[m-dev.] for review: debugging oracle II

Mark Anthony BROWN dougl at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Thu Aug 19 19:27:55 AEST 1999


This is a relative diff which addresses most of lee's comments.
See my previous post for an explanation of what things haven't
been addressed yet.


Estimated hours taken: 55

This change adds a more sophisticated oracle to the declarative
debugger.  The oracle now tries to remember previous answers and uses
them if available, and only asks the user if there is no other

	- Add the type "oracle_assumption", which identifies an
	  internal assumption of the oracle.
	- Add the type "oracle_answer", which the oracle returns to the
	  caller.  This holds either the truth value, or a reason why
	  the truth value cannot be given yet.
	- Implement a knowledge base to store the previous answers.
	  This data structure is designed to be able to store arbitrary
	  assertions, although at this stage only one kind of assertion
	  is used.
	- Where possible, use the KB to answer questions, instead of
	  asking the user.
	- Update comments.

	- Use the new interface to the oracle.  Handle "don't know"
	  answers in a simple way: either save the question and ask it
	  later or return without finding any bug.
	- Move the debugger_command type to this module.
	- Move the UI stuff to a new module.

	New module to handle interaction between the debugger/oracle
	and the user.

	Add a test case for the new feature.

--- ../../../oracle/mercury/browser/browser_library.m	Mon Apr 12 14:11:40 1999
+++ browser_library.m	Thu Aug 19 16:21:26 1999
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
 :- implementation.
 :- import_module browse, frame, help, parse, util.
-:- import_module debugger_interface, declarative_debugger, declarative_oracle.
+:- import_module debugger_interface.
+:- import_module declarative_debugger, declarative_oracle, declarative_user.
 :- import_module interactive_query, dl, name_mangle.
 % See library/library.m for why we implement this predicate this way.
--- ../../../oracle/mercury/browser/declarative_debugger.m	Wed Aug 11 17:43:39 1999
+++ declarative_debugger.m	Thu Aug 19 18:37:10 1999
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
 	% Values of this type represent EDT nodes.  This representation
 	% is used by the front end (in this module), as well as the
-	% oracle (in browser/declarative_oracle.m).
+	% oracle and user interface.
 	% There will be nodes other than wrong_answer in future, such
 	% as for missing answer analysis.
@@ -50,11 +50,17 @@
 	--->	wrong_answer(string, list(univ)).
-	% Display the node in user readable form on the current
-	% output stream.
+	% These are the responses the user can give.
-:- pred write_node(edt_node, io__state, io__state).
-:- mode write_node(in, di, uo) is det.
+:- type debugger_command
+	--->	yes			% The node is correct.
+	;	no			% The node is incorrect.
+	;	inadmissible		% The node is inadmissible.
+	;	do_not_know		% The user has no answer.
+	;	browse			% Browse the data before answering.
+	;	tree			% Browse the EDT.
+	;	help			% Request help before answering.
+	;	illegal_command.	% None of the above.
 	% See comments above.
@@ -75,6 +81,7 @@
 :- implementation.
 :- import_module require, int, char.
+:- import_module declarative_user.
 	% This section defines the Mercury instance of the evaluation
@@ -249,18 +256,14 @@
 	{ edt_root(EDT, RootNode) },
 	query_oracle(RootNode, Answer, Oracle0, Oracle1),
-		%
-		% XXX We don't record the assumption used.  It is not
-		% used by the back end anyway.
-		%
-		{ Answer = known(yes, _) },
