for review: announce MCORBA paper

David Glen JEFFERY dgj at
Wed Nov 18 19:28:20 AEDT 1998

Hi Tyse,

What do you think of this?


Estimated hours taken: 0.5

Announce the MCORBA paper, but do not actually make it available yet; I
want to check out exactly what copyright notices I'm meant to provide.
I will do so when I get to work tomorrow.

	Add info about the paper.
	Add a pointer to the above information.

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retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -t -r1.2
---	1998/09/30 08:24:51	1.2
+++	1998/11/18 08:23:37
@@ -17,6 +17,42 @@
+MCORBA: A CORBA Binding for Mercury
+David Jeffery, Tyson Dowd and Zoltan Somogyi.
+Practical Aspects of Declarative Languages: First International Workshop
+To appear:
+Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
+Springer Verlag, January 1999, 15 pages.
+Not yet available.
+MCORBA is a binding to the CORBA distributed object framework
+for the purely declarative logic/functional language Mercury.
+The binding preserves the referential transparency of the language,
+and has several advantages
+over similar bindings for other strongly typed declarative languages.
+As far as we know, it is the first such binding to be bidirectional;
+it allows a Mercury program both to operate upon CORBA components
+and to provide services to other CORBA components.
+Whereas the Haskell binding for COM
+maps COM interfaces onto Haskell types,
+MCORBA maps CORBA interfaces onto Mercury type classes.
+Our approach simplifies the mapping,
+makes the implementation of CORBA's interface inheritance straightforward,
+and makes it trivial for programmers to provide
+several different implementations of the same interface.
+It uses existential types to model the operation
+of asking CORBA for an object that satisfies a given interface
+but whose representation is unknown.
 Type classes in Mercury.
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cvs diff: Diffing mailing-lists/mercury-developers/include
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RCS file: /home/staff/zs/imp/w3/news/,v
retrieving revision 1.10
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---	1998/11/17 15:35:50	1.10
+++	1998/11/18 07:52:48
@@ -23,6 +23,13 @@
 <A HREF=\"download/release-0.8.html\">here</A>."
+"18 November 1998" => array("New MCORBA paper available",
+"We have made a paper describing the Mercury CORBA interface
+available from
+<A HREF=\"information/papers.html\">the Mercury papers page</A>."
 "30 Sep 1998" => array("New paper: Type classes in Mercury.",
 "A new paper, describing our implementation of type classes in Mercury, 

David Jeffery (dgj at |  Marge: Did you just call everyone "chicken"?
PhD student,                    |  Homer: Noooo.  I swear on this Bible!
Dept. of Comp. Sci. & Soft. Eng.|  Marge: That's not a Bible; that's a book of
University of Melbourne         |         carpet samples!
Australia                       |  Homer: Ooooh... Fuzzy.

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