[m-dev.] for review: Java backend
Julien Fischer
juliensf at students.cs.mu.oz.au
Wed Feb 14 18:12:29 AEDT 2001
For review by Fergus.
Estimated hours taken: 190
Converts MLDS to Java source code. The following features do not work/
have not been implemented yet:
* multidet and nondet predicates
* Higher-order functions
* Foreign Code
* Correct naming conventions for Java code
Replaces the existing file.
Index: compiler/mlds_to_java.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds_to_java.m,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 mlds_to_java.m
--- compiler/mlds_to_java.m 2001/01/29 01:50:48 1.1
+++ compiler/mlds_to_java.m 2001/02/14 07:01:20
@@ -6,9 +6,32 @@
% mlds_to_java - Convert MLDS to Java code.
% Main author: juliensf
-% XXX Not yet implemented.
+% DONE:
+% det and semidet predicates
+% multiple output arguments
+% boxing and unboxing
+% conjunctions
+% disjunctions
+% if-then-else's
+% enumerations
+% discriminated unions
+% TODO:
+% multidet and nondet predicates
+% handle foreign code written in Java
+% higher order functions
+% generate names of classes etc. correctly
+% generate du constructors instead of directly assigning fields
+% generate optimized tailcalls
+% handle foreign code written in C
+% Strings in the generated Java source must be fully qualified
+% as `java.lang.String' to avoid conflicting with the library module
+% `mercury.String'.
:- module mlds_to_java.
:- interface.
@@ -21,14 +44,2655 @@
:- implementation.
+:- import_module ml_util.
+:- import_module llds. % XXX needed for C interface types
+:- import_module llds_out. % XXX needed for llds_out__name_mangle,
+ % llds_out__sym_name_mangle,
+ % llds_out__make_base_typeclass_info_name,
+:- import_module rtti. % for rtti__addr_to_string.
+:- import_module rtti_to_mlds. % for mlds_rtti_type_name.
+:- import_module hlds_pred. % for pred_proc_id.
+:- import_module modules. % for mercury_std_library_name.
+:- import_module ml_code_util. % for ml_gen_mlds_var_decl, which is used by
+ % the code that handles derived classes
+:- import_module ml_type_gen. % for ml_gen_type_name
+:- import_module export. % for export__type_to_type_string
+:- import_module globals, options, passes_aux.
+:- import_module builtin_ops, c_util, modules.
+:- import_module prog_data, prog_out, type_util, error_util.
+:- import_module bool, int, string, library, list.
+:- import_module assoc_list, term, std_util, require.
+:- type output_type == pred(mlds__type, io__state, io__state).
+:- inst output_type = (pred(in, di, uo) is det).
+mlds_to_java__output_mlds(MLDS) -->
+ { ModuleName = mlds__get_module_name(MLDS) },
+ module_name_to_file_name(ModuleName, ".java", yes, SourceFile),
+ { Indent = 0 },
+ mlds_output_to_file(SourceFile, mlds_output_src_file(Indent, MLDS)).
+:- pred mlds_output_to_file(string, pred(io__state, io__state),
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_to_file(in, pred(di, uo) is det, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_to_file(FileName, Action) -->
+ globals__io_lookup_bool_option(verbose, Verbose),
+ globals__io_lookup_bool_option(statistics, Stats),
+ maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% Writing to file `"),
+ maybe_write_string(Verbose, FileName),
+ maybe_write_string(Verbose, "'...\n"),
+ maybe_flush_output(Verbose),
+ io__tell(FileName, Res),
+ ( { Res = ok } ->
+ Action,
+ io__told,
+ maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% done.\n"),
+ maybe_report_stats(Stats)
+ ;
+ maybe_write_string(Verbose, "\n"),
+ { string__append_list(["can't open file `",
+ FileName, "' for output."], ErrorMessage) },
+ report_error(ErrorMessage)
+ ).
+% Utility predicates for various purposes.
+ % Succeeds iff the given qualified name is part of the standard
+ % library (as listed in compiler/modules.m).
+ %
+:- pred qualified_name_is_stdlib(mercury_module_name).
+:- mode qualified_name_is_stdlib(in) is semidet.
+qualified_name_is_stdlib(unqualified(_)) :- fail.
+qualified_name_is_stdlib(qualified(Module, Name)) :-
+ mercury_std_library_module(Name), Module = unqualified("mercury") ;
+ qualified_name_is_stdlib(Module).
+ % Succeeds iff this definition is a function definition which
+ % defines a special predicate.
+ %
+:- pred defn_is_special_pred(mlds__defn).
+:- mode defn_is_special_pred(in) is semidet.
+defn_is_special_pred(Defn) :-
+ Defn = mlds__defn(Name, _Context, _Flags, _Body),
+ Name = function(Label, _ProcID, _MaybeSeqNum, _PredID),
+ Label = special_pred(_, _, _, _).
+ % Succeeds iff this definition is a data definition which
+ % defines RTTI.
+ %
+:- pred defn_is_rtti_data(mlds__defn).
+:- mode defn_is_rtti_data(in) is semidet.
+defn_is_rtti_data(Defn) :-
+ Defn = mlds__defn(_Name, _Context, _Flags, Body),
+ Body = mlds__data(Type, _),
+ Type = mlds__rtti_type(_).
+ % Succeeds iff this type is a enumeration.
+ %
+:- pred type_is_enum(mlds__type).
+:- mode type_is_enum(in) is semidet.
+type_is_enum(Type) :-
+ Type = mercury_type(_, Builtin),
+ Builtin = enum_type.
+ % Succeeds iff this type is something that
+ % the Java backend will represent as an object
+ % i.e. something created using the new operator.
+ %
+:- pred type_is_object(mlds__type).
+:- mode type_is_object(in) is semidet.
+type_is_object(Type) :-
+ Type = mercury_type(_, Builtin),
+ ( Builtin = enum_type
+ ; Builtin = polymorphic_type
+ ; Builtin = user_type ).
+ % Succeeds iff the Rval represents an integer constant.
+ %
+:- pred rval_is_int_const(mlds__rval).
+:- mode rval_is_int_const(in) is semidet.
+rval_is_int_const(Rval) :-
+ Rval = const(Type),
+ Type = int_const(_).
+ % Succeeds iff the Rval represents an enumeration
+ % object in the Java backend.
+ %
+:- pred rval_is_enum_var(mlds__rval).
+:- mode rval_is_enum_var(in) is semidet.
+rval_is_enum_var(Rval) :-
+ ( Rval = lval(Lval),
+ Lval = var(_, VarType),
+ type_is_enum(VarType)
+ ;
+ Rval = unop(_, Rval1),
+ rval_is_enum_var(Rval1)
+ ).
+ % Returns true iff and only if the string represents a reserved
+ % word in the Java language.
+ % XXX This isn't used yet but should be to prevent reserved words being
+ % used as class names, package names etc.
+ %
+:- pred is_java_keyword(string).
+:- mode is_java_keyword(in) is semidet.
+% Code to mangle names, enforce Java code conventions regarding class names
+% etc.
+% XXX None of this stuff works as it should. The idea is that class
+% names should be uppercase, while method names and package specifiers
+% should be lowercase. The current implementation of the MLDS makes
+% this rather harder to achieve than it might initially seem. The current
+% position is that coding conventions are only enforced on library modules.
+% This is need as Java compilers don't take too well to compiling
+% classes named char, int, float etc.
+% XXX It might be nice if the name mangling code was taken out of which
+% ever LLDS module it's hiding in and put in a seperate one.
+ % XXX This won't work if we start using the Java
+ % coding conventions for all names. At the moment
+ % it only affects library modules.
+:- pred mlds_enforce_java_names(string, string).
+:- mode mlds_enforce_java_names(in, out) is det.
+mlds_enforce_java_names(Name, JavaName) :-
+ reverse_string(Name, RevName),
+ ( string__sub_string_search(RevName, ".", Pos) ->
+ string__split(RevName, Pos, Head0, Tail0),
+ reverse_string(Tail0, Tail),
+ reverse_string(Head0, Head1),
+ string__capitalize_first(Head1, Head),
+ string__append(Tail, Head, JavaName)
+ ;
+ reverse_string(RevName, JavaName)
+ ).
+:- pred reverse_string(string, string).
+:- mode reverse_string(in, out) is det.
+reverse_string(In, Out) :-
+ string__to_char_list(In, InList),
+ string__from_rev_char_list(InList, Out).
+:- pred mlds_sym_name_mangle_java(sym_name, string).
+:- mode mlds_sym_name_mangle_java(in, out) is det.
+mlds_sym_name_mangle_java(unqualified(Name), MangledName) :-
+ llds_out__name_mangle(Name, MangledName).
+mlds_sym_name_mangle_java(qualified(ModuleName, PlainName), MangledName) :-
+ mlds_sym_name_mangle_java(ModuleName, MangledModuleName),
+ llds_out__name_mangle(PlainName, MangledPlainName),
+ mlds_qualify_mangled_name(MangledModuleName, MangledPlainName,
+ MangledName).
+:- pred mlds_qualify_mangled_name(string, string, string).
+:- mode mlds_qualify_mangled_name(in, in, out) is det.
+mlds_qualify_mangled_name(Module0, Name0, Name) :-
+ string__append_list([Module0,".",Name0], Name).
+% Code to output imports.
+:- pred mlds_output_imports(mlds__imports, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_imports(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_imports(Imports) -->
+ list__foldl(mlds_output_import, Imports),
+ %
+ % We should always import the mercury.runtime classes.
+ %
+ io__write_string("import mercury.runtime.*;\n\n").
+:- pred mlds_output_import(mlds__import, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_import(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_import(Import) -->
+ { SymName = mlds_module_name_to_sym_name(Import) },
+ { prog_out__sym_name_to_string(SymName, ".", File) },
+ ( { qualified_name_is_stdlib(SymName) } ->
+ { mlds_enforce_java_names(File, ClassFile) }
+ ;
+ { ClassFile = File }
+ ),
+ io__write_strings(["import ", ClassFile, ";\n"]).
+% Code to generate the `.java' file.
+:- pred mlds_output_src_file(indent, mlds, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_src_file(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_src_file(Indent, MLDS) -->
+ %
+ % Run further transformations on the MLDS.
+ %
+ { MLDS = mlds(ModuleName, _ForeignCode, Imports, Defns0) },
+ { MLDS_ModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(ModuleName) },
+ { Defns1 = Defns0 },
+ % XXX The code to transform special precdicates isn't working yet.
+ % { transform_special_predicates(ModuleName, Defns0, Defns1) },
+ %
+ % Output transformed MLDS as Java souce.
+ %
+ mlds_output_src_start(Indent, ModuleName, Imports, Defns1),
+ { list__filter(defn_is_rtti_data, Defns1, _RttiDefns, NonRttiDefns) },
+ % XXX Need to output RTTI data at this point.
+ mlds_output_defns(Indent + 1, MLDS_ModuleName, NonRttiDefns),
+ mlds_output_src_end(Indent, ModuleName).
+ % XXX Need to handle non-Java foriegn code at this point.
+% MLDS->MLDS Transformations
+ % For each Unify and Compare predicate create a class that
+ % implements either the Unify or Compare interface respectively.
+ % The call function that is implemented in the class then
+ % calls Unify and Compare.
+ %
+:- pred transform_special_predicates(mercury_module_name, mlds__defns,
+ mlds__defns).
+:- mode transform_special_predicates(in, in, out) is det.
