[m-rev.] for review: MVM->x86_64 register mapping.

Fransiska Nathania HANDOKO fhandoko at students.csse.unimelb.edu.au
Mon Feb 19 22:10:26 AEDT 2007

Estimated hours taken: 40 
Branches: main

Defines the mapping of MVM registers to x86_64 registers needed by the asm 
code generator.

 	Includes the x86_64_regs module.

 	Applies the register mapping in the code generator.

 	Imports x86_64_regs and x86_64_out modules.

 	Adds discriminated union types and fixes some predicates to make the code
 	easier for modification.

 	Fixes some predicates to output asm codes to conform with the changes
 	in x86_64_instrs.m.

 	Defines the mapping of MVM registers to x86_64 registers.

Index: compiler/ll_backend.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ll_backend.m,v
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -r1.19 ll_backend.m
--- compiler/ll_backend.m	5 Feb 2007 22:30:32 -0000	1.19
+++ compiler/ll_backend.m	9 Feb 2007 04:57:45 -0000
@@ -97,6 +97,7 @@
  :- include_module llds_to_x86_64_out.
  :- include_module x86_64_instrs.
  :- include_module x86_64_out.
+:- include_module x86_64_regs.

  :- implementation.

Index: compiler/llds_to_x86_64.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/llds_to_x86_64.m,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 llds_to_x86_64.m
--- compiler/llds_to_x86_64.m	5 Feb 2007 22:30:32 -0000	1.1
+++ compiler/llds_to_x86_64.m	19 Feb 2007 06:10:47 -0000
@@ -10,7 +10,13 @@
  % Main author: fhandoko.
  % This module implements the LLDS->x86_64 asm code generator.
+% NOTE:
+% 	There are a number of placeholders. It appears as a string like this:
+% 	<<placeholder>>. The code generator places them as either x86_64_comment
+% 	or operand_label type. For example:
+% 		x86_64_comment("<<placeholder>>") or
+% 		operand_label("<<placeholder>>").

  :- module ll_backend.llds_to_x86_64.
@@ -37,6 +43,7 @@
  :- import_module libs.compiler_util.
  :- import_module ll_backend.llds_out.
  :- import_module ll_backend.x86_64_out.
+:- import_module ll_backend.x86_64_regs.
  :- import_module mdbcomp.prim_data.

  :- import_module bool.
@@ -72,15 +79,17 @@

  llds_to_x86_64_asm(_, CProcs, AsmProcs) :-
-    transform_c_proc_list(CProcs, AsmProcs).
+    ll_backend.x86_64_regs.llds_reg_locn(RegLocnList),
+    RegMap = ll_backend.x86_64_regs.reg_map_init(RegLocnList),
+    transform_c_proc_list(RegMap, CProcs, AsmProcs).

      % Transform a list of c procedures into a list of x86_64 procedures.
-:- pred transform_c_proc_list(list(c_procedure)::in, 
+:- pred transform_c_proc_list(reg_map::in, list(c_procedure)::in,
      list(x86_64_procedure)::out) is det.

-transform_c_proc_list([], []).
-transform_c_proc_list([CProc | CProcs], [AsmProc | AsmProcs]) :-
+transform_c_proc_list(_, [], []).
+transform_c_proc_list(RegMap, [CProc | CProcs], [AsmProc | AsmProcs]) :-
      AsmProc0 = ll_backend.x86_64_instrs.init_x86_64_proc(CProc),
      ProcInstr0 = ll_backend.x86_64_instrs.init_x86_64_instruction,
@@ -89,65 +98,64 @@
      ProcStr = backend_libs.name_mangle.proc_label_to_c_string(
          AsmProc0 ^ x86_64_proc_label, no),
-    ProcName = x86_64_directive(x86_64_pseudo_type(ProcStr, "@function")),
+    ProcName = x86_64_directive(x86_64_pseudo_type(ProcStr, function)),
      ProcInstr = ProcInstr0 ^ x86_64_inst := [ProcName],
-    transform_c_instr_list(CProc ^ cproc_code, AsmInstr0),
+    transform_c_instr_list(RegMap, CProc ^ cproc_code, AsmInstr0),
      list.append([ProcInstr], AsmInstr0, AsmInstr),
      AsmProc = AsmProc0 ^ x86_64_code := AsmInstr,
-    transform_c_proc_list(CProcs, AsmProcs).
+    transform_c_proc_list(RegMap, CProcs, AsmProcs).

      % Transform a list of c instructions into a list of x86_64 instructions.
-:- pred transform_c_instr_list(list(instruction)::in, 
+:- pred transform_c_instr_list(reg_map::in, list(instruction)::in,
      list(x86_64_instruction)::out) is det.

-transform_c_instr_list([], []).
-transform_c_instr_list([CInstr0 | CInstr0s], [AsmInstr | AsmInstrs]) :-
+transform_c_instr_list(_, [], []).
+transform_c_instr_list(RegMap, [CInstr0 | CInstr0s], [AsmInstr | AsmInstrs]) :-
      CInstr0 = llds_instr(CInstr1, Comment),
-    instr_to_x86_64(CInstr1, AsmInstrList),
+    instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, CInstr1, RegMap1, AsmInstrList),
+    ll_backend.x86_64_regs.reg_map_reset_scratch_reg_info(RegMap1, RegMap2),
      AsmInstr0 = ll_backend.x86_64_instrs.init_x86_64_instruction,
      AsmInstr1 = AsmInstr0 ^ x86_64_inst := AsmInstrList,
      AsmInstr = AsmInstr1 ^ x86_64_inst_comment := Comment,
-    transform_c_instr_list(CInstr0s, AsmInstrs).
+    transform_c_instr_list(RegMap2, CInstr0s, AsmInstrs).

      % Transform a block instruction of an llds instruction into a list of
      % x86_64 instructions.
-:- pred transform_block_instr(list(instruction)::in, list(x86_64_instr)::out) 
-    is det. 
+:- pred transform_block_instr(reg_map::in, list(instruction)::in, 
+    list(x86_64_instr)::out) is det.

-transform_block_instr(CInstrs, Instrs) :-
-    transform_block_instr_list(CInstrs, ListInstrs),
+transform_block_instr(RegMap, CInstrs, Instrs) :-
+    transform_block_instr_list(RegMap, CInstrs, ListInstrs),
      list.condense(ListInstrs, Instrs).

-:- pred transform_block_instr_list(list(instruction)::in, 
+:- pred transform_block_instr_list(reg_map::in, list(instruction)::in,
      list(list(x86_64_instr))::out) is det.

-transform_block_instr_list([], []).
-transform_block_instr_list([CInstr0 | CInstr0s], [Instr0 | Instr0s]) :-
+transform_block_instr_list(_, [], []).
+transform_block_instr_list(RegMap, [CInstr0 | CInstr0s], [Instr0 | Instr0s]) :-
      CInstr0 = llds_instr(CInstr, _),
-    instr_to_x86_64(CInstr, Instr0),
-    transform_block_instr_list(CInstr0s, Instr0s).
+    instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, CInstr, RegMap1, Instr0),
+    ll_backend.x86_64_regs.reg_map_reset_scratch_reg_info(RegMap1, RegMap2),
+    transform_block_instr_list(RegMap2, CInstr0s, Instr0s).

      % Transform livevals of llds instruction into a list of x86_64 instructions.
-:- pred transform_livevals(list(lval)::in, list(x86_64_instr)::out) is det.
+:- pred transform_livevals(reg_map::in, list(lval)::in, list(x86_64_instr)::out)
+    is det.

-transform_livevals([], []). 
-transform_livevals([Lval | Lvals], [Instr | Instrs]) :-
-    transform_lval(Lval, Res0, Res1),
+transform_livevals(_, [], []). 
+transform_livevals(RegMap, [Lval | Lvals], [Instr | Instrs]) :-
+    transform_lval(RegMap, Lval, RegMap1, Res0, Res1),
-        Res0 = yes(LvalOp),
-        Instr = x86_64_instr(mov(operand_label("<<livevals>>"), LvalOp)),
-        transform_livevals(Lvals, Instrs)
+        Res0 = yes(LvalOp)
          Res0 = no,
              Res1 = yes(LvalInstrs),
              ( get_last_instr_opand(LvalInstrs, LastOp) ->
-                Instr = x86_64_instr(mov(operand_label("<<livevals>>"), 
-                    LastOp)),
-                transform_livevals(Lvals, Instrs)
+                LvalOp = LastOp
                  unexpected(this_file, "transform_livevals: unexpected:"
                      ++ " get_last_instr_opand failed")
@@ -157,22 +165,25 @@
              unexpected(this_file, "transform_livevals: unexpected:"
                  ++ " get_last_instr_opand failed")
-    ).
+    ),
+    Instr = x86_64_instr(mov(operand_label("<<liveval>>"), LvalOp)),
+    transform_livevals(RegMap1, Lvals, Instrs).

      % Given an llds instruction, transform it into equivalent x86_64
      % instructions.
-:- pred instr_to_x86_64(instr::in, list(x86_64_instr)::out) is det.
+:- pred instr_to_x86_64(reg_map::in, instr::in, reg_map::out, 
+    list(x86_64_instr)::out) is det.

