Tabling [3/3]

Oliver Hutchison ohutch at
Mon Mar 9 17:57:07 AEDT 1998

New File: compiler/table_gen.m
% Copyright (C) 1996-1998 The University of Melbourne.
% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
% This module transforms HLDS code to a form that allows tabled evaluation,
% minimal model evaluation and loop detection.
% Main author: ohutch
% The tabling transformation adds calls to several tabling predicates as 
% well as restructuring the HLDS to implement answer clause resolution,  
% suspension and loop detection.
% Example of transformation for memo :
%	Given the following code for left recursive transitive closure :
%	:- pred p(int, int).
%	:- mode p(in, out) is nondet 
%	p(A, B) :- e(A, B).
%	p(A, B) :- p(A, C), e(C, B).
%	The transformed code would be :
%	p(A, B) :-
%			% Code to get a handle on the table
%		c_code("
%			static Word Table = 0;
%			T0 = &Table;
%		"),
%			% Code to lookup input arguments and setup table
%		impure table_lookup_insert_int(T0, A, T1),
%		impure table_setup(T1, T2),
%		(if
%			semipure table_have_all_ans(T2)
%		then
%				% Code to return all ans if we have found
%				% them
%			impure table_return_all_ans(T2, Ans),
%			impure table_restore_int_ans(Ans, 0, B)
%		else if
%			semipure table_have_some_ans(T2)
%		then
%				% Code to suspend the current computational
%				% branch
%			impure table_suspend(T2, Ans),
%			impure table_restore_int_ans(Ans, 0, B)
%		else 
%		   	(		% Mark that this subgoal is being
%					% evaluated
%				impure table_mark_have_some_ans(T2),
%					% Use normal program clause resolution
%					% to generate answers
%				(
%					e(A, B)
%				;
%					p(A, C),
%					e(C, B)
%				),
%					% Code to check for duplicate
%					% answers
%				impure table_get_ans_table(T2, AT0),
%				impure table_lookup_insert_int(AT0, B, AT1),
%					% The following pred is semidet
%					% it will fail if the answer is
%					% already in the table.	
%				semipure table_new_ans(AT1),
%					% Code to save a new ans in the 
%					% table.
%				impure table_mark_as_returned(AT1),
%				impure table_new_ans_slot(T2, AS),
%				impure table_create_ans_block(AS, 1, AB),
%				impure table_save_int_ans(AB, 0, B)
%			;
%					% Code to resume suspended nodes.
%				impure table_resume(T2)
%			;
%					% Code to mark the current subgoal
%					% as totally evaluated.
%				impure table_mark_have_all_ans(T2)
%			)
%		).
:- module table_gen.

:- interface.

:- import_module hlds_module.

:- pred table_gen__process_module(module_info, module_info).
:- mode table_gen__process_module(in, out) is det.


:- implementation.

:- import_module hlds_out.

:- import_module hlds_pred, instmap.
:- import_module code_aux, det_analysis, follow_code, goal_util, const_prop.
:- import_module hlds_module, hlds_goal, hlds_data, (inst), inst_match.
:- import_module globals, options, passes_aux, prog_data, mode_util, type_util.
:- import_module code_util, quantification, modes, purity.
:- import_module bool, list, set, map, require, std_util, term, varset, int.
:- import_module assoc_list, string, llds.


table_gen__process_module(Module0, Module) :-
	module_info_preds(Module0, Preds0),
	map__keys(Preds0, PredIds),
	table_gen__process_preds(PredIds, Module0, Module).

:- pred table_gen__process_preds(list(pred_id), module_info, module_info).
:- mode table_gen__process_preds(in, in, out) is det.

table_gen__process_preds([], Module, Module).
table_gen__process_preds([PredId | PredIds], Module0, Module) :-
	table_gen__process_pred(PredId, Module0, Module1),
	table_gen__process_preds(PredIds, Module1, Module).

:- pred table_gen__process_pred(pred_id, module_info, module_info).
:- mode table_gen__process_pred(in, in, out) is det.

table_gen__process_pred(PredId, Module0, Module) :-
	module_info_pred_info(Module0, PredId, PredInfo),
	pred_info_procids(PredInfo, ProcIds),
	table_gen__process_procs(PredId, ProcIds, Module0, Module).

:- pred table_gen__process_procs(pred_id, list(proc_id),
					module_info, module_info).
:- mode table_gen__process_procs(in, in, in, out) is det.
table_gen__process_procs(_PredId, [], Module, Module).
table_gen__process_procs(PredId, [ProcId | ProcIds], Module0,
		Module) :-
	module_info_preds(Module0, PredTable),
	map__lookup(PredTable, PredId, PredInfo),
	pred_info_procedures(PredInfo, ProcTable),
	map__lookup(ProcTable, ProcId, ProcInfo),
	proc_info_eval_method(ProcInfo, EvalMethod),

		EvalMethod \= eval_normal
		table_gen__process_proc(EvalMethod, PredId, ProcId, ProcInfo, 
				PredInfo, Module0, Module1)
		Module1 = Module0
	table_gen__process_procs(PredId, ProcIds, Module1, Module).


:- pred table_gen__process_proc(eval_method, pred_id, proc_id, proc_info, 
		pred_info, module_info, module_info).
:- mode table_gen__process_proc(in, in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.

table_gen__process_proc(EvalMethod, PredId, ProcId, ProcInfo0, PredInfo0, 
		Module0, Module) :-
	% grab the appropriate fields from the pred_info and proc_info
	pred_info_name(PredInfo, _PredName),
	proc_info_interface_code_model(ProcInfo0, CodeModel),
	proc_info_headvars(ProcInfo0, HeadVars),
	proc_info_varset(ProcInfo0, VarSet0),
	proc_info_vartypes(ProcInfo0, VarTypes0),
	proc_info_goal(ProcInfo0, OrigGoal),
	proc_info_argmodes(ProcInfo0, ArgModes),

		CodeModel = model_det
		table_gen__create_new_det_goal(EvalMethod, OrigGoal, 
			Module0, HeadVars, ArgModes, VarTypes0, VarTypes, 
			VarSet0, VarSet, Goal)
		CodeModel = model_semi
		table_gen__create_new_semi_goal(EvalMethod, OrigGoal, 
			Module0, HeadVars, ArgModes, VarTypes0, VarTypes, 
			VarSet0, VarSet, Goal)
		CodeModel = model_non
		table_gen__create_new_non_goal(EvalMethod, OrigGoal, 
			Module0, HeadVars, ArgModes, VarTypes0, VarTypes, 
			VarSet0, VarSet, Goal)
    "table_gen__process_proc: unsupported code model for tabled pred/func")

	% set the new values of the fields in proc_info and pred_info
	% and save in the module info
	proc_info_set_goal(ProcInfo0, Goal, ProcInfo1),
	proc_info_set_varset(ProcInfo1, VarSet, ProcInfo2),
	proc_info_set_vartypes(ProcInfo2, VarTypes, ProcInfo),

	pred_info_procedures(PredInfo0, ProcTable1),
	map__det_update(ProcTable1, ProcId, ProcInfo, ProcTable),
	pred_info_set_procedures(PredInfo0, ProcTable, PredInfo),
	module_info_preds(Module0, PredTable0),
	map__det_update(PredTable0, PredId, PredInfo, PredTable),
	module_info_set_preds(Module0, PredTable, Module).


		% Transform deteministic procedures.
:- pred table_gen__create_new_det_goal(eval_method, hlds_goal, module_info, 
		list(var), list(mode), map(var, type), map(var, type), 
		varset, varset, hlds_goal).
:- mode table_gen__create_new_det_goal(in, in, in, in, in, in, out, in, 
		out, out) is det.

table_gen__create_new_det_goal(EvalMethod, OrigGoal, Module, HeadVars, 
		HeadVarModes, VarTypes0, VarTypes, VarSet0, VarSet, Goal) :-
	get_input_output_vars(HeadVars, HeadVarModes, Module, InputVars, 

	generate_det_lookup_goal(InputVars, Module, VarTypes0, VarTypes1, 
		VarSet0, VarSet1, TableVar, LookUpGoal),
	generate_call("table_have_ans", [TableVar], semidet, semipure, 
		[], Module, HaveAnsCheckGoal),
	generate_save_goal(OutputVars, TableVar, VarTypes1, VarTypes2,
		VarSet1, VarSet2, Module, SaveAnsGoal),
	generate_restore_goal(OutputVars, TableVar,  Module, VarTypes2,
		VarTypes, VarSet2, VarSet, RestoreAnsGoal),

	OrigGoal = _ - OrigGoalInfo,
	goal_info_get_nonlocals(OrigGoalInfo, OrigNonLocals),
	goal_info_get_instmap_delta(OrigGoalInfo, OrigInstMapDelta),
	set__insert(OrigNonLocals, TableVar, GenAnsNonLocals),

		EvalMethod = eval_memo
		GenAnsGoalEx = conj([OrigGoal,  SaveAnsGoal]),
		create_instmap_delta([OrigGoal,  SaveAnsGoal], 
		instmap_delta_restrict(GenAnsInstMapDelta0, GenAnsNonLocals, 
		goal_info_init(GenAnsNonLocals, GenAnsInstMapDelta, det,
		GenAnsGoal = GenAnsGoalEx - GenAnsGoalInfo
		EvalMethod = eval_loop_check
		generate_call("table_working_on_ans", [TableVar], semidet,
			semipure, [], Module, WorkingCheckGoal),
		generate_call("table_loopcheck_error", [], erroneous, impure,
			[], Module, LoopErrorGoal),
		generate_call("table_mark_as_working", [TableVar], det,
			impure, [], Module, MarkAsWorkingGoal),
		NoLoopGenAnsGoalEx = conj([MarkAsWorkingGoal, OrigGoal,
		create_instmap_delta([MarkAsWorkingGoal, OrigGoal, 
			SaveAnsGoal], NoLoopGenInstMapDelta0),
		instmap_delta_restrict(NoLoopGenInstMapDelta0, GenAnsNonLocals,
		goal_info_init(GenAnsNonLocals, NoLoopGenInstMapDelta, det,
		NoLoopGenAnsGoal = NoLoopGenAnsGoalEx - NoLoopGenGoalInfo,

