[m-users.] Mercury on ARM

Julien Fischer jfischer at opturion.com
Wed Jun 5 15:10:29 AEST 2013

On Wed, 5 Jun 2013, Julien Fischer wrote:

> On Tue, 4 Jun 2013, Tycho Luyben wrote:
>> stack_t is defined in linux/signal.h while it includes signal.h ;
>> you're not supposed to include linux/signal.h at all I think. By just
>> copy/pasting the stack_t definition into mercury_signal.h it compiles
>> again, but then drops out on missing siginfo_t. That means i'm stuck
>> as siginfo seems to be huge *and* seems to be included from signal.h
>> and yet it cannot find it. Any ideas?
> There is a more general problem on Linux here (i.e not restricted to the
> arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi architecture).  On my
> x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu box (Ubuntu 12.04), compiling the following
> program with gcc is fine:
>   #include <ucontext.h>
>   int main(void) { return 0; }
> whereas compiling it via the mgnuc script results in error message
> about stack_t not being defined.  So, there seems to be some issue
> with the header files (or how Mercury is using them) on some Linux
> systems and / or with how the mgnuc script is invoking gcc.
> I will take a look into this.

The above is down to mgnuc's use of GCC's -ansi option.  However,
Mercury's runtime should be compiled with mgnuc's --no-ansi (which
should disable the use of GCC's -ansi) option enabled.


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