, CaseCost, CasesCost)
+    ).
+:- pred ite_calc_cost(pard_goal_detail::in, pard_goal_detail::in,
+    pard_goal_detail::in, goal_cost_csq::out) is det.
+ite_calc_cost(Cond, Then, Else, Cost) :-
+    CondCost = Cond ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_cost,
+    ThenCost = Then ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_cost,
+    ElseCost = Else ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_cost,
+    Coverage = Cond ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_coverage,
+    get_coverage_before_det(Coverage, Before),
+    ThenElseCost = add_goal_costs_branch(Before, ThenCost, ElseCost),
+    Cost = add_goal_costs_seq(CondCost, ThenElseCost).
+:- func simple_goal_cost(int) = goal_cost_csq.
+simple_goal_cost(Calls) = Cost :-
+    ( Calls = 0 ->
+        Cost = dead_goal_cost
+    ;
+        Cost = atomic_goal_cost(Calls)
+    ).
+% Useful utility predicates.
+create_candidate_parallel_conj_proc_report(Proc - CandidateParConjunctionProc,
+        Report) :-
+    CandidateParConjunctionProc = candidate_par_conjunctions_proc(VarTable,
+        PushGoals, CandidateParConjunctions),
+    print_proc_label_to_string(Proc, ProcString),
+    list.map(create_push_goal_report, PushGoals, PushGoalReports),
+    list.map(create_candidate_parallel_conj_report(VarTable),
+        CandidateParConjunctions, CandidateParConjunctionReports),
+    Header = string.format(
+        "    %s\n",
+        [s(ProcString)]),
+    Report = cord.singleton(Header) ++
+        cord_list_to_cord(PushGoalReports) ++
+        cord.singleton("\n") ++
+        cord_list_to_cord(CandidateParConjunctionReports).
+:- pred create_push_goal_report(push_goal::in, cord(string)::out) is det.
+create_push_goal_report(PushGoal, Report) :-
+    PushGoal = push_goal(PushGoalPathStr, Lo, Hi, PushedGoalPathStrs),
+    string.format("\n      PushGoal: %s, lo %d, hi %d\n",
+        [s(PushGoalPathStr), i(Lo), i(Hi)], HeadPushGoalStr),
+    FormatPushedGoals = (
+        func(PushedGoalPathStr) =
+            string.format("        %s\n", [s(PushedGoalPathStr)])
+    ),
+    TailPushGoalStrs = list.map(FormatPushedGoals, PushedGoalPathStrs),
+    Report = cord.from_list([HeadPushGoalStr | TailPushGoalStrs]).
+:- pred create_candidate_parallel_conj_report(var_table::in,
+    candidate_par_conjunction(pard_goal)::in, cord(string)::out) is det.
+create_candidate_parallel_conj_report(VarTable, CandidateParConjunction,
+        Report) :-
+    CandidateParConjunction = candidate_par_conjunction(GoalPathString,
+        MaybePushGoal, FirstConjNum, IsDependent, GoalsBefore, GoalsBeforeCost,
+        Conjs, GoalsAfter, GoalsAfterCost, ParExecMetrics),
+    ParExecMetrics = parallel_exec_metrics(NumCalls, SeqTime, ParTime,
+        SparkCost, BarrierCost, SignalsCost, WaitsCost, FirstConjDeadTime,
+        FutureDeadTime),
+    ParOverheads = parallel_exec_metrics_get_overheads(ParExecMetrics),
+    (
+        IsDependent = conjuncts_are_independent,
+        DependanceString = "no"
+    ;
+        IsDependent = conjuncts_are_dependent(Vars),
+        map(lookup_var_name(VarTable), Vars, VarNames),
+        VarsString = join_list(", ", to_sorted_list(VarNames)),
+        DependanceString = format("on %s", [s(VarsString)])
+    ),
+    Speedup = parallel_exec_metrics_get_speedup(ParExecMetrics),
+    TimeSaving = parallel_exec_metrics_get_time_saving(ParExecMetrics),
+    TotalDeadTime = FirstConjDeadTime + FutureDeadTime,
+    string.format(
+        "      Path: %s\n",
+        [s(GoalPathString)], Header1Str),
+    Header1 = cord.singleton(Header1Str),
