[m-rev.] for post-commit review: colouring column groups

Paul Bone pbone at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Mon Aug 11 13:53:44 AEST 2008

On Wed, Aug 06, 2008 at 06:10:52PM +1000, Zoltan Somogyi wrote:
> For post-commit review by Paul.
> Zoltan.
> Implement the colouring of column groups.
> -:- type table_header_cell
> -    --->    table_header_cell(
> +:- type table_header_group
> +    --->    table_header_group(
>                  % The table contents.
> -                thc_contents    :: table_data,
> +                thg_titles      :: table_header_group_columns,
>                  % The class may be used by a layout to make decisions
>                  % about how to paint this column.
> -                thc_class       :: table_col_class
> -            )
> -    ;       table_header_group(
> -                thg_title       :: string,
> -                thg_subtitles   :: list(table_data),
> +                thg_class       :: table_column_class,
> -                % The class may be used by a layout to make decisions
> -                % about how to paint this column.
> -                thg_class       :: table_col_class
> +                thg_set_style   :: table_set_style
>              ).
> +:- type table_header_group_columns
> +    --->    table_header_group_single(
> +                % The header of the single column in the group.
> +                thsc_title      :: table_data
> +            )
> +    ;       table_header_group_multi(
> +                % The spanning header, which applies to all columns
> +                % in the group.
> +                thmc_title      :: string,
> +
> +                % The headers of the individual columns in the group.
> +                thmc_subtitles  :: list(table_data)
> +            ).
> +
> +:- type table_set_style
> +    --->    table_set_style
> +    ;       table_do_not_set_style.
> +

Should this be named table_column_set_style?  Please place a comment
here, or in the table_header_group type about what this does, for the
benefit of someone implementing htmlize_display or creating table data.

> -htmlize_display(Deep, display(MaybeSubTitle, Items)) = HTML :-
> +htmlize_display(Deep, Prefs, Display) = HTML :-
> +    Display = display(MaybeTitle, Items),
>      MainTitle = str_to_html("Mercury Deep Profile for ") ++
>          str_to_html(Deep ^ data_file_name),
>      (
> -        MaybeSubTitle = no,
> -        Title = MainTitle,
> +        MaybeTitle = no,
> +        HeadTitle = MainTitle,
>          HeadingHTML = empty_html
>      ;
> -        MaybeSubTitle = yes(Subtitle),
> -        SubTitleHTML = str_to_html(Subtitle),
> -        Title = MainTitle ++ str_to_html(" - ") ++ SubTitleHTML,
> -        HeadingHTML = wrap_tags("<h3>", "</h3>\n", SubTitleHTML)
> +        MaybeTitle = yes(Title),
> +        TitleHTML = str_to_html(Title),
> +        HeadTitle = MainTitle ++ str_to_html(" - ") ++ TitleHTML,
> +        HeadingHTML = wrap_tags("<h3>", "</h3>\n", TitleHTML)
>      ),
> -    TitleHTML = wrap_tags("<title>", "</title>\n", Title),
> +    HeadTitleHTML = wrap_tags("<title>", "</title>\n", HeadTitle),
> +
>      deep_to_http_context(Deep, HTTPContext),
> +    StyleControlMap0 = default_style_control_map,
>      map_join_html(item_to_html("<div>\n", "</div>\n", HTTPContext),
> -        Items, ItemsHTML),
> +        StyleControlMap0, StyleControlMap1, Items, ItemsHTML),
> +
> +    ColourScheme = Prefs ^ pref_colour,
> +    (
> +        ColourScheme = colour_column_groups,
> +        StyleControlMap = StyleControlMap1
> +    ;
> +        ColourScheme = colour_none,
> +        % Ignore the updates in StyleControlMap1. This works as long as
> +        % all such updates implement the colouring of column groups.

I'm concerned about this,  And I don't understand why the style is
created from the content.  The style should be chosen based on the
user's preferences.

