[m-rev.] for review: deconstruct by functor number

Simon Taylor staylr at gmail.com
Fri Dec 29 16:07:32 AEDT 2006

Estimated hours taken: 20
Branches: main

Add support for deconstructing by functor number rather than name,
for use by write_binary.

	Add predicates deconstruct.functor_number and
	deconstruct.deconstruct.du, which returns a functor number
	suitable for use by construct.construct rather than a functor

	Add a function get_functor_lex, which returns the lexicographic
	functor number given an ordinal functor number.

	Add equivalence types to make it clearer which ordering is
	being used by which functor numbers.

	Remove a C-ism: num_functors now fails rather than returning -1
	for types without functors.

	Document the new predicates and functions.

	Add a field to MR_TypeCtorInfo which contains a mapping from
	an ordinal functor number to a lexicographic functor number
	which can be passed to construct.construct.


	Test cases.

Index: NEWS
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/NEWS,v
retrieving revision 1.433
diff -u -u -r1.433 NEWS
--- NEWS	21 Dec 2006 03:00:48 -0000	1.433
+++ NEWS	28 Dec 2006 12:45:54 -0000
@@ -40,6 +40,16 @@
 * The type software_error/0 has been moved from the require module into
   the exception module.
+* construct.num_functors now fails rather than returning -1 for types
+  with no functors.
+* We have added predicates deconstruct.functor_number/3 and
+  deconstruct.deconstruct_du/4 which return functor numbers suitable
+  for use by construct.construct, rather than functor strings.
+* We have added a function construct.get_functor_lex/2 which converts
+  an ordinal functor number into a lexicographic functor number.
 Changes to the Mercury compiler:
 * The compiler now issues a warning when an inst declaration is not
Index: browser/term_rep.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/browser/term_rep.m,v
retrieving revision 1.11
diff -u -u -r1.11 term_rep.m
--- browser/term_rep.m	1 Dec 2006 15:03:44 -0000	1.11
+++ browser/term_rep.m	26 Dec 2006 03:14:50 -0000
@@ -139,8 +139,12 @@
         Value = univ_value(Univ),
         deconstruct(Value, include_details_cc, Functor, Arity, _Args),
         Type = type_of(Value),
-        find_functor(1, num_functors(Type), Type, Functor, Arity,
-            MaybeFunctorNum),
+        ( NumFunctors = num_functors(Type) ->
+            find_functor(1, NumFunctors, Type, Functor, Arity,
+                MaybeFunctorNum)
+        ;
+            MaybeFunctorNum = no
+        ),
             MaybeFunctorNum = yes(FunctorNum),

Index: compiler/mlds_to_gcc.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_gcc.m,v
retrieving revision 1.126
diff -u -u -r1.126 mlds_to_gcc.m
--- compiler/mlds_to_gcc.m	23 Dec 2006 12:49:24 -0000	1.126
+++ compiler/mlds_to_gcc.m	26 Dec 2006 02:08:03 -0000
@@ -2157,6 +2157,8 @@
 		[gcc__ptr_type_node	- "MR_layout_init"],
 		GCC_Type, !IO).
+build_rtti_type_name(type_ctor_functor_number_map, gcc__ptr_type_node,
+		!IO).
 build_rtti_type_name(type_ctor_type_ctor_info, GCC_Type, !IO) :-
 	% MR_Integer          MR_type_ctor_arity;
 	% MR_int_least8_t     MR_type_ctor_version;
@@ -2170,6 +2172,7 @@
 	% MR_TypeLayout       MR_type_ctor_layout;
 	% MR_int_least32_t    MR_type_ctor_num_functors;
 	% MR_int_least16_t    MR_type_ctor_flags;
+	% MR_Integer *        MR_type_ctor_functor_number_map;
 	build_rtti_type_name(type_ctor_type_functors, MR_TypeFunctors, !IO),
 	build_rtti_type_name(type_ctor_type_layout, MR_TypeLayout, !IO),
@@ -2185,7 +2188,8 @@
 		 MR_TypeFunctors	- "MR_type_ctor_functors",
 		 MR_TypeLayout		- "MR_type_ctor_layout",
 		 'MR_int_least32_t'	- "MR_type_ctor_num_functors",
-		 'MR_int_least16_t'	- "MR_type_ctor_flags"],
+		 'MR_int_least16_t'	- "MR_type_ctor_flags",
+		 gcc__ptr_type_node	- "MR_type_ctor_functor_number_map"],
 		GCC_Type, !IO).
 build_rtti_type_name(type_ctor_type_info(TypeInfo), GCC_Type, !IO) :-
 	build_type_info_type(TypeInfo, GCC_Type, !IO).
Index: compiler/opt_debug.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/opt_debug.m,v
retrieving revision 1.186
diff -u -u -r1.186 opt_debug.m
--- compiler/opt_debug.m	22 Dec 2006 05:37:50 -0000	1.186
+++ compiler/opt_debug.m	26 Dec 2006 02:08:03 -0000
@@ -388,6 +388,7 @@
 dump_rtti_name(type_ctor_type_layout) = "type_layout".
 dump_rtti_name(type_ctor_type_functors) = "type_functors".
+dump_rtti_name(type_ctor_functor_number_map) = "functor_number_map".
 dump_rtti_name(type_ctor_type_ctor_info) = "type_ctor_info".
 dump_rtti_name(type_ctor_type_info(_TypeInfo)) = "type_info".
     % XXX Should give more info than this for _TypeInfo.
Index: compiler/rtti.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/rtti.m,v
retrieving revision 1.77
diff -u -u -r1.77 rtti.m
--- compiler/rtti.m	29 Nov 2006 05:18:10 -0000	1.77
+++ compiler/rtti.m	26 Dec 2006 06:10:07 -0000
@@ -178,13 +178,17 @@
                 enum_functors       :: list(enum_functor),
                 enum_value_table    :: map(int, enum_functor),
                 enum_name_table     :: map(string, enum_functor),
-                enum_is_dummy       :: bool
+                enum_is_dummy       :: bool,
+                enum_functor_number_mapping
+                                    :: list(int)
     ;       du(
                 du_axioms           :: equality_axioms,
                 du_functors         :: list(du_functor),
                 du_value_table      :: ptag_map,
-                du_name_table       :: map(string, map(int, du_functor))
+                du_name_table       :: map(string, map(int, du_functor)),
+                du_functor_number_mapping
+                                    :: list(int)
     ;       reserved(
                 res_axioms          :: equality_axioms,
@@ -192,7 +196,9 @@
                 res_value_table_res :: list(reserved_functor),
                 res_value_table_du  :: ptag_map,
                 res_name_table      :: map(string,
-                                            map(int, maybe_reserved_functor))
+                                            map(int, maybe_reserved_functor)),
+                res_functor_number_mapping
+                                    :: list(int)
     ;       notag(
                 notag_axioms        :: equality_axioms,
@@ -615,6 +621,7 @@
     ;       type_ctor_res_value_ordered_table
     ;       type_ctor_res_name_ordered_table
     ;       type_ctor_maybe_res_addr_functor_desc
+    ;       type_ctor_functor_number_map
     ;       type_ctor_type_functors
     ;       type_ctor_type_layout
     ;       type_ctor_type_ctor_info
@@ -1070,6 +1077,7 @@
 ctor_rtti_name_is_exported(type_ctor_res_value_ordered_table)     = no.
 ctor_rtti_name_is_exported(type_ctor_res_name_ordered_table)      = no.
 ctor_rtti_name_is_exported(type_ctor_maybe_res_addr_functor_desc) = no.
+ctor_rtti_name_is_exported(type_ctor_functor_number_map)          = no.
 ctor_rtti_name_is_exported(type_ctor_type_functors)               = no.
 ctor_rtti_name_is_exported(type_ctor_type_layout)                 = no.
 ctor_rtti_name_is_exported(type_ctor_type_ctor_info)              = yes.
@@ -1258,6 +1266,10 @@
         string.append_list([ModuleName, "__maybe_res_addr_functor_desc_",
             TypeName, "_", A_str], Str)
+        RttiName = type_ctor_functor_number_map,
+        string.append_list([ModuleName, "__functor_number_map_",
+            TypeName, "_", A_str], Str)
+    ;
         RttiName = type_ctor_type_functors,
         string.append_list([ModuleName, "__type_functors",
             TypeName, "_", A_str], Str)
@@ -1522,7 +1534,7 @@
 type_ctor_rep_to_string(TypeCtorData, RepStr) :-
     TypeCtorDetails = TypeCtorData ^ tcr_rep_details,
-        TypeCtorDetails = enum(TypeCtorUserEq, _, _, _, IsDummy),
+        TypeCtorDetails = enum(TypeCtorUserEq, _, _, _, IsDummy, _),
             IsDummy = yes,
             expect(unify(TypeCtorUserEq, standard), this_file,
@@ -1539,7 +1551,7 @@
-        TypeCtorDetails = du(TypeCtorUserEq, _, _, _),
+        TypeCtorDetails = du(TypeCtorUserEq, _, _, _, _),
             TypeCtorUserEq = standard,
             RepStr = "MR_TYPECTOR_REP_DU"
@@ -1548,7 +1560,7 @@
             RepStr = "MR_TYPECTOR_REP_DU_USEREQ"
-        TypeCtorDetails = reserved(TypeCtorUserEq, _, _, _, _),
+        TypeCtorDetails = reserved(TypeCtorUserEq, _, _, _, _, _),
             TypeCtorUserEq = standard,
@@ -1669,11 +1681,11 @@
 maybe_pseudo_type_info_or_self_to_rtti_data(self) =
-type_ctor_details_num_ptags(enum(_, _, _, _, _)) = -1.
-type_ctor_details_num_ptags(du(_, _, PtagMap, _)) = LastPtag + 1 :-
+type_ctor_details_num_ptags(enum(_, _, _, _, _, _)) = -1.
+type_ctor_details_num_ptags(du(_, _, PtagMap, _, _)) = LastPtag + 1 :-
     map.keys(PtagMap, Ptags),
     list.last_det(Ptags, LastPtag).
-type_ctor_details_num_ptags(reserved(_, _, _, PtagMap, _)) = NumPtags :-
+type_ctor_details_num_ptags(reserved(_, _, _, PtagMap, _, _)) = NumPtags :-
     map.keys(PtagMap, Ptags),
         Ptags = [],
@@ -1689,11 +1701,11 @@
 type_ctor_details_num_ptags(impl_artifact(_)) = -1.
 type_ctor_details_num_ptags(foreign(_)) = -1.