+transform_special_predicates(ModuleName, Defns0, Defns) :-
+ list__filter(defn_is_special_pred, Defns0, SpecialPredDefns),
+ wrap_predicates(ModuleName, SpecialPredDefns, WrappedDefns),
+ list__append(WrappedDefns, Defns0, Defns).
+:- pred wrap_predicates(mercury_module_name, mlds__defns, mlds__defns).
+:- mode wrap_predicates(in, in, out) is det.
+wrap_predicates(_, [], []).
+wrap_predicates(ModuleName, [Defn0 | Defns0], Defns) :-
+ wrap_predicate(ModuleName, Defn0, Defn),
+ wrap_predicates(ModuleName, Defns0, Defns1),
+ list__append([Defn], Defns1, Defns).
+:- pred wrap_predicate(mercury_module_name, mlds__defn, mlds__defn).
+:- mode wrap_predicate(in, in, out) is det.
+wrap_predicate(ModuleName, Defn, ClassDefn) :-
+ Defn = mlds__defn(Name, _, _, _),
+ (
+ Name = function(Label, _, _, _),
+ Label = special_pred(PredName, _, _, _)
+ ->
+ ( PredName = "__Unify__"
+ ->
+ InterfaceName = "Unify"
+ ; PredName = "__Compare__"
+ ->
+ InterfaceName = "Compare"
+ ;
+ InterfaceName = ""
+ ),
+ InterfaceModuleName = mercury_module_name_to_mlds(
+ qualified(unqualified("mercury"), "runtime")),
+ Interface = qual(InterfaceModuleName, InterfaceName),
+ %
+ % XXX We don't want to do the transformations on anything other
+ % than Unify and Compare at the moment.
+ % When we support higher order functions this
+ % code will need to support wrapping classes around
+ % normal predicates as well.
+ %
+ (InterfaceName = "" ->
+ ClassDefn = Defn
+ ;
+ generate_wrapper_class(ModuleName, Interface,
+ Defn, ClassDefn)
+ )
+ ;
+ error("mlds_to_java.m: mlds_create_special_pred_class")
+ ).
+:- pred generate_wrapper_class(mercury_module_name, mlds__class,
+ mlds__defn, mlds__defn).
+:- mode generate_wrapper_class(in, in, in, out) is det.
+generate_wrapper_class(ModuleName, Interface, MethodDefn, ClassDefn) :-
+ MethodDefn = mlds__defn(Name, Context, _DeclFlags, _DefnBody),
+ (
+ Name = function(Label, _ProcID, _MaybeSeqNum, _PredID),
+ Label = special_pred(PredName0, _, Type, Arity)
+ ->
+ %
+ % Create class components.
+ %
+ ClassImports = [],
+ ClassExtends = [],
+ InterfaceDefn = mlds__class_type(Interface, 0, mlds__interface),
+ ClassImplements = [InterfaceDefn],
+ %
+ % Create a method that calls the orignal predicate.
+ %
+ generate_wrapper_method(ModuleName, MethodDefn, NewMethodDefn),
+ %
+ % Put it all together
+ %
+ string__append(PredName0, Type, PredName),
+ ClassMembers = [NewMethodDefn],
+ ClassName = type(PredName, Arity),
+ ClassContext = Context,
+ ClassFlags = ml_gen_type_decl_flags,
+ ClassBodyDefn = mlds__class_defn(mlds__class, ClassImports,
+ ClassExtends, ClassImplements, ClassMembers),
+ ClassBody = mlds__class(ClassBodyDefn)
+ ;
+ error("mlds_to_java: generate_wrapper_class")
+ ),
+ ClassDefn = mlds__defn(ClassName, ClassContext, ClassFlags, ClassBody).
+:- pred generate_wrapper_method(mercury_module_name, mlds__defn, mlds__defn).
+:- mode generate_wrapper_method(in, in, out) is det.
+generate_wrapper_method(ModuleName, Defn0, Defn) :-
+ Defn0 = mlds__defn(Name0, Context, _Flags0, Body0),
+ (
+ Name0 = function(_Label0, ProcID, MaybeSeqNum, PredID),
+ Body0 = mlds__function(MaybeID, Params0,
+ MaybeStatements0),
+ MaybeStatements0 = yes(Statements0),
+ Statements0 = mlds__statement(
+ block(BlockDefns0, _BlockList0), _)
+ ->
+ %
+ % Create new method name
+ %
+ Label = special_pred("call", no, "", 0),
+ Name = function(Label, ProcID, MaybeSeqNum, PredID),
+ %
+ % Create new argument.
+ % There is only one as "call" takes an array of Object.
+ %
+ Arg = data(var("args")) - mlds__array_type(mlds__generic_type),
+ Args = [Arg],
+ %
+ % Create new declarations for old arguments and assign
+ % the new arguments to them in the initializers.
+ %
+ Params0 = mlds__func_params(Args0, RetTypes),
+ generate_wrapper_decls(ModuleName, Context, Args0, 0,
+ BlockDefns1),
+ list__append(BlockDefns1, BlockDefns0, BlockDefns),
+ %
+ % Create call to original predicate
+ % XXX Not yet implemented. We need to insert a call
+ % to the original predicate and then return
+ % what it returns
+ %
+ Block = block(BlockDefns, []),
+ Statements = mlds__statement(Block, Context),
+ %
+ % Put it all together.
+ %
+ Params = mlds__func_params(Args, RetTypes),
+ Body = mlds__function(MaybeID, Params, yes(Statements)),
+ Flags = ml_gen_special_member_decl_flags,
+ Defn = mlds__defn(Name, Context, Flags, Body)
+ ;
+ error("mlds_to_java.m: cannot create new method")
+ ).
+ %
+ % Transform a list of function arguments into a list of local
+ % variable declarations of the same name and type. Create
+ % initializers that initalize each new local variable to the
+ % correct element in the `args' array.
+ %
+:- pred generate_wrapper_decls(mercury_module_name, mlds__context,
+ mlds__arguments, int, mlds__defns).
+:- mode generate_wrapper_decls(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+generate_wrapper_decls(_, _, [], _, []).
+generate_wrapper_decls(ModuleName, Context, [Arg | Args], Count, Defns) :-
+ Arg = Name - Type,
+ Flags = ml_gen_local_var_decl_flags,
+ string__int_to_string(Count, Index),
+ string__append("args[", Index, UnqualName0),
+ string__append(UnqualName0, "]", UnqualName),
+ NewVarName = qual(mercury_module_name_to_mlds(ModuleName), UnqualName),
+ %
+ % Package everything together.
+ %
+ NewArgLval = var(NewVarName, mlds__generic_type),
+ Initializer = lval(NewArgLval),
+ Body = mlds__data(Type, init_obj(Initializer)),
+ Defn = mlds__defn(Name, Context, Flags, Body),
+ %
+ % Recrusively call ourself to process the next argument.
+ %
+ generate_wrapper_decls(ModuleName, Context, Args, Count + 1, Defns0),
+ list__append([Defn], Defns0, Defns).
+% Code to output the start and end of a source file.
+:- pred mlds_output_src_start(indent, mercury_module_name, mlds__imports,
+ mlds__defns, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_src_start(in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_src_start(Indent, ModuleName, Imports, Defns) -->
+ mlds_output_auto_gen_comment(ModuleName),
+ mlds_indent(Indent),
+ io__write_string("/* :- module "),
+ prog_out__write_sym_name(ModuleName),
+ io__write_string(". */\n\n"),
+ mlds_output_package_info(ModuleName),
+ mlds_output_imports(Imports),
+ io__write_string("public class "),
+ prog_out__write_sym_name(ModuleName),
+ io__write_string(" {\n"),
+ mlds_maybe_write_main_driver(Indent + 1, ModuleName, Defns).
+ % Output a `package' directive at the top of the Java source file,
+ % if necessary.
+ %
+:- pred mlds_output_package_info(sym_name, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_package_info(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_package_info(unqualified(_)) --> [].
+mlds_output_package_info(qualified(Module, _)) -->
+ io__write_string("package "),
+ { prog_out__sym_name_to_string(Module, ".", Package) },
+ io__write_string(Package),
+ io__write_string(";\n").
+ % Check if this module contains a main predicate and if it does insert
+ % a dummy main function in the resulting Java class that calls
+ % the main predicate. Save the command line arguments in the class
+ % variable `args' in the class `mercury.runtime.JavaInternal'.
+ %
+:- pred mlds_maybe_write_main_driver(indent, mercury_module_name,
+ mlds__defns, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_maybe_write_main_driver(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_maybe_write_main_driver(Indent, ModuleName, Defns) -->
+ (
+ { list__member(Defn, Defns) },
+ { Defn = mlds__defn(Name, _, _, _) },
+ { Name = function(FuncName, _, _, _) },
+ { FuncName = pred(predicate, _, "main", 2) }
+ ->
+ mlds_indent(Indent),
+ io__write_string("public static void main"),
+ io__write_string("(java.lang.String[] args)\n"),
+ mlds_indent(Indent),
+ io__write_string("{\n"),
+ mlds_indent(Indent + 1),
+ % Save the command line arguments in the class variable
+ % `mercury.runtime.JavaInternal.args'.
+ io__write_string("mercury.runtime.JavaInternal.args = args;\n"),
+ mlds_indent(Indent + 1),
+ prog_out__write_sym_name(ModuleName),
+ io__write_string(".main_2_p_0();\n"),
+ mlds_indent(Indent + 1),
+ io__write_string("return;\n"),
+ mlds_indent(Indent),
+ io__write_string("}\n")
+ ;
+ []
+ ),
+ io__nl.
+:- pred mlds_output_src_end(indent, mercury_module_name, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_src_end(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_src_end(Indent, ModuleName) -->
+ io__write_string("}\n"),
+ mlds_indent(Indent),
+ io__write_string("/* :- end_module "),
+ prog_out__write_sym_name(ModuleName),
+ io__write_string(". */\n").
+ % Output a Java comment saying that the file was automatically
+ % generated and give details such as the compiler version.
+ %
+:- pred mlds_output_auto_gen_comment(module_name::in,
+ io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+mlds_output_auto_gen_comment(ModuleName) -->
+ { library__version(Version) },
+ module_name_to_file_name(ModuleName, ".m", no, SourceFileName),
+ io__write_string("/*\n**\n** Automatically generated from "),
+ io__write_string(SourceFileName),
+ io__write_string(" by the Mercury Compiler,\n"),
+ io__write_string("** version "),
+ io__write_string(Version),io__nl,
+ io__write_string("**\n"),
+ io__write_string("*/\n"),
+ io__nl.
+% Code to output declarations and definitions.
+:- pred mlds_output_defns(indent, mlds_module_name, mlds__defns,
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_defns(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_defns(Indent, ModuleName, Defns) -->
+ { OutputDefn = mlds_output_defn(Indent, ModuleName) },
+ list__foldl(OutputDefn, Defns).
+:- pred mlds_output_defn(indent, mlds_module_name, mlds__defn,
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_defn(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_defn(Indent, ModuleName, Defn) -->
+ { Defn = mlds__defn(Name, Context, Flags, DefnBody) },
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent),
+ mlds_output_decl_flags(Flags, Name),
+ mlds_output_defn_body(Indent, qual(ModuleName, Name), Context,
+ DefnBody).
+:- pred mlds_output_defn_body(indent, mlds__qualified_entity_name,
+ mlds__context, mlds__entity_defn, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_defn_body(in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_defn_body(_, Name, _, mlds__data(Type, Initializer)) -->
+ mlds_output_data_defn(Name, Type, Initializer).
