[m-dev.] for review: turn off support for foriegn_code/3+

Tyson Dowd trd at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Mon Jan 22 16:53:23 AEDT 2001


I don't intend to commit this just yet, but when we have bootstrapped
"enough" I will bootcheck and then commit this.  I am not sure when that will

This is *just* for the mercury-latest branch.

I include the diff for library/array.m to give you an idea of what the
change looks like (extremely boring).

This change will also make sure we auto-detect the fact that you cannot
bootstrap this compiler with the release.


Estimated hours taken: 2

	Check for foreign_proc, as we require it to work if we wish to

	Remove support for foreign_code/3+.  
	We only accept foreign_proc for these cases now.

	Turn foreign_code/3+ into foreign_proc by applying the
	following subsitutions:

	First turn all foreign_code into foreign_proc:

	Then turn back any foreign_proc with a string as its second
        s/foreign_proc(\("[A-Za-z0-9+]*",[ \t\n]*")/foreign_code$1/g

Index: configure.in
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/configure.in,v
retrieving revision 1.243
diff -u -r1.243 configure.in
--- configure.in	2001/01/22 04:41:54	1.243
+++ configure.in	2001/01/22 05:30:13
@@ -87,12 +87,12 @@
 		:- implementation.
-		% Check that we can declare foreign_code for C and MC++.
+		% Check that we can declare foreign_proc for C and MC++.
 		:- pred foo(int::out) is det.
-		:- pragma foreign_code("C",    foo(X::out),
+		:- pragma foreign_proc("C",    foo(X::out),
 			[[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe]],
 			" X = 42; ").
-		:- pragma foreign_code("MC++", foo(X::out),
+		:- pragma foreign_proc("MC++", foo(X::out),
 			[[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe]],
 			" X = 42; ").
Index: compiler/prog_io_pragma.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/prog_io_pragma.m,v
retrieving revision 1.27
diff -u -r1.27 prog_io_pragma.m
--- compiler/prog_io_pragma.m	2001/01/19 03:17:31	1.27
+++ compiler/prog_io_pragma.m	2001/01/22 05:28:35
@@ -88,10 +88,10 @@
-parse_pragma_type(ModuleName, "foreign_code", PragmaTerms,
-			ErrorTerm, VarSet, Result) :-
-	parse_pragma_foreign_code_pragma(ModuleName, "foreign_code",
-		    PragmaTerms, ErrorTerm, VarSet, Result).
+parse_pragma_type(_ModuleName, "foreign_code", PragmaTerms,
+			ErrorTerm, _VarSet, Result) :-
+	parse_pragma_foreign_code_pragma("foreign_code",
+		    PragmaTerms, ErrorTerm, Result).
 parse_pragma_type(ModuleName, "foreign_proc", PragmaTerms,
 			ErrorTerm, VarSet, Result) :-
@@ -110,8 +110,8 @@
 		PragmaTerms = [term__functor(_, _, Context)]
 		LangC = term__functor(term__string("C"), [], Context),
-		parse_pragma_foreign_code_pragma(ModuleName, "c_code",
-			[LangC | PragmaTerms], ErrorTerm, VarSet, Result)
+		parse_pragma_foreign_code_pragma("c_code",
+			[LangC | PragmaTerms], ErrorTerm, Result)
 			% arity > 1 (same as foreign_proc)
 		PragmaTerms = [term__functor(_, _, Context) | _]
@@ -169,16 +169,14 @@
 	% This predicate parses both c_code and foreign_code pragmas.
 	% Processing of foreign_proc (or c_code that defines a procedure)
 	% is handled in parse_pragma_foreign_proc_pragma below.
-:- pred parse_pragma_foreign_code_pragma(module_name, string,
-		list(term), term, varset, maybe1(item)).
-:- mode parse_pragma_foreign_code_pragma(in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred parse_pragma_foreign_code_pragma(string, list(term), term,
+	maybe1(item)).
+:- mode parse_pragma_foreign_code_pragma(in, in, in, out) is det.
-parse_pragma_foreign_code_pragma(ModuleName, Pragma, PragmaTerms,
-			ErrorTerm, VarSet, Result) :-
+parse_pragma_foreign_code_pragma(Pragma, PragmaTerms, ErrorTerm, Result) :-
 	string__format("invalid `:- pragma %s' declaration ", [s(Pragma)],
