[m-rev.] for post-commit review: do not double expand state vars

Zoltan Somogyi zs at unimelb.edu.au
Thu Apr 12 15:10:39 AEST 2012

	Do not try to expand references to !.S and !:S forms of state variables
	more than once for any given term. The time when this expansion
	happens is now just before we do arg unifications, because
	in some cases, the code that invokes arg unifications knows that
	such expansion is not needed.

	Replace a call to a predicate that may or may not create new references
	to state vars with a specialized version of the code of that predicate
	that does state var expansion only if such new references may have been

	Make a version of the make_fresh_vars predicate that does not do
	state var expansion, for use in places where it is not needed.

	Do not export a predicate that is not needed outside this module.


Index: superhomogeneous.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/superhomogeneous.m,v
retrieving revision 1.49
diff -u -b -r1.49 superhomogeneous.m
--- superhomogeneous.m	26 Mar 2012 00:43:33 -0000	1.49
+++ superhomogeneous.m	12 Apr 2012 05:03:43 -0000
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@
     % Vars is a list of distinct variables corresponding to the terms in Args.
     % For each term in Args, if the term is a variable V which is distinct
     % from the variables already produced, then the corresponding variable
-    % in Vars is just V, otherwise a fresh variable is allocated from !VarSet.
+    % in Vars is just V, otherwise we allocate a fresh variable from !VarSet.
     % !:VarSet is the varset resulting after all the necessary variables
     % have been allocated. !SVarState and !Specs are required to handle
     % state variables.
@@ -109,10 +109,6 @@
     prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, svar_state::in, svar_state::out,
     list(error_spec)::in, list(error_spec)::out) is det.
-:- pred make_fresh_arg_var(prog_term::in, prog_var::out, list(prog_var)::in,
-    prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, svar_state::in, svar_state::out,
-    list(error_spec)::in, list(error_spec)::out) is det.
@@ -149,21 +145,24 @@
 insert_arg_unifications(HeadVars, Args0, Context, ArgContext, !Goal, !NumAdded,
         !SVarState, !SVarStore, !VarSet, !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !Specs) :-
-    do_insert_arg_unifications(HeadVars, Args0, Context, ArgContext, !Goal,
+    substitute_state_var_mappings(Args0, Args, !VarSet, !SVarState, !Specs),
+    do_insert_arg_unifications(HeadVars, Args, Context, ArgContext, !Goal,
         get_maybe_from_ground_term_threshold, !NumAdded,
         !SVarState, !SVarStore, !VarSet, !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !Specs).
-insert_arg_unifications_with_supplied_contexts(ArgVars, ArgTerms0,
-        ArgContexts, Context, !Goal, !NumAdded, !SVarState, !SVarStore,
+insert_arg_unifications_with_supplied_contexts(Vars, Args0, ArgContexts,
+        Context, !Goal, !NumAdded, !SVarState, !SVarStore,
         !VarSet, !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !Specs) :-
-    do_insert_arg_unifications_with_supplied_contexts(ArgVars, ArgTerms0,
+    substitute_state_var_mappings(Args0, Args, !VarSet, !SVarState, !Specs),
+    do_insert_arg_unifications_with_supplied_contexts(Vars, Args,
         ArgContexts, Context, !Goal,
         get_maybe_from_ground_term_threshold, !NumAdded,
         !SVarState, !SVarStore, !VarSet, !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !Specs).
 append_arg_unifications(HeadVars, Args0, Context, ArgContext, !Goal, !NumAdded,
         !SVarState, !SVarStore, !VarSet, !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !Specs) :-
-    do_append_arg_unifications(HeadVars, Args0, Context, ArgContext, !Goal,
+    substitute_state_var_mappings(Args0, Args, !VarSet, !SVarState, !Specs),
+    do_append_arg_unifications(HeadVars, Args, Context, ArgContext, !Goal,
         get_maybe_from_ground_term_threshold, !NumAdded,
         !SVarState, !SVarStore, !VarSet, !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !Specs).