-instr_to_x86_64(comment(Comment), [x86_64_comment(Comment)]).
-instr_to_x86_64(livevals(RegsAndStackLocs), Instrs) :-
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, comment(Comment), RegMap, [x86_64_comment(Comment)]).
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, livevals(RegsAndStackLocs), RegMap, Instrs) :-
      set.to_sorted_list(RegsAndStackLocs, List),
-    transform_livevals(List, Instrs).
-instr_to_x86_64(block(_, _, CInstrs), Instrs) :-
-    transform_block_instr(CInstrs, Instrs).
-instr_to_x86_64(assign(Lval, Rval), Instrs) :-
-    transform_lval(Lval, Res0, Res1),
-    transform_rval(Rval, Res2, Res3),
+    transform_livevals(RegMap, List, Instrs).
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, block(_, _, CInstrs), RegMap, Instrs) :-
+    transform_block_instr(RegMap, CInstrs, Instrs).
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap0, assign(Lval, Rval), RegMap, Instrs) :-
+    transform_lval(RegMap0, Lval, RegMap1, Res0, Res1),
+    transform_rval(RegMap1, Rval, RegMap, Res2, Res3),
          Res0 = yes(LvalOp),
@@ -184,7 +195,7 @@
                  Res3 = yes(RvalInstrs),
                  ( get_last_instr_opand(RvalInstrs, LastOp) ->
                      LastInstr = x86_64_instr(mov(LastOp, LvalOp)),
-                    list.append(RvalInstrs, [LastInstr], Instrs)
+                    Instrs = RvalInstrs ++ [LastInstr]
                      unexpected(this_file, "instr_to_x86_64: assign: unexpected:"
                          ++ " get_last_instr_opand failed")
@@ -202,16 +213,15 @@
              ( get_last_instr_opand(LvalInstrs, LvalLastOp) ->
                      Res2 = yes(RvalOp),
-                    Instr0 = x86_64_instr(mov(RvalOp, LvalLastOp)),
-                    list.append(LvalInstrs, [Instr0], Instrs)
+                    Instr1 = x86_64_instr(mov(RvalOp, LvalLastOp)),
+                    Instrs = LvalInstrs ++ [Instr1]
                      Res2 = no,
                          Res3 = yes(RvalInstrs),
                          ( get_last_instr_opand(RvalInstrs, RvalLastOp) ->
-                            Instr0 = x86_64_instr(mov(RvalLastOp, LvalLastOp)),
-                            Instrs = LvalInstrs ++ [Instr0] ++ RvalInstrs
+                            Instr1 = x86_64_instr(mov(RvalLastOp, LvalLastOp)),
+                            Instrs = LvalInstrs ++ RvalInstrs ++ [Instr1]
                              unexpected(this_file, "instr_to_x86_64: assign:"
                                  ++ " unexpected:get_last_instr_opand failed")
@@ -232,22 +242,42 @@
                  ++ "Lval")
-instr_to_x86_64(llcall(Target0, Continuation0, _, _, _, _), Instrs) :-
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap0, llcall(Target0, Continuation0, _, _, _, _), RegMap, 
+        Instrs) :-
      code_addr_type(Target0, Target1),
      code_addr_type(Continuation0, Continuation1),
-    Instr1 = x86_64_instr(mov(operand_label(Continuation1), 
-        operand_label("<<succip>>"))), 
+    lval_reg_locn(RegMap0, succip, Op0, Instr0),
+    ll_backend.x86_64_regs.reg_map_remove_scratch_reg(RegMap0, RegMap),
+    (
+        Op0 = yes(Op)
+    ;
+        Op0 = no,
+        ( 
+            Instr0 = yes(Instr),
+            ( get_last_instr_opand(Instr, LastOpand) ->
+                Op = LastOpand
+            ;
+                unexpected(this_file, "instr_to_x86_64: llcall: unexpected:"
+                    ++ " get_last_instr_opand failed")
+            )
+        ;
+            Instr0 = no,
+            unexpected(this_file, "instr_to_x86_64: llcall: unexpected:" ++
+               " lval_reg_locn failed")
+        )
+    ),
+    Instr1 = x86_64_instr(mov(operand_label(Continuation1), Op)),
      Instr2 = x86_64_instr(jmp(operand_label(Target1))),
      Instrs = [Instr1, Instr2].
-instr_to_x86_64(mkframe(_, _), [x86_64_comment("<<mkframe>>")]).
-instr_to_x86_64(label(Label), Instrs) :-
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, mkframe(_, _), RegMap, [x86_64_comment("<<mkframe>>")]).
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, label(Label), RegMap, Instrs) :-
      LabelStr = ll_backend.llds_out.label_to_c_string(Label, no),
      Instrs = [x86_64_label(LabelStr)]. 
-instr_to_x86_64(goto(CodeAddr), Instrs) :-
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, goto(CodeAddr), RegMap, Instrs) :-
      code_addr_type(CodeAddr, Label),
      Instrs = [x86_64_instr(jmp(operand_label(Label)))].
-instr_to_x86_64(computed_goto(Rval, Labels), Instrs) :-
-    transform_rval(Rval, Res0, Res1),
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap0, computed_goto(Rval, Labels), RegMap, Instrs) :-
+    transform_rval(RegMap0, Rval, RegMap1, Res0, Res1),
          Res0 = yes(RvalOp),
          RvalInstrs = []
@@ -268,17 +298,19 @@
      labels_to_string(Labels, "", LabelStr),
-    TempReg = operand_reg(gp_reg(13)),
+    ScratchReg = ll_backend.x86_64_regs.reg_map_get_scratch_reg(RegMap1),
+    ll_backend.x86_64_regs.reg_map_remove_scratch_reg(RegMap1, RegMap),
+    TempReg = operand_reg(ScratchReg),
      Instr0 = x86_64_instr(mov(operand_mem_ref(mem_abs(base_expr(LabelStr))),
      Instr1 = x86_64_instr(add(RvalOp, TempReg)),
      Instr2 = x86_64_instr(jmp(TempReg)),
      Instrs = RvalInstrs ++ [Instr0] ++ [Instr1] ++ [Instr2].
-instr_to_x86_64(arbitrary_c_code(_, _, _), Instrs) :-
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, arbitrary_c_code(_, _, _), RegMap, Instrs) :-
      Instrs = [x86_64_comment("<<arbitrary_c_code>>")].
-instr_to_x86_64(if_val(Rval, CodeAddr), Instrs) :-
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap0, if_val(Rval, CodeAddr), RegMap, Instrs) :-
      code_addr_type(CodeAddr, Target),
-    transform_rval(Rval, Res0, Res1),
+    transform_rval(RegMap0, Rval, RegMap, Res0, Res1),
          Res0 = yes(RvalOp)
@@ -297,14 +329,17 @@
                  ++ " Rval")
-    ll_backend.x86_64_out.operand_type(RvalOp, RvalStr),
+    ll_backend.x86_64_out.operand_to_string(RvalOp, RvalStr),
      Instrs = [x86_64_directive(x86_64_pseudo_if(RvalStr)), x86_64_instr(j(
          operand_label(Target), e)), x86_64_directive(endif)].
-instr_to_x86_64(save_maxfr(_), [x86_64_comment("<<save_maxfr>>")]).
-instr_to_x86_64(restore_maxfr(_), [x86_64_comment("<<restore_maxfr>>")]).
-instr_to_x86_64(incr_hp(Lval, Tag0, Words0, Rval, _, _), Instrs) :-
-    transform_rval(Rval, Res0, Res1),
-    transform_lval(Lval, Res2, Res3),
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, save_maxfr(_), RegMap, Instr) :-
+    Instr = [x86_64_comment("<<save_maxfr>>")].
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, restore_maxfr(_), RegMap, Instr) :-
+    Instr = [x86_64_comment("<<restore_maxfr>>")].
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap0, incr_hp(Lval, Tag0, Words0, Rval, _, _), RegMap, 
+        Instrs) :-
+    transform_rval(RegMap0, Rval, RegMap1, Res0, Res1),
+    transform_lval(RegMap1, Lval, RegMap2, Res2, Res3),
          Res0 = yes(RvalOp)
@@ -344,14 +379,17 @@
          Words0 = yes(Words),
          IncrVal = operand_imm(imm32(int32(Words))),
-        TempReg = operand_reg(gp_reg(13)),
-        ll_backend.x86_64_out.operand_type(RvalOp, RvalStr),
+        ScratchReg0 = ll_backend.x86_64_regs.reg_map_get_scratch_reg(RegMap2),
+        reg_map_remove_scratch_reg(RegMap2, RegMap3),
+        TempReg1 = operand_reg(ScratchReg0),
+        ll_backend.x86_64_out.operand_to_string(RvalOp, RvalStr),
          MemRef = operand_mem_ref(mem_abs(base_expr(RvalStr))),
-        LoadAddr = x86_64_instr(lea(MemRef, TempReg)),
-        IncrAddInstr = x86_64_instr(add(IncrVal, TempReg)),
+        LoadAddr = x86_64_instr(lea(MemRef, TempReg1)),
+        IncrAddInstr = x86_64_instr(add(IncrVal, TempReg1)),
          list.append([LoadAddr], [IncrAddInstr], IncrAddrInstrs)
          Words0 = no,
+        RegMap3 = RegMap2,
          IncrAddrInstrs = []
@@ -360,86 +398,141 @@
          Tag0 = no,
          Tag = 0
-    TempReg = operand_reg(gp_reg(13)),
-    ImmToReg = x86_64_instr(mov(RvalOp, TempReg)),
-    SetTag = x86_64_instr(or(operand_imm(imm32(int32(Tag))), TempReg)),
-    Instr0 = x86_64_instr(mov(TempReg, LvalOp)),
-    Instrs = IncrAddrInstrs ++ [ImmToReg] ++ [SetTag] ++ [Instr0]. 
-instr_to_x86_64(mark_hp(_), [x86_64_comment("<<mark_hp>>")]).
-instr_to_x86_64(restore_hp(_), [x86_64_comment("<<restore_hp>>")]).
-instr_to_x86_64(free_heap(_), [x86_64_comment("<<free_heap>>")]).
-instr_to_x86_64(store_ticket(_), [x86_64_comment("<<store_ticket>>")]).
-instr_to_x86_64(reset_ticket(_, _), [x86_64_comment("<<reset_ticket>>")]).
-instr_to_x86_64(prune_ticket, [x86_64_comment("<<prune_ticket>>")]).
-instr_to_x86_64(discard_ticket, [x86_64_comment("<<discard_ticket>>")]).
-instr_to_x86_64(mark_ticket_stack(_), [x86_64_comment("<<mark_ticket_stack>>")]).
-instr_to_x86_64(prune_tickets_to(_), [x86_64_comment("<<prune_tickets_to>>")]).
-instr_to_x86_64(incr_sp(NumSlots, ProcName, _), Instrs) :-
+    ScratchReg1 = ll_backend.x86_64_regs.reg_map_get_scratch_reg(RegMap3),
+    reg_map_remove_scratch_reg(RegMap3, RegMap),
+    TempReg2 = operand_reg(ScratchReg1),
+    ImmToReg = x86_64_instr(mov(RvalOp, TempReg2)),
+    SetTag = x86_64_instr(or(operand_imm(imm32(int32(Tag))), TempReg2)),
+    Instr1 = x86_64_instr(mov(TempReg2, LvalOp)),
+    Instrs = IncrAddrInstrs ++ [ImmToReg] ++ [SetTag] ++ [Instr1]. 
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, mark_hp(_), RegMap, [x86_64_comment("<<mark_hp>>")]).
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, restore_hp(_), RegMap, Instr) :-
+    Instr = [x86_64_comment("<<restore_hp>>")].
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, free_heap(_), RegMap, Instr) :-
+    Instr = [x86_64_comment("<<free_heap>>")].
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, store_ticket(_), RegMap, Instr) :-
+    Instr = [x86_64_comment("<<store_ticket>>")].
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, reset_ticket(_, _), RegMap, Instr) :-
+    Instr = [x86_64_comment("<<reset_ticket>>")].
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, prune_ticket, RegMap, Instr) :-
+    Instr = [x86_64_comment("<<prune_ticket>>")].
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, discard_ticket, RegMap, Instr) :-
+    Instr = [x86_64_comment("<<discard_ticket>>")].
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, mark_ticket_stack(_), RegMap, Instr) :-
+    Instr = [x86_64_comment("<<mark_ticket_stack>>")].
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, prune_tickets_to(_), RegMap, Instr) :-
+    Instr = [x86_64_comment("<<prune_tickets_to>>")].
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, incr_sp(NumSlots, ProcName, _), RegMap, Instrs) :-
      Instr1 = x86_64_comment("<<incr_sp>> " ++ ProcName),
      Instr2 = x86_64_instr(enter(uint16(NumSlots), uint8(0))),
      Instrs = [Instr1, Instr2].
-instr_to_x86_64(decr_sp(NumSlots), Instrs) :-
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap0, decr_sp(NumSlots), RegMap, Instrs) :-
      DecrOp = operand_imm(imm32(int32(NumSlots))),
-    Instr = x86_64_instr(sub(DecrOp, operand_reg(gp_reg(13)))), 
+    ScratchReg = ll_backend.x86_64_regs.reg_map_get_scratch_reg(RegMap0),
+    ll_backend.x86_64_regs.reg_map_remove_scratch_reg(RegMap0, RegMap),
+    Instr = x86_64_instr(sub(DecrOp, operand_reg(ScratchReg))),
      list.append([x86_64_comment("<<decr_sp>> ")], [Instr], Instrs).
-instr_to_x86_64(decr_sp_and_return(NumSlots), Instrs) :-
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, decr_sp_and_return(NumSlots), RegMap, Instrs) :-
      Instrs = [x86_64_comment("<<decr_sp_and_return>> " ++
-instr_to_x86_64(foreign_proc_code(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), 
-    [x86_64_comment("<<foreign_proc_code>>")]).
-instr_to_x86_64(init_sync_term(_, _), [x86_64_comment("<<init_sync_term>>")]).
-instr_to_x86_64(fork(_), [x86_64_comment("<<fork>>")]).
-instr_to_x86_64(join_and_continue(_, _), [x86_64_comment("<<join_and_continue>>")]).
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, foreign_proc_code(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _), RegMap, 
+        Instr) :-
+    Instr = [x86_64_comment("<<foreign_proc_code>>")].
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, init_sync_term(_, _), RegMap, Instr) :-
+    Instr = [x86_64_comment("<<init_sync_term>>")].
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, fork(_), RegMap, [x86_64_comment("<<fork>>")]).
+instr_to_x86_64(RegMap, join_and_continue(_, _), RegMap, Instr) :-
+    Instr = [x86_64_comment("<<join_and_continue>>")].