-type_ctor_details_num_functors(enum(_, Functors, _, _, _)) =
+type_ctor_details_num_functors(enum(_, Functors, _, _, _, _)) =
-type_ctor_details_num_functors(du(_, Functors, _, _)) =
+type_ctor_details_num_functors(du(_, Functors, _, _, _)) =
-type_ctor_details_num_functors(reserved(_, Functors, _, _, _)) =
+type_ctor_details_num_functors(reserved(_, Functors, _, _, _, _)) =
 type_ctor_details_num_functors(notag(_, _)) = 1.
 type_ctor_details_num_functors(eqv(_)) = -1.
@@ -1763,6 +1775,7 @@
 ctor_rtti_name_code_addr(type_ctor_res_value_ordered_table) =       no.
 ctor_rtti_name_code_addr(type_ctor_res_name_ordered_table) =        no.
 ctor_rtti_name_code_addr(type_ctor_maybe_res_addr_functor_desc) =   no.
+ctor_rtti_name_code_addr(type_ctor_functor_number_map) =            no.
 ctor_rtti_name_code_addr(type_ctor_type_hashcons_pointer) =         no.
 ctor_rtti_name_code_addr(type_ctor_type_functors) =                 no.
 ctor_rtti_name_code_addr(type_ctor_type_layout) =                   no.
@@ -1958,6 +1971,8 @@
         "MaybeResAddrFunctorDesc", yes).
         "MaybeResAddrFunctorDesc", no).
+        "Integer", yes).
         "TypeFunctors", no).
Index: compiler/rtti_out.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/rtti_out.m,v
retrieving revision 1.71
diff -u -u -r1.71 rtti_out.m
--- compiler/rtti_out.m	1 Dec 2006 15:04:19 -0000	1.71
+++ compiler/rtti_out.m	28 Dec 2006 13:46:02 -0000
@@ -565,7 +565,8 @@
     TypeCtorData = type_ctor_data(Version, Module, TypeName, TypeArity,
         UnifyUniv, CompareUniv, Flags, TypeCtorDetails),
     output_type_ctor_details_defn(RttiTypeCtor, TypeCtorDetails,
-        MaybeFunctorsName, MaybeLayoutName, !DeclSet, !IO),
+        MaybeFunctorsName, MaybeLayoutName, HaveFunctorNumberMap,
+        !DeclSet, !IO),
     det_univ_to_type(UnifyUniv, UnifyProcLabel),
     UnifyCodeAddr   = make_code_addr(UnifyProcLabel),
     det_univ_to_type(CompareUniv, CompareProcLabel),
@@ -617,6 +618,16 @@
     io.write_int(type_ctor_details_num_functors(TypeCtorDetails), !IO),
     io.write_string(",\n\t", !IO),
     io.write_int(encode_type_ctor_flags(Flags), !IO),
+    io.write_string(",\n\t", !IO),
+    (
+        HaveFunctorNumberMap = yes,
+        FunctorNumberMapRttiId =
+            ctor_rtti_id(RttiTypeCtor, type_ctor_functor_number_map),
+        output_rtti_id(FunctorNumberMapRttiId, !IO)
+    ;
+        HaveFunctorNumberMap = no,
+        io.write_string("NULL", !IO)
+    ),
 % This code is commented out while the corresponding fields of the
 % MR_TypeCtorInfo_Struct type are commented out.
@@ -635,47 +646,60 @@
 :- pred output_type_ctor_details_defn(rtti_type_ctor::in,
-    maybe(ctor_rtti_name)::out, maybe(ctor_rtti_name)::out,
+    maybe(ctor_rtti_name)::out, maybe(ctor_rtti_name)::out, bool::out,
     decl_set::in, decl_set::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
 output_type_ctor_details_defn(RttiTypeCtor, TypeCtorDetails,
-        MaybeFunctorsName, MaybeLayoutName, !DeclSet, !IO) :-
+        MaybeFunctorsName, MaybeLayoutName, HaveFunctorNumberMap,
+        !DeclSet, !IO) :-
         TypeCtorDetails = enum(_, EnumFunctors, EnumByRep, EnumByName,
-            _IsDummy),
+            _IsDummy, FunctorNumberMap),
         list.foldl2(output_enum_functor_defn(RttiTypeCtor), EnumFunctors,
             !DeclSet, !IO),
         output_enum_value_ordered_table(RttiTypeCtor, EnumByRep,
             !DeclSet, !IO),
         output_enum_name_ordered_table(RttiTypeCtor, EnumByName,
             !DeclSet, !IO),
+        output_functor_number_map(RttiTypeCtor, FunctorNumberMap,
+            !DeclSet, !IO),
         MaybeLayoutName = yes(type_ctor_enum_value_ordered_table),
-        MaybeFunctorsName = yes(type_ctor_enum_name_ordered_table)
+        MaybeFunctorsName = yes(type_ctor_enum_name_ordered_table),
+        HaveFunctorNumberMap = yes
-        TypeCtorDetails = du(_, DuFunctors, DuByRep, DuByName),
+        TypeCtorDetails = du(_, DuFunctors, DuByRep,
+            DuByName, FunctorNumberMap),
         list.foldl2(output_du_functor_defn(RttiTypeCtor), DuFunctors,
             !DeclSet, !IO),
         output_du_ptag_ordered_table(RttiTypeCtor, DuByRep, !DeclSet, !IO),
         output_du_name_ordered_table(RttiTypeCtor, DuByName, !DeclSet, !IO),
+        output_functor_number_map(RttiTypeCtor, FunctorNumberMap,
+            !DeclSet, !IO),
         MaybeLayoutName = yes(type_ctor_du_ptag_ordered_table),
-        MaybeFunctorsName = yes(type_ctor_du_name_ordered_table)
+        MaybeFunctorsName = yes(type_ctor_du_name_ordered_table),
+        HaveFunctorNumberMap = yes
         TypeCtorDetails = reserved(_, MaybeResFunctors, ResFunctors,
-            DuByRep, MaybeResByName),
+            DuByRep, MaybeResByName, FunctorNumberMap),
             MaybeResFunctors, !DeclSet, !IO),
         output_res_value_ordered_table(RttiTypeCtor, ResFunctors, DuByRep,
             !DeclSet, !IO),
         output_res_name_ordered_table(RttiTypeCtor, MaybeResByName,
             !DeclSet, !IO),
+        output_functor_number_map(RttiTypeCtor, FunctorNumberMap,
+            !DeclSet, !IO),
         MaybeLayoutName = yes(type_ctor_res_value_ordered_table),
-        MaybeFunctorsName = yes(type_ctor_res_name_ordered_table)
+        MaybeFunctorsName = yes(type_ctor_res_name_ordered_table),
+        HaveFunctorNumberMap = yes
         TypeCtorDetails = notag(_, NotagFunctor),
         output_notag_functor_defn(RttiTypeCtor, NotagFunctor,
             !DeclSet, !IO),
+        output_functor_number_map(RttiTypeCtor, [0], !DeclSet, !IO),
         MaybeLayoutName = yes(type_ctor_notag_functor_desc),
-        MaybeFunctorsName = yes(type_ctor_notag_functor_desc)
+        MaybeFunctorsName = yes(type_ctor_notag_functor_desc),
+        HaveFunctorNumberMap = yes
         TypeCtorDetails = eqv(EqvType),
         output_maybe_pseudo_type_info_defn(EqvType, !DeclSet, !IO),
@@ -689,19 +713,23 @@
             LayoutName = type_ctor_pseudo_type_info(PseudoTypeInfo)
         MaybeLayoutName = yes(LayoutName),
-        MaybeFunctorsName = no
+        MaybeFunctorsName = no,
+        HaveFunctorNumberMap = no
         TypeCtorDetails = builtin(_),
         MaybeLayoutName = no,
-        MaybeFunctorsName = no
+        MaybeFunctorsName = no,
+        HaveFunctorNumberMap = no
         TypeCtorDetails = impl_artifact(_),
         MaybeLayoutName = no,
-        MaybeFunctorsName = no
+        MaybeFunctorsName = no,
+        HaveFunctorNumberMap = no
         TypeCtorDetails = foreign(_),
         MaybeLayoutName = no,
-        MaybeFunctorsName = no
+        MaybeFunctorsName = no,
+        HaveFunctorNumberMap = no
@@ -1235,6 +1263,19 @@
+:- pred output_functor_number_map(rtti_type_ctor::in, list(int)::in,
+            decl_set::in, decl_set::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+output_functor_number_map(RttiTypeCtor, FunctorNumberMap, !DeclSet, !IO) :-
+   output_generic_rtti_data_defn_start(
+        ctor_rtti_id(RttiTypeCtor, type_ctor_functor_number_map),
+        !DeclSet, !IO),
+    io.write_string(" = {\n\t", !IO),
+    io.write_list(FunctorNumberMap, ",\n\t", io.write_int, !IO),
+    io.write_string(" };\n\t", !IO).
 :- type data_group
     --->    data_group(
                 data_c_type     :: string,
Index: compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m,v
retrieving revision 1.78
diff -u -u -r1.78 rtti_to_mlds.m
--- compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m	23 Dec 2006 12:49:25 -0000	1.78
+++ compiler/rtti_to_mlds.m	26 Dec 2006 11:58:38 -0000
@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
     some [!Defns] (
         gen_functors_layout_info(ModuleInfo, RttiTypeCtor,
-            TypeCtorDetails, FunctorsInfo, LayoutInfo, !:Defns),
+            TypeCtorDetails, FunctorsInfo, LayoutInfo, NumberMapInfo, !:Defns),
         % Note that gen_init_special_pred will by necessity add an extra level
         % of indirection to calling the special preds. However the backend
@@ -259,7 +259,9 @@
-        gen_init_int(encode_type_ctor_flags(Flags))
+        gen_init_int(encode_type_ctor_flags(Flags)),
+        NumberMapInfo
         % These two are commented out while the corresponding fields of the
         % MR_TypeCtorInfo_Struct type are commented out.
