[m-rev.] for post-commit review by anyone: fix bug #28

Zoltan Somogyi zs at csse.unimelb.edu.au
Mon Nov 19 17:34:56 AEDT 2007

Fix bug #28 in Mantis. The only substantive change is to code_info.m; the
changes to the other compiler modules are cosmetic only.

	Fix bug #28 in Mantis. The problem was with the code that generated the
	annotation giving the set of live lvalues at calls: it didn't delete
	from the set the registers used for passing dummy arguments, such as
	I/O states. A recursive call for an I/O predicate would thus compute
	the correct set of live lvalues at the start of the predicate body
	(in the case of the test case, {r1}), but the wrong set at the
	recursive call ((in the case of the test case, {r1,r2}, with r2
	being the register assigned to hold the I/O state argument). The bug
	was an abort caused by a sanity check looking for this kind of

	Make two predicates into functions to make them easier to use.

	Use those functions.

	Conform to the change to c_util.

	Delete unnecessary module qualifications.

	A regression test for this bug. It is in valid rather than hard_coded
	because it cannot be made executable without libraries that not all
	machines have, and which it would be inappropriate to add to the test
	suite itself.

	Enable the new test case.


cvs diff: Diffing .
cvs diff: Diffing analysis
cvs diff: Diffing bindist
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc
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cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/doc
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/gcc
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/hpc
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/ibmc
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/icc
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/msftc
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/src/atomic_ops/sysdeps/sunc
cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/libatomic_ops-1.2/tests
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cvs diff: Diffing boehm_gc/windows-untested/vc71
cvs diff: Diffing browser
cvs diff: Diffing bytecode
cvs diff: Diffing compiler
Index: compiler/c_util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/c_util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.38
diff -u -b -r1.38 c_util.m
--- compiler/c_util.m	9 Aug 2007 06:05:36 -0000	1.38
+++ compiler/c_util.m	19 Nov 2007 03:45:01 -0000
@@ -72,13 +72,13 @@
     % C string literal. This doesn't actually add the enclosing double quotes
     % -- that is the caller's responsibility.
-:- pred quote_string(string::in, string::out) is det.
+:- func quote_string(string) = string.
     % Convert a character to a form that is suitably escaped for use as a
     % C character literal. This doesn't actually add the enclosing single
     % quotes -- that is the caller's responsibility.
-:- pred quote_char(char::in, string::out) is det.
+:- func quote_char(char) = string.
@@ -261,14 +261,14 @@
 output_quoted_char(Char, !IO) :-
-    quote_char(Char, EscapedChars),
-    io.write_string(EscapedChars, !IO).
+    EscapedCharStr = quote_char(Char),
+    io.write_string(EscapedCharStr, !IO).
-quote_char(Char, QuotedChar) :-
-    quote_one_char(Char, [], RevQuotedChar),
-    string.from_rev_char_list(RevQuotedChar, QuotedChar).
+quote_char(Char) = QuotedCharStr :-
+    quote_one_char(Char, [], RevQuotedCharStr),
+    string.from_rev_char_list(RevQuotedCharStr, QuotedCharStr).
-quote_string(String, QuotedString) :-
+quote_string(String) = QuotedString :-
     string.foldl(quote_one_char, String, [], RevQuotedChars),
     string.from_rev_char_list(RevQuotedChars, QuotedString).
Index: compiler/code_info.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/code_info.m,v
retrieving revision 1.351
diff -u -b -r1.351 code_info.m
--- compiler/code_info.m	9 Oct 2007 07:59:45 -0000	1.351
+++ compiler/code_info.m	19 Nov 2007 04:14:21 -0000
@@ -3801,6 +3801,7 @@
     Detism = goal_info_get_determinism(GoalInfo),
     get_opt_no_return_calls(!.CI, OptNoReturnCalls),
     get_module_info(!.CI, ModuleInfo),
+    VarTypes = get_var_types(!.CI),
         Detism = detism_erroneous,
         OptNoReturnCalls = yes
@@ -3828,19 +3829,26 @@
             StackVarLocs = ForwardVarLocs
-        VarTypes = get_var_types(!.CI),
         list.filter(valid_stack_slot(ModuleInfo, VarTypes), StackVarLocs,
             RealStackVarLocs, DummyStackVarLocs)
     get_var_locn_info(!.CI, VarLocnInfo0),
-    var_arg_info_to_lval(InArgInfos, InArgLocs),
-    list.append(RealStackVarLocs, InArgLocs, AllRealLocs),
+    list.filter(key_var_is_of_dummy_type(ModuleInfo, VarTypes), InArgInfos,
+        _DummyInArgInfos, RealInArgInfos),
+    var_arg_info_to_lval(RealInArgInfos, RealInArgLocs),
+    list.append(RealStackVarLocs, RealInArgLocs, AllRealLocs),
     var_locn_place_vars(ModuleInfo, DummyStackVarLocs ++ AllRealLocs, Code,
         VarLocnInfo0, VarLocnInfo),
     set_var_locn_info(VarLocnInfo, !CI),
     assoc_list.values(AllRealLocs, LiveLocList),
     set.list_to_set(LiveLocList, LiveLocs).