      % Transform lval into either an x86_64 operand or x86_64 instructions.
-:- pred transform_lval(lval::in, maybe(operand)::out, 
+:- pred transform_lval(reg_map::in, lval::in, reg_map::out, maybe(operand)::out,
      maybe(list(x86_64_instr))::out) is det.

-transform_lval(reg(CReg, CRegNum), Op, no) :-
-    ( 
+transform_lval(RegMap0, reg(CReg, CRegNum), RegMap, Op, Instr) :-
+    (
          CReg = reg_r,
-        Op = yes(operand_reg(gp_reg(CRegNum)))
+        lval_reg_locn(RegMap, reg(CReg, CRegNum), Op, Instr),
+        reg_map_remove_scratch_reg(RegMap0, RegMap)
          CReg = reg_f,
-        Op = no
+        unexpected(this_file, "transform_lval: unexpected: llds reg_f")
-transform_lval(succip, yes(operand_label("<<succip>>")), no).
-transform_lval(maxfr, yes(operand_label("<<maxfr>>")), no).
-transform_lval(curfr, yes(operand_label("<<curfr>>")), no).
-transform_lval(hp, yes(operand_label("<<hp>>")), no).
-transform_lval(sp, yes(operand_label("<<sp>>")), no).
-transform_lval(parent_sp, yes(operand_label("<<parent_sp>>")), no).
-transform_lval(temp(CReg, CRegNum), Op, no) :-
-    ( 
-        CReg = reg_r,
-        Op = yes(operand_reg(gp_reg(CRegNum)))
+transform_lval(RegMap0, succip, RegMap, Op, Instr) :-
+    lval_reg_locn(RegMap0, succip, Op, Instr),
+    reg_map_remove_scratch_reg(RegMap0, RegMap).
+transform_lval(RegMap0, maxfr, RegMap, Op, Instr) :-
+    lval_reg_locn(RegMap0, maxfr, Op, Instr),
+    reg_map_remove_scratch_reg(RegMap0, RegMap).
+transform_lval(RegMap0, curfr, RegMap, Op, Instr) :-
+    lval_reg_locn(RegMap0, curfr, Op, Instr),
+    reg_map_remove_scratch_reg(RegMap0, RegMap).
+transform_lval(RegMap0, hp, RegMap, Op, Instr) :-
+    lval_reg_locn(RegMap0, hp, Op, Instr),
+    reg_map_remove_scratch_reg(RegMap0, RegMap).
+transform_lval(RegMap0, sp, RegMap, Op, Instr) :-
+    lval_reg_locn(RegMap0, sp, Op, Instr),
+    reg_map_remove_scratch_reg(RegMap0, RegMap).
+transform_lval(RegMap, parent_sp, RegMap, Op, no) :-
+    Op = yes(operand_label("<<parent_sp>>")).
+transform_lval(RegMap, temp(CReg, CRegNum), RegMap1, Op, Instr) :-
+    transform_lval(RegMap, reg(CReg, CRegNum), RegMap1, Op, Instr).
+transform_lval(RegMap0, stackvar(Offset), RegMap, Op, Instr) :-
+    RegLocn = reg_map_lookup_reg_locn(RegMap, sp),
+    ScratchReg = ll_backend.x86_64_regs.reg_map_get_scratch_reg(RegMap0),
+    reg_map_remove_scratch_reg(RegMap0, RegMap),
+    (
+        RegLocn = actual(Reg),
+        Op = no, 
+        Instr = yes([x86_64_instr(mov(operand_mem_ref(
+            mem_abs(base_reg(Offset, Reg))), operand_reg(ScratchReg) ))])
-        CReg = reg_f,
-        Op = no
+        RegLocn = virtual(SlotNum),
+        Op = no,
+        FakeRegVal = "$" ++ "virtual_reg(" ++ string.int_to_string(SlotNum) 
+            ++ ") + " ++ string.int_to_string(Offset),
+        Instr = yes([x86_64_instr(mov(
+            operand_label(FakeRegVal), operand_reg(ScratchReg)))])
-transform_lval(stackvar(Offset), Op, no) :-
-    Op = yes(operand_label(string.int_to_string(Offset) ++ "(<<stackvar>>)")).
-transform_lval(parent_stackvar(_), yes(operand_label("<<parent_stackvar>>")), no).
-transform_lval(framevar(_), yes(operand_label("<<framevar>>")), no).
-transform_lval(succip_slot(Rval), Op, no) :-
-    transform_rval(Rval, Op, _).
-transform_lval(redoip_slot(Rval), Op, no) :-
-    transform_rval(Rval, Op, _).
-transform_lval(redofr_slot(Rval), Op, no) :-
-    transform_rval(Rval, Op, _).
-transform_lval(succfr_slot(Rval), Op, no) :-
-    transform_rval(Rval, Op, _).
-transform_lval(prevfr_slot(Rval), Op, no) :-
-    transform_rval(Rval, Op, _).
-transform_lval(mem_ref(Rval), Op, no) :-
-    transform_rval(Rval, Op, _).
-transform_lval(global_var_ref(env_var_ref(Name)), yes(operand_label(Name)), no).
-transform_lval(lvar(_), yes(operand_label("<<lvar>>")), no).
-transform_lval(field(Tag0, Rval1, Rval2), no, Instrs) :-
-    transform_rval(Rval1, Res0, Res1),
-    transform_rval(Rval2, Res2, Res3),
+transform_lval(RegMap, parent_stackvar(_), RegMap, Op, no) :-
+    Op = yes(operand_label("<<parent_stackvar>>")).
+transform_lval(RegMap0, framevar(Offset), RegMap, Op, Instr) :-
+    ScratchReg= ll_backend.x86_64_regs.reg_map_get_scratch_reg(RegMap),
+    reg_map_remove_scratch_reg(RegMap0, RegMap),
+    RegLocn = reg_map_lookup_reg_locn(RegMap, curfr),
+    % framevar(Int) refers to an offset Int relative to the current value of 
+    % 'curfr'
+    (
+        RegLocn = actual(Reg),
+        Op = no, 
+        Instr = yes([x86_64_instr(mov(operand_mem_ref(
+            mem_abs(base_reg(Offset, Reg))), operand_reg(ScratchReg) ))])
+    ;
+        RegLocn = virtual(SlotNum),
+        Op = no,
+        FakeRegVal = "$" ++ "virtual_reg(" ++ string.int_to_string(SlotNum) 
+            ++ ") + " ++ string.int_to_string(Offset),
+        Instr = yes([x86_64_instr(mov(
+            operand_label(FakeRegVal), operand_reg(ScratchReg)))])
+    ).
+transform_lval(RegMap0, succip_slot(Rval), RegMap, Op, Instr) :-
+    transform_rval(RegMap0, Rval, RegMap, Op, Instr).
+transform_lval(RegMap0, redoip_slot(Rval), RegMap, Op, Instr) :-
+    transform_rval(RegMap0, Rval, RegMap, Op, Instr).
+transform_lval(RegMap0, redofr_slot(Rval), RegMap, Op, Instr) :-
+    transform_rval(RegMap0, Rval, RegMap, Op, Instr).
+transform_lval(RegMap0, succfr_slot(Rval), RegMap, Op, Instr) :-
+    transform_rval(RegMap0, Rval, RegMap, Op, Instr).
+transform_lval(RegMap0, prevfr_slot(Rval), RegMap, Op, Instr) :-
+    transform_rval(RegMap0, Rval, RegMap, Op, Instr).
+transform_lval(RegMap0, mem_ref(Rval), RegMap, Op, Instr) :-
+    transform_rval(RegMap0, Rval, RegMap, Op, Instr).
+transform_lval(RegMap, global_var_ref(env_var_ref(Name)), RegMap, Op, no) :-
+    Op = yes(operand_label(Name)).
+transform_lval(RegMap, lvar(_), RegMap, yes(operand_label("<<lvar>>")), no).
+transform_lval(RegMap0, field(Tag0, Rval1, Rval2), RegMap, no, Instrs) :-
+    transform_rval(RegMap0, Rval1, RegMap1, Res0, Res1),
+    transform_rval(RegMap1, Rval2, RegMap2, Res2, Res3),
          Res0 = yes(RvalOp1),
          Instrs1 = []
@@ -478,8 +571,10 @@
              unexpected(this_file, "lval_instrs: field: unexpected: Rval2")
-    TempReg1 = operand_reg(gp_reg(13)),
-    ll_backend.x86_64_out.operand_type(RvalOp1, RvalStr1),
+    ScratchReg = ll_backend.x86_64_regs.reg_map_get_scratch_reg(RegMap2),
+    reg_map_remove_scratch_reg(RegMap2, RegMap),
+    TempReg1 = operand_reg(ScratchReg),
+    ll_backend.x86_64_out.operand_to_string(RvalOp1, RvalStr1),
      MemRef = operand_mem_ref(mem_abs(base_expr(RvalStr1))),
      LoadAddr = x86_64_instr(lea(MemRef, TempReg1)),
      FieldNum = x86_64_instr(add(RvalOp2, TempReg1)),
@@ -495,14 +590,14 @@

