[m-users.] Debugger, setting initial breakpoint not triggering

Zoltan Somogyi zoltan.somogyi at runbox.com
Wed Dec 14 00:05:44 AEDT 2022

2022-12-13 23:55 GMT+11:00 "Sean Charles (emacstheviking)" <objitsu at gmail.com>:
> Asking for the list of grades I get:
> ➜  f2 git:(ast-review) ✗ mmc  --output-stdlib-grades
> hlc.gc
> hlc.gc.memprof
> hlc.gc.prof
> hlc.gc.tr
> hlc.gcd.ll_debug
> hlc.par.gc
> none.gc
> none.gc.debug.stseg
> none.gc.decldebug.stseg
> none.gc.prof
> none.gc.profdeep.stseg
> none.gc.tr.debug.stseg
> none.par.gc.stseg

I presume you specifically configured your install to include
the hlc.gcd.ll_debug grade, since it is not enabled by default.

> My makefile uses hlc.gcd.ll_debug

Uses how?

Not that it matters, because *any* reference to ll_debug by you is a bug.

The ll_debug grade component is not supposed to be documented.
It is *completely separate* from the debug grade component, and has
nothing whatsoever to do with mdb. It is intended *only* to debug
the compiler's low level code generator, and as such, it is not useful
to anyone who is not an implementor of the Mercury system.

Note that something very similar is true for the gcd grade component,
which is intended only to help debug the interactions between
Mercury's usual garbage collector and the rest of the system.


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