[mercury-users] Problem building on Mac OS X / Xcode 4 / clang

Sean Johnson sean at snootymonkey.com
Mon May 21 21:24:02 AEST 2012


I'm trying to build Mercury and running into an issue. The machine is Intel, Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) with Xcode 4 (clang).

My goal is to have a Mercury install with parallel, high-level C, Java and Erlang backends, I'm trying to follow these steps I created for myself based on my understanding of Mercury from reading of the manuals and the INSTALL and README files. 

# Create a minimal, bootstrap Mercury
./configure --with-cc=clang --disable-most-grades
sudo make install

# Add Mercury's bin and man to your paths
ln -s /usr/local/mercury-11.07.1 /usr/local/mercury
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mercury/bin
export MANPATH=$MANPATH:/usr/local/mercury/man

# Create a fairly complete Mercury with Java and Erlang
make realclean
./configure --with-cc=clang --enable-erlang-grade --enable-java-grade
sudo make install

But the 2nd build is a not working. (It fails with the errors below.)

To simplify things, I'm trying doing the 2nd build THE SAME as the first. That is with:

./configure --with-cc=clang --disable-most-grades

So that the only difference between the 1st build that works and the 2nd build that doesn't is that I already have a bootstrapped Mercury in the PATH.

What happens is this:

mercury_compile: cannot find
  `transform_hlds.ctgc.structure_reuse.indirect.int3' in directories .,
  ../library, ../browser, ../ssdb, ../mdbcomp

The error is here:


And the output from the full 2nd build is here:


I'm eager to get this working. Any thoughts?


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