[m-rev.] for review: detect cycles in typeclass hierarchy

Mark Brown mark at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Wed Jan 19 05:42:48 AEDT 2005

This is for review by anyone.


Estimated hours taken: 3
Branches: main

Check for cycles in the typeclass hierarchy.  This fixes a long-standing
bug whereby the compiler could go into an infinite loop in the polymorphism
stage if cycles were present.

	Add a pass to check through all visible typeclass declarations and
	report when a cycle is found.

	The interface to this module has been made more general, to reflect
	the fact that it checks the superclass relation as well as instance

	Use the new interface to the check_typeclass module.

	Add a new format_component for sym_name_and_arity.

	Remove the bug report from this file.

	Enable the cyclic_typeclass test, since we now pass it, and add an
	expected output file.  Also add a couple of new tests.

	New test cases.

Index: BUGS
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/BUGS,v
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -r1.19 BUGS
--- BUGS	5 Nov 2003 08:08:24 -0000	1.19
+++ BUGS	18 Jan 2005 18:33:54 -0000
@@ -152,18 +152,3 @@
 	list__map_foldl(MakeIndex, Args0, _, 0, _).
-Date: Wed, 1 Dec 1999 22:52:57 +1100
-Subject: compiler infinite loop for cyclic type classes
-According to the language reference manual:
-|  Typeclass constraints on type class declarations gives rise to a
-|  superclass relation.  This relation must be acyclic.  That is, it is an
-|  error if a type class is its own (direct or indirect) superclass.
-But if you try to compile modules containing cyclic typeclasses,
-the compiler goes into an infinite loop and eventually gets a
-stack overflow, rather than reporting a proper error message.
Index: compiler/check_typeclass.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/check_typeclass.m,v
retrieving revision 1.59
diff -u -r1.59 check_typeclass.m
--- compiler/check_typeclass.m	17 Jan 2005 05:01:33 -0000	1.59
+++ compiler/check_typeclass.m	18 Jan 2005 18:33:58 -0000
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@
 % In addition, this pass checks that all superclass constraints are satisfied
 % by the instance declaration.
+% This pass also checks for cycles in the typeclass hierarchy.
 % This pass fills in the super class proofs and instance method pred/proc ids
 % in the instance table of the HLDS.
@@ -53,7 +55,7 @@
 :- import_module bool, io.
-:- pred check_typeclass__check_instance_decls(qual_info::in, qual_info::out,
+:- pred check_typeclass__check_typeclasses(qual_info::in, qual_info::out,
 	module_info::in, module_info::out, bool::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
 :- implementation.
@@ -76,12 +78,24 @@
 :- import_module parse_tree__prog_util.
 :- import_module int, string.
-:- import_module list, assoc_list, map, set, term, varset.
+:- import_module list, assoc_list, map, set, svset, term, varset.
 :- import_module std_util, require.
+check_typeclass__check_typeclasses(!QualInfo, !ModuleInfo, FoundError, !IO) :-
+	check_typeclass__check_instance_decls(!QualInfo, !ModuleInfo,
+		FoundInstanceError, !IO),
+	module_info_classes(!.ModuleInfo, ClassTable),
+	check_for_cyclic_classes(ClassTable, FoundCycleError, !IO),
+	FoundError = bool.or(FoundInstanceError, FoundCycleError).
 :- type error_message == pair(prog_context, list(format_component)).
 :- type error_messages == list(error_message).
+:- pred check_typeclass__check_instance_decls(qual_info::in, qual_info::out,
+	module_info::in, module_info::out, bool::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
 check_typeclass__check_instance_decls(!QualInfo, !ModuleInfo, FoundError,
 		!IO) :-