+mlds_output_defn_body(Indent, Name, Context,
+ mlds__function(MaybePredProcId, Signature, MaybeBody)) -->
+ mlds_output_maybe(MaybePredProcId, mlds_output_pred_proc_id),
+ mlds_output_func(Indent, Name, Context, Signature, MaybeBody).
+mlds_output_defn_body(Indent, Name, Context, mlds__class(ClassDefn)) -->
+ mlds_output_class(Indent, Name, Context, ClassDefn).
+% Code to output classes.
+:- pred mlds_output_class(indent, mlds__qualified_entity_name, mlds__context,
+ mlds__class_defn, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_class(in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_class(Indent, Name, _Context, ClassDefn) -->
+ { Name = qual(ModuleName, UnqualName) },
+ ({ UnqualName = type(_, _) } ->
+ []
+ ;
+ {error("mlds_to_java.m: mlds_output_class")}
+ ),
+ { ClassDefn = class_defn(Kind, _Imports, BaseClasses, Implements,
+ AllMembers) },
+ ( { Kind = mlds__interface } ->
+ io__write_string("interface ")
+ ;
+ io__write_string("class ")
+ ),
+ mlds_output_class_name(UnqualName),
+ mlds_output_extends_list(BaseClasses),
+ mlds_output_implements_list(Implements),
+ io__write_string(" {\n"),
+ mlds_output_class_body(Indent + 1, Kind, Name, AllMembers, ModuleName),
+ mlds_indent(Indent),
+ io__write_string("}\n\n").
+ % Output superclass that this class extends. Java does
+ % not support multiple inheritance, so more than one superclass
+ % is an error.
+ %
+:- pred mlds_output_extends_list(list(mlds__class_id), io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_extends_list(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_extends_list([]) --> [].
+mlds_output_extends_list([SuperClass]) -->
+ io__write_string(" extends "),
+ mlds_output_type(SuperClass).
+mlds_output_extends_list([_, _ | _]) -->
+ { error("mlds_to_java.m: multiple inheritance not supported in Java") }.
+ % Output list of interfaces that this class implements.
+ %
+:- pred mlds_output_implements_list(list(mlds__interface_id),
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_implements_list(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_implements_list(InterfaceList) -->
+ ( { InterfaceList = [] } ->
+ []
+ ;
+ io__write_string(" implements "),
+ io__write_list(InterfaceList, ",", mlds_output_interface)
+ ).
+:- pred mlds_output_interface(mlds__interface_id, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_interface(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_interface(Interface) -->
+ ( { Interface = class_type(qual(ModuleQualifier, Name), Arity, _) } ->
+ { SymName = mlds_module_name_to_sym_name(ModuleQualifier) },
+ { mlds_sym_name_mangle_java(SymName, ModuleName) },
+ io__write_string(ModuleName),
+ io__write_string("."),
+ io__write_string(Name),
+ io__write_string("_"),
+ io__write_int(Arity)
+ ;
+ { unexpected(this_file,
+ "mlds_output_interface: interface was not a class.") }
+ ).
+:- pred mlds_output_class_body(indent, mlds__class_kind,
+ mlds__qualified_entity_name, mlds__defns, mlds_module_name, io__state,
+ io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_class_body(in, in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_class_body(Indent, mlds__class, _Name, AllMembers, Module) -->
+ mlds_output_defns(Indent, Module, AllMembers).
+mlds_output_class_body(_Indent, mlds__package, _Name, _AllMembers, _) -->
+ { error("mlds_to_java.m: cannot use package as a type.") }.
+mlds_output_class_body(Indent, mlds__interface, _, AllMembers, Module) -->
+ mlds_output_defns(Indent, Module, AllMembers).
+mlds_output_class_body(_Indent, mlds__struct, _, _AllMembers, _) -->
+ { error("mlds_to_java.m: structs not supported in Java.") }.
+mlds_output_class_body(Indent, mlds__enum, Name, AllMembers, _) -->
+ { list__filter(defn_is_const, AllMembers, EnumConsts) },
+ { Name = qual(ModuleName, UnqualName) },
+ mlds_output_enum_constants(Indent + 1, ModuleName, EnumConsts),
+ mlds_indent(Indent + 1),
+ io__write_string("public int value;\n\n"),
+ mlds_output_enum_ctor(Indent + 1, UnqualName).
+% Additional code for generating enumerations
+% Enumerations are a bit different from normal classes because although the
+% ml code generator generates them as classes, it treats them as integers.
+% Here we treat them as objects (instantiations of the classes) rather than
+% just integers.
+:- pred defn_is_const(mlds__defn).
+:- mode defn_is_const(in) is semidet.
+defn_is_const(Defn) :-
+ Defn = mlds__defn(_Name, _Context, Flags, _DefnBody),
+ constness(Flags) = const.
+ % Output a (Java) constructor for the class representing
+ % the enumeration.
+ %
+:- pred mlds_output_enum_ctor(indent, mlds__entity_name, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_enum_ctor(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_enum_ctor(Indent, UnqualName) -->
+ mlds_indent(Indent),
+ io__write_string("public "),
+ mlds_output_name(UnqualName),
+ io__write_string("(int val) {\n"),
+ mlds_indent(Indent + 1),
+ %
+ % The use of `value' is hardcoded into ml_type_gen.m. Any
+ % changes there should probably be reflected here.
- % the mlds to java code generator
+ io__write_string("this.value = val;\n"),
+ mlds_indent(Indent + 1),
+ io__write_string("return;\n"),
+ mlds_indent(Indent),
+ io__write_string("}\n").
+:- pred mlds_output_enum_constants(indent, mlds_module_name,
+ mlds__defns, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_enum_constants(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_enum_constants(Indent, EnumModuleName, EnumConsts) -->
+ io__write_list(EnumConsts, "\n",
+ mlds_output_enum_constant(Indent, EnumModuleName)),
+ io__nl.
+:- pred mlds_output_enum_constant(indent, mlds_module_name, mlds__defn,
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_enum_constant(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_enum_constant(Indent, EnumModuleName, Defn) -->
+ { Defn = mlds__defn(Name, _Context, _Flags, DefnBody) },
+ (
+ { DefnBody = data(Type, Initializer) }
+ ->
+ mlds_indent(Indent),
+ io__write_string("public static final int "),
+ mlds_output_fully_qualified_name(qual(EnumModuleName, Name)),
+ mlds_output_initializer(Type, Initializer),
+ io__write_char(';')
+ ;
+ { error("mlds_to_java.m: mlds_output_enum_constant: definition body was not data.") }
+ ).
+% Code to output data declarations/definitions
+:- pred mlds_output_data_decl(mlds__qualified_entity_name, mlds__type,
+ initializer_array_size, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_data_decl(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_data_decl(Name, Type, InitializerSize) -->
+ mlds_output_data_decl_ho(mlds_output_type,
+ (pred(Tp::in, di, uo) is det -->
+ mlds_output_type_suffix(Tp, InitializerSize)),
+ Name, Type).
+:- pred mlds_output_data_decl_ho(output_type, output_type,
+ mlds__qualified_entity_name, mlds__type, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_data_decl_ho(in(output_type), in(output_type),
+ in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_data_decl_ho(OutputPrefix, OutputSuffix, Name, Type) -->
+ OutputPrefix(Type),
+ io__write_char(' '),
+ mlds_output_fully_qualified_name(Name),
+ OutputSuffix(Type).
+:- pred mlds_output_data_defn(mlds__qualified_entity_name, mlds__type,
+ mlds__initializer, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_data_defn(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_data_defn(Name, Type, Initializer) -->
+ mlds_output_data_decl(Name, Type, initializer_array_size(Initializer)),
+ mlds_output_initializer(Type, Initializer),
+ io__write_string(";\n").
+ % We need to provide initializers for local variables
+ % to avoid problems with definite assignment. This mirrors
+ % the default Java initializers for class and instance variables.
+:- func get_java_type_initializer(mlds__type) = string.
+:- mode get_java_type_initializer(in) = out is det.
+get_java_type_initializer(mercury_type(_, int_type)) = "0".
+get_java_type_initializer(mercury_type(_, char_type)) = "0".
+get_java_type_initializer(mercury_type(_, float_type)) = "0".
+get_java_type_initializer(mercury_type(_, str_type)) = "null".
+get_java_type_initializer(mercury_type(_, pred_type)) = "null".
+get_java_type_initializer(mercury_type(_, tuple_type)) = "null".
+get_java_type_initializer(mercury_type(_, enum_type)) = "null".
+get_java_type_initializer(mercury_type(_, polymorphic_type)) = "null".
+get_java_type_initializer(mercury_type(_, user_type)) = "null".
+get_java_type_initializer(mlds__cont_type(_)) = "null".
+get_java_type_initializer(mlds__commit_type) = "null".
+get_java_type_initializer(mlds__native_bool_type) = "false".
+get_java_type_initializer(mlds__native_int_type) = "0".
+get_java_type_initializer(mlds__native_float_type) = "0".
+get_java_type_initializer(mlds__native_char_type) = "0".
+get_java_type_initializer(mlds__class_type(_, _, _)) = "null".
+get_java_type_initializer(mlds__array_type(_)) = "null".
+get_java_type_initializer(mlds__ptr_type(_)) = "null".
+get_java_type_initializer(mlds__func_type(_)) = "null".
+get_java_type_initializer(mlds__generic_type) = "null".
+get_java_type_initializer(mlds__generic_env_ptr_type) = "null".
+get_java_type_initializer(mlds__pseudo_type_info_type) = "null".
+get_java_type_initializer(mlds__rtti_type(_)) = "null".
+get_java_type_initializer(mlds__unknown_type) = _ :-
+ unexpected(this_file,
+ "get_type_initializer: variable has unknown_type").
+:- pred mlds_output_maybe(maybe(T), pred(T, io__state, io__state),
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_maybe(in, pred(in, di, uo) is det, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_maybe(MaybeValue, OutputAction) -->
+ ( { MaybeValue = yes(Value) } ->
+ OutputAction(Value)
+ ;
+ []
+ ).
+:- pred mlds_output_initializer(mlds__type, mlds__initializer,
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_initializer(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_initializer(Type, Initializer) -->
+ io__write_string(" = "),
+ ( { mlds_needs_initialization(Initializer) = yes } ->
+ ( { Initializer = init_obj(Rval) }
+ ->
+ ( { type_is_object(Type),
+ rval_is_int_const(Rval) }
+ ->
+ %
+ % If it is a enumeration object
+ % create new object.
+ %
+ io__write_string("new "),
+ mlds_output_type(Type),
+ io__write_char('('),
+ mlds_output_initializer_body(
+ Initializer),
+ io__write_char(')')
+ ;
+ % If it is an non-enumeration
+ % object, insert appropriate
+ % cast.
+ % XXX The logic of this is a bit
+ % wrong. Fixing it would eliminate
+ % some of the unecessary casting
+ % that happens
+ %
+ io__write_string("("),
+ mlds_output_type(Type),
+ io__write_string(") "),
+ mlds_output_initializer_body(
+ Initializer)
+ )
+ ;
+ mlds_output_initializer_body(Initializer)
+ )
+ ;
+ %
+ % If we are not provided with an initializer we just,
+ % supply the default java values -- note: this is strictly
+ % only necessary for local variables, but it's not going
+ % to hurt anything else.
+ % The reason for doing this is to prevent the Java compiler
+ % failing due to definite assignment. This happens in
+ % switch statements where the default case is unreachable
+ % and we terminate execution at that point. The compiler's
+ % definite assignment analysis cannot take this into account
+ % and declares this to be an error.
+ % XXX We should catalog exactly which constructs are causing
+ % this to happen.