+    (
+        MaybePushGoal = no,
+        Header2 = cord.empty
+    ;
+        MaybePushGoal = yes(PushGoal),
+        PushGoal = push_goal(PushGoalPathStr, Lo, Hi, PushedGoalPathStrs),
+        string.format("      PushGoal: %s, lo %d, hi %d\n",
+            [s(PushGoalPathStr), i(Lo), i(Hi)], HeadPushGoalStr),
+        FormatPushedGoals = (
+            func(PushedGoalPathStr) =
+                string.format("                %s\n", [s(PushedGoalPathStr)])
+        ),
+        TailPushGoalStrs = list.map(FormatPushedGoals, PushedGoalPathStrs),
+        Header2 = cord.from_list([HeadPushGoalStr | TailPushGoalStrs])
+    ),
+    string.format(
+        "      Dependent: %s\n" ++
+        "      NumCalls: %s\n" ++
+        "      SeqTime: %s\n" ++
+        "      ParTime: %s\n" ++
+        "      SparkCost: %s\n" ++
+        "      BarrierCost: %s\n" ++
+        "      SignalsCost: %s\n" ++
+        "      WaitsCost: %s\n" ++
+        "      ParOverheads total: %s\n" ++
+        "      Speedup: %s\n" ++
+        "      Time saving: %s\n" ++
+        "      First conj dead time: %s\n" ++
+        "      Future dead time: %s\n" ++
+        "      Total dead time: %s\n\n",
+        [s(DependanceString),
+         s(commas(NumCalls)),
+         s(two_decimal_fraction(SeqTime)),
+         s(two_decimal_fraction(ParTime)),
+         s(two_decimal_fraction(SparkCost)),
+         s(two_decimal_fraction(BarrierCost)),
+         s(two_decimal_fraction(SignalsCost)),
+         s(two_decimal_fraction(WaitsCost)),
+         s(two_decimal_fraction(ParOverheads)),
+         s(four_decimal_fraction(Speedup)),
+         s(two_decimal_fraction(TimeSaving)),
+         s(two_decimal_fraction(FirstConjDeadTime)),
+         s(two_decimal_fraction(FutureDeadTime)),
+         s(two_decimal_fraction(TotalDeadTime))],
+        Header2Str),
+    Header3 = cord.singleton(Header2Str),
+    ( rev_goal_path_from_string(GoalPathString, RevGoalPath) ->
+        RevGoalPath = rgp(RevGoalPathSteps)
+    ;
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "couldn't parse goal path")
+    ),
+    some [!ConjNum] (
+        !:ConjNum = FirstConjNum,
+        format_sequential_conjunction(VarTable, 4, RevGoalPathSteps,
+            GoalsBefore, GoalsBeforeCost, !.ConjNum, ReportGoalsBefore0),
+        ReportGoalsBefore = indent(3) ++ singleton("Goals before:\n") ++
+            ReportGoalsBefore0,
+        !:ConjNum = !.ConjNum + length(GoalsBefore),
+        format_parallel_conjunction(VarTable, 4, RevGoalPathSteps,
+            !.ConjNum, Conjs, ReportParConj0),
+        ReportParConj = indent(3) ++ singleton("Parallel conjunction:\n") ++
+            ReportParConj0,
+        !:ConjNum = !.ConjNum + 1,
+        format_sequential_conjunction(VarTable, 4, RevGoalPathSteps,
+            GoalsAfter, GoalsAfterCost, !.ConjNum, ReportGoalsAfter0),
+        ReportGoalsAfter = indent(3) ++ singleton("Goals after:\n") ++
+            ReportGoalsAfter0
+    ),
+    Report = Header1 ++ Header2 ++ Header3 ++ ReportGoalsBefore ++ nl
+        ++ ReportParConj ++ nl ++ ReportGoalsAfter ++ nl.
+:- pred format_parallel_conjunction(var_table::in, int::in,
+    list(goal_path_step)::in, int::in,
+    list(seq_conj(pard_goal))::in, cord(string)::out) is det.
+format_parallel_conjunction(VarTable, Indent, RevGoalPathSteps, ConjNum, Conjs,
+        !:Report) :-
+    IndentStr = indent(Indent),
+    !:Report = IndentStr ++ singleton("(\n"),
+    format_parallel_conjuncts(VarTable, Indent,
+        [step_conj(ConjNum) | RevGoalPathSteps], 1, Conjs, !Report).
