[m-rev.] for review: threadsafe version_arrays in Java

Peter Ross pro at missioncriticalit.com
Wed Apr 14 16:22:15 AEST 2010


Peter Wang is probably the best person to review this.

Ralph might want to make version_arrays thread safe on the C backend,
however at least now the user will get an error when they try and use
the non-safe version_array in a context where it might have to support
concurrent access.


Estimated hours taken: 12
Branches: main, 10.04

Make the version_array(T) type thread safe in the Java grade.

Abort the program if the user attempts to use a non thread safe version_array
when threading is available on the C backends.

Supply a unsafe version_array initialization functions so that users can use
version_arrays on grades supporting threading with the proviso that they don't
concurrently access the version_array.

The synchronized version dramatically slows down version_array.lookup (100x slower).

However the test case MC uses which is to replace a map being used as a memo table
with a version_hash_table for the memo_table it is still approximately 40% faster
than the map even with the synchronization overhead.

	Make ML_va be an interface.
	Provide two implementations of the ML_va interface: ML_uva (formerly
	ML_va) which provides an unsynchronized version_array, and ML_sva which
	provides a synchronized version_array.
	ML_sva just wraps a ML_uva but locks itself so that only one thread can
	access the version array at a time, making the ML_uva safe.
	Add to ML_uva the method isClone() so that the ML_sva knows when the
	underlying array has been cloned, so then we can use a different lock
	object as we are protecting access to a different underlying array.