+ % XXX If we ever need to use final local variables this
+ % will need to be fixed.
+ %
+ io__write_string(get_java_type_initializer(Type))
+ ).
+:- func mlds_needs_initialization(mlds__initializer) = bool.
+:- mode mlds_needs_initialization(in) = out is det.
+mlds_needs_initialization(no_initializer) = no.
+mlds_needs_initialization(init_obj(_)) = yes.
+mlds_needs_initialization(init_struct([])) = no.
+mlds_needs_initialization(init_struct([_|_])) = yes.
+mlds_needs_initialization(init_array(_)) = yes.
+:- pred mlds_output_initializer_body(
+ mlds__initializer, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_initializer_body(in,di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_initializer_body(no_initializer) --> [].
+mlds_output_initializer_body(init_obj(Rval)) -->
+ mlds_output_rval_maybe_with_enum(Rval).
+mlds_output_initializer_body(init_struct(FieldInits)) -->
+ io__write_list(FieldInits, ",\n\t\t",
+ mlds_output_initializer_body).
+mlds_output_initializer_body(init_array(ElementInits)) -->
+ io__write_string("{\n\t\t"),
+ io__write_list(ElementInits,
+ ",\n\t\t", mlds_output_initializer_body),
+ io__write_string("}").
+% Code to output function declarations/definitions
-mlds_to_java__output_mlds(_MLDS) -->
- io__stderr_stream(Stream),
- io__write_string(Stream, "mlds_to_java.m: Java backend not yet implemented.\n").
+:- pred mlds_output_pred_proc_id(pred_proc_id, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_pred_proc_id(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_pred_proc_id(proc(PredId, ProcId)) -->
+ globals__io_lookup_bool_option(auto_comments, AddComments),
+ ( { AddComments = yes } ->
+ io__write_string("/* pred_id: "),
+ { pred_id_to_int(PredId, PredIdNum) },
+ io__write_int(PredIdNum),
+ io__write_string(", proc_id: "),
+ { proc_id_to_int(ProcId, ProcIdNum) },
+ io__write_int(ProcIdNum),
+ io__write_string(" */\n")
+ ;
+ []
+ ).
+:- pred mlds_output_func(indent, qualified_entity_name, mlds__context,
+ func_params, maybe(statement), io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_func(in, in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_func(Indent, Name, Context, Signature, MaybeBody) -->
+ mlds_output_func_decl(Indent, Name, Context, Signature),
+ (
+ { MaybeBody = no },
+ io__write_string(";\n")
+ ;
+ { MaybeBody = yes(Body) },
+ io__write_string("\n"),
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent),
+ io__write_string("{\n"),
+ { FuncInfo = func_info(Name, Signature) },
+ mlds_output_statement(Indent + 1, FuncInfo, Body),
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent),
+ io__write_string("}\n") % end the function
+ ).
+:- pred mlds_output_func_decl(indent, qualified_entity_name, mlds__context,
+ func_params, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_func_decl(in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_func_decl(Indent, QualifiedName, Context, Signature) -->
+ mlds_output_func_decl_ho(Indent, QualifiedName, Context, Signature,
+ mlds_output_type, mlds_output_type_suffix).
+:- pred mlds_output_func_decl_ho(indent, qualified_entity_name, mlds__context,
+ func_params, output_type, output_type, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_func_decl_ho(in, in, in, in, in(output_type),
+ in(output_type), di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_func_decl_ho(Indent, QualifiedName, Context, Signature,
+ OutputPrefix, OutputSuffix) -->
+ { Signature = mlds__func_params(Parameters, RetTypes) },
+ ( { RetTypes = [] } ->
+ io__write_string("void")
+ ; { RetTypes = [RetType] } ->
+ OutputPrefix(RetType)
+ ;
+ % for multiple outputs, we return an array of objects.
+ io__write_string("java.lang.Object []")
+ ),
+ io__write_char(' '),
+ { QualifiedName = qual(ModuleName, Name) },
+ mlds_output_name(Name),
+ mlds_output_params(OutputPrefix, OutputSuffix,
+ Indent, ModuleName, Context, Parameters),
+ ( { RetTypes = [RetType2] } ->
+ OutputSuffix(RetType2)
+ ;
+ []
+ ).
+:- pred mlds_output_params(output_type, output_type,
+ indent, mlds_module_name, mlds__context,
+ mlds__arguments, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_params(in(output_type), in(output_type),
+ in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_params(OutputPrefix, OutputSuffix, Indent, ModuleName,
+ Context, Parameters) -->
+ io__write_char('('),
+ ( { Parameters = [] } ->
+ []
+ ;
+ io__nl,
+ io__write_list(Parameters, ",\n",
+ mlds_output_param(OutputPrefix, OutputSuffix,
+ Indent + 1, ModuleName, Context))
+ ),
+ io__write_char(')').
+:- pred mlds_output_param(output_type, output_type,
+ indent, mlds_module_name, mlds__context,
+ pair(mlds__entity_name, mlds__type), io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_param(in(output_type), in(output_type),
+ in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_param(OutputPrefix, OutputSuffix, Indent,
+ ModuleName, Context, Name - Type) -->
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent),
+ mlds_output_data_decl_ho(OutputPrefix, OutputSuffix,
+ qual(ModuleName, Name), Type).
+:- pred mlds_output_func_type_prefix(func_params, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_func_type_prefix(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_func_type_prefix(Params) -->
+ { Params = mlds__func_params(_Parameters, RetTypes) },
+ ( { RetTypes = [] } ->
+ io__write_string("void")
+ ; { RetTypes = [RetType] } ->
+ mlds_output_type(RetType)
+ ;
+ { error("mlds_output_func_type_prefix: multiple return types") }
+ ).
+:- pred mlds_output_func_type_suffix(func_params, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_func_type_suffix(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_func_type_suffix(Params) -->
+ { Params = mlds__func_params(Parameters, _RetTypes) },
+ io__write_string(")"),
+ mlds_output_param_types(Parameters).
+:- pred mlds_output_param_types(mlds__arguments, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_param_types(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_param_types(Parameters) -->
+ io__write_char('('),
+ ( { Parameters = [] } ->
+ io__write_string("void")
+ ;
+ io__write_list(Parameters, ", ", mlds_output_param_type)
+ ),
+ io__write_char(')').
+:- pred mlds_output_param_type(pair(mlds__entity_name, mlds__type),
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_param_type(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_param_type(_Name - Type) -->
+ mlds_output_type(Type).
+% Code to output names of various entities
+% XXX Much of the code in this section will not work when we
+% start enforcing names properly.
+:- pred mlds_output_fully_qualified_name(mlds__qualified_entity_name,
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_fully_qualified_name(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_fully_qualified_name(QualifiedName) -->
+ { QualifiedName = qual(_ModuleName, Name) },
+ (
+ (
+ { Name = export(_) }
+ ;
+ { Name = data(_) }
+ )
+ ->
+ mlds_output_name(Name)
+ ;
+ mlds_output_fully_qualified(QualifiedName, mlds_output_name)
+ ).
+:- pred mlds_output_fully_qualified_proc_label(mlds__qualified_proc_label,
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_fully_qualified_proc_label(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_fully_qualified_proc_label(QualifiedName) -->
+ mlds_output_fully_qualified(QualifiedName,
+ mlds_output_proc_label).
+:- pred mlds_output_fully_qualified(mlds__fully_qualified_name(T),
+ pred(T, io__state, io__state), io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_fully_qualified(in, pred(in, di, uo) is det,
+ di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_fully_qualified(qual(ModuleName, Name), OutputFunc) -->
+ { SymName = mlds_module_name_to_sym_name(ModuleName) },
+ { mlds_sym_name_mangle_java(SymName, MangledModuleName) },
+ ( { qualified_name_is_stdlib(SymName) } ->
+ { mlds_enforce_java_names(MangledModuleName, JavaMangledName) }
+ ;
+ { MangledModuleName = JavaMangledName }
+ ),
+ io__write_string(JavaMangledName),
+ io__write_string("."),
+ OutputFunc(Name).
+:- pred mlds_output_module_name(mercury_module_name, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_module_name(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_module_name(ModuleName) -->
+ { llds_out__sym_name_mangle(ModuleName, MangledModuleName) },
+ io__write_string(MangledModuleName).
+:- pred mlds_output_class_name(mlds__entity_name, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_class_name(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_class_name(type(Name, Arity)) -->
+ { llds_out__name_mangle(Name, MangledName) },
+ io__format("%s_%d", [s(MangledName), i(Arity)]).
+mlds_output_class_name(data(_)) --> [].
+mlds_output_class_name(function(_, _, _, _)) --> [].
+mlds_output_class_name(export(_)) --> [].
+:- pred mlds_output_name(mlds__entity_name, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_name(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_name(type(Name, Arity)) -->
+ { llds_out__name_mangle(Name, MangledName) },
+ io__format("%s_%d", [s(MangledName), i(Arity)]).
+mlds_output_name(data(DataName)) -->
+ mlds_output_data_name(DataName).
+mlds_output_name(function(PredLabel, ProcId, MaybeSeqNum, _PredId)) -->
+ mlds_output_pred_label(PredLabel),
+ { proc_id_to_int(ProcId, ModeNum) },
+ io__format("_%d", [i(ModeNum)]),
+ ( { MaybeSeqNum = yes(SeqNum) } ->
+ io__format("_%d", [i(SeqNum)])
+ ;
+ []
+ ).
+mlds_output_name(export(Name)) -->
+ io__write_string(Name).
+:- pred mlds_output_pred_label(mlds__pred_label, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_pred_label(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_pred_label(pred(PredOrFunc, MaybeDefiningModule, Name, Arity)) -->
+ ( { PredOrFunc = predicate, Suffix = "p" }
+ ; { PredOrFunc = function, Suffix = "f" }
+ ),
+ { llds_out__name_mangle(Name, MangledName) },
+ io__format("%s_%d_%s", [s(MangledName), i(Arity), s(Suffix)]),
+ ( { MaybeDefiningModule = yes(DefiningModule) } ->
+ io__write_string("_in__"),
+ mlds_output_module_name(DefiningModule)
+ ;
+ []
+ ).
+mlds_output_pred_label(special_pred(PredName, MaybeTypeModule,
+ TypeName, TypeArity)) -->
+ { llds_out__name_mangle(PredName, MangledPredName) },
+ { llds_out__name_mangle(TypeName, MangledTypeName) },
+ io__write_string(MangledPredName),
+ io__write_string("__"),
+ ( { MaybeTypeModule = yes(TypeModule) } ->
+ mlds_output_module_name(TypeModule),
+ io__write_string("__")
+ ;
+ []
+ ),
+ io__write_string(MangledTypeName),
+ io__write_string("_"),
+ io__write_int(TypeArity).
+:- pred mlds_output_data_name(mlds__data_name, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_data_name(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_data_name(var(Name)) -->
+ mlds_output_mangled_name(Name).
+mlds_output_data_name(common(Num)) -->
+ io__write_string("common_"),
+ io__write_int(Num).
+% XXX Most of this code doesn't yet work/hasn't been implemented in the Java
+% backend.
+mlds_output_data_name(rtti(RttiTypeId, RttiName)) -->
+ { rtti__addr_to_string(RttiTypeId, RttiName, RttiAddrName) },
+ io__write_string(RttiAddrName).
+mlds_output_data_name(base_typeclass_info(ClassId, InstanceStr)) -->
+ { llds_out__make_base_typeclass_info_name(ClassId, InstanceStr,
+ Name) },
+ io__write_string(Name).