+:- pred key_var_is_of_dummy_type(module_info::in, vartypes::in,
+    pair(prog_var, arg_info)::in) is semidet.
+key_var_is_of_dummy_type(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, Var - _ArgInfo) :-
+    var_is_of_dummy_type(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, Var).
 :- pred valid_stack_slot(module_info::in, vartypes::in,
     pair(prog_var, lval)::in) is semidet.
Index: compiler/jumpopt.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/jumpopt.m,v
retrieving revision 1.107
diff -u -b -r1.107 jumpopt.m
--- compiler/jumpopt.m	11 Oct 2007 11:45:17 -0000	1.107
+++ compiler/jumpopt.m	19 Nov 2007 03:45:01 -0000
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
                 MayAlterRtti = may_alter_rtti,
                 not set.member(RetLabel, LayoutLabels)
-                jumpopt.final_dest(Instrmap, RetLabel, DestLabel,
+                final_dest(Instrmap, RetLabel, DestLabel,
                     RetInstr, _DestInstr),
                 ( RetLabel = DestLabel ->
                     NewInstrs = [Instr0]
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@
                 % Replace a jump to a det epilog with the epilog.
                 map.search(Procmap, TargetLabel, Between0)
-                jumpopt.adjust_livevals(PrevInstr, Between0, Between),
+                adjust_livevals(PrevInstr, Between0, Between),
                 NewInstrs = Between ++
                     [llds_instr(goto(code_succip), "shortcircuit")],
                 NewRemain = specified(NewInstrs, Instrs0)
@@ -432,7 +432,7 @@
                 % Replace a jump to a semidet epilog with the epilog.
                 map.search(Sdprocmap, TargetLabel, Between0)
-                jumpopt.adjust_livevals(PrevInstr, Between0, Between),
+                adjust_livevals(PrevInstr, Between0, Between),
                 NewInstrs = Between ++
                     [llds_instr(goto(code_succip), "shortcircuit")],
                 NewRemain = specified(NewInstrs, Instrs0)
@@ -440,7 +440,7 @@
                 % Replace a jump to a nondet epilog with the epilog.
                 map.search(Succmap, TargetLabel, BetweenIncl0)
-                jumpopt.adjust_livevals(PrevInstr, BetweenIncl0, NewInstrs),
+                adjust_livevals(PrevInstr, BetweenIncl0, NewInstrs),
                 NewRemain = specified(NewInstrs, Instrs0)
                 % Replace a jump to a non-epilog block with the
@@ -459,13 +459,13 @@
                 % are short-circuited everywhere.
                 Fulljumpopt = yes,
                 map.search(Instrmap, TargetLabel, TargetInstr),
-                jumpopt.final_dest(Instrmap, TargetLabel, DestLabel,
+                final_dest(Instrmap, TargetLabel, DestLabel,
                     TargetInstr, _DestInstr),
                 map.search(Blockmap, DestLabel, Block),
                 block_may_be_duplicated(Block) = yes
                 opt_util.filter_out_labels(Block, FilteredBlock),
-                jumpopt.adjust_livevals(PrevInstr, FilteredBlock,
+                adjust_livevals(PrevInstr, FilteredBlock,
                 % Block may end with a goto to DestLabel. We avoid
                 % infinite expansion in such cases by removing
@@ -481,7 +481,7 @@
                 % Short-circuit the goto.