 	Check1 = (func(PTerms1, ForeignLanguage) = Res is semidet :- 
 		PTerms1 = [Just_Code_Term],
@@ -194,184 +192,9 @@
-		% After foreign_proc has bootstrapped and the library has
-		% been updated to use foreign_proc where appropriate, we
-		% should uncomment this code and remove Check2, Check3,
-		% Check5, Check6 and the other definition of CheckLength. 
 	CheckLength = (func(PTermsLen, ForeignLanguage) = Res :- 
 			Res0 = Check1(PTermsLen, ForeignLanguage)
-		->	
-			Res = Res0
-		;
-			ErrMsg = "-- wrong number of arguments",
-			Res = error(string__append(InvalidDeclStr, ErrMsg), 
-				ErrorTerm)
-		)	
-	),
-	Check6 = (func(PTerms6, ForeignLanguage) = Res is semidet :- 
-            PTerms6 = [PredAndVarsTerm, FlagsTerm,
-		    FieldsTerm, FirstTerm, LaterTerm, SharedTerm],
-	    ( parse_pragma_foreign_code_attributes_term(
-	    		ForeignLanguage, FlagsTerm, Flags) ->
-	        ( parse_pragma_keyword("local_vars", FieldsTerm, Fields,
-			FieldsContext) ->
-	            ( parse_pragma_keyword("first_code", FirstTerm, First,
-		    		FirstContext) ->
-	                ( parse_pragma_keyword("retry_code", LaterTerm, Later,
-				LaterContext) ->
-	                    ( parse_pragma_keyword("shared_code", SharedTerm,
-			    		Shared, SharedContext) ->
-	        	        parse_pragma_foreign_code(ModuleName,
-				    Flags, PredAndVarsTerm,
-				    nondet(Fields, yes(FieldsContext),
-				    	First, yes(FirstContext),
-					Later, yes(LaterContext),
-					share, Shared, yes(SharedContext)),
-				    VarSet, Res)
-		            ; parse_pragma_keyword("duplicated_code",
-			    		SharedTerm, Shared, SharedContext) ->
-	        	        parse_pragma_foreign_code(ModuleName,
-				    Flags, PredAndVarsTerm,
-				    nondet(Fields, yes(FieldsContext),
-				    	First, yes(FirstContext),
-					Later, yes(LaterContext),
-					duplicate, Shared, yes(SharedContext)),
-				    VarSet, Res)
-		            ; parse_pragma_keyword("common_code", SharedTerm,
-			    		Shared, SharedContext) ->
-	        	        parse_pragma_foreign_code(ModuleName, 
-				    Flags, PredAndVarsTerm,
-				    nondet(Fields, yes(FieldsContext),
-				    	First, yes(FirstContext),
-					Later, yes(LaterContext),
-					automatic, Shared, yes(SharedContext)),
-				    VarSet, Res)
-		            ;
-		                ErrMsg = "-- invalid seventh argument, expecting `common_code(<code>)'",
-				Res = error(string__append(InvalidDeclStr,
-					ErrMsg), SharedTerm)
-			    )
-		        ;
-		            ErrMsg = "-- invalid sixth argument, expecting `retry_code(<code>)'",
-			    Res = error(string__append(InvalidDeclStr, ErrMsg),
-			    	LaterTerm)
-			)
-		    ;
-		        ErrMsg = "-- invalid fifth argument, expecting `first_code(<code>)'",
-			Res = error(string__append(InvalidDeclStr, ErrMsg),
-			    	FirstTerm)
-		    )
-		;
-		    ErrMsg = "-- invalid fourth argument, expecting `local_vars(<fields>)'",
-		    Res = error(string__append(InvalidDeclStr, ErrMsg),
-			    	FieldsTerm)
-		)
-	    ;
-		ErrMsg = "-- invalid third argument, expecting foreign code attribute or list of attributes",
-		Res = error(string__append(InvalidDeclStr, ErrMsg), FlagsTerm)
-	    )
-	),
-	Check5 = (func(PTerms5, ForeignLanguage) = Res is semidet :- 
-		PTerms5 = [PredAndVarsTerm, FlagsTerm,
-		    FieldsTerm, FirstTerm, LaterTerm],
-		term__context_init(DummyContext),
-		SharedTerm = term__functor(term__atom("common_code"),
-			[term__functor(term__string(""), [], DummyContext)],
-			DummyContext),
-		Res = Check6([PredAndVarsTerm, FlagsTerm, FieldsTerm, FirstTerm,
-			LaterTerm, SharedTerm], ForeignLanguage)
-	),
-	Check3 = (func(PTerms3, ForeignLanguage) = Res is semidet :- 
-    	    PTerms3 = [PredAndVarsTerm, FlagsTerm, CodeTerm],
-	    (
-		CodeTerm = term__functor(term__string(Code), [], Context)