+mlds_output_data_name(module_layout) -->
+ { error("mlds_to_java.m: NYI: module_layout") }.
+mlds_output_data_name(proc_layout(_ProcLabel)) -->
+ { error("mlds_to_java.m: NYI: proc_layout") }.
+mlds_output_data_name(internal_layout(_ProcLabel, _FuncSeqNum)) -->
+ { error("mlds_to_java.m: NYI: internal_layout") }.
+mlds_output_data_name(tabling_pointer(ProcLabel)) -->
+ io__write_string("table_for_"),
+ mlds_output_proc_label(ProcLabel).
+% Code to output types
+:- pred mlds_output_type(mlds__type, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_type(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_type(mercury_type(Type, TypeCategory)) -->
+ mlds_output_mercury_type(Type, TypeCategory).
+mlds_output_type(mlds__native_int_type) --> io__write_string("int").
+mlds_output_type(mlds__native_float_type) --> io__write_string("double").
+mlds_output_type(mlds__native_bool_type) --> io__write_string("boolean").
+mlds_output_type(mlds__native_char_type) --> io__write_string("char").
+mlds_output_type(mlds__class_type(Name, Arity, ClassKind)) -->
+ ( { ClassKind = mlds__enum } ->
+ mlds_output_fully_qualified(Name, mlds_output_mangled_name),
+ io__format("_%d", [i(Arity)])
+ ;
+ mlds_output_fully_qualified(Name, mlds_output_mangled_name),
+ io__format("_%d", [i(Arity)])
+ ).
+mlds_output_type(mlds__ptr_type(Type)) -->
+ ({ Type = mlds__class_type(Name, Arity, _Kind) } ->
+ mlds_output_fully_qualified(Name, mlds_output_mangled_name),
+ io__format("_%d", [i(Arity)])
+ ;
+ mlds_output_type(Type)
+ ).
+mlds_output_type(mlds__array_type(Type)) -->
+ mlds_output_type(Type),
+ io__write_string("[]").
+mlds_output_type(mlds__func_type(FuncParams)) -->
+ mlds_output_func_type_prefix(FuncParams).
+mlds_output_type(mlds__generic_type) -->
+ io__write_string("java.lang.Object").
+mlds_output_type(mlds__generic_env_ptr_type) -->
+ io__write_string("java.lang.Object").
+% XXX The following code isn't working/hasn't been implemented yet in Java.
+mlds_output_type(mlds__pseudo_type_info_type) -->
+ io__write_string("mercury.runtime.PseudoTypeInfo").
+mlds_output_type(mlds__cont_type(ArgTypes)) -->
+ ( { ArgTypes = [] } ->
+ io__write_string("MR_Cont")
+ ;
+ % This case only happens for --nondet-copy-out
+ io__write_string("void (*")
+ ).
+mlds_output_type(mlds__commit_type) -->
+ io__write_string("__label__").
+% XXX The rtti data should actually be static but it isn't being
+% generated as such.
+mlds_output_type(mlds__rtti_type(RttiName)) -->
+ io__write_string("static mercury.runtime."),
+ io__write_string(mlds_rtti_type_name(RttiName)).
+mlds_output_type(mlds__unknown_type) -->
+ { unexpected(this_file, "mlds_output_type: unknown type") }.
+:- pred mlds_output_mercury_type(mercury_type, builtin_type,
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_mercury_type(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_mercury_type(Type, TypeCategory) -->
+ (
+ { TypeCategory = char_type },
+ io__write_string("char")
+ ;
+ { TypeCategory = int_type },
+ io__write_string("int")
+ ;
+ { TypeCategory = str_type },
+ io__write_string("java.lang.String")
+ ;
+ { TypeCategory = float_type },
+ io__write_string("double")
+ ;
+ { TypeCategory = polymorphic_type },
+ io__write_string("java.lang.Object")
+ ;
+ { TypeCategory = tuple_type },
+ io__write_string("java.lang.Object")
+ ;
+ % XXX Not yet implemented.
+ { TypeCategory = pred_type },
+ io__write_string("MR_ClosurePtr")
+ ;
+ { TypeCategory = enum_type },
+ mlds_output_mercury_user_type(Type, TypeCategory)
+ ;
+ { TypeCategory = user_type },
+ mlds_output_mercury_user_type(Type, TypeCategory)
+ ).
+:- pred mlds_output_mercury_user_type(mercury_type, builtin_type,
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_mercury_user_type(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_mercury_user_type(Type, TypeCategory) -->
+ ( { type_to_type_id(Type, TypeId, _ArgsTypes) } ->
+ { ml_gen_type_name(TypeId, ClassName, ClassArity) },
+ { TypeCategory = enum_type ->
+ MLDS_Type = mlds__class_type(ClassName,
+ ClassArity, mlds__enum)
+ ;
+ MLDS_Type = mlds__class_type(
+ ClassName, ClassArity, mlds__class)
+ },
+ mlds_output_type(MLDS_Type)
+ ;
+ { error("mlds_output_mercury_user_type") }
+ ).
+ %
+ % XXX This should be renamed, but I'm not sure to what.
+ %
+:- pred mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__type, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_type_suffix(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_type_suffix(Type) -->
+ mlds_output_type_suffix(Type, no_size).
+:- type initializer_array_size
+ ---> array_size(int)
+ ; no_size.
+:- func initializer_array_size(mlds__initializer) = initializer_array_size.
+initializer_array_size(no_initializer) = no_size.
+initializer_array_size(init_obj(_)) = no_size.
+initializer_array_size(init_struct(_)) = no_size.
+initializer_array_size(init_array(Elems)) = array_size(list__length(Elems)).
+:- pred mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__type, initializer_array_size,
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_type_suffix(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_type_suffix(mercury_type(_, _), _) --> [].
+mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__native_int_type, _) --> [].
+mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__native_float_type, _) --> [].
+mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__native_bool_type, _) --> [].
+mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__native_char_type, _) --> [].
+mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__class_type(_, _, _), _) --> [].
+mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__ptr_type(_), _) --> [].
+mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__array_type(_), _ArraySize) --> [].
+mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__func_type(FuncParams), _) -->
+ mlds_output_func_type_suffix(FuncParams).
+mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__generic_type, _) --> [].
+mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__generic_env_ptr_type, _) --> [].
+mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__pseudo_type_info_type, _) --> [].
+mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__cont_type(ArgTypes), _) -->
+ ( { ArgTypes = [] } ->
+ []
+ ;
+ % This case only happens for --nondet-copy-out
+ io__write_string(")("),
+ io__write_list(ArgTypes, ", ", mlds_output_type),
+ io__write_string(")")
+ ).
+mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__commit_type, _) --> [].
+mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__rtti_type(RttiName), ArraySize) -->
+ ( { rtti_name_has_array_type(RttiName) = yes } ->
+ mlds_output_array_type_suffix(ArraySize)
+ ;
+ []
+ ).
+mlds_output_type_suffix(mlds__unknown_type, _) -->
+ { error("mlds_to_java.m: suffix has unknown type") }.
+:- pred mlds_output_array_type_suffix(initializer_array_size::in,
+ io__state::di, io__state::uo) is det.
+mlds_output_array_type_suffix(no_size) -->
+ io__write_string("[]").
+mlds_output_array_type_suffix(array_size(_Size)) -->
+ io__write_string("[]"). % For Java we don't need to know the size.
+% Code to output declaration specifiers
+:- pred mlds_output_decl_flags(mlds__decl_flags,
+ mlds__entity_name, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_decl_flags(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_decl_flags(Flags, _Name) -->
+ mlds_output_access(access(Flags)),
+ mlds_output_per_instance(per_instance(Flags)),
+ mlds_output_virtuality(virtuality(Flags)),
+ mlds_output_finality(finality(Flags)),
+ mlds_output_constness(constness(Flags)),
+ mlds_output_abstractness(abstractness(Flags)).
+:- pred mlds_output_access(access, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_access(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_access(public) --> io__write_string("public ").
+mlds_output_access(private) --> io__write_string("private ").
+mlds_output_access(protected) --> io__write_string("protected ").
+mlds_output_access(default) --> [].
+mlds_output_access(local) --> [].
+:- pred mlds_output_per_instance(per_instance, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_per_instance(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_per_instance(per_instance) --> [].
+mlds_output_per_instance(one_copy) --> io__write_string("static ").
+:- pred mlds_output_virtuality(virtuality, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_virtuality(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_virtuality(virtual) --> io__write_string("abstract ").
+mlds_output_virtuality(non_virtual) --> [].
+:- pred mlds_output_finality(finality, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_finality(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_finality(final) --> [].
+mlds_output_finality(overridable) --> [].
+:- pred mlds_output_constness(constness, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_constness(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_constness(const) --> [].
+mlds_output_constness(modifiable) --> [].
+:- pred mlds_output_abstractness(abstractness, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_abstractness(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_abstractness(abstract) --> [].
+mlds_output_abstractness(concrete) --> [].
+% Code to output statements
+:- type func_info
+ ---> func_info(mlds__qualified_entity_name, mlds__func_params).
+:- pred mlds_output_statements(indent, func_info, list(mlds__statement),
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_statements(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_statements(Indent, FuncInfo, Statements) -->
+ list__foldl(mlds_output_statement(Indent, FuncInfo), Statements).
+:- pred mlds_output_statement(indent, func_info, mlds__statement,
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_statement(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_statement(Indent, FuncInfo, mlds__statement(Statement, Context)) -->
+ mlds_output_context(Context),
+ mlds_output_stmt(Indent, FuncInfo, Statement, Context).
+:- pred mlds_output_stmt(indent, func_info, mlds__stmt, mlds__context,
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_stmt(in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+ %
+ % sequence
+ %
+mlds_output_stmt(Indent, FuncInfo, block(Defns, Statements), Context) -->
+ mlds_indent(Indent),
+ io__write_string("{\n"),
+ ( { Defns \= [] } ->
+ { FuncInfo = func_info(FuncName, _) },
+ { FuncName = qual(ModuleName, _) },
+ mlds_output_defns(Indent + 1, ModuleName, Defns),
+ io__write_string("\n")
+ ;
+ []
+ ),
+ mlds_output_statements(Indent + 1, FuncInfo, Statements),
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent),
+ io__write_string("}\n").
+ %
+ % iteration
+ %
+mlds_output_stmt(Indent, FuncInfo, while(Cond, Statement, no), _) -->
+ mlds_indent(Indent),
+ io__write_string("while ("),
+ mlds_output_rval(Cond),
+ io__write_string(")\n"),
+ mlds_output_statement(Indent + 1, FuncInfo, Statement).
+mlds_output_stmt(Indent, FuncInfo, while(Cond, Statement, yes), Context) -->
+ mlds_indent(Indent),
+ io__write_string("do\n"),
+ mlds_output_statement(Indent + 1, FuncInfo, Statement),
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent),
+ io__write_string("while ("),
+ mlds_output_rval(Cond),
+ io__write_string(");\n").
+ %
+ % selection (if-then-else)
+ %
+mlds_output_stmt(Indent, FuncInfo, if_then_else(Cond, Then0, MaybeElse),
+ Context) -->
+ %
+ % we need to take care to avoid problems caused by the
+ % dangling else ambiguity
+ %
+ {
+ %
+ % For examples of the form
+ %
+ % if (...)
+ % if (...)
+ % ...
+ % else
+ % ...
+ %
+ % we need braces around the inner `if', otherwise
+ % they wouldn't parse they way we want them to:
+ % Java would match the `else' with the inner `if'
+ % rather than the outer `if'.
