[m-rev.] diff: update INSTALL for source distribution

Julien Fischer juliensf at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Mon Oct 26 14:46:27 AEDT 2009

Update the INSTALL file for the source distribution.

 	Convert tabs to spaces.

 	Delete references to --split-c-files.

 	Update the ``Finetuning'' section to include more recently
 	added configure options, in particular those for enabling
 	the Java and Erlang grades.


Index: .INSTALL.in
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/.INSTALL.in,v
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -r1.15 .INSTALL.in
--- .INSTALL.in	18 Dec 2007 04:22:42 -0000	1.15
+++ .INSTALL.in	26 Oct 2009 13:44:14 -0000
@@ -17,12 +17,12 @@
  # Step 1.  Run `configure'.  (Just type `sh configure'.)
-#	   By default, the files will be installed in the directory
-#	   /usr/local/mercury- at VERSION@.
-#	   If you want the files to be installed someplace else,
-#	   use the `--prefix <directory>' option to `configure'.
-#	   The directory name specified with the `--prefix' option
-#	   must not contain spaces.
+#          By default, the files will be installed in the directory
+#          /usr/local/mercury- at VERSION@.
+#          If you want the files to be installed someplace else,
+#          use the `--prefix <directory>' option to `configure'.
+#          The directory name specified with the `--prefix' option
+#          must not contain spaces.
  #      NOTE: If you use the `--prefix' option to configure,
  #      be aware that `mercury' is not automatically
@@ -30,17 +30,17 @@
  #      files in /usr/local/bin, /usr/local/lib et cetera,
  #      *not* /usr/local/mercury/bin, /usr/local/mercury/lib.
-#	   By default, the installation process will install the Mercury
-#	   standard library in a comprehensive set of grades, with each grade
-#	   supporting a given set of capabilities (debugging, profiling etc).
-#	   If you want to install a different set of grades, read the
-#	   "Finetuning" section below.
+#          By default, the installation process will install the Mercury
+#          standard library in a comprehensive set of grades, with each grade
+#          supporting a given set of capabilities (debugging, profiling etc).
+#          If you want to install a different set of grades, read the
+#          "Finetuning" section below.
-#	   Some debugging output from running configure is automatically
-#	   save to the file `config.log'.
+#          Some debugging output from running configure is automatically
+#          save to the file `config.log'.
  # Step 2.  Run `make'.
-#	   This step will take a long time.
+#          This step will take a long time.
  #      NOTE: If you have problems installing a new version
  #      of the compiler, you may find it helpful to either
@@ -51,38 +51,38 @@
  #      purposes of installing the new version.
  # Step 3.  Run `make install'.
-#	   This step will also take a long time.
+#          This step will also take a long time.
-#	   BEWARE: if something goes wrong in this step, e.g. running
-#	   out of disk space, and the installation has already gotten
-#	   past installing the documentation, and started installing
-#	   the different grades of the libraries then in general it is
-#	   NOT sufficient to simply rerun `make install'.  Instead you
-#	   may need to start from scratch again.
+#          BEWARE: if something goes wrong in this step, e.g. running
+#          out of disk space, and the installation has already gotten
+#          past installing the documentation, and started installing
+#          the different grades of the libraries then in general it is
+#          NOT sufficient to simply rerun `make install'.  Instead you
+#          may need to start from scratch again.
  # Step 4.  Check the permissions on the installed files.
-#	   Add /usr/local/mercury- at VERSION@/bin to your PATH, and
-#	   add /usr/local/mercury- at VERSION@/man to your MANPATH.
-#	   add /usr/local/mercury- at VERSION@/info to your INFOPATH.
-#	   You can also add a WWW link to the Mercury documentation in
-#	   /usr/local/mercury- at VERSION@/lib/mercury/html to your WWW home page,
-#	   and you may want to print out a hard-copy of the documentation
-#	   from the DVI files in /usr/local/mercury- at VERSION@/lib/mercury/doc.
-#	   If step #1 enabled deep profiling, then check whether "make install"
-#	   was able to copy scripts/mdprof to your web server's CGI directory.
-#	   This directory is often writeable only by root or by the web server
-#	   administrator, so you may need more than your usual set of
-#	   privileges to do the copy (i.e. you may need to "su" to the
-#	   appropriate user). mdprof is also installed into the same directory
-#	   as other Mercury executables.
