[m-rev.] for review: add another sample: mcowsay

Julien Fischer jfischer at opturion.com
Wed Jun 15 16:03:53 AEST 2022

For review by anyone.


Add another sample: mcowsay.

     A Mercury version of the cowsay program. It serves an more extended
     example (but still small) example of how to write command line
     utilities in Mercury.

     Include the new sample.

     Include the new sample.

     Put the list of sample programs in alphabetical order.


diff --git a/samples/Mmakefile b/samples/Mmakefile
index f31d0a1..dd15bfe 100644
--- a/samples/Mmakefile
+++ b/samples/Mmakefile
@@ -10,8 +10,19 @@
  # To build these programs, first install the Mercury compiler,
  # type `mmake depend', and then type `mmake'.

-PROGS=	hello beer cat calculator calculator2 sort eliza ultra_sub e \
-	interpreter expand_terms
+PROGS = \
+	beer		\
+	calculator	\
+	calculator2	\
+	cat		\
+	eliza		\
+	e		\
+	expand_terms	\
+	hello		\
+	interpreter	\
+	mcowsay		\
+	sort		\
+	ultra_sub


diff --git a/samples/README.md b/samples/README.md
index 9e2ce39..c8af25b 100644
--- a/samples/README.md
+++ b/samples/README.md
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ This directory contains some example Mercury programs.
  * [beer.m](beer.m) -- A small program that prints the lyrics of the song
    "99 Bottle of Beer".

+* [mcowsay.m](mcowsay.m) -- A Mercury version of the `cowsay` program. It prints
+  an ASCII art picture of a cow together with a user-supplied message.
  * [Mmakefile](Mmakefile) -- The file used by `mmake`, the Mercury Make program,
    to build the programs in this directory.