		GenAnsGoalEx = if_then_else([], WorkingCheckGoal, 
			LoopErrorGoal, NoLoopGenAnsGoal, StoreMap),
		create_instmap_delta([WorkingCheckGoal, LoopErrorGoal,
			NoLoopGenAnsGoal], GenAnsInstMapDelta0),
		instmap_delta_restrict(GenAnsInstMapDelta0, GenAnsNonLocals, 
		goal_info_init(GenAnsNonLocals, GenAnsInstMapDelta, det, 
		GenAnsGoal = GenAnsGoalEx - GenAnsGoalInfo
    "table_gen__create_new_det_goal: unsupported evaluation model")

	ITEGoalEx = if_then_else([], HaveAnsCheckGoal, RestoreAnsGoal, 
		GenAnsGoal, StoreMap),
	create_instmap_delta([HaveAnsCheckGoal, RestoreAnsGoal, GenAnsGoal],
	instmap_delta_restrict(ITEInstMapDelta0, GenAnsNonLocals,
	goal_info_init(GenAnsNonLocals, ITEInstMapDelta, det, 
	ITEGoal = ITEGoalEx - ITEGoalInfo,	

	GoalEx = conj([LookUpGoal, ITEGoal]),
	goal_info_init(OrigNonLocals, OrigInstMapDelta, det, GoalInfo),

	Goal = GoalEx - GoalInfo.

		% Transform semi deterministic procedures
:- pred table_gen__create_new_semi_goal(eval_method, hlds_goal, 
		module_info, list(var), list(mode), map(var, type), 
		map(var, type), varset, varset, hlds_goal).
:- mode table_gen__create_new_semi_goal(in, in, in, in, in, in, out, in, 
		out, out) is det.

table_gen__create_new_semi_goal(EvalMethod, OrigGoal, Module, HeadVars, 
		HeadVarModes, VarTypes0, VarTypes, VarSet0, VarSet, Goal) :-
	get_input_output_vars(HeadVars, HeadVarModes, Module, InputVars, 

	generate_det_lookup_goal(InputVars, Module, VarTypes0, VarTypes1, 
		VarSet0, VarSet1, TableVar, LookUpGoal),
	generate_call("table_have_ans", [TableVar], semidet, semipure, 
		[], Module, HaveAnsCheckGoal),
	generate_save_goal(OutputVars, TableVar, VarTypes1, VarTypes2,
		VarSet1, VarSet2, Module, SaveAnsGoal),
	generate_restore_goal(OutputVars, TableVar,  Module, VarTypes2,
		VarTypes, VarSet2, VarSet, RestoreTrueAnsGoal),
	generate_call("table_save_failure", [TableVar], det, impure, 
		[], Module, MarkAsFailedGoal),
	generate_call("table_has_failed", [TableVar], semidet, semipure,
		[], Module, HasFailedCheckGoal),

	OrigGoal = _ - OrigGoalInfo,
	goal_info_get_nonlocals(OrigGoalInfo, OrigNonLocals),
	goal_info_get_instmap_delta(OrigGoalInfo, OrigInstMapDelta),
	set__insert(OrigNonLocals, TableVar, GenAnsNonLocals),

		EvalMethod = eval_memo
		GenTrueAnsGoalEx = conj([OrigGoal,  SaveAnsGoal]),
		create_instmap_delta([OrigGoal,  SaveAnsGoal], 
			GenAnsNonLocals, GenTrueAnsInstMapDelta),
		goal_info_init(GenAnsNonLocals, GenTrueAnsInstMapDelta, 
			semidet, GenTrueAnsGoalInfo),
		GenTrueAnsGoal = GenTrueAnsGoalEx - GenTrueAnsGoalInfo
		EvalMethod = eval_loop_check
		generate_call("table_working_on_ans", [TableVar], semidet,
			semipure, [], Module, WorkingCheckGoal),
		generate_call("table_loopcheck_error", [], erroneous, impure,
			[], Module, LoopErrorGoal),
		generate_call("table_mark_as_working", [TableVar], det,
			impure, [], Module, MarkAsWorkingGoal),
		NoLoopGenAnsGoalEx = conj([MarkAsWorkingGoal, OrigGoal,
		create_instmap_delta([MarkAsWorkingGoal, OrigGoal, 
			SaveAnsGoal], NoLoopGenInstMapDelta0),
		instmap_delta_restrict(NoLoopGenInstMapDelta0, GenAnsNonLocals,
		goal_info_init(GenAnsNonLocals, NoLoopGenInstMapDelta, det,
		NoLoopGenAnsGoal = NoLoopGenAnsGoalEx - NoLoopGenGoalInfo,

		GenTrueAnsGoalEx = if_then_else([], WorkingCheckGoal, 
			LoopErrorGoal, NoLoopGenAnsGoal, StoreMap),
		create_instmap_delta([WorkingCheckGoal, LoopErrorGoal,
			NoLoopGenAnsGoal], GenTrueAnsInstMapDelta0),
		instmap_delta_restrict(GenTrueAnsInstMapDelta0, GenAnsNonLocals, 
		goal_info_init(GenAnsNonLocals, GenTrueAnsInstMapDelta, 
			semidet, GenTrueAnsGoalInfo),
		GenTrueAnsGoal = GenTrueAnsGoalEx - GenTrueAnsGoalInfo
		EvalMethod = eval_minimal
		generate_call("table_working_on_ans", [TableVar], semidet,
			semipure, [], Module, WorkingCheckGoal),
		generate_call("table_mark_as_working", [TableVar], det,
			impure, [], Module, MarkAsWorkingGoal),
		NoLoopGenAnsGoalEx = conj([MarkAsWorkingGoal, OrigGoal,
		create_instmap_delta([MarkAsWorkingGoal, OrigGoal, 
			SaveAnsGoal], NoLoopGenInstMapDelta0),
		instmap_delta_restrict(NoLoopGenInstMapDelta0, GenAnsNonLocals,
		goal_info_init(GenAnsNonLocals, NoLoopGenInstMapDelta, 
			semidet, NoLoopGenGoalInfo),
		NoLoopGenAnsGoal = NoLoopGenAnsGoalEx - NoLoopGenGoalInfo,
		GenTrueAnsGoalEx = if_then_else([], WorkingCheckGoal,
			FailGoal, NoLoopGenAnsGoal, StoreMap),
		create_instmap_delta([WorkingCheckGoal, FailGoal,
			NoLoopGenAnsGoal], GenTrueAnsInstMapDelta0),
			GenAnsNonLocals, GenTrueAnsInstMapDelta),
		goal_info_init(GenAnsNonLocals, GenTrueAnsInstMapDelta, det, 
		GenTrueAnsGoal = GenTrueAnsGoalEx - GenTrueAnsGoalInfo
    "table_gen__create_new_semi_goal: unsupported evaluation model")

	SaveFailureGoalEx = conj([MarkAsFailedGoal, FailGoal]),
	set__singleton_set(SaveFailureNonLocals, TableVar),
	create_instmap_delta([MarkAsFailedGoal, FailGoal], 
	instmap_delta_restrict(SaveFailureInstMapDelta0, SaveFailureNonLocals,
	goal_info_init(SaveFailureNonLocals, SaveFailureInstMapDelta, failure,
	SaveFailureGoal = SaveFailureGoalEx - SaveFailureGoalInfo,

	RestAnsGoalEx = if_then_else([], HasFailedCheckGoal, FailGoal,
		RestoreTrueAnsGoal, StoreMap),
	set__singleton_set(RestNonLocals0, TableVar),
	set__insert_list(RestNonLocals0, OutputVars, RestNonLocals),
	create_instmap_delta([HasFailedCheckGoal, FailGoal,
		RestoreTrueAnsGoal], RestInstMapDelta0),
	instmap_delta_restrict(RestInstMapDelta0, RestNonLocals,
	goal_info_init(RestNonLocals, RestInstMapDelta, semidet, 
	RestoreAnsGoal = RestAnsGoalEx - RestAnsGoalInfo,

	GenAnsGoalEx = disj([GenTrueAnsGoal, SaveFailureGoal], StoreMap),
	create_instmap_delta([GenTrueAnsGoal, SaveFailureGoal], 
	instmap_delta_restrict(GenAnsGoalInstMapDelta0, GenAnsNonLocals,
	goal_info_init(GenAnsNonLocals, GenAnsGoalInstMapDelta, semidet,
	GenAnsGoal = GenAnsGoalEx - GenAnsGoalInfo,
	ITEGoalEx = if_then_else([], HaveAnsCheckGoal, RestoreAnsGoal, 
		GenAnsGoal, StoreMap),
	create_instmap_delta([HaveAnsCheckGoal, RestoreAnsGoal, GenAnsGoal],
	instmap_delta_restrict(ITEInstMapDelta0, GenAnsNonLocals,
	goal_info_init(GenAnsNonLocals, ITEInstMapDelta, semidet, 
	ITEGoal = ITEGoalEx - ITEGoalInfo,	

	GoalEx = conj([LookUpGoal, ITEGoal]),
	goal_info_init(OrigNonLocals, OrigInstMapDelta, semidet, GoalInfo),

	Goal = GoalEx - GoalInfo.