                 map.search(Instrmap, TargetLabel, TargetInstr)
-                jumpopt.final_dest(Instrmap, TargetLabel, DestLabel,
+                final_dest(Instrmap, TargetLabel, DestLabel,
                     TargetInstr, DestInstr),
                 DestInstr = llds_instr(UdestInstr, _Destcomment),
                 Shorted = "shortcircuited jump: " ++ Comment0,
@@ -499,8 +499,8 @@
                 ( map.search(Lvalmap, DestLabel, yes(Lvalinstr)) ->
-                    jumpopt.adjust_livevals(PrevInstr,
-                        [Lvalinstr | NewInstrs0], NewInstrs)
+                    adjust_livevals(PrevInstr, [Lvalinstr | NewInstrs0],
+                        NewInstrs)
                     NewInstrs = NewInstrs0
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@
         Uinstr0 = computed_goto(Index, LabelList0),
         % Short-circuit all the destination labels.
-        jumpopt.short_labels(Instrmap, LabelList0, LabelList),
+        short_labels(Instrmap, LabelList0, LabelList),
         ( LabelList = LabelList0 ->
             NewRemain = usual_case
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@
                 map.search(Instrmap, TargetLabel, TargetInstr)
-                jumpopt.final_dest(Instrmap, TargetLabel, DestLabel,
+                final_dest(Instrmap, TargetLabel, DestLabel,
                     TargetInstr, _DestInstr),
                     % Attempt to transform code such as
@@ -683,7 +683,7 @@
         Uinstr0 = assign(Lval, Rval0),
         % Any labels mentioned in Rval0 should be short-circuited.
-        jumpopt.short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval),
+        short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval),
         ( Rval = Rval0 ->
             NewRemain = usual_case
@@ -694,7 +694,7 @@
         Uinstr0 = keep_assign(Lval, Rval0),
         % Any labels mentioned in Rval0 should be short-circuited.
-        jumpopt.short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval),
+        short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval),
         ( Rval = Rval0 ->
             NewRemain = usual_case
@@ -705,7 +705,7 @@
         Uinstr0 = mkframe(FrameInfo, Redoip),
         ( Redoip = yes(code_label(Label0)) ->
-            jumpopt.short_label(Instrmap, Label0, Label),
+            short_label(Instrmap, Label0, Label),
             ( Label = Label0 ->
                 NewRemain = usual_case
@@ -898,24 +898,23 @@
 :- func redirect_comment(string) = string.
-redirect_comment(Comment0) = string.append(Comment0, " (redirected return)").
-% We avoid generating statements that redefine the value of a location
-% by comparing its old contents for non-equality with zero.
-% The reason is that code such as r1 = !r1 causes gcc 2.7 on SPARCs to
-% abort with an internal error.
-% Apparently this is the only place where the Mercury compiler generates
-% assignments like that, otherwise we might need a more general work-around
-% that worked for code generated by other parts of the compiler as well.
-% (It is likely that the problem would occur if bool_not was ever inlined
-% into a procedure where the value being complemented was already known to
-% be false.)
+redirect_comment(Comment) = Comment ++ " (redirected return)".
-:- pred needs_workaround(lval, rval).
-:- mode needs_workaround(in, in) is semidet.
+    % We avoid generating statements that redefine the value of a location
+    % by comparing its old contents for non-equality with zero.
+    %
+    % The reason is that code such as r1 = !r1 causes gcc 2.7 on SPARCs to
+    % abort with an internal error.
+    %
+    % Apparently this is the only place where the Mercury compiler generates
+    % assignments like that, otherwise we might need a more general work-around
+    % that worked for code generated by other parts of the compiler as well.
+    %
+    % (It is likely that the problem would occur if bool_not was ever inlined
+    % into a procedure where the value being complemented was already known to
+    % be false.)
+    %
+:- pred needs_workaround(lval::in, rval::in) is semidet.
 needs_workaround(Lval, Cond) :-
@@ -936,10 +935,10 @@
-:- pred jumpopt.adjust_livevals(instr::in, list(instruction)::in,
+:- pred adjust_livevals(instr::in, list(instruction)::in,
     list(instruction)::out) is det.
-jumpopt.adjust_livevals(PrevInstr, Instrs0, Instrs) :-
+adjust_livevals(PrevInstr, Instrs0, Instrs) :-
         PrevInstr = livevals(PrevLivevals),
         opt_util.skip_comments(Instrs0, Instrs1),
@@ -960,39 +959,37 @@
     % Short-circuit the given label by following any gotos at the
     % labelled instruction or by falling through consecutive labels.
