[m-dev.] For review: declarative debugging back end (1/3)

Fergus Henderson fjh at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Wed Jul 15 15:11:35 AEST 1998

On 14-Jul-1998, Mark Anthony BROWN <dougl at cs.mu.OZ.AU> wrote:
> Add support for declarative debugging (of wrong answers) to the
> compiler.  When the option --generate-evaluation-tree is set, the
> module is compiled with extra procedures added that generate
> evaluation dependence trees.  These form the back end of a
> declarative debugger.
> Added files:
> compiler/evaluation_tree_gen:
> 	Implements the compiler stage that adds the code to generate
> 	evaluation trees (stage 23). 

Please put the `.m's in the log message.

You should document the new modules in compiler/notes/compiler_design.html.

Documenting the numerical stage numbers isn't that helpful; these are
subject to change over time.  What would be more useful to document
is which stage it comes after and which stage it comes before, and why.

> compiler/mercury_compile:
> 	If --generate-evaluation-tree is set, then calculate goal paths
> 	and then call evaluation_tree_gen, in stage 23 <fnord>.


> compiler/options:
> 	Added the option --generate-evaluation-tree, of type bool.

You need to also modify doc/user_guide.texi to document that option.

> library/library:
> 	Added evaluation_tree to the list of imports.

Should you also modify doc/Mmakefile to exclude that module
from the library reference manual?

You should also add somethinng to either the NEWS or the WORK_IN_PROGRESS file.

> --- make_hlds.m	1998/07/08 20:56:38	1.269
> +++ make_hlds.m	1998/07/12 07:03:53
> @@ -46,6 +46,14 @@
> +        %
> +        % Add a new exported type to an existing HLDS structure.  This
> +        % is used by evaluation_tree_gen.
> +        %
> +:- pred add_new_exported_type(module_info, tvarset, type_defn, condition,
> +                term__context, module_info, io__state, io__state).
> +:- mode add_new_exported_type(in, in, in, in, in, out, di, uo) is det.
> +
> @@ -62,6 +70,8 @@
>  :- import_module code_util, unify_proc, special_pred, type_util, mode_util.
>  :- import_module mercury_to_mercury, passes_aux, clause_to_proc, inst_match.
>  :- import_module fact_table, purity, goal_util, term_util, export, llds.
> +:- import_module typecheck, post_typecheck, modes, mode_info.
> +:- import_module switch_detection, det_analysis.

If that predicate runs all those later compilation stages, then
the documentation for it should say so.

I think make_hlds.m is not the best place to add this predicate.
make_hlds.m really shouldn't need to import all those modules for
later stages.  Hmm...

> +add_new_exported_type(Module0, TVarSet, TypeDefn, Cond, Context, Module) -->
> +        module_add_type_defn(Module0, TVarSet, TypeDefn, Cond, Context,
> +                        item_status(exported, must_be_qualified), Module1),
> +
> +        globals__io_get_globals(Globals),
> +        { convert_type_defn(TypeDefn, Globals, Name, Args, _Body) },
> +        { list__length(Args, Arity) },
> +        { TypeId = Name - Arity },

Why not just make it `add_type' and give it an `item_status' parameter?
That would make it more generally useful.

For d.u. types, the call to convert_type_defn here will unnecessarily
call assign_constructor_tags.  I think you should instead define a predicate

	get_name_args(TypeDefn, Name, Args)

and use that instead of convert_type_defn.

> +        { special_pred_list(SpecialPreds) },
> +        update_special_preds(Module1, SpecialPreds, TypeId, Module).

To avoid the probelm with make_hlds.m importing later compilation stages,
you could add `add_type' to hlds.m but delete these two lines, and
instead add the code for update_special_preds in some other module --
perhaps just in evaluation_tree_gen.

> +        io__write_string("\t--generate-evaluation-tree\n"),
> +        io__write_string("\t\tInclude code to generate evaluation trees in the\n"),
> +        io__write_string("\t\tC code output by the compiler.  These can be analysed\n"),
> +        io__write_string("\t\tby a declarative debugger.\n"),
>          io__write_string("\t--generate-bytecode\n"),
>          io__write_string("\t\tOutput a bytecode form of the module for use\n"),
>          io__write_string("\t\tby an experimental debugger.\n"),

I suggest you add "(not yet implemented) " before "declarative debugger".

Also for consistency I suggest you change "an experimental debugger"
in the documentation for --generate-bytecode to "a (not yet implemented)
bytecode debugger".

[I haven't looked at the new modules yet.]

Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.oz.au>  |  "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh>  |  of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger fjh at        |     -- the last words of T. S. Garp.

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