[mercury-users] ICLP99 Workshop: extended deadline

MCL boris at clip.dia.fi.upm.es
Mon Aug 23 01:40:43 AEST 1999

                          EXTENDED DEADLINE
               New Submission Deadline: September 14th

[Please accept our sincere apologies if you receive this more than once]

                           Call For Papers
                        Post-ICLP'99 Workshop
            Parallelism and Implementation Technology for
              (Constraint)  Logic Programming Languages


            (in conjunction with ICLP'99, Las Cruces, USA)
                    November 29 - December 4, 1999

One of the main areas of research in logic programming is the design
and implementation of sequential and parallel (constraint) logic
programming systems. This research goes broadly from the design and
specification of novel implementation technology to its actual
evaluation in real life situations.  In the continuation of the series
of workshops on Implementations of Logic Programming Systems,
previously held in Budapest (1993), Ithaca (1994), Portland (1995),
Bonn (1996), Port Jefferson (1997), and Manchester (1998), the ICLP'99
workshop Parallelism and Implementation Technology for (Constraint)
Logic Programming Languages will provide a forum for ongoing research
on the design and implementation of sequential and parallel logic
programming systems.

Papers from both academia and industry are invited. Preference will be
given to the analysis and description of implemented systems (or
currently under implementation) and their associated techniques,
problems found in their development or design, and steps taken towards
the solution of these problems.

Topics include, but are not limited to:

 o  standard and non-standard sequential implementation schemes
    (e.g., tabling, generalization/modification of WAM, translation to C, 
 o  implementation of parallel, distributed, and concurrent logic
    programming systems;
 o  balance between compile-time effort and run-time machinery;
 o  techniques for the implementation of different declarative
    programming paradigms based on, or extending, logic programming
    (e.g., constraint logic programming, concurrent constraint
    languages, equational--logic languages);
 o  performance evaluation of sequential and parallel logic programming 
    systems, both through benchmarking and using real world applications;
 o  other implementation--related issues, such as memory management,
    register allocation, etc.

The workshop will be held in conjunction with the 1999 International
Conference on Logic Programming, which will take place in Las Cruces,
New Mexico, from November 29 to December 4, 1999.

The workshop will be developed in cooperation with the Workshop on
Optimization and Implementation of Declarative Languages; the two
workshops will share common sessions and invited speakers.

Paper Submissions:

Authors willing to present their work are invited to submit an
extended abstract, or preferably a full paper, to the workshop
organizers by September 14, 1999.  Authors will be notified of the
acceptance or rejection of their papers by October 14, 1999.

Papers must not exceed 15 pages (approximately 5000 words).  The title
page should include the name, address, telephone number, and
electronic mailing address for each author, as well as a list of
keywords. A contact author should also be provided. Electronic
submission of the LaTeX document and related postscript figures is
strongly encouraged.  The electronic submissions should be in LaTeX or
PostScript format.

At least one of the authors for each accepted paper is expected to
attend the meeting and present the work. The collection of accepted
papers will be made available at the workshop and published as a
Technical Report. The papers will also be available electronically
after the workshop at the aforementioned WWW addresses.

Important dates:

    Deadline for submission:    September 14, 1999
    Notification of acceptance: October 14, 1999

The exact dates and length of the meeting depend largely on the number
of papers received and the number of people expected to attend it.
Thus, we encourage anyone interested in attending the workshop to
submit a note by electronic mail to the workshop organizers before
July, 1, 1999, at the address epontell at cs.nmsu.edu

Program Committee:

  Manuel Carro              Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
  Ines de Castro Dutra      Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro
  Vitor Santos Costa        Universidade do Porto
  Gopal Gupta               New Mexico State University
  Peter Kacsuk              MTA SZTAKI Research Institute
  Enrico Pontelli           New Mexico State University

Information and Requests:

  E-mail address:          epontell at cs.nmsu.edu
  WWW addresses:           www.cs.nmsu.edu/lldap/iclp99
  Surface mail:            Enrico Pontelli
                           ICLP'99 Workshop 
                           Dept. Computer Science 
                           New Mexico State University
                           Box 30001/CS 
			   Las Cruces, NM 88003, USA
  Fax:                     +1-505-646-1002
  ICLP'99:                 www.cs.nmsu.edu/~complog/conferences/iclp99
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