         % gen_init_maybe(gen_init_rtti_name(RttiTypeCtor), MaybeHashCons),
@@ -500,27 +502,31 @@
 :- pred gen_functors_layout_info(module_info::in, rtti_type_ctor::in,
     type_ctor_details::in, mlds_initializer::out, mlds_initializer::out,
-    list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
+    mlds_initializer::out, list(mlds_defn)::out) is det.
 gen_functors_layout_info(ModuleInfo, RttiTypeCtor, TypeCtorDetails,
-        FunctorInit, LayoutInit, Defns) :-
+        FunctorInit, LayoutInit, NumberMapInit, Defns) :-
     module_info_get_name(ModuleInfo, ModuleName),
         TypeCtorDetails = enum(_, EnumFunctors, EnumByValue, EnumByName,
-            _IsDummy),
+            _IsDummy, FunctorNumberMap),
         EnumFunctorDescs = list.map(
             gen_enum_functor_desc(ModuleInfo, RttiTypeCtor), EnumFunctors),
         ByValueDefn = gen_enum_value_ordered_table(ModuleInfo,
             RttiTypeCtor, EnumByValue),
         ByNameDefn = gen_enum_name_ordered_table(ModuleInfo,
             RttiTypeCtor, EnumByName),
+        NumberMapDefn = gen_functor_number_map(RttiTypeCtor, FunctorNumberMap),
         LayoutInit = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
         FunctorInit = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
-        Defns = EnumFunctorDescs ++ [ByValueDefn, ByNameDefn]
+        NumberMapInit = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
+            type_ctor_functor_number_map),
+        Defns = EnumFunctorDescs ++ [ByValueDefn, ByNameDefn, NumberMapDefn]
-        TypeCtorDetails = du(_, DuFunctors, DuByPtag, DuByName),
+        TypeCtorDetails = du(_, DuFunctors, DuByPtag,
+            DuByName, FunctorNumberMap),
         DuFunctorDefnLists = list.map(
             gen_du_functor_desc(ModuleInfo, RttiTypeCtor), DuFunctors),
         DuFunctorDefns = list.condense(DuFunctorDefnLists),
@@ -528,14 +534,17 @@
             RttiTypeCtor, DuByPtag),
         ByNameDefn = gen_du_name_ordered_table(ModuleInfo,
             RttiTypeCtor, DuByName),
+        NumberMapDefn = gen_functor_number_map(RttiTypeCtor, FunctorNumberMap),
         LayoutInit = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
         FunctorInit = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
-        Defns = DuFunctorDefns ++ [ByNameDefn | ByPtagDefns]
+        NumberMapInit = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
+            type_ctor_functor_number_map),
+        Defns = DuFunctorDefns ++ [ByNameDefn, NumberMapDefn | ByPtagDefns]
         TypeCtorDetails = reserved(_, MaybeResFunctors, ResFunctors,
-            DuByPtag, MaybeResByName),
+            DuByPtag, MaybeResByName, FunctorNumberMap),
         MaybeResFunctorDefnLists = list.map(
             gen_maybe_res_functor_desc(ModuleInfo, RttiTypeCtor),
@@ -544,39 +553,52 @@
             RttiTypeCtor, ResFunctors, DuByPtag),
         ByNameDefn = gen_maybe_res_name_ordered_table(ModuleInfo,
             RttiTypeCtor, MaybeResByName),
+        NumberMapDefn = gen_functor_number_map(RttiTypeCtor, FunctorNumberMap),
         LayoutInit = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
         FunctorInit = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
-        Defns = [ByNameDefn | ByValueDefns ++ MaybeResFunctorDefns]
+        NumberMapInit = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
+            type_ctor_functor_number_map),
+        Defns = [ByNameDefn, NumberMapDefn
+                    | ByValueDefns ++ MaybeResFunctorDefns]
         TypeCtorDetails = notag(_, NotagFunctor),
-        Defns = gen_notag_functor_desc(ModuleInfo, RttiTypeCtor, NotagFunctor),
+        NumberMapDefn = gen_functor_number_map(RttiTypeCtor, [0]),
         LayoutInit = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
         FunctorInit = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
-            type_ctor_notag_functor_desc)
+            type_ctor_notag_functor_desc),
+        NumberMapInit = gen_init_rtti_name(ModuleName, RttiTypeCtor,
+            type_ctor_functor_number_map),
+        Defns = [NumberMapDefn | gen_notag_functor_desc(ModuleInfo,
+                                    RttiTypeCtor, NotagFunctor)]
         TypeCtorDetails = eqv(EqvType),
         TypeRttiData = maybe_pseudo_type_info_to_rtti_data(EqvType),
         gen_pseudo_type_info(ModuleInfo, TypeRttiData, LayoutInit, Defns),
         % The type is a lie, but a safe one.
-        FunctorInit = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type)
+        FunctorInit = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type),
+        NumberMapInit = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type)
         TypeCtorDetails = builtin(_),
         Defns = [],
         LayoutInit = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type),
-        FunctorInit = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type)
+        FunctorInit = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type),
+        NumberMapInit = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type)
         TypeCtorDetails = impl_artifact(_),
         Defns = [],
         LayoutInit = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type),
-        FunctorInit = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type)
+        FunctorInit = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type),
+        NumberMapInit = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type)
         TypeCtorDetails = foreign(_),
         Defns = [],
         LayoutInit = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type),
-        FunctorInit = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type)
+        FunctorInit = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type),
+        NumberMapInit = gen_init_null_pointer(mlds_generic_type)
@@ -1070,6 +1092,14 @@
+:- func gen_functor_number_map(rtti_type_ctor, list(int)) = mlds_defn.
+gen_functor_number_map(RttiTypeCtor, FunctorNumberMap) =
+        MLDS_Defn :-
+    Init = gen_init_array(gen_init_int, FunctorNumberMap),
+    RttiName = type_ctor_functor_number_map,
+    rtti_name_and_init_to_defn(RttiTypeCtor, RttiName, Init, MLDS_Defn).
 :- func gen_init_rtti_names_array(module_name, rtti_type_ctor,
Index: compiler/type_ctor_info.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/type_ctor_info.m,v
retrieving revision 1.85
diff -u -u -r1.85 type_ctor_info.m
--- compiler/type_ctor_info.m	1 Nov 2006 06:33:22 -0000	1.85
+++ compiler/type_ctor_info.m	26 Dec 2006 02:08:03 -0000
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@
 :- func type_ctor_info_rtti_version = int.
-type_ctor_info_rtti_version = 9.
+type_ctor_info_rtti_version = 12.
     % Construct an rtti_data for a pseudo_type_info, and also construct
     % rtti_data definitions for all of the pseudo_type_infos that it references
@@ -585,7 +585,9 @@
         IsDummy = no
-    Details = enum(EqualityAxioms, EnumFunctors, ValueMap, NameMap, IsDummy).
+    FunctorNumberMap = make_functor_number_map(Ctors),
+    Details = enum(EqualityAxioms, EnumFunctors, ValueMap, NameMap, IsDummy,
+                    FunctorNumberMap).
     % Create an enum_functor structure for each functor in an enum type.
     % The functors are given to us in ordinal order (since that's how the HLDS
@@ -659,17 +661,19 @@
     ResFunctors = list.filter_map(is_reserved_functor, MaybeResFunctors),
     list.foldl(make_du_ptag_ordered_table, DuFunctors,
         map.init, DuPtagTable),
+    FunctorNumberMap = make_functor_number_map(Ctors),
         ResFunctors = [],
         list.foldl(make_du_name_ordered_table, DuFunctors,
             map.init, DuNameOrderedMap),
-        Details = du(EqualityAxioms, DuFunctors, DuPtagTable, DuNameOrderedMap)
+        Details = du(EqualityAxioms, DuFunctors, DuPtagTable, DuNameOrderedMap,
+                        FunctorNumberMap)
         ResFunctors = [_ | _],
         list.foldl(make_res_name_ordered_table, MaybeResFunctors,
             map.init, ResNameOrderedMap),
         Details = reserved(EqualityAxioms, MaybeResFunctors,
-            ResFunctors, DuPtagTable, ResNameOrderedMap)
+            ResFunctors, DuPtagTable, ResNameOrderedMap, FunctorNumberMap)
 :- type maybe_reserved_rep
@@ -945,6 +949,22 @@
+    % Construct the array mapping ordinal constructor numbers
+    % to lexicographic constructor numbers.
+:- func make_functor_number_map(list(constructor)) = list(int).
+make_functor_number_map(Ctors) = Map :-
+    CtorNames : assoc_list(sym_name, int) =
+            list.map(
+                (func(Ctor) = Ctor ^ cons_name - length(Ctor ^ cons_args)),
+                Ctors),
+    SortedNameArityMap =
+            map.from_corresponding_lists(list.sort(CtorNames),
+                0 `..` (length(Ctors) - 1)),
+    Map = map.apply_to_list(CtorNames, SortedNameArityMap).
 compute_contains_var_bit_vector(ArgTypes) = Vector :-
     compute_contains_var_bit_vector_2(ArgTypes, 0, 0, Vector).
Index: library/construct.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/construct.m,v
retrieving revision 1.32
diff -u -u -r1.32 construct.m
--- library/construct.m	23 Oct 2006 00:32:56 -0000	1.32
+++ library/construct.m	28 Dec 2006 04:26:41 -0000
@@ -23,19 +23,22 @@
-    % num_functors(TypeInfo).
-    %
-    % Returns the number of different functors for the top-level
-    % type constructor of the type specified by TypeInfo, or -1
-    % if the type is not a discriminated union type.
-    %
     % The functors of a discriminated union type are numbered from
     % zero to N-1, where N is the value returned by num_functors.
     % The functors are numbered in lexicographic order. If two
     % functors have the same name, the one with the lower arity
     % will have the lower number.
-:- func num_functors(type_desc) = int.
+:- type functor_number_ordinal == int.
+:- type functor_number_lex == int.
+    % num_functors(TypeInfo).
+    %
+    % Returns the number of different functors for the top-level
+    % type constructor of the type specified by TypeInfo, or -1
+    % if the type is not a discriminated union type.
+    %
+:- func num_functors(type_desc) = int is semidet.
     % get_functor(Type, FunctorNumber, FunctorName, Arity, ArgTypes).
@@ -45,8 +48,8 @@
     % Fails if the type is not a discriminated union type, or if
     % FunctorNumber is out of range.
-:- pred get_functor(type_desc::in, int::in, string::out, int::out,
-    list(pseudo_type_desc)::out) is semidet.
+:- pred get_functor(type_desc::in, functor_number_lex::in,
+    string::out, int::out, list(pseudo_type_desc)::out) is semidet.
     % get_functor_with_names(Type, FunctorNumber, FunctorName, Arity, ArgTypes,
     %   ArgNames).
@@ -57,17 +60,31 @@
     % field name of each functor argument, if any.  Fails if the type is
     % not a discriminated union type, or if FunctorNumber is out of range.
-:- pred get_functor_with_names(type_desc::in, int::in, string::out, int::out,
-    list(pseudo_type_desc)::out, list(maybe(string))::out) is semidet.
+:- pred get_functor_with_names(type_desc::in, functor_number_lex::in,
+    string::out, int::out, list(pseudo_type_desc)::out,
+    list(maybe(string))::out) is semidet.
-    % get_functor_ordinal(Type, I, Ordinal).
+    % get_functor_ordinal(Type, I) = Ordinal.
     % Returns Ordinal, where Ordinal is the position in declaration order
     % for the specified type of the function symbol that is in position I
     % in lexicographic order. Fails if the type is not a discriminated
     % union type, or if I is out of range.
-:- pred get_functor_ordinal(type_desc::in, int::in, int::out) is semidet.
+:- func get_functor_ordinal(type_desc, functor_number_lex) =
+    functor_number_ordinal is semidet.
+:- pred get_functor_ordinal(type_desc::in, functor_number_lex::in,
+    functor_number_ordinal::out) is semidet.