      % Translates rval into its corresponding x86_64 operand.
-:- pred transform_rval(rval::in, maybe(operand)::out, maybe(list(x86_64_instr))
-    ::out) is det. 
+:- pred transform_rval(reg_map::in, rval::in, reg_map::out, maybe(operand)::out,
+    maybe(list(x86_64_instr)) ::out) is det.

-transform_rval(lval(Lval0), Op, Instrs) :-
-    transform_lval(Lval0, Op, Instrs).
-transform_rval(var(_), yes(operand_label("<<var>>")), no).
-transform_rval(mkword(Tag, Rval), no, Instrs) :-
-    transform_rval(Rval, Res0, Res1),
+transform_rval(RegMap0, lval(Lval0), RegMap, Op, Instrs) :-
+    transform_lval(RegMap0, Lval0, RegMap, Op, Instrs).
+transform_rval(RegMap, var(_), RegMap, yes(operand_label("<<var>>")), no).
+transform_rval(RegMap0, mkword(Tag, Rval), RegMap, no, Instrs) :-
+    transform_rval(RegMap0, Rval, RegMap1, Res0, Res1),
          Res0 = yes(RvalOp),
          list.append([x86_64_comment("<<mkword>>")], [], Instr0)
@@ -522,27 +617,33 @@
              unexpected(this_file, "transform_rval: mkword unexpected: Rval")
-    TempReg = operand_reg(gp_reg(13)),
-    ll_backend.x86_64_out.operand_type(RvalOp, RvalStr),
+    ScratchReg = ll_backend.x86_64_regs.reg_map_get_scratch_reg(RegMap1),
+    reg_map_remove_scratch_reg(RegMap1, RegMap),
+    TempReg = operand_reg(ScratchReg),
+    ll_backend.x86_64_out.operand_to_string(RvalOp, RvalStr),
      MemRef = operand_mem_ref(mem_abs(base_expr(RvalStr))),
      LoadAddr = x86_64_instr(lea(MemRef, TempReg)),
      SetTag = x86_64_instr(add(operand_imm(imm32(int32(Tag))), TempReg)),
      Instrs = yes(Instr0 ++ [LoadAddr] ++ [SetTag]).
-transform_rval(const(llconst_true), yes(operand_label("<<llconst_true>>")), no).
-transform_rval(const(llconst_false), yes(operand_label("<<llconst_false>>")), no).
-transform_rval(const(llconst_int(Val)), yes(operand_imm(imm32(int32(Val)))), no).
-transform_rval(const(llconst_float(_)), yes(operand_label("<<llconst_float>>")), no).
-transform_rval(const(llconst_string(String)), no, yes(Op)) :-
+transform_rval(RegMap, const(llconst_true), RegMap, Op, no) :-
+    Op = yes(operand_label("<<llconst_true>>")).
+transform_rval(RegMap, const(llconst_false), RegMap, Op, no) :-
+    Op = yes(operand_label("<<llconst_false>>")).
+transform_rval(RegMap, const(llconst_int(Val)), RegMap, Op, no) :-
+    Op = yes(operand_imm(imm32(int32(Val)))).
+transform_rval(RegMap, const(llconst_float(_)), RegMap, Op, no) :-
+    Op = yes(operand_label("<<llconst_float>>")).
+transform_rval(RegMap, const(llconst_string(String)), RegMap, no, yes(Op)) :-
      Op = [x86_64_directive(string([String]))].
-transform_rval(const(llconst_multi_string(_, _)), Op, no) :-
+transform_rval(RegMap, const(llconst_multi_string(_, _)), RegMap, Op, no) :-
      Op = yes(operand_label("<<llconst_multi_string>>")).
-transform_rval(const(llconst_code_addr(CodeAddr)), Op, no) :-
+transform_rval(RegMap, const(llconst_code_addr(CodeAddr)), RegMap, Op, no) :-
      code_addr_type(CodeAddr, CodeAddrType),
-    Op = yes(operand_label("<<llconst_code_addr>>" ++ CodeAddrType)).
-transform_rval(const(llconst_data_addr(_, _)), Op, no) :-
+    Op = yes(operand_label(CodeAddrType)).
+transform_rval(RegMap, const(llconst_data_addr(_, _)), RegMap, Op, no) :-
      Op = yes(operand_label("<<llconst_data_addr>>")).
-transform_rval(unop(Op, Rval), no, Instrs) :-
-    transform_rval(Rval, Res0, Res1),
+transform_rval(RegMap0, unop(Op, Rval), RegMap, no, Instrs) :-
+    transform_rval(RegMap0, Rval, RegMap, Res0, Res1),
          Res0 = yes(_),
          unop_instrs(Op, Res0, no, Instrs0),
@@ -558,9 +659,9 @@
              unexpected(this_file, "transform_rval: unop: unexpected: Rval")
-transform_rval(binop(Op, Rval1, Rval2), no, Instrs) :-
-    transform_rval(Rval1, Res1, Res2),
-    transform_rval(Rval2, Res3, Res4),
+transform_rval(RegMap0, binop(Op, Rval1, Rval2), RegMap, no, Instrs) :-
+    transform_rval(RegMap0, Rval1, RegMap1, Res1, Res2),
+    transform_rval(RegMap1, Rval2, RegMap, Res3, Res4),
          Res1 = yes(Val1),
@@ -606,13 +707,14 @@
              unexpected(this_file, "rval_instrs: binop: unexpected: Rval1")
-transform_rval(mem_addr(stackvar_ref(Rval)), Op, no) :-
-    transform_rval(Rval, Op, _). 
-transform_rval(mem_addr(framevar_ref(Rval)), Op, no) :-
-    transform_rval(Rval, Op, _). 
-transform_rval(mem_addr(heap_ref(Rval1, Tag, Rval2)), no, Instrs) :-
-    transform_rval(Rval1, Res0, Res1),
-    transform_rval(Rval2, Res2, Res3),
+transform_rval(RegMap0, mem_addr(stackvar_ref(Rval)), RegMap, Op, no) :-
+    transform_rval(RegMap0, Rval, RegMap, Op, _). 
+transform_rval(RegMap0, mem_addr(framevar_ref(Rval)), RegMap, Op, no) :-
+    transform_rval(RegMap0, Rval, RegMap, Op, _). 
+transform_rval(RegMap0, mem_addr(heap_ref(Rval1, Tag, Rval2)), RegMap, 
+        no, Instrs) :-
+    transform_rval(RegMap0, Rval1, RegMap1, Res0, Res1),
+    transform_rval(RegMap1, Rval2, RegMap2, Res2, Res3),
          Res0 = yes(Rval1Op),
@@ -672,14 +774,42 @@
                  ++ " unexpected: Rval1")
-    TempReg = operand_reg(gp_reg(13)),
-    ll_backend.x86_64_out.operand_type(Rval1Op, Rval1Str),
+    ScratchReg = ll_backend.x86_64_regs.reg_map_get_scratch_reg(RegMap2),
+    reg_map_remove_scratch_reg(RegMap2, RegMap),
+    TempReg = operand_reg(ScratchReg),
+    ll_backend.x86_64_out.operand_to_string(Rval1Op, Rval1Str),
      MemRef = operand_mem_ref(mem_abs(base_expr(Rval1Str))),
      LoadAddr = x86_64_instr(lea(MemRef, TempReg)),
      Instr0 = x86_64_instr(sub(Rval2Op, TempReg)),
      Instr1 = x86_64_instr(add(operand_imm(imm32(int32(Tag))), TempReg)),
      Instrs = yes(Instrs0 ++ [LoadAddr] ++ [Instr0] ++ [Instr1]).

