[mercury-users] Mercury and NLP on smartphones

Alexsandro Soares prof.asoares at gmail.com
Sat Apr 9 04:41:15 AEST 2011

Hi all,

I'm working on a project involving smartphones and multimodal grammars for
speech, natural language processing, gestures, etc.. and I'm considering to
use Mercury in some parts of it. I have the following questions:

1 - Is it possible to generate compact code to fit into available memory on
smartphones using different platforms such as Android, iPhone, Windows
Mobile and others?

2 - Has anyone worked with unification grammar formalisms (such as
Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar - HPSG) in Mercury? I have found
several versions of these formalisms implemented in Prolog, but a version in
Mercury could be more efficient? Is the unification algorithm used in
Mercury more efficient than those used in Prolog?

3- Is there much difference in efficiency and code size between the
different back-ends available for Mercury?

Thanks in advance for any answer.

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