+		{ Answer = truth_value(yes) },
 		{ Bug = not_found },
 		{ Oracle = Oracle1 }
-		{ Answer = known(no, _) },
+		{ Answer = truth_value(no) },
 		analyse_edt_2(EDT, Bug, Oracle1, Oracle)
-		{ Answer = not_known },
+		{ Answer = deferred(_) },
 		{ Bug = not_found },
 		{ Oracle = Oracle1 }
@@ -292,17 +295,13 @@
 	{ edt_root(Child, ChildNode) },
 	query_oracle(ChildNode, Answer, Oracle0, Oracle1),
-		%
-		% XXX we currently don't record the assumption used.
-		% See comment above.
-		%
-		{ Answer = known(yes, _) },
+		{ Answer = truth_value(yes) },
 		analyse_children(Children, Bug0, Bug, Oracle1, Oracle)
-		{ Answer = known(no, _) },
+		{ Answer = truth_value(no) },
 		analyse_edt_2(Child, Bug, Oracle1, Oracle)
-		{ Answer = not_known },
+		{ Answer = deferred(_) },
 		{ append(Children, [Child], NewChildren) },
 		analyse_children(NewChildren, Bug0, Bug, Oracle1, Oracle)
@@ -349,31 +348,5 @@
 write_root_node(EDT) -->
 	{ edt_root(EDT, RootNode) },
-	write_node(RootNode).
-write_node(Node) -->
-	{ Node = wrong_answer(Name, Args) },
-	io__write_string(Name),
-	(
-		{ Args = [Arg1 | Args0] }
-	->
-		io__write_char('('),
-		io__print(Arg1),
-		write_args_rest(Args0),
-		io__write_char(')')
-	;
-		[]
-	).
-:- pred write_args_rest(list(univ), io__state, io__state).
-:- mode write_args_rest(in, di, uo) is det.
-write_args_rest([]) -->
-	[].
-write_args_rest([Arg | Args]) -->
-	io__write_string(", "),
-	io__print(Arg),
-	write_args_rest(Args).
+	write_edt_node(RootNode).
--- ../../../oracle/mercury/browser/declarative_oracle.m	Wed Aug 11 17:58:12 1999
+++ declarative_oracle.m	Thu Aug 19 19:00:52 1999
@@ -11,16 +11,15 @@
 % information about the intended interpretation of the program being
 % debugged.
-% The module has two sub-components, the knowledge base and the user
-% interface.  The knowledge base is a cache for all the assumptions
-% that the oracle is currently making.  When the oracle is queried,
-% it first checks the KB to see if an answer is available there.
+% The module has a knowledge base as a sub-component.  This is a cache
+% for all the assumptions that the oracle is currently making.  When
+% the oracle is queried, it first checks the KB to see if an answer
+% is available there.
-% The user interface is the means by which a query can be forwarded
-% to the user.  If no answer is available in the KB, then the oracle
-% uses the UI to get the required answer from the user.  Before
-% returning the answer, the new knowledge is added to the KB so the
-% user will not be asked the same question twice.
+% If no answer is available in the KB, then the oracle uses the UI 
+% (in browser/declarative_user.m) to get the required answer from the
+% user.  If any new knowledge is obtained, it is added to the KB so
+% the user will not be asked the same question twice.
 :- module declarative_oracle.
@@ -35,17 +34,13 @@
 :- type oracle_state.
-	% The identifier of an assumption used by the oracle.
-	%
-:- type oracle_assumption.
-	%
-	% A response that the oracle gives to the caller.  If the
-	% answer is known, the assumption used is also returned.
+	% A response that the oracle gives to the caller.  This is
+	% a truth value, if available, or else an indication of why
+	% the query cannot be answered yet.
 :- type oracle_answer
-	--->	known(edt_truth, oracle_assumption)
-	;	not_known.
+	--->	truth_value(edt_truth)
+	;	deferred(debugger_command).
 	% Query the oracle about the program being debugged.  The first
@@ -67,7 +62,7 @@
 :- implementation.
 :- import_module bool, list, char, require, std_util, string, map.
-:- import_module util, browse.