		% Transform non deterministic procedures
:- pred table_gen__create_new_non_goal(eval_method, hlds_goal, module_info, 
		list(var), list(mode), map(var, type), map(var, type), 
		varset, varset, hlds_goal).
:- mode table_gen__create_new_non_goal(in, in, in, in, in, in, out, in, 
		out, out) is det.

table_gen__create_new_non_goal(EvalMethod, OrigGoal, Module, HeadVars, 
		HeadVarModes, VarTypes0, VarTypes, VarSet0, VarSet, Goal) :-
	get_input_output_vars(HeadVars, HeadVarModes, Module, InputVars, 

	generate_non_lookup_goal(InputVars, Module, VarTypes0, VarTypes1, 
		VarSet0, VarSet1, TableVar, LookUpGoal),
	generate_call("table_have_all_ans", [TableVar], semidet, semipure, 
		[], Module, HaveAllAnsCheckGoal),
	generate_non_save_goal(OutputVars, TableVar, VarTypes1, VarTypes2,
		VarSet1, VarSet2, Module, SaveAnsGoal),
	generate_restore_all_goal(OutputVars, TableVar,  Module, VarTypes2,
		VarTypes3, VarSet2, VarSet3, RestoreAllAnsGoal),
	generate_call("table_have_some_ans", [TableVar], semidet, semipure,
		[], Module, HaveSomeAnsCheckGoal),
	generate_suspend_goal(OutputVars, TableVar, Module, VarTypes3, 
		VarTypes, VarSet3, VarSet, SuspendGoal),
	generate_call("table_mark_have_some_ans", [TableVar], det, impure,
		[], Module, MarkHaveSomeAnsGoal),
	generate_call("table_resume", [TableVar], failure, impure,
		[], Module, ResumeGoal),
	generate_call("table_mark_have_all_ans", [TableVar], failure, impure,
		[], Module, MarkHaveAllAnsGoal),

	OrigGoal = _ - OrigGoalInfo,
	goal_info_get_nonlocals(OrigGoalInfo, OrigNonLocals),
	goal_info_get_instmap_delta(OrigGoalInfo, OrigInstMapDelta),
		EvalMethod = eval_memo
		WorkingOnAnsGoal = SuspendGoal
		EvalMethod = eval_minimal
		WorkingOnAnsGoal = FailGoal
    "table_gen__create_new_non_goal: unsupported evaluation model")

	GenAnsGoalPart1Ex = conj([MarkHaveSomeAnsGoal, OrigGoal, SaveAnsGoal]),
	set__insert(OrigNonLocals, TableVar, GenAnsGoalPart1NonLocals),
	create_instmap_delta([MarkHaveSomeAnsGoal, OrigGoal, SaveAnsGoal],
	instmap_delta_restrict(GenAnsGoalPart1IMD0, GenAnsGoalPart1NonLocals,
	goal_info_init(GenAnsGoalPart1NonLocals, GenAnsGoalPart1IMD, nondet,
	GenAnsGoalPart1 = GenAnsGoalPart1Ex - GenAnsGoalPart1GoalInfo,

	GenAnsGoalEx = disj([GenAnsGoalPart1, ResumeGoal, MarkHaveAllAnsGoal], 
	create_instmap_delta([GenAnsGoalPart1, ResumeGoal, MarkHaveAllAnsGoal],
	instmap_delta_restrict(GenAnsIMD0, GenAnsGoalPart1NonLocals,
	goal_info_init(GenAnsGoalPart1NonLocals, GenAnsIMD, nondet, 
	GenAnsGoal = GenAnsGoalEx - GenAnsGoalInfo,

	ITE1GoalEx = if_then_else([], HaveSomeAnsCheckGoal, WorkingOnAnsGoal, 
		GenAnsGoal, StoreMap),
	ITE1Goal = ITE1GoalEx - GenAnsGoalPart1GoalInfo,
	ITE2GoalEx = if_then_else([], HaveAllAnsCheckGoal, RestoreAllAnsGoal,
		ITE1Goal, StoreMap),
	ITE2Goal = ITE2GoalEx - GenAnsGoalPart1GoalInfo, 

	GoalEx = conj([LookUpGoal, ITE2Goal]),
	goal_info_init(OrigNonLocals, OrigInstMapDelta, nondet, GoalInfo),

	Goal = GoalEx - GoalInfo.


:- pred generate_get_table_goals(map(var, type), map(var, type), varset,
		varset, module_info, var, hlds_goal).
:- mode generate_get_table_goals(in, out, in, out, in, out, out) is det.

generate_get_table_goals(VarTypes0, VarTypes, VarSet0, VarSet, Module, 
		TableVar, Goal) :-
	generate_new_table_var(VarTypes0, VarTypes, VarSet0, VarSet, 
	module_info_get_predicate_table(Module, PredTable),
			"mercury_builtin", "get_table", 1, [PredId0])
		PredId = PredId0
		error("can't locate mercury_builtin:get_table/1")
	module_info_pred_info(Module, PredId, PredInfo),
		pred_info_procids(PredInfo, [ProcId0])
		ProcId = ProcId0
		    "to many modes for predicate mercury_builtin:get_table/1")
	TableVarInst = ground(unique, no), 
	TableVarMode = (free -> TableVarInst), 
	GoalEx = pragma_c_code(will_not_call_mercury, PredId, ProcId,
			[TableVar], [yes("TableVar" - TableVarMode)], 
			[TableVarType], ordinary( 
"	{
		static Word Table = 0;
		TableVar = (Word)&Table;
	set__singleton_set(NonLocals, TableVar),
	instmap_delta_from_assoc_list([TableVar - TableVarInst],
	goal_info_init(NonLocals, InstMapDelta, det, 
	goal_info_add_feature(GoalInfo0, impure, GoalInfo),
	Goal = GoalEx - GoalInfo.

:- pred generate_det_lookup_goal(list(var), module_info, map(var, type), 
		map(var, type), varset, varset, var, hlds_goal).
:- mode generate_det_lookup_goal(in, in, in, out, in, out, out, out) is det.

generate_det_lookup_goal(Vars, Module, VarTypes0, VarTypes, VarSet0, VarSet, 
		TableVar, Goal) :-

	generate_get_table_goals(VarTypes0, VarTypes1, VarSet0, VarSet1, Module,
		TableVar0, GetTableGoal),
	generate_lookup_goals(Vars, TableVar0, TableVar, Module, 
		VarTypes1, VarTypes, VarSet1, VarSet, LookupGoals),

	GoalEx = conj([GetTableGoal | LookupGoals]),
	set__singleton_set(NonLocals0, TableVar),
	set__insert_list(NonLocals0, Vars, NonLocals),
	instmap_delta_from_assoc_list([], InstMapDelta),
	goal_info_init(NonLocals, InstMapDelta, det, GoalInfo),
	Goal = GoalEx - GoalInfo.
:- pred generate_non_lookup_goal(list(var), module_info, map(var, type), 
		map(var, type), varset, varset, var, hlds_goal).
:- mode generate_non_lookup_goal(in, in, in, out, in, out, out, out) is det.

generate_non_lookup_goal(Vars, Module, VarTypes0, VarTypes, VarSet0, VarSet, 
		TableVar, Goal) :-

	generate_get_table_goals(VarTypes0, VarTypes1, VarSet0, VarSet1, Module,
		TableVar0, GetTableGoal),
	generate_lookup_goals(Vars, TableVar0, TableVar1, Module, 
		VarTypes1, VarTypes2, VarSet1, VarSet2, LookupGoals),
	generate_new_table_var(VarTypes2, VarTypes, VarSet2, VarSet, 
	generate_call("table_setup", [TableVar1, TableVar], det, impure,
		[TableVar - ground(unique, no)], Module, SetupGoal),

	list__append([GetTableGoal | LookupGoals], [SetupGoal], Goals),
	GoalEx = conj(Goals),
	set__singleton_set(NonLocals0, TableVar),
	set__insert_list(NonLocals0, Vars, NonLocals),
	create_instmap_delta(Goals, InstMapDelta0),
	instmap_delta_restrict(InstMapDelta0, NonLocals, InstMapDelta),
	goal_info_init(NonLocals, InstMapDelta, det, GoalInfo),
	Goal = GoalEx - GoalInfo.

:- pred generate_lookup_goals(list(var), var, var, module_info, 
		map(var, type), map(var, type), varset, varset, 
:- mode generate_lookup_goals(in, in, out, in, in, out, in, out, out) is det.

generate_lookup_goals([], TableVar, TableVar, _, VarTypes, VarTypes, VarSet, 
		VarSet, []).
generate_lookup_goals([Var|Rest], TableVar0, TableVar, Module, VarTypes0, 
		VarTypes, VarSet0, VarSet, [Goal|RestGoals]) :-
	map__lookup(VarTypes0, Var, VarType),

	classify_type(VarType, Module, TypeCat),
	gen_lookup_call_for_type(TypeCat, VarType, TableVar0, Var,
		Module, VarTypes0, VarTypes1, VarSet0, VarSet1, TableVar1, 
	generate_lookup_goals(Rest, TableVar1, TableVar, Module, 
		VarTypes1, VarTypes, VarSet1, VarSet, RestGoals).

