[m-rev.] for review: priority search queue ADT

Matthias Guedemann matthias at guedemann.org
Thu Nov 27 19:03:00 AEDT 2014


> One problem I have is that det_min should be named remove to be
> consistent with pqueue.m, but delete should also be named remove to be
> consistent with map.m However these two predicates do different things
> and therefore shouldn't have the same name.  I'd probably prefer to
> break the similarity with map.m but I'd be happy to hear a second
> oppinion.

in my opinion, Julien's proposal to use 'remove_min' is a good idea. At
the same time, one can rename 'delete' to 'remove' without problems.
This would not be consistent with 'map', and someone using it as an
in-place replacement for pqueue would get an error message because of
the different signature of psqueue.remove/3 and pqueue.remove/4.


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