[mercury-users] Fw: [m-dev.] Request for comments on book sketch

Ralph Becket rafe at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Fri Jan 11 16:46:43 AEDT 2002

I've been working on a sketch of the tutorial book.  This is intended as
a rough guide for the real thing and to help resolve issues of order,
depth, et cetera.  I would be very grateful to receive any comments.


- Ralph

| sketch.txt
| Ralph Becket <rafe at cs.mu.oz.au>
| Mon Oct 15 13:05:39 EST 2001
|  vim: ft=txt ts=4 sw=4 et wm=10
| [This is intended as a brief sketch of the book, to be used as a guide
| for writing the real text.]
|     Because it's traditional...  Type the following into a file called
|     "hello.m".
|     [begin code]
|         :- module hello.
|         :- interface.
|         :- import_module io.
|         :- pred main(io, io).
|         :- mode main(di, uo) is det.
|         :- implementation.
|         :- import_module string.
|             % The show starts here.
|             %
|         main --> io__print("Hello, world!\n").
|     [end code]
|     Compile and run the program with
|     [begin code]
|         $ mmake hello.depend
|         $ mmake hello
|         $ ./hello
|         Hello, world!
|     [end code]
|     We'll start by just listing some of the salient points illustrated
|     by the "Hello, world!" program.
|     - Modules live in files with the same name (with a ".m" suffix).
|     - Every module starts with a declaration giving its name.
|     - Non-code directives and declarations are introduced with ":-".
|     - Every declaration ends with a full stop.
|     - Modules are divided into interface and implementation sections.
|     - The interface section lists the things that are exported by the
|       module.  The top-level module in a Mercury program must export a
|       predicate main/2 (functors are conventionally referred to with
|       name/arity).
|     - The implementation section provides the code for the functions
|       and predicates exported in interface section.
|     - A module has to be imported before the things it defines can be
|       used.
|     - The basic computational device in Mercury is the predicate.
|       Predicates have type signatures and mode signatures - the latter
|       specifying which arguments are inputs and which are outputs.
|     - Comments start witha "%" sign and extend to the end of the line.
|         Imperative: a list of instructions for transforming state.
|         Declarative: a specification of /what/ is to be computed.
|         Pure declarative programming languages exhibit referential
|         transparency.  In a nutshell, this means that anywhere you see
|         a reference to a definition, you can replace it with the
|         definition itself and it will make no difference.
|         In more formal language,
|             let x = e in M  ==  M[e/x]
|         This is clearly not true of imperative languages.  Consider
|         the following C example:
|             [begin code]
|             int g = 0;
|             int f(int x)
|             {
|                 g = g + 1;
|                 return x + g;
|             }
|             void main(int argc, char **argv)
|             {
|                 int tmp = f(1);
|                 int a   = tmp  + tmp;
|                 int b   = f(1) + f(1);
|                 if(a == b)
|                     printf("equivalent\n");
|                 else
|                     printf("not equivalent\n");
|             }
|             [end code]
|         According to C semantics, this program should print out "not
|         equivalent", proving that the expression f(1) is not equal
|         to itself!  This sort of thing is great for writing buggy,
|         hard to maintain code.
|         Since referential transparency means no side-effects, you
|         can't have variables that change their state as the program
|         evolves.  Instead, a "variable" in a declarative programming
|         language is a label given to a value or the result of a
|         computation.
|         The nearest Mercury equivalent to the function f() in the C
|         program above is 
|             [begin code]
|             :- pred f(int, int, int, int).
|             :- mode f(in,  out, in,  out) is det.
|             f(X, Result, GIn, GOut) :-
|                 GOut   = GIn + 1,
|                 Result = GOut + X.
|             [end code]
|         Since there are no variables in Mercury (and hence no global
|         variables), any "global" state has to be explicitly passed
|         around wherever it is needed.  In this case f/4 takes the old
|         "state" as its third argument and returns the new "state" in
|         its fourth argument.
|         While the lack of mutable state might seem like a serious
|         drawback to a programmer used only to imperative languages, in
|         practice it turns out to be something of a boon.  Experienced
|         imperative programmers know that fewer globals means clearer,
|         more maintainable, more reusable code with fewer bugs.
|         The philosophy behind declarative languages is to simplify the
|         /writing/ of bug free programs and to leave the tedious
|         business of book keeping and optimization to the compiler.
|         Referential transparency means that more optimizations can be
|         applied in more places in a program than is the case with
|         imperative programs, simply because proving that it is safe to
|         apply a particular optimization is so much easier in the
|         absence of side effects.
|         Mercury was designed as an industrial strength purely
|         declarative programming language aimed at the rapid
|         development of medium and large scale programs with the
|         emphasis on producing fast, correct programs.
|         To this end, Mercury doesn't support a corner-cutting
|         programming style: you /have/ to get the types right, check
|         return codes and so forth - quick lashups are rarely an
|         option.  The payoff is that nine times out of ten Mercury
|         programmers find that a program that compiles also does
|         exactly what was intended; few imperative languages, if any,
|         can make such a claim.