:- pred gen_lookup_call_for_type(builtin_type, type, var, var, module_info, 
		map(var, type), map(var, type), varset, varset, var, 
:- mode gen_lookup_call_for_type(in, in, in, in, in, in, out, in, 
		out, out, out) is det.

gen_lookup_call_for_type(TypeCat, Type, TableVar, ArgVar, Module, VarTypes0,
		VarTypes, VarSet0, VarSet, NextTableVar, Goal) :-
		TypeCat = pred_type
		error("gen_lookup_call_for_type: pred types not supported")
		TypeCat = enum_type
			type_to_type_id(Type, TypeId, _)
			module_info_types(Module, TypeDefnTable),
			map__lookup(TypeDefnTable, TypeId, TypeDefn),
			hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, TypeBody),
				TypeBody = du_type(Ctors, _, yes, no)
				list__length(Ctors, EnumRange)	
    "gen_lookup_call_for_type: unsuported type in tabled predicte/function")
			gen_int_construction("RangeVar", EnumRange, VarTypes0, 
				VarTypes1, VarSet0, VarSet1, RangeVar, 

			generate_new_table_var(VarTypes1, VarTypes, VarSet1, 
				VarSet, NextTableVar),
			generate_call("table_lookup_insert_enum", [TableVar,
				RangeVar, ArgVar, NextTableVar], det, impure,
				[NextTableVar - ground(unique, no)], Module, 
			set__insert_list(NonLocals0, [TableVar, ArgVar], 
			instmap_delta_from_assoc_list([], InstMapDelta),
			goal_info_init(NonLocals, InstMapDelta, det, GoalInfo),
			Goal = conj([RangeUnifyGoal, LookupGoal]) - GoalInfo
			error("gen_lookup: unexpected type")
				TypeCat = polymorphic_type
				TypeCat = user_type
				term__vars(Type, [])
				LookupPredName = "table_lookup_insert_user"
				LookupPredName = "table_lookup_insert_poly"
			builtin_type_to_string(TypeCat, CatString),
			string__append("table_lookup_insert_", CatString,
		generate_new_table_var(VarTypes0, VarTypes, VarSet0, VarSet, 
		generate_call(LookupPredName, [TableVar, ArgVar, NextTableVar], 
			det, impure, [NextTableVar - ground(unique, no)], 
			Module, Goal)


:- pred generate_save_goal(list(var), var, map(var, type), map(var, type),
		varset, varset, module_info, hlds_goal).
:- mode generate_save_goal(in, in, in, out, in, out, in, out) is det.

generate_save_goal(AnsList, TableVar, VarTypes0, VarTypes, VarSet0,
		VarSet, Module, Goal) :-
	list__length(AnsList, NumAnsVars),
	gen_int_construction("NumAnsVars", NumAnsVars, VarTypes0, VarTypes1,
		VarSet0, VarSet1, NumAnsVarsVar, NumAnsVarsUnifyGoal),
	generate_new_table_var(VarTypes1, VarTypes2, VarSet1, VarSet2,
	generate_call("table_create_ans_block", [TableVar, NumAnsVarsVar,
		AnsTableVar], det, impure, [AnsTableVar - ground(unique, no)], 
		Module, GenAnsBlockGoal),
	generate_save_goals(AnsList, AnsTableVar, 0, Module, VarTypes2,
		VarTypes, VarSet2, VarSet, SaveGoals),

	GoalEx = conj([NumAnsVarsUnifyGoal, GenAnsBlockGoal | SaveGoals]),
	set__singleton_set(NonLocals0, TableVar),
	set__insert_list(NonLocals0, AnsList, NonLocals),
	create_instmap_delta([NumAnsVarsUnifyGoal, GenAnsBlockGoal |
		SaveGoals], InstMapDelta0),
	instmap_delta_restrict(InstMapDelta0, NonLocals, InstMapDelta),
	goal_info_init(NonLocals, InstMapDelta, det,  
	Goal = GoalEx - GoalInfo.
:- pred generate_non_save_goal(list(var), var, map(var, type), map(var, type),
		varset, varset, module_info, hlds_goal).
:- mode generate_non_save_goal(in, in, in, out, in, out, in, out) is det.

generate_non_save_goal(AnsList, TableVar, VarTypes0, VarTypes, VarSet0,
		VarSet, Module, Goal) :-
	generate_new_table_var(VarTypes0, VarTypes1, VarSet0, VarSet1,
	generate_call("table_get_ans_table", [TableVar, AnsTableVar0], det, 
		impure, [AnsTableVar0 - ground(unique, no)], Module, 
	generate_lookup_goals(AnsList, AnsTableVar0, AnsTableVar1, Module, 
		VarTypes1, VarTypes2, VarSet1, VarSet2, LookupAnsGoals),
	generate_call("table_new_ans", [AnsTableVar1], semidet, semipure,
		[], Module, NewAnsCheckGoal),
	generate_call("table_mark_as_returned", [AnsTableVar1], det, impure,
		[],  Module, MarkAsReturnedGoal),

	generate_new_table_var(VarTypes2, VarTypes3, VarSet2, VarSet3,
	generate_call("table_new_ans_slot", [TableVar, AnsBlockVar0], det,
		impure, [AnsBlockVar0 - ground(unique, no)], Module,
	list__length(AnsList, NumAnsVars),
	gen_int_construction("NumAnsVars", NumAnsVars, VarTypes3, VarTypes4,
		VarSet3, VarSet4, NumAnsVarsVar, NumAnsVarsUnifyGoal),
	generate_new_table_var(VarTypes4, VarTypes5, VarSet4, VarSet5,
	generate_call("table_create_ans_block", [AnsBlockVar0, NumAnsVarsVar,
		AnsBlockVar], det, impure, [AnsBlockVar - ground(unique, no)], 
		Module, GenAnsBlockGoal),
	generate_save_goals(AnsList, AnsBlockVar, 0, Module, VarTypes5,
		VarTypes, VarSet5, VarSet, SaveGoals),

	list__append([GetAnsTableGoal | LookupAnsGoals],
		[NewAnsCheckGoal, MarkAsReturnedGoal, GenAnsSlotGoal, 
		NumAnsVarsUnifyGoal, GenAnsBlockGoal | SaveGoals], Goals),

	GoalEx = conj(Goals),
	set__singleton_set(NonLocals0, TableVar),
	set__insert_list(NonLocals0, AnsList, NonLocals),
	create_instmap_delta(Goals, InstMapDelta0),
	instmap_delta_restrict(InstMapDelta0, NonLocals, InstMapDelta),
	goal_info_init(NonLocals, InstMapDelta, semidet,  GoalInfo),
	Goal = GoalEx - GoalInfo.

:- pred generate_save_goals(list(var), var, int, module_info, map(var, type),
		map(var, type), varset, varset, list(hlds_goal)).
:- mode generate_save_goals(in, in, in, in, in, out, in, out, out) is det.

generate_save_goals([], _TableVar, _Offset, _Module, VarTypes, VarTypes,
		VarSet, VarSet, []).
generate_save_goals([Var|Rest], TableVar, Offset0, Module, VarTypes0, 
		VarTypes, VarSet0, VarSet, [OffsetUnifyGoal, 
		CallGoal|RestGoals]) :-

	gen_int_construction("OffsetVar", Offset0, VarTypes0, VarTypes1,
		VarSet0, VarSet1, OffsetVar, OffsetUnifyGoal),
	map__lookup(VarTypes1, Var, VarType),
	classify_type(VarType, Module, TypeCat),
	gen_save_call_for_type(TypeCat, VarType, TableVar, Var, OffsetVar, 
		Module, CallGoal),

	Offset is Offset0 + 1,
	generate_save_goals(Rest, TableVar, Offset, Module, VarTypes1, 
		VarTypes, VarSet1, VarSet, RestGoals).

:- pred gen_save_call_for_type(builtin_type, type, var, var, var, module_info, 
:- mode gen_save_call_for_type(in, in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.

gen_save_call_for_type(TypeCat, _Type, TableVar, Var, OffsetVar, Module, 
		Goal) :-
		TypeCat = pred_type
		error("gen_lookup_call_for_type: pred types not supported")
			TypeCat = enum_type
			TypeCat = polymorphic_type
			TypeCat = user_type
		LookupPredName = "table_save_any_ans"
		builtin_type_to_string(TypeCat, CatString),
		string__append_list(["table_save_", CatString, "_ans"],
	generate_call(LookupPredName, [TableVar, OffsetVar, Var], 
		det, impure, [], Module, Goal).


:- pred generate_restore_goal(list(var), var, module_info, map(var, type),
		map(var, type), varset, varset, hlds_goal).
:- mode generate_restore_goal(in, in, in, in, out, in, out, out) is det.

generate_restore_goal(OutputVars, TableVar, Module, VarTypes0, VarTypes, 
		VarSet0, VarSet, Goal) :-

	generate_restore_goals(OutputVars, TableVar, 0, Module, VarTypes0, 
		VarTypes, VarSet0, VarSet, RestoreGoals),
	GoalEx = conj(RestoreGoals),
	set__singleton_set(NonLocals0, TableVar),
	set__insert_list(NonLocals0, OutputVars, NonLocals),
	create_instmap_delta(RestoreGoals, InstMapDelta0),
	instmap_delta_restrict(InstMapDelta0, NonLocals, InstMapDelta),
	goal_info_init(NonLocals, InstMapDelta, det, 
	Goal = GoalEx - GoalInfo.
:- pred generate_restore_all_goal(list(var), var, module_info, map(var, type),
		map(var, type), varset, varset, hlds_goal).
:- mode generate_restore_all_goal(in, in, in, in, out, in, out, out) is det.