+:- import_module declarative_user, util, browse.
 :- type oracle_state
 	--->	oracle(
@@ -91,25 +86,23 @@
 query_oracle(Node, Answer, Oracle0, Oracle) -->
-		{ query_oracle_kb(Node, Oracle0, KBTruth, KBAssumption) }
+		{ query_oracle_kb(Node, Oracle0, KBTruth, _KBAssumption) }
-		{ Answer = known(KBTruth, KBAssumption) },
+		{ Answer = truth_value(KBTruth) },
 		{ Oracle = Oracle0 }
-		query_user(Node, MaybeTruth),
+		query_user(Node, Answer),
-			MaybeTruth = yes(Truth),
+			Answer = truth_value(Truth),
 			% We don't need to check the consistency of this
 			% assertion because we only get here if the KB
 			% didn't know the answer already.
-			add_oracle_assumption(Node, Truth, Assumption,
-					Oracle0, Oracle),
-			Answer = known(Truth, Assumption)
+			add_oracle_assumption(Node, Truth, _Assumption,
+					Oracle0, Oracle)
-			MaybeTruth = no,
-			Answer = not_known,
+			Answer = deferred(_),
 			Oracle = Oracle0
@@ -179,106 +172,4 @@
 oracle_kb_init(oracle_kb(NodeMap)) :-
-	%
-	% This section handles the interactive part of the declarative
-	% debugging process.  The user is presented with an EDT node,
-	% and is asked to respond about the truth of the node in the
-	% intended interpretation.
-	%
-	%
-	% These are the responses the user can give.
-	%
-:- type debugger_command
-	--->	yes			% The node is valid.
-	;	no			% The node is invalid.
-	;	do_not_know		% The user has no answer.
-	;	browse			% Browse the data before answering.
-	;	tree			% Browse the EDT.
-	;	help			% Request help before answering.
-	;	illegal_command.	% None of the above.
-:- pred query_user(edt_node, maybe(edt_truth), io__state, io__state).
-:- mode query_user(in, out, di, uo) is det.
-query_user(Node, MaybeTruth) -->
-	write_node(Node),
-	io__nl,
-	get_command("Valid? ", Command),
-	(
-		{ Command = yes },
-		{ MaybeTruth = yes(yes) }
-	;
-		{ Command = no },
-		{ MaybeTruth = yes(no) }
-	;
-		{ Command = do_not_know },
-		{ MaybeTruth = no }
-	;
-		{ Command = browse },
-		io__write_string("Sorry, not implemented.\n"),
-		query_user(Node, MaybeTruth)
-	;
-		{ Command = tree },
-		io__write_string("Sorry, not implemented.\n"),
-		query_user(Node, MaybeTruth)
-	;
-		{ Command = help },
-		io__write_strings([
-			"According to the intended interpretation",
-			" of the program, answer one of:\n",
-			"\ty\tyes\n",
-			"\tn\tno\n",
-			"\td\tdon't know\n",
-%			"\tb\tbrowse the atom arguments (not yet)\n",
-%			"\tt\tprint the evaluation tree (not yet)\n",
-			"\th, ?\tthis help message\n"
-		]),
-		query_user(Node, MaybeTruth)
-	;
-		{ Command = illegal_command },
-		io__write_string("Unknown command, 'h' for help.\n"),
-		query_user(Node, MaybeTruth)
-	).
-:- pred get_command(string, debugger_command, io__state, io__state).
-:- mode get_command(in, out, di, uo) is det.
-get_command(Prompt, Command) -->
-	util__trace_getline(Prompt, Result),
-	( { Result = ok(String) },
-		{ string__to_char_list(String, Line) },
-		{
-			command_chars(Line, Command0)
-		->
-			Command = Command0
-		;
-			Command = illegal_command
-		}
-	; { Result = error(Error) },
-		{ io__error_message(Error, Msg) },
-		io__write_string(Msg),
-		io__nl,
-		get_command(Prompt, Command)
-	; { Result = eof },
-		% XXX this should definitely be handled better.
-		{ Command = illegal_command }
-	).
-:- pred command_chars(list(char), debugger_command).
-:- mode command_chars(in, out) is semidet.
-command_chars(['y' | _], yes).
-command_chars(['n' | _], no).
-command_chars(['d' | _], do_not_know).
-command_chars(['b' | _], browse).
-command_chars(['t' | _], tree).
-command_chars(['h' | _], help).
-command_chars(['?' | _], help).