-#	   To use the emacs debugger interface ("M-x mdb"), you also need to
-#	   add the following lines to the `.emacs' file in your home directory:
-#	   	(add-to-list 'load-path
-#		  "/usr/local/mercury- at VERSION@/lib/mercury/elisp")
-#		(autoload 'mdb "gud" "Invoke the Mercury debugger" t)
+#          Add /usr/local/mercury- at VERSION@/bin to your PATH, and
+#          add /usr/local/mercury- at VERSION@/man to your MANPATH.
+#          add /usr/local/mercury- at VERSION@/info to your INFOPATH.
+#          You can also add a WWW link to the Mercury documentation in
+#          /usr/local/mercury- at VERSION@/lib/mercury/html to your WWW home page,
+#          and you may want to print out a hard-copy of the documentation
+#          from the DVI files in /usr/local/mercury- at VERSION@/lib/mercury/doc.
+#          If step #1 enabled deep profiling, then check whether "make install"
+#          was able to copy scripts/mdprof to your web server's CGI directory.
+#          This directory is often writeable only by root or by the web server
+#          administrator, so you may need more than your usual set of
+#          privileges to do the copy (i.e. you may need to "su" to the
+#          appropriate user). mdprof is also installed into the same directory
+#          as other Mercury executables.
+#          To use the emacs debugger interface ("M-x mdb"), you also need to
+#          add the following lines to the `.emacs' file in your home directory:
+#               (add-to-list 'load-path
+#                 "/usr/local/mercury- at VERSION@/lib/mercury/elisp")
+#               (autoload 'mdb "gud" "Invoke the Mercury debugger" t)
  # Step 5.  Run `make clean'.
@@ -98,84 +98,88 @@
  # Fine-tuning:
  # ------------
-#	   If your system has multiple CPUs and lots of RAM,
-#	   you can uncomment the definition of PARALLEL in the Makefile
-#	   to perform a parallel make.
-#	   By default the `make install' step will install a reasonable
-#	   set of library grades which should be appropriate for most uses.
-#	   The option --enable-libgrades=<gradelist> allows you to specify
-#	   precisely the list of library grades to be installed. The argument
-#	   of this option should be a comma-separated list of grades.
-#	   An empty list of grades will cause the library to be installed
-#	   only in the default grade.
-#	   The option --disable-most-grades reduces the set of installed grades
-#	   to a "minimum" level for developers (just the default grade and the
-#	   grades corresponding to the `--debug' and `--high-level-code'
-#	   options).
-#	   The option --enable-agc-grades causes the installation
-#	   of grades that support type-accurate garbage collection.
-#	   The option --disable-nogc-grades prevents the installation
-#	   of grades without garbage collection.
-#	   The option --disable-prof-grades prevents the installation
-#	   of grades that support profiling.
-#	   The option --disable-trail-grades prevents the installation
-#	   of grades that support trailing.
-#	   The option --disable-par-grades prevents the installation
-#	   of thread-safe grades.
-#	   The option --enable-inefficient-grades causes the installation
-#	   of grades that do not exploit gcc extensions even when they are
-#	   available.
-#	   The option --enable-hlc-prof-grades causes the installation
-#	   of profiling versions of the high level code grades.
-#	   The option --disable-dotnet-grades prevents the installation
-#	   of the .NET grades (see README.DotNet) even if the Microsoft
-#	   .NET SDK is installed. These grades are never installed if
-#	   the .NET SDK is not found.
-#	   The option --enable-deep-profiler=/some/dir/name enables the deep
-#	   profiler, and specifies the directory in which to install the
-#	   deep profiler's CGI script. The option --disable-deep-profiler
-#	   causes the deep profiler not to be installed, even if the underlying
-#	   system would be able to support it. The default is to enable the
-#	   deep profiler if the system has the required features.
+#          If your system has multiple CPUs and lots of RAM,
+#          you can uncomment the definition of PARALLEL in the Makefile
+#          to perform a parallel make.
-#	   If you are short on RAM, you can add -DSMALL_CONFIG to the CFLAGS
+#          By default the `make install' step will install a reasonable
+#          set of library grades which should be appropriate for most uses.
+#          The option --enable-libgrades=<gradelist> allows you to specify
+#          precisely the list of library grades to be installed. The argument
+#          of this option should be a comma-separated list of grades.
+#          An empty list of grades will cause the library to be installed
+#          only in the default grade.
+#          The option --disable-most-grades reduces the set of installed grades