-	    ->
-		( parse_pragma_foreign_code_attributes_term(ForeignLanguage, 
-			FlagsTerm, Flags) ->
-		    parse_pragma_foreign_code(ModuleName, Flags,
-			PredAndVarsTerm, ordinary(Code, yes(Context)),
-			VarSet, Res)
-	        ; parse_pragma_foreign_code_attributes_term(ForeignLanguage,
-			PredAndVarsTerm, Flags) ->
-		    % XXX we should issue a warning; this syntax is deprecated
-		    % We will continue to accept this if c_code is used, but
-		    % not with foreign_code
-		    ( Pragma = "c_code" ->
-	                parse_pragma_foreign_code(ModuleName,
-			    Flags, FlagsTerm, ordinary(Code, yes(Context)),
-			    VarSet, Res)
-		    ;
-			ErrMsg = "-- invalid second argument, expecting predicate or function mode",
-		        Res = error(string__append(InvalidDeclStr, ErrMsg), 
-		    	    PredAndVarsTerm)
-		    )	
-	        ;
-		    ErrMsg = "-- invalid third argument, expecting a foreign code attribute or list of attributes",
-		    Res = error(string__append(InvalidDeclStr, ErrMsg), 
-		    	FlagsTerm)
-		)
-	    ;
-		ErrMsg = "-- invalid fourth argument, expecting string containing foreign code",
-		Res = error(string__append(InvalidDeclStr, ErrMsg), 
-		    	CodeTerm)
-	    )
-	),
-	Check2 = (func(PTerms2, ForeignLanguage) = Res is semidet :- 
-		PTerms2 = [PredAndVarsTerm, CodeTerm],
-	    	% XXX we should issue a warning; this syntax is deprecated.
-		% We will continue to accept this if c_code is used, but
-		% not with foreign_code
-		( 
-			Pragma = "c_code"
-		->
-			% may_call_mercury is a conservative default.
-			default_attributes(ForeignLanguage, Attributes),
-			(
-			    CodeTerm = term__functor(term__string(Code), [],
-				Context)
-			->
-			    parse_pragma_foreign_code(ModuleName, 
-			        Attributes, PredAndVarsTerm, ordinary(Code,
-				yes(Context)), VarSet, Res)
-			;
-			    ErrMsg = "-- expecting either `may_call_mercury' or `will_not_call_mercury', and a string for foreign code",
-			    Res = error(string__append(InvalidDeclStr, ErrMsg), 
-				CodeTerm)
-	    		)
-		;
-			ErrMsg = "-- doesn't say whether it can call mercury",
-			Res = error(string__append(InvalidDeclStr, ErrMsg),
-				ErrorTerm)
-		)
-	),
-	CheckLength = (func(PTermsLen, ForeignLanguage) = Res :- 
-		( 
-			Res0 = Check1(PTermsLen, ForeignLanguage)
-		->	
-			Res = Res0
-		;
-			Res0 = Check2(PTermsLen, ForeignLanguage)
-		->	
-			Res = Res0
-		;
-			Res0 = Check3(PTermsLen, ForeignLanguage)
-		->	
-			Res = Res0
-		;
-			Res0 = Check5(PTermsLen, ForeignLanguage)
-		->	
-			Res = Res0
-		;
-			Res0 = Check6(PTermsLen, ForeignLanguage)
 			Res = Res0
Index: library/array.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/array.m,v
retrieving revision 1.82
diff -u -r1.82 array.m
--- library/array.m	2001/01/12 14:08:46	1.82
+++ library/array.m	2001/01/22 05:33:54
@@ -560,21 +560,21 @@
-:- pragma foreign_code("C", 
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C", 
 		array__init(Size::in, Item::in, Array::array_uo),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
 	MR_maybe_record_allocation(Size + 1, MR_PROC_LABEL, ""array:array/1"");
 	Array = (MR_Word) ML_make_array(Size, Item);
-:- pragma foreign_code("C",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
 	MR_maybe_record_allocation(1, MR_PROC_LABEL, ""array:array/1"");
 	Array = (MR_Word) ML_make_array(0, 0);
-:- pragma foreign_code("MC++", 
+:- pragma foreign_proc("MC++", 
 		array__init(Size::in, Item::in, Array::array_uo),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
         mercury::runtime::Errors::SORRY(""foreign code for this predicate"");
@@ -582,7 +582,7 @@
 	Array = (MR_Word) System::Array::CreateInstance(Item->GetType(), Size);
-:- pragma foreign_code("MC++",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("MC++",
