[m-users.] vim support/plugin

Francis (Grizzly) Smit grizzly at smit.id.au
Sat Mar 31 22:43:00 AEDT 2018

On 31/03/18 13:17, Zoltan Somogyi wrote:
> On Sat, 31 Mar 2018 11:55:28 +1100, "Francis (Grizzly) Smit" <grizzly at smit.id.au> wrote:
>> looking for an already installed Mercury compiler to bootstrap with...
>> checking for mmc... no
>> configure: error: You need a working Mercury compiler to bootstrap with
>> :~/.vim/bundle/mercury master* 17s 1 ± type mmc
>> mmc is /usr/local/mercury-rotd-2018-03-28/bin/mmc
>> so whats wrong I have mercury installed how do I tell the install process where to find it
> I missed the last part when I wrote my earlier reply.
> If you do already have a working Mercury installation, all you have to do
> is include the bin directory containing the executable of the Mercury compiler
> (mmc) in your $PATH. But in that case, why would you want to install
> Mercury *again*?
> Zoltan.

I worked it all out there's a working bootstrap link on the git page but
not on the vimawesome, vimawesome has many bad links, but that's another

I'm all good now


   .~.     In my life God comes first....
   /V\         but Linux is pretty high after that :-D
  /( )\    Francis (Grizzly) Smit
  ^^-^^    http://www.smit.id.au/

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