[m-rev.] for review: [CTGC] direct structure reuse analysis (1/2)

Nancy Mazur Nancy.Mazur at cs.kuleuven.ac.be
Thu Apr 27 20:24:00 AEST 2006


Here is a big chunk from the structure reuse analysis: the direct reuse

Still missing (mainly): 
	- (structure reuse) indirect reuse analysis;
	- (structure reuse) the definition of the public representation for
	  reuse conditions and manipulating, printing and whatever operations
	  needed on that representation;
	- generating/loading structure reuse pragma's (trans_opt);
	- (structure sharing) pre-annotating foreign code with structure
	  sharing information; 
There are quite some "XXX"s. But I'd like to be able to submit all this
material before going on. 

Anybody in for reviewing this? 


Estimated hours taken: 20
Branches: main

Provide the direct reuse analysis part of the structure reuse analysis (which
itself is part of the CTGC system). 

	Additional predicates.

	Add structure reuse module.

	Add new options "structure_reuse_analysis" and related ones.

	Add dump option "R" to dump structure reuse related information
	in the hlds_dump files.

	Types to record structure reuse information at the level of each 
	Additional "case_get_goal" function to extract the goal from an case.

	Add structure reuse analysis as a new compiler stage.

	The top level analysis predicates. 

	Direct reuse analysis is split into 2 steps: determining when and how
	data structures become garbage, and then choosing how these dead 
	data structures might best be reused. 

	The abstract domain for keeping track of reuse conditions, the main
	domain in the structure reuse analysis. 

	To determine whether data structures become dead or not, one needs to 
	know which variables in a goal are needed with respect to forward 
	execution (lfu = local forward use), and backward execution, i.e. 
	backtracking (lbu = local backward use). These two modules provide
	the necessary functionality to pre-annotate the goals with lfu and
	lbu information.

	Remove the structure sharing table from the interface of the analysis
	predicate in structure_sharing.analysis.m;
	Move predicates to structure_sharing.domain.m so that they become 
	more easily accessible for the structure_reuse modules.

Index: compiler/ctgc.datastruct.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ctgc.datastruct.m,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -d -r1.5 ctgc.datastruct.m
--- compiler/ctgc.datastruct.m	27 Mar 2006 09:36:04 -0000	1.5
+++ compiler/ctgc.datastruct.m	27 Apr 2006 09:29:45 -0000
@@ -55,8 +55,8 @@
     % Normalize the representation of the datastructure using its
     % type information.
-:- pred normalize_datastruct_with_type_information(module_info::in, mer_type::in,
-    datastruct::in, datastruct::out) is det.
+:- pred normalize_datastruct_with_type_information(module_info::in, 
+    mer_type::in, datastruct::in, datastruct::out) is det.
 :- func normalize_datastruct_with_type_information(module_info, mer_type,
     datastruct) = datastruct.
@@ -66,11 +66,15 @@
     datastruct::in, datastruct::in) is semidet.
 :- pred datastruct_subsumed_by_list(module_info::in, proc_info::in,
     datastruct::in, list(datastruct)::in) is semidet.
+:- pred datastructs_subsumed_by_list(module_info::in, proc_info::in,
+    list(datastruct)::in, list(datastruct)::in) is semidet.
 :- pred datastruct_apply_widening(module_info::in, proc_info::in,
     datastruct::in, datastruct::out) is det.
+:- func datastructs_project(list(prog_var), 
+    list(datastruct)) = list(datastruct).
 :- implementation.
@@ -133,6 +137,17 @@
         datastruct_subsumed_by_list(ModuleInfo, ProcInfo, Data0, Rest)
+datastructs_subsumed_by_list(ModuleInfo, ProcInfo, PerhapsSubsumedData, 
+        Data) :- 
+    list.takewhile(datastructs_subsume_datastruct(ModuleInfo, ProcInfo, Data), 
+        PerhapsSubsumedData, _, NotSubsumed), 
+    NotSubsumed = [].
+:- pred datastructs_subsume_datastruct(module_info::in, proc_info::in, 
+    list(datastruct)::in, datastruct::in) is semidet.
+datastructs_subsume_datastruct(ModuleInfo, ProcInfo, Datastructs, Data):- 
+    datastruct_subsumed_by_list(ModuleInfo, ProcInfo, Data, Datastructs).
 datastruct_apply_widening(ModuleInfo, ProcInfo, !Data) :-
     Var = !.Data ^ sc_var,
     Sel0 = !.Data ^ sc_selector,
@@ -140,6 +155,12 @@
     map.lookup(VarTypes, Var, Type),
     selector_apply_widening(ModuleInfo, Type, Sel0, Sel),
     !:Data = datastruct_init_with_selector(Var, Sel).
+datastructs_project(Vars, DataIn) = 
+    list__filter(
+        pred(Data::in) is semidet :-
+          (list__member(Data^sc_var, Vars)),
+        DataIn).
 :- end_module transform_hlds.ctgc.datastruct.
Index: compiler/ctgc.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ctgc.m,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.4 ctgc.m
--- compiler/ctgc.m	1 Mar 2006 03:21:19 -0000	1.4
+++ compiler/ctgc.m	27 Apr 2006 09:29:45 -0000
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
 :- include_module fixpoint_table.
 :- include_module selector.
 :- include_module structure_sharing.
+:- include_module structure_reuse.
 :- include_module util.
 :- end_module transform_hlds.ctgc.
Index: compiler/ctgc.util.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/ctgc.util.m,v
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.4 ctgc.util.m
--- compiler/ctgc.util.m	27 Mar 2006 09:36:04 -0000	1.4
+++ compiler/ctgc.util.m	27 Apr 2006 09:29:45 -0000
@@ -31,35 +31,41 @@
 :- pred preds_requiring_no_analysis(module_info::in, list(pred_proc_id)::in)
     is semidet.
+:- pred pred_requires_no_analysis(module_info::in, pred_id::in) is semidet.
+:- pred pred_requires_analysis(module_info::in, pred_id::in) is semidet.
 :- implementation.
 :- import_module bool.
+:- import_module list.
 :- import_module map.
-preds_requiring_no_analysis(ModuleInfo, PPIds) :-
+pred_requires_no_analysis(ModuleInfo, PredId) :- 
     module_info_get_special_pred_map(ModuleInfo, SpecialPredMap),
     map.values(SpecialPredMap, SpecialPreds),
-        list.filter(pred_id_in(SpecialPreds), PPIds, SpecialPredProcs),
-        SpecialPredProcs = [_|_]
-    ;
-        % or some of the predicates are not defined in this
-        % module.
-        list.filter(not_defined_in_this_module(ModuleInfo),
-            PPIds, FilteredPPIds),
-        FilteredPPIds = [_|_]
+        list.member(PredId, SpecialPreds)
+    ;   
+        module_info_pred_info(ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo),
+        pred_info_get_import_status(PredInfo, Status),
+        status_defined_in_this_module(Status, no)
-:- pred pred_id_in(list(pred_id)::in, pred_proc_id::in) is semidet.
+pred_requires_analysis(ModuleInfo, PredId) :- 
+    \+ pred_requires_no_analysis(ModuleInfo, PredId).
-pred_id_in(PredIds, PPId):-
-    PPId = proc(PredId, _),
-    list.member(PredId, PredIds).
+:- func get_pred_id(pred_proc_id) = pred_id. 
+get_pred_id(proc(PredId, _)) = PredId. 
+preds_requiring_no_analysis(ModuleInfo, PPIds) :-
+    list.takewhile(pred_requires