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
         mercury::runtime::Errors::SORRY(""foreign code for this predicate"");
@@ -595,27 +595,27 @@
-:- pragma foreign_code("C",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
 		array__min(Array::array_ui, Min::out),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
 	/* Array not used */
 	Min = 0;
-:- pragma foreign_code("C", 
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C", 
 		array__min(Array::in, Min::out),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
 	/* Array not used */
 	Min = 0;
-:- pragma foreign_code("MC++",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("MC++",
 		array__min(Array::array_ui, Min::out),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
         mercury::runtime::Errors::SORRY(""foreign code for this predicate"");
 	/* Array not used */
 	Min = 0;
-:- pragma foreign_code("MC++", 
+:- pragma foreign_proc("MC++", 
 		array__min(Array::in, Min::out),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
         mercury::runtime::Errors::SORRY(""foreign code for this predicate"");
@@ -623,23 +623,23 @@
 	Min = 0;
-:- pragma foreign_code("C", 
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C", 
 		array__max(Array::array_ui, Max::out), 
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
 	Max = ((MR_ArrayType *)Array)->size - 1;
-:- pragma foreign_code("C",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
 		array__max(Array::in, Max::out), 
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
 	Max = ((MR_ArrayType *)Array)->size - 1;
-:- pragma foreign_code("MC++", 
+:- pragma foreign_proc("MC++", 
 		array__max(Array::array_ui, Max::out), 
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
         mercury::runtime::Errors::SORRY(""foreign code for this predicate"");
 	Max = Array->get_Length() - 1;
-:- pragma foreign_code("MC++",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("MC++",
 		array__max(Array::in, Max::out), 
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
         mercury::runtime::Errors::SORRY(""foreign code for this predicate"");
@@ -653,24 +653,24 @@
-:- pragma foreign_code("C",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
 		array__size(Array::array_ui, Max::out),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
 	Max = ((MR_ArrayType *)Array)->size;
-:- pragma foreign_code("C",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
 		array__size(Array::in, Max::out),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
 	Max = ((MR_ArrayType *)Array)->size;
-:- pragma foreign_code("MC++",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("MC++",
 		array__size(Array::array_ui, Max::out),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
         mercury::runtime::Errors::SORRY(""foreign code for this predicate"");
 	Max = Array->get_Length() - 1;
-:- pragma foreign_code("MC++",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("MC++",
 		array__size(Array::in, Max::out),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
         mercury::runtime::Errors::SORRY(""foreign code for this predicate"");
@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@
-:- pragma foreign_code("C",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
 		array__lookup(Array::array_ui, Index::in, Item::out),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "{
 	MR_ArrayType *array = (MR_ArrayType *)Array;
@@ -713,7 +713,7 @@
 	Item = array->elements[Index];
-:- pragma foreign_code("C",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
 		array__lookup(Array::in, Index::in, Item::out),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "{
 	MR_ArrayType *array = (MR_ArrayType *)Array;
@@ -725,13 +725,13 @@
 	Item = array->elements[Index];
-:- pragma foreign_code("MC++",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("MC++",
