[m-users.] Compiler Runtime Error

Charlie McGee c4cypher at gmail.com
Sat Aug 30 10:05:38 AEST 2014

Okay, I'm still going through it all, I'm just floored that I got mmc to
spit out a runtime error.

Uncaught Mercury exception:
Software Error: hlds.instmap: predicate
`hlds.instmap.instmapping_set_vars_corresponding'/4: Unexpected: not_reached

Here's a pastebin of the source I was working on:

The lines that I was editing (trying to get the switch to infer as det)
when mmc started to throw exceptions are 682 - 684. The entire clause is
pasted for convenience.

lua_pcall(L, A) = R :-
impure Result = lua_pcall(L, A, 0),
( Result = returned(R)  % line 682
; Result = returned_error(Error), throw(Error)
; unexpected($module, $pred, "Invalid result value. (WTF?)") % line 684

Using if-> calls rather than raw disjuncts originally triggered this. I'm
going to be focusing on trying to re-arrange this clause in a manner that
does not cause mmc to toss cookies.

I've located the exception I've triggered in the source, instmap.m line
600, although I don't know the inner workings of the compiler to begin
knowing how to interpret it.

expect(negate(unify(Inst, not_reached)), $module, $pred, "not_reached"),

I'm not asking for or expecting any kind of specific assistance or
response, I'll be trying to bypass this by trial and error, I figured that
this was the kind of thing that would be productive to bring attention to
as a bug report, not that I have a clue to what is causing it.   I believe
this is my first post to the list, you guys have been awesome on #mercury.
I want to do everything I can to support both this community and the
development of this language.

Note: I also compiled the same code under asm_fast.gc.trseg and got the
same response.
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