+:- pred format_parallel_conjuncts(var_table::in, int::in,
+    list(goal_path_step)::in, int::in, list(seq_conj(pard_goal))::in,
+    cord(string)::in, cord(string)::out) is det.
+format_parallel_conjuncts(_VarTable, Indent, _RevGoalPathSteps, _ConjNum0,
+        [], !Report) :-
+    IndentStr = indent(Indent),
+    !:Report = snoc(!.Report ++ IndentStr, ")\n").
+format_parallel_conjuncts(VarTable, Indent, RevGoalPathSteps, ConjNum0,
+        [Conj | Conjs], !Report) :-
+    Conj = seq_conj(Goals),
+    (
+        Goals = [],
+        unexpected($module, $pred, "empty conjunct in parallel conjunction")
+    ;
+        Goals = [Goal | GoalsTail],
+        RevInnerGoalPathSteps = [step_conj(ConjNum0) | RevGoalPathSteps],
+        (
+            GoalsTail = [],
+            % A singleton conjunction gets printed as a single goal.
+            print_goal_to_strings(print_goal_info(id, VarTable), Indent + 1,
+                RevInnerGoalPathSteps, Goal, ConjReport)
+        ;
+            GoalsTail = [_ | _],
+            Cost = foldl(
+                (func(GoalI, Acc) =
+                    Acc + GoalI ^ goal_annotation ^ pga_cost_percall),
+                Goals, 0.0),
+            format_sequential_conjunction(VarTable, Indent + 1,
+                RevInnerGoalPathSteps, Goals, Cost, 1, ConjReport)
+        )
+    ),
+    !:Report = !.Report ++ ConjReport,
+    (
+        Conjs = []
+    ;
+        Conjs = [_ | _],
+        !:Report = snoc(!.Report ++ indent(Indent), "&\n")
+    ),
+    ConjNum = ConjNum0 + 1,
+    format_parallel_conjuncts(VarTable, Indent, RevGoalPathSteps, ConjNum,
+        Conjs, !Report).
+:- pred format_sequential_conjunction(var_table::in, int::in,
+    list(goal_path_step)::in, list(pard_goal)::in, float::in, int::in,
+    cord(string)::out) is det.
+format_sequential_conjunction(VarTable, Indent, RevGoalPathSteps, Goals, Cost,
+        FirstConjNum, !:Report) :-
+    !:Report = empty,
+    ( FirstConjNum = 1 ->
+        !:Report = !.Report ++
+            indent(Indent) ++
+            singleton(format("%% conjunction: %s",
+                [s(rev_goal_path_to_string(rgp(RevGoalPathSteps)))])) ++
+            nl_indent(Indent) ++
+            singleton(format("%% Cost: %s",
+                [s(two_decimal_fraction(Cost))])) ++
+            nl ++ nl
+    ;
+        true
+    ),
+    format_sequential_conjuncts(VarTable, Indent, RevGoalPathSteps, Goals,
+        FirstConjNum, _, !Report).
+:- pred format_sequential_conjuncts(var_table::in, int::in,
+    list(goal_path_step)::in, list(pard_goal)::in, int::in, int::out,
+    cord(string)::in, cord(string)::out) is det.
+format_sequential_conjuncts(_, _, _, [], !ConjNum, !Report).
+format_sequential_conjuncts(VarTable, Indent, RevGoalPathSteps, [Conj | Conjs],
+        !ConjNum, !Report) :-
+    print_goal_to_strings(print_goal_info(id, VarTable), Indent,
+        [step_conj(!.ConjNum) | RevGoalPathSteps], Conj, ConjReport),
+    !:Report = !.Report ++ ConjReport,
+    !:ConjNum = !.ConjNum + 1,
+    (
+        Conjs = []
+    ;
+        Conjs = [_ | _],
+        !:Report = !.Report ++ indent(Indent) ++ singleton(",\n"),
+        format_sequential_conjuncts(VarTable, Indent, RevGoalPathSteps, Conjs,
+            !ConjNum, !Report)
+    ).