+    % Given an llds-lval, returns either an operand or instructions (actually, 
+    % it only a single move instruction. It returns a list so that the calling
+    % predicate won't have to do any rearrangements for the return value). If 
+    % lval is located in an actual register, returns the actual register which 
+    % corresponds to that lval. Otherwise, move lval from the fake-reg array
+    % to a temporary register. 
+    %
+:- pred lval_reg_locn(reg_map::in, lval::in, maybe(operand)::out, 
+    maybe(list(x86_64_instr))::out) is det. 
+lval_reg_locn(RegMap, Lval, Op, Instr) :-
+    RegLocn = reg_map_lookup_reg_locn(RegMap, Lval),
+    (
+        RegLocn = actual(Reg),
+        Op = yes(operand_reg(Reg)),
+        Instr = no
+    ;
+        RegLocn = virtual(SlotNum),
+        Op = no,
+        FakeRegVal = "fake_reg(" ++ string.int_to_string(SlotNum) ++ ")",
+        ScratchReg = ll_backend.x86_64_regs.reg_map_get_scratch_reg(RegMap),
+        Instr = yes([x86_64_instr(mov(operand_mem_ref(mem_abs(
+                base_expr(FakeRegVal))), operand_reg(ScratchReg)))])
+    ).
      % x86_64 instructions for binary operation with either an operand or an
      % expression (given as a list of x86_64 instructions) or a combination of
      % both.
Index: compiler/mercury_compile.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mercury_compile.m,v
retrieving revision 1.429
diff -u -r1.429 mercury_compile.m
--- compiler/mercury_compile.m	9 Feb 2007 04:05:16 -0000	1.429
+++ compiler/mercury_compile.m	12 Feb 2007 22:47:47 -0000
@@ -127,6 +127,8 @@
  :- import_module ll_backend.llds_to_x86_64.
  :- import_module ll_backend.llds_to_x86_64_out.
  :- import_module ll_backend.x86_64_instrs.
+:- import_module ll_backend.x86_64_out.
+:- import_module ll_backend.x86_64_regs.

      % the MLDS back-end
  :- import_module ml_backend.add_trail_ops.         % HLDS -> HLDS
Index: compiler/x86_64_instrs.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/x86_64_instrs.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -r1.2 x86_64_instrs.m
--- compiler/x86_64_instrs.m	5 Feb 2007 22:30:34 -0000	1.2
+++ compiler/x86_64_instrs.m	19 Feb 2007 05:57:50 -0000
@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
  % This module contains the representations of the x86_64 instructions.
+% NOTE:
+% 	Instructions that make use of segment registers and string operations
+% 	(such as compare_strings) have not been implemented.

  :- module ll_backend.x86_64_instrs.
@@ -146,6 +149,27 @@
      ;       nle                     % Not Less or Equal (ZF = 0 and SF = OF).
      ;       g.                      % Greater (ZF = 0 and SF = OF).

+    % Optional flags argument of .section pseudo_op.
+    %
+:- type pseudo_section_flag
+    --->    a                       % section is allocatable.
+    ;       w                       % section is writable.
+    ;       x                       % section is executable.
+    ;       m                       % section is mergeable.
+    ;       s.                      % section contains zero terminated string.
+    % An optional type of '.section' pseudo-op.
+    %
+:- type pseudo_section_type
+    --->    progbits                % section contains data.
+    ;       nobits.                 % section does not contain data.
+    % type_desc field of .section pseudo-op. 
+    %
+:- type pseudo_section_type_desc
+    --->    function
+    ;       object. 
  % x86_64 pseudo-ops.
@@ -530,8 +554,8 @@

      ;       section(
                  section_name        :: string,
-                section_flags       :: maybe(string),
-                section_type        :: maybe(string),
+                section_flags       :: maybe(list(pseudo_section_flag)),
+                section_type        :: maybe(pseudo_section_type),
                  section_entsize     :: maybe(int)
              % ELF section stack manipulation directive. 
@@ -618,7 +642,7 @@

      ;       x86_64_pseudo_type(
                  type_name           :: string,
-                type_desc           :: string
+                type_desc           :: pseudo_section_type_desc
              % Set the type of symbol'type_name' to be either a function or an
              % object symbol.
@@ -666,8 +690,26 @@
      % General purpose registers on the x86_64.
      % Details on amd64-prog-man-vol1 manual p27.
-:- type gp_reg
-    ---> gp_reg(int). 
+:- type offset == int.
+:- type x86_64_reg
+    --->    rax
+    ;       rbx
+    ;       rcx
+    ;       rdx
+    ;       rbp
+    ;       rsi
+    ;       rdi
+    ;       rsp
+    ;       r8
+    ;       r9
+    ;       r10
+    ;       r11
+    ;       r12(offset)        % offset(r12) in x86_64 = offset(sp) in llds. 
+    ;       r13
+    ;       r14
+    ;       r15.

      % 64-bit instruction pointer register on the x86_64. Instruction pointer
      % RIP is used as a base register for relative addressing. x86_64
@@ -719,7 +761,7 @@
  :- type base_address
      --->    base_reg(
                  base_offset             :: int,
-                base_reg                :: gp_reg
+                base_reg                :: x86_64_reg

      ;       base_expr(
@@ -729,7 +771,7 @@
      % All operands for the x86_64 instructions.
  :- type operand
-    --->    operand_reg(gp_reg)
+    --->    operand_reg(x86_64_reg)
      ;       operand_imm(imm_operand)
      ;       operand_mem_ref(x86_64_mem_ref)
      ;       operand_rel_offset(rel_offset)
@@ -751,7 +793,7 @@
      % signed relative offset or a label.
  :- type rmrol
-    --->    rmrol_reg(gp_reg)
+    --->    rmrol_reg(x86_64_reg)
      ;       rmrol_mem_ref(x86_64_mem_ref)
      ;       rmrol_rel_offset(rel_offset)
      ;       rmrol_label(
@@ -1277,6 +1319,12 @@
              % Details on amd64-prog-man-vol3 manual p272.

+    % Returns the number of x86_64 general-purpose registers. 
+    %
+:- func num_x86_64_regs = int.

  :- implementation.
@@ -1291,4 +1339,8 @@

  init_x86_64_instruction = x86_64_instr([], "").

+num_x86_64_regs = 16. 
+:- end_module ll_backend.x86_64_instrs.
Index: compiler/x86_64_out.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/x86_64_out.m,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -r1.3 x86_64_out.m
--- compiler/x86_64_out.m	8 Feb 2007 01:02:53 -0000	1.3
+++ compiler/x86_64_out.m	19 Feb 2007 06:06:56 -0000
@@ -13,6 +13,11 @@
  % to string writer streams that are attached to the I/O state.
  % (There's no particularly good reason for this latter restriction so
  % it can safely be dropped if necessary.)
+% NOTE:
+% 	The module calls unexpected/2 if there is an instruction which expects
+% 	a different type of operand (For example: an instruction expecting a 
+% 	register operand but supplied with an immediate operand type).

@@ -31,9 +36,7 @@
  :- pred output_x86_64_instruction(Stream::in, x86_64_instruction::in,
      io::di, io::uo) is det <= stream.writer(Stream, string, io).

-    % XXX this is misnamed: it should be operand_to_string.
-    %
-:- pred operand_type(operand::in, string::out) is det. 
+:- pred operand_to_string(operand::in, string::out) is det.

@@ -41,6 +44,7 @@
  :- implementation.

  :- import_module libs.compiler_util.
+:- import_module ll_backend.x86_64_regs.

  :- import_module bool.
  :- import_module char.
@@ -233,13 +237,10 @@
              Result0 = yes,
              Type0 = yes(Type1)
-            put(Stream, ",\"" ++ Flags1 ++ "\"", !IO),
-            ( check_pseudo_section_type(Type1) ->
-                put(Stream, "," ++ Type1, !IO)
-            ;
-                unexpected(this_file, "output_x86_64_pseudo_op: section:" 
-                    ++ " check_section_type unexpected")
-            )
+            pseudo_section_flags_to_string(Flags1, "", FlagsStr),
+            put(Stream, ",\"" ++ FlagsStr ++ "\"", !IO),
+            check_pseudo_section_type(Type1, Type1Str),
+            put(Stream, "," ++ Type1Str, !IO)
              unexpected(this_file, "output_x86_64_pseudo_op: section:"
                  ++ " check_section_flags_and_type unexpected")
@@ -291,12 +292,8 @@
  output_x86_64_pseudo_op(Stream, title(Heading), !IO) :-
      put(Stream, "\t.title\t" ++ Heading ++ "\n", !IO).
  output_x86_64_pseudo_op(Stream, x86_64_pseudo_type(Name, Desc), !IO) :-
-    ( check_pseudo_type_desc(Desc) ->
-        put(Stream, "\t.type\t" ++ Name ++ "," ++ Desc ++ "\n", !IO)
-    ;
-       unexpected(this_file, "output_x86_64_pseudo_op: x86_64_pseudo_type:"
-            ++ " unexpected: check_pseudo_type_desc failed") 
-    ).
+    check_pseudo_type_desc(Desc, DescType),
+    put(Stream, "\t.type\t" ++ Name ++ "," ++ DescType ++ "\n", !IO).
  output_x86_64_pseudo_op(Stream, uleb128(ExprList), !IO) :-
      output_pseudo_op_str_args(Stream, ".uleb128", ExprList, !IO).
  output_x86_64_pseudo_op(Stream, val(Addr), !IO) :-
@@ -394,74 +391,96 @@
      % Check if the FLAGS and TYPE argumentis of '.section' pseudo-op
      % are valid.
-:- pred check_section_flags_and_type(string::in, maybe(string)::in, 
-    bool::out) is det.
+:- pred check_section_flags_and_type(list(pseudo_section_flag)::in, 
+    maybe(pseudo_section_type)::in, bool::out) is det.

  check_section_flags_and_type(Flags, Type0, Result) :-
-    (  string.contains_char(Flags, 'M') ->
+    check_pseudo_section_m_flag(Flags, Result0),
+    (
+        Result0 = yes,
              Type0 = yes(Type1),
-            string.length(Type1) > 0
+            check_pseudo_section_type(Type1, _)
              unexpected(this_file, "check_section_flags_and_type:" 
-               ++ " unexpected: flag")
+               ++ " unexpected: flag 'm' has to have 'type' arguments")
+        Result0 = no,
-    string.to_char_list(Flags, CharList),
-    check_pseudo_section_flags(CharList, Result0),
+    check_pseudo_section_flags(Flags, Result1),
-        Result0 = yes,
+        Result1 = yes,
          Result = yes
-        Result0 = no,
+        Result1 = no,
          Result = no

      % Check if the FLAGS argument of '.section' pseudo-op is valid.
-:- pred check_pseudo_section_flags(list(char)::in, bool::out) is det. 
+:- pred check_pseudo_section_flags(list(pseudo_section_flag)::in, bool::out) 
+    is det.

  check_pseudo_section_flags([], yes).
-check_pseudo_section_flags([Char | Chars], Result) :-
-    ( string.contains_char(section_pseudo_op_flags, Char) ->
-        check_pseudo_section_flags(Chars, Result)
-    ;
-        Result = no
-    ).
+check_pseudo_section_flags([Flag | Flags], Result) :-
+    pseudo_section_flag(Flag, _),
+    check_pseudo_section_flags(Flags, Result).