@@ -203,9 +202,9 @@
             Args = [Arg1 | ArgsAfter1],
             do_arg_unification(HeadVar1, Arg1, Context, ArgContext,
-                1, ArgUnifyConj1, MaybeThreshold, !NumAdded,
-                !SVarState, !SVarStore, !VarSet,
-                !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !Specs),
+                1, ArgUnifyConj1, MaybeThreshold,
+                !NumAdded, !SVarState, !SVarStore,
+                !VarSet, !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !Specs),
                 HeadVarsAfter1 = [],
@@ -447,8 +446,8 @@
-:- pred do_append_arg_unifications_loop(list(prog_var)::in, list(prog_term)::in,
-    prog_context::in, arg_context::in, int::in,
+:- pred do_append_arg_unifications_loop(list(prog_var)::in,
+    list(prog_term)::in, prog_context::in, arg_context::in, int::in,
     list(hlds_goal)::in, list(hlds_goal)::out,
     maybe(int)::in, num_added_goals::in, num_added_goals::out,
     svar_state::in, svar_state::out, svar_store::in, svar_store::out,
@@ -483,18 +482,19 @@
     qual_info::in, qual_info::out,
     list(error_spec)::in, list(error_spec)::out) is det.
-do_arg_unification(Var, Arg0, Context, ArgContext, ArgNum, ArgUnifyConj,
+do_arg_unification(Var, Arg, Context, ArgContext, ArgNum, ArgUnifyConj,
         MaybeThreshold, !NumAdded, !SVarState, !SVarStore, !VarSet,
         !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !Specs) :-
-    substitute_state_var_mapping(Arg0, Arg, !VarSet, !SVarState, !Specs),
+    % It is the caller's job to make sure that if needed, then both
+    % Var and Arg have already been through state var mapping expansion.
     ( Arg = term.variable(Var, _) ->
         % Skip unifications of the form `X = X'.
         ArgUnifyConj = []
-        arg_context_to_unify_context(ArgContext, ArgNum, UnifyMainContext,
-            UnifySubContext),
+        arg_context_to_unify_context(ArgContext, ArgNum,
+            MainContext, SubContext),
         do_unravel_unification(term.variable(Var, Context), Arg, Context,
-            UnifyMainContext, UnifySubContext, purity_pure, Goal,
+            MainContext, SubContext, purity_pure, Goal,
             MaybeThreshold, !NumAdded, !SVarState, !SVarStore, !VarSet,
             !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !Specs),
         goal_to_conj_list(Goal, ArgUnifyConj)
@@ -513,7 +513,6 @@
 do_unravel_unification(LHS0, RHS0, Context, MainContext, SubContext, Purity,
         Goal, MaybeThreshold, !NumAdded, !SVarState, !SVarStore, !VarSet,
         !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !Specs) :-
-    % ZZZ
     substitute_state_var_mapping(LHS0, LHS, !VarSet, !SVarState, !Specs),
     substitute_state_var_mapping(RHS0, RHS, !VarSet, !SVarState, !Specs),
     classify_unravel_unification(LHS, RHS, Context, MainContext, SubContext,
@@ -598,8 +597,9 @@
         % If we find a unification of the form `f1(...) = f2(...)',
         % then we replace it with `Tmp = f1(...), Tmp = f2(...)',
         % and then process it according to the rules above.
-        % Note that we can't simplify it yet, because we might simplify
-        % away type errors.
+        % Note that we can't simplify it yet, e.g. by pairwise unifying
+        % the args of TermX and TermY, because we might simplify away
+        % type errors.
         TermX = term.functor(_, _, _),
         TermY = term.functor(_, _, _),
         varset.new_var(TmpVar, !VarSet),
@@ -640,10 +640,10 @@
     qual_info::in, qual_info::out,
     list(error_spec)::in, list(error_spec)::out) is det.
-unravel_var_functor_unification(X, F, Args1, FunctorContext,
+unravel_var_functor_unification(X, F, Args0, FunctorContext,
         Context, MainContext, SubContext, Purity, Goal, NumAdded,
         !SVarState, !SVarStore, !VarSet, !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !Specs) :-
-    substitute_state_var_mappings(Args1, Args, !VarSet, !SVarState, !Specs),
+    substitute_state_var_mappings(Args0, Args, !VarSet, !SVarState, !Specs),
         F = term.atom(Atom),
         maybe_unravel_special_var_functor_unification(X, Atom, Args,
@@ -696,9 +696,27 @@
         % Handle the usual case.
-        % XXX Why do we use Args1 instead of Args here?
