[mercury-users] Type inheritance?

Tyson Richard DOWD trd at students.cs.mu.oz.au
Tue Sep 23 20:32:44 AEST 1997

John Griffith wrote:
> >> "DGJ" == David Glen JEFFERY <dgj at cs.mu.OZ.AU> writes:
> Thanks for the example and references.
> DGJ> [2] Type Classes in Haskell, Coredelia Hall, Kevin Hammond, Simon Peyton Jones
> DGJ>     and Philip Wadler, Proc. 5th European Symposium on Programming, pp 241-256,
> DGJ>     1994. Springer LNCS 788.
> In case anyone else is interested, I found this one at:
> ftp://ftp.dcs.glasgow.ac.uk/pub/glasgow-fp/papers/type-classes-in-haskell.ps.Z
> After a brief look at it I noticed that they also define superclasses,
> which I guess could also be used to define some kind of inheritance
> hierarchy.  Is this likely to be developed for mercury?
> Also, the type classes are not in 0.7, right?  Do the beta versions
> include these and will they be included in the next release?

No, not in 0.7. The code hasn't been committed to our CVS archive yet, 
so it won't be in the betas. It will probably be in the next release,
(it will probably be in the betas in about a month, if all goes smoothly).

It will take a while for it to become stable, however, and we're likely
to want to redesign some of the library around typeclasses.

       Tyson Dowd           #          Another great idea from the 
                            #            people who brought you
      trd at .cs.mu.oz.au      #               Beer Milkshakes!
http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~trd #	         Confidence --- Red Dwarf

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