[m-users.] threads and concurrency

Sean Charles (emacstheviking) objitsu at gmail.com
Sun Apr 17 17:26:43 AEST 2022

I've been reading the tests in ./tests/hard_coded/thread_barrier_test.m as I wanted to try to launch a background  (native?) thread in my REPL that would detect changes to files and signal an appropriate action.

I've also begun reading the samples/concurrency files, the Philosophers Problem and the MIDI example.

Why is the threaded predicate cc_multi ?

My REPL uses blocking IO calls so I guess that will need to change too in order to be able to listen for incoming messages from the thread but I think the way forward is in the concurrent_stream examples.

Mercury continues to both delight and befuddle!

Any references etc would be most welcome, meanwhile I continue to read the source code...


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