generate_restore_all_goal(OutputVars, TableVar, Module, VarTypes0, VarTypes, 
		VarSet0, VarSet, Goal) :-

	generate_new_table_var(VarTypes0, VarTypes1, VarSet0, VarSet1, 
	generate_call("table_return_all_ans", [TableVar, AnsTableVar], 
		nondet, semipure, [AnsTableVar - ground(unique, no)], 
		Module, ReturnAnsBlocksGoal),
	generate_restore_goals(OutputVars, AnsTableVar, 0, Module, VarTypes1, 
		VarTypes, VarSet1, VarSet, RestoreGoals),
	GoalEx = conj([ReturnAnsBlocksGoal | RestoreGoals]),
	set__singleton_set(NonLocals0, TableVar),
	set__insert_list(NonLocals0, OutputVars, NonLocals),
	create_instmap_delta([ReturnAnsBlocksGoal | RestoreGoals],
	instmap_delta_restrict(InstMapDelta0, NonLocals, InstMapDelta),
	goal_info_init(NonLocals, InstMapDelta, nondet, 
	Goal = GoalEx - GoalInfo.
:- pred generate_restore_goals(list(var), var, int, module_info, map(var, type),
		map(var, type), varset, varset, list(hlds_goal)).
:- mode generate_restore_goals(in, in, in, in, in, out, in, out, out) is det.

generate_restore_goals([], _TableVar, _Offset, _Module, VarTypes, VarTypes,
		VarSet, VarSet, []).
generate_restore_goals([Var|Rest], TableVar, Offset0, Module, VarTypes0, 
		VarTypes, VarSet0, VarSet, [OffsetUnifyGoal, 
		CallGoal|RestGoals]) :-

	gen_int_construction("OffsetVar", Offset0, VarTypes0, VarTypes1,
		VarSet0, VarSet1, OffsetVar, OffsetUnifyGoal),
	map__lookup(VarTypes1, Var, VarType),
	classify_type(VarType, Module, TypeCat),
	gen_restore_call_for_type(TypeCat, VarType, TableVar, Var, OffsetVar, 
		Module, CallGoal),

	Offset is Offset0 + 1,
	generate_restore_goals(Rest, TableVar, Offset, Module, VarTypes1, 
		VarTypes, VarSet1, VarSet, RestGoals).

:- pred gen_restore_call_for_type(builtin_type, type, var, var, var, 
		module_info, hlds_goal).
:- mode gen_restore_call_for_type(in, in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.

gen_restore_call_for_type(TypeCat, _Type, TableVar, Var, OffsetVar, Module, 
		Goal) :-
		TypeCat = pred_type
		error("gen_lookup_call_for_type: pred types not supported")
			TypeCat = enum_type
			TypeCat = polymorphic_type
			TypeCat = user_type
		LookupPredName = "table_restore_any_ans"
		builtin_type_to_string(TypeCat, CatString),
		string__append_list(["table_restore_", CatString, "_ans"],
	generate_call(LookupPredName, [TableVar, OffsetVar, Var], 
		det, impure, [Var - ground(shared, no)], Module, Goal).


:- pred generate_suspend_goal(list(var), var, module_info, map(var, type),
		map(var, type), varset, varset, hlds_goal).
:- mode generate_suspend_goal(in, in, in, in, out, in, out, out) is det.

generate_suspend_goal(OutputVars, TableVar, Module, VarTypes0, VarTypes, 
		VarSet0, VarSet, Goal) :-
	generate_new_table_var(VarTypes0, VarTypes1, VarSet0, VarSet1, 
	generate_call("table_suspend", [TableVar, AnsTableVar], 
		nondet, semipure, [AnsTableVar - ground(unique, no)], 
		Module, ReturnAnsBlocksGoal),
	generate_restore_goals(OutputVars, AnsTableVar, 0, Module, VarTypes1, 
		VarTypes, VarSet1, VarSet, RestoreGoals),
	GoalEx = conj([ReturnAnsBlocksGoal | RestoreGoals]),
	set__singleton_set(NonLocals0, TableVar),
	set__insert_list(NonLocals0, OutputVars, NonLocals),
	create_instmap_delta([ReturnAnsBlocksGoal | RestoreGoals],
	instmap_delta_restrict(InstMapDelta0, NonLocals, InstMapDelta),
	goal_info_init(NonLocals, InstMapDelta, nondet, 
	Goal = GoalEx - GoalInfo.	


:- pred generate_new_table_var(map(var, type), map(var, type), varset, varset,
:- mode generate_new_table_var(in, out, in, out, out) is det.

generate_new_table_var(VarTypes0, VarTypes, VarSet0, VarSet, Var) :-
	varset__new_named_var(VarSet0, "TableVar", Var, VarSet),
	map__set(VarTypes0, Var, Type, VarTypes).

:- pred generate_call(string, list(var), determinism, goal_feature,
		assoc_list(var, inst), module_info, hlds_goal).
:- mode generate_call(in, in, in, in, in, in, out) is det.

generate_call(PredName, Args, Detism, Feature, InstMap, Module, Goal) :-
	list__length(Args, Arity),
	module_info_get_predicate_table(Module, PredTable),
			"mercury_builtin", PredName, Arity, [PredId0])
		PredId = PredId0
		string__int_to_string(Arity, ArityS),
		string__append_list(["can't locate mercury_builtin:", PredName, 
			"/", ArityS], ErrorMessage),
	module_info_pred_info(Module, PredId, PredInfo),
		pred_info_procids(PredInfo, [ProcId0])
		ProcId = ProcId0
		string__int_to_string(Arity, ArityS),
		string__append_list(["too many modes for pred mercury_builtin:",
			PredName, "/", ArityS], ErrorMessage),
	Call = call(PredId, ProcId, Args, not_builtin, no, qualified(
		"mercury_builtin", PredName)), 
	set__insert_list(NonLocals0, Args, NonLocals),
			Detism = failure
			Detism = erroneous
		instmap_delta_from_assoc_list(InstMap, InstMapDelta)
	goal_info_init(NonLocals, InstMapDelta, Detism, GoalInfo0),
	goal_info_add_feature(GoalInfo0, Feature, GoalInfo),
	Goal = Call - GoalInfo.

:- pred gen_int_construction(string, int, map(var, type), map(var, type),
		varset, varset, var, hlds_goal).
:- mode gen_int_construction(in, in, in, out, in, out, out, out) is det.

gen_int_construction(VarName, VarValue, VarTypes0, VarTypes, VarSet0, VarSet,
		Var, Goal) :-
	varset__new_named_var(VarSet0, VarName, Var, VarSet),
	VarType = term__functor(term__atom("int"), [], Context),
	map__set(VarTypes0, Var, VarType, VarTypes),

	Inst = bound(unique, [functor(int_const(VarValue), [])]),
	VarUnify = unify(Var, functor(int_const(VarValue), []),
		(free -> Inst) - (Inst -> Inst), 
		construct(Var, int_const(VarValue), [], []),
		unify_context(explicit, [])),
	set__singleton_set(VarNonLocals, Var),
	instmap_delta_from_assoc_list([Var - Inst],
	goal_info_init(VarNonLocals, VarInstMapDelta, det, 
	Goal = VarUnify - VarGoalInfo.

:- pred get_table_var_type(type).
:- mode get_table_var_type(out) is det.

get_table_var_type(Type) :-
	construct_type(qualified("mercury_builtin", "c_pointer") - 0, 
		[], Type).	

:- pred get_input_output_vars(list(var), list(mode), module_info, list(var),
:- mode get_input_output_vars(in, in, in, out, out) is det.

get_input_output_vars([], [], _, [], []).
get_input_output_vars([_|_], [], _, _, _) :-
	error("get_input_output_vars: lists not same length").
get_input_output_vars([], [_|_], _, _, _) :-
	error("get_input_output_vars: lists not same length").
get_input_output_vars([Var|RestV], [Mode|RestM], Module, InVars, OutVars) :-
		mode_is_fully_input(Module, Mode)
		get_input_output_vars(RestV, RestM, Module, InVars0, OutVars),
		InVars = [Var|InVars0]
		mode_is_fully_output(Module, Mode)
		get_input_output_vars(RestV, RestM, Module, InVars, OutVars0),
		OutVars = [Var|OutVars0]
    "Only fully input/output arguments are allowed in tabled code!")

:- pred create_instmap_delta(hlds_goals, instmap_delta).
:- mode create_instmap_delta(in, out) is det.

create_instmap_delta([], IMD) :-
	instmap_delta_from_assoc_list([], IMD).

create_instmap_delta([Goal|Rest], IMD) :-
	Goal = _ - GoalInfo,
	goal_info_get_instmap_delta(GoalInfo, IMD0),
	create_instmap_delta(Rest, IMD1),
	instmap_delta_apply_instmap_delta(IMD0, IMD1, IMD).

:- pred builtin_type_to_string(builtin_type, string).
:- mode builtin_type_to_string(in, out) is det.

builtin_type_to_string(int_type, 	"int").
builtin_type_to_string(char_type, 	"char").
builtin_type_to_string(str_type, 	"string").
builtin_type_to_string(float_type, 	"float").
builtin_type_to_string(pred_type, 	"pred").
builtin_type_to_string(enum_type, 	"enum").
builtin_type_to_string(polymorphic_type, "any").
builtin_type_to_string(user_type, 	"any").

New File: runtime/mercury_table_any.c
** Copyright (C) 1997 The University of Melbourne.
** This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
** Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.