+ %
+ MaybeElse = yes(_),
+ Then0 = statement(if_then_else(_, _, no), ThenContext)
+ ->
+ Then = statement(block([], [Then0]), ThenContext)
+ ;
+ %
+ % For examples of the form
+ %
+ % if (...)
+ % if (...)
+ % ...
+ % else
+ % ...
+ %
+ % we don't _need_ braces around the inner `if',
+ % since Java will match the else with the inner `if'.
+ %
+ MaybeElse = no,
+ Then0 = statement(if_then_else(_, _, yes(_)), ThenContext)
+ ->
+ Then = statement(block([], [Then0]), ThenContext)
+ ;
+ Then = Then0
+ },
+ mlds_indent(Indent),
+ io__write_string("if ("),
+ mlds_output_rval(Cond),
+ io__write_string(")\n"),
+ mlds_output_statement(Indent + 1, FuncInfo, Then),
+ ( { MaybeElse = yes(Else) } ->
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent),
+ io__write_string("else\n"),
+ mlds_output_statement(Indent + 1, FuncInfo, Else)
+ ;
+ []
+ ).
+ %
+ % selection (switch)
+ %
+mlds_output_stmt(Indent, FuncInfo, switch(_Type, Val, _Range, Cases, Default),
+ Context) -->
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent),
+ io__write_string("switch ("),
+ mlds_output_rval_maybe_with_enum(Val),
+ io__write_string(") {\n"),
+ list__foldl(mlds_output_switch_case(Indent + 1, FuncInfo, Context),
+ Cases),
+ mlds_output_switch_default(Indent + 1, FuncInfo, Context, Default),
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent),
+ io__write_string("}\n").
+ %
+ % transfer of control
+ %
+mlds_output_stmt(_Indent, _FuncInfo, label(_LabelName), _) -->
+ { error("mlds_to_java.m: Labels not supported in Java.") }.
+mlds_output_stmt(_Indent, _FuncInfo, goto(_LabelName), _) -->
+ { error("mlds_to_java.m: gotos not supported in Java.") }.
+mlds_output_stmt(_Indent, _FuncInfo, computed_goto(_Expr, _Labels),
+ _Context) -->
+ { error("mlds_to_java.m: computed gotos not supported in Java.") }.
+ %
+ % function call/return
+ %
+mlds_output_stmt(Indent, CallerFuncInfo, Call, Context) -->
+ { Call = call(Signature, FuncRval, MaybeObject, CallArgs,
+ Results, IsTailCall) },
+ { CallerFuncInfo = func_info(_Name, _Params) },
+ mlds_indent(Indent),
+ io__write_string("{\n"),
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent + 1),
+ ( { Results = [] } ->
+ []
+ ; { Results = [Lval] } ->
+ mlds_output_lval(Lval),
+ io__write_string(" = ")
+ ;
+ % for multiple return values,
+ % we generate the following code:
+ % { java.lang.Object [] result = <func>(<args>);
+ % <output1> = (<type1>) result[0];
+ % <output2> = (<type2>) result[1];
+ % ...
+ % }
+ %
+ io__write_string("java.lang.Object [] result = ")
+ ),
+ ( { MaybeObject = yes(Object) } ->
+ mlds_output_bracketed_rval(Object),
+ io__write_string(".")
+ ;
+ []
+ ),
+ mlds_output_bracketed_rval(FuncRval),
+ io__write_string("("),
+ io__write_list(CallArgs, ", ", mlds_output_rval),
+ io__write_string(");\n"),
+ ( { Results = [_, _ | _] } ->
+ % Copy the results from the "result" array into the Result
+ % lvals (unboxing them as we go).
+ { Signature = mlds__func_signature(_Arguments, RetTypes) },
+ mlds_output_assign_results(Results, RetTypes, 0,
+ Indent + 1, Context)
+ ;
+ []
+ ),
+ ( { IsTailCall = tail_call, Results = [] } ->
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent + 1),
+ io__write_string("return;\n")
+ ;
+ []
+ ),
+ mlds_indent(Indent),
+ io__write_string("}\n").
+mlds_output_stmt(Indent, FuncInfo, return(Results), _) -->
+ mlds_indent(Indent),
+ io__write_string("return"),
+ ( { Results = [] } ->
+ []
+ ; { Results = [Rval] } ->
+ io__write_char(' '),
+ % XXX the ml code generator should not generate these.
+ ( { Rval = mlds__lval(Lval),
+ Lval = var(VarName, _),
+ VarName = qual(_, UnqualName),
+ UnqualName = "dummy_var" }
+ ->
+ []
+ ;
+ mlds_output_rval(Rval)
+ )
+ ;
+ { FuncInfo = func_info(_Name, Params) },
+ { Params = mlds__func_params(_Args, ReturnTypes) },
+ { TypesAndResults = assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(
+ ReturnTypes, Results) },
+ io__write_string(" new java.lang.Object[] { "),
+ io__write_list(TypesAndResults, ",\n ",
+ (pred((Type - Result)::in, di, uo) is det -->
+ mlds_output_boxed_rval(Type, Result))),
+ io__write_string("}")
+ ),
+ io__write_string(";\n").
+% XXX This hasn't been implemented yet in the Java backend. The code
+% below is from the C backend.
+ %
+ % commits
+ %
+mlds_output_stmt(Indent, _FuncInfo, do_commit(Ref), _) -->
+ mlds_indent(Indent),
+ globals__io_lookup_bool_option(gcc_local_labels, GCC_LocalLabels),
+ ( { GCC_LocalLabels = yes } ->
+ % output "goto <Ref>"
+ io__write_string("goto "),
+ mlds_output_rval(Ref)
+ ;
+ % output "longjmp(<Ref>, 1)"
+ io__write_string("longjmp("),
+ mlds_output_rval(Ref),
+ io__write_string(", 1)")
+ ),
+ io__write_string(";\n").
+mlds_output_stmt(Indent, FuncInfo, try_commit(Ref, Stmt0, Handler), Context) -->
+ globals__io_lookup_bool_option(gcc_local_labels, GCC_LocalLabels),
+ (
+ { GCC_LocalLabels = yes },
+ % Output the following:
+ %
+ % <Stmt>
+ % goto <Ref>_done;
+ % <Ref>:
+ % <Handler>
+ % <Ref>_done:
+ % ;
+ % Note that <Ref> should be just variable name,
+ % not a complicated expression. If not, the
+ % C compiler will catch it.
+ mlds_output_statement(Indent, FuncInfo, Stmt0),
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent),
+ io__write_string("goto "),
+ mlds_output_lval(Ref),
+ io__write_string("_done;\n"),
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent - 1),
+ mlds_output_lval(Ref),
+ io__write_string(":\n"),
+ mlds_output_statement(Indent, FuncInfo, Handler),
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent - 1),
+ mlds_output_lval(Ref),
+ io__write_string("_done:\t;\n")
+ ;
+ { GCC_LocalLabels = no },
+ % Output the following:
+ %
+ % if (setjmp(<Ref>) == 0)
+ % <Stmt>
+ % else
+ % <Handler>
+ %
+ % XXX we need to declare the local variables as volatile,
+ % because of the setjmp()!
+ %
+ %
+ % we need to take care to avoid problems caused by the
+ % dangling else ambiguity
+ %
+ {
+ Stmt0 = statement(if_then_else(_, _, no), Context)
+ ->
+ Stmt = statement(block([], [Stmt0]), Context)
+ ;
+ Stmt = Stmt0
+ },
+ mlds_indent(Indent),
+ io__write_string("if (setjmp("),
+ mlds_output_lval(Ref),
+ io__write_string(") == 0)\n"),
+ mlds_output_statement(Indent + 1, FuncInfo, Stmt),
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent),
+ io__write_string("else\n"),
+ mlds_output_statement(Indent + 1, FuncInfo, Handler)
+ ).
+% When returning multiple values,
+% we generate the following code:
+% { java.lang.Object [] result = <func>(<args>);
+% <output1> = (<type1>) result[0];
+% <output2> = (<type2>) result[1];
+% ...
+% }
+% This procedure generates the assignments to the outputs.
+:- pred mlds_output_assign_results(list(mlds__lval), list(mlds__type), int,
+ indent, mlds__context, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_assign_results(in, in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_assign_results([], [], _, _, _) --> [].
+mlds_output_assign_results([Lval|Lvals], [Type|Types], ResultIndex,
+ Indent, Context) -->
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent),
+ mlds_output_lval(Lval),
+ io__write_string(" = "),
+ mlds_output_unboxed_result(Type, ResultIndex),
+ io__write_string(";\n"),
+ mlds_output_assign_results(Lvals, Types, ResultIndex + 1,
+ Indent, Context).
+mlds_output_assign_results([_|_], [], _, _, _) -->
+ { error("mlds_output_assign_results: list length mismatch") }.
+mlds_output_assign_results([], [_|_], _, _, _) -->
+ { error("mlds_output_assign_results: list length mismatch") }.
+:- pred mlds_output_unboxed_result(mlds__type, int, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_unboxed_result(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_unboxed_result(Type, ResultIndex) -->
+ (
+ { java_builtin_type(Type, _JavaName, JavaBoxedName,
+ UnboxMethod) }
+ ->
+ io__write_string("(("),
+ io__write_string(JavaBoxedName),
+ io__write_string(") "),
+ io__format("result[%d]).%s()", [i(ResultIndex), s(UnboxMethod)])
+ ;
+ io__write_string("("),
+ mlds_output_type(Type),
+ io__write_string(") "),
+ io__format("result[%d]", [i(ResultIndex)])
+ ).
+% Extra code for outputting switch statements
+:- pred mlds_output_switch_case(indent, func_info, mlds__context,
+ mlds__switch_case, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_switch_case(in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_switch_case(Indent, FuncInfo, Context, Case) -->
+ { Case = (Conds - Statement) },
+ list__foldl(mlds_output_case_cond(Indent, Context), Conds),
+ mlds_output_statement(Indent + 1, FuncInfo, Statement),
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent + 1),
+ io__write_string("break;\n").
+:- pred mlds_output_case_cond(indent, mlds__context,
+ mlds__case_match_cond, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_case_cond(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_case_cond(Indent, Context, match_value(Val)) -->
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent),
+ io__write_string("case "),
+ mlds_output_rval(Val),
+ io__write_string(":\n").
+mlds_output_case_cond(Indent, Context, match_range(Low, High)) -->
+ % This uses the GNU C extension `case <Low> ... <High>:'.
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent),
+ io__write_string("case "),
+ mlds_output_rval(Low),
+ io__write_string(" ... "),
+ mlds_output_rval(High),
+ io__write_string(":\n").
+:- pred mlds_output_switch_default(indent, func_info, mlds__context,
+ mlds__switch_default, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_switch_default(in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_switch_default(Indent, _FuncInfo, Context, default_is_unreachable) -->
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent),
+ io__write_string("default: /*NOTREACHED*/\n"),
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent + 1),
+ io__write_string("java.lang.System.exit(0);\n").
+mlds_output_switch_default(_Indent, _FuncInfo, _Context, default_do_nothing) --> [].
+mlds_output_switch_default(Indent, FuncInfo, Context, default_case(Statement)) -->
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent),
+ io__write_string("default:\n"),
+ mlds_output_statement(Indent + 1, FuncInfo, Statement).
+ %
+ % Does the rval represent a special procedure for which a
+ % code address doesn't exist.
+ %
+:- pred no_code_address(mlds__rval::in) is semidet.