-    % The optional FLAGS argument of '.section' pseudo-op contains any 
-    % combination of:
-    % 'a'   - section is allocatable
-    % 'w'   - section is writable 
-    % 'x'   - section is executable 
-    % 'M'   - section is mergeable 
-    % 'S'   - section contains zero terminated string
+    % Returns a string representation of optional flag arguments of 
+    % .section pseudo instruction.
-:- func section_pseudo_op_flags = string.
+:- pred pseudo_section_flags_to_string(list(pseudo_section_flag)::in, 
+    string::in, string::out) is det. 
+pseudo_section_flags_to_string([], Result, Result).
+pseudo_section_flags_to_string([Flag | Flags], Result0, Result) :-
+    pseudo_section_flag(Flag, FlagString),
+    pseudo_section_flags_to_string(Flags, FlagString ++ Result0, Result).
+    % Returns a string representation of a .section pseudo-instruction flag.
+    %
+:- pred pseudo_section_flag(pseudo_section_flag::in, string::out) is det. 
+pseudo_section_flag(a, "a").
+pseudo_section_flag(w, "w").
+pseudo_section_flag(x, "x").
+pseudo_section_flag(m, "m").
+pseudo_section_flag(s, "s").

-section_pseudo_op_flags = "awxMS".
+    % If a .section pseudo-instruction has 'm' flag, there has to be 
+    % 'type' argument as its second argument. 
+    %
+:- pred check_pseudo_section_m_flag(list(pseudo_section_flag)::in, 
+    bool::out) is det.
+check_pseudo_section_m_flag([], no).
+check_pseudo_section_m_flag([Flag | Flags], Result) :-
+    pseudo_section_flag(Flag, FlagType),
+    ( FlagType = "m" ->
+        Result = yes
+    ;
+        check_pseudo_section_m_flag(Flags, Result)
+    ).

-    % The optional type of '.section' pseudo-op may contain:
-    % @progbits     - section contains data
-    % @nobits       - section does not contain data
+    % Checks if .type argument of .section pseudo-instruction is valid.
-:- pred check_pseudo_section_type(string::in) is semidet.
+:- pred check_pseudo_section_type(pseudo_section_type::in, string::out) 
+    is det.

+check_pseudo_section_type(progbits, "@progbits").
+check_pseudo_section_type(nobits, "@nobits").

-    % Two valid values of 'type_desc' field in pseudo-op '.type':
-    %   @function
-    %   @object
+    % Checks if type_desc argument of .section pseudo-instruction is valid.
-:- pred check_pseudo_type_desc(string::in) is semidet.
+:- pred check_pseudo_type_desc(pseudo_section_type_desc::in, string::out) 
+    is det.

+check_pseudo_type_desc(function, "@function").
+check_pseudo_type_desc(object, "@object").

  :- func comment_length = int.

@@ -532,7 +551,7 @@
      check_operand_not_immediate(Src, Result1),
          Result1 = yes,
-        operand_type(Src, SrcType),
+        operand_to_string(Src, SrcType),
          check_operand_register(Dest, DestRes),
              DestRes = yes,
@@ -546,7 +565,7 @@
                      ++ " invalid condition third operand")
              put(Stream, "\t" ++ Instr ++ "\t", !IO),
-            operand_type(Dest, DestType),
+            operand_to_string(Dest, DestType),
              put(Stream, SrcType ++ ", " ++ DestType ++ "\t", !IO)
              DestRes = no,
@@ -562,7 +581,7 @@
      check_operand_register(Op, Result),
          Result = yes,
-        operand_type(Op, RegType), 
+        operand_to_string(Op, RegType),
          put(Stream, "\tbswap\t" ++ RegType ++ "\t\t", !IO)
          Result = no,
@@ -581,7 +600,7 @@
      check_operand_not_immediate(Target, Result),
          Result = yes,
-        operand_type(Target, TargetType),
+        operand_to_string(Target, TargetType),
          put(Stream, "\tcall\t" ++ TargetType ++ "\t\t", !IO)
          Result = no,
@@ -617,8 +636,8 @@
          check_operand_register(Dest, Result2),
              Result2 = yes,
-            operand_type(Src, Op1),
-            operand_type(Dest, Op2),
+            operand_to_string(Src, Op1),
+            operand_to_string(Dest, Op2),
              put(Stream, "\tcmp\t" ++ Op1 ++ ", " ++ Op2 ++ "\t", !IO)
              Result2 = no,
@@ -634,7 +653,7 @@
      check_operand_not_mem_ref(Op, Result),
          Result = no,
-        operand_type(Op, OpType),
+        operand_to_string(Op, OpType),
          put(Stream, "\tcmpxchg8b" ++ OpType, !IO)
          Result = yes,
@@ -666,23 +685,23 @@
  output_x86_64_inst(Stream, idiv(Operand), !IO) :-
      output_instr_not_imm_dest(Stream, "idiv", Operand, no, !IO).
  output_x86_64_inst(Stream, imul(Src, Dest, Mult), !IO) :-
-    operand_type(Src, SrcType),
+    operand_to_string(Src, SrcType),
      put(Stream, "\timul\t" ++ SrcType, !IO),
          Dest = yes(DestRes),
          check_operand_register(DestRes, Result1),
              Result1 = yes,
-            operand_type(DestRes, DestType)
+            operand_to_string(DestRes, DestType)
              Result1 = no,
-            TempReg = operand_reg(gp_reg(13)),
-            operand_type(TempReg, DestType)
+            TempReg = operand_reg(get_scratch_reg),
+            operand_to_string(TempReg, DestType)
          put(Stream, ", " ++ DestType, !IO),
              Mult = yes(MultRes),
-            operand_type(MultRes, Op3),
+            operand_to_string(MultRes, Op3),
              put(Stream, ", " ++ Op3 ++ " ", !IO)
              Mult = no,
@@ -699,7 +718,7 @@
  output_x86_64_inst(Stream, jrcxz(RelOffset), !IO) :-
      output_instr_8bit_rel_offset(Stream, "jrcxz", RelOffset, !IO).
  output_x86_64_inst(Stream, jmp(Target), !IO) :-
-    operand_type(Target, Op),
+    operand_to_string(Target, Op),
      put(Stream, "\tjmp\t" ++ Op ++ "\t\t", !IO).
  output_x86_64_inst(Stream, lea(Src, Dest), !IO) :-
      check_operand_not_mem_ref(Src, Result1),
@@ -708,8 +727,8 @@
          check_operand_register(Dest, Result2),
              Result2 = yes,
-            operand_type(Src, Op1),
-            operand_type(Dest, Op2),
+            operand_to_string(Src, Op1),
+            operand_to_string(Dest, Op2),
              put(Stream, "\tlea\t" ++ Op1 ++ ", " ++ Op2 ++ "\t", !IO)
              Result2 = no,
@@ -751,7 +770,7 @@
      put(Stream, "\tpopfq\t", !IO).
  output_x86_64_inst(Stream, push(Operand), !IO) :-
      put(Stream, "\tpush\t", !IO),
-    operand_type(Operand, OperandType),
+    operand_to_string(Operand, OperandType),
      put(Stream, OperandType ++ "\t", !IO).
  output_x86_64_inst(Stream, pushfq, !IO) :-
      put(Stream, "\tpushfq\t", !IO).
@@ -762,8 +781,8 @@
          check_operand_not_immediate(Dest, Result2),
              Result2 = yes,
-            operand_type(Amnt, Op1),
-            operand_type(Dest, Op2),
+            operand_to_string(Amnt, Op1),
+            operand_to_string(Dest, Op2),
              put(Stream, "\trc\t" ++ Cond, !IO),
              put(Stream, Op1 ++ ", " ++ Op2 ++ "\t", !IO)
@@ -807,8 +826,8 @@
          check_operand_not_immediate(Dest, Result2),
              Result2 = yes,
-            operand_type(Amnt, Op1),
-            operand_type(Dest, Op2),
+            operand_to_string(Amnt, Op1),
+            operand_to_string(Dest, Op2),
              put(Stream, "\tro" ++ Dir ++ "\t", !IO),
              put(Stream, Op1 ++ ", " ++ Op2 ++ "\t\t", !IO)
@@ -828,8 +847,8 @@
          check_operand_not_immediate(Dest, Result2),
              Result2 = yes,
-            operand_type(Amnt, Op1),
-            operand_type(Dest, Op2),
+            operand_to_string(Amnt, Op1),
+            operand_to_string(Dest, Op2),
              put(Stream, "\tsal\t" ++ Op1 ++ ", " ++ Op2 ++ "\t", !IO)
              Result2 = no,
@@ -848,8 +867,8 @@
          check_operand_not_immediate(Dest, Result2),
              Result2 = yes,
-            operand_type(Amnt, Op1),
-            operand_type(Dest, Op2),
+            operand_to_string(Amnt, Op1),
+            operand_to_string(Dest, Op2),
              put(Stream, "\tshl\t" ++ Op1 ++ ", " ++ Op2 ++ "\t", !IO)
              Result2 = no,
@@ -868,8 +887,8 @@
          check_operand_not_immediate(Dest, Result2),
              Result2 = yes,
-            operand_type(Amnt, Op1),
-            operand_type(Dest, Op2),
+            operand_to_string(Amnt, Op1),
+            operand_to_string(Dest, Op2),
              put(Stream, "\tsar\t" ++ Op1 ++ ", " ++ Op2 ++ "\t", !IO)
              Result2 = no,
@@ -903,9 +922,9 @@
              check_operand_register(Reg, Result3),
                  Result3 = yes,
-                operand_type(Amnt, Op1),
-                operand_type(Amnt, Op2),
-                operand_type(Amnt, Op3),
+                operand_to_string(Amnt, Op1),
+                operand_to_string(Amnt, Op2),
+                operand_to_string(Amnt, Op3),
                  put(Stream, "\tshld\t" ++ Op1 ++ ", ", !IO),
                  put(Stream, Op2 ++ ", " ++ Op3 ++ "\t", !IO)
@@ -930,8 +949,8 @@
          check_operand_not_immediate(Dest, Result2),
              Result2 = yes,
-            operand_type(Amnt, Op1),
-            operand_type(Dest, Op2),
+            operand_to_string(Amnt, Op1),
+            operand_to_string(Dest, Op2),
              put(Stream, "\tshr\t" ++ Op1 ++ ", " ++ Op2 ++ "\t", !IO)
              Result2 = no,
@@ -953,9 +972,9 @@
              check_operand_register(Reg, Result3),
                  Result3 = yes,
-                operand_type(Amnt, Op1),
-                operand_type(Amnt, Op2),
-                operand_type(Amnt, Op3),
+                operand_to_string(Amnt, Op1),
+                operand_to_string(Amnt, Op2),
+                operand_to_string(Amnt, Op3),
                  put(Stream, "\tshrd\t" ++ Op1 ++ ", ", !IO),
                  put(Stream, Op2 ++ ", " ++ Op3 ++ "\t", !IO)
@@ -986,8 +1005,8 @@
          check_operand_not_immediate(Src2, Result2),
              Result2 = yes,
-            operand_type(Src1, Op1),
-            operand_type(Src2, Op2),
+            operand_to_string(Src1, Op1),
+            operand_to_string(Src2, Op2),
              put(Stream, "\ttest\t" ++ Op1 ++ ", " ++ Op2 ++ "\t", !IO)
              Result2 = no,
@@ -1006,8 +1025,8 @@
          check_operand_not_immediate(Dest, Result2),
              Result2 = yes,
-            operand_type(Src, Op1),
-            operand_type(Dest, Op2),
+            operand_to_string(Src, Op1),
+            operand_to_string(Dest, Op2),
              put(Stream, "\txadd\t" ++ Op1 ++ ", " ++ Op2 ++ "\t", !IO)
              Result2 = no,
@@ -1026,8 +1045,8 @@
          check_operand_reg_or_mem(Src2, Result2),
              Result2 = yes,
-            operand_type(Src1, Op1),
-            operand_type(Src2, Op2),
+            operand_to_string(Src1, Op1),
+            operand_to_string(Src2, Op2),
              put(Stream, "\txchg\t" ++ Op1 ++ ", " ++ Op2 ++ "\t", !IO)
              Result2 = no,
@@ -1062,26 +1081,46 @@