-        RHS = term.functor(F, Args1, FunctorContext),
-        ( try_parse_sym_name_and_args(RHS, FunctorName, FunctorArgsPrime) ->
+        (
+            % The condition of this if-then-else is based on the logic of
+            % try_parse_sym_name_and_args, but specialized to this location,
+            % so that we can do state var expansion only if we need to.
+            F = term.atom(FName),
+            (
+                FName = ".",
+                Args = [ModuleTerm, NameArgsTerm]
+            ->
+                NameArgsTerm = term.functor(term.atom(Name), NArgs, _),
+                try_parse_symbol_name(ModuleTerm, Module),
+                FunctorName = qualified(Module, Name),
+                % We have done state variable name expansion at the top
+                % level of Args, but not at the level of NArgs.
+                substitute_state_var_mappings(NArgs, FunctorArgsPrime,
+                    !VarSet, !SVarState, !Specs)
+            ;
+                FunctorName = string_to_sym_name_sep(FName, "__"),
+                FunctorArgsPrime = Args
+            )
+        ->
             FunctorArgs = FunctorArgsPrime,
             list.length(FunctorArgs, Arity),
             ConsId = cons(FunctorName, Arity, cons_id_dummy_type_ctor)
@@ -709,6 +727,8 @@
             ConsId = make_functor_cons_id(F, Arity),
             FunctorArgs = Args
+        % At this point, we have done state variable name expansion
+        % at the top level of FunctorArgs.
             FunctorArgs = [],
             make_atomic_unification(X, rhs_functor(ConsId, no, []),
@@ -723,24 +743,21 @@
             Goal = hlds_goal(GoalExpr, GoalInfo)
             FunctorArgs = [_ | _],
-            make_fresh_arg_vars(FunctorArgs, HeadVars, !VarSet, !SVarState,
-                !Specs),
+            make_fresh_arg_vars_no_svar(FunctorArgs, HeadVars, !VarSet),
             make_atomic_unification(X, rhs_functor(ConsId, no, HeadVars),
                 Context, MainContext, SubContext, Purity, Goal0, !QualInfo),
             MainFunctorAdded = 1,
             ArgContext = ac_functor(ConsId, MainContext, SubContext),
             % Should this be insert_... rather than append_...?
-            % No, because that causes efficiency problems
-            % with type-checking :-(
+            % No, because that causes efficiency problems for type-checking :-(
             % But for impure unifications, we need to do this, because
             % mode reordering can't reorder around the functor unification.
                 Purity = purity_pure,
                 do_append_arg_unifications(HeadVars, FunctorArgs,
                     FunctorContext, ArgContext, Goal0, Goal, no,
-                    MainFunctorAdded, NumAdded,
-                    !SVarState, !SVarStore, !VarSet,
-                    !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !Specs)
+                    MainFunctorAdded, NumAdded, !SVarState, !SVarStore,
+                    !VarSet, !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !Specs)
                 ( Purity = purity_semipure
                 ; Purity = purity_impure
@@ -750,9 +767,8 @@
                 Goal1 = hlds_goal(GoalExpr0, GoalInfo1),
                 do_insert_arg_unifications(HeadVars, FunctorArgs,
                     FunctorContext, ArgContext, Goal1, Goal, no,
-                    MainFunctorAdded, NumAdded,
-                    !SVarState, !SVarStore, !VarSet,
-                    !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !Specs)
+                    MainFunctorAdded, NumAdded, !SVarState, !SVarStore,
+                    !VarSet, !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !Specs)
@@ -781,7 +797,7 @@
         ( Atom = "with_type"
         ; Atom = ":"
-        Args = [RVal, DeclType0],
+        Args = [RVal0, DeclType0],
         require_det (
             % DeclType0 is a prog_term, but it is really a type,
@@ -803,6 +819,8 @@
                 % a generic term.
                 !:Specs = DeclTypeSpecs ++ !.Specs
+            substitute_state_var_mapping(RVal0, RVal, !VarSet,
+                !SVarState, !Specs),
             do_unravel_unification(term.variable(X, Context), RVal,
                 Context, MainContext, SubContext, Purity, Goal, no,
                 0, NumAdded, !SVarState, !SVarStore, !VarSet,
@@ -811,9 +829,13 @@
         % Handle unification expressions.