-:- pred jumpopt.short_label(instrmap::in, label::in, label::out) is det.
+:- pred short_label(instrmap::in, label::in, label::out) is det.
-jumpopt.short_label(Instrmap, Label0, Label) :-
+short_label(Instrmap, Label0, Label) :-
     ( map.search(Instrmap, Label0, Instr0) ->
-        jumpopt.final_dest(Instrmap, Label0, Label, Instr0, _Instr)
+        final_dest(Instrmap, Label0, Label, Instr0, _Instr)
         Label = Label0
-:- pred jumpopt.short_labels(instrmap::in, list(label)::in, list(label)::out)
-    is det.
+:- pred short_labels(instrmap::in, list(label)::in, list(label)::out) is det.
-jumpopt.short_labels(_Instrmap, [], []).
-jumpopt.short_labels(Instrmap, [Label0 | Labels0], [Label | Labels]) :-
-    jumpopt.short_label(Instrmap, Label0, Label),
-    jumpopt.short_labels(Instrmap, Labels0, Labels).
+short_labels(_Instrmap, [], []).
+short_labels(Instrmap, [Label0 | Labels0], [Label | Labels]) :-
+    short_label(Instrmap, Label0, Label),
+    short_labels(Instrmap, Labels0, Labels).
     % Find the final destination of a given instruction at a given label.
     % We follow gotos as well as consecutive labels.
-:- pred jumpopt.final_dest(instrmap::in, label::in, label::out,
-    instruction::in, instruction::out) is det.
+:- pred final_dest(instrmap::in, label::in, label::out, instruction::in,
+    instruction::out) is det.
-jumpopt.final_dest(Instrmap, SrcLabel, DestLabel, SrcInstr, DestInstr) :-
-    jumpopt.final_dest_2(Instrmap, [], SrcLabel, DestLabel,
-        SrcInstr, DestInstr).
+final_dest(Instrmap, SrcLabel, DestLabel, SrcInstr, DestInstr) :-
+    final_dest_2(Instrmap, [], SrcLabel, DestLabel, SrcInstr, DestInstr).
-:- pred jumpopt.final_dest_2(instrmap::in, list(label)::in,
+:- pred final_dest_2(instrmap::in, list(label)::in,
     label::in, label::out, instruction::in, instruction::out) is det.
-jumpopt.final_dest_2(Instrmap, LabelsSofar, SrcLabel, DestLabel,
+final_dest_2(Instrmap, LabelsSofar, SrcLabel, DestLabel,
         SrcInstr, DestInstr) :-
         SrcInstr = llds_instr(SrcUinstr, _Comment),
@@ -1004,7 +1001,7 @@
         map.search(Instrmap, TargetLabel, TargetInstr),
         \+ list.member(SrcLabel, LabelsSofar)
-        jumpopt.final_dest_2(Instrmap, [SrcLabel | LabelsSofar],
+        final_dest_2(Instrmap, [SrcLabel | LabelsSofar],
             TargetLabel, DestLabel, TargetInstr, DestInstr)
         DestLabel = SrcLabel,
@@ -1013,99 +1010,98 @@
-:- pred jumpopt.short_labels_rval(instrmap::in, rval::in, rval::out) is det.
+:- pred short_labels_rval(instrmap::in, rval::in, rval::out) is det.
-jumpopt.short_labels_rval(Instrmap, lval(Lval0), lval(Lval)) :-
-    jumpopt.short_labels_lval(Instrmap, Lval0, Lval).
-jumpopt.short_labels_rval(_, var(_), _) :-
+short_labels_rval(Instrmap, lval(Lval0), lval(Lval)) :-
+    short_labels_lval(Instrmap, Lval0, Lval).
+short_labels_rval(_, var(_), _) :-
     unexpected(this_file, "var rval in short_labels_rval").
-jumpopt.short_labels_rval(Instrmap, mkword(Tag, Rval0), mkword(Tag, Rval)) :-
-    jumpopt.short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval).
-jumpopt.short_labels_rval(Instrmap, const(Const0), const(Const)) :-
-    jumpopt.short_labels_const(Instrmap, Const0, Const).
-jumpopt.short_labels_rval(Instrmap, unop(Op, Rval0), unop(Op, Rval)) :-
-    jumpopt.short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval).
-jumpopt.short_labels_rval(Instrmap, binop(Op, LRval0, RRval0),
+short_labels_rval(Instrmap, mkword(Tag, Rval0), mkword(Tag, Rval)) :-
+    short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval).