+    % get_functor_lex(Type, Ordinal) = I.
+    %
+    % Returns I, where I is the position in lexicographic order for the
+    % specified type of the function symbol that is in position Ordinal
+    % in declaration order. Fails if the type is not a discriminated
+    % union type, or if Ordinal is out of range.
+    %
+:- func get_functor_lex(type_desc, functor_number_ordinal) =
+    functor_number_lex is semidet.
     % construct(TypeInfo, I, Args) = Term.
@@ -79,8 +96,7 @@
     % functor, or if the types of the arguments do not match
     % the expected argument types of that functor.
-:- func construct(type_desc::in, int::in, list(univ)::in) = (univ::out)
-    is semidet.
+:- func construct(type_desc, functor_number_lex, list(univ)) = univ is semidet.
     % construct_tuple(Args) = Term.
@@ -111,6 +127,7 @@
     Functors = MR_get_num_functors((MR_TypeInfo) TypeInfo);
+    SUCCESS_INDICATOR = (Functors >= 0);
 num_functors(TypeDesc) = rtti_implementation.num_functors(TypeDesc).
@@ -305,6 +322,9 @@
     succeeded = (S == null);
+get_functor_ordinal(TypeDesc, FunctorNumber) = Ordinal :-
+    get_functor_ordinal(TypeDesc, FunctorNumber, Ordinal).
 :- pragma foreign_proc("C",
     get_functor_ordinal(TypeDesc::in, FunctorNumber::in, Ordinal::out),
     [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe, promise_pure],
@@ -390,6 +410,41 @@
     SUCCESS_INDICATOR = success;
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+    get_functor_lex(TypeDesc::in, Ordinal::in) = (FunctorNumber::out),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe, promise_pure],
+    MR_TypeInfo         type_info;
+    MR_TypeCtorInfo     type_ctor_info;
+    MR_Construct_Info   construct_info;
+    MR_bool             success;
+    int                 num_functors;
+    type_info = (MR_TypeInfo) TypeDesc;
+    /*
+    ** Get information for this functor number and store in construct_info.
+    ** If this is a discriminated union type and if the functor number is
+    ** in range, we succeed.
+    */
+    MR_save_transient_registers();
+    type_info = MR_collapse_equivalences(type_info);
+    num_functors = MR_get_num_functors(type_info);
+    MR_restore_transient_registers();
+    type_ctor_info = MR_TYPEINFO_GET_TYPE_CTOR_INFO(type_info);
+    if (Ordinal < 0 || Ordinal >= num_functors
+            || type_ctor_info->MR_type_ctor_version
+            || !type_ctor_info->MR_type_ctor_functor_number_map)
+    {
+    } else {
+        FunctorNumber =
+            type_ctor_info->MR_type_ctor_functor_number_map[Ordinal];
+    }
 :- pragma no_inline(construct/3).
 :- pragma foreign_proc("C",
     construct(TypeDesc::in, FunctorNumber::in, ArgList::in) = (Term::out),
Index: library/deconstruct.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/deconstruct.m,v
retrieving revision 1.41
diff -u -u -r1.41 deconstruct.m
--- library/deconstruct.m	27 Sep 2006 09:09:37 -0000	1.41
+++ library/deconstruct.m	29 Dec 2006 03:12:42 -0000
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
 :- module deconstruct.
 :- interface.
+:- import_module construct.
 :- import_module list.
 :- import_module maybe.
 :- import_module univ.
@@ -50,6 +51,9 @@
 :- inst canonicalize_or_do_not_allow
     --->    do_not_allow
     ;       canonicalize.
+:- inst do_not_allow_or_include_details_cc
+    --->    do_not_allow
+    ;       include_details_cc.
     % functor, argument and deconstruct and their variants take any type
     % (including univ), and return representation information for that type.
@@ -117,6 +121,25 @@
 :- mode functor(in, in(include_details_cc), out, out) is cc_multi.
 :- mode functor(in, in, out, out) is cc_multi.
+    % functor_number(Data, FunctorNumber, Arity)
+    %
+    % Given a data item, return the number of the functor,
+    % suitable for use by construct.construct, and the arity.
+    % Fail if the item does not have a discriminated union type.
+    % Abort if the type has user-defined equality.
+    %
+:- pred functor_number(T::in, functor_number_lex::out, int::out) is semidet.
+    % functor_number_cc(Data, FunctorNumber, Arity)
+    %
+    % Given a data item, return the number of the functor,
+    % suitable for use by construct.construct, and the arity.
+    % Fail if the item does not have a discriminated union type.
+    % Don't abort if the type has user-defined equality.
+    %
+:- pred functor_number_cc(T::in, functor_number_lex::out,
+    int::out) is cc_nondet. 
     % arg(Data, NonCanon, Index, Argument)
     % Given a data item (Data) and an argument index (Index), starting
@@ -203,6 +226,22 @@
 :- mode deconstruct(in, in(include_details_cc), out, out, out) is cc_multi.
 :- mode deconstruct(in, in, out, out, out) is cc_multi.
+    % deconstruct_du(Data, NonCanon, FunctorNumber, Arity, Arguments)
+    %
+    % Given a data item (Data) which has a discriminated union type, binds
+    % FunctorNumber to the number of the functor in lexicographic order,
+    % Arity to the arity of this data item, and Arguments to a list of
+    % arguments of the functor. The arguments in the list are each of type
+    % univ.
+    %
+    % Fails if Data does not have discriminated union type.
+    %
+:- pred deconstruct_du(T, noncanon_handling, functor_number_lex,
+    int, list(univ)).
+:- mode deconstruct_du(in, in(do_not_allow), out, out, out) is semidet.
+:- mode deconstruct_du(in, in(include_details_cc), out, out, out) is cc_nondet.
+:- mode deconstruct_du(in, in, out, out, out) is cc_nondet.
     % limited_deconstruct(Data, NonCanon, MaxArity,
     %   Functor, Arity, Arguments)
@@ -229,8 +268,10 @@
 :- implementation.
+:- import_module construct.
 :- import_module int.
 :- import_module require.
+:- import_module type_desc.
 % For use by the Java and IL backends.
@@ -251,6 +292,8 @@
 % will refer to an undefined variable.
 :- pragma no_inline(functor/4).
+:- pragma no_inline(functor_number/3).
+:- pragma no_inline(functor_number_cc/3).
 :- pragma no_inline(arg/4).
 :- pragma no_inline(named_arg/4).
 :- pragma no_inline(deconstruct/5).
@@ -372,13 +415,34 @@
 deconstruct(Term, NonCanon, Functor, Arity, Arguments) :-
         NonCanon = do_not_allow,
-        deconstruct_dna(Term, Functor, Arity, Arguments)
+        deconstruct_dna(Term, Functor, _, Arity, Arguments)
         NonCanon = canonicalize,
         deconstruct_can(Term, Functor, Arity, Arguments)
         NonCanon = include_details_cc,
-        deconstruct_idcc(Term, Functor, Arity, Arguments)
+        deconstruct_idcc(Term, Functor, _, Arity, Arguments)
+    ).
+deconstruct_du(Term, NonCanon, FunctorNumber, Arity, Arguments) :-
+    ( _ = construct.num_functors(type_of(Term)) ->
+        (
+            NonCanon = do_not_allow,
+            deconstruct_dna(Term, _, FunctorNumber, Arity, Arguments)
+        ;
+            NonCanon = canonicalize,
+            error("deconstruct_du: canonicalize not supported")
+        ;
+            NonCanon = include_details_cc,
+            deconstruct_idcc(Term, _, FunctorNumber, Arity, Arguments)
+        ),
+        ( FunctorNumber >= 0 ->
+            true
+        ;
+            error("deconstruct_du: internal error (recompile needed?)")
+        )
+    ;
+        fail
 limited_deconstruct(Term, NonCanon, MaxArity, Functor, Arity, Arguments) :-
@@ -470,6 +534,53 @@
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+    functor_number(Term::in, FunctorNumber::out, Arity::out),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe, promise_pure],
+#define TYPEINFO_ARG            TypeInfo_for_T
+#define TERM_ARG                Term
+#define FUNCTOR_NUMBER_ARG      FunctorNumber
+#undef  FUNCTOR_ARG
+#define ARITY_ARG               Arity
+#define NONCANON                MR_NONCANON_ABORT
+#include ""mercury_ml_functor_body.h""
+#undef  TERM_ARG
+#undef  ARITY_ARG
+#undef  NONCANON
+SUCCESS_INDICATOR = (FunctorNumber >= 0);
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+    functor_number_cc(Term::in, FunctorNumber::out, Arity::out),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe, promise_pure],
+#define TYPEINFO_ARG            TypeInfo_for_T
+#define TERM_ARG                Term
+#define FUNCTOR_NUMBER_ARG      FunctorNumber
+#undef  FUNCTOR_ARG
+#define ARITY_ARG               Arity
+#define NONCANON                MR_NONCANON_ALLOW
+#include ""mercury_ml_functor_body.h""
+#undef  TERM_ARG
+#undef  ARITY_ARG
+#undef  NONCANON
+SUCCESS_INDICATOR = (FunctorNumber >= 0);
+functor_number(_Term::in, _FunctorNumber::out, _Arity::out) :-
+    private_builtin.sorry("deconstruct.functor_number").
+functor_number_cc(_Term::in, _FunctorNumber::out, _Arity::out) :-
+    private_builtin.sorry("deconstruct.functor_number_cc").
 % XXX These predicates return univs instead of existentially typed arguments
 % in order to work around the typechecking bug reported on 30 Jan, 2002
 % to the mercury-bugs mailing list, and which has sourceforge bug id 512581:
@@ -671,10 +782,11 @@
-:- pred deconstruct_dna(T::in, string::out, int::out, list(univ)::out) is det.
+:- pred deconstruct_dna(T::in, string::out,
+    int::out, int::out, list(univ)::out) is det.
 :- pred deconstruct_can(T::in, string::out, int::out, list(univ)::out) is det.
-:- pred deconstruct_idcc(T::in, string::out, int::out, list(univ)::out)
-    is cc_multi.
+:- pred deconstruct_idcc(T::in, string::out,
+    int::out, int::out, list(univ)::out) is cc_multi.
 :- pred limited_deconstruct_dna(T::in, int::in,
     string::out, int::out, list(univ)::out) is semidet.
@@ -684,7 +796,8 @@
     string::out, int::out, list(univ)::out) is cc_multi.