+:- instance goal_annotation(pard_goal_annotation) where [
+    pred(print_goal_annotation_to_strings/3) is format_pard_goal_annotation
+:- pred format_pard_goal_annotation(var_table::in, pard_goal_annotation::in,
+    cord(cord(string))::out) is det.
+format_pard_goal_annotation(VarTable, GoalAnnotation, Report) :-
+    GoalAnnotation = pard_goal_annotation(CostPercall, CostAboveThreshold,
+        Productions, Consumptions),
+    (
+        CostAboveThreshold = cost_above_par_threshold,
+        CostAboveThresholdStr = "above threshold"
+    ;
+        CostAboveThreshold = cost_not_above_par_threshold,
+        CostAboveThresholdStr = "not above threshold"
+    ),
+    CostLine = singleton(format("cost: %s (%s)",
+        [s(two_decimal_fraction(CostPercall)), s(CostAboveThresholdStr)])),
+    format_var_use_report(VarTable, productions, Productions,
+        ProductionsReport),
+    format_var_use_report(VarTable, consumptions, Consumptions,
+        ConsumptionsReport),
+    Report = singleton(CostLine) ++ ProductionsReport ++ ConsumptionsReport.
+:- func productions = string.
+productions = "Productions".
+:- func consumptions = string.
+consumptions = "Consumptions".
+:- pred format_var_use_report(var_table::in, string::in,
+    assoc_list(var_rep, float)::in, cord(cord(string))::out) is det.
+format_var_use_report(VarTable, Label, List, Report) :-
+    (
+        List = [_ | _],
+        list.map(format_var_use_line(VarTable), List, Lines),
+        Report = singleton(singleton(Label ++ ":")) ++ cord.from_list(Lines)
+    ;
+        List = [],
+        Report = empty
+    ).
+:- pred format_var_use_line(var_table::in, pair(var_rep, float)::in,
+    cord(string)::out) is det.
+format_var_use_line(VarTable, Var - Use, singleton(String)) :-
+    format("    %s: %s", [s(VarName), s(two_decimal_fraction(Use))], String),
+    lookup_var_name(VarTable, Var, VarName).
+:- pred debug_cliques_below_threshold(candidate_child_clique::in,
+    io::di, io::uo) is det.
+debug_cliques_below_threshold(Clique, !IO) :-
+    CliquePtr = Clique ^ ccc_clique,
+    CliquePtr = clique_ptr(CliqueNum),
+    Calls = cs_cost_get_calls(Clique ^ ccc_cs_cost),
+    PercallCost = cs_cost_get_percall(Clique ^ ccc_cs_cost),
+    io.format(
+        "D: Not entering clique: %d, " ++
+        "it is below the clique threshold\n  " ++
+        "It has per-call cost %f and is called %f times\n\n",
+        [i(CliqueNum), f(PercallCost), f(Calls)], !IO).
+:- pred debug_cliques_exceeded_parallelism(candidate_child_clique::in,
+    io::di, io::uo) is det.
+debug_cliques_exceeded_parallelism(Clique, !IO) :-
+    CliquePtr = Clique ^ ccc_clique,
+    CliquePtr = clique_ptr(CliqueNum),
+    io.format(
+        "D: Not entiring clique %d, " ++
+        "no more parallelisation resources available at this context\n\n",
+        [i(CliqueNum)], !IO).
Index: autopar_types.m
RCS file: autopar_types.m
diff -N autopar_types.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ autopar_types.m	26 Jan 2011 18:48:24 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
+% Copyright (C) 2006-2011 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: autopar_types.
+% Author: pbone.
+% This module contains types useful in automatic parallelization.
+:- module mdprof_fb.automatic_parallelism.autopar_types.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module profile.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.feedback.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.feedback.automatic_parallelism.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.program_representation.
+:- import_module analysis_utils.
+:- import_module coverage.
+:- import_module mdbcomp.goal_path.
+:- import_module measurements.
+:- import_module program_representation_utils.
+:- import_module report.
+:- import_module var_use_analysis.
+:- import_module array.
+:- import_module assoc_list.
+:- import_module digraph.
+:- import_module float.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module lazy.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module map.
+:- import_module maybe.
+:- import_module set.