      % Output a string representation of an immediate value.
-:- pred imm_op_type(imm_operand::in, string::out) is det. 
+:- pred imm_op_to_string(imm_operand::in, string::out) is det.

-imm_op_type(imm8(int8(Val)), ImmVal) :-
+imm_op_to_string(imm8(int8(Val)), ImmVal) :-
      ImmVal = "$" ++ string.int_to_string(Val).
-imm_op_type(imm16(int16(Val)), ImmVal) :-
+imm_op_to_string(imm16(int16(Val)), ImmVal) :-
      ImmVal = "$" ++ string.int_to_string(Val).
-imm_op_type(imm32(int32(Val)), ImmVal) :-
+imm_op_to_string(imm32(int32(Val)), ImmVal) :-
      ImmVal = "$" ++ string.int_to_string(Val).

-:- func reg_type(gp_reg) = string. 
+:- pred reg_to_string(x86_64_reg::in, string::out) is det.

-reg_type(gp_reg(RegNum)) = "%r" ++ string.int_to_string(RegNum).
+reg_to_string(rax, "%rax").
+reg_to_string(rbx, "%rbx").
+reg_to_string(rcx, "%rcx").
+reg_to_string(rdx, "%rdx").
+reg_to_string(rbp, "%rbp").
+reg_to_string(rsi, "%rsi").
+reg_to_string(rdi, "%rdi").
+reg_to_string(rsp, "%rsp").
+reg_to_string(r8, "%r8").
+reg_to_string(r9, "%r9").
+reg_to_string(r10, "%r10").
+reg_to_string(r11, "%11").
+reg_to_string(r12(Offset), RegStr) :- 
+    ( Offset > 0 ->
+        RegStr = string.int_to_string(Offset) ++ "(%r12)"
+    ;
+        RegStr = "%r12"
+    ).
+reg_to_string(r13, "%r13").
+reg_to_string(r14, "%r14").
+reg_to_string(r15, "%r15").

      % Output a string representation of a memory reference.
-:- pred mem_ref_type(x86_64_mem_ref::in, string::out) is det. 
+:- pred mem_ref_to_string(x86_64_mem_ref::in, string::out) is det.

-mem_ref_type(mem_abs(DirectMemRef), MemRefVal) :-
+mem_ref_to_string(mem_abs(DirectMemRef), MemRefVal) :-
      base_address_type(DirectMemRef, MemRefVal).
-mem_ref_type(mem_rip(InstrPtr), MemRefVal) :-
+mem_ref_to_string(mem_rip(InstrPtr), MemRefVal) :-
      instr_ptr_type(InstrPtr, MemRefVal).

      % Output a string representation of a base address in a memory reference. 
@@ -1089,11 +1128,12 @@
  :- pred base_address_type(base_address::in, string::out) is det.

  base_address_type(base_reg(Offset, Reg), BaseAddress) :-
+    reg_to_string(Reg, RegStr),
      ( Offset = 0 ->
-        BaseAddress = "(" ++ reg_type(Reg) ++ ")"
+        BaseAddress = "(" ++ RegStr ++ ")"
          BaseAddress = string.int_to_string(Offset) ++
-            "(" ++ reg_type(Reg) ++ ")"
+            "(" ++ RegStr ++ ")"
  base_address_type(base_expr(Expr), DispType) :-
      DispType = "$" ++ Expr.
@@ -1117,9 +1157,9 @@

      % Output a string representation of a relative offset.
-:- pred rel_offset_type(rel_offset::in, string::out) is det. 
+:- pred rel_offset_to_string(rel_offset::in, string::out) is det.

-rel_offset_type(ro8(int8(Val)), RelOffsetVal) :-
+rel_offset_to_string(ro8(int8(Val)), RelOffsetVal) :-
      check_signed_int_size(8, Val, Result),
          Result = yes,
@@ -1130,10 +1170,10 @@
          Result = no,
-        unexpected(this_file, "rel_offset_type: ro8(int8): unexpected:"
+        unexpected(this_file, "rel_offset_to_string: ro8(int8): unexpected:"
              ++ " check_signed_int_size failed")
-rel_offset_type(ro16(int16(Val)), RelOffsetVal) :-
+rel_offset_to_string(ro16(int16(Val)), RelOffsetVal) :-
      check_signed_int_size(16, Val, Result),
          Result = yes,
@@ -1144,10 +1184,10 @@
          Result = no,
-        unexpected(this_file, "rel_offset_type: ro16(int16): unexpected"
+        unexpected(this_file, "rel_offset_to_string: ro16(int16): unexpected"
              ++ " check_signed_int_size failed")
-rel_offset_type(ro32(int32(Val)), RelOffsetVal) :-
+rel_offset_to_string(ro32(int32(Val)), RelOffsetVal) :-
      check_signed_int_size(32, Val, Result),
          Result = yes,
@@ -1158,20 +1198,20 @@
          Result = no,
-        unexpected(this_file, "rel_offset_type: ro32(int32): unexpected"
+        unexpected(this_file, "rel_offset_to_string: ro32(int32): unexpected"
              ++ " check_signed_int_size failed")

-operand_type(operand_reg(Reg), RegType) :-
-    RegType = reg_type(Reg).
-operand_type(operand_imm(Imm), ImmVal) :-
-    imm_op_type(Imm, ImmVal).
-operand_type(operand_mem_ref(MemRef), MemRefVal) :-
-    mem_ref_type(MemRef, MemRefVal).
-operand_type(operand_rel_offset(RelOffset), RelOffsetType) :-
-    rel_offset_type(RelOffset, RelOffsetType).
-operand_type(operand_label(Label), (Label)).
+operand_to_string(operand_reg(Reg), RegType) :-
+    reg_to_string(Reg, RegType).
+operand_to_string(operand_imm(Imm), ImmVal) :-
+    imm_op_to_string(Imm, ImmVal).
+operand_to_string(operand_mem_ref(MemRef), MemRefVal) :-
+    mem_ref_to_string(MemRef, MemRefVal).
+operand_to_string(operand_rel_offset(RelOffset), RelOffsetType) :-
+    rel_offset_to_string(RelOffset, RelOffsetType).
+operand_to_string(operand_label(Label), (Label)).

