[m-dev.] compiler generated events

Erwan Jahier Erwan.Jahier at irisa.fr
Sat Feb 20 22:04:57 AEDT 1999

| On 19-Feb-1999, Erwan Jahier <Erwan.Jahier at irisa.fr> wrote:
| > How can we get such events ?
| Hmm, might have been a good idea to ask this question
| *before* you decided to add support for such events
| to the external debugger ;-)

Well the main motivation and of this change was to add a slot for the
definition module to handle inter-module inlining, and while I was at it, it
was "cheap" to handle those events.

Considering that I need to redo my change because of problems caused by this
second part of the change, it was so cheap after all... ;)

| There's no such thing as "compiler generated events" --
| all debugger events are compiler generated.
| What you undoubtedly mean is "events in compiler
| generated procedures".  As for what they are, well
| the compiler generates procedures to implement
| compare/3 and unification for user-defined types.

That makes me think about a question I want to ask for a long time.
Currently, if you compile program in a debug grade, you can use the internal 
debugger. What should I need to do to compile in a grade such that we 
can use the external debugger too. Do I need to implement a special grade 
(debug.external) ? how ?
ps: In that grade, I'd want the library shallowly traced.


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