|         [XXX Place to mention types, garbage collection, polymorphism,
|         pattern matching, etc etc?]
|         "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds."
|             -- Ralph Waldo Emmerson
|         Purity is all very well, but the fact remains that
|         occasionally one has to interoperate with code written in
|         impure code and that (very rarely and usually when that last
|         drop of speed is required) some low-level algorithms may be
|         best expressed as impure constructs.
|         For the former, Mercury has a simple and well developed
|         foreign language interface allowing the programmer to write
|         foreign code in-line with the Mercury program (provided the
|         Mercury compiler has an appropriate back-end for the foreign
|         language in question - the alternative is to use C as the
|         lingua franca in the traditional style.)  It is the
|         programmer's responsiblility to supply the appropriate purity
|         declarations for predicates defined using foreign code.
|         The latter is handled using purity annotations.  Impure code
|         (written in a foreign language) must be labelled as such.
|         These labels also have to be applied to all predicates that
|         use the impure code.  At some point (hopefully) a pure
|         interface can be presented to the programmer, in which case
|         the program must include a "promise" to the compiler that 
|         impurity annotations are not required for users of the
|         top-level predicate with an impure definition.
|         [XXX Haven't I already done this?]
|     Mercury is strongly typed.  Every value has a type and every
|     predicate associates a particular type with each argument.
|     The primitive Mercury types are int, float, char and string -
|     examples are 123, 3.141, ('x'), and "foo", respectively.
|     While primitive types are recognised by the compiler, no
|     operations are.  Operations on the primitive types are defined in
|     modules of the same name in the standard library.
|         You can define new types in Mercury as the following examples
|         illustrate:
|             [begin code]
|             :- type primary_colour
|                 --->    red
|                 ;       green
|                 ;       blue.
|             :- type rgb_colour
|                 --->    rgb(float, float, float).   % red, green, blue.
|             [end code]
|         Here primary_colour is the name of the new type and its
|         /constructors/ (possible values) are red, green and blue.
|         Similarly rgb_colour is a type with only one constructor,
|         rgb/3, which takes three float arguments (this is rather like
|         a C struct).
|         You can define parametric types
|             [begin code]
|             :- type binary_tree(T)
|                 --->    leaf
|                 ;       branch(T, binary_tree(T), binary_tree(T)).
|             [end code]
|         So the type binary_tree(T) has two constructors: leaf/0 and
|         branch/3 which takes a T, a binary_tree(T) and a
|         binary_tree(T) as arguments respectively.
|         We can have instances of binary_tree(T) for any type T - for
|         example, binary_tree(int), binary_tree(string) or even
|         binary_tree(binary_tree(...)).
|         - T here is said to be a type variable.
|         - Variables of any kind in Mercury are distinguished by
|           starting with a capital letter.
|         - A type may have several type parameters.
|         - Any variables that appear in the constructor definitions
|           must also appear in the head of the type declaration.
|         - All type variables in the head must be distinct.
|         You can use other types in your definitions.  For example, we
|         could define a more general tree type with
|             [begin code]
|             :- type tree(T)
|                 --->    tree(T, list(tree(T))).
|             [end code]
|         So the type tree(T) has a single constructor tree/2 which
|         takes a T and a list(tree(T)) as arguments, respectively
|         (list(T) is defined in the list module in the standard
|         library.)
|         (Note that Mercury doesn't get confused if you use the same
|         name for both type and constructor.)
|         Pattern matching is the primary means of identifying which
|         constructor is used for a particular type value.  For example:
|             [begin code]
|             :- func insert(binary_tree(T), T) = tree(T).
|             insert(leaf, X) =
|                 branch(X, leaf, leaf).
|             insert(branch(A, L, R), X) =
|                 ( if      X < A then branch(A, insert(L, X), R)
|                   else if A < X then branch(A, L, insert(R, X))
|                   else               branch(X, L, R)
|                 ).
|             [end code]
|         The first clause matches when the first argument is a leaf/0
|         and the second clause matches when the first argument is a
|         branch/3.
|         Alternatively one can use explicit unification as in
|             [begin code]
|             :- func insert(binary_tree(T), T) = tree(T).
|             insert(T0, X) = T :-
|                 (
|                     T0 = leaf,
|                     T  = branch(X, leaf, leaf)
|                 ;
|                     T0 = branch(A, L, R),
|                     ( if X < A then
|                         T = branch(A, insert(L, X), R)
|                       else if A < X then
|                         T = branch(A, L, insert(R, X))
|                       else
|                         T = branch(X, L, R)
|                     )
|                 ).
|             [end code]
|         or unification in an if-then-else:
|             [begin code]
|             :- func insert(binary_tree(T), T) = tree(T).
|             insert(T0, X) = T :-
|                 ( if T0 = leaf then
|                     T  = branch(X, leaf, leaf)
|                   else
|                     T0 = branch(A, L, R),
|                     ( if X < A then
|                         T = branch(A, insert(L, X), R)
|                       else if A < X then
|                         T = branch(A, L, insert(R, X))
|                       else
|                         T = branch(X, L, R)
|                     )
|                 ).