diff --git a/samples/mcowsay.m b/samples/mcowsay.m
index e69de29..e496705 100644
--- a/samples/mcowsay.m
+++ b/samples/mcowsay.m
@@ -0,0 +1,521 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
+% File: mcowsay.m.
+% Author: juliensf.
+% A Mercury version of the cowsay program originally written by Tony Monroe.
+% It prints an ASCII art picture of a cow saying/thinking a user-supplied
+% message.
+% Implements most of the functionality of the original cowsay aside from the
+% ability to use .cow files (-f option and COWPATH environment variable) and
+% the ability to list .cow files in the COWPATH (-l option). Implementing
+% those is left as an exercise for the reader.
+% This source file is hereby placed in the public domain.
+:- module mcowsay.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module bool.
+:- import_module char.
+:- import_module cord.
+:- import_module getopt.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module map.
+:- import_module stream.
+:- import_module string.
+:- import_module require.
+main(!IO) :-
+    io.command_line_arguments(Args, !IO),
+    OptionOps = option_ops_multi(
+        short_option,
+        long_option,
+        option_default,
+        special_option_handler
+    ),
+    getopt.process_options(OptionOps, Args, NonOptionArgs, OptionResult),
+    (
+        OptionResult = ok(OptionTable),
+        ( if getopt.lookup_bool_option(OptionTable, help, yes) then
+            print_help_message(!IO)
+        else if getopt.lookup_bool_option(OptionTable, version, yes) then
+            print_version_message(!IO)
+        else
+            (
+                NonOptionArgs = [],
+                read_and_print_message_from_stdin(OptionTable, !IO)
+            ;
+                NonOptionArgs = [Message],
+                % We replicate the behaviour of the original cowsay here.
+                % If the message is empty, then read from standard input.
+                ( if Message = "" then
+                    read_and_print_message_from_stdin(OptionTable, !IO)
+                else
+                    read_and_print_message_from_arg(OptionTable, Message, !IO)
+                )
+            ;
+                NonOptionArgs = [_, _ | _],
+                print_usage_error(!IO)
+            )
+        )
+    ;
+        OptionResult = error(Error),
+        print_option_error(Error, !IO)
+    ).
+:- pred read_and_print_message_from_stdin(option_table(option)::in,
+    io::di, io::uo) is det.
+read_and_print_message_from_stdin(OptionTable, !IO) :-
+    io.stdin_stream(Stdin, !IO),
+    getopt.lookup_bool_option(OptionTable, word_wrap, WordWrap),
+    (
+        WordWrap = no,
+        stream.input_stream_fold(Stdin, add_line, cord.empty, Result, !IO),
+        (
+            Result = ok(Lines),
+            print_cow_and_message(OptionTable, Lines, !IO)
+        ;
+            Result = error(_, IO_Error),
+            print_io_error(IO_Error, !IO)
+        )
+    ;
+        WordWrap = yes,
+        stream.get(Stdin, Result, !IO),
+        (
+            (
+                Result = ok(TextFile),
+                TextFile = text_file(Message)
+            ;
+                Result = eof,
+                Message = ""
+            ),
+            Lines = wrap_message(OptionTable, Message),
+            print_cow_and_message(OptionTable, Lines, !IO)
+        ;
+            Result = error(IO_Error),
+            print_io_error(IO_Error, !IO)
+        )
+    ).
+:- pred add_line(line::in, cord(string)::in, cord(string)::out) is det.
+add_line(Line, !Lines) :-
+    Line = line(String),
+    ExpandedString = expand_tabs(String),
+    cord.snoc(string.chomp(ExpandedString), !Lines).
+:- pred read_and_print_message_from_arg(option_table(option)::in,
+    string::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+read_and_print_message_from_arg(OptionTable, Message, !IO) :-
+    getopt.lookup_bool_option(OptionTable, word_wrap, WordWrap),
+    (
+        WordWrap = no,
+        ExpandedMessage = expand_tabs(Message),
+        LineList = string.split_into_lines(ExpandedMessage),
+        Lines = cord.from_list(LineList)
+    ;
+        WordWrap = yes,
+        Lines = wrap_message(OptionTable, Message)
+    ),
+    print_cow_and_message(OptionTable, Lines, !IO).