+short_labels_rval(Instrmap, const(Const0), const(Const)) :-
+    short_labels_const(Instrmap, Const0, Const).
+short_labels_rval(Instrmap, unop(Op, Rval0), unop(Op, Rval)) :-
+    short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval).
+short_labels_rval(Instrmap, binop(Op, LRval0, RRval0),
         binop(Op, LRval, RRval)) :-
-    jumpopt.short_labels_rval(Instrmap, LRval0, LRval),
-    jumpopt.short_labels_rval(Instrmap, RRval0, RRval).
-jumpopt.short_labels_rval(_, mem_addr(MemRef), mem_addr(MemRef)).
+    short_labels_rval(Instrmap, LRval0, LRval),
+    short_labels_rval(Instrmap, RRval0, RRval).
+short_labels_rval(_, mem_addr(MemRef), mem_addr(MemRef)).
-:- pred jumpopt.short_labels_const(instrmap::in,
+:- pred short_labels_const(instrmap::in,
     rval_const::in, rval_const::out) is det.
-jumpopt.short_labels_const(_, llconst_true, llconst_true).
-jumpopt.short_labels_const(_, llconst_false, llconst_false).
-jumpopt.short_labels_const(_, llconst_int(I), llconst_int(I)).
-jumpopt.short_labels_const(_, llconst_foreign(V, T), llconst_foreign(V, T)).
-jumpopt.short_labels_const(_, llconst_float(F), llconst_float(F)).
-jumpopt.short_labels_const(_, llconst_string(S), llconst_string(S)).
-jumpopt.short_labels_const(_, llconst_multi_string(S),
-        llconst_multi_string(S)).
-jumpopt.short_labels_const(Instrmap, llconst_code_addr(CodeAddr0),
+short_labels_const(_, llconst_true, llconst_true).
+short_labels_const(_, llconst_false, llconst_false).
+short_labels_const(_, llconst_int(I), llconst_int(I)).
+short_labels_const(_, llconst_foreign(V, T), llconst_foreign(V, T)).
+short_labels_const(_, llconst_float(F), llconst_float(F)).
+short_labels_const(_, llconst_string(S), llconst_string(S)).
+short_labels_const(_, llconst_multi_string(S), llconst_multi_string(S)).
+short_labels_const(Instrmap, llconst_code_addr(CodeAddr0),
         llconst_code_addr(CodeAddr)) :-
     ( CodeAddr0 = code_label(Label0) ->
-        jumpopt.short_label(Instrmap, Label0, Label),
+        short_label(Instrmap, Label0, Label),
         CodeAddr = code_label(Label)
         CodeAddr = CodeAddr0
-jumpopt.short_labels_const(_, llconst_data_addr(D, O),
+short_labels_const(_, llconst_data_addr(D, O),
         llconst_data_addr(D, O)).
-:- pred jumpopt.short_labels_maybe_rvals(instrmap::in, list(maybe(rval))::in,
+:- pred short_labels_maybe_rvals(instrmap::in, list(maybe(rval))::in,
     list(maybe(rval))::out) is det.
-jumpopt.short_labels_maybe_rvals(_, [], []).
-jumpopt.short_labels_maybe_rvals(Instrmap, [MaybeRval0 | MaybeRvals0],
+short_labels_maybe_rvals(_, [], []).
+short_labels_maybe_rvals(Instrmap, [MaybeRval0 | MaybeRvals0],
         [MaybeRval | MaybeRvals]) :-
-    jumpopt.short_labels_maybe_rval(Instrmap, MaybeRval0, MaybeRval),
-    jumpopt.short_labels_maybe_rvals(Instrmap, MaybeRvals0, MaybeRvals).
+    short_labels_maybe_rval(Instrmap, MaybeRval0, MaybeRval),
+    short_labels_maybe_rvals(Instrmap, MaybeRvals0, MaybeRvals).
-:- pred jumpopt.short_labels_maybe_rval(instrmap::in,
+:- pred short_labels_maybe_rval(instrmap::in,
     maybe(rval)::in, maybe(rval)::out) is det.
