[m-rev.] for review: move invoke_long_system_command into system_cmds

Julien Fischer jfischer at opturion.com
Fri Jan 5 20:27:08 AEDT 2024

For review by anyone.

While the only callers of invoke_long_system_command* are currently only
in compile_target_code.m, it makes more sense to place them with other
invoke_system_command predicates (it certainly makes them easier to
find). Also, at 3000+ lines, compile_target_code.m is likely candidate
for being broken up in the future.


Move invoke_long_system_command into system_cmds.

      Move the invoke_long_system_command* predicates from here ...

      ... to here.


diff --git a/compiler/compile_target_code.m b/compiler/compile_target_code.m
index cdd7f2f..58de9a1 100644
--- a/compiler/compile_target_code.m
+++ b/compiler/compile_target_code.m
@@ -3228,115 +3228,6 @@ make_standalone_int_body(Globals, ProgressStream, BaseName, !IO) :-

-    % invoke_long_system_command attempts to use the @file style of
-    % calling to avoid command line length arguments on various systems.
-    % If the underlying tool chain doesn't support this it just calls
-    % the normal invoke_system_command and hopes the command isn't too
-    % long.
-    %
-:- pred invoke_long_system_command(globals::in, io.text_output_stream::in,
-    io.text_output_stream::in, command_verbosity::in, string::in, string::in,
-    maybe_succeeded::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
-        ProgressStream, CmdOutputStream, Verbosity,
-        Cmd, Args, Succeeded, !IO) :-
-    invoke_long_system_command_maybe_filter_output(Globals,
-        ProgressStream, CmdOutputStream, Verbosity,
-        Cmd, "", Args, no, Succeeded, !IO).
-:- pred invoke_long_system_command_maybe_filter_output(globals::in,
-    io.text_output_stream::in, io.text_output_stream::in,
-    command_verbosity::in, string::in, string::in, string::in,
-    maybe(string)::in, maybe_succeeded::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
-        ProgressStream, CmdOutputStream, Verbosity,
-        Cmd, NonAtArgs, Args, MaybeProcessOutput, Succeeded, !IO) :-
-    globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, restricted_command_line,
-        RestrictedCommandLine),
-    (
-        RestrictedCommandLine = yes,
-        % Avoid generating very long command lines by using @files.
-        open_temp_output(TmpFileResult, !IO),
-        (
-            TmpFileResult = ok({TmpFile, TmpStream}),
-            % We need to escape any \ before writing them to the file,
-            % otherwise we lose them.
-            TmpFileArgs = string.replace_all(Args, "\\", "\\\\"),
-            io.write_string(TmpStream, TmpFileArgs, !IO),
-            io.close_output(TmpStream, !IO),
-            globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, very_verbose, VeryVerbose),
-            AtFileName = at_file_name(Globals, TmpFile),
-            (
-                VeryVerbose = yes,
-                io.format(ProgressStream, "%% Args placed in %s: `%s'\n",
-                    [s(AtFileName), s(TmpFileArgs)], !IO),
-                io.flush_output(ProgressStream, !IO)
-            ;
-                VeryVerbose = no
-            ),
-            ( if NonAtArgs = "" then
-                string.format("%s %s", [s(Cmd), s(AtFileName)], FullCmd)
-            else
-                string.format("%s %s %s",
-                    [s(Cmd), s(NonAtArgs), s(AtFileName)], FullCmd)
-            ),
-            invoke_system_command_maybe_filter_output(Globals,
-                ProgressStream, CmdOutputStream, Verbosity,
-                FullCmd, MaybeProcessOutput, Succeeded0, !IO),
-            io.file.remove_file(TmpFile, RemoveResult, !IO),
-            (
-                RemoveResult = ok,
-                Succeeded = Succeeded0
-            ;
-                RemoveResult = error(_),
-                Succeeded = did_not_succeed
-            )
-        ;
-            TmpFileResult = error(ErrorMessage),
-            io.format(ProgressStream, "%s\n", [s(ErrorMessage)], !IO),
-            Succeeded = did_not_succeed
-        )
-    ;
-        RestrictedCommandLine = no,
-        ( if NonAtArgs = "" then
-            string.format("%s %s", [s(Cmd), s(Args)], FullCmd)
-        else
-            string.format("%s %s %s", [s(Cmd), s(NonAtArgs), s(Args)], FullCmd)
-        ),
-        invoke_system_command_maybe_filter_output(Globals,
-            ProgressStream, CmdOutputStream, Verbosity,
-            FullCmd, MaybeProcessOutput, Succeeded, !IO)
-    ).
-    % Form the name of an @file given a file name.
-    % On some systems we need to escape the `@' character.
-    %
-:- func at_file_name(globals, string) = string.
-at_file_name(Globals, FileName) = AtFileName :-
-    get_system_env_type(Globals, EnvType),
-    (
-        EnvType = env_type_powershell,
-        AtFileName = "`@" ++ FileName
-    ;
-        ( EnvType = env_type_posix
-        ; EnvType = env_type_cygwin
-        ; EnvType = env_type_msys
-        ; EnvType = env_type_win_cmd
-        ),
-        AtFileName = "@" ++ FileName
-    ).
  % C compiler flags.
diff --git a/compiler/system_cmds.m b/compiler/system_cmds.m
index 6cf8d89..60306ea 100644
--- a/compiler/system_cmds.m
+++ b/compiler/system_cmds.m
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@
              % Output the command line with `--verbose-commands'. This should be
              % used for commands that may be of interest to the user.