+:- func wrap_message(option_table(option), string) = cord(string).
+wrap_message(OptionTable, Message) = Lines :-
+    getopt.lookup_int_option(OptionTable, wrap_width, WrapWidth),
+    WrappedMessage = string.word_wrap(Message, WrapWidth),
+    LineList = string.split_into_lines(WrappedMessage),
+    Lines = cord.from_list(LineList).
+:- func expand_tabs(string) = string.
+expand_tabs(String) = string.replace_all(String, "\t", "    ").
+:- type cow_action
+    --->    speaking
+    ;       thinking.
+:- pred get_cow_action(cow_action::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+get_cow_action(Action, !IO) :-
+    io.progname_base("mcowsay", ProgName, !IO),
+    ( if (ProgName = "cowthink" ; ProgName = "mcowthink") then
+        Action = thinking
+    else
+        Action = speaking
+    ).
+:- func thoughts_string(cow_action) = string.
+thoughts_string(speaking) = "\\".
+thoughts_string(thinking) = "o".
+:- pred print_cow_and_message(option_table(option)::in, cord(string)::in,
+    io::di, io::uo) is det.
+print_cow_and_message(OptionTable, Lines, !IO) :-
+    get_cow_action(Action, !IO),
+    MaxLineWidth = max_line_width(Lines),
+    print_message_bubble(Action, MaxLineWidth, Lines, !IO),
+    getopt.lookup_string_option(OptionTable, eyes_string, EyesString),
+    getopt.lookup_string_option(OptionTable, tongue_string, TongueString),
+    ThoughtsString = thoughts_string(Action),
+    io.write_string(cow(EyesString, TongueString, ThoughtsString), !IO).
+:- func max_line_width(cord(string)) = int.
+max_line_width(Lines) = MaxWidth :-
+    cord.foldl_pred(acc_line_width, Lines, 0, MaxWidth).
+:- pred acc_line_width(string::in, int::in, int::out) is det.
+acc_line_width(Line, !MaxWidth) :-
+    string.count_codepoints(Line, LineWidth),
+    ( if LineWidth > !.MaxWidth then
+        !:MaxWidth = LineWidth
+    else
+        true
+    ).
+:- pred print_message_bubble(cow_action::in, int::in, cord(string)::in,
+    io::di, io::uo) is det.
+print_message_bubble(Action, MaxLineWidth, Lines, !IO) :-
+    io.print_line(top_bubble_border(MaxLineWidth), !IO),
+    ( if cord.is_singleton(Lines, FirstLine) then
+        (
+            Action = speaking,
+            io.format("< %s >\n", [s(FirstLine)], !IO)
+        ;
+            Action = thinking,
+            io.format("( %s )\n", [s(FirstLine)], !IO)
+        )
+    else
+        NumLines = cord.length(Lines),
+        (
+            Action = speaking,
+            cord.foldl2(print_speech_bubble_line(MaxLineWidth, NumLines),
+                Lines, 1, _, !IO)
+        ;
+            Action = thinking,
+            cord.foldl_pred(print_thought_bubble_line(MaxLineWidth), Lines,
+                !IO)
+        )
+    ),
+    io.print_line(bottom_bubble_border(MaxLineWidth), !IO).
+:- pred print_speech_bubble_line(int::in, int::in, string::in,
+    int::in, int::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+print_speech_bubble_line(MaxLineWidth, NumLines, Line, !LineCount, !IO) :-
+    ( if !.LineCount = 1 then
+        Prefix = "/", Suffix = "\\"
+    else if !.LineCount < NumLines then
+        Prefix = "|", Suffix = "|"
+    else
+        Prefix = "\\", Suffix = "/"
+    ),
+    NLine = normalize_line(MaxLineWidth, Line),
+    io.format("%s %s %s\n", [s(Prefix), s(NLine), s(Suffix)], !IO),
+    !:LineCount = !.LineCount + 1.
+:- pred print_thought_bubble_line(int::in, string::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+print_thought_bubble_line(MaxLineWidth, Line, !IO) :-
+    NLine = normalize_line(MaxLineWidth, Line),
+    io.format("( %s )\n", [s(NLine)], !IO).
+:- func top_bubble_border(int) = string.
+top_bubble_border(MaxLineWidth) =
+    " " ++ string.duplicate_char('_', MaxLineWidth + 2).
+:- func bottom_bubble_border(int) = string.
+bottom_bubble_border(MaxLineWidth) =
+    " " ++ string.duplicate_char('-', MaxLineWidth + 2).
+:- func normalize_line(int, string) = string.
+normalize_line(MaxLineWidth, Line) = NormalLine :-
+    string.count_codepoints(Line, LineWidth),
+    NormalLine = Line ++ string.duplicate_char(' ', MaxLineWidth - LineWidth).
+:- func cow(string, string, string) = string.
+cow(Eyes, Tongue, Thoughts) = string.append_list([
+"        ", Thoughts, "   ^__^\n",
+"         ", Thoughts, "  (", Eyes, ")\\_______\n",
+"            (__)\\       )\\/\\\n",