 :- pragma foreign_proc("C",
-    deconstruct_dna(Term::in, Functor::out, Arity::out, Arguments::out),
+    deconstruct_dna(Term::in, Functor::out, FunctorNumber::out,
+            Arity::out, Arguments::out),
     [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe, promise_pure],
 #define EXPAND_INFO_TYPE        MR_Expand_Functor_Args_Info
@@ -692,6 +805,7 @@
 #define TYPEINFO_ARG            TypeInfo_for_T
 #define TERM_ARG                Term
 #define FUNCTOR_ARG             Functor
+#define FUNCTOR_NUMBER_ARG      FunctorNumber
 #define ARITY_ARG               Arity
 #define ARGUMENTS_ARG           Arguments
 #define NONCANON                MR_NONCANON_ABORT
@@ -701,6 +815,7 @@
 #undef  TERM_ARG
 #undef  FUNCTOR_ARG
 #undef  ARITY_ARG
 #undef  NONCANON
@@ -715,6 +830,7 @@
 #define TYPEINFO_ARG            TypeInfo_for_T
 #define TERM_ARG                Term
 #define FUNCTOR_ARG             Functor
 #define ARITY_ARG               Arity
 #define ARGUMENTS_ARG           Arguments
 #define NONCANON                MR_NONCANON_ALLOW
@@ -730,7 +846,8 @@
 :- pragma foreign_proc("C",
-    deconstruct_idcc(Term::in, Functor::out, Arity::out, Arguments::out),
+    deconstruct_idcc(Term::in, Functor::out, FunctorNumber::out,
+        Arity::out, Arguments::out),
     [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe, promise_pure],
 #define EXPAND_INFO_TYPE        MR_Expand_Functor_Args_Info
@@ -738,6 +855,7 @@
 #define TYPEINFO_ARG            TypeInfo_for_T
 #define TERM_ARG                Term
 #define FUNCTOR_ARG             Functor
+#define FUNCTOR_NUMBER_ARG      FunctorNumber
 #define ARITY_ARG               Arity
 #define ARGUMENTS_ARG           Arguments
 #define NONCANON                MR_NONCANON_CC
@@ -747,6 +865,7 @@
 #undef  TERM_ARG
 #undef  FUNCTOR_ARG
 #undef  ARITY_ARG
 #undef  NONCANON
@@ -847,13 +966,17 @@
-deconstruct_dna(Term::in, Functor::out, Arity::out, Arguments::out) :-
+deconstruct_dna(Term::in, Functor::out, FunctorNumber::out,
+        Arity::out, Arguments::out) :-
+    FunctorNumber = -1,
     rtti_implementation.deconstruct(Term, do_not_allow,
         Functor, Arity, Arguments).
 deconstruct_can(Term::in, Functor::out, Arity::out, Arguments::out) :-
     rtti_implementation.deconstruct(Term, canonicalize,
         Functor, Arity, Arguments).
-deconstruct_idcc(Term::in, Functor::out, Arity::out, Arguments::out) :-
+deconstruct_idcc(Term::in, Functor::out, FunctorNumber::out,
+        Arity::out, Arguments::out) :-
+    FunctorNumber = -1,
     rtti_implementation.deconstruct(Term, include_details_cc,
         Functor, Arity, Arguments).
Index: library/term.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/term.m,v
retrieving revision 1.125
diff -u -u -r1.125 term.m
--- library/term.m	1 Nov 2006 06:33:37 -0000	1.125
+++ library/term.m	27 Dec 2006 01:09:38 -0000
@@ -682,8 +682,12 @@
 univ_to_term(Univ, Term) :-
     Type = univ_type(Univ),
-    % NU-Prolog barfs on `num_functors(Type) < 0'
-    ( construct.num_functors(Type) = N, N < 0 ->
+    ( construct.num_functors(Type) = _ ->
+        deconstruct(univ_value(Univ), canonicalize, FunctorString,
+            _FunctorArity, FunctorArgs),
+        univ_list_to_term_list(FunctorArgs, TermArgs),
+        Term = functor(atom(FunctorString), TermArgs, Context)
+    ;
             type_ctor_and_args(Type, TypeCtor, TypeArgs),
             TypeName = type_ctor_name(TypeCtor),
@@ -697,11 +701,6 @@
                 ++ type_name(univ_type(Univ)) ++ "'",
-    ;
-        deconstruct(univ_value(Univ), canonicalize, FunctorString,
-            _FunctorArity, FunctorArgs),
-        univ_list_to_term_list(FunctorArgs, TermArgs),
-        Term = functor(atom(FunctorString), TermArgs, Context)
 :- pred univ_to_term_special_case(string::in, string::in,
Index: runtime/mercury_builtin_types.c
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/runtime/mercury_builtin_types.c,v
retrieving revision 1.18
diff -u -u -r1.18 mercury_builtin_types.c
--- runtime/mercury_builtin_types.c	14 Nov 2006 00:15:39 -0000	1.18
+++ runtime/mercury_builtin_types.c	26 Dec 2006 02:08:03 -0000
@@ -58,8 +58,10 @@
+static MR_Integer MR_tuple_functor_number_map[] = {0};
+    MR_TYPE_CTOR_FLAG_VARIABLE_ARITY, MR_tuple_functor_number_map);
 MR_DEFINE_TYPE_CTOR_INFO(builtin, succip, 0, SUCCIP);
Index: runtime/mercury_deconstruct.h
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/runtime/mercury_deconstruct.h,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -u -r1.5 mercury_deconstruct.h
--- runtime/mercury_deconstruct.h	21 Jun 2005 03:12:02 -0000	1.5
+++ runtime/mercury_deconstruct.h	26 Dec 2006 02:08:03 -0000
@@ -30,12 +30,14 @@
 typedef struct {
     int                     arity;
+    int                     functor_number;
     MR_ConstString          functor;
     MR_Expand_Args_Fields   args;
 } MR_Expand_Functor_Args_Info;
 typedef struct {
     int                     arity;
+    int                     functor_number;
     MR_ConstString          functor;
     MR_Expand_Args_Fields   args;
     MR_bool                 limit_reached;
@@ -43,6 +45,7 @@
 typedef struct {
     int                     arity;
+    int                     functor_number;
     MR_ConstString          functor_only;
 } MR_Expand_Functor_Only_Info;
Index: runtime/mercury_deconstruct_macros.h
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/runtime/mercury_deconstruct_macros.h,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -u -r1.3 mercury_deconstruct_macros.h
--- runtime/mercury_deconstruct_macros.h	7 Jul 2004 07:11:09 -0000	1.3
+++ runtime/mercury_deconstruct_macros.h	26 Dec 2006 02:08:03 -0000
@@ -39,6 +39,11 @@
         MR_make_aligned_string(var, (ei).functor_field);            \
     } while (0)
+#define MR_deconstruct_get_functor_number(ei, var)                  \
+    do {                                                            \
+        var = (ei).functor_number;                                  \
+    } while (0)
 #define MR_deconstruct_get_arity(ei, var)                           \
     do {                                                            \
         var = (ei).arity;                                           \
Index: runtime/mercury_mcpp.h
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/runtime/mercury_mcpp.h,v
retrieving revision 1.33
diff -u -u -r1.33 mercury_mcpp.h
--- runtime/mercury_mcpp.h	29 Mar 2006 08:07:54 -0000	1.33
+++ runtime/mercury_mcpp.h	26 Dec 2006 02:08:03 -0000
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@
 #define MR_TYPECTOR_REP(a) MR_BOX_INT(mercury::runtime::Constants::a)
 // XXX This is hardcoded
 // XXX It is intended that we eventually define the constants in
 // private_builtin.m and mercury_mcpp.cpp in terms of these #defines
Index: runtime/mercury_ml_deconstruct_body.h
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/runtime/mercury_ml_deconstruct_body.h,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -u -r1.5 mercury_ml_deconstruct_body.h
--- runtime/mercury_ml_deconstruct_body.h	7 Jul 2004 07:11:14 -0000	1.5
+++ runtime/mercury_ml_deconstruct_body.h	28 Dec 2006 11:05:54 -0000
@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@
 ** FUNCTOR_ARG          Gives the name of the argument to which we assign
 **                      the function symbol of the term.
+** FUNCTOR_NUMBER_ARG   (optional) Gives the name of the argument to which we
+**                      assign the function symbol number of the term.
 ** ARITY_ARG            Gives the name of the argument to which the value of
 **                      the arity field should be assigned.
@@ -89,9 +92,13 @@
         MR_deconstruct_get_functor(expand_info, functor, conststring_functor);
         FUNCTOR_ARG = (MR_String) (MR_Integer) conststring_functor;
         MR_deconstruct_get_arity(expand_info, ARITY_ARG);
         MR_deconstruct_get_arg_list(expand_info, args, ARGUMENTS_ARG);
         MR_deconstruct_free_allocated_arg_type_infos(expand_info, args);
+        MR_deconstruct_get_functor_number(expand_info, FUNCTOR_NUMBER_ARG);
Index: runtime/mercury_ml_expand_body.h
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/runtime/mercury_ml_expand_body.h,v
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -u -u -r1.38 mercury_ml_expand_body.h
--- runtime/mercury_ml_expand_body.h	29 Nov 2006 05:18:24 -0000	1.38
+++ runtime/mercury_ml_expand_body.h	28 Dec 2006 11:26:22 -0000
@@ -178,6 +178,20 @@
                     name);                                              \
                 MR_save_transient_hp();                                 \
             } while (0)
+  #define handle_functor_number(num)                                    \
+            do {                                                        \
+                expand_info->functor_number = (num);                    \
+            } while (0)
+  #define handle_type_functor_number(tci, ordinal)                      \
+            do {                                                        \
+                if ((tci)->MR_type_ctor_version >=                      \
+                        MR_RTTI_VERSION__FUNCTOR_NUMBERS                \
+                        && (tci)->MR_type_ctor_functor_number_map)      \
+                {                                                       \
+                    expand_info->functor_number =                       \
+                            (tci)->MR_type_ctor_functor_number_map[ordinal]; \
+                }                                                       \
+            } while (0)
   #define handle_functor_name(name)                                     \
             ((void) 0)
@@ -185,6 +199,10 @@
             ((void) 0)
   #define handle_type_ctor_name(tci)                                    \
             ((void) 0)
+  #define handle_functor_number(num)                                    \
+            ((void) 0)
+  #define handle_type_functor_number(tci, ordinal)                      \
+            ((void) 0)
 /* set up macros for the common code handling zero arity terms */
@@ -267,6 +285,8 @@
     expand_info->limit_reached = MR_FALSE;
 #endif  /* EXPAND_APPLY_LIMIT */
+    handle_functor_number(-1);
     if (! MR_type_ctor_has_valid_rep(type_ctor_info)) {
             ": term of unknown representation");
@@ -290,6 +310,9 @@
         case MR_TYPECTOR_REP_ENUM:
+            handle_type_functor_number(type_ctor_info,
+                MR_type_ctor_layout(type_ctor_info).