|             [end code]
|         It is also useful to be able to declare type synonyms.  For
|         example:
|             [begin code]
|             :- type int_tree == tree(int).
|             [end code]
|         Mercury would then make no distinction between a reference to
|         int_tree and a reference to tree(int).
|         Equivalence types can also be parametric:
|             [begin code]
|             :- type list_tree(T) == tree(list(T)).
|             [end code]
|         Often one needs to export a type, but hide it's definition.
|         Abstract types are used for this purpose:
|         [begin code]
|         :- module complex.
|         :- interface.
|         :- import_module float.
|         :- type complex.
|         :- func rectangular(float, float) = complex.    % re, im.
|         :- func polar(float, float) = complex.          % r, theta.
|         :- func complex + complex = complex.
|         :- func complex * complex = complex.
|         ...
|         :- implementation.
|         :- type complex
|             --->    re_im(float, float).
|         ... definition of funcs using private rectangular
|             representation
|         [end code]
|         The abstract type declaration in the module interface must be
|         matched by a concrete type definition (which may be an
|         equivalence) in the implementation section.
|         The definition of the abstract type is hidden from users of
|         the complex module.
|         Abstract types may also be parametric.
|         Just as with C, it is possible to give names to constructor
|         fields:
|             [begin code]
|             :- type rgb_colour
|                 --->    rgb(
|                             red     :: float,
|                             green   :: float,
|                             blue    :: float
|                         ).
|             [end code]
|         Now, if X is a value of type rgb_colour then X ^ red,
|         X ^ green and X ^ blue are expressions that return the value
|         in the corresponding fields.  For example, if we have
|             X = rgb(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)
|         then
|             X ^ red   = 0.1,
|             X ^ green = 0.2,
|             X ^ blue  = 0.3
|         A field can be updated in the following way:
|             Y = ( X ^ red := 0.4 )
|         results in
|             Y = rgb(0.4, 0.2, 0.3)
|         So updating a field is the same as applying a substitution to
|         a field and obtaining the new value.  We can chain several
|         substitutions together:
|             Y = ((( X ^ red   := 0.4 )
|                       ^ green := 0.5 )
|                       ^ blue  := 0.6 )
|         * Note that it is currently an error for the same field name to
|         be used in type different /types/ in the same scope.  However,
|         different constructors of a type may have fields with the same
|         name.  For example:
|             [begin code]
|             :- type foo ---> foo(a :: int).
|             :- type bar ---> bar(a :: int).
|             [end code]
|         would lead to an error since types foo and bar are both
|         visible in the same scope and both have constructors with a
|         common field name.  The following is acceptable, however:
|             [begin code]
|             :- type baz
|                 --->    constructor1(a :: int, ...)
|                 ;       constructor2(a :: int, ...)
|                 ;       constructor3(a :: int, ...).
|             [end code]
|         [XXX Defer explanation until later.]
|     In logical terms, a predicate describes a relationship between its
|     arguments.
|     Predicates cover not only tests and functions, as found in other
|     languages, but also procedures with multiple return values and
|     even non-deterministic relationships.
|         A predicate is defined by a set of /clauses/, where each
|         clause takes the form
|             Head :- Body.
|         This should be read as saying "Head is true if Body is true" with
|         the set of clauses forming an exhaustive specification of the
|         predicate.
|         If the body of a predicate is empty, one can just write
|             Head.
|         These sorts of clauses are called facts.
|         The body of a predicate clause is a /goal/ - a logical formula
|         that must be satisfied in order for the head to hold.
|         A very simple example of a predicate is
|             [begin code]
|             :- pred max(int, int, int).         % A, B, Max.
|             :- mode max(in,  in,  out) is det.
|             max(A, B, Max) :-
|                 ( if B < A then Max = A else Max = B ).
|             [end code]
|         This predicate takes two integers, A and B, and succeeds
|         binding Max to A if A is greater than B or binding Max to B
|         otherwise.  The part of the mode declaration "is det" means
|         that this is a deterministic predicate: it will always succeed
|         and has just one solution for any pair of inputs.
|         (This sort of deterministic relation with a single output is
|         called a function.  Functions are so common that Mercury
|         includes special syntax and conventions to simplify working
|         with them.  More of this in a later section.)
|         For a more interesting example, consider the following small
|         genealogical database:
|             [begin code]
|             :- type person
|                 --->    arthur  ; bill      ; carl
|                 ;       alice   ; betty     ; cissy.
|             [end code]
|         We start by defining predicates that we can use to decide if a
|         particular person is male or female.  These predicates are
|         labelled semidet because they have at most one solution
|         (success) for a given argument.
|             [begin code]
|             :- pred male(person).
|             :- mode male(in) is semidet.
|             male(arthur).
|             male(bill).
|             male(carl).
|             :- pred female(person).
|             :- mode female(in) is semidet.
|             female(Person) :- not male(Person).