-jumpopt.short_labels_maybe_rval(Instrmap, MaybeRval0, MaybeRval) :-
+short_labels_maybe_rval(Instrmap, MaybeRval0, MaybeRval) :-
         MaybeRval0 = no,
         MaybeRval = no
         MaybeRval0 = yes(Rval0),
-        jumpopt.short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval),
+        short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval),
         MaybeRval = yes(Rval)
-:- pred jumpopt.short_labels_lval(instrmap::in, lval::in, lval::out) is det.
+:- pred short_labels_lval(instrmap::in, lval::in, lval::out) is det.
-jumpopt.short_labels_lval(_, reg(T, N), reg(T, N)).
-jumpopt.short_labels_lval(_, succip, succip).
-jumpopt.short_labels_lval(_, maxfr, maxfr).
-jumpopt.short_labels_lval(_, curfr, curfr).
-jumpopt.short_labels_lval(_, hp, hp).
-jumpopt.short_labels_lval(_, sp, sp).
-jumpopt.short_labels_lval(_, parent_sp, parent_sp).
-jumpopt.short_labels_lval(_, temp(T, N), temp(T, N)).
-jumpopt.short_labels_lval(_, stackvar(N), stackvar(N)).
-jumpopt.short_labels_lval(_, parent_stackvar(N), parent_stackvar(N)).
-jumpopt.short_labels_lval(_, framevar(N), framevar(N)).
-jumpopt.short_labels_lval(_, global_var_ref(Var), global_var_ref(Var)).
-jumpopt.short_labels_lval(Instrmap, succip_slot(Rval0), succip_slot(Rval)) :-
-    jumpopt.short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval).
-jumpopt.short_labels_lval(Instrmap, redoip_slot(Rval0), redoip_slot(Rval)) :-
-    jumpopt.short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval).
-jumpopt.short_labels_lval(Instrmap, redofr_slot(Rval0), redofr_slot(Rval)) :-
-    jumpopt.short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval).
-jumpopt.short_labels_lval(Instrmap, succfr_slot(Rval0), succfr_slot(Rval)) :-
-    jumpopt.short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval).
-jumpopt.short_labels_lval(Instrmap, prevfr_slot(Rval0), prevfr_slot(Rval)) :-
-    jumpopt.short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval).
-jumpopt.short_labels_lval(Instrmap, field(Tag, Rval0, Field0),
+short_labels_lval(_, reg(T, N), reg(T, N)).
+short_labels_lval(_, succip, succip).
+short_labels_lval(_, maxfr, maxfr).
+short_labels_lval(_, curfr, curfr).
+short_labels_lval(_, hp, hp).
+short_labels_lval(_, sp, sp).
+short_labels_lval(_, parent_sp, parent_sp).
+short_labels_lval(_, temp(T, N), temp(T, N)).
+short_labels_lval(_, stackvar(N), stackvar(N)).
+short_labels_lval(_, parent_stackvar(N), parent_stackvar(N)).
+short_labels_lval(_, framevar(N), framevar(N)).
+short_labels_lval(_, global_var_ref(Var), global_var_ref(Var)).
+short_labels_lval(Instrmap, succip_slot(Rval0), succip_slot(Rval)) :-
+    short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval).
+short_labels_lval(Instrmap, redoip_slot(Rval0), redoip_slot(Rval)) :-
+    short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval).
+short_labels_lval(Instrmap, redofr_slot(Rval0), redofr_slot(Rval)) :-
+    short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval).
+short_labels_lval(Instrmap, succfr_slot(Rval0), succfr_slot(Rval)) :-
+    short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval).
+short_labels_lval(Instrmap, prevfr_slot(Rval0), prevfr_slot(Rval)) :-
+    short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval).
+short_labels_lval(Instrmap, field(Tag, Rval0, Field0),
         field(Tag, Rval, Field)) :-
-    jumpopt.short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval),
-    jumpopt.short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Field0, Field).
-jumpopt.short_labels_lval(Instrmap, mem_ref(Rval0), mem_ref(Rval)) :-
-    jumpopt.short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval).
-jumpopt.short_labels_lval(_, lvar(_), _) :-
+    short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval),
+    short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Field0, Field).
+short_labels_lval(Instrmap, mem_ref(Rval0), mem_ref(Rval)) :-
+    short_labels_rval(Instrmap, Rval0, Rval).
+short_labels_lval(_, lvar(_), _) :-
     unexpected(this_file, "lvar lval in short_labels_lval").