+                    MR_layout_enum[*data_word_ptr]->MR_enum_functor_ordinal);
@@ -301,6 +324,7 @@
+            handle_functor_number(0);
@@ -335,6 +359,9 @@
+                    handle_type_functor_number(type_ctor_info,
+					        ra_layout->MR_ra_constants[data]->
+						    	MR_ra_functor_ordinal);
@@ -351,6 +378,9 @@
                         offset = i + ra_layout->MR_ra_num_res_numeric_addrs;
+                        handle_type_functor_number(type_ctor_info,
+                            ra_layout->MR_ra_constants[offset]->
+                                MR_ra_functor_ordinal);
 						/* "break" here would just exit the "for" loop */
@@ -435,6 +465,8 @@
+                handle_type_functor_number(type_ctor_info,
+                    functor_desc->MR_du_functor_ordinal);
                 expand_info->arity = functor_desc->MR_du_functor_orig_arity;
 #if     defined(EXPAND_ARGS_FIELD) || defined(EXPAND_ONE_ARG)
@@ -537,6 +569,7 @@
         case MR_TYPECTOR_REP_NOTAG:
             expand_info->arity = 1;
+            handle_functor_number(0);
@@ -593,6 +626,7 @@
             expand_info->arity = 1;
+            handle_functor_number(0);
@@ -840,6 +874,7 @@
         case MR_TYPECTOR_REP_TUPLE:
             expand_info->arity = MR_TYPEINFO_GET_VAR_ARITY_ARITY(type_info);
+            handle_functor_number(0);
@@ -1327,6 +1362,8 @@
 #undef  EXTRA_ARGS
 #undef  handle_functor_name
+#undef  handle_functor_number
+#undef  handle_type_functor_number
 #undef  handle_noncanonical_name
 #undef  handle_type_ctor_name
 #undef  handle_zero_arity_args
Index: runtime/mercury_ml_functor_body.h
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/runtime/mercury_ml_functor_body.h,v
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -u -r1.3 mercury_ml_functor_body.h
--- runtime/mercury_ml_functor_body.h	7 Jul 2004 07:11:14 -0000	1.3
+++ runtime/mercury_ml_functor_body.h	28 Dec 2006 11:05:02 -0000
@@ -24,6 +24,9 @@
 ** FUNCTOR_ARG          Gives the name of the argument to which we assign
 **                      the function symbol of the term.
+** FUNCTOR_NUMBER_ARG   Gives the name of the argument to which we assign
+**                      the function symbol number of the term.
 ** ARITY_ARG            Gives the name of the argument to which we assign
 **                      the arity of the term.
@@ -42,6 +45,13 @@
     MR_expand_functor_only(type_info, &TERM_ARG, NONCANON, &expand_info);
     MR_deconstruct_get_functor(expand_info, functor_only, conststring_functor);
     FUNCTOR_ARG = (MR_String) (MR_Integer) conststring_functor;
     MR_deconstruct_get_arity(expand_info, ARITY_ARG);
+    MR_deconstruct_get_functor_number(expand_info, FUNCTOR_NUMBER_ARG);
Index: runtime/mercury_type_info.h
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/runtime/mercury_type_info.h,v
retrieving revision 1.122
diff -u -u -r1.122 mercury_type_info.h
--- runtime/mercury_type_info.h	11 Dec 2006 03:03:14 -0000	1.122
+++ runtime/mercury_type_info.h	26 Dec 2006 11:22:43 -0000
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
 ** compiler/type_ctor_info.m and with MR_RTTI_VERSION in mercury_mcpp.h.
-#define MR_RTTI_VERSION                 MR_RTTI_VERSION__DUMMY
 #define MR_RTTI_VERSION__INITIAL        2
 #define MR_RTTI_VERSION__USEREQ         3
@@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
 #define MR_RTTI_VERSION__DUMMY          11
 ** Check that the RTTI version is in a sensible range.
@@ -101,7 +102,7 @@
-    assert(typector->MR_type_ctor_version == MR_RTTI_VERSION__DUMMY)
+    assert((typector)->MR_type_ctor_version == MR_RTTI_VERSION__FUNCTOR_NUMBERS)
@@ -1149,6 +1150,12 @@
     MR_NotagFunctorDesc         *MR_functors_notag;
 } MR_TypeFunctors;
+** Map from ordinal (declaration order) functor numbers to lexicographic
+** functor numbers which can be passed to construct.construct.
+typedef const MR_Integer * MR_FunctorNumberMap;
@@ -1174,6 +1181,7 @@
     MR_TypeLayout       MR_type_ctor_layout;
     MR_int_least32_t    MR_type_ctor_num_functors;
     MR_int_least16_t    MR_type_ctor_flags;
+    MR_FunctorNumberMap MR_type_ctor_functor_number_map;
 ** The following fields will be added later, once we can exploit them:
@@ -1367,10 +1375,10 @@
 #endif /* MR_HIGHLEVEL_CODE */
-#define MR_DEFINE_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_BODY_FLAG(m, n, a, cr, u, c, f)        \
+#define MR_DEFINE_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_BODY_FLAG(m, n, a, cr, u, c, f, fns)   \
     {                                                                   \
         a,                                                              \
-        MR_RTTI_VERSION__FLAG,                                          \
+        MR_RTTI_VERSION__FUNCTOR_NUMBERS,                               \
         -1,                                                             \
         MR_PASTE2(MR_TYPECTOR_REP_, cr),                                \
         MR_DEFINE_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_CODE(u),                               \
@@ -1380,18 +1388,23 @@
         { 0 },                                                          \
         { 0 },                                                          \
         -1,                                                             \
-        f                                                               \
+        f,                                                              \
+        fns                                                             \
-#define MR_DEFINE_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_FULL_FLAG(m, n, a, cr, u, c, f)        \
+#define MR_DEFINE_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_FULL_FLAG(m, n, a, cr, u, c, f, fns)   \
     MR_DEFINE_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_DECLARE_ADDRS(u, c, a)                     \
     MR_DEFINE_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_TYPE                                       \
     MR_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_NAME(m, n, a) =                                   \
-    MR_DEFINE_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_BODY_FLAG(m, n, a, cr, u, c, f)
+    MR_DEFINE_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_BODY_FLAG(m, n, a, cr, u, c, f, fns)
 #define MR_DEFINE_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_FLAG(m, n, a, cr, f)                   \
     MR_DEFINE_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_FULL_FLAG(m, n, a, cr,                     \
-        MR_TYPE_UNIFY_FUNC(m, n, a), MR_TYPE_COMPARE_FUNC(m, n, a), f)
+        MR_TYPE_UNIFY_FUNC(m, n, a), MR_TYPE_COMPARE_FUNC(m, n, a), f, NULL)
+#define MR_DEFINE_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_FLAG_FUNCTORS(m, n, a, cr, f, fns)     \
+    MR_DEFINE_TYPE_CTOR_INFO_FULL_FLAG(m, n, a, cr,                     \
+        MR_TYPE_UNIFY_FUNC(m, n, a), MR_TYPE_COMPARE_FUNC(m, n, a), f, fns)
Index: tests/hard_coded/construct_test.exp
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/construct_test.exp,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -u -r1.4 construct_test.exp
--- tests/hard_coded/construct_test.exp	14 Dec 2004 01:07:29 -0000	1.4
+++ tests/hard_coded/construct_test.exp	28 Dec 2006 12:19:26 -0000
@@ -1,194 +1,182 @@
 3 functors in this type
-2 - two/0 []
-1 - three/0 []
-0 - one/0 []
+2 - two/0 [] ordinal: 1 lex: 2
+1 - three/0 [] ordinal: 2 lex: 1
+0 - one/0 [] ordinal: 0 lex: 0
 3 functors in this type
-2 - two/0 []
-1 - three/0 []
-0 - one/0 []
+2 - two/0 [] ordinal: 1 lex: 2
+1 - three/0 [] ordinal: 2 lex: 1
+0 - one/0 [] ordinal: 0 lex: 0
 3 functors in this type
-2 - two/0 []
-1 - three/0 []
-0 - one/0 []
+2 - two/0 [] ordinal: 1 lex: 2
+1 - three/0 [] ordinal: 2 lex: 1
+0 - one/0 [] ordinal: 0 lex: 0
 2 functors in this type
-1 - banana/1 [banana_list]
-0 - apple/1 [apple_list]
+1 - banana/1 [banana_list] ordinal: 1 lex: 1
+0 - apple/1 [apple_list] ordinal: 0 lex: 0
 2 functors in this type
-1 - banana/1 [banana_list]
-0 - apple/1 [apple_list]
+1 - banana/1 [banana_list] ordinal: 1 lex: 1
+0 - apple/1 [apple_list] ordinal: 0 lex: 0
 11 functors in this type
-10 - zop/2 [_, _]
-9 - zoom/1 [_]
-8 - zip/2 [_, _]
-7 - zap/2 [_, _]
-6 - wombat/0 []
-5 - qux/1 [_]
-4 - quux/1 [_]
-3 - quuux/2 [_, _]