|             [end code]
|         The definition for female/1 states that female(Person)
|         succeeds iff male(Person) fails.  (Recall that variables in
|         Mercury are distinguished by starting with a capital letter.)
|             [begin code]
|             :- pred father(person, person).     % Child, Father.
|             :- mode father(in,     out) is semidet.
|             father(betty, arthur).
|             father(carl,  bill).
|             father(cissy, bill).
|             :- pred mother(person, person).     % Child, Mother.
|             :- mode mother(in,     out) is semidet.
|             mother(bill,  alice).
|             mother(carl,  betty).
|             mother(cissy, betty).
|             [end code]
|         The predicates father/2 and mother/2 take their first argument
|         as an input and return a result in the second.  The
|         determinism is semidet again because they are not exhaustive:
|         some inputs can cause them to fail (e.g. there is no solution
|         for father(
|             [begin code]
|             :- pred parent(person, person).     % Child, Parent.
|             :- mode parent(in,     out) is nondet.
|             parent(Child, Parent) :- father(Child, Parent).
|             parent(Child, Parent) :- mother(Child, Parent).
|             [end code]
|         This simply says that the parent of a child is either the
|         father or the mother.  The determinism is nondet because for a
|         given Child argument this predicate may fail or may have more
|         than one solution:
|         - both father/2 and mother/2 can fail
|           (e.g. if Child = arthur);
|         - just one of father/2 or mother/2 could succeed
|           (e.g. if Child = bill);
|         - both father/2 and mother/2 could succeed
|           (e.g. if Child = cissy).
|         (How failure and multiple solutions affect the execution of a
|         Mercury program is explained below.)
|             [begin code]
|             :- pred ancestor(person, person).   % Person, Ancestor.
|             :- mode ancestor(in,     out) is nondet.
|             ancestor(Person, Ancestor) :-
|                 parent(Person, Ancestor).
|             ancestor(Person, Ancestor) :-
|                 parent(Person, Parent),
|                 ancestor(Parent, Ancestor).
|             [end code]
|         We can now define an ancestor of a Person as being either
|         - a parent of that Person or
|         - an ancestor of a parent of that Person.
|         Since parent/2 is nondet, so is ancestor/2.
|         This table explains the difference between the number of
|         solutions a predicate can have for a given determinism:
|             Determinism             Number of Solutions
|                                     Min             Max
|             semidet                 0               1
|             nondet                  0               at least one
|             det                     1               1
|             multi                   1               at least one
|         (There are a few other determinisms, but we shan't cover them
|         at this point.)
|         The compiler will check that your determinism declarations are
|         correct.
|         One interesting thing about this database is that there's no
|         reason why it shouldn't be run in reverse.  That is, for any
|         father or mother, we should be able to deduce who their
|         children are and for any ancestor we should be able to work
|         out who their descendants are.
|         To gain this extra functionality we have only to add the
|         required extra mode declarations; there is no need to touch
|         the definitions themselves!  The extra mode declarations are
|             [begin code]
|             :- mode father(out, in) is nondet.   % Infer Child from Father.
|             :- mode mother(out, in) is nondet.   % Infer Child from Mother.
|             :- mode parent(out, in) is nondet.   % Infer Child from Parent.
|             :- mode ancestor(out, in) is nondet. % Infer Person from Ancestor.
|             [end code]
|         Notice that father/2 and mother/2 are nondet in this mode
|         rather than semidet: looking at the definitions we see that
|         father(Child, bill) has multiple solutions Child = carl and
|         Child = sissy, while mother(Child, betty) also has solutions
|         Child = carl and Child = sissy.
|         There is no reason why a predicate cannot have several output
|         arguments (or even no input arguments...)  For example, we
|         might go on to add
|             [begin code]
|             :- pred parents(person, person, person).    % Child, Mother, Father.
|             :- mode parents(in,     out,    out) is semidet.
|             :- mode parents(out,    in,     in) is nondet.
|             parents(Child, Mother, Father) :-
|                 mother(Child, Mother),
|                 father(Child, Father).
|             [end code]
|         The first mode of parents/3 is semidet because both mother/2
|         and father/2 are semidet when called with Child as an input.
|         The second mode is nondet for similar reasons, but exhibits an
|         interesting property.  At first glance you might think that
|         something will go wrong here: when parents/3 is called in the
|         second mode, initially Mother and Father are inputs and Child
|         is an output.  However, if the call to mother/2 succeeds, then
|         Child will end up being bound to the identifier for some
|         person.  This appears that we would then be trying to call
|         father/2 with /both/ arguments as inputs, but there is no such
|         mode declaration for father/2.  There is no need to worry,
|         however - the compiler will recognise the situation and treat
|         the definition of parents/3 like this as far as the second
|         mode is concerned:
|             [begin code]
|             :- mode parents(out, in, in) is nondet.
|             parents(Child, Mother, Father) :-
|                 mother(Child, Mother),
|                 father(X,     Father),
|                 X = Child.
