diff: typecheck.m: fix to error message
Fergus Henderson
fjh at cs.mu.oz.au
Wed Dec 3 03:12:29 AEDT 1997
Fix a problem with certain type error messages
(the ones produced by `report_error_functor_arg_types'),
where for e.g. `F = 2.3, [1] = [F]' it was saying
basically "F has type float, expected type was T"
instead of "F has type float, expected type was int".
I have also changed the layout of the message slightly;
instead of
foo.m:001: The types of the relevant arguments are
foo.m:001: argument 1 (F): actual `float', expected `T'
it now reads
foo.m:001: Argument 1 (F) has type `float',
foo.m:001: expected type was `int'.
This is more consistent with other type error messages
and in many cases avoids line wrap.
Index: typecheck.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/typecheck.m,v
retrieving revision 1.219
diff -u -u -r1.219 typecheck.m
--- typecheck.m 1997/11/24 07:27:10 1.219
+++ typecheck.m 1997/12/02 16:09:06
@@ -1278,6 +1278,19 @@
convert_args_type_assign_set(ArgTypeAssigns, TypeAssigns).
+:- pred conv_args_type_assign_set(args_type_assign_set, type_assign_set).
+:- mode conv_args_type_assign_set(in, out) is det.
+conv_args_type_assign_set([], []).
+conv_args_type_assign_set([X|Xs], [Y|Ys]) :-
+ conv_args_type_assign(X, Y),
+ conv_args_type_assign_set(Xs, Ys).
+:- pred conv_args_type_assign(pair(type_assign, list(type)), type_assign).
+:- mode conv_args_type_assign(in, out) is det.
+conv_args_type_assign(TypeAssign - _ArgTypes, TypeAssign).
:- pred typecheck_var_has_arg_type(var,
args_type_assign_set, args_type_assign_set,
typecheck_info, typecheck_info).
@@ -1754,8 +1767,7 @@
typecheck_info_get_io_state(TypeCheckInfo2, IOState2),
Var, ConsDefnList, Functor, Args,
- TypeAssignSet0,
- IOState2, IOState3),
+ ArgsTypeAssignSet, IOState2, IOState3),
typecheck_info_set_io_state(TypeCheckInfo2, IOState3,
typecheck_info_set_found_error(TypeCheckInfo3, yes,
@@ -3108,12 +3120,12 @@
:- pred report_error_functor_arg_types(typecheck_info, var,
list(cons_type_info), cons_id, list(var),
- type_assign_set, io__state, io__state).
+ args_type_assign_set, io__state, io__state).
:- mode report_error_functor_arg_types(typecheck_info_no_io, in, in, in, in,
in, di, uo) is det.
-report_error_functor_arg_types(TypeCheckInfo, Var, ConsDefnList, Functor, Args,
- TypeAssignSet) -->
+report_error_functor_arg_types(TypeCheckInfo, Var, ConsDefnList,
+ Functor, Args, ArgsTypeAssignSet) -->
{ typecheck_info_get_context(TypeCheckInfo, Context) },
{ typecheck_info_get_varset(TypeCheckInfo, VarSet) },
@@ -3142,19 +3154,41 @@
% error message that mentions the actual and expected types of the
% arguments only for the arguments in which the two types differ.
- { ConsDefnList = [SingleDefn] },
- { SingleDefn = cons_type_info(ConsTVarSet, _ResultType,
- ConsArgTypes) },
+ { ArgsTypeAssignSet = [SingleArgsTypeAssign] },
+ { SingleArgsTypeAssign = TypeAssign - ConsArgTypes },
{ assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(Args, ConsArgTypes,
ArgExpTypes) },
- { find_mismatched_args(ArgExpTypes, TypeAssignSet, ConsTVarSet,
- 1, Mismatches) },
- { Mismatches = [_ | _] }
+ { find_mismatched_args(ArgExpTypes, [TypeAssign], 1,
+ Mismatches) },
+ { Mismatches = [_|_] }
- prog_out__write_context(Context),
- io__write_string(" The types of the relevant arguments are\n"),
- report_mismatched_args(Mismatches, VarSet, Context)
+ report_mismatched_args(Mismatches, yes, VarSet, Context)
+ { conv_args_type_assign_set(ArgsTypeAssignSet,
+ TypeAssignSet) },
+ %
+ % For polymorphic data structures,
+ % the type of `Var' (the functor's result type)
+ % can affect the valid types for the arguments.
+ %
+ (
+ % could the type of the functor be polymorphic?