@@ -1186,13 +1226,13 @@
      is det <= stream.writer(Stream, string, io).

  output_instr_not_imm_dest(Stream, Instr, Op1, Op2, !IO) :-
-    operand_type(Op1, Op1Type),
+    operand_to_string(Op1, Op1Type),
          Op2 = yes(Op2Result),
          check_not_both_memory_ops(Op1, Op2Result, Result1),
              Result1 = yes,
-            operand_type(Op2Result, Op2Type),
+            operand_to_string(Op2Result, Op2Type),
              check_operand_not_immediate(Op2Result, Result2),
                  Result2 = yes,
@@ -1225,7 +1265,7 @@
     check_operand_rel_offset(RelOffset, Result1),
          Result1 = yes,
-        operand_type(RelOffset, RelOffsetType),
+        operand_to_string(RelOffset, RelOffsetType),
          ( string.to_int(RelOffsetType, Val) ->
              check_signed_int_size(8, Val, Result2),
@@ -1255,11 +1295,11 @@
      check_operand_not_immediate(Src, Result1),
          Result1 = yes,
-        operand_type(Src, Op1),
+        operand_to_string(Src, Op1),
          check_operand_not_mem_ref(Idx, Result2),
              Result2 = yes,
-            operand_type(Idx, Op2),
+            operand_to_string(Idx, Op2),
              ( string.to_int(Op2, IdxInt) ->
                  check_signed_int_size(8, IdxInt, Result3),
@@ -1297,14 +1337,14 @@
          instr_condition(Cond, CondRes),
          put(Stream, "\t" ++ Instr, !IO),
          put(Stream, CondRes ++ "\t", !IO),
-        operand_type(Op1, Op1Type),
+        operand_to_string(Op1, Op1Type),
          put(Stream, Op1Type, !IO),
              Op2 = yes(Op2Res),
              check_operand_register(Op2Res, Result3),
                  Result3 = yes,
-                operand_type(Op2Res, Op2Type),
+                operand_to_string(Op2Res, Op2Type),
                  put(Stream, ", " ++ Op2Type, !IO)
                  Result3 = no,
@@ -1327,7 +1367,7 @@

  check_rc_first_operand(Op, Result) :-
      ( Op = operand_imm(_) ->
-        operand_type(Op, OpType),
+        operand_to_string(Op, OpType),
          ( string.to_int(OpType, OpInt) ->
              check_unsigned_int_size(8, OpInt, Result1),
@@ -1393,7 +1433,7 @@

  check_operand_unsigned_imm_or_reg(Operand, Result) :-
      ( Operand = operand_imm(Imm) ->
-        imm_op_type(Imm, ImmType), 
+        imm_op_to_string(Imm, ImmType),
          ( string.to_int(ImmType, ImmInt) ->
                  check_unsigned_int_size(32, ImmInt, Result1),
Index: compiler/x86_64_regs.m
RCS file: compiler/x86_64_regs.m
diff -N compiler/x86_64_regs.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ compiler/x86_64_regs.m	19 Feb 2007 06:05:32 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
+% Copyright (C) 2007 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: x86_64_regs.m.
+% Main author: fhandoko.
+% llds.lval ===> reg_locn
+% NOTE:
+%   The first field of reg_map type is a list of available scratch registers. 
+%   Although the reg_map is updated everytime a scratch register is used in an 
+%   instruction (updated here means that the new reg_map is equivalent to the 
+%   old reg_map with the first element (the used scratch register) being 
+%   removed), it does not seem to work well. It seems to always get the first
+%   scratch register. So, there are instructions in which the next instruction
+%   overrides the value in a scratch register being used by a previous 
+%   instruction. 
+:- module ll_backend.x86_64_regs.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module ll_backend.llds.
+:- import_module ll_backend.x86_64_instrs.
+:- import_module assoc_list.
+    % This type stores information about the mapping from MVM registers
+    % to x86_64 registers.  MVM registers will correspond to either
+    % (1) a physical x86_64 register
+    % or (2) a slot in the fake_reg array (see runtime/mercury_engine.h).
+    % 
+:- type reg_map.
+    % This type represents the location of an MVM register on x86_64
+    % hardware.  `actual/1' is a phyical x86_64 register.  `virtual/1'
+    % is the slot in the fake reg array given by the argument.
+    %
+:- type reg_locn
+	--->	actual(x86_64_reg)
+	;		virtual(int).		% Index into fake reg array.
+    % Create an association list of lvals and reg_lcons. 
+    %
+:- pred llds_reg_locn(assoc_list(llds.lval, reg_locn)::out) is det. 
+    % Create a reg_map given an association list of lvals and reg_locns.
+    % Throws an exception if an l-value in the association list does not
+    % correspond to a MVM register.
+    %
+:- func reg_map_init(assoc_list(llds.lval, reg_locn)) = reg_map.
+    % Given an LLDS lval that corresponds to a virtual machine register
+    % look up it's actual location according to the current register mapping.
+    % Throws an exception for l-values that do not correspond to virtual
+    % machine registers.
+    % 
+:- func reg_map_lookup_reg_locn(reg_map, llds.lval) = reg_locn.
+    % Reset the contents of scratch registers. As a result, all scratch 
+    % registers will be available. 
+    %
+:- pred reg_map_reset_scratch_reg_info(reg_map::in, reg_map::out) is det.
+    % Given a reg_map, get the first available scratch register.
+    %
+:- func reg_map_get_scratch_reg(reg_map) = x86_64_reg.
+    % Get an x86_64_register. 
+    %
+:- func get_scratch_reg = x86_64_reg.
+    % Remove the first index of scratch register list (which is the first
+    % field of reg_map).
+    %
+:- pred reg_map_remove_scratch_reg(reg_map::in, reg_map::out) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module libs.compiler_util.
+:- import_module bool.
+:- import_module list. 
+:- import_module map.
+:- import_module pair. 
+:- import_module string. 
+:- import_module io.
+% LLDS -> x86_64 register mapping. 
+:- type reg_map
+	--->	reg_map(
+				scratch_reg_info        :: list(x86_64_reg), 
+                % A list of available scratch registers.
+				map(llds.lval, reg_locn)
+			    % Mapping lval to an actual or virtual register. 
+            ).
+        sp              - actual(r12(0)),       % The top of non-det stack frame. 
+        succip          - actual(r13),
+        reg(reg_r, 1)   - actual(r14),
+        reg(reg_r, 2)   - actual(r15),
+        reg(reg_r, 3)   - virtual(4), 
+        hp              - virtual(5),
+        reg(reg_r, 4)   - virtual(6),
+        reg(reg_r, 5)   - virtual(7),
+        curfr           - virtual(8),
+        maxfr           - virtual(9),
+        reg(reg_r, 6)   - virtual(10),
+        reg(reg_r, 7)   - virtual(11),
+        reg(reg_r, 8)   - virtual(12),
+        reg(reg_r, 9)   - virtual(13),
+        reg(reg_r, 10)  - virtual(14),
+        reg(reg_r, 11)  - virtual(15),
+        reg(reg_r, 12)  - virtual(16),
+        reg(reg_r, 13)  - virtual(17),
+        reg(reg_r, 14)  - virtual(18),
+        reg(reg_r, 15)  - virtual(19),
+        reg(reg_r, 16)  - virtual(20),
+        reg(reg_r, 17)  - virtual(21),
+        reg(reg_r, 18)  - virtual(22),
+        reg(reg_r, 19)  - virtual(23),
+        reg(reg_r, 20)  - virtual(24),
+        reg(reg_r, 21)  - virtual(25),
+        reg(reg_r, 22)  - virtual(26),
+        reg(reg_r, 23)  - virtual(27),
+        reg(reg_r, 24)  - virtual(28),
+        reg(reg_r, 25)  - virtual(29),
+        reg(reg_r, 26)  - virtual(30),
+        reg(reg_r, 27)  - virtual(31),
+        reg(reg_r, 28)  - virtual(32),
+        reg(reg_r, 29)  - virtual(33),
+        reg(reg_r, 30)  - virtual(34),
+        reg(reg_r, 31)  - virtual(35),
+        reg(reg_r, 32)  - virtual(36)
+    ]).
+reg_map_init(AssocRegMap) = RegMap :-
+    map.init(Map0),
+    assoc_list.keys(AssocRegMap, ListOfKeys),
+    check_if_all_mvm_registers(ListOfKeys, Result),
+    (
+        Result = yes,
+        map.det_insert_from_assoc_list(Map0, AssocRegMap, Map1),
+        RegMap = reg_map(init_scratch_regs, Map1)
+    ;
+        Result = no,
+        unexpected(this_file, "reg_map_init: unexpected: non-MVM register"
+            ++ " found in the association list")
+    ).
+reg_map_lookup_reg_locn(Map, Lval) = RegLocn :-
+    Map = reg_map(_, RegMap),
+    (
+        ( Lval = parent_stackvar(_)
+        ; Lval = succip_slot(_)
+        ; Lval = redoip_slot(_)
+        ; Lval = redofr_slot(_)
+        ; Lval = succfr_slot(_)
+        ; Lval = prevfr_slot(_)
+        ; Lval = mem_ref(_)
+        ; Lval = global_var_ref(_)
+        )
+    ->
+        unexpected(this_file, "reg_map_lookup_reg_locn: unexpected: " 
+            ++ "lval is not a virtual machine register")
+    ;
+        Lval = lvar(_)
+    ->
+        unexpected(this_file, "reg_map_lookup_reg_locn: unexpected: "
+            ++ "lvar/1 during x86_64 code generation")
+    ;
+        map.lookup(RegMap, Lval, RegLocn)
+    ).
+reg_map_reset_scratch_reg_info(RegMap0, RegMap) :-
+    ScratchRegs = init_scratch_regs,
+    RegMap = RegMap0 ^ scratch_reg_info := ScratchRegs.
+reg_map_get_scratch_reg(RegMap) = ScratchReg :-
+    ScratchRegs = RegMap ^ scratch_reg_info,
+    ( list.index0(ScratchRegs, first_list_idx, ScratchReg0) ->
+        ScratchReg = ScratchReg0
+    ;
+        unexpected(this_file, "reg_map_get_scratch_reg: unexpected:" 
+           ++ " scratch registers exhausted")
+    ).
+reg_map_remove_scratch_reg(RegMap0, RegMap) :-
+    ScratchRegs0 = RegMap0 ^ scratch_reg_info,
+    ( list.drop(first_list_idx, ScratchRegs0, ScratchRegs1) ->
+        RegMap = RegMap0 ^ scratch_reg_info := ScratchRegs1
+    ;
+        unexpected(this_file, "reg_map_remove_scratch_reg: unexpected:" 
+           ++ " scratch registers exhausted")
+    ).
+    % Check if all l-values in the association list correspond to MVM 
+    % registers.
+    %
+:- pred check_if_all_mvm_registers(list(llds.lval)::in, bool::out) is det. 
+check_if_all_mvm_registers([], yes).
+check_if_all_mvm_registers([Lval | Lvals], Result) :-
+    ( 
+        ( Lval = reg(reg_r, _)
+        ; Lval = succip
+        ; Lval = maxfr
+        ; Lval = curfr
+        ; Lval = hp
+        ; Lval = sp
+        )
+    ->
+        check_if_all_mvm_registers(Lvals, Result)
+    ;
+        Result = no
+    ).
+    % Initialize scratch registers to be used in an instruction. 
+    %
+:- func init_scratch_regs = list(x86_64_reg).
+init_scratch_regs = [r9, r10, r11].
+get_scratch_reg = r9.
+    % Returns the index of the first element in the list. 
+    %
+:- func first_list_idx = int.
+first_list_idx = 0.
+:- func this_file = string.
+this_file = "x86_64_regs.m".
+:- end_module ll_backend.x86_64_regs.
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