 	module_info_classes(!.ModuleInfo, ClassTable),
@@ -875,3 +889,111 @@
 	string__append_list([", `", String0, "'", String1], String).
+:- pred check_for_cyclic_classes(class_table::in, bool::out, io::di, io::uo)
+	is det.
+check_for_cyclic_classes(ClassTable, Errors, !IO) :-
+	ClassIds = map__keys(ClassTable),
+	foldl2(find_cycles(ClassTable, []), ClassIds, set.init, _, [], Cycles),
+	(
+		Cycles = [],
+		Errors = no
+	;
+		Cycles = [_ | _],
+		Errors = yes,
+		foldl(report_cyclic_classes(ClassTable), Cycles, !IO)
+	).
+:- type class_path == list(class_id).
+	% find_cycles(ClassTable, Path, ClassId, !Visited, !Cycles)
+	%
+	% Perform a depth first traversal of the class hierarchy, starting
+	% from ClassId.  Path contains a list of nodes joining the current
+	% node to the root.  When we reach a node that has already been
+	% visited, check whether there is a cycle in the Path.
+	%
+:- pred find_cycles(class_table::in, class_path::in, class_id::in,
+	set(class_id)::in, set(class_id)::out,
+	list(class_path)::in, list(class_path)::out) is det.
+find_cycles(ClassTable, Path, ClassId, !Visited, !Cycles) :-
+	(
+		set.member(ClassId, !.Visited)
+	->
+		(
+			find_cycle(ClassId, Path, [ClassId], Cycle)
+		->
+			!:Cycles = [Cycle | !.Cycles]
+		;
+			true
+		)
+	;
+		svset.insert(ClassId, !Visited),
+		ClassIds = get_superclass_ids(ClassTable, ClassId),
+		foldl2(find_cycles(ClassTable, [ClassId | Path]), ClassIds,
+			!Visited, !Cycles)
+	).
+	% find_cycle(ClassId, PathRemaining, PathSoFar, Cycle)
+	%
+	% Check if ClassId is present in PathRemaining, and if so then make
+	% a cycle out of the front part of the path up to the point where
+	% the ClassId is found.  The part of the path checked so far is
+	% accumulated in PathSoFar.
+	%
+:- pred find_cycle(class_id::in, class_path::in, class_path::in,
+	class_path::out) is semidet.
+find_cycle(ClassId, [Head | Tail], Path0, Cycle) :-
+	Path = [Head | Path0],
+	(
+		ClassId = Head
+	->
+		Cycle = Path
+	;
+		find_cycle(ClassId, Tail, Path, Cycle)
+	).
+:- func get_superclass_ids(class_table, class_id) = list(class_id).
+get_superclass_ids(ClassTable, ClassId) = SuperclassIds :-
+	ClassDefn = map.lookup(ClassTable, ClassId),
+	SuperclassIds = list.map(get_constraint_id, ClassDefn ^ class_supers).
+:- func get_constraint_id(class_constraint) = class_id.
+get_constraint_id(constraint(Name, Args)) = class_id(Name, length(Args)).
+	% Report an error using the format
+	%
+	%	module.m:NNN: Error: cyclic superclass relation detected:
+	%	module.m:NNN:   `foo/N' <= `bar/N' <= `baz/N' <= `foo/N'
+	%
+:- pred report_cyclic_classes(class_table::in, class_path::in, io::di, io::uo)
+	is det.
+report_cyclic_classes(ClassTable, ClassPath, !IO) :-
+	(
+		ClassPath = [],
+		error("report_cyclic_classes: empty cycle found")
+	;
+		ClassPath = [ClassId | Tail],
+		Context = map.lookup(ClassTable, ClassId) ^ class_context,
+		ClassId = class_id(Name, Arity),
+		RevPieces0 = [
+			sym_name_and_arity(Name/Arity),
+			words("Error: cyclic superclass relation detected:")
+		],
+		RevPieces1 = foldl(add_path_element, Tail, RevPieces0),
+		Pieces = list.reverse(RevPieces1),
+		write_error_pieces(Context, 0, Pieces, !IO)
+	).
+:- func add_path_element(class_id, list(format_component))
+	= list(format_component).
+add_path_element(class_id(Name, Arity), RevPieces0) =
+	[sym_name_and_arity(Name/Arity), words("<=") | RevPieces0].
Index: compiler/error_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/error_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.30
diff -u -r1.30 error_util.m
--- compiler/error_util.m	17 Jan 2005 05:01:33 -0000	1.30
+++ compiler/error_util.m	18 Jan 2005 18:34:01 -0000
@@ -57,6 +57,11 @@
 	;	sym_name(sym_name)