+#          to a "minimum" level for developers (just the default grade and the
+#          grades corresponding to the `--debug' and `--high-level-code'
+#          options).
+#          The option --disable-nogc-grades prevents the installation
+#          of grades without garbage collection.
+#          The option --enable-agc-grades causes the installation
+#          of grades that support type-accurate garbage collection.
+#          The option --disable-prof-grades prevents the installation
+#          of grades that support profiling.
+#          The option --disable-trail-grades prevents the installation
+#          of grades that support trailing.
+#          The option --disable-par-grades prevents the installation
+#          of thread-safe grades.
+#          The option --enable-inefficient-grades causes the installation
+#          of grades that do not exploit gcc extensions even when they are
+#          available.
+#          The option --enable-hlc-prof-grades causes the installation
+#          of profiling versions of the high level code grades.
+#          The option --enable-hlc-low-level-debug-grades causes the installation
+#          of high-level code grades with C level debugging enabled. 
+#          The option --enable-stseg-grades causes the installation of grades
+#          that use stack segments.
+#          The option --enable-dotnet-grades causes the installation
+#          of the .NET grades (see README.DotNet).  This grades are only
+#          installed if the .NET SDK is found.
+#          The option --enable-java-grade causes the installation of the Java
+#          grade.  This grade is is only installed if the Java SDK is found.
+#          The option --enable-erlang-grade causes the installation of the Erlang
+#          grade.  This grade is only installed if the Erlang/OTP distribution is
+#          found.
+#          The option --disable-dynamic-link prevents the installation of shared
+#          libraries, even if they are supported on this system.
+#          The option --enable-deep-profiler=/some/dir/name enables the deep
+#          profiler, and specifies the directory in which to install the
+#          deep profiler's CGI script. The option --disable-deep-profiler
+#          causes the deep profiler not to be installed, even if the underlying
+#          system would be able to support it. The default is to enable the
+#          deep profiler if the system has the required features.
+#          If you are short on RAM, you can add -DSMALL_CONFIG to the CFLAGS
  #          line in the file boehm_gc/Makefile.  (This tells the garbage
-#	   collector to tune itself for small physical memory.)
+#          collector to tune itself for small physical memory.)
-#	   If your system supports shared libraries, but `configure' says
-#	   Mercury does not support shared libraries on this system,
-#	   contact us and we'll see if we can add support for shared libraries
-#	   on that system.
-#	   If Mercury does not support shared libraries on your system,
-#	   you may want to use the command `mmake install_split_library' to
-#	   build and install a version of the Mercury libraries using the
-#	   `--split-c-files' option to avoid linking in unused procedures.
-#	   This can reduce the size of a hello world executable from ~400k
-#	   to ~120k.  (The only reason this is not the default is that
-#	   installing the split libraries takes quite a long time.  As a
-#	   compromise, the command `mmake install_split_library LIBGRADES='
-#	   will install a split version of the library just for the
-#	   default grade.)
-#	   Efficiency will be much improved if Mercury can use gcc global
-#	   register variables.  Currently these are supported for
-#	   mips, hppa, sparc, alpha, rs6000, i386 and x86_64 architectures
-#	   (see runtime/regs.h and runtime/machdeps/*).
-#	   If you want to use Mercury on some other CPU, contact us and
-#	   we'll add support for gcc global registers for that CPU.
+#          If your system supports shared libraries, but `configure' says
+#          Mercury does not support shared libraries on this system,
+#          contact us and we'll see if we can add support for shared libraries
+#          on that system.
+#          Efficiency will be much improved if Mercury can use gcc global
+#          register variables.  Currently these are supported for
+#          mips, hppa, sparc, alpha, rs6000, i386 and x86_64 architectures
+#          (see runtime/regs.h and runtime/machdeps/*).
+#          If you want to use Mercury on some other CPU, contact us and
+#          we'll add support for gcc global registers for that CPU.
  # De-installation:
  # ----------------

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