+:- type implicit_parallelism_info
+    --->    implicit_parallelism_info(
+                ipi_deep            :: deep,
+                ipi_progrep         :: prog_rep,
+                ipi_opts            :: candidate_par_conjunctions_params,
+                ipi_clique          :: clique_ptr,
+                ipi_call_sites      :: map(reverse_goal_path, cost_and_callees),
+                ipi_rec_call_sites  :: map(reverse_goal_path, cs_cost_csq),
+                ipi_containing_goal_map
+                                    :: containing_goal_map,
+                ipi_coverage_array  :: goal_attr_array(coverage_info),
+                ipi_inst_map_array  :: goal_attr_array(inst_map_info),
+                ipi_recursion_type  :: recursion_type,
+                ipi_var_table       :: var_table,
+                ipi_proc_label      :: string_proc_label
+            ).
+    % A representation of a goal within a parallel conjunction.  We don't have
+    % to represent many types of goals or details about them, at least for now.
+    % This type provides more detail than feedback.pard_goal, this detail isn't
+    % required by the compiler and therefore not part of the feedback file
+    % format.
+    %
+:- type pard_goal_detail == goal_rep(pard_goal_detail_annotation).
+:- type pard_goal_detail_annotation
+    --->    pard_goal_detail(
+                % The type and type-specific values of the pard goal.
+                pgd_pg_type                 :: pard_goal_type,
+                % The inst map info attached to the original goal.
+                pgd_inst_map_info           :: inst_map_info,
+                % The original goal path of this goal.
+                pgd_original_path           :: reverse_goal_path,
+                % Coverage data for this goal.
+                pgd_coverage                :: coverage_info,
+                % The per-call cost of this call in call sequence counts.
+                pgd_cost                    :: goal_cost_csq,
+                pgd_cost_above_threshold    :: cost_above_par_threshold,
+                % Variable production and consumption information.
+                pgd_var_production_map      :: map(var_rep, lazy(var_use_info)),
+                pgd_var_consumption_map     :: map(var_rep, lazy(var_use_info))
+            ).
+:- type pard_goal_type
+    --->    pgt_call(
+                % The argument modes and use information.
+                pgtc_args                   :: list(var_and_mode),
+                % The call site report from the deep profiler.
+                pgtc_call_site              :: cost_and_callees
+            )
+    ;       pgt_other_atomic_goal
+    ;       pgt_non_atomic_goal.
+:- func ip_get_goals_before(incomplete_parallelisation) =
+    list(pard_goal_detail).
+:- func ip_get_goals_after(incomplete_parallelisation) =
+    list(pard_goal_detail).
+:- func ip_get_par_conjs(incomplete_parallelisation) =
+    list(seq_conj(pard_goal_detail)).
+:- func ip_get_num_goals(incomplete_parallelisation) = int.
+:- func ip_get_num_parallel_conjuncts(incomplete_parallelisation) = int.
+:- func ip_get_num_goals_middle(incomplete_parallelisation) = int.
+:- func ip_calc_sharedvars_set(incomplete_parallelisation) = set(var_rep).
+    % Build sets of produced and consumed vars for a conjunct in a conjunction.
+    % Use with foldl to build these sets up for the whole conjunction.  At the
+    % end of a conjunction there may be variables in the intersection of the
+    % sets, that's okay, those goals are produced early in the conjunction and
+    % consumed later in the conjunction.
+    %
+:- pred conj_produced_and_consumed_vars(pard_goal_detail::in,
+    set(var_rep)::in, set(var_rep)::out,
+    set(var_rep)::in, set(var_rep)::out) is det.
+:- type is_costly_goal
+    --->    is_not_costly_goal
+    ;       is_costly_goal.
+:- pred identify_costly_goal(pard_goal_detail_annotation::in,
+    is_costly_goal::out) is det.
+:- pred identify_costly_goals(list(pard_goal_detail)::in, int::in,
+    list(int)::out) is det.
+    % A variable and its mode.
+    %
+:- type var_and_mode
+    --->    var_and_mode(
+                vmu_var                 :: var_rep,
+                vmu_mode                :: var_mode_rep
+            ).
+:- type candidate_par_conjunctions ==
+    map(string_proc_label, candidate_par_conjunctions_proc(pard_goal_detail)).
+    % inst_map_info now contains information that it does not need to contain.
