[m-rev.] for review: detect cycles in typeclass hierarchy
Ralph Becket
rafe at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Wed Jan 19 11:12:43 AEDT 2005
Mark Brown, Wednesday, 19 January 2005:
> Index: compiler/check_typeclass.m
> +
> +:- pred check_for_cyclic_classes(class_table::in, bool::out, io::di, io::uo)
> + is det.
> +
> +check_for_cyclic_classes(ClassTable, Errors, !IO) :-
> + ClassIds = map__keys(ClassTable),
> + foldl2(find_cycles(ClassTable, []), ClassIds, set.init, _, [], Cycles),
You might want to consider using map__foldl2 to avoid constructing the
list of keys.
> + (
> + Cycles = [],
> + Errors = no
> + ;
> + Cycles = [_ | _],
> + Errors = yes,
> + foldl(report_cyclic_classes(ClassTable), Cycles, !IO)
> + ).
> +
> +:- type class_path == list(class_id).
> +
> + % find_cycles(ClassTable, Path, ClassId, !Visited, !Cycles)
> + %
> + % Perform a depth first traversal of the class hierarchy, starting
> + % from ClassId. Path contains a list of nodes joining the current
> + % node to the root. When we reach a node that has already been
> + % visited, check whether there is a cycle in the Path.
> + %
> +:- pred find_cycles(class_table::in, class_path::in, class_id::in,
> + set(class_id)::in, set(class_id)::out,
> + list(class_path)::in, list(class_path)::out) is det.
> +
> +find_cycles(ClassTable, Path, ClassId, !Visited, !Cycles) :-
> + (
> + set.member(ClassId, !.Visited)
> + ->
> + (
> + find_cycle(ClassId, Path, [ClassId], Cycle)
> + ->
> + !:Cycles = [Cycle | !.Cycles]
> + ;
> + true
> + )
> + ;
> + svset.insert(ClassId, !Visited),
> + ClassIds = get_superclass_ids(ClassTable, ClassId),
> + foldl2(find_cycles(ClassTable, [ClassId | Path]), ClassIds,
> + !Visited, !Cycles)
> + ).
When there are so few "state" changes, I usually prefer to just number
states explicitly rather than use state variable notation.
Otherwise, that looks fine.
-- Ralph
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