New file: browser/declarative_user.m

% Copyright (C) 1999 The University of Melbourne.
% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
% File: declarative_user.m
% Author: Mark Brown
% Purpose:
% 	This module performs all the user interaction of the front
% end of the declarative debugger.  It is responsible for displaying
% edt_nodes in a human-readable format, and for getting responses to
% debugger queries from the user.

:- module declarative_user.
:- interface.
:- import_module declarative_debugger, declarative_oracle.

	% This predicate handles the interactive part of the declarative
	% debugging process.  The user is presented with an EDT node,
	% and is asked to respond about the truth of the node in the
	% intended interpretation.

:- pred query_user(edt_node, oracle_answer, io__state, io__state).
:- mode query_user(in, out, di, uo) is det.

	% Display the node in user readable form on the current
	% output stream.
:- pred write_edt_node(edt_node, io__state, io__state).
:- mode write_edt_node(in, di, uo) is det.


:- implementation.
:- import_module util.
:- import_module std_util, io, bool, list, char, string.

query_user(Node, Answer) -->
	get_command("Valid? ", Command),
		{ Command = yes },
		{ Answer = truth_value(yes) }
		{ Command = no },
		{ Answer = truth_value(no) }
		{ Command = inadmissible },
		io__write_string("Sorry, not implemented.\n"),
		query_user(Node, Answer)
		{ Command = do_not_know },
		{ Answer = deferred(do_not_know) }
		{ Command = browse },
		io__write_string("Sorry, not implemented.\n"),
		query_user(Node, Answer)
		{ Command = tree },
		io__write_string("Sorry, not implemented.\n"),
		query_user(Node, Answer )
		{ Command = help },
			"According to the intended interpretation",
			" of the program, answer one of:\n",
%			"\ti\tinadmissible (not yet)\n",
			"\td\tdon't know\n",
%			"\tb\tbrowse the atom arguments (not yet)\n",
%			"\tt\tprint the evaluation tree (not yet)\n",
			"\th, ?\tthis help message\n"
		query_user(Node, Answer )
		{ Command = illegal_command },
		io__write_string("Unknown command, 'h' for help.\n"),
		query_user(Node, Answer)

:- pred get_command(string, debugger_command, io__state, io__state).
:- mode get_command(in, out, di, uo) is det.

get_command(Prompt, Command) -->
	util__trace_getline(Prompt, Result),
	( { Result = ok(String) },
		{ string__to_char_list(String, Line) },
			command_chars(Line, Command0)
			Command = Command0
			Command = illegal_command
	; { Result = error(Error) },
		{ io__error_message(Error, Msg) },
		get_command(Prompt, Command)
	; { Result = eof },
		% XXX this should definitely be handled better.
		{ Command = illegal_command }

:- pred command_chars(list(char), debugger_command).
:- mode command_chars(in, out) is semidet.

command_chars(['y' | _], yes).
command_chars(['n' | _], no).
command_chars(['i' | _], inadmissible).
command_chars(['d' | _], do_not_know).
command_chars(['b' | _], browse).
command_chars(['t' | _], tree).
command_chars(['h' | _], help).
command_chars(['?' | _], help).

write_edt_node(Node) -->
	{ Node = wrong_answer(Name, Args) },
		{ Args = [Arg1 | Args0] }

:- pred write_args_rest(list(univ), io__state, io__state).
:- mode write_args_rest(in, di, uo) is det.

write_args_rest([]) -->
write_args_rest([Arg | Args]) -->
	io__write_string(", "),

Mark Brown, PhD student            )O+  |  "Another of Fortran's breakthroughs
(m.brown at cs.mu.oz.au)                   |  was the GOTO statement, which was...
Dept. of Computer Science and Software  |  uniquely simple and understandable"
Engineering, University of Melbourne    |              -- IEEE, 1994
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