** This module defines the mercury_table_type() function.

#include "mercury_imp.h"
#include "mercury_tabling.h"
#include "mercury_table_any.h"
#include "mercury_type_info.h"
#include <stdio.h>

** Prototypes.
static Word get_base_type_layout_entry(Word data, Word *type_info);
static Word * make_type_info(Word *term_type_info, Word *arg_pseudo_type_info,
	bool *allocated);


** Due to the depth of the control here, we'll use 4 space indentation.
Word **
mercury_table_type(Word *type_info, Word data, Word** Table)
    Word layout_entry, *entry_value, *data_value;
    int data_tag, entry_tag; 

    int arity, i;
    bool allocated;
    Word *argument_vector, *type_info_vector, *new_type_info;

    Word new_data;

    data_tag = tag(data);
    data_value = (Word *) body(data, data_tag);

    layout_entry = get_base_type_layout_entry(data_tag, type_info);

    entry_tag = tag(layout_entry);
    entry_value = (Word *) body(layout_entry, entry_tag);

    switch(entry_tag) {

        case TYPELAYOUT_CONST_TAG:      /* and COMP_CONST_TAG */
            /* Some builtins need special treatment */
            if ((Word) entry_value <= TYPELAYOUT_MAX_VARINT) {
                int builtin_type = unmkbody(entry_value);

                switch(builtin_type) {

                    case TYPELAYOUT_UNASSIGNED_VALUE:
                        fatal_error("Attempt to use an UNASSIGNED tag "
                            "in table_any");

                    case TYPELAYOUT_UNUSED_VALUE:
                        fatal_error("Attempt to use an UNUSED tag "
                            "in table_any");

                    case TYPELAYOUT_STRING_VALUE:
			Table = (Word**) MR_TABLE_STRING(Table, data);

                    case TYPELAYOUT_FLOAT_VALUE:
			Table = (Word**) MR_TABLE_FLOAT(Table, data);

                    case TYPELAYOUT_INT_VALUE:
		    	Table = (Word**) MR_TABLE_INT(Table, data);

                    case TYPELAYOUT_CHARACTER_VALUE:
                        Table = (Word**) MR_TABLE_CHAR(Table, data);

                    case TYPELAYOUT_UNIV_VALUE:
			Table = (Word**) MR_TABLE_TYPE_INFO(Table,
			Table = (Word**) MR_TABLE_ANY(Table,
                    case TYPELAYOUT_PREDICATE_VALUE:
		       	Word args = data_value[0];

			Table = (Word **) MR_TABLE_WORD(Table, args);
			Table = (Word **) MR_TABLE_WORD(Table, data_value[1]);
			for (i = 0; i < args; i++) {
			    Table = (Word **) MR_TABLE_ANY(Table, 
				(Word *) type_info[i + 
                    case TYPELAYOUT_VOID_VALUE:
                        fatal_error("Attempt to use a VOID tag in table_any");

                    case TYPELAYOUT_ARRAY_VALUE:
		    	Table = (Word**) MR_TABLE_ARRAY(Table, data);

                    case TYPELAYOUT_TYPEINFO_VALUE:
			Table = (Word**) MR_TABLE_TYPE_INFO(Table, data_value);

                    case TYPELAYOUT_C_POINTER_VALUE:
                        fatal_error("Attempt to use a C_POINTER tag "
				    "in table");

                        fatal_error("Invalid tag value in table_any");
            } else {
	    	if (MR_TYPELAYOUT_ENUM_VECTOR_IS_ENUM(entry_value)) {
			Word functors = 
			Table = (Word**) MR_TABLE_ENUM(Table, functors, data);
		} else {
			Word functors = 
			Table = (Word**) MR_TABLE_TAG(Table, data_tag);
			Table = (Word**) MR_TABLE_ENUM(Table, functors, 


            argument_vector = data_value;

            arity = entry_value[TYPELAYOUT_SIMPLE_ARITY_OFFSET];
            type_info_vector = entry_value + TYPELAYOUT_SIMPLE_ARGS_OFFSET;

	    Table = (Word**) MR_TABLE_TAG(Table, data_tag);

                 /* copy arguments */
            for (i = 0; i < arity; i++) {
                new_type_info = make_type_info(type_info,
                    (Word *) type_info_vector[i], &allocated);
		Table = (Word**) MR_TABLE_ANY(Table, new_type_info,
		if (allocated) { 

            Word secondary_tag;
	    Word num_sharers;
            Word *new_entry;

            secondary_tag = *data_value;
            argument_vector = data_value + 1;
            new_entry = (Word *) entry_value[secondary_tag +1];
            arity = new_entry[TYPELAYOUT_SIMPLE_ARITY_OFFSET];
            type_info_vector = new_entry + 

	    Table = (Word**) MR_TABLE_TAG(Table, data_tag);
	    Table = (Word**) MR_TABLE_ENUM(Table, num_sharers, secondary_tag);
            for (i = 0; i < arity; i++) {
                new_type_info = make_type_info(type_info,
                    (Word *) type_info_vector[i], &allocated);
		Table = (Word**) MR_TABLE_ANY(Table, new_type_info, 
		if (allocated) {

            /* note: we treat no_tag types just like equivalences */
	    if ((Word) entry_value < TYPELAYOUT_MAX_VARINT) {
		Table = (Word**) MR_TABLE_ANY(Table,  
				(Word *) type_info[(Word) entry_value], data);
            } else {
		** offset 0 is no-tag indicator
		** offset 1 is the pseudo-typeinfo
		** (as per comments in base_type_layout.m)
		** XXX should avoid use of hard-coded offset `1' here
                new_type_info = make_type_info(type_info, 
                    (Word *) entry_value[1], &allocated);
		Table = (Word**) MR_TABLE_ANY(Table, new_type_info, data);
		if (allocated) {

            fatal_error("Unknown layout tag in table_any");

    return Table;
} /* end table_any() */

get_base_type_layout_entry(Word data_tag, Word *type_info)
	Word *base_type_info, *base_type_layout;

	base_type_info = (Word *) type_info[0];

	if (base_type_info == 0) {
		base_type_info = type_info;

	base_type_layout = (Word *) base_type_info[OFFSET_FOR_BASE_TYPE_LAYOUT];

	return base_type_layout[data_tag];

	** Given a type_info (term_type_info) which contains a
	** base_type_info pointer and possibly other type_infos
	** giving the values of the type parameters of this type,
	** and a pseudo-type_info (arg_pseudo_type_info), which contains a
	** base_type_info pointer and possibly other type_infos
	** giving EITHER
	** 	- the values of the type parameters of this type,
	** or	- an indication of the type parameter of the
	** 	  term_type_info that should be substituted here
	** This returns a fully instantiated type_info, a version of the
	** arg_pseudo_type_info with all the type variables filled in.
	** If there are no type variables to fill in, we return the
	** arg_pseudo_type_info, unchanged. Otherwise, we allocate
	** memory using malloc().  If memory is allocated, the boolean
	** argument (passed by reference) is set to TRUE, otherwise it is
	** set to FALSE.  It is the caller's responsibility to check whether 
	** the call to make_type_info allocated memory, and if so, free
	** it.
	** This code could be tighter. In general, we want to
	** handle our own allocations rather than using malloc().
	** Also, we might be able to do only one traversal.
	** NOTE: If you are changing this code, you might also need
	** to change the code in create_type_info in library/std_util.m,
	** which does much the same thing, only allocating on the 
	** heap instead of using malloc.

Word *
make_type_info(Word *term_type_info, Word *arg_pseudo_type_info,
	bool *allocated) 
	int arity, i, extra_args;
	Word *base_type_info;
	Word *type_info;

	*allocated = FALSE;

		** The arg_pseudo_type_info might be a polymorphic variable,
		** is so - substitute.

	if (TYPEINFO_IS_VARIABLE(arg_pseudo_type_info)) {
		return (Word *) term_type_info[(Word) arg_pseudo_type_info];

	base_type_info = MR_TYPEINFO_GET_BASE_TYPEINFO(arg_pseudo_type_info);

		/* no arguments - optimise common case */
	if (base_type_info == arg_pseudo_type_info) {
		return arg_pseudo_type_info;

        if (MR_BASE_TYPEINFO_IS_HO(base_type_info)) {
                arity = MR_TYPEINFO_GET_HIGHER_ARITY(arg_pseudo_type_info);
                extra_args = 2;
        } else {
                arity = MR_BASE_TYPEINFO_GET_TYPE_ARITY(base_type_info);
                extra_args = 1;

                ** Check for type variables -- if there are none,
                ** we don't need to create a new type_info.
	for (i = arity + extra_args - 1; i >= extra_args; i--) {
		if (TYPEINFO_IS_VARIABLE(arg_pseudo_type_info[i])) {

		** Do we need to create a new type_info?
	if (i >= extra_args) {
		type_info = table_allocate((arity + extra_args) * sizeof(Word));
		*allocated = TRUE;

			** Copy any preliminary arguments to the type_info 
			** (this means the base_type_info and possibly 
			** arity for higher order terms).
                for (i = 0; i < extra_args; i++) {
                        type_info[i] = arg_pseudo_type_info[i];

			**  Copy type arguments, substituting for any
			**  type variables.
		for (i = extra_args; i < arity + extra_args; i++) {
			if (TYPEINFO_IS_VARIABLE(arg_pseudo_type_info[i])) {
				type_info[i] = term_type_info[
				if (type_info[i] < TYPELAYOUT_MAX_VARINT) {
					fatal_error("make_type_info: "
						"unbound type variable.");
			} else {
				type_info[i] = arg_pseudo_type_info[i];
		return type_info;
	} else {
		return arg_pseudo_type_info;
} /* end make_type_info() */

New File: runtime/mercury_table_any.h

Word ** mercury_table_type(Word *type_info, Word data_value, 
    Word ** Table);

#endif /* not _MERCURY_TABLE_ANY_H */

New File: runtime/mercury_table_enum.c
** Copyright (C) 1998 The University of Melbourne.
** This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
** Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.

