[m-users.] Mercury for Game AI

Fabrice Nicol fabrnicol at gmail.com
Fri Jan 21 03:24:18 AEDT 2022

David's question, to some extent, revolves around how much reflective 
programming can be done in Mercury and for what kind of uses.

In Prolog, lists can be converted to predicates and vice-versa 
dynamically thanks to =.. ('univ'). Mercury's implementation of 'univ' 
can only be partial and limited to static introspection, which is 
supported to some extent by library predicates construct / deconstruct 
(see library/prolog.m and the comments there).

The Mercury compiler code itself makes heavy use of these library 
predicates (have a look at mercury/library/rtti_implementation.m, for one).

If you need to go beyond static introspection and make use of dynamic 
intercession, as I understand you will in an interactive app like an AI 
game, then you will be better off sticking with Prolog. SWI and Sicstus 
are the only two dialects I know of that have a C# interface.


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