-    % invoke_system_cmds(Globals, ProgressStream, CmdOutputStream,
+    % invoke_system_command(Globals, ProgressStream, CmdOutputStream,
      %   Verbosity, Command, Succeeded):
      % Invoke an executable. Progress messages, including error messages
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@

      % invoke_system_command_maybe_filter_output(Globals,
      %   ProgressStream, CmdOutputStream, Verbosity, Command,
-    %   MaybeProcessOutput, Succeeded)
+    %   MaybeProcessOutput, Succeeded):
      % Invoke an executable. Progress messages, including error messages
      % that say why we cannot make progress, will go to ProgressStream.
@@ -62,6 +62,38 @@
      command_verbosity::in, string::in, maybe(string)::in, maybe_succeeded::out,
      io::di, io::uo) is det.

+    % invoke_long_system_command(Globals, ProgressStream, CmdOutputStream,
+    %     Verbosity, Command, Args, Succeeded):
+    %
+    % Invoke an executable with arguments Args, using the @file style of
+    % calling to avoid command line length limits on various systems. If the
+    % underlying tool chain does not support this, it just calls the normal
+    % invoke_system_command and hopes the command is not too long. Progress
+    % messages, including error messages that say why we cannot make progress,
+    % will go to ProgressStream. Output from the invoked command will go to
+    % CmdOutputStream.
+    %
+:- pred invoke_long_system_command(globals::in, io.text_output_stream::in,
+    io.text_output_stream::in, command_verbosity::in, string::in, string::in,
+    maybe_succeeded::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+    % invoke_long_system_command_maybe_filter_output(Globals,
+    %   ProgressStream, CmdOutputStream, Verbosity, Command,
+    %   NonAtArgs, Args, MaybeProcessOutput, Succeeded):
+    %
+    % Invoke an executable with arguments NonAtArgs and Args, using the @file
+    % style of calling for Args and passing NonAtArgs on the command line. If
+    % the underlying tool chain does not support this, it just calls the normal
+    % invoke_system_command and hopes the command is not too long. Progress
+    % messages, including error messages that say why we cannot make progress,
+    % will go to ProgressStream. Output from the invoked command, filtered if
+    % MaybeProcessOutput is set to yes(...), will go to CmdOutputStream.
+    %
+:- pred invoke_long_system_command_maybe_filter_output(globals::in,
+    io.text_output_stream::in, io.text_output_stream::in,
+    command_verbosity::in, string::in, string::in, string::in,
+    maybe(string)::in, maybe_succeeded::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
      % Make a command string, which needs to be invoked in a shell environment.
  :- pred make_command_string(string::in, quote_char::in, string::out) is det.
@@ -263,6 +295,102 @@ invoke_system_command_maybe_filter_output(Globals, ProgressStream,
      io.file.remove_file(ProcessedTmpFile, _, !IO),
      io.set_exit_status(OldStatus, !IO).