|             [end code]
|         So here father/2 is being called with (out, in) arguments and
|         the parents/3 succeeds if the result X is bound to the same
|         value as Child.
|         In effect the compiler has deduced that father/2 has the
|         following implied mode:
|             [begin code]
|             :- mode father(in, in) is semidet.
|             [end code]
|         In general, Mercury will reorder each clause body for each
|         mode declaration so that results are generated before they are
|         needed - each mode of a predicate is referred to as a
|         /procedure/.
|         This section explains Mercury's execution model in more
|         detail.  In particular, the notions of failure, backtracking
|         and non-determinism are addressed.
|         Let's start by looking at some of the code for our
|         genealogical database again - this time we're going to label
|         the clauses to help us see how programs execute in Mercury.
|             [begin code]
|             :- pred father(person, person).     % Child, Father.
|             :- mode father(in,     out) is semidet.
|             :- mode father(out,    in) is nondet.
|         f1  father(betty, arthur).
|         f2  father(carl,  bill).
|         f3  father(cissy, bill).
|             :- pred mother(person, person).     % Child, Mother.
|             :- mode mother(in,     out) is semidet.
|             :- mode mother(out,    in) is nondet.
|         m1  mother(bill,  alice).
|         m2  mother(carl,  betty).
|         m3  mother(cissy, betty).
|             :- pred parent(person, person).     % Child, Parent.
|             :- mode parent(in,     out) is nondet.
|             :- mode parent(out,    in) is nondet.
|         p1  parent(Child, Parent) :- father(Child, Parent).
|         p2  parent(Child, Parent) :- mother(Child, Parent).
|             :- pred ancestor(person, person).   % Person, Ancestor.
|             :- mode ancestor(in,     out) is nondet.
|         a1  ancestor(Person, Ancestor) :-
|                 parent(Person, Ancestor).
|         a2  ancestor(Person, Ancestor) :-
|                 parent(Person, Parent),
|                 ancestor(Parent, Ancestor).
|             :- pred parents(person, person, person).    % Child, Mother, Father.
|             :- mode parents(in,     out,    out) is semidet.
|             :- mode parents(out,    in,     in) is nondet.
|         s1  parents(Child, Mother, Father) :-
|                 mother(Child, Mother),
|                 father(Child, Father).
|             [end code]
|         First off, we'll consider the goal parent(cissy, Parent).
|         Every time we see a goal we try expanding it according to each
|         clause definition in turn (this is what being referentially
|         transparent is all about).  If we get to a dead end we have to
|         /backtrack/ to the last point where we had a choice and try a
|         different clause (when we backtrack we also forget any
|         variable bindings we might have made one the way from the
|         /choice point/.)
|             [begin code]
|             parent(cissy, Parent)
|             p1 =>
|                 father(cissy, Parent)
|                 f1 => FAIL because betty \= cissy
|                 f2 => FAIL because carl  \= cissy
|                 f3 =>
|                     Parent = bill
|             [end code]
|         So one solution to parent(cissy, Parent) is Parent = bill.  We
|         obtained this by first expanding the goal according to p1 and
|         then expanding the resulting goal (father(cissy, Parent))
|         according to each of f1, f2 and f3 until we found one that
|         matched.
|         If the program later has to backtrack over this goal then we
|         have to forget the binding Parent = bill and try the next
|         clause for parent/2 (since there are no more clauses for
|         father/2):
|             [begin code]
|             parent(cissy, Parent)
|             p2 =>
|                 mother(cissy, Parent)
|                 m1 => FAIL because bill \= cissy
|                 m2 => FAIL because bill \= cissy
|                 m3 => Parent = betty
|             [end code]
|         Now, say we wanted to ask the question "which ancestor of
|         carl, if any, is also a parent of bill?"  Here's how things
|         would proceed:
|             [begin code]
|             ancestor(carl, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
|             a1 =>
|                 parent(carl, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
|                 p1 =>
|                     father(carl, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
|                     f1 => FAIL because betty \= carl
|                     f2 =>
|                         X = bill, parent(bill, Y), X = Y
|                        =>
|                         parent(bill, Y), bill = Y
|                         p1 =>
|                             father(bill, Y), bill = Y
|                             f1 => FAIL because betty \= bill
|                             f2 => FAIL because carl  \= bill
|                             f3 => FAIL because cissy \= bill
|                         p2 =>
|                             mother(bill, Y), bill = Y
|                             m1 =>
|                                 Y = alice, bill = Y
|                                =>
|                                 bill = alice
|                                => FAIL because bill  \= alice
|                             m2 => FAIL because carl  \= bill
|                             m3 => FAIL because cissy \= bill
|                 p2 =>
|                     mother(carl, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
|                     m1 => FAIL because bill \= carl
|                     m2 =>
|                         X = betty, parent(bill, Y), X = Y
|                        =>
|                         parent(bill, Y), betty = Y
|                         p1 =>
|                             father(bill, Y), betty = Y
|                             f1 => FAIL because betty \= bill
|                             f2 => FAIL because carl  \= bill
|                             f3 => FAIL because cissy \= bill
|                         p2 =>
|                             mother(bill, Y), betty = Y
|                             m1 =>
|                                 Y = alice, betty = Y
|                                =>
|                                 betty = alice
|                                => FAIL because betty \= alice
|                             m2 => FAIL because carl  \= bill
|                             m3 => FAIL because cissy \= bill
|             a2 =>
|                 [footnote: we have to supply fresh local vars in each
|                  expansion - here Ancestor in the definition of a2 has
|                  been replaced with a new variable Z.]
