[m-users.] A list of Mercury resources

M McDonough foolkingcrown at gmail.com
Sat Nov 19 19:07:02 AEDT 2022

> On 18 Nov 2022, at 13:58, Volker Wysk <post at volker-wysk.de> wrote:
> This doesn't look bad. It resembles a litte Haskell's Cabal system. I'm
> wondering if this project is still alive. You say it's still online. I mean,
> are mmc-get and the website still being maintained? How is the acceptance by
> package authors? I've counted 45 packages, which don't include the 35
> "extras" packages in the Mercury distribution.
> If so, it should be prominently mentioned on the mercurylang.org site.
> A Mercury resources list could still make sense, because it also would
> include resources other than software packages. Such as Fabrice Nicol's
> docker packages of the Mercury compiler. And it could mention collections of
> resources, such as the Documentation page at mercurylang.org or the
> "Packages" website (which seems to have no good name) itself.
> Cheers,
> Volker

Honestly I forgot all about this (even though it has some of my very
old stuff in it). I definitely think we could do better about
gathering Mercury resources, most of my newer (and less crappy) stuff
isn't on that list and isn't even on github (I mostly moved to OSDN
over the last three years). I had expected that would hurt
discoverability, but honestly I'm unsure anyone has really used any of
my Mercury code from either site so I'm unconvinced that has mattered.

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