-2 - foo/0 []
-1 - bar/2 [_, _]
-0 - bar/1 [_]
+10 - zop/2 [_, _] ordinal: 10 lex: 10
+9 - zoom/1 [_] ordinal: 7 lex: 9
+8 - zip/2 [_, _] ordinal: 9 lex: 8
+7 - zap/2 [_, _] ordinal: 8 lex: 7
+6 - wombat/0 [] ordinal: 6 lex: 6
+5 - qux/1 [_] ordinal: 3 lex: 5
+4 - quux/1 [_] ordinal: 4 lex: 4
+3 - quuux/2 [_, _] ordinal: 5 lex: 3
+2 - foo/0 [] ordinal: 0 lex: 2
+1 - bar/2 [_, _] ordinal: 2 lex: 1
+0 - bar/1 [_] ordinal: 1 lex: 0
 11 functors in this type
-10 - zop/2 [_, _]
-9 - zoom/1 [_]
-8 - zip/2 [_, _]
-7 - zap/2 [_, _]
-6 - wombat/0 []
-5 - qux/1 [_]
-4 - quux/1 [_]
-3 - quuux/2 [_, _]
-2 - foo/0 []
-1 - bar/2 [_, _]
-0 - bar/1 [_]
+10 - zop/2 [_, _] ordinal: 10 lex: 10
+9 - zoom/1 [_] ordinal: 7 lex: 9
+8 - zip/2 [_, _] ordinal: 9 lex: 8
+7 - zap/2 [_, _] ordinal: 8 lex: 7
+6 - wombat/0 [] ordinal: 6 lex: 6
+5 - qux/1 [_] ordinal: 3 lex: 5
+4 - quux/1 [_] ordinal: 4 lex: 4
+3 - quuux/2 [_, _] ordinal: 5 lex: 3
+2 - foo/0 [] ordinal: 0 lex: 2
+1 - bar/2 [_, _] ordinal: 2 lex: 1
+0 - bar/1 [_] ordinal: 1 lex: 0
 11 functors in this type
-10 - zop/2 [_, _]
-9 - zoom/1 [_]
-8 - zip/2 [_, _]
-7 - zap/2 [_, _]
-6 - wombat/0 []
-5 - qux/1 [_]
-4 - quux/1 [_]
-3 - quuux/2 [_, _]
-2 - foo/0 []
-1 - bar/2 [_, _]
-0 - bar/1 [_]
+10 - zop/2 [_, _] ordinal: 10 lex: 10
+9 - zoom/1 [_] ordinal: 7 lex: 9
+8 - zip/2 [_, _] ordinal: 9 lex: 8
+7 - zap/2 [_, _] ordinal: 8 lex: 7
+6 - wombat/0 [] ordinal: 6 lex: 6
+5 - qux/1 [_] ordinal: 3 lex: 5
+4 - quux/1 [_] ordinal: 4 lex: 4
+3 - quuux/2 [_, _] ordinal: 5 lex: 3
+2 - foo/0 [] ordinal: 0 lex: 2
+1 - bar/2 [_, _] ordinal: 2 lex: 1
+0 - bar/1 [_] ordinal: 1 lex: 0
 11 functors in this type
-10 - zop/2 [_, _]
-9 - zoom/1 [_]
-8 - zip/2 [_, _]
-7 - zap/2 [_, _]
-6 - wombat/0 []
-5 - qux/1 [_]
-4 - quux/1 [_]
-3 - quuux/2 [_, _]
-2 - foo/0 []
-1 - bar/2 [_, _]
-0 - bar/1 [_]
+10 - zop/2 [_, _] ordinal: 10 lex: 10
+9 - zoom/1 [_] ordinal: 7 lex: 9
+8 - zip/2 [_, _] ordinal: 9 lex: 8
+7 - zap/2 [_, _] ordinal: 8 lex: 7
+6 - wombat/0 [] ordinal: 6 lex: 6
+5 - qux/1 [_] ordinal: 3 lex: 5
+4 - quux/1 [_] ordinal: 4 lex: 4
+3 - quuux/2 [_, _] ordinal: 5 lex: 3
+2 - foo/0 [] ordinal: 0 lex: 2
+1 - bar/2 [_, _] ordinal: 2 lex: 1
+0 - bar/1 [_] ordinal: 1 lex: 0
 11 functors in this type
-10 - zop/2 [_, _]
-9 - zoom/1 [_]
-8 - zip/2 [_, _]
-7 - zap/2 [_, _]
-6 - wombat/0 []
-5 - qux/1 [_]
-4 - quux/1 [_]
-3 - quuux/2 [_, _]
-2 - foo/0 []
-1 - bar/2 [_, _]
-0 - bar/1 [_]
+10 - zop/2 [_, _] ordinal: 10 lex: 10
+9 - zoom/1 [_] ordinal: 7 lex: 9
+8 - zip/2 [_, _] ordinal: 9 lex: 8
+7 - zap/2 [_, _] ordinal: 8 lex: 7
+6 - wombat/0 [] ordinal: 6 lex: 6
+5 - qux/1 [_] ordinal: 3 lex: 5
+4 - quux/1 [_] ordinal: 4 lex: 4
+3 - quuux/2 [_, _] ordinal: 5 lex: 3
+2 - foo/0 [] ordinal: 0 lex: 2
+1 - bar/2 [_, _] ordinal: 2 lex: 1
+0 - bar/1 [_] ordinal: 1 lex: 0
 4 functors in this type
-3 - poly_two/1 [_]
-2 - poly_three/3 [_, poly3_field2, _]
-1 - poly_one/1 [_]
-0 - poly_four/2 [_, _]
+3 - poly_two/1 [_] ordinal: 1 lex: 3
+2 - poly_three/3 [_, poly3_field2, _] ordinal: 2 lex: 2
+1 - poly_one/1 [_] ordinal: 0 lex: 1
+0 - poly_four/2 [_, _] ordinal: 3 lex: 0
 4 functors in this type
-3 - poly_two/1 [_]
-2 - poly_three/3 [_, poly3_field2, _]
-1 - poly_one/1 [_]
-0 - poly_four/2 [_, _]
+3 - poly_two/1 [_] ordinal: 1 lex: 3
+2 - poly_three/3 [_, poly3_field2, _] ordinal: 2 lex: 2
+1 - poly_one/1 [_] ordinal: 0 lex: 1
+0 - poly_four/2 [_, _] ordinal: 3 lex: 0
 4 functors in this type
-3 - poly_two/1 [_]
-2 - poly_three/3 [_, poly3_field2, _]
-1 - poly_one/1 [_]
-0 - poly_four/2 [_, _]
+3 - poly_two/1 [_] ordinal: 1 lex: 3
+2 - poly_three/3 [_, poly3_field2, _] ordinal: 2 lex: 2
+1 - poly_one/1 [_] ordinal: 0 lex: 1
+0 - poly_four/2 [_, _] ordinal: 3 lex: 0
--1 functors in this type
+no functors in this type
+no functors in this type
--1 functors in this type
+no functors in this type
+no functors in this type
--1 functors in this type
+no functors in this type
+no functors in this type
--1 functors in this type
+no functors in this type
+no functors in this type
--1 functors in this type
+no functors in this type
+no functors in this type
--1 functors in this type
--1 functors in this type
--1 functors in this type
--1 functors in this type
--1 functors in this type
--1 functors in this type
--1 functors in this type
+no functors in this type
+no functors in this type
 1 functors in this type
-0 - {}/4 [_, _, _, _]
+0 - {}/4 [_, _, _, _] ordinal: 0 lex: 0
 1 functors in this type
-0 - var/1 [_]
+0 - var/1 [_] ordinal: 0 lex: 0
 1 functors in this type
-0 - var_supply/1 [_]
+0 - var_supply/1 [_] ordinal: 0 lex: 0
 1 functors in this type
-0 - var_supply/1 [_]
+0 - var_supply/1 [_] ordinal: 0 lex: 0
 4 functors in this type
-3 - two/4 [_, _, _, _]
-2 - three/7 [_, _, _, _, _, _, _]
-1 - four/10 [_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _]
-0 - empty/0 []
+3 - two/4 [_, _, _, _] ordinal: 1 lex: 3
+2 - three/7 [_, _, _, _, _, _, _] ordinal: 2 lex: 2
+1 - four/10 [_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _] ordinal: 3 lex: 1
+0 - empty/0 [] ordinal: 0 lex: 0
 1 functors in this type
-0 - qwerty/1 [qwerty_field]
+0 - qwerty/1 [qwerty_field] ordinal: 0 lex: 0
 1 functors in this type
-0 - xyzzy/1 [f21name]
+0 - xyzzy/1 [f21name] ordinal: 0 lex: 0
 About to construct three/0
Index: tests/hard_coded/construct_test.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/construct_test.m,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -u -r1.5 construct_test.m
--- tests/hard_coded/construct_test.m	29 Mar 2006 08:07:59 -0000	1.5
+++ tests/hard_coded/construct_test.m	28 Dec 2006 12:17:19 -0000
@@ -125,8 +125,11 @@
 	is det.
 find_functor(TypeInfo, Functor, Arity, FunctorNumber) :-
-	N = construct__num_functors(TypeInfo),
-	find_functor2(TypeInfo, Functor, Arity, N, FunctorNumber).
+	( N = construct__num_functors(TypeInfo) ->
+		find_functor2(TypeInfo, Functor, Arity, N, FunctorNumber)
+	;
+		error("unable to find functor")
+	).
 :- pred find_functor2(type_desc__type_desc::in, string::in, int::in, int::in, 
 	int::out) is det.
@@ -149,12 +152,15 @@
 test_all(T, !IO) :-
 	TypeInfo = type_desc__type_of(T),
-	N = construct__num_functors(TypeInfo),
-	io__write_int(N, !IO),
-	io__write_string(" functors in this type", !IO),
-	io__nl(!IO),
-	test_all_functors(TypeInfo, N, !IO),
-	io__nl(!IO).
+	( N = construct__num_functors(TypeInfo) ->
+		io__write_int(N, !IO),
+		io__write_string(" functors in this type", !IO),
+		io__nl(!IO),
+		test_all_functors(TypeInfo, N, !IO),
+		io__nl(!IO)
+	;
+		io__write_string("no functors in this type\n", !IO)
+	).
 :- pred test_all_functors(type_desc__type_desc::in, int::in, io::di, io::uo)
 	is det.
@@ -173,6 +179,8 @@
 test_nth_functor(TypeInfo, N, !IO) :-
 	io__write_int(N, !IO),
+		Ordinal = construct__get_functor_ordinal(TypeInfo, N),
+		Lex = construct__get_functor_lex(TypeInfo, Ordinal),
 		construct__get_functor_with_names(TypeInfo, N, Name, Arity,
 			_List, Names)
@@ -182,7 +190,12 @@
 		io__write_int(Arity, !IO),
 		io__write_string(" [", !IO),
 		io__write_list(Names, ", ", print_maybe_name, !IO),
-		io__write_string("]\n", !IO)
+		io__write_string("] ", !IO),
+		io__write_string("ordinal: ", !IO),
+		io__write_int(Ordinal, !IO),
+		io__write_string(" lex: ", !IO),
+		io__write_int(Lex, !IO),
+		io__nl(!IO)
 		io__write_string(" failed ", !IO),
Index: tests/hard_coded/construct_test_exist.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/construct_test_exist.m,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -u -r1.2 construct_test_exist.m
--- tests/hard_coded/construct_test_exist.m	29 Mar 2006 08:07:59 -0000	1.2
+++ tests/hard_coded/construct_test_exist.m	27 Dec 2006 08:15:46 -0000
@@ -56,12 +56,15 @@
 test_all(T, !IO) :-
 	TypeInfo = type_desc__type_of(T),
-	N = construct__num_functors(TypeInfo),
-	io__write_int(N, !IO),
-	io__write_string(" functors in this type", !IO),
-	io__nl(!IO),
-	test_all_functors(TypeInfo, N, !IO),
-	io__nl(!IO).
+	( N = construct__num_functors(TypeInfo) ->
+		io__write_int(N, !IO),
+		io__write_string(" functors in this type", !IO),
+		io__nl(!IO),
+		test_all_functors(TypeInfo, N, !IO),
+		io__nl(!IO)
+	;
+		io__write_string("no functors in this type\n", !IO)
+	).	
 :- pred test_all_functors(type_desc__type_desc::in, int::in, io::di, io::uo)
 	is det.