|                 parent(carl, Z), ancestor(Z, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
|                 p1 =>
|                     father(carl, Z), ancestor(Z, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
|                     f1 => FAIL because betty \= carl
|                     f2 =>
|                         Z = bill, ancestor(Z, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
|                        =>
|                         ancestor(bill, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
|                         a1 =>
|                             parent(bill, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
|                             p1 =>
|                                 father(bill, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
|                                 f1 => FAIL because betty \= bill
|                                 f2 => FAIL because carl  \= bill
|                                 f3 => FAIL because cissy \= bill
|                             p2 =>
|                                 mother(bill, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
|                                 m1 =>
|                                     X = alice, parent(bill, Y), X = Y
|                                    =>
|                                     parent(bill, Y), alice = Y
|                                     p1 =>
|                                         father(bill, Y), alice = Y
|                                         f1 => FAIL because betty \= bill
|                                         f2 => FAIL because carl  \= bill
|                                         f3 => FAIL because cissy \= bill
|                                     p2 =>
|                                         mother(bill, Y), alice = Y
|                                         m1 =>
|                                             Y = alice, alice = Y
|                                            =>
|                                             alice = alice
|                                            => TRUE
|             [end code]
|         So our program concludes that a solution to 
|             [begin code]
|             ancestor(carl, X), parent(bill, Y), X = Y
|             [end code]
|         is
|             [begin code]
|             X = alice, Y = alice
|             [end code]
|         (As was indicated earlier, in practice we'd be more likely to
|         write the goal as just
|             [begin code]
|             ancestor(carl, X), parent(bill, X)
|             [end code]
|         and let Mercury work out where the implicit unification should
|         go.)
|         [The above example might give the impression that Mercury is a term
|         rewriting system.  This is not true (although conceivably a very
|         slow Mercury implementation might use such a technique...)  What
|         happens behind the scenes is much more efficient, albeit
|         computationally equivalent.]
|         In practice, ninety per cent of the code one writes is
|         deterministic and the majority of what's left will be
|         semi-deterministic.  However, there are times (like in the example
|         above) when non-determinism can be used to write very clear,
|         concise programs.  Support for backtracking and unification is
|         what distinguishes Mercury and other logic programming languages
|         from functional languages.
|         Imperative languages like C and Java provide a whole slew of
|         mechanisms for supporting iterative (looping) control flow -
|         while loops, repeat-until loops, for loops and so forth.
|         Declarative languages typically provide but one mechanism for
|         such things: recursion.  A recursive predicate is simply one
|         that calls itself.  (Later on we will discover /higher order/
|         predicates and observe that the standard library supplies
|         predicates that stand in for the common iterative mechanisms
|         found in imperative languages.)
|         Some simple examples:
|             [begin code]
|             :- func factorial(int) = int.
|             factorial(N) =
|                 ( if N = 0 then 1 else N * factorial(N - 1) ).
|             :- func fibonacci(int) = int.
|             fibonacci(N) =
|                 ( if N =< 2 then 1
|                             else fibonacci(N - 1) + fibonacci(N - 2) ).
|             [end code]
|         These are examples of what is sometimes called "middle
|         recursion" where the recursive call is /not/ the last thing
|         that the predicate (or function) does when looping.  Here,
|         calls to factorial/1 finishes with a multiplication and calls
|         to fibonacci/1 finish with an addition.
|         Although middle recursion is easy to read, it incurrs some
|         performance penalty in that each iteration has to record
|         something extra on the stack in order to finish up the
|         computation (that said, the compiler can in many cases turn
|         middle recursive predicates into equivalent tail recursive
|         predicates that do not incurr a stack overhead.)
|         [XXX Include a side-bar or something explaining stack frames?]
|         Tail recursion describes the situation where the last thing a
|         predicate does is call itself.  Since there is nothing left to
|         do after the call, the compiler can reuse the current call's
|         stack space for the recursive call, allowing the predicate to
|         execute using only a fixed amount of stack space.  For
|         example, tail recursive implementations of the above
|         functions are
|             [begin code]
|             factorial(N) = fac(N, 1).
|             fac(N, X) = ( if N = 0 then X else fac(N - 1, N * X) ).
|             fibonacci(N) = fib(1, 1, N).
|             fib(FN_2, FN_1, N) =
|                 ( if N =< 2 then FN_1
|                             else fib(FN_1, FN_1 + FN_2, N - 1) ).
|             [end code]
|         Mercury has but two basic atomic (non-compound) types of goal:
|         unifications and calls.