** This module defines the int_index_lookup_or_add() function.

#include "mercury_imp.h"

#define ELEMENT(Table, Key) ((Word**)&(Table[Key]))

** int_index_lookup_or_add() : This function maintains a simple indexed 
**	table of size Range.  
Word ** 
int_index_lookup_or_add(Word ** T, Integer Key, 
        Integer Range)
	Word *Table = *T;		/* Deref table */
	if (Table == NULL) {
		*T = Table = table_allocate(sizeof(Word*)*Range);
		memset(Table, 0, sizeof(Word*)*Range);

	return ELEMENT(Table, Key);

New File: runtime/mercury_table_enum.h

Word ** int_index_lookup_or_add(Word **, Integer, Integer);

#endif /* not _MERCURY_TABLE_ENUM_H */

New File: runtime/mercury_table_int_float_string.c
** Copyright (C) 1998 The University of Melbourne.
** This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
** Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.

** This module defines the int_hash_lookup_or_add(), float_hash_lookup_or_add()
** 	and string_hash_lookup_or_add() function.

#include "mercury_imp.h"

/* Initial size of a new table */
#define TABLE_START_SIZE primes[0] 

/* Amount the table is allowed to fill. Must be less than 0.9 if you want
   even poor lookup times */
#define MAX_EL_SIZE_RATIO 0.95

/* Extract info from a table */
#define SIZE(Table)		(((TableRoot *) Table)->Size) 
#define ELEMENTS(Table)	 	(((TableRoot *) Table)->UsedElements)
#define BUCKET(Table, Bucket) 	((TableNode **) &(((TableRoot *) Table)-> \

typedef struct {
	Word Key;
	Word * Data;
} TableNode;

typedef struct {
	Word Size;
	Word UsedElements;
	Word Elements;
} TableRoot;

static Word next_prime(Word);
static Word * create_hash_table(Word);
static void re_hash(Word *, Word, TableNode * Node);

 *  Prime numbers which are close to powers of 2.  Used for choosing
 *  the next size for a hash table.

#define NUM_OF_PRIMES 16
static Word primes[NUM_OF_PRIMES] =
    {127, 257, 509, 1021, 2053, 4099, 8191, 16381, 32771, 65537, 131071,
       262147, 524287, 1048573, 2097143, 4194301};

 *  Return the next prime number greater than the number received.
 *  If no such prime number can be found, compute an approximate one.

static Word 
next_prime(Word old_size) 
	int i;

	i = 0;
	while ( (old_size >= primes[i]) && (i < NUM_OF_PRIMES) ) {

	if (i < NUM_OF_PRIMES) {
		return (primes[i]);
	} else { 
		return (2 * old_size - 1);

/* Create a new empty hash table */
static Word * 
create_hash_table(Word TableSize)
   	Word i;
	TableRoot * Table =
		table_allocate(sizeof(Word)*2+TableSize*sizeof(TableNode *));
	Table->Size = TableSize;
	Table->UsedElements = 0;

	for (i=0; i<TableSize; i++) {
		BUCKET(Table, i) = NULL;

	return (Word *) Table;

/* Insert Key and Data into a new hash table using the given hash.
 * This function does not have to do compares as the given key 
 * is definitely not in the table. 
static void
re_hash(Word * Table, Word hash, TableNode * Node)
	Word bucket = hash % SIZE(Table);

	while (BUCKET(Table, bucket)) {

		if (bucket == SIZE(Table))
			bucket = 0;

	BUCKET(Table, bucket) = Node;

/* Look to see if the given integer key is in the given table. If it
 * is return the address of the data pointer associated with the key.
 * If it is not; create a new element for the key in the table and
 * return the address of its data pointer
Word ** 
int_hash_lookup_or_add(Word ** T, Integer Key)
	TableNode * p, * q;
	Word * Table = *T;	/* Deref the table pointer */
	Word bucket;
	/* Has the the table been built? */
	if (Table == NULL) {
		Table = create_hash_table(TABLE_START_SIZE);
		*T = Table;

	bucket = Key % SIZE(Table);
	p = BUCKET(Table, bucket);

	/* Find if the element is present. If not add it */
	while (p) {
		if (Key == p->Key) {
			return &p->Data;

		if (bucket == SIZE(Table))
			bucket = 0;
		p = BUCKET(Table, bucket);

	p = table_allocate(sizeof(TableNode));
	p->Key = Key;
	p->Data = NULL;

	/* Rehash the table if it has grown to full */
	if ((float)ELEMENTS(Table) / (float)SIZE(Table) > MAX_EL_SIZE_RATIO) {
		int old_size = SIZE(Table);
		int new_size = next_prime(old_size);
		Word * new_table = create_hash_table(new_size);
		int i;
		for (i = 0; i < old_size; i++) {
			q = BUCKET(Table, i);
			if (q) {
				re_hash(new_table, q->Key, q);
		/* Free the old table */

		/* Point to the new table */
		*T = new_table;
		/* Add a new element */
		re_hash(new_table, Key, p);
	} else {
		BUCKET(Table, bucket) = p;

	return &p->Data;

/* Look to see if the given float key is in the given table. If it
 * is return the address of the data pointer associated with the key.
 * If it is not create a new element for the key in the table and
 * return the address of its data pointer
Word ** 
float_hash_lookup_or_add(Word ** T, Float Key)
	TableNode * p, * q;
	Word * Table = *T;	/* Deref the table pointer */
	Word bucket;
	Word hash;

	/* Has the the table been built? */
	if (Table == NULL) {
		Table = create_hash_table(TABLE_START_SIZE);
		*T = Table;

	hash = hash_float(Key);
	bucket = hash % SIZE(Table);

	p = BUCKET(Table, bucket);

	/* Find if the element is present. If not add it */
	while (p) {
		if (Key == word_to_float(p->Key)) {
			return &p->Data;
		if (bucket == SIZE(Table))
			bucket = 0;
		p = BUCKET(Table, bucket);

	p = table_allocate(sizeof(TableNode));
	p->Key = float_to_word(Key);
	p->Data = NULL;
	/* Rehash the table if it has grown to full */
	if ((float)ELEMENTS(Table) / (float)SIZE(Table) > MAX_EL_SIZE_RATIO) {
		int old_size = SIZE(Table);
		int new_size = next_prime(old_size);
		Word * new_table = create_hash_table(new_size);
		int i;

		for (i = 0; i < old_size; i++) {
			q = BUCKET(Table, i);
			if (q) {
				re_hash(new_table, hash_float(q->Key), q); 
		/* Free the old table */

		/* Point to the new table */
		*T = new_table;
		/* Add a new element */
		re_hash(new_table, hash, p);
	} else {
		BUCKET(Table, bucket) = p;

	return &p->Data;

/* Look to see if the given string key is in the given table. If it
 * is return the address of the data pointer associated with the key.
 * If it is not create a new element for the key in the table and
 * return the address of its data pointer
Word ** 
string_hash_lookup_or_add(Word ** T, String Key)
	TableNode * p, * q;
	Word * Table = *T;	/* Deref the table pointer */
	Word bucket;
	Word hash;

	/* Has the the table been built? */
	if (Table == NULL) {
		Table = create_hash_table(TABLE_START_SIZE);
		*T = Table;

	hash = hash_string(Key);
	bucket = hash % SIZE(Table);

	p = BUCKET(Table, bucket);

	/* Find if the element is present. */
	while (p) {
		int res = strtest((String)p->Key, Key);
		if (res == 0) {
			return &p->Data;
		if (bucket == SIZE(Table))
			bucket = 0;
		p = BUCKET(Table, bucket);

	p = table_allocate(sizeof(TableNode));
	p->Key = (Word) Key;
	p->Data = NULL;
	/* Rehash the table if it has grown to full */
	if ((float)ELEMENTS(Table) / (float)SIZE(Table) > MAX_EL_SIZE_RATIO) {
		int old_size = SIZE(Table);
		int new_size = next_prime(old_size);
		Word * new_table = create_hash_table(new_size);
		int i;

		for (i = 0; i < old_size; i++) {
			q = BUCKET(Table, i);
			if (q) {
				re_hash(new_table, hash_string(q->Key), q); 
		/* Free the old table */

		/* Point to the new table */
		*T = new_table;
		/* Add a new element to rehashed table */
		re_hash(new_table, hash, p); 
	} else {
		BUCKET(Table, bucket) = p;

	return &p->Data;

New File: runtime/mercury_table_int_float_string.h

Word ** int_hash_lookup_or_add(Word ** Table, Integer Key);
Word ** float_hash_lookup_or_add(Word ** Table, Float Key);
Word ** string_hash_lookup_or_add(Word ** Table, String Key);

#endif /* not _MERCURY_INT_FLOAT_STRING_H */

New File: runtime/mercury_table_profile.c
#include <stdio.h>
#include "mercury_imp.h"
#include "mercury_table_profile.h"

Word MR_Table_Prof_WorkingOnAns_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_MarkWorkingOnAns_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_LookupInsertInt_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_LookupInsertChar_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_LookupInsertString_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_LookupInsertFloat_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_LookupInsertEnum_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_LookupInsertUser_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_LookupInsertPoly_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_HaveAns_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_HasFailed_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_CreateAnsBlock_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_SaveIntAns_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_SaveCharAns_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_SaveStringAns_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_SaveFloatAns_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_SaveAnyAns_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_SaveFailure_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_RestoreInt_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_RestoreChar_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_RestoreString_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_RestoreFloat_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_RestoreAny_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_Setup_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_RetAllAns_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_GenAnsTable_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_HaveAllAns_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_HaveSomeAns_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_NewAns_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_MarkHaveAllAns_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_MarkHaveSomeAns_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_MarkAsReturned_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_Suspend_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_Resume_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_NewAnsSlot_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_MemCpy_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_Malloc_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_Reallc_Call = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_Free_Call = 0;