+    % Namely, the im_after field can be calculated from the im_before and
+    % im_bound_vars fields.  However since this information will probably
+    % be attached to a different goal there is not much extra cost in having a
+    % pointer to it from here.
+    %
+:- type inst_map_info
+    --->    inst_map_info(
+                % The inst map before this goal is executed.
+                im_before           :: inst_map,
+                % The inst map after this goal was executed.
+                im_after            :: inst_map,
+                % Variables consumed (read but not bound) by this goal.
+                im_consumed_vars    :: set(var_rep),
+                % The variables produced by this goal.
+                im_bound_vars       :: set(var_rep)
+            ).
+:- type dependency_graphs
+    --->    dependency_graphs(
+                dm_forward              :: digraph(int),
+                dm_forward_tc           :: digraph(int)
+            ).
+:- type incomplete_parallelisation
+    --->    incomplete_parallelisation(
+                ip_info                     :: implicit_parallelism_info,
+                ip_goals                    :: array(pard_goal_detail),
+                % The index of the first goal in the parallelised goals,
+                % This is also the number of goals executed in sequence before
+                % the parallel conjunction.
+                ip_first_par_goal           :: int,
+                % The index of the last goal in the parallel conjunction.
+                ip_last_par_goal            :: int,
+                % The index of the last goal that has been (tentatively)
+                % scheduled.  All goals between this +1 and ip_last_par_goal
+                % have not been scheduled.
+                ip_last_scheduled_goal      :: int,
+                % The index of the last goal in each of the parallel conjuncts.
+                % the very last parallel conjunct is donated by
+                % ip_last_par_goal.
+                ip_par_conjs_rev_last_goal  :: list(int),
+                % The number of calls into this conjunction.
+                ip_num_calls                :: int,
+                % Dependency relationships between goals.
+                ip_dependency_graphs        :: dependency_graphs,
+                % These are implied by the above fields but we maintain them
+                % here to provide a cache.
+                ip_maybe_goals_before_cost  :: maybe(goal_cost_csq),
+                ip_maybe_goals_after_cost   :: maybe(goal_cost_csq),
+                ip_maybe_par_cost_data      :: maybe(parallelisation_cost_data)
+            ).
+:- type parallelisation_cost_data
+    --->    parallelisation_cost_data(
+                pcd_shared_vars         :: set(var_rep),
+                pcd_par_exec_overlap    :: parallel_execution_overlap,
+                pcd_par_exec_metrics    :: parallel_exec_metrics_incomplete,
+                pcd_productions_map     :: map(var_rep, float)
+            ).
+    % This datastructure represents the execution of dependent conjuncts,
+    % it tracks which variables are produced and consumed.
+    %
+    % TODO: Implement a pretty printer for this data.
+    %
+:- type parallel_execution_overlap
+    --->    peo_empty_conjunct
+    ;       peo_conjunction(
+                poec_left_conjunct      :: parallel_execution_overlap,
+                poec_right_conjunct     :: dependent_conjunct_execution,
+                % The variables produced by the left conjunct and
+                % consumed by the right conjunct.
+                poec_dependent_vars     :: set(var_rep)
+            ).
+:- type dependent_conjunct_execution
+    --->    dependent_conjunct_execution(
+                % Pairs of start and stop times of the execution.
+                % Assume that the list is not sorted.
+                dce_execution           :: assoc_list(float, float),
+                % The variable productions. This may be a superset of the
+                % dependent variables.
+                dce_productions         :: map(var_rep, float),
+                % The variable consumptions. This will contain only
+                % references for those variables that will become futures.
+                dce_consumptions        :: map(var_rep, float)
+            ).
+:- implementation.
+ip_get_goals_before(Parallelisation) = GoalsBefore :-
+    Goals = Parallelisation ^ ip_goals,
+    FirstParGoalIndex = Parallelisation ^ ip_first_par_goal,
+    fetch_items(Goals, 0, FirstParGoalIndex - 1, GoalsBefore).
+ip_get_goals_after(Parallelisation) = GoalsAfter :-
+    Goals = Parallelisation ^ ip_goals,
+    LastParGoalIndex = Parallelisation ^ ip_last_par_goal,
+    NumGoals = size(Goals),
+    fetch_items(Goals, LastParGoalIndex + 1, NumGoals - 1, GoalsAfter).