Index: library/version_array.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/library/version_array.m,v
retrieving revision 1.21
diff -u -r1.21 version_array.m
--- library/version_array.m	5 Aug 2009 07:34:12 -0000	1.21
+++ library/version_array.m	14 Apr 2010 05:58:14 -0000
@@ -51,6 +51,22 @@
 :- func init(int, T) = version_array(T).
+    % Same as empty/0 except the resulting version_array is not thread safe.
+    %
+    % That is your program can segfault if you attempt to concurrently access
+    % the version_array, however this version is much quicker if you guarantee
+    % that you never concurrently access the version_array.
+    %
+:- func unsafe_empty = version_array(T).
+    % Same as new(N, X) except the resulting version_array is not thread safe.
+    %
+    % That is your program can segfault if you attempt to concurrently access
+    % the version_array, however this version is much quicker if you guarantee
+    % that you never concurrently access the version_array.
+    %
+:- func unsafe_new(int, T) = version_array(T).
     % version_array(Xs) returns an array constructed from the items in the list
     % Xs.
@@ -332,12 +348,20 @@
     [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, will_not_modify_trail,
+    MR_fatal_error(""thread safe version_array not yet implemented"");
+    /* 
+    ** If we are not in an environment which uses threads
+    ** then it is safe to use the unsynchronized version_array.
+    */
     VA = MR_GC_NEW(struct ML_va);
     VA->index            = -1;
     VA->value            = (MR_Word) NULL;
     VA->rest.array       = (MR_ArrayPtr) MR_GC_NEW_ARRAY(MR_Word, 1);
     VA->rest.array->size = 0;
 :- pragma foreign_proc("Java",
@@ -345,11 +369,28 @@
     [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, will_not_modify_trail,
-    VA = new version_array.ML_va();
+    VA = new ML_sva(ML_uva.empty());
-    VA.index = -1;
-    VA.value = null;
-    VA.rest  = new Object[0];
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+    version_array.unsafe_empty = (VA::out),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, will_not_modify_trail,
+        does_not_affect_liveness],
+    VA = MR_GC_NEW(struct ML_va);
+    VA->index            = -1;
+    VA->value            = (MR_Word) NULL;
+    VA->rest.array       = (MR_ArrayPtr) MR_GC_NEW_ARRAY(MR_Word, 1);
+    VA->rest.array->size = 0;
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Java",
+    version_array.unsafe_empty = (VA::out),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, will_not_modify_trail,
+        does_not_affect_liveness],
+    VA = ML_uva.empty();
 :- pragma foreign_proc("C",
@@ -357,6 +398,9 @@
     [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, will_not_modify_trail,
         does_not_affect_liveness, may_not_duplicate],
+    MR_fatal_error(""thread safe version_array not yet implemented"");
     MR_Integer  i;
     VA = MR_GC_NEW(struct ML_va);
@@ -368,6 +412,7 @@
     for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
         VA->rest.array->elements[i] = X;
 :- pragma foreign_proc("Java",
@@ -375,12 +420,33 @@
     [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, will_not_modify_trail,
         does_not_affect_liveness, may_not_duplicate],
-    VA = new version_array.ML_va();
-    VA.index = -1;
-    VA.value = null;
-    VA.rest  = new Object[N];
+    VA = new ML_sva(ML_uva.init(N, X));
+:- pragma foreign_proc("C",
+    version_array.unsafe_new(N::in, X::in) = (VA::out),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, will_not_modify_trail,
+        does_not_affect_liveness, may_not_duplicate],
+    MR_Integer  i;
-    java.util.Arrays.fill(VA.array(), X);
+    VA = MR_GC_NEW(struct ML_va);
+    VA->index            = -1;
+    VA->value            = (MR_Word) NULL;
+    VA->rest.array       = (MR_ArrayPtr) MR_GC_NEW_ARRAY(MR_Word, N + 1);
+    VA->rest.array->size = N;
+    for (i = 0; i < N; i++) {
+        VA->rest.array->elements[i] = X;
+    }
+:- pragma foreign_proc("Java",
+    version_array.unsafe_new(N::in, X::in) = (VA::out),
+    [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, will_not_modify_trail,
+        does_not_affect_liveness, may_not_duplicate],
+    VA = ML_uva.init(N, X);
 :- pragma foreign_proc("C",
@@ -420,25 +486,7 @@
     [will_not_call_mercury, promise_pure, will_not_modify_trail,
         does_not_affect_liveness, may_not_duplicate],
-    ML_va   latest;
-    int     size_VA0;
-    int     min;
-    latest = VA0.latest();
-    size_VA0 = latest.size();
-    VA       = new ML_va();
-    VA.index = -1;
-    VA.value = null;
-    VA.rest  = new Object[N];
-    System.arraycopy(latest.array(), 0, VA.array(), 0, min);
-    VA0.rewind_into(VA);
-    java.util.Arrays.fill(VA.array(), min, N, X);
+    VA = VA0.resize(N, X);
 resize(N, X, VA, resize(VA, N, X)).
@@ -730,45 +778,167 @@
 :- pragma foreign_code("Java", "
-static class ML_va {
-    int                 index;  /* -1 for latest, >= 0 for older */
-    Object              value;  /* Valid if index >= 0           */
-    Object              rest;   /* array if index == -1          */
-                                /* next if index >= 0            */
+public interface ML_va {
+    public Object get(int I) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException;
+    public ML_va set(int I, Object X);
+    public ML_va resize(int N, Object X);
+    public ML_va rewind();
+    public int size();