 :- pred short_foreign_proc_component(instrmap::in,
Index: compiler/ml_code_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ml_code_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.205
diff -u -b -r1.205 ml_code_gen.m
--- compiler/ml_code_gen.m	21 Aug 2007 15:50:40 -0000	1.205
+++ compiler/ml_code_gen.m	19 Nov 2007 03:45:02 -0000
@@ -3057,7 +3057,7 @@
         module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
         Name = pred_info_name(PredInfo),
-        c_util.quote_string(Name, MangledName),
+        MangledName = c_util.quote_string(Name),
             MangledName, """);\n"], ObtainLock),
Index: compiler/opt_debug.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/opt_debug.m,v
retrieving revision 1.199
diff -u -b -r1.199 opt_debug.m
--- compiler/opt_debug.m	11 Oct 2007 11:45:19 -0000	1.199
+++ compiler/opt_debug.m	19 Nov 2007 03:45:02 -0000
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@
 dump_const(_, llconst_float(F)) =
 dump_const(_, llconst_string(S)) =
-    """" ++ S ++ """".
+    """" ++ quote_string(S) ++ """".
 dump_const(_, llconst_multi_string(_S)) =
 dump_const(MaybeProcLabel, llconst_code_addr(CodeAddr)) =
Index: compiler/pragma_c_gen.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/pragma_c_gen.m,v
retrieving revision 1.108
diff -u -b -r1.108 pragma_c_gen.m
--- compiler/pragma_c_gen.m	13 Aug 2007 01:27:45 -0000	1.108
+++ compiler/pragma_c_gen.m	19 Nov 2007 03:45:02 -0000
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@
         ThreadSafe = proc_not_thread_safe,
         module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
         Name = pred_info_name(PredInfo),
-        c_util.quote_string(Name, MangledName),
+        MangledName = c_util.quote_string(Name),
         ObtainLockStr = "\tMR_OBTAIN_GLOBAL_LOCK("""
             ++ MangledName ++ """);\n",
         ObtainLock = foreign_proc_raw_code(cannot_branch_away,
cvs diff: Diffing compiler/notes
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cvs diff: Diffing extras/curses/sample
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cvs diff: Diffing tests/tabling
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cvs diff: Diffing tests/valid
Index: tests/valid/Mmakefile
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/tests/valid/Mmakefile,v
retrieving revision 1.200
diff -u -b -r1.200 Mmakefile
--- tests/valid/Mmakefile	1 Nov 2007 01:07:26 -0000	1.200
+++ tests/valid/Mmakefile	19 Nov 2007 04:19:18 -0000
@@ -210,6 +210,7 @@
 	switches \
 	tabled_for_io \
 	tabled_io \
+	testxmlreader \
 	trace_goal_reorder \
 	transitive_instance \
 	tricky_assert2 \
Index: tests/valid/testxmlreader.m
RCS file: tests/valid/testxmlreader.m
diff -N tests/valid/testxmlreader.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ tests/valid/testxmlreader.m	19 Nov 2007 04:19:38 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+% vim: ts=4 sw=4 et ft=mercury
+% This is a regression test for bug #28 in Mantis.
+:- module testxmlreader.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module list, maybe, require, string, int.
+:- import_module xmlreader.
+main(!IO) :-
+    io.command_line_arguments(Args, !IO),
+    ( Args = [TFN] ->
+        FN = TFN
+    ;
+        error("usage: testxmlreader file.xml")
+    ),
+    xmlreader.open_file(FN, MayR, !IO),
+    (
+        MayR = yes(R),
+        dump_all_and_close(R, !IO)
+    ;
+        MayR = no,
+        error("Cannot read '" ++ FN ++ "'.")
+    ).
+:- pred dump_all_and_close(xmlreader::di, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+dump_all_and_close(R, !IO) :-
+    read(E, R, R2),
+    (
+        E = eof,
+        close_reader(R2, !IO)
+    ;
+        E = error(Err),
+        close_reader(R2, !IO),
+        error("Parsing error: "++int_to_string(Err))
+    ;
+        E = node(D, T, N, Empty, MV),
+        (
+            MV = yes(V),
+            ( length(V) > 40 ->
+                UseV = string.left(V, 40)
+            ;
+                UseV = V
+            )
+        ;
+            MV = no,
+            UseV = ""
+        ),
+        io.format("%d %d %s %s %s\n",
+            [i(D), i(T), s(N), s(string(Empty)), s(UseV)], !IO),
+        dump_all_and_close(R2, !IO),
+        % io.write_string("", !IO), % prevent tail recursion
+        true
+    ).