Word MR_Table_Prof_Moved_Mem = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_Malloc_Mem = 0;
Word MR_Table_Prof_Realloc_Mem = 0;

	printf("	Profilng stats for table operation\n");
	printf(" Number of calls to TableHasFailed = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_HasFailed_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableCreateAnsBlock = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_CreateAnsBlock_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableSaveIntAns = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_SaveIntAns_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableSaveCharAns = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_SaveCharAns_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableSaveStringAns = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_SaveStringAns_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableSaveFloatAns = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_SaveFloatAns_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableSaveAnyAns = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_SaveAnyAns_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableSaveFailure = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_SaveFailure_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableRestoreInt = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_RestoreInt_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableRestoreChar = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_RestoreChar_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableRestoreString = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_RestoreString_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableRestoreFloat = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_RestoreFloat_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableRestoreAny = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_RestoreAny_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableSetup = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_Setup_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableRetAllAns = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_RetAllAns_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableGenAnsTable = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_GenAnsTable_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableHaveAllAns = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_HaveAllAns_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableHaveSomeAns = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_HaveSomeAns_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableNewAns = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_NewAns_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableMarkHaveAllAns = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_MarkHaveAllAns_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableMarkHaveSomeAns = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_MarkHaveSomeAns_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableMarkAsReturned = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_MarkAsReturned_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableSuspend = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_Suspend_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableResume = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_Resume_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableNewAnsSlot = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_NewAnsSlot_Call); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableMemCpy = %d Bytes moved %d\n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_MemCpy_Call, 
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_Moved_Mem); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableMalloc = %d Bytes allocated %d\n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_Malloc_Call, 
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_Malloc_Mem); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableReallc = %d Bytes reallocated %d\n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_Reallc_Call, 
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_Realloc_Mem); 
	printf(" Number of calls to TableFree = %d \n",
		(int) MR_Table_Prof_Free_Call); 

New File: runtime/mercury_table_profile.h

extern Word MR_Table_Prof_WorkingOnAns_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_MarkWorkingOnAns_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_LookupInsertInt_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_LookupInsertChar_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_LookupInsertString_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_LookupInsertFloat_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_LookupInsertEnum_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_LookupInsertUser_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_LookupInsertPoly_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_HaveAns_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_HasFailed_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_CreateAnsBlock_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_SaveIntAns_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_SaveCharAns_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_SaveStringAns_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_SaveFloatAns_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_SaveAnyAns_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_SaveFailure_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_RestoreInt_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_RestoreChar_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_RestoreString_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_RestoreFloat_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_RestoreAny_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_Setup_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_RetAllAns_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_GenAnsTable_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_HaveAllAns_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_HaveSomeAns_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_NewAns_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_MarkHaveAllAns_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_MarkHaveSomeAns_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_MarkAsReturned_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_Suspend_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_Resume_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_NewAnsSlot_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_MemCpy_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_Malloc_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_Reallc_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_Free_Call;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_Moved_Mem;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_Malloc_Mem;
extern Word MR_Table_Prof_Realloc_Mem;

void table_dump_profile(void);


New File: runtime/mercury_table_type_info.c
** Copyright (C) 1997 The University of Melbourne.
** This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
** Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.

** This module defines the type_info_lookup_or_add() function.

#include "mercury_imp.h"
#include "mercury_table_type_info.h"

typedef struct _tree_node {
	Word * Key;
	Word Value;
	struct _tree_node * Right;
	struct _tree_node * Left;
} TreeNode;

Word **
type_info_lookup_or_add(Word ** Table, Word * TypeInfo)
	TreeNode *p, *q;
	int i;

	if (*Table == NULL) {
		p = table_allocate(sizeof(TreeNode));

		p->Key = TypeInfo;
		p->Value = (Word) NULL;
		p->Left = NULL;
		p->Right = NULL;

		*Table = (Word *) p;

		return (Word**) &p->Value;
	p = (TreeNode*) *Table;

	while (p != NULL) {
		i = MR_compare_type_info((Word) p->Key, (Word) TypeInfo);

		if (i == COMPARE_EQUAL) {
			return (Word**) &p->Value;
		q = p;
		if (i == COMPARE_LESS) {
			p = p->Left;
		} else {
			p = p->Right;

	p = table_allocate(sizeof(TreeNode));
	p->Key = TypeInfo;
	p->Value = (Word) NULL; 
	p->Left = NULL;
	p->Right = NULL;

	if (i == COMPARE_LESS) {
		q->Left = p;
	} else {
		q ->Right = p;
	return (Word**) &p->Value;

New File: runtime/mercury_table_type_info.h

Word ** type_info_lookup_or_add(Word **, Word *);

#endif /* not _MERCURY_TABLE_TYPE_INFO */

New File: runtime/mercury_tabling.h
** Copyright (C) 1995-1997 The University of Melbourne.
** This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
** Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.

** mercury_tabling.h - definitions of some basic macros used by the tabling
** code generated by the Mercury compiler and by the Mercury runtime.


#include "mercury_table_enum.h"
#include "mercury_table_any.h"
#include "mercury_table_profile.h"
#include "mercury_table_type_info.h"
#include "mercury_table_int_float_string.h"


#define MR_TABLE_WORD(Table, Value)					\
	(Word) int_hash_lookup_or_add(Table, (Integer)Value);

#define MR_TABLE_INT(Table, Value)					\
	(Word) int_hash_lookup_or_add(Table, Value);

#define MR_TABLE_FLOAT(Table, Value)		  			\
	(Word) float_hash_lookup_or_add(Table, Value);

#define MR_TABLE_CHAR(Table, Value)		   			\
	(Word) int_hash_lookup_or_add(Table, (Integer)Value);

#define MR_TABLE_STRING(Table, Value)		 			\
	(Word) string_hash_lookup_or_add(Table, (String)Value);
#define MR_TABLE_ENUM(Table, Range, Value)                              \
	(Word) int_index_lookup_or_add(Table, Value, Range)

#define MR_TABLE_ARRAY(Table, Array)					\
	(Word**)0;fatal_error("Tabling of arrays not yet supported")
#define MR_TABLE_TAG(Table, Tag)					\
	(Word) int_index_lookup_or_add(Table, Tag, 1 << TAGBITS)

#define MR_TABLE_TYPE_INFO(Table, Type)					\
	(Word) type_info_lookup_or_add(Table, (Word*) Type)
#define MR_TABLE_ANY(Table, TypeInfo, Value)		  		\
	(Word) mercury_table_type((Word*)TypeInfo, Value, (Word**)Table)

#define MR_TABLE_CREATE_ANSWER_BLOCK(AnswerBlock, Elements)	 	\
	do {								\
		*((Word**)AnswerBlock) =				\
			pool_alloc(sizeof(Word)*Elements);		\
	} while(0)

#define MR_TABLE_GET_ANSWER(Offset, AnswerBlock)			\


#define MR_TABLE_SAVE_ANSWER(Offset, AnswerBlock, Value, TypeInfo)	\
	do {								\
		(*((Word**)AnswerBlock))[Offset] = Value;		\
	} while(0)

#else /* not CONSERVATIVE_GC */

#define MR_TABLE_SAVE_ANSWER(Offset, AnswerBlock, Value, TypeInfo)	\
	do {								\
		(*((Word**)AnswerBlock))[Offset] = 			\
			deep_copy(Value, &TypeInfo, NULL, NULL);	\
		restore_transient_registers();		  		\
	} while(0)

#endif /* CONSERVATIVE_GC */


#define append3(Var1, Var2, Var3)					\
	Var1 ## Var2 ## Var3

#define TABLE_PROFILE_CALL(Func)					\
	++append3(MR_Table_Prof_, Func, _Call);

#define TABLE_PROFILE_MEMMOVE(Size)					\
	++MR_Table_Prof_MemCpy_Call;					\
	MR_Table_Prof_Moved_Mem += Size;

#define TABLE_PROFILE_MALLOC(Size)					\
	++MR_Table_Prof_Malloc_Call;					\
	MR_Table_Prof_Malloc_Mem += Size;

#define TABLE_PROFILE_REALLOC(Size)					\
	++MR_Table_Prof_Reallc_Call;					\
	MR_Table_Prof_Realloc_Mem += Size;

#define TABLE_PROFILE_FREE()						\

#define table_allocate(Size)						\
	GC_malloc(Size);						\

#define table_reallocate(Pointer, Size)					\
	GC_realloc(Pointer, Size);					\

#define table_free(Pointer)						\
	GC_free(Pointer);						\

#define table_copy_mem(Dest, Source, Size)				\
	memcpy(Dest, Source, Size);					\

#else /* not MR_TABLE_PROFILING */

#define TABLE_PROFILE_CALL(Func)					

#define TABLE_PROFILE_MEMMOVE(Size)					

#define TABLE_PROFILE_MALLOC(Size)					

#define TABLE_PROFILE_REALLOC(Pointer, Size)					

#define TABLE_PROFILE_FREE()					

#define table_allocate(Size)						\

#define table_reallocate(Pointer, Size)					\
	GC_realloc(Pointer, Size);

#define table_free(Pointer)						\

#define table_copy_mem(Dest, Source, Size)				\
	memcpy(Dest, Source, Size);

#endif /* not MR_TABLE_PROFILING */


#include <stdio.h>
#include <varargs.h>

static void table_printf(const char*, ...);
static void table_printf(const char *A, ...)
	va_list list;
	vprintf(A, list);

#else /* not MR_TABLE_DEBUG */

static void table_printf(const char*, ...);
static void table_printf(const char *A, ...)

#endif /* not MR_TABLE_DEBUG */

#endif /* not MERCURY_TABLING_H */

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