[m-users.] Spawning external process

Sean Charles (emacstheviking) objitsu at gmail.com
Sat Jul 16 23:37:57 AEST 2022

J Fondren: https://github.com/jrfondren/mmc-doc <https://github.com/jrfondren/mmc-doc>

I have a really nice setup for Mercury, that little utility is a god send when I was learning Mercury 2 and a bit years ago. I still use it all the time, I alias it to 'mdoc' from the shell.

I have also written a little starter utility, it was my first 'decent' M<ercury program, I use it all the time. It creates Makefile stubs and blank stubs as when I first started learning, it just seemed a bit of a pain to have to type all the same stuff over and over...and automation is very satisfying too!

    $ mcnew stub eric > eric.m
    $ mcnew makefile eric > Makefile

https://github.com/emacstheviking/mcnew <https://github.com/emacstheviking/mcnew>

and this I integrated into my custom Mercury mode I made from the nano prolog style:

https://github.com/emacstheviking/mercury-pberr <https://github.com/emacstheviking/mercury-pberr>

I have a very nice nano development environment because of all of those things.
And now a literate programming tool almost done.

Thanks again everybody for your constantly great help.

> On 16 Jul 2022, at 14:32, Volker Wysk <post at volker-wysk.de> wrote:
> Am Samstag, dem 16.07.2022 um 23:23 +1000 schrieb Zoltan Somogyi:
>> 2022-07-16 22:59 GMT+10:00 "Sean Charles (emacstheviking)" <objitsu at gmail.com>:
>>> When I use www as the page viewer for mmc-doc,
>> I don't know what this means, so I can't help you with this part.
> Yes, what's mmc-doc?
> Volker

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