Index: tests/valid/xmlreader.m
RCS file: tests/valid/xmlreader.m
diff -N tests/valid/xmlreader.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ tests/valid/xmlreader.m	19 Nov 2007 06:16:09 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+% vim: ts=4 sw=4 et ft=mercury
+:- module xmlreader.
+% Binding to xmlReader by Daniel Veillard
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- import_module maybe, string, bool.
+:- type xmlreader.
+:- pred open_file(string::in, maybe(xmlreader)::uo, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- pred close_reader(xmlreader::di, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- type evt
+    --->    node(
+                depth       :: int,
+                nodetype    :: int,
+                name        :: string,
+                is_empty    :: bool,
+                value       :: maybe(string)
+            )
+    ;       error(int)
+    ;       eof.
+:- pred read(evt::out, xmlreader::di, xmlreader::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- pragma foreign_decl(c, "
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <libxml/xmlreader.h>
+:- pragma foreign_type("C", xmlreader, "xmlTextReaderPtr",
+    [can_pass_as_mercury_type]).
+:- initialise c_init_xml_reader/2.
+:- pred c_init_xml_reader(io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- pragma foreign_proc(c,
+    c_init_xml_reader(IIO::di, OIO::uo),
+    [promise_pure, will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
+    /*
+    ** this initialize the library and check potential ABI mismatches
+    ** between the version it was compiled for and the actual shared
+    ** library used.
+    */
+    MR_update_io(IIO, OIO);
+open_file(FN, MayReader, !IO) :-
+    c_open_file(FN, OK, Rdr, !IO),
+    ( OK = yes ->
+        MayReader = unsafe_promise_unique(yes(Rdr))
+    ;
+        MayReader = unsafe_promise_unique(no)
+    ).
+:- pred c_open_file(string::in, bool::out, xmlreader::out,
+    io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- pragma foreign_proc(c,
+    c_open_file(FN::in, OK::out, Rdr::out, IIO::di, OIO::uo),
+    [promise_pure, will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
+    /*
+    Rdr = xmlReaderForFile(FN, NULL, 0);
+    */
+    if (Rdr == NULL) {
+        OK = 0;
+    } else {
+        OK = 1;
+    }
+    MR_update_io(IIO, OIO);
+:- pragma foreign_proc(c,
+    close_reader(Rdr::di, IIO::di, OIO::uo),
+    [promise_pure, will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
+    /*
+    xmlFreeTextReader(Rdr);
+    */
+    MR_update_io(IIO, OIO);
+read(Evt, !Rdr) :-
+    c_read(Ret, !Rdr),
+    ( Ret = 1 ->
+        c_get(Depth, NodeType, Name, Empty, GotVal, Val, !Rdr),
+        ( GotVal = yes ->
+            MayVal = yes(Val)
+        ;
+            MayVal = no
+        ),
+        Evt = node(Depth, NodeType, Name, Empty, MayVal)
+    ; Ret = 0 ->
+        Evt = eof
+    ;
+        Evt = error(Ret)
+    ).
+:- pred c_read(int::out, xmlreader::di, xmlreader::uo) is det.
+:- pragma foreign_proc(c,
+    c_read(Ret::out, IRdr::di, ORdr::uo),
+    [promise_pure, will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
+    /*
+    Ret = xmlTextReaderRead(IRdr);
+    */
+    ORdr = IRdr;
+:- pred c_get(int::out, int::out, string::out, bool::out,
+    bool::out, string::out, xmlreader::di, xmlreader::uo) is det.
+:- pragma foreign_proc(c,
+    c_get(Depth::out, NodeType::out, Name::out, Empty::out, GotVal::out,
+        Val::out, IRdr::di, ORdr::uo),
+    [promise_pure, will_not_call_mercury, thread_safe],
+    /*
+    Name = xmlTextReaderConstName(IRdr);
+    if (Name == NULL)
+        Name = BAD_CAST ""--"";
+    Val = xmlTextReaderConstValue(IRdr);
+    Depth = xmlTextReaderDepth(IRdr);
+    NodeType = xmlTextReaderNodeType(IRdr);
+    Empty = xmlTextReaderIsEmptyElement(IRdr);
+    GotVal = xmlTextReaderHasValue(IRdr);
+    ORdr = IRdr;
+    */
cvs diff: Diffing tests/warnings
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