[mercury-users] Pred defns

Bart Demoen bmd at cs.kuleuven.ac.be
Tue Mar 31 16:25:13 AEST 1998

Peter Schachte wrote:

>         main ::-
>                 print("Hello world\n"),
>                 #x = 42,
>                 ##x = #x + 1,
>                 print("42 + 1 ="),
>                 print(#x).
> I think that is easier to write, read, understand and maintain than the
> original. This is the syntax my global variables package supports.

I guess he meant

        main ::-
                print("Hello world\n"),
                $x := 42,
                $x := $x + 1,
                print("42 + 1 ="),

instead. Hoorah, back to simplicity !

The next step is not to require argument threading for implementing
this; it has problems related to modules and higher-order. Of course,
use argument threading for explaining it if you really want (but
higher-order is going to make that difficult or clumsy as well)


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