         Atom = "@",
-        Args = [LVal, RVal],
+        Args = [LVal0, RVal0],
         require_det (
+            substitute_state_var_mapping(LVal0, LVal, !VarSet,
+                !SVarState, !Specs),
+            substitute_state_var_mapping(RVal0, RVal, !VarSet,
+                !SVarState, !Specs),
             do_unravel_unification(term.variable(X, Context), LVal, Context,
                 MainContext, SubContext, Purity, GoalL, no,
                 0, NumAdded1, !SVarState, !SVarStore, !VarSet,
@@ -832,14 +854,15 @@
         % Handle if-then-else expressions.
             Atom = "else",
-            Args = [CondThenTerm, ElseTerm],
+            Args = [CondThenTerm, ElseTerm0],
             CondThenTerm = term.functor(term.atom("if"),
-                [term.functor(term.atom("then"), [CondTerm0, ThenTerm], _)], _)
+                [term.functor(term.atom("then"), [CondTerm0, ThenTerm0], _)],
+                    _)
             Atom = ";",
-            Args = [CondThenTerm, ElseTerm],
+            Args = [CondThenTerm, ElseTerm0],
             CondThenTerm = term.functor(term.atom("->"),
-                [CondTerm0, ThenTerm], _)
+                [CondTerm0, ThenTerm0], _)
         require_det (
@@ -859,18 +882,23 @@
                         BeforeInsideSVarState, AfterCondInsideSVarState,
                         !SVarStore, !VarSet, !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !Specs),
+                    substitute_state_var_mapping(ThenTerm0, ThenTerm, !VarSet,
+                        AfterCondInsideSVarState, AfterThenInsideSVarState0,
+                        !Specs),
                     do_unravel_unification(term.variable(X, Context), ThenTerm,
                         Context, MainContext, SubContext, Purity, ThenGoal0,
                         no, !NumAdded,
-                        AfterCondInsideSVarState, AfterThenInsideSVarState,
+                        AfterThenInsideSVarState0, AfterThenInsideSVarState,
                         !SVarStore, !VarSet, !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !Specs),
                     svar_finish_local_state_vars(StateVars, BeforeSVarState,
                         AfterThenInsideSVarState, AfterThenSVarState),
+                    substitute_state_var_mapping(ElseTerm0, ElseTerm, !VarSet,
+                        BeforeSVarState, AfterElseSVarState0, !Specs),
                     do_unravel_unification(term.variable(X, Context), ElseTerm,
                         Context, MainContext, SubContext, Purity, ElseGoal0,
-                        no, !NumAdded, BeforeSVarState, AfterElseSVarState,
+                        no, !NumAdded, AfterElseSVarState0, AfterElseSVarState,
                         !SVarStore, !VarSet, !ModuleInfo, !QualInfo, !Specs),
                     svar_finish_if_then_else(loc_inside_atomic_goal, Context,
@@ -896,12 +924,13 @@
         % Handle field extraction expressions.
         Atom = "^",
-        Args = [InputTerm, FieldNameTerm],
+        Args = [InputTerm0, FieldNameTerm],
         maybe_parse_field_list(FieldNameTerm, !.VarSet, FieldNames),
         require_det (
-            make_fresh_arg_var(InputTerm, InputTermVar, [],
-                !VarSet, !SVarState, !Specs),
+            substitute_state_var_mapping(InputTerm0, InputTerm, !VarSet,
+                !SVarState, !Specs),
+            make_fresh_arg_var_no_svar(InputTerm, InputTermVar, [], !VarSet),
             expand_get_field_function_call(Context, MainContext, SubContext,
                 FieldNames, X, InputTermVar, Purity, Functor, _, Goal0,
                 0, NumAdded1, !SVarState, !SVarStore, !VarSet,
@@ -916,16 +945,19 @@
         % Handle field update expressions.