+// An implementation of version arrays that is safe when used in multiple
+// threads.
+// It just wraps the unsafe version is some synchronization logic so
+// that only one thread can be accessing the array at one instant.
+public static class ML_sva implements ML_va {
+    private ML_uva version_array;
+    private Object lock;
+    public ML_sva(ML_uva va) {
+        version_array = va;
+        lock = new Object();
+    }
+    private ML_sva() {};
+    public Object get(int I) throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException {
+        synchronized (lock) {
+            return version_array.get(I);
+        }
+    }
+    public ML_sva set(int I, Object X) {
+        synchronized (lock) {
+            ML_sva result = new ML_sva();
+            result.version_array = version_array.set(I, X);
+            if (result.version_array.isClone()) {
+                result.version_array.resetIsClone();
+                result.lock = new Object();
+            } else {
+                result.lock = this.lock;
+            }
+            return result;
+        }
+    }
+    public ML_sva resize(int N, Object X) {
+        synchronized (lock) {
+            ML_sva result = new ML_sva();
+            result.version_array = version_array.resize(N, X);
+            result.lock = new Object();
+            return result;
+        }
+    }
+    public ML_sva rewind()
+    {
+        synchronized (lock) {
+            ML_sva result = new ML_sva();
+            result.version_array = version_array.rewind();
+            result.lock = this.lock;
+            return result;
+        }
+    }
+    public int size()
+    {
+        synchronized (lock) {
+            return version_array.size();
+        }
+    }
+// An implementation of version arrays that is only safe when used from
+// a single thread, but *much* faster than the synchronized version.
+public static class ML_uva implements ML_va {
+    private int                 index;  /* -1 for latest, >= 0 for older */
+    private Object              value;  /* Valid if index >= 0           */
+    private Object              rest;   /* array if index == -1          */
+                                        /* next if index >= 0            */
+    private boolean             clone = false;
+    public ML_uva() {}
+    public static ML_uva empty() {
+        ML_uva va = new ML_uva();
+        va.index = -1;
+        va.value = null;
+        va.rest  = new Object[0];
+        return va;
+    }
+    public static ML_uva init(int N, Object X) {
+        ML_uva va = new ML_uva();
+        va.index = -1;
+        va.value = null;
+        va.rest  = new Object[N];
+        java.util.Arrays.fill(va.array(), X);
+        return va;
+    }
+    public ML_uva resize(int N, Object X) {
+        ML_uva  VA0 = this;
+        ML_uva  latest;
+        int     size_VA0;
+        int     min;
+        latest = VA0.latest();
+        size_VA0 = latest.size();
+        ML_uva VA = new ML_uva();
+        VA.index = -1;
+        VA.value = null;
+        VA.rest  = new Object[N];
-    boolean is_latest()
+        System.arraycopy(latest.array(), 0, VA.array(), 0, min);
+        VA0.rewind_into(VA);
+        java.util.Arrays.fill(VA.array(), min, N, X);
+        return VA;
+    }
+    private boolean is_latest()
         return index == -1;
-    ML_va latest()
+    private ML_uva latest()
-        ML_va VA = this;
+        ML_uva VA = this;
         while (!VA.is_latest()) {
             VA = VA.next();
         return VA;
-    Object[] array()
+    private Object[] array()
         return (Object[]) rest;
-    ML_va next()
+    private ML_uva next()
-        return (ML_va) rest;
+        return (ML_uva) rest;
-    int size()
+    public int size()
         return latest().array().length;
-    Object get(int I)
+    public Object get(int I)
         throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
-        ML_va VA = this;
+        ML_uva VA = this;
         while (!VA.is_latest()) {
             if (I == VA.index) {
@@ -781,13 +951,13 @@
         return VA.array()[I];
-    ML_va set(int I, Object X)
+    public ML_uva set(int I, Object X)
-        ML_va VA0 = this;
-        ML_va VA1;
+        ML_uva VA0 = this;
+        ML_uva VA1;
         if (VA0.is_latest()) {
-            VA1 = new ML_va();
+            VA1 = new ML_uva();
             VA1.index   = -1;
             VA1.value   = null;
             VA1.rest    = VA0.array();
@@ -806,27 +976,36 @@
         return VA1;
-    ML_va flat_copy()
+    private ML_uva flat_copy()
-        ML_va   VA0 = this;
-        ML_va   latest;
-        ML_va   VA;
+        ML_uva  VA0 = this;
+        ML_uva  latest;
+        ML_uva  VA;
         int     N;
         latest = VA0.latest();
         N = latest.size();
-        VA = new ML_va();
+        VA = new ML_uva();
         VA.index = -1;
         VA.value = null;
         VA.rest  = latest.array().clone();
+        VA.clone = true;
         return VA;
-    void rewind_into(ML_va VA)
+    public boolean isClone() {
+        return clone;
+    }
+    public void resetIsClone() {
+        this.clone = false;
+    }
+    private void rewind_into(ML_uva VA)
         int     I;
         Object  X;
@@ -844,9 +1023,9 @@
-    ML_va rewind()
+    public ML_uva rewind()
-        ML_va   VA = this;
+        ML_uva VA = this;
         int     I;
         Object  X;
@@ -862,6 +1041,7 @@
         return VA;

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