 				% The output should contain the string form of
 				% the sym_name, surrounded by `' quotes.
+	;	sym_name_and_arity(sym_name_and_arity)
+				% The output should contain the string form of
+				% the sym_name, followed by '/' and the arity,
+				% all surrounded by `' quotes.
 	;	nl.		% Insert a line break if there has been text
 				% output since the last line break.
@@ -334,6 +339,14 @@
 			Str = Word ++ " " ++ TailStr
+		Component = sym_name_and_arity(SymNameAndArity),
+		Word = sym_name_and_arity_to_word(SymNameAndArity),
+		( TailStr = "" ->
+			Str = Word
+		;
+			Str = Word ++ " " ++ TailStr
+		)
+	;
 		Component = nl,
 		Str = "\n" ++ TailStr
@@ -370,6 +383,11 @@
 		RevWords1 = [word(sym_name_to_word(SymName)) | RevWords0],
 		Paras1 = Paras0
+		Component = sym_name_and_arity(SymNameAndArity),
+		Word = sym_name_and_arity_to_word(SymNameAndArity),
+		RevWords1 = [word(Word) | RevWords0],
+		Paras1 = Paras0
+	;
 		Component = nl,
 		Strings = rev_words_to_strings(RevWords0),
 		Paras1 = [Strings | Paras0],
@@ -410,6 +428,11 @@
 sym_name_to_word(SymName) = "`" ++ SymStr ++ "'" :-
 	sym_name_to_string(SymName, SymStr).
+:- func sym_name_and_arity_to_word(sym_name_and_arity) = string.
+sym_name_and_arity_to_word(SymNameAndArity) = "`" ++ SymStr ++ "'" :-
+	sym_name_and_arity_to_string(SymNameAndArity, SymStr).
 :- pred break_into_words(string::in, list(word)::in, list(word)::out) is det.
 break_into_words(String, Words0, Words) :-
@@ -560,6 +583,10 @@
 		Piece0 = sym_name(SymName),
 		String = sym_name_to_word(SymName),
+		Piece = fixed(string__append(String, char_to_string(Punc)))
+	;
+		Piece0 = sym_name_and_arity(SymNameAndArity),
+		String = sym_name_and_arity_to_word(SymNameAndArity),
 		Piece = fixed(string__append(String, char_to_string(Punc)))
 		Piece0 = nl,
Index: compiler/mercury_compile.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mercury_compile.m,v
retrieving revision 1.318
diff -u -r1.318 mercury_compile.m
--- compiler/mercury_compile.m	23 Dec 2004 06:49:16 -0000	1.318
+++ compiler/mercury_compile.m	18 Jan 2005 18:34:11 -0000
@@ -1957,8 +1957,8 @@
 	globals__lookup_bool_option(Globals, verbose, Verbose),
 	globals__lookup_bool_option(Globals, statistics, Stats),
-		"% Checking typeclass instances...\n", !IO),
-	check_typeclass__check_instance_decls(QualInfo0, QualInfo, !HLDS,
+		"% Checking typeclasses...\n", !IO),
+	check_typeclass__check_typeclasses(QualInfo0, QualInfo, !HLDS,
 		FoundTypeclassError, !IO),
 	mercury_compile__maybe_dump_hlds(!.HLDS, 5, "typeclass", !IO),
 	make_hlds__set_module_recompilation_info(QualInfo, !HLDS),
Index: tests/invalid/Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/tests/invalid/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.156
diff -u -r1.156 Mmakefile
--- tests/invalid/Mmakefile	6 Jan 2005 04:30:55 -0000	1.156
+++ tests/invalid/Mmakefile	18 Jan 2005 18:34:28 -0000
@@ -56,6 +56,9 @@
 	conflicting_tabling_pragmas \
 	constrained_poly_insts \
 	constructor_warning \
+	cyclic_typeclass \
+	cyclic_typeclass_2 \
+	cyclic_typeclass_3 \
 	det_errors \
 	duplicate_modes \
 	duplicate_module_test \
@@ -188,7 +191,6 @@
 #	typeclass_test_8 (minor formatting error in the output --
 #			the type class name should be in quotes)
 #	typeclass_mode_{2,3,4} (compiler calls error/1)
-#	cyclic_typeclass (compiler goes into an infinite loop)
 #	ho_default_func_4 (due to a bug in the mode-checker ---
 #			see XXX comment in inst_match:inst_matches_final_3)
 #	inst_matches_final_bug (due to same bug as ho_default_func_4)
Index: tests/invalid/cyclic_typeclass.err_exp
RCS file: tests/invalid/cyclic_typeclass.err_exp
diff -N tests/invalid/cyclic_typeclass.err_exp