> +        StyleControlMap = default_style_control_map
> +    ),
> +
> +    StyleHTML = css_style_html(StyleControlMap),
> +
>      HTML = doc_type_html ++
>          wrap_tags("<html>\n", "</html>\n",
> -            wrap_tags("<head>\n", "</head>\n", TitleHTML ++ css_style_html) ++
> +            wrap_tags("<head>\n", "</head>\n", HeadTitleHTML ++ StyleHTML) ++
>              wrap_tags("<body>\n", "</body>\n", HeadingHTML ++ ItemsHTML)
>          ).
> @@ -222,83 +241,45 @@
>          "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\"\n" ++
>          "\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd\">\n").
> -:- func css_style_html = html.
> +%-----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> +
> +:- func css_style_html(style_control_map) = html.
> -css_style_html =
> +css_style_html(StyleControlMap) = HTML :-
>      % XXX This ignores colour_column_groups. We should respect it,
>      % and process it either here, or when converting table columns to HTML.
> -    str_to_html("
> -        <style type=\"text/css\">
> -            td.allocations
> -            {
> -                text-align: right;
> -            }
> -            td.callseqs
> -            {
> -                text-align: right;
> -            }
> -            td.memory
> -            {
> -                text-align: right;
> -            }
> -            td.number
> -            {
> -                text-align: right;
> -            }
> -            td.ordinal_rank
> -            {
> -                text-align: right;
> -            }
> -            td.port_counts
> -            {
> -                text-align: right;
> -            }
> -            td.proc
> -            {
> -                text-align: left;
> -            }
> -            td.ticks_and_times
> -            {
> -                text-align: right;
> -            }
> -            a.control
> -            {
> -                margin: 5px;
> -                text-decoration: none;
> -            }
> -            table.plain
> -            {
> -                border-style: none;
> -            }
> -            table.boxed
> -            {
> -                border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px;
> -                border-spacing: 2px;
> -                border-style: outset outset outset outset;
> -            }
> -            table.boxed th
> -            {
> -                border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px;
> -                padding: 3px 3px 3px 3px;
> -                border-style: inset inset inset inset;
> -            }
> -            table.boxed td
> -            {
> -                border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px;
> -                padding: 3px 3px 3px 3px;
> -                border-style: inset inset inset inset;
> -            }
> -        </style>
> -").
> +    map.to_assoc_list(StyleControlMap, StyleControls),
> +    ControlHTMLs = list.map(style_control_to_html, StyleControls),
> +    ControlsHTML = append_htmls(ControlHTMLs),
> +    HTML = wrap_tags("<style type=\"text/css\">\n", "</style>\n",
> +        ControlsHTML).

This could probably be done using map.foldl, this will eliminate the
need to create the intermediate list.

> +
> +:- func style_control_to_html(pair(style_control, style_element_map)) = html.
> +
> +style_control_to_html(Control - StyleElementMap) = HTML :-
> +    Control = style_control(ControlName),
> +    StyleElements = map.to_assoc_list(StyleElementMap),
> +    ElementHTMLs = list.map(style_element_to_html, StyleElements),
> +    ElementsHTML = append_htmls(ElementHTMLs),
> +    StartFragment = string.format("\t%s\n\t{\n", [s(ControlName)]),
> +    EndFragment = "\t}\n",
> +    HTML = wrap_tags(StartFragment, EndFragment, ElementsHTML).
> +

wrap_tags isn't an appropriate name for this use of this function.  I
suggest renaming wrap_tags warp_string.  And creating a new wrap_tags
using wrap_string.