+ { list__member(ConsDefn, ConsDefnList) },
+ { ConsDefn = cons_type_info(_, _, ConsArgTypes) },
+ { ConsArgTypes \= [] }
+ ->
+ % if so, print out the type of `Var'
+ prog_out__write_context(Context),
+ io__write_string(" "),
+ write_argument_name(VarSet, Var),
+ write_type_of_var(TypeCheckInfo, TypeAssignSet, Var),
+ io__write_string(",\n")
+ ;
+ []
+ ),
io__write_string(" "),
write_functor_name(Functor, Arity),
@@ -3171,29 +3205,29 @@
int, % argument number, starting from 1
var, % variable in that position
type, % actual type of that variable
- tvarset, % the type vars in the actual type
type, % expected type of that variable
- tvarset % the type vars in the expected type
+ tvarset % the type vars in the expected
+ % and expected types
-:- pred find_mismatched_args(assoc_list(var, type), type_assign_set, tvarset,
- int, list(mismatch_info)).
-:- mode find_mismatched_args(in, in, in, in, out) is semidet.
-find_mismatched_args([], _, _, _, []).
-find_mismatched_args([Arg - ExpType | ArgExpTypes], TypeAssignSet, ExpTVarSet,
- ArgNum0, Mismatched) :-
+:- pred find_mismatched_args(assoc_list(var, type), type_assign_set, int,
+ list(mismatch_info)).
+:- mode find_mismatched_args(in, in, in, out) is semidet.
+find_mismatched_args([], _, _, []).
+find_mismatched_args([Arg - ExpType | ArgExpTypes], TypeAssignSet, ArgNum0,
+ Mismatched) :-
ArgNum1 is ArgNum0 + 1,
- find_mismatched_args(ArgExpTypes, TypeAssignSet, ExpTVarSet,
- ArgNum1, Mismatched1),
+ find_mismatched_args(ArgExpTypes, TypeAssignSet, ArgNum1, Mismatched1),
get_type_stuff(TypeAssignSet, Arg, TypeStuffList),
- TypeStuffList = [type_stuff(ArgType, ArgVarSet, ArgBinding)],
- term__apply_rec_substitution(ArgType, ArgBinding, FullArgType),
+ TypeStuffList = [type_stuff(ArgType, TVarSet, TypeBindings)],
+ term__apply_rec_substitution(ArgType, TypeBindings, FullArgType),
+ term__apply_rec_substitution(ExpType, TypeBindings, FullExpType),
% there is no mismatch if the actual type of the
% argument is the same as the expected type
- identical_types(FullArgType, ExpType)
+ identical_types(FullArgType, FullExpType)
% there is no mismatch if the actual type of the
% argument has no constraints on it
@@ -3202,20 +3236,23 @@
Mismatched = Mismatched1
- Mismatched = [mismatch(ArgNum0, Arg, FullArgType, ArgVarSet,
- ExpType, ExpTVarSet) | Mismatched1]
+ Mismatched = [mismatch(ArgNum0, Arg, FullArgType, FullExpType,
+ TVarSet) | Mismatched1]
-:- pred report_mismatched_args(list(mismatch_info), varset, term__context,
+:- pred report_mismatched_args(list(mismatch_info), bool, varset, term__context,
io__state, io__state).
-:- mode report_mismatched_args(in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
+:- mode report_mismatched_args(in, in, in, in, di, uo) is det.
-report_mismatched_args([], _, _) --> [].
-report_mismatched_args([Mismatch | Mismatches], VarSet, Context) -->
- { Mismatch = mismatch(ArgNum, Var, ActType, ActTVarSet,
- ExpType, ExpTVarSet) },
+report_mismatched_args([], _, _, _) --> [].
+report_mismatched_args([Mismatch | Mismatches], First, VarSet, Context) -->
+ { Mismatch = mismatch(ArgNum, Var, ActType, ExpType, TVarSet) },
- io__write_string(" argument "),
+ ( { First = yes } ->
+ io__write_string(" Argument ")
+ ;
+ io__write_string(" argument ")
+ ),
( { varset__search_name(VarSet, Var, _) } ->
io__write_string(" ("),
@@ -3224,15 +3261,17 @@
- io__write_string(": actual `"),
- mercury_output_term(ActType, ActTVarSet, no),
- io__write_string("', expected `"),
- mercury_output_term(ExpType, ExpTVarSet, no),
+ io__write_string(" has type `"),
+ mercury_output_term(ActType, TVarSet, no),
+ io__write_string("',\n"),
+ prog_out__write_context(Context),
+ io__write_string(" expected type was `"),
+ mercury_output_term(ExpType, TVarSet, no),
( { Mismatches = [] } ->
- report_mismatched_args(Mismatches, VarSet, Context)
+ report_mismatched_args(Mismatches, no, VarSet, Context)
:- pred write_types_of_vars(list(var), varset, term__context, typecheck_info,
Fergus Henderson <fjh at cs.mu.oz.au> | "I have always known that the pursuit
WWW: <http://www.cs.mu.oz.au/~fjh> | of excellence is a lethal habit"
PGP: finger fjh at | -- the last words of T. S. Garp.
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