[mercury-users] Mercury integration into existing C/C++ application

Alvin Beach abeach at deepvision.ca
Thu Mar 10 03:16:08 AEDT 2005

Hello all,

I am currently working on a project that requires implementing several rules. 
The rules are simple enough that I could implement them myself, but 
maintaining the code could become very time consuming if/when I modify, add 
and remove rules. My first instinct was to look into Lex (flex) but it 
requires my project to link to the flex library.

This has lead me to search for a state machine generator or as logic 
progamming system (Mercury) that can be integrated into the project without 
having to link to any external libraries. By integrate I mean, the logic 
system would generate the necessary .o and .h that could then be used by my 

I have read through the Mercury Tutorial by Ralph Becket as well as looked 
through the Mercury User's Guide. Both are excellently written but I could 
not determine how I could call the compiled Mercury C object code from within 
my project?

My project is C++ library itself, but I can use the C object code and create 
the necessary wrappers once I understand on to fully take advantage of 
Mercury. I currently have written a front-end that calls the library. The 
library performs some operations which may include executing several rules.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated,


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