[m-dev.] Contribution: Pretty Printing Library

Mark Anthony BROWN dougl at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Thu Apr 13 05:12:43 AEST 2000

Fergus Henderson writes:
> On 12-Apr-2000, Ralph Becket <rbeck at microsoft.com> wrote:
> > > 	- Where the module should go once it passes review.  A likely
> > > 	  destination is the extras directory, which contains various
> > > 	  other "non-standard" libraries.  I don't know how well this
> > > 	  would fit with doing field trials like using it in
> > > 	  error_util.m (as Fergus suggested) or in the term browser
> > > 	  (as I would like to do).  Comments, anyone?
> > 
> > I'd rather see it go in the standard library for precisely these
> > reasons.
> IMHO this module is sufficient simple, elegant, and useful
> that it would be fine to put it in the standard library.

Agreed.  If it is going into the standard library then its format will
need to be a bit more consistent with the existing library modules,
particularly since the manual is derived from the source code.

Could you address some of these things, Ralph?
	- File header, with the stability and author fields.  The
	  author field usually just contains a key (eg login name),
	  and full contact details are in compiler/notes/authors.html.
	  You could add yourself there, or otherwise someone else will
	  (so people know who to blame ;-)).  It's probably best if
	  Fergus judges the "stability" it should initially have.
	- Tab size.
	- The dividing lines (mostly) are quite a bit shorter in
	  the library modules.
	- Anything else you notice from the coding standards document.

After that, I'll review the module again including the recent

Mark Brown, PhD student            )O+  |  "Another of Fortran's breakthroughs
(m.brown at cs.mu.oz.au)                   |  was the GOTO statement, which was...
Dept. of Computer Science and Software  |  uniquely simple and understandable"
Engineering, University of Melbourne    |              -- IEEE, 1994
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