[mercury-users] Can this be done better?

Michael Richter ttmrichter at gmail.com
Tue Jan 31 02:09:12 AEDT 2012

On 30 January 2012 22:03, Julien Fischer <juliensf at csse.unimelb.edu.au>wrote:

> The compiler's support for inst subtyping like this is a bit flakey.
> Nevertheless, it's possible to write a version of apply/3 that only
> accepts input lists of even length -- depending on the circumstances
> it may not be possible to call it however.

That sounds ominous…  :)

>    :- inst evenlist == bound([] ; [ground | oddlist]).
>    :- inst oddlist  == bound([ground | evenlist])

That's the kind of stuff I was toying with, but …

> Unfortunately, the above won't work since to use the new definition the
> _compiler_ needs to be able to prove that the output of the call to
> list.zip/2 also has the inst evenlist.  (Which is not possible given
> the definition of zip/2.)

…this was the bar my head kept hitting.

>    main(!IO) :-
>        Forward = [math.sin, math.cos, (func(X) = math.ln(X))],
>        Reverse = [math.asin, math.acos, (func(X) = math.exp(X))],
>        Results = list.map_corresponding(
>           (func(F, R) = compose(R, F, 0.5)), Forward, Reverse),
>        io.write_list(Results, ", ", io.write_float, !IO),
>        io.write_string("\n", !IO).

*THIS* is awesome, however!  There's a lot of stuff in the standard
library, but the documentation is … a wee bit terse.  I completely
overlooked that one.  I'm going to have to spend a few years on the library
docs it seems.  :)

>    main(!IO) :-
>        Forward = [math.sin, math.cos, (func(X) = math.ln(X))],
>        Reverse = [math.asin, math.acos, (func(X) = math.exp(X))],
>        apply(assoc_list.from_**corresponding_lists(Forward, Reverse),
>            [], Results),
>        io.write_list(Results, ", ", io.write_float, !IO),
>        io.write_string("\n", !IO).
>     :- pred apply(assoc_list((func(float) = float)), list(float),
>       list(float)).
>     :- mode apply(in, in, out) is det.
>    apply([], A, Results) :- Results = A.
>    apply([F - R | Functions], A, Results) :-
>        apply(Functions, [compose(R, F, 0.5) | A], Results).

I'm not sure I understand this one at all, however.  I mean I understand my
apply/3 predicate still, even with the funky F - R match there, but would
you mind walking me through the rest of this a bit?

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