+no_code_address(const(code_addr_const(proc(qual(Module, PredLabel - _), _)))) :-
+ SymName = mlds_module_name_to_sym_name(Module),
+ SymName = qualified(unqualified("mercury"), "private_builtin"),
+ PredLabel = pred(predicate, _, "unsafe_type_cast", 2).
+ %
+ % exception handling
+ %
+ /* XXX not yet implemented */
+ %
+ % atomic statements
+ %
+mlds_output_stmt(Indent, FuncInfo, atomic(AtomicStatement), Context) -->
+ mlds_output_atomic_stmt(Indent, FuncInfo, AtomicStatement, Context).
+:- pred mlds_output_label_name(mlds__label, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_label_name(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_label_name(LabelName) -->
+ mlds_output_mangled_name(LabelName).
+:- pred mlds_output_atomic_stmt(indent, func_info,
+ mlds__atomic_statement, mlds__context, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_atomic_stmt(in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+ %
+ % comments
+ %
+mlds_output_atomic_stmt(Indent, _FuncInfo, comment(Comment), _) -->
+ % XXX we should escape any "*/"'s in the Comment.
+ % we should also split the comment into lines and indent
+ % each line appropriately.
+ mlds_indent(Indent),
+ io__write_string("/* "),
+ io__write_string(Comment),
+ io__write_string(" */\n").
+ %
+ % assignment
+ %
+mlds_output_atomic_stmt(Indent, _FuncInfo, assign(Lval, Rval), _) -->
+ mlds_indent(Indent),
+ mlds_output_lval(Lval),
+ io__write_string(" = "),
+ ( { Lval = var(_, VarType),
+ type_is_object(VarType) }
+ ->
+ % If the Lval is a an object.
+ ( { rval_is_int_const(Rval) } ->
+ io__write_string("new "),
+ mlds_output_type(VarType),
+ io__write_string("("),
+ mlds_output_rval(Rval),
+ io__write_string(")")
+ ;
+ %( { rval_is_enum_var(Rval) } ->
+ mlds_output_rval(Rval)
+ %;
+ % io__write_string("("),
+ % mlds_output_type(VarType),
+ % io__write_string(") "),
+ % mlds_output_rval_maybe_with_enum(Rval)
+ %)
+ )
+ ;
+ mlds_output_rval_maybe_with_enum(Rval)
+ ),
+ io__write_string(";\n").
+ %
+ % heap management
+ %
+mlds_output_atomic_stmt(_Indent, _FuncInfo, delete_object(_Lval), _) -->
+ { error("mlds_to_java.m: delete_object not supported in Java.") }.
+mlds_output_atomic_stmt(Indent, _FuncInfo, NewObject, Context) -->
+ { NewObject = new_object(Target, _MaybeTag, Type, _MaybeSize,
+ MaybeCtorName, Args, ArgTypes) },
+ mlds_indent(Indent),
+ io__write_string("{\n"),
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent + 1),
+ mlds_output_lval(Target),
+ io__write_string(" = new "),
+ %
+ % All derived classes are also static member classes of their
+ % bases classes. So the correct way to call their constructors
+ % is `<module_name>.<base_class>.<derived_class>()'.
+ % The names of the derived classes are stored in the MaybeCtorName
+ % field.
+ % XXX We should actually generate (Java) contructors for each class.
+ % This would make the treatment of discriminated unions more consistent
+ % with the way we treat enumeations. At the moment we just assign the
+ % values directly to the fields.
+ %
+ ( { MaybeCtorName = yes(QualifiedCtorId) } ->
+ mlds_output_type(Type),
+ io__write_char('.'),
+ { QualifiedCtorId = qual(_ModuleName, CtorDefn) },
+ { CtorDefn = ctor_id(CtorName, CtorArity) },
+ { llds_out__name_mangle(CtorName, MangledCtorName) },
+ io__write_string(MangledCtorName),
+ io__write_string("_"),
+ io__write_int(CtorArity)
+ ;
+ % XXX This probably isn't right.
+ io__write_string("null"),
+ { CtorDefn = ctor_id("null", 0) }
+ ),
+ io__write_string("();\n"),
+ mlds_output_init_args(Args, ArgTypes, CtorDefn, Context, 0, Target, 0,
+ Indent + 1),
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent),
+ io__write_string("}\n").
+% XXX This hasn't been implemented yet in the Java backend. The code
+% below is from the C backend.
+mlds_output_atomic_stmt(Indent, _FuncInfo, mark_hp(Lval), _) -->
+ mlds_indent(Indent),
+ io__write_string("MR_mark_hp("),
+ mlds_output_lval(Lval),
+ io__write_string(");\n").
+mlds_output_atomic_stmt(Indent, _FuncInfo, restore_hp(Rval), _) -->
+ mlds_indent(Indent),
+ io__write_string("MR_restore_hp("),
+ mlds_output_rval(Rval),
+ io__write_string(");\n").
+ %
+ % trail management
+ %
+mlds_output_atomic_stmt(_Indent, _FuncInfo, trail_op(_TrailOp), _) -->
+ { error("mlds_to_java.m: sorry, trail_ops not implemented") }.
+% XXX This hasn't been implemented yet in the Java backend. The code
+% below is from the C backend.
+ %
+ % foreign language interfacing
+ %
+mlds_output_atomic_stmt(_Indent, _FuncInfo,
+ target_code(TargetLang, Components), Context) -->
+ ( { TargetLang = lang_C } ->
+ list__foldl(
+ mlds_output_target_code_component(Context),
+ Components)
+ ;
+ { error("mlds_to_java.m: sorry, target_code only works for lang_java") }
+ ).
+:- pred mlds_output_target_code_component(mlds__context, target_code_component,
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_target_code_component(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+ user_target_code(CodeString, MaybeUserContext)) -->
+ ( { MaybeUserContext = yes(UserContext) } ->
+ mlds_output_context(mlds__make_context(UserContext))
+ ;
+ mlds_output_context(Context)
+ ),
+ io__write_string(CodeString),
+ io__write_string("\n").
+mlds_output_target_code_component(Context, raw_target_code(CodeString)) -->
+ mlds_output_context(Context),
+ io__write_string(CodeString).
+mlds_output_target_code_component(Context, target_code_input(Rval)) -->
+ mlds_output_context(Context),
+ mlds_output_rval(Rval),
+ io__write_string("\n").
+mlds_output_target_code_component(Context, target_code_output(Lval)) -->
+ mlds_output_context(Context),
+ mlds_output_lval(Lval),
+ io__write_string("\n").
+mlds_output_target_code_component(_Context, name(Name)) -->
+ % Note: `name(Name)' target_code_components are used to
+ % generate the #define for `MR_PROC_LABEL'.
+ % The fact that they're used in a #define means that we can't do
+ % an mlds_output_context(Context) here, since #line directives
+ % aren't allowed inside #defines.
+ mlds_output_fully_qualified_name(Name),
+ io__write_string("\n").
+ % Output initial values of an object's fields.
+ %
+:- pred mlds_output_init_args(list(mlds__rval), list(mlds__type), mlds__ctor_id, mlds__context, int, mlds__lval, mlds__tag, indent, io__state,
+ io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_init_args(in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_init_args([], [], _, _, _, _, _, _) --> [].
+mlds_output_init_args([_|_], [], _, _, _, _, _, _) -->
+ { error("mlds_output_init_args: length mismatch") }.
+mlds_output_init_args([], [_|_], _, _, _, _, _, _) -->
+ { error("mlds_output_init_args: length mismatch") }.
+mlds_output_init_args([Arg|Args], [ArgType|ArgTypes], CtorId, Context,
+ ArgNum, Target, Tag, Indent) -->
+ mlds_indent(Context, Indent),
+ ( { ArgNum = 0 } ->
+ %
+ % If it's just the data tag, no casting is necessary since
+ % it is a member of the base class anyway. Note: the
+ % argument number of the data_tag is always going to be
+ % zero as the numbering of other fields starts at 1.
+ %
+ mlds_output_lval(Target),
+ io__write_string(".data_tag = "),
+ mlds_output_rval(Arg)
+ ;
+ %
+ % Otherwise do the approriate downcasting to the derived
+ % class
+ %
+ (
+ { Target = var(_, TargetType),
+ CtorId = ctor_id(CtorName, CtorArity) }
+ ->
+ io__write_string("(("),
+ mlds_output_type(TargetType),
+ io__write_string("."),
+ mlds_output_mangled_name(CtorName),
+ io__write_string("_"),
+ io__write_int(CtorArity),
+ io__write_string(") "),
+ mlds_output_lval(Target),
+ io__write_string(").F"),
+ io__write_int(ArgNum),
+ io__write_string(" = "),
+ % If the Target type is the same as the argument
+ % type then we just need to output the rval.
+ % Otherwise we will need to output a boxed rval.
+ % XXX The Context information in the ArgTypes is
+ % not being filled out correctly, which is why
+ % TargetType = ArgType sometimes fails when it
+ % shouldn't.
+ %
+ (
+ (
+ { TargetType = ArgType }
+ ;
+ { TargetType =
+ mercury_type(_, TargetBuiltinType),
+ ArgType = mercury_type(_, ArgBuiltinType),
+ TargetBuiltinType = ArgBuiltinType }
+ )
+ ->
+ mlds_output_rval(Arg)
+ ;
+ mlds_output_boxed_rval(ArgType, Arg)
+ )
+ ;
+ %
+ % Otherwise don't do the downcasting.
+ %
+ mlds_output_lval(Target),
+ io__write_string(".F"),
+ io__write_int(ArgNum),
+ io__write_string(" = "),
+ mlds_output_rval(Arg)
+ )
+ ),
+ io__write_string(";\n"),
+ mlds_output_init_args(Args, ArgTypes, CtorId, Context,
+ ArgNum + 1, Target, Tag, Indent).
+% Code to output expressions
+:- pred mlds_output_lval(mlds__lval, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_lval(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_lval(field(_MaybeTag, _Rval, offset(_OffsetRval),
+ _FieldType, _ClassType)) -->
+ { error("mlds_to_java.m : mlds_output_lval") }.
+mlds_output_lval(field(_MaybeTag, PtrRval, named_field(FieldName, CtorType),
+ _FieldType, _PtrType)) -->
+ ( { FieldName = qual(_, UnqualFieldName),
+ llds_out__name_mangle(UnqualFieldName, MangledFieldName),
+ MangledFieldName = "data_tag" }
+ ->
+ mlds_output_bracketed_rval(PtrRval),
+ io__write_string(".")
+ ;
+ io__write_string("(("),
+ mlds_output_type(CtorType),
+ io__write_string(") "),
+ mlds_output_bracketed_rval(PtrRval), % the actual variable
+ io__write_string(").")
+ ),
+ { FieldName = qual(_, UnqualFieldName) },
+ mlds_output_mangled_name(UnqualFieldName). % the field name
+mlds_output_lval(mem_ref(Rval, _Type)) -->
+ mlds_output_bracketed_rval(Rval).
+mlds_output_lval(var(VarName, _VarType)) -->
+ mlds_output_var(VarName).
+:- pred mlds_output_var(mlds__var, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_var(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_var(qual(_ModuleName, Name)) -->
+ io__write_string(Name).
+:- pred mlds_output_mangled_name(string, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_mangled_name(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_mangled_name(Name) -->
+ { llds_out__name_mangle(Name, MangledName) },
+ io__write_string(MangledName).