Index: tests/hard_coded/expand.exp
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/expand.exp,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -u -r1.5 expand.exp
--- tests/hard_coded/expand.exp	13 Jan 2001 02:30:30 -0000	1.5
+++ tests/hard_coded/expand.exp	28 Dec 2006 12:07:48 -0000
@@ -1,138 +1,202 @@
 no arguments
 expand: functor one arity 0 arguments []
+expand: functor 0 arity 0 arguments []
 no arguments
 expand: functor two arity 0 arguments []
+expand: functor 2 arity 0 arguments []
 no arguments
 expand: functor three arity 0 arguments []
+expand: functor 1 arity 0 arguments []
 argument 1 of functor apple was:[9, 5, 1]
 expand: functor apple arity 1 arguments [[9, 5, 1]]
+expand: functor 0 arity 1 arguments [[9, 5, 1]]
 argument 1 of functor banana was:[three, one, two]
 expand: functor banana arity 1 arguments [[three, one, two]]
+expand: functor 1 arity 1 arguments [[three, one, two]]
 argument 2 of functor zop was:2.03000000000000
 expand: functor zop arity 2 arguments [3.30000000000000, 2.03000000000000]
+expand: functor 10 arity 2 arguments [3.30000000000000, 2.03000000000000]
 argument 2 of functor zip was:2
 expand: functor zip arity 2 arguments [3, 2]
+expand: functor 8 arity 2 arguments [3, 2]
 argument 2 of functor zap was:-2.11100000000000
 expand: functor zap arity 2 arguments [3, -2.11100000000000]
+expand: functor 7 arity 2 arguments [3, -2.11100000000000]
 no arguments
 expand: functor wombat arity 0 arguments []
+expand: functor 6 arity 0 arguments []
 no arguments
 expand: functor foo arity 0 arguments []
+expand: functor 2 arity 0 arguments []
 argument 1 of functor poly_two was:3
 expand: functor poly_two arity 1 arguments [3]
+expand: functor 2 arity 1 arguments [3]
 argument 3 of functor poly_three was:poly_one(9.11000000000000)
 expand: functor poly_three arity 3 arguments [3.33000000000000, 4, poly_one(9.11000000000000)]
+expand: functor 1 arity 3 arguments [3.33000000000000, 4, poly_one(9.11000000000000)]
 argument 1 of functor poly_one was:[2399.30000000000]
 expand: functor poly_one arity 1 arguments [[2399.30000000000]]
+expand: functor 0 arity 1 arguments [[2399.30000000000]]
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor "" arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
 "Hello, world
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor "Hello, world
 " arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor "Foo%sFoo" arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor """ arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor 'a' arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor '&' arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor 3.14159000000000 arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor 1.12832498300000e-21 arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor 2.23954899000000e+23 arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor -65 arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor 4 arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
 argument 1 of functor univ_cons was:["hi! I\'m a univ!"]
 expand: functor univ_cons arity 1 arguments [["hi! I\'m a univ!"]]
+expand: functor 0 arity 1 arguments [["hi! I\'m a univ!"]]
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor <<predicate>> arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
 argument 4 of functor {} was:{1, 2, 3, 4}
 expand: functor {} arity 4 arguments [1, 'b', "third", {1, 2, 3, 4}]
+expand: functor 0 arity 4 arguments [1, 'b', "third", {1, 2, 3, 4}]
 argument 1 of functor var was:1
 expand: functor var arity 1 arguments [1]
+expand: functor 0 arity 1 arguments [1]
 argument 1 of functor var_supply was:0
 expand: functor var_supply arity 1 arguments [0]
+expand: functor 0 arity 1 arguments [0]
 argument 1 of functor var_supply was:1
 expand: functor var_supply arity 1 arguments [1]
+expand: functor 0 arity 1 arguments [1]
 no arguments
 expand: functor empty arity 0 arguments []
+expand: functor 0 arity 0 arguments []
 argument 1 of functor qwerty was:4
 expand: functor qwerty arity 1 arguments [4]
+expand: functor 0 arity 1 arguments [4]
Index: tests/hard_coded/expand.exp2
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/expand.exp2,v
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -u -r1.2 expand.exp2
--- tests/hard_coded/expand.exp2	17 Jan 2003 05:57:05 -0000	1.2
+++ tests/hard_coded/expand.exp2	28 Dec 2006 12:11:53 -0000
@@ -1,138 +1,202 @@
 no arguments
 expand: functor one arity 0 arguments []
+expand: functor 0 arity 0 arguments []
 no arguments
 expand: functor two arity 0 arguments []
+expand: functor 2 arity 0 arguments []
 no arguments
 expand: functor three arity 0 arguments []
+expand: functor 1 arity 0 arguments []
 argument 1 of functor apple was:[9, 5, 1]
 expand: functor apple arity 1 arguments [[9, 5, 1]]
+expand: functor 0 arity 1 arguments [[9, 5, 1]]
 argument 1 of functor banana was:[three, one, two]
 expand: functor banana arity 1 arguments [[three, one, two]]
+expand: functor 1 arity 1 arguments [[three, one, two]]
 argument 2 of functor zop was:2.03000000000000
 expand: functor zop arity 2 arguments [3.30000000000000, 2.03000000000000]
+expand: functor 10 arity 2 arguments [3.30000000000000, 2.03000000000000]
 argument 2 of functor zip was:2
 expand: functor zip arity 2 arguments [3, 2]
+expand: functor 8 arity 2 arguments [3, 2]
 argument 2 of functor zap was:-2.11100000000000
 expand: functor zap arity 2 arguments [3, -2.11100000000000]
+expand: functor 7 arity 2 arguments [3, -2.11100000000000]
 no arguments
 expand: functor wombat arity 0 arguments []
+expand: functor 6 arity 0 arguments []
 no arguments
 expand: functor foo arity 0 arguments []
+expand: functor 2 arity 0 arguments []
 argument 1 of functor poly_two was:3
 expand: functor poly_two arity 1 arguments [3]
+expand: functor 2 arity 1 arguments [3]
-argument 3 of functor poly_three was.poly_one(9.11000000000000)
+argument 3 of functor poly_three was:poly_one(9.11000000000000)
 expand: functor poly_three arity 3 arguments [3.33000000000000, 4, poly_one(9.11000000000000)]
+expand: functor 1 arity 3 arguments [3.33000000000000, 4, poly_one(9.11000000000000)]
 argument 1 of functor poly_one was:[2399.30000000000]
 expand: functor poly_one arity 1 arguments [[2399.30000000000]]
+expand: functor 0 arity 1 arguments [[2399.30000000000]]
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor "" arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
 "Hello, world
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor "Hello, world
 " arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor "Foo%sFoo" arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor """ arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor 'a' arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor '&' arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor 3.14159000000000 arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor 1.12832498300000e-021 arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor 2.23954899000000e+023 arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor -65 arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor 4 arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
 argument 1 of functor univ_cons was:["hi! I\'m a univ!"]
 expand: functor univ_cons arity 1 arguments [["hi! I\'m a univ!"]]
+expand: functor 0 arity 1 arguments [["hi! I\'m a univ!"]]
+functor_number_cc failed
 no arguments
 expand: functor <<predicate>> arity 0 arguments []
+deconstruct_du failed
 argument 4 of functor {} was:{1, 2, 3, 4}
 expand: functor {} arity 4 arguments [1, 'b', "third", {1, 2, 3, 4}]
+expand: functor 0 arity 4 arguments [1, 'b', "third", {1, 2, 3, 4}]
 argument 1 of functor var was:1
 expand: functor var arity 1 arguments [1]
+expand: functor 0 arity 1 arguments [1]
 argument 1 of functor var_supply was:0
 expand: functor var_supply arity 1 arguments [0]
+expand: functor 0 arity 1 arguments [0]
 argument 1 of functor var_supply was:1
 expand: functor var_supply arity 1 arguments [1]
+expand: functor 0 arity 1 arguments [1]
 no arguments
 expand: functor empty arity 0 arguments []
+expand: functor 0 arity 0 arguments []
 argument 1 of functor qwerty was:4
 expand: functor qwerty arity 1 arguments [4]
+expand: functor 0 arity 1 arguments [4]
Index: tests/hard_coded/expand.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/hard_coded/expand.m,v
retrieving revision 1.8
diff -u -u -r1.8 expand.m
--- tests/hard_coded/expand.m	29 Mar 2006 08:08:00 -0000	1.8
+++ tests/hard_coded/expand.m	28 Dec 2006 12:04:16 -0000
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 :- interface.
 :- import_module io.
-:- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is cc_multi.
 :- implementation.
@@ -19,15 +19,17 @@
 :- import_module term.
 :- import_module univ.
-:- pred test_builtins(io::di, io::uo) is det.
-:- pred test_discriminated(io::di, io::uo) is det.
-:- pred test_polymorphism(io::di, io::uo) is det.
-:- pred test_other(io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- pred test_builtins(io::di, io::uo) is cc_multi.
+:- pred test_discriminated(io::di, io::uo) is cc_multi.
+:- pred test_polymorphism(io::di, io::uo) is cc_multi.
+:- pred test_other(io::di, io::uo) is cc_multi.
 :- pred newline(io::di, io::uo) is det.
 :- pred test_functor(T::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- pred test_functor_number(T::in, io::di, io::uo) is cc_multi.
 :- pred test_arg(T::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
 :- pred test_expand(T::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
-:- pred test_all(T::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- pred test_expand_du(T::in, io::di, io::uo) is cc_multi.
+:- pred test_all(T::in, io::di, io::uo) is cc_multi.
 :- type enum
 	--->	one
@@ -91,8 +93,10 @@
 test_all(T) -->
 	test_functor(T), newline,
+	test_functor_number(T), newline,
 	test_arg(T), newline,
-	test_expand(T), newline.
+	test_expand(T), newline,
+	test_expand_du(T), newline.
 test_functor(T) -->
 	{ functor(T, canonicalize, Functor, Arity) },
@@ -100,6 +104,15 @@
+test_functor_number(T) -->
+	( { functor_number_cc(T, FunctorNumber, Arity) } ->
+		io.write_int(FunctorNumber),
+		io.write_string("/"),
+		io.write_int(Arity)
+	;
+		io.write_string("functor_number_cc failed")
+	).
 test_arg(T) -->
 	{ functor(T, canonicalize, Functor, Arity) },
@@ -122,6 +135,21 @@
 	io.write_list(Arguments, ", ", io.print),
+test_expand_du(T) -->
+	(
+		{ deconstruct_du(T, include_details_cc, FunctorNumber,
+			Arity, Arguments) }
+	->
+		{ string.format("expand: functor %d arity %d arguments ",
+			[i(FunctorNumber), i(Arity)], Str) },
+		io.write_string(Str),
+		io.write_string("["),
+		io.write_list(Arguments, ", ", io.print),
+		io.write_string("]")
+	;
+		io.write_string("deconstruct_du failed")
+	).	
 test_polymorphism -->
 	io.write_string("TESTING POLYMORPHISM\n"),
 	test_all(poly_two(3)), newline,
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