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ tests/invalid/cyclic_typeclass.err_exp	18 Jan 2005 18:34:28 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+cyclic_typeclass.m:030: Error: cyclic superclass relation detected:
+cyclic_typeclass.m:030:   `cyclic_typeclass.bar/1' <= `cyclic_typeclass.foo/1'
+cyclic_typeclass.m:030:   <= `cyclic_typeclass.bar/1'
+For more information, try recompiling with `-E'.
Index: tests/invalid/cyclic_typeclass_2.err_exp
RCS file: tests/invalid/cyclic_typeclass_2.err_exp
diff -N tests/invalid/cyclic_typeclass_2.err_exp
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ tests/invalid/cyclic_typeclass_2.err_exp	18 Jan 2005 18:34:28 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+cyclic_typeclass_2.m:014: Error: cyclic superclass relation detected:
+cyclic_typeclass_2.m:014:   `cyclic_typeclass_2.bar/1' <=
+cyclic_typeclass_2.m:014:   `cyclic_typeclass_2.foo/1' <=
+cyclic_typeclass_2.m:014:   `cyclic_typeclass_2.bar/1'
+For more information, try recompiling with `-E'.
Index: tests/invalid/cyclic_typeclass_2.m
RCS file: tests/invalid/cyclic_typeclass_2.m
diff -N tests/invalid/cyclic_typeclass_2.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ tests/invalid/cyclic_typeclass_2.m	18 Jan 2005 18:34:28 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+:- module cyclic_typeclass_2.
+% This test is a cut down version of cyclic_typeclass.  This one doesn't
+% cause the compiler to go into an infinite loop, but it still contains
+% an error that goes unreported, and may cause an infinite loop when
+% compiling other modules that import it.
+:- interface.
+:- typeclass foo(A) <= bar(A) where [
+	func foo(A) = int
+:- typeclass bar(A) <= foo(A) where [
+	func bar(A) = int
Index: tests/invalid/cyclic_typeclass_3.err_exp
RCS file: tests/invalid/cyclic_typeclass_3.err_exp
diff -N tests/invalid/cyclic_typeclass_3.err_exp
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ tests/invalid/cyclic_typeclass_3.err_exp	18 Jan 2005 18:34:28 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+cyclic_typeclass_3.m:014: Error: cyclic superclass relation detected:
+cyclic_typeclass_3.m:014:   `cyclic_typeclass_3.c/1' <=
+cyclic_typeclass_3.m:014:   `cyclic_typeclass_3.e/1' <=
+cyclic_typeclass_3.m:014:   `cyclic_typeclass_3.i/1' <=
+cyclic_typeclass_3.m:014:   `cyclic_typeclass_3.c/1'
+cyclic_typeclass_3.m:012: Error: cyclic superclass relation detected:
+cyclic_typeclass_3.m:012:   `cyclic_typeclass_3.a/1' <=
+cyclic_typeclass_3.m:012:   `cyclic_typeclass_3.b/1' <=
+cyclic_typeclass_3.m:012:   `cyclic_typeclass_3.g/1' <=
+cyclic_typeclass_3.m:012:   `cyclic_typeclass_3.a/1'
+For more information, try recompiling with `-E'.
Index: tests/invalid/cyclic_typeclass_3.m
RCS file: tests/invalid/cyclic_typeclass_3.m
diff -N tests/invalid/cyclic_typeclass_3.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ tests/invalid/cyclic_typeclass_3.m	18 Jan 2005 18:34:28 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+:- module cyclic_typeclass_3.
+:- interface.
+% The cycles are:
+%	`a/1' <= `b/1' <= `g/1' <= `a/1'
+%	`a/1' <= `c/1' <= `e/1' <= `g/1' <= `a/1'
+%	`c/1' <= `e/1' <= `i/1' <= `c/1'
+% The second of these is not reported, however, since a cycle for `a/1'
+% will have already been detected and reported.
+:- typeclass a(T) <= (b(T), c(T))	where [].
+:- typeclass b(T) <= g(T)		where [].
+:- typeclass c(T) <= (d(T), e(T), f(T))	where [].
+:- typeclass d(T) 			where [].
+:- typeclass e(T) <= (g(T), h(T), i(T))	where [].
+:- typeclass f(T) 			where [].
+:- typeclass g(T) <= a(T)		where [].
+:- typeclass h(T) <= f(T)		where [].
+:- typeclass i(T) <= c(T)		where [].
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