 		array__lookup(Array::array_ui, Index::in, Item::out),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "{
         mercury::runtime::Errors::SORRY(""foreign code for this predicate"");
 	Item = Array->GetValue(Index);
-:- pragma foreign_code("MC++",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("MC++",
 		array__lookup(Array::in, Index::in, Item::out),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "{
         mercury::runtime::Errors::SORRY(""foreign code for this predicate"");
@@ -741,7 +741,7 @@
-:- pragma foreign_code("C",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
 		array__set(Array0::array_di, Index::in,
 		Item::in, Array::array_uo),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "{
@@ -755,7 +755,7 @@
 	Array = Array0;
-:- pragma foreign_code("MC++",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("MC++",
 		array__set(Array0::array_di, Index::in,
 		Item::in, Array::array_uo),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "{
@@ -806,14 +806,14 @@
-:- pragma foreign_code("C",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
 		array__resize(Array0::array_di, Size::in, Item::in,
 		Array::array_uo), [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
 	MR_maybe_record_allocation(Size + 1, MR_PROC_LABEL, ""array:array/1"");
 	Array = (MR_Word) ML_resize_array(
 				(MR_ArrayType *) Array0, Size, Item);
-:- pragma foreign_code("MC++",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("MC++",
 		array__resize(_Array0::array_di, _Size::in, _Item::in,
 		_Array::array_uo), [will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
 	mercury::runtime::Errors::SORRY(""foreign code for this function"");
@@ -858,14 +858,14 @@
-:- pragma foreign_code("C",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
 		array__shrink(Array0::array_di, Size::in, Array::array_uo),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
 	MR_maybe_record_allocation(Size + 1, MR_PROC_LABEL, ""array:array/1"");
 	Array = (MR_Word) ML_shrink_array(
 				(MR_ArrayType *) Array0, Size);
-:- pragma foreign_code("MC++",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("MC++",
 		array__shrink(_Array0::array_di, _Size::in, _Array::array_uo),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
 	mercury::runtime::Errors::SORRY(""foreign code for this function"");
@@ -901,7 +901,7 @@
-:- pragma foreign_code("C",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
 		array__copy(Array0::array_ui, Array::array_uo),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
 	MR_maybe_record_allocation((((MR_ArrayType *) Array0)->size) + 1,
@@ -909,7 +909,7 @@
 	Array = (MR_Word) ML_copy_array((MR_ArrayType *) Array0);
-:- pragma foreign_code("C",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
 		array__copy(Array0::in, Array::array_uo),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
 	MR_maybe_record_allocation((((MR_ArrayType *) Array0)->size) + 1,
@@ -917,7 +917,7 @@
 	Array = (MR_Word) ML_copy_array((MR_ArrayType *) Array0);
-:- pragma foreign_code("MC++",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("MC++",
 		array__copy(Array0::array_ui, Array::array_uo),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
 		// XXX need to deep copy it
@@ -926,7 +926,7 @@
-:- pragma foreign_code("MC++",
+:- pragma foreign_proc("MC++",
 		array__copy(Array0::in, Array::array_uo),
 		[will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe], "
 	mercury::runtime::Errors::SORRY(""foreign code for this function"");

       Tyson Dowd           # 
                            #  Surreal humour isn't everyone's cup of fur.
     trd at cs.mu.oz.au        # 
http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~trd #
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