>  %-----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> -    % Determine how many rows the table header requires, and a map between
> -    % column numbers and classes. This should be used with foldl3 and
> -    % takes a number of accumulator values.
> +    % Determine how many rows the table header requires, and set up a map
> +    % from column numbers to classes. Update the style control map for
> +    % table header groups that specify table_set_style.
>      %
> -:- pred table_header_num_rows_and_classmap(table_header_cell::in,
> +    % This should be used with list.foldl5.
> +    %
> +:- pred table_header_num_rows_and_classmap(table_header_group::in,
>      table_header_rows::in, table_header_rows::out,
> -    int::in, int::out, col_class_map::in, col_class_map::out) is det.
> +    int::in, int::out, column_class_map::in, column_class_map::out,
> +    int::in, int::out, style_control_map::in, style_control_map::out) is det.
> -table_header_num_rows_and_classmap(Cell, !NumRows, !ColNum, !ClassMap) :-
> -    (
> -        Cell = table_header_cell(_, Class),
> -        table_col_class_to_string(Class, ClassStr),
> -        svmap.det_insert(!.ColNum, ClassStr, !ClassMap),
> -        NumSubCols = 1
> +table_header_num_rows_and_classmap(HeaderGroup, !NumRows, !ColumnNumber,
> +        !ClassMap, !HeaderGroupNumber, !StyleControlMap) :-
> +    HeaderGroup = table_header_group(ColumnTitles, ColumnClass, SetStyle),
> +    ColumnClassStr = table_column_class_to_string(ColumnClass),
> +    (
> +        ColumnTitles = table_header_group_single(_),
> +        NumSubCols = 1,
> +        svmap.det_insert(!.ColumnNumber, ColumnClassStr, !ClassMap)
>      ;
> -        Cell = table_header_group(_, Subtitles, Class),
> -        length(Subtitles, NumSubCols),
> +        ColumnTitles = table_header_group_multi(_, SubTitles),
> +        list.length(SubTitles, NumSubCols),
>          !:NumRows = two_header_rows,
> -        table_col_class_to_string(Class, ClassStr),
>          % fold_up is inclusive of the higher number.
> -        fold_up(insert_col_classmap(ClassStr),
> -            !.ColNum, !.ColNum + NumSubCols - 1, !ClassMap)
> +        int.fold_up(insert_column_into_classmap(ColumnClassStr),
> +            !.ColumnNumber, !.ColumnNumber + NumSubCols - 1, !ClassMap)
>      ),
> -    !:ColNum = !.ColNum + NumSubCols.
> -
> -%-----------------------------------------------------------------------------%
> +    (
> +        SetStyle = table_do_not_set_style
> +    ;
> +        SetStyle = table_set_style,
> +        update_style_control_map(ColumnClass, !.HeaderGroupNumber,
> +            !StyleControlMap),
> +        !:HeaderGroupNumber = !.HeaderGroupNumber + 1
> +    ),
> +    !:ColumnNumber = !.ColumnNumber + NumSubCols.
> -:- pred insert_col_classmap(string::in, int::in,
> -    col_class_map::in, col_class_map::out) is det.
> +:- pred insert_column_into_classmap(string::in, int::in,
> +    column_class_map::in, column_class_map::out) is det.
> -insert_col_classmap(Value, Key, !Map) :-
> +insert_column_into_classmap(Value, Key, !Map) :-
>      svmap.det_insert(Key, Value, !Map).
> +:- pred update_style_control_map(table_column_class::in, int::in,
> +    style_control_map::in, style_control_map::out) is det.
> +
> +update_style_control_map(ColumnClass, HeaderGroupNumber, !StyleControlMap) :-
> +    ColumnClassStr = table_column_class_to_string(ColumnClass),
> +    StyleControl = style_control("td." ++ ColumnClassStr),
> +    StyleElement = style_element("background"),
> +    ( HeaderGroupNumber /\ 1 = 0 ->
> +        Colour = "LightGrey"
> +    ;
> +        Colour = "White"
> +    ),

Rather than set the colour attribute in the style, this should set the
style.  This will increase the number of td styles, by creating a _odd and
a _even style for each existing style.`

> +    ( map.search(!.StyleControlMap, StyleControl, StyleElementMap0) ->
> +        map.set(StyleElementMap0, StyleElement, Colour, StyleElementMap),
> +        svmap.det_update(StyleControl, StyleElementMap, !StyleControlMap)
> +    ;
> +        map.det_insert(map.init, StyleElement, Colour, StyleElementMap),
> +        svmap.det_insert(StyleControl, StyleElementMap, !StyleControlMap)
> +    ).
> +

This code adds the restriction that the same style cannot be used for
two column groups.

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