|         A unification is written X = Y.  A unification can fail if X
|         and Y are not unifiable.
|         Two values are unifiable if they are "structurally similar" -
|         that is, where you see a type constructor in one, you either
|         see the same type constructor in the other (and the
|         corresponding arguments are also structurally similar) or a
|         variable, which will end up being bound to the corresponding
|         term on the other side if the unification is successful.
|         (Note that unlike Prolog, Mercury forbids the aliasing of
|         variables where a partially instantiated data structure
|         contains the same unbound variable in two different places.)
|         Unifications, therefore, can be used to bind variables to
|         values, test to see if a variable is bound to a particular
|         constructor, unpack the arguments of a constructor or all of
|         the above.
|         Examples:
|             X = 123
|                 - if X is unbound then it succeeds binding X to the
|                   value 123;
|                 - if X is bound then it succeeds iff the value X is
|                   bound to is also 123.
|             X = Y
|                 - if one of X or Y is bound and the other is not then
|                   this succeeds with the unbound variable being bound
|                   to the same value as the bound variable;
|                 - if both are bound then this succeeds iff the two
|                   variables are bound to identical values.
|                   [XXX Should we mention partial instantiation?]
|             X = foo(A, B, C)
|                 - if X is unbound and A, B and C are bound, then this
|                   succeeds binding X to the value foo(A, B, C) (here
|                   foo/3 is a type constructor);
|                 - if X is bound then this succeeds iff X is bound to a
|                   value foo(P, Q, R) and the unifications A = P, B = Q
|                   and C = R succeed - this may result in some of A, B
|                   and C being bound as a result if they are unbound at
|                   the time of the unification.
|     CALLS
|         The other kind of primitive goal supported by Mercury is the
|         predicate call, p(X1, ..., Xn), which we have already seen in
|         the examples above.
|         A goal of the form G1, G2, ..., Gn is called a conjunction
|         with the separating commas read as "and".  A conjunction
|         succeeds iff a consistent solution to each of the sub-goals G1,
|         G2, ..., Gn can be found by the program.
|         (The compiler may have to reorder the sequence of goals in a
|         clause in order to satisfy the mode constraints.  Although one
|         can set a flag to force the compiler to do no more reordering
|         than is necessary, in general this will mean that many
|         optimizations will not be applicable.  The upshot of this is
|         that one should avoid writing code that assumes a particular
|         evaluation order other than that dictated by mode
|         constraints.)
|         A conjunction executes by trying each of the goals in order.
|         If a goal fails then the program backtracks to the nearest
|         preceding choice-point (i.e. non-deterministic goal that may
|         have other solutions).
|         A goal of the form not G succeeds iff G has no solutions.  G
|         may be a compound goal, in which case it should be enclosed in
|         parentheses to avoid syntactic precedence problems.
|         The sub-goal G is said to be in a /negated context/ and as
|         such cannot bind any variables visible outside the negation
|         (since the only way not G can succeed is if G fails.)
|         Mercury's if-then-else construct looks like this:
|             [begin code]
|             ( if ConditionGoal then YesGoal else NoGoal )
|             [end code]
|         (You may also see if-then-elses written as
|             [begin code]
|             ( ConditionGoal -> YesGoal ; NoGoal )
|             [end code]
|         although the author finds this style less appealing.)
|         Note that the else clause is /not/ optional in Mercury.  Also,
|         while the parentheses are not always required, it is a very
|         good idea to include them in order to avoid confusing errors
|         with syntactic precedence.
|         An if-then-else goal works just as you would expect, with the
|         following provisos:
|         - if the ConditionGoal is non-deterministic and the YesGoal
|           fails then the program will backtrack into the
|           ConditionGoal;
|         - if there is any solution to the ConditionGoal then the
|           NoGoal will never be executed;
|         - the ConditionGoal may not bind any variables that are
|           visible outside the if-then-else (logically the
|           ConditionGoal is in a negated context and the same rules
|           apply as for ordinary negated goals - however, the YesGoal
|           /can/ bind externally visible variables to results obtained
|           in the ConditionGoal);
|         - an if-then-else goal can fail in its entirety just like any
|           other compound goal.
|         Just as conjunction lets you use "and" to construct goals,
|         disjunction lets you use logical "or".  A disjunctive goal
|         takes the form (G1 ; G2 ; ... ; Gn) with the semicolons being
|         read as "or".
|         A disjunction succeeds iff any of its disjunct sub-goals
|         succeeds.  A disjunction has as many solutions as all of its
|         disjuncts put together: if one disjunct fails or backtracking
|         exhausts all the solutions for one disjunct then execution
|         proceeds with the next disjunct.  Again, the compiler is
|         generally free to reorder disjuncts, although this should not
|         have a visible impact on programs.  Disjunctions are typically
|         non-deterministic, although switch disjunctions described
|         below are a special case.
|         The clausal notation we have been using in the examples above
|         is in fact convenient syntactic sugar for writing top-level
|         disjunctions.  For example, the ancestor/2 predicate we
|         defined earlier
|             [begin code]
|             ancestor(Person, Ancestor) :-
|                 parent(Person, Ancestor).
