[m-users.] Signal 253 error on MinGW32 during compilation of module with a large table

Julien Fischer jfischer at opturion.com
Thu Feb 19 17:15:01 AEDT 2015


On Wed, 18 Feb 2015, Dirk Ziegemeyer wrote:

> Here is a short description of the conceptual background and my current implementation.
> % There are domains which are identified by a domain code.
> :- type domainCode ---> ap; as ...
> % Domains have members.
> :- type domainMember
> 	--->
> 		  ap(ap)
> 		; as(as)
> 		; id(id)
> 		...

<Dirk has sent me a copy of the affected modules off-list>

The problem is a stack overflow in the Mercury compiler.  Everything is
fine in the current rotd builds and I don't think we've adjusted the
cstack reserve size we set in compiler/Mmakefile, so presuambly one of
the changes between 14.01 and now has fixed this.

I'll try to isolate what has changed, but unless it's relatively small I
don't think we'll be able to merge into on the release branch without a
lot of fuss.  The best workaround for users encountering this issue at
the moment is to use a recent rotd build.


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