[mercury-users] IDE...

RMJ radse1 at yahoo.com
Wed Oct 18 21:22:03 AEST 2006

Dear All,

It's quite unfortunate to see on this users-list how
facts are ignored in favor of personal taste & style. 

Indeed, it's only a matter of taste to use
IDE/GUI-tools but you can't impose your personal style
on the absolut majority of programmers in this world.

Enhancing productivity or not plays no role. IDEs and
GUI-tools (you can add good documentation, humble and
helpful community, ease of
reading/writing/debugging/extending/use and
production, etc.) are among the most important things
that make a programming language popular (if you are

If you want to keep Mercury in it's current tiny
circle of users before it disappears in a decade or
two, then don't bother. But I think Mercury deserves
much better.

It has been two weeks since I stumbled on Mercury for
the first time. I'm discovering, experimenting and
trying to be objective as much as possible in order to
see if it's a good enough language to use to implement
my experimental project (which probably will end up in
the academic research field if I wasn't satisfied
enough with the results). 
The last time I used vi was 6 years ago and I don't
mind using the CML So the only problem that bothers me
after reading your postings is: If Mercury's community
didn't grow up in number, then it'll stay as a vague
academic study material that too few students read and
forget in a glance".



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