[mercury-users] Present state of type classes - especially for parametrized types

Jörg Roman Rudnick joerg.rudnick at t-online.de
Mon Oct 9 05:56:13 AEST 2006

Mark Brown schrieb:
> I'm planning to add support for this soon (that is, in the next few weeks).
> Cheers,
> Mark.

unreal... it's becoming a really hard job to tell about weaknesses of 

At least I don't have an idea what could hinder anybody then from 
starting OO style programming then.

In Germany, we have a nice word which unfortunately has no English 
translation, 'eierlegende Wollmilchsau' (= 'egg laying wool milk sow'), 
and one of the first things we are taught here in computing science is 
that such a thing must be completely mythical.

Well, I can say, I got some doubts lately... ;-)

All the best,

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