|             ancestor(Person, Ancestor) :-
|                 parent(Person, Parent),
|                 ancestor(Parent, Ancestor).
|             [end code]
|         could be written equivalently as
|             [begin code]
|             ancestor(Person, Ancestor) :-
|                 (
|                     parent(Person, Ancestor)
|                 ;
|                     parent(Person, Parent),
|                     ancestor(Parent, Ancestor)
|                 ).
|             [end code]
|         In general it is better style to use clausal form for
|         top-level disjunctions.
|         Mercury recognises particular forms of (semi-)deterministic
|         disjunction which it can compile very efficiently.
|         The "string" library module defines the following type:
|             [begin code]
|             :- type poly_type
|                 --->    f(float)
|                 ;       i(int)
|                 ;       s(string)
|                 ;       c(char).
|             [end code]
|         which can be used to form heterogeneous collections of the
|         primitive types (this is useful amongst other things for
|         supplying argument lists to string formatting predicates.)
|         Now, say we wanted to write a predicate that would convert any
|         poly_type value into a string representation.  Here's how we
|         might write the code:
|             [begin code]
|             :- pred poly_type_to_string(poly_type, string).
|             :- mode poly_type_to_string(in, out) is det.
|             poly_type_to_string(Poly, String) :-
|                 (   Poly = f(Float),    float_to_string(Float, String)
|                 ;   Poly = i(Int),      int_to_string(Int, String)
|                 ;   Poly = s(String)
|                 ;   Poly = c(Char),     char_to_string(Char, String)
|                 ).
|             [end code]
|         The compiler knows that since Poly is an input variable it
|         must be bound when the disjunction executes.  It will then 
|         observe that the disjunction has one arm for each possible
|         poly_type constructor (the Poly unifications) and deduce that
|         for any value of Poly, exactly one disjunct applies.  The
|         compiler can therefore emit faster, simpler code for the
|         resulting object code for this disjunction.  These kinds of
|         disjunction are called /switches/ because they are very
|         similar to switch constructs in C.  Moreover, because the rest
|         of each disjunct is deterministic, the compiler can deduce
|         that the switch (and hence the predicate as a whole) must be
|         deterministic.
|         Switches are a very elegant way of describing conditions based
|         on unification tests and are typically more efficient than the
|         equivalent if-then-else chains.
|         (Aside: in real the above code would probably be written in
|         clausal form:
|             [begin code]
|             poly_type_to_string(f(F), S) :- float_to_string(F, S)
|             poly_type_to_string(i(I), S) :- int_to_string(I, S)
|             poly_type_to_string(s(S), S).
|             poly_type_to_string(c(C), S) :- char_to_string(C, S)
|             [end code]
|         The switch would still be detected, of course.)
|         Mercury has three types of goal for describing implicative
|         relationships between goals.
|             - G1 => G2 is shorthand for (not G1 ; G2);
|             - G1 <= G2 is shorthand for (G2 => G1); and
|             - G1 <=> G2 is shorthand for ((G1 => G2), (G1 <= G2)).
|         Note that parentheses are required around G1 and G2 if they
|         are not atomic goals.
|         Sometimes we only need to know whether a solution exists, but
|         are not interested in the result.  For this we use existential
|         quantification, which looks like this:
|             (some [X, Y, Z] G)
|         A goal of this form will succeed iff there is a solution to G,
|         but any bindings for X, Y and Z will not be visible outside
|         the quantification - it's rather like saying that X, Y and Z
|         are local variables for the goal G.
|         Mercury has an rule that any variables in a clause that do not
|         also appear in the head are implicitly existentially
|         quantified, which means you never actually need to use
|         explicit existential quantification in your programs.
|         On the other hand, we may wish to know whether a particular
|         property holds for all solutions to a particular goal.  This
|         is where universal quantification is useful.
|         The goal
|             (all [X, Y, Z] G)
|         is equivalent to writing
|             not (some [X, Y, Z] not G)
|         An example of use:
|             [begin code]
|             :- pred all_even(list(int)).
|             :- mode all_even(in) is semidet.
|             all_even(Xs) :-
|                 all [X] (member(X, Xs)  =>  X `mod` 2 = 0).
|             [end code]
|         [XXX I'll talk about this later.]
|         Often one is not interested in a particular output variable
|         from a call or unification.  In these cases you can use the
|         special variable named "_" (a single underscore) which stands
|         for a different "don't care" variable every time it appears.
|         Sometimes, however, it makes programs easier to read if you do
|         name don't care variables.  Since variables that only appear
|         once in a clause are usually the result of typographical
|         error, the compiler will issue a warning when it sees such
|         things.  To get around this problem, /prefixing/ a variable
|         name with an underscore (e.g. "_X") tells the compiler that
|         you know this is a named don't care variable and that there's
|         no need to issue a warning.
|         NESTED
|         SEPARATE
|         USE
|     MMAKE
|     ...PROMISES
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