+"             ", Tongue, " ||----w |\n",
+"                ||     ||\n"
+:- type option
+    --->    help
+    ;       version
+    % Options to control word wrapping.
+    ;       user_wrap_width
+    ;       no_format
+    % Options to control the cow mode.
+    ;       borg_mode
+    ;       dead_mode
+    ;       greedy_mode
+    ;       paranoid_mode
+    ;       stoned_mode
+    ;       tired_mode
+    ;       wired_mode
+    ;       youthful_mode
+    ;       user_eyes
+    ;       user_tongue
+    % Internal options.
+    ;       word_wrap
+    ;       wrap_width
+    ;       eyes_string
+    ;       tongue_string.
+:- pred short_option(char::in, option::out) is semidet.
+short_option('h', help).
+short_option('n', no_format).
+short_option('b', borg_mode).
+short_option('d', dead_mode).
+short_option('g', greedy_mode).
+short_option('p', paranoid_mode).
+short_option('s', stoned_mode).
+short_option('t', tired_mode).
+short_option('w', wired_mode).
+short_option('y', youthful_mode).
+short_option('e', user_eyes).
+short_option('T', user_tongue).
+short_option('W', user_wrap_width).
+:- pred long_option(string::in, option::out) is semidet.
+long_option("help", help).
+long_option("version", version).
+long_option("no-wrap", no_format).
+long_option("borg", borg_mode).
+long_option("dead", dead_mode).
+long_option("greedy", greedy_mode).
+long_option("stoned", stoned_mode).
+long_option("tired", tired_mode).
+long_option("wired", wired_mode).
+long_option("youthful", youthful_mode).
+long_option("eyes", user_eyes).
+long_option("tongue", user_tongue).
+long_option("width", user_wrap_width).
+:- pred option_default(option::out, option_data::out) is multi.
+option_default(help, bool(no)).
+option_default(version, bool(no)).
+option_default(no_format, special).
+option_default(borg_mode, special).
+option_default(dead_mode, special).
+option_default(greedy_mode, special).
+option_default(paranoid_mode, special).
+option_default(stoned_mode, special).
+option_default(tired_mode, special).
+option_default(wired_mode, special).
+option_default(youthful_mode, special).
+option_default(user_eyes, string_special).
+option_default(user_tongue, string_special).
+option_default(eyes_string, string("oo")).
+option_default(tongue_string, string("  ")).
+option_default(word_wrap, bool(yes)).
+option_default(user_wrap_width, int_special).
+option_default(wrap_width, int(40)).
+:- pred special_option_handler(option::in, special_data::in,
+    option_table(option)::in, maybe_option_table(option)::out) is semidet.
+special_option_handler(no_format, none, !.OptionTable, Result) :-
+    map.set(word_wrap, bool(no), !OptionTable),
+    Result = ok(!.OptionTable).
+special_option_handler(borg_mode, none, OptionTable, Result) :-
+    set_cow_mode("==", "  ", OptionTable, Result).
+special_option_handler(dead_mode, none, OptionTable, Result) :-
+    set_cow_mode("XX", "U ", OptionTable, Result).
+special_option_handler(greedy_mode, none, OptionTable, Result) :-
+    set_cow_mode("$$", "  ", OptionTable, Result).
+special_option_handler(paranoid_mode, none, OptionTable, Result) :-
+    set_cow_mode("@@", "  ", OptionTable, Result).
+special_option_handler(stoned_mode, none, OptionTable, Result) :-
+    set_cow_mode("**", "U ", OptionTable, Result).
+special_option_handler(tired_mode, none, OptionTable, Result) :-
+    set_cow_mode("--", "  ", OptionTable, Result).
+special_option_handler(wired_mode, none, OptionTable, Result) :-
+    set_cow_mode("OO", "  ", OptionTable, Result).
+special_option_handler(youthful_mode, none, OptionTable, Result) :-
+    set_cow_mode("..", "  ", OptionTable, Result).
+special_option_handler(user_eyes, string(UserEyes), !.OptionTable,
+        Result) :-
+    string.count_codepoints(UserEyes, NumEyeCodePoints),
+    ( if NumEyeCodePoints < 1 then
+        Eyes = "  "
+    else if NumEyeCodePoints = 1 then
+        Eyes = UserEyes ++ " "
+    else
+        Eyes = string.left_by_codepoint(UserEyes, 2)
+    ),
+    map.set(eyes_string, string(Eyes), !OptionTable),
+    Result = ok(!.OptionTable).
+special_option_handler(user_tongue, string(UserTongue), !.OptionTable,
+        Result) :-
+    string.count_codepoints(UserTongue, NumTongueCodePoints),
+    ( if NumTongueCodePoints < 1 then
+        Tongue = "  "
