[m-rev.] for review: fix .NET commit handling

Tyson Dowd trd at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Wed Jul 11 22:36:04 AEST 2001

On 11-Jul-2001, Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.OZ.AU> wrote:
> On 11-Jul-2001, Tyson Dowd <trd at cs.mu.OZ.AU> wrote:
> > Index: compiler/ml_elim_nested.m
> ...
> >  	( Target = il ->
> > +			% Generate a ctor for the class.
> >  
> > +			% XXX we can't generate an empty constructor,
> > +			% because the IL backend interprets that as
> > +			% :- external.
> > +			% So we generate an empty block instead.
> > +		Stmt = mlds__statement(block([], []), Context),
> >  
> > -		Stmt = mlds__statement(atomic(Rval), Context),
> > -		Ctor = mlds__function(no, func_params([], []), yes(Stmt)),
> > +		Ctor = mlds__function(no, func_params([], []),
> > +				yes(Stmt)),
> >  		CtorFlags = init_decl_flags(public, per_instance, non_virtual,
> >  				overridable, modifiable, concrete),
> There shouldn't be an XXX on that comment.
> An XXX would indicate something that we ought to fix later,
> but this comment is just explaining why it was done the
> way it was, not pointing out a hack or suggesting something
> that could be fixed later.

Sorry, I intended to fix it later.  This has bitten me once and Pete
once so I wanted to fix it.  But the XXX should go on mlds.m.

> More importantly, that shouldn't be done in ml_elim_nested.m.
> ml_elim_nested.m shouldn't have target-dependent code.
> At worst there should be stuff which is dependent on target capabilities
> (e.g. "target_supports_computed_goto").

Target capabilities is fine, it's easy to generalize "Target = il".

> However, I suppose it's more important get it working first.
> So I suggest you go ahead and commit that.
> I'll fix the modularity problems.

I would prefer to commit my followup.

This is the interdiff for it:

diff -u compiler/ml_code_gen.m compiler/ml_code_gen.m
--- compiler/ml_code_gen.m
+++ compiler/ml_code_gen.m
@@ -1604,7 +1604,7 @@
 				atomic(new_object(CommitRefLval, no,
 					mlds__commit_type, no, no, [], [])),
-			DoCommitBody = ml_gen_block([], 
+			DoCommitBody = ml_gen_block([CommitRefDecl], 
@@ -1636,8 +1636,13 @@
 				[SetSuccessTrue]), Context)) },
 		{ TryCommitStatement = mlds__statement(TryCommitStmt,
 			MLDS_Context) },
-		{ CommitFuncLocalDecls = [CommitRefDecl, SuccessFunc |
-			GoalStaticDecls] },
+		{ Target = il ->
+			CommitFuncLocalDecls = [SuccessFunc |
+				GoalStaticDecls]
+		;
+			CommitFuncLocalDecls = [CommitRefDecl, SuccessFunc |
+				GoalStaticDecls]
+		},
 			[TryCommitStatement], Context,
 			CommitFuncDecls, MLDS_Statements),
only in patch2:
--- compiler/mlds_to_il.m	2001/07/11 10:24:36	1.42
+++ compiler/mlds_to_il.m	2001/07/11 12:21:52
@@ -1050,10 +1050,9 @@
 maybe_box_initializer(init_struct(X), init_struct(X)) --> [].
 	% single items need to be boxed
 maybe_box_initializer(init_obj(Rval), init_obj(NewRval)) -->
-	rval_to_type(Rval, BoxType),
+	{ rval_to_type(Rval, BoxType) },
 	{ NewRval = unop(box(BoxType), Rval) }.
 % Convert basic MLDS statements into IL.
@@ -1276,7 +1275,7 @@
 	statement_to_il(CommitHandlerGoal, HandlerInstrsTree),
-	rval_to_type(lval(Ref), MLDSRefType),
+	{ rval_to_type(lval(Ref), MLDSRefType) },
 	DataRep =^ il_data_rep,
 	{ ClassName = mlds_type_to_ilds_class_name(DataRep, MLDSRefType) },
 	{ Instrs = tree__list([
@@ -2716,46 +2715,44 @@
 	% constants to the MLDS version of their IL representation).
 	% This is so you can generate appropriate box rvals for
 	% rval_consts.
+:- pred rval_to_type(mlds__rval::in, mlds__type::out) is det.
+rval_to_type(lval(var(_, Type)), Type).
+rval_to_type(lval(field(_, _, _, Type, _)), Type).
+rval_to_type(lval(mem_ref(_, Type)), Type).
-:- pred rval_to_type(mlds__rval::in, mlds__type::out,
-		il_info::in, il_info::out) is det.
+rval_to_type(mkword(_, _), _) :-
+	unexpected(this_file, "rval_to_type: mkword").
-rval_to_type(lval(Lval), Type, Info0, Info) :- 
-	( Lval = var(Var, _VarType),
-		mangle_mlds_var(Var, MangledVarStr),
-		il_info_get_mlds_type(MangledVarStr, Type, Info0, Info)
-	; Lval = field(_, _, _, Type, _),
-		Info = Info0
-	; Lval = mem_ref(_Rval, Type),
-		Info = Info0
+rval_to_type(unop(Unop, _), Type) :- 
+	( 
+		Unop = box(_),
+		Type = mlds__generic_type
+	; 
+		Unop = unbox(UnboxType),
+		Type = UnboxType
+	; 
+		Unop = cast(CastType),
+		Type = CastType
+	; 
+		Unop = std_unop(StdUnop),
+		functor(StdUnop, StdUnopStr, _Arity),
+		unexpected(this_file, "rval_to_type: unop: " ++ StdUnopStr)
-	% The following five conversions should never occur or be boxed
-	% anyway, but just in case they are we make them reference
-	% mercury.invalid which is a non-exisitant class.   If we try to
-	% run this code, we'll get a runtime error.
-	% XXX can we just call error?
-rval_to_type(mkword(_Tag, _Rval), Type, I, I) :- 
-	ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(unqualified("mercury")),
-	Type = mlds__class_type(qual(ModuleName, "invalid"),
-		0, mlds__class).
-rval_to_type(unop(_, _), Type, I, I) :- 
-	ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(unqualified("mercury")),
-	Type = mlds__class_type(qual(ModuleName, "invalid"),
-		0, mlds__class).
-rval_to_type(binop(_, _, _), Type, I, I) :- 
-	ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(unqualified("mercury")),
-	Type = mlds__class_type(qual(ModuleName, "invalid"),
-		0, mlds__class).
-rval_to_type(mem_addr(_), Type, I, I) :-
-	ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(unqualified("mercury")),
-	Type = mlds__class_type(qual(ModuleName, "invalid"),
-		0, mlds__class).
-rval_to_type(self(_), Type, I, I) :-
+rval_to_type(binop(_, _, _), _) :- 
+	unexpected(this_file, "rval_to_type: binop").
+rval_to_type(mem_addr(_), _) :-
+	unexpected(this_file, "rval_to_type: mem_addr").
+rval_to_type(self(_), Type) :-
 	ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(unqualified("mercury")),
 	Type = mlds__class_type(qual(ModuleName, "invalid"),
 		0, mlds__class).
-rval_to_type(const(Const), Type, I, I) :- 
+rval_to_type(const(Const), Type) :- 
 	Type = rval_const_to_type(Const).
 :- func rval_const_to_type(mlds__rval_const) = mlds__type.

       Tyson Dowd           # 
                            #  Surreal humour isn't everyone's cup of fur.
     trd at cs.mu.oz.au        # 
http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~trd #
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