[m-users.] Just saying thank you, determinism rocks.

Volker Wysk post at volker-wysk.de
Wed Jul 28 20:05:13 AEST 2021

Am Mittwoch, den 28.07.2021, 09:45 +0100 schrieb Sean Charles
> To Zoltan, Volker, Fabrice, Julian, Julien, and anybody and everybody else
> who has put up with my recent flounderings whilst getting to determinism.
> It clicked, finally, a few days back… I was thinking about hardware logic
> circuits, triggered by a wikipedia page about AND/OR trees, and it just
> all fell into place about det, semidet, nondet blah blah yadda yadda.
> I still have a few grey areas about cc_multi and cc_nondet 

So do I...

> but I can live with that. Basically I sat and wrote down some study goals
> and then over the last 23 days (according to my project diary) I’ve been
> poking and prodding the compiler by writing a `det` predicate and then
> breaking it, unbreaking it etc etc.
> In the last week I have made fantastic progress with my language project,
> I look forward to compiler errors. It’s a FANTASTIC language as I always
> knew it would turn out to be 

Yes, Mercury's the real thing. In comparison, languages like Java and Python
look rather ridiculous. :)  

Curry and Oz might be the real thing too. I have to test them someday. 

> and I shall be doing my bit at some point to spread the word.
> Thanks again.

You're welcome.

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