         Atom = ":=",
-        Args = [FieldDescrTerm, FieldValueTerm],
+        Args = [FieldDescrTerm, FieldValueTerm0],
         FieldDescrTerm = term.functor(term.atom("^"),
-            [InputTerm, FieldNameTerm], _),
+            [InputTerm0, FieldNameTerm], _),
         maybe_parse_field_list(FieldNameTerm, !.VarSet, FieldNames),
         require_det (
-            make_fresh_arg_var(InputTerm, InputTermVar, [],
+            substitute_state_var_mapping(InputTerm0, InputTerm,
                 !VarSet, !SVarState, !Specs),
-            make_fresh_arg_var(FieldValueTerm, FieldValueVar,
-                [InputTermVar], !VarSet, !SVarState, !Specs),
+            make_fresh_arg_var_no_svar(InputTerm, InputTermVar, [], !VarSet),
+            substitute_state_var_mapping(FieldValueTerm0, FieldValueTerm,
+                !VarSet, !SVarState, !Specs),
+            make_fresh_arg_var_no_svar(FieldValueTerm, FieldValueVar,
+                [InputTermVar], !VarSet),
             expand_set_field_function_call(Context, MainContext, SubContext,
                 FieldNames, FieldValueVar, InputTermVar, X,
@@ -969,7 +1001,6 @@
                 Vars1 = Vars0 ++
                     [term.variable(DCG0, Context),
                     term.variable(DCGn, Context)],
-                % ZZZ
                 build_lambda_expression(X, Purity, DCGLambdaPurity,
                     Groundness, pf_predicate, EvalMethod, Vars1, Modes, Det,
                     ParsedGoal, Context, MainContext, SubContext,
@@ -1277,8 +1308,8 @@
 make_fresh_arg_vars(Args, Vars, !VarSet, !SVarState, !Specs) :-
     % For efficiency, we construct `Vars' backwards and then reverse it
     % to get the correct order.
-    make_fresh_arg_vars_loop(Args, [], Vars1, !VarSet, !SVarState, !Specs),
-    list.reverse(Vars1, Vars).
+    make_fresh_arg_vars_loop(Args, [], RevVars, !VarSet, !SVarState, !Specs),
+    list.reverse(RevVars, Vars).
 :- pred make_fresh_arg_vars_loop(list(prog_term)::in, list(prog_var)::in,
     list(prog_var)::out, prog_varset::in,prog_varset::out,
@@ -1292,6 +1323,10 @@
     !:RevVars = [Var | !.RevVars],
     make_fresh_arg_vars_loop(Args, !RevVars, !VarSet, !SVarState, !Specs).
+:- pred make_fresh_arg_var(prog_term::in, prog_var::out, list(prog_var)::in,
+    prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out, svar_state::in, svar_state::out,
+    list(error_spec)::in, list(error_spec)::out) is det.
 make_fresh_arg_var(Arg0, Var, Vars0, !VarSet, !SVarState, !Specs) :-
     substitute_state_var_mapping(Arg0, Arg, !VarSet, !SVarState, !Specs),
@@ -1304,5 +1339,44 @@
+    % make_fresh_arg_vars_no_svar(Args, Vars, !VarSet):
+    %
+    % Does the same job as make_fresh_arg_vars, but assumes that any references
+    % to state variables at the top level of Args have already been expanded.
+    %
+:- pred make_fresh_arg_vars_no_svar(list(prog_term)::in, list(prog_var)::out,
+    prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out) is det.
+make_fresh_arg_vars_no_svar(Args, Vars, !VarSet) :-
+    % For efficiency, we construct `Vars' backwards and then reverse it
+    % to get the correct order.
+    make_fresh_arg_vars_no_svar_loop(Args, [], RevVars, !VarSet),
+    list.reverse(RevVars, Vars).
+:- pred make_fresh_arg_vars_no_svar_loop(list(prog_term)::in,
+    list(prog_var)::in, list(prog_var)::out,
+    prog_varset::in,prog_varset::out) is det.
+make_fresh_arg_vars_no_svar_loop([], !RevVars, !VarSet).
+make_fresh_arg_vars_no_svar_loop([Arg | Args], !RevVars, !VarSet) :-
+    make_fresh_arg_var_no_svar(Arg, Var, !.RevVars, !VarSet),
+    !:RevVars = [Var | !.RevVars],
+    make_fresh_arg_vars_no_svar_loop(Args, !RevVars, !VarSet).
+:- pred make_fresh_arg_var_no_svar(prog_term::in, prog_var::out,
+    list(prog_var)::in, prog_varset::in, prog_varset::out) is det.
+make_fresh_arg_var_no_svar(Arg, Var, Vars0, !VarSet) :-
+    (
+        Arg = term.variable(ArgVar, _),
+        \+ list.member(ArgVar, Vars0)
+    ->
+        Var = ArgVar
+    ;
+        varset.new_var(Var, !VarSet)
+    ).
 :- end_module hlds.make_hlds.superhomogeneous.
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