+:- pred mlds_output_bracketed_lval(mlds__lval, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_bracketed_lval(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_bracketed_lval(Lval) -->
+ (
+ % if it's just a variable name, then we don't need parentheses
+ { Lval = var(_,_) }
+ ->
+ mlds_output_lval(Lval)
+ ;
+ io__write_char('('),
+ mlds_output_lval(Lval),
+ io__write_char(')')
+ ).
+:- pred mlds_output_bracketed_rval(mlds__rval, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_bracketed_rval(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_bracketed_rval(Rval) -->
+ (
+ % if it's just a variable name, then we don't need parentheses
+ { Rval = lval(var(_,_))
+ ; Rval = const(code_addr_const(_))
+ }
+ ->
+ mlds_output_rval(Rval)
+ ;
+ io__write_char('('),
+ mlds_output_rval(Rval),
+ io__write_char(')')
+ ).
+:- pred mlds_output_rval(mlds__rval, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_rval(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_rval(lval(Lval)) -->
+ mlds_output_lval(Lval).
+mlds_output_rval(mkword(Tag, Rval)) -->
+ io__write_string("(MR_Word) MR_mkword("),
+ mlds_output_tag(Tag),
+ io__write_string(", "),
+ mlds_output_rval(Rval),
+ io__write_string(")").
+mlds_output_rval(const(Const)) -->
+ mlds_output_rval_const(Const).
+mlds_output_rval(unop(Op, Rval)) -->
+ mlds_output_unop(Op, Rval).
+mlds_output_rval(binop(Op, Rval1, Rval2)) -->
+ mlds_output_binop(Op, Rval1, Rval2).
+mlds_output_rval(mem_addr(Lval)) -->
+ % XXX the MLDS code generator should probably not generate these
+ % io__write_string("&"),
+ mlds_output_lval(Lval).
+:- pred mlds_output_unop(mlds__unary_op, mlds__rval, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_unop(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_unop(cast(Type), Exprn) -->
+ mlds_output_cast_rval(Type, Exprn).
+mlds_output_unop(box(Type), Exprn) -->
+ mlds_output_boxed_rval(Type, Exprn).
+mlds_output_unop(unbox(Type), Exprn) -->
+ mlds_output_unboxed_rval(Type, Exprn).
+mlds_output_unop(std_unop(Unop), Exprn) -->
+ mlds_output_std_unop(Unop, Exprn).
+:- pred mlds_output_cast_rval(mlds__type, mlds__rval, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_cast_rval(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+% XXX Putting these casts in seems pointless.
+mlds_output_cast_rval(_Type, Exprn) -->
+ %io__write_string("("),
+ %mlds_output_type(Type),
+ %io__write_string(") "),
+ mlds_output_rval(Exprn).
+:- pred mlds_output_boxed_rval(mlds__type, mlds__rval, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_boxed_rval(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_boxed_rval(Type, Exprn) -->
+ (
+ { java_builtin_type(Type, _JavaName, JavaBoxedName,
+ _UnboxMethod) }
+ ->
+ io__write_string("new "),
+ io__write_string(JavaBoxedName),
+ io__write_string("("),
+ mlds_output_rval(Exprn),
+ io__write_string(")")
+ ;
+ io__write_string("((java.lang.Object) ("),
+ mlds_output_rval(Exprn),
+ io__write_string("))")
+ ).
+:- pred mlds_output_unboxed_rval(mlds__type, mlds__rval, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_unboxed_rval(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_unboxed_rval(Type, Exprn) -->
+ (
+ { java_builtin_type(Type, _JavaName, JavaBoxedName,
+ UnboxMethod) }
+ ->
+ io__write_string("(("),
+ io__write_string(JavaBoxedName),
+ io__write_string(") "),
+ mlds_output_bracketed_rval(Exprn),
+ io__write_string(")."),
+ io__write_string(UnboxMethod),
+ io__write_string("()")
+ ;
+ io__write_string("(("),
+ mlds_output_type(Type),
+ io__write_string(") "),
+ mlds_output_rval(Exprn),
+ io__write_string(")")
+ ).
+ % java_builtin_type(MLDS_Type, JavaUnboxedType, JavaBoxedType,
+ % UnboxMethod):
+ % For a given Mercury type, check if this corresponds to a
+ % Java type which has both unboxed (builtin) and boxed (class)
+ % versions, and if so, return their names, and the name of
+ % the method to get the unboxed value from the boxed type.
+ %
+:- pred java_builtin_type(mlds__type, string, string, string).
+:- mode java_builtin_type(in, out, out, out) is semidet.
+java_builtin_type(Type, "int", "java.lang.Integer", "intValue") :-
+ Type = mlds__native_int_type.
+java_builtin_type(Type, "int", "java.lang.Integer", "intValue") :-
+ Type = mlds__mercury_type(term__functor(term__atom("int"), [], _), _).
+java_builtin_type(Type, "double", "java.lang.Double", "doubleValue") :-
+ Type = mlds__native_float_type.
+java_builtin_type(Type, "double", "java.lang.Double", "doubleValue") :-
+ Type = mlds__mercury_type(term__functor(term__atom("float"),
+ [], _), _).
+java_builtin_type(Type, "char", "java.lang.Character", "charValue") :-
+ Type = mlds__native_char_type.
+java_builtin_type(Type, "char", "java.lang.Character", "charValue") :-
+ Type = mlds__mercury_type(term__functor(term__atom("character"),
+ [], _), _).
+java_builtin_type(Type, "boolean", "java.lang.Boolean", "booleanValue") :-
+ Type = mlds__native_bool_type.
+:- pred mlds_output_std_unop(builtin_ops__unary_op, mlds__rval,
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_std_unop(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_std_unop(UnaryOp, Exprn) -->
+ { c_util__unary_prefix_op(UnaryOp, UnaryOpString) },
+ io__write_string(UnaryOpString),
+ io__write_string("("),
+ ( { UnaryOp = tag } ->
+ % XXX This is probably not right in the Java backend.
+ % The MR_tag macro requires its argument to be of type
+ % `MR_Word'.
+ % XXX should we put this cast inside the definition of MR_tag?
+ io__write_string("(MR_Word) ")
+ ;
+ []
+ ),
+ mlds_output_rval(Exprn),
+ io__write_string(")").
+:- pred mlds_output_binop(binary_op, mlds__rval, mlds__rval,
+ io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_binop(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_binop(Op, X, Y) -->
+ (
+ { Op = array_index }
+ ->
+ mlds_output_bracketed_rval(X),
+ io__write_string("["),
+ mlds_output_rval(Y),
+ io__write_string("]")
+ ;
+ { c_util__string_compare_op(Op, OpStr) }
+ ->
+ mlds_output_rval(X),
+ io__write_string(".equals("),
+ mlds_output_rval(Y),
+ io__write_string(")"),
+ io__write_string(" "),
+ io__write_string(OpStr),
+ io__write_string(" "),
+ io__write_string("true")
+ ;
+ ( { c_util__float_compare_op(Op, OpStr1) } ->
+ { OpStr = OpStr1 }
+ ; { c_util__float_op(Op, OpStr2) } ->
+ { OpStr = OpStr2 }
+ ;
+ { fail }
+ )
+ ->
+ io__write_string("("),
+ mlds_output_rval_maybe_with_enum(X),
+ io__write_string(" "),
+ io__write_string(OpStr),
+ io__write_string(" "),
+ mlds_output_rval_maybe_with_enum(Y),
+ io__write_string(")")
+ ;
+ io__write_string("("),
+ mlds_output_rval_maybe_with_enum(X),
+ io__write_string(" "),
+ mlds_output_binary_op(Op),
+ io__write_string(" "),
+ mlds_output_rval_maybe_with_enum(Y),
+ io__write_string(")")
+ ).
+ % Output an Rval, if the Rval represents an enumeration object
+ % put in the ".value" so we can access its value.
+ %
+:- pred mlds_output_rval_maybe_with_enum(mlds__rval, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_rval_maybe_with_enum(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_rval_maybe_with_enum(Rval) -->
+ mlds_output_rval(Rval),
+ ( { rval_is_enum_var(Rval) } ->
+ io__write_string(".value")
+ ;
+ []
+ ).
+:- pred mlds_output_binary_op(binary_op, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_binary_op(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_binary_op(Op) -->
+ ( { c_util__binary_infix_op(Op, OpStr) } ->
+ io__write_string(OpStr)
+ ;
+ { error("mlds_output_binary_op: invalid binary operator") }
+ ).
+:- pred mlds_output_rval_const(mlds__rval_const, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_rval_const(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_rval_const(true) -->
+ io__write_string("true").
+mlds_output_rval_const(false) -->
+ io__write_string("false").
+mlds_output_rval_const(int_const(N)) -->
+ io__write_int(N).
+mlds_output_rval_const(float_const(FloatVal)) -->
+ io__write_float(FloatVal).
+mlds_output_rval_const(string_const(String)) -->
+ io__write_string(""""),
+ c_util__output_quoted_string(String),
+ io__write_string("""").
+mlds_output_rval_const(multi_string_const(Length, String)) -->
+ io__write_string(""""),
+ c_util__output_quoted_multi_string(Length, String),
+ io__write_string("""").
+mlds_output_rval_const(code_addr_const(CodeAddr)) -->
+ mlds_output_code_addr(CodeAddr).
+mlds_output_rval_const(data_addr_const(DataAddr)) -->
+ mlds_output_data_addr(DataAddr).
+mlds_output_rval_const(null(_)) -->
+ io__write_string("null").
+:- pred mlds_output_tag(mlds__tag, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_tag(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_tag(Tag) -->
+ io__write_string("MR_mktag("),
+ io__write_int(Tag),
+ io__write_string(")").
+:- pred mlds_output_code_addr(mlds__code_addr, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_code_addr(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_code_addr(proc(Label, _Sig)) -->
+ mlds_output_fully_qualified_proc_label(Label).
+mlds_output_code_addr(internal(Label, SeqNum, _Sig)) -->
+ mlds_output_fully_qualified_proc_label(Label),
+ io__write_string("_"),
+ io__write_int(SeqNum).
+:- pred mlds_output_proc_label(mlds__proc_label, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_proc_label(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_proc_label(PredLabel - ProcId) -->
+ mlds_output_pred_label(PredLabel),
+ { proc_id_to_int(ProcId, ModeNum) },
+ io__format("_%d", [i(ModeNum)]).
+:- pred mlds_output_data_addr(mlds__data_addr, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_data_addr(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_data_addr(data_addr(ModuleName, DataName)) -->
+ mlds_output_module_name(
+ mlds_module_name_to_sym_name(ModuleName)),
+ io__write_string("."),
+ mlds_output_data_name(DataName).
+% Miscellaneous stuff to handle indentation and generation of
+% source context annotations. (XXX This can probably be simplified
+% since Java doens't have an equivalent of #line directives.)
+:- pred mlds_output_context(mlds__context, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_output_context(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_output_context(_Context) --> [].
+:- pred mlds_indent(mlds__context, indent, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_indent(in, in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_indent(Context, N) -->
+ mlds_output_context(Context),
+ mlds_indent(N).
+% A value of type `indent' records the number of levels
+% of indentation to indent the next piece of code.
+% Currently we output two spaces for each level of indentation.
+% XXX There is a small amount of code duplication with mlds_to_c.m here.
+:- type indent == int.
+:- pred mlds_indent(indent, io__state, io__state).
+:- mode mlds_indent(in, di, uo) is det.
+mlds_indent(N) -->
+ ( { N =< 0 } ->
+ []
+ ;
+ io__write_string(" "),
+ mlds_indent(N - 1)
+ ).
+:- func this_file = string.
+this_file = "mlds_to_java.m".
:- end_module mlds_to_java.
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