+ip_get_par_conjs(Incomplete) = ParConjs :-
+    Goals = Incomplete ^ ip_goals,
+    Start = Incomplete ^ ip_first_par_goal,
+    Last = Incomplete ^ ip_last_scheduled_goal,
+    LastGoalsRev0 = Incomplete ^ ip_par_conjs_rev_last_goal,
+    LastGoalsRev = [Last | LastGoalsRev0],
+    list.reverse(LastGoalsRev, LastGoals),
+    ip_get_par_conjs_2(Goals, Start, LastGoals, ParConjs).
+:- pred ip_get_par_conjs_2(array(pard_goal_detail)::in, int::in,
+    list(int)::in, list(seq_conj(pard_goal_detail))::out) is det.
+ip_get_par_conjs_2(_, _, [], []).
+ip_get_par_conjs_2(Array, First, [Last | Lasts], [Conj | Conjs]) :-
+    ip_get_par_conjs_2(Array, Last + 1, Lasts, Conjs),
+    fetch_items(Array, First, Last, Goals),
+    Conj = seq_conj(Goals).
+ip_get_num_goals(Incomplete) = size(Incomplete ^ ip_goals).
+ip_get_num_parallel_conjuncts(Incomplete) =
+    length(Incomplete ^ ip_par_conjs_rev_last_goal) + 1.
+ip_get_num_goals_middle(Incomplete) = LastParGoal - FirstParGoal + 1 :-
+    FirstParGoal = Incomplete ^ ip_first_par_goal,
+    LastParGoal = Incomplete ^ ip_last_par_goal.
+ip_calc_sharedvars_set(Incomplete) = SharedVars :-
+    ParConjs = ip_get_par_conjs(Incomplete),
+    list.foldl2(build_sharedvars_set, ParConjs,
+        set.init, _, set.init, SharedVars).
+:- pred build_sharedvars_set(seq_conj(pard_goal_detail)::in,
+    set(var_rep)::in, set(var_rep)::out,
+    set(var_rep)::in, set(var_rep)::out) is det.
+build_sharedvars_set(seq_conj(Conjs), !BoundVars, !SharedVars) :-
+    list.foldl2(conj_produced_and_consumed_vars, Conjs,
+        set.init, ProducedVars, set.init, ConsumedVars),
+    % The new shared vars are previously bound variables that are cosumed in
+    % this conjunct.  This must be calculated before !BoundVars is updated.
+    SharedVars = set.intersect(!.BoundVars, ConsumedVars),
+    !:SharedVars = set.union(!.SharedVars, SharedVars),
+    !:BoundVars = set.union(!.BoundVars, ProducedVars).
+conj_produced_and_consumed_vars(Conj, !Produced, !Consumed) :-
+    InstMapInfo = Conj ^ goal_annotation ^ pgd_inst_map_info,
+    !:Produced = set.union(!.Produced, InstMapInfo ^ im_bound_vars),
+    !:Consumed = set.union(!.Consumed, InstMapInfo ^ im_consumed_vars).
+identify_costly_goal(Annotation, Costly) :-
+    CostAboveThreshold = Annotation ^ pgd_cost_above_threshold,
+    (
+        CostAboveThreshold = cost_above_par_threshold,
+        % TODO: distinguish between compound goals with one costly branch,
+        % and compound goals where all branches are costly.
+        % TODO: Provide information about how many costly goals are within
+        % the goal so that we can try to parallelise each of those against
+        % an outer costly goal.
+        Costly = is_costly_goal
+    ;
+        CostAboveThreshold = cost_not_above_par_threshold,
+        Costly = is_not_costly_goal
+    ).
+identify_costly_goals([], _, []).
+identify_costly_goals([Goal | Goals], Index, Indexes) :-
+    identify_costly_goals(Goals, Index + 1, Indexes0),
+    identify_costly_goal(Goal ^ goal_annotation, Costly),
+    (
+        Costly = is_costly_goal,
+        Indexes = [Index | Indexes0]
+    ;
+        Costly = is_not_costly_goal,
+        Indexes = Indexes0
+    ).
Index: autopar_util.m
cvs [diff aborted]: could not get info for `autopar_util.m': No such file or directory
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