+        ProgressStream, CmdOutputStream, Verbosity,
+        Cmd, Args, Succeeded, !IO) :-
+    invoke_long_system_command_maybe_filter_output(Globals,
+        ProgressStream, CmdOutputStream, Verbosity,
+        Cmd, "", Args, no, Succeeded, !IO).
+        ProgressStream, CmdOutputStream, Verbosity,
+        Cmd, NonAtArgs, Args, MaybeProcessOutput, Succeeded, !IO) :-
+    globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, restricted_command_line,
+        RestrictedCommandLine),
+    (
+        RestrictedCommandLine = yes,
+        % Avoid generating very long command lines by using @files.
+        open_temp_output(TmpFileResult, !IO),
+        (
+            TmpFileResult = ok({TmpFile, TmpStream}),
+            % We need to escape any \ before writing them to the file,
+            % otherwise we lose them.
+            TmpFileArgs = string.replace_all(Args, "\\", "\\\\"),
+            io.write_string(TmpStream, TmpFileArgs, !IO),
+            io.close_output(TmpStream, !IO),
+            globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, very_verbose, VeryVerbose),
+            AtFileName = at_file_name(Globals, TmpFile),
+            (
+                VeryVerbose = yes,
+                io.format(ProgressStream, "%% Args placed in %s: `%s'\n",
+                    [s(AtFileName), s(TmpFileArgs)], !IO),
+                io.flush_output(ProgressStream, !IO)
+            ;
+                VeryVerbose = no
+            ),
+            ( if NonAtArgs = "" then
+                string.format("%s %s", [s(Cmd), s(AtFileName)], FullCmd)
+            else
+                string.format("%s %s %s",
+                    [s(Cmd), s(NonAtArgs), s(AtFileName)], FullCmd)
+            ),
+            invoke_system_command_maybe_filter_output(Globals,
+                ProgressStream, CmdOutputStream, Verbosity,
+                FullCmd, MaybeProcessOutput, Succeeded0, !IO),
+            io.file.remove_file(TmpFile, RemoveResult, !IO),
+            (
+                RemoveResult = ok,
+                Succeeded = Succeeded0
+            ;
+                RemoveResult = error(_),
+                Succeeded = did_not_succeed
+            )
+        ;
+            TmpFileResult = error(ErrorMessage),
+            io.format(ProgressStream, "%s\n", [s(ErrorMessage)], !IO),
+            Succeeded = did_not_succeed
+        )
+    ;
+        RestrictedCommandLine = no,
+        ( if NonAtArgs = "" then
+            string.format("%s %s", [s(Cmd), s(Args)], FullCmd)
+        else
+            string.format("%s %s %s", [s(Cmd), s(NonAtArgs), s(Args)], FullCmd)
+        ),
+        invoke_system_command_maybe_filter_output(Globals,
+            ProgressStream, CmdOutputStream, Verbosity,
+            FullCmd, MaybeProcessOutput, Succeeded, !IO)
+    ).
+    % Form the name of an @file given a file name.
+    % On some systems we need to escape the `@' character.
+    %
+:- func at_file_name(globals, string) = string.
+at_file_name(Globals, FileName) = AtFileName :-
+    get_system_env_type(Globals, EnvType),
+    (
+        EnvType = env_type_powershell,
+        AtFileName = "`@" ++ FileName
+    ;
+        ( EnvType = env_type_posix
+        ; EnvType = env_type_cygwin
+        ; EnvType = env_type_msys
+        ; EnvType = env_type_win_cmd
+        ),
+        AtFileName = "@" ++ FileName
+    ).
  make_command_string(String0, QuoteType, String) :-
      ( if use_win32 then

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