+    else if NumTongueCodePoints = 1 then
+        Tongue = UserTongue ++ " "
+    else
+        Tongue = string.left_by_codepoint(UserTongue, 2)
+    ),
+    map.set(tongue_string, string(Tongue), !OptionTable),
+    Result = ok(!.OptionTable).
+special_option_handler(user_wrap_width, int(WrapCol), !.OptionTable,
+        Result) :-
+    ( if WrapCol < 1 then
+        Result = error("the value of option --width must be greater than zero")
+    else
+        map.set(wrap_width, int(WrapCol), !OptionTable),
+        Result = ok(!.OptionTable)
+    ).
+:- pred set_cow_mode(string::in, string::in, option_table(option)::in,
+    maybe_option_table(option)::out) is det.
+set_cow_mode(Eyes, Tongue, !.OptionTable, Result) :-
+    map.set(eyes_string, string(Eyes), !OptionTable),
+    map.set(tongue_string, string(Tongue), !OptionTable),
+    Result = ok(!.OptionTable).
+:- pred print_help_message(io::di, io::uo) is det.
+print_help_message(!IO) :-
+    io.write_strings([
+        "Name: mcowsay - a Mercury version of cowsay\n",
+        "\n",
+        "Usage: mcowsay [<options>] [<message>]\n",
+        "\n",
+        "Description:\n",
+        "\tPrints an ASCII art picture of a cow saying a message provided\n",
+        "\tby the user. If the message is not provided as an argument on\n",
+        "\tthe command line, then it will be read from the standard input.\n",
+        "\n",
+        "\tAny tab characters in the message will be replaced in the output\n",
+        "\tby a sequence of four space characters.\n",
+        "\n",
+        "\tIf the program is invoked as 'mcowthink' or 'cowthink' then the\n",
+        "\tcow will think its message instead of saying it.\n",
+        "\n",
+        "Options:\n",
+        "\t-h, --help\n",
+        "\t\tPrint this information and exit.\n",
+        "\t--version\n",
+        "\t\tPrint version information and exit.\n",
+        "\t-n, --no-wrap\n",
+        "\t\tDo not wrap lines.\n",
+        "\t-W <wrap-col>, --width <wrap-col>\n",
+        "\t\tSpecify the column at which to wrap words.\n",
+        "\t\t<wrap-col> must be greater than zero and defaults to 40.\n",
+        "\t-b, --borg\n",
+        "\t\t\"Borg mode\", uses == for the cow's eyes.\n",
+        "\t-d, --dead\n",
+        "\t\t\"Dead mode\", uses XX for the cow's eyes and U for its tongue.\n",
+        "\t-g, --greedy\n",
+        "\t\t\"Greedy mode\", uses $$ for the cow's eyes.\n",
+        "\t-p, --paranoid\n",
+        "\t\t\"Paranoid mode\", uses @@ for the cow's eyes.\n",
+        "\t-s, --stoned\n",
+        "\t\t\"Stoned mode\", uses ** for the cow's eyes and U for its tongue.\n",
+        "\t-t, --tired\n",
+        "\t\t\"Tired mode\", uses -- for the cow's eyes.\n",
+        "\t-w, --wired\n",
+        "\t\t\"Wired mode\", uses OO for the cow's eyes.\n",
+        "\t-y, --youthful\n",
+        "\t\t\"Youthful mode\", uses .. for the cow's eyes.\n",
+        "\t-e <eye-string>, --eyes <eye-string>\n",
+        "\t\tSpecifies the cow's eye type. Only the first two characters of\n",
+        "\t\t<eye-string> are used.\n",
+        "\t-T <tongue-string>, --tongue <tongue-string>\n",
+        "\t\tSpecifies the cow's tongue shape. Only the first two characters of\n",
+        "\t\t<tongue-string> are used.\n"
+    ], !IO).
+:- pred print_version_message(io::di, io::uo) is det.
+print_version_message(!IO) :-
+    io.write_string("Mercury cowsay version 1.0\n", !IO).
+:- pred print_option_error(option_error(option)::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+print_option_error(Error, !IO) :-
+    Msg = option_error_to_string(Error),
+    io.stderr_stream(Stderr, !IO),
+    io.format(Stderr, "error: %s.\n", [s(Msg)], !IO),
+    io.set_exit_status(1, !IO).
+:- pred print_io_error(io.error::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+print_io_error(IO_Error, !IO) :-
+    io.error_message(IO_Error, Msg),
+    io.stderr_stream(Stderr, !IO),
+    io.format(Stderr, "error: %s\n", [s(Msg)], !IO),
+    io.set_exit_status(1, !IO).
+:- pred print_usage_error(io::di, io::uo) is det.
+print_usage_error(!IO) :-
+    io.stderr_stream(Stderr, !IO),
+    io.print_line(Stderr, "Usage: mcowsay [<options>] [<message>]", !IO),
+    io.set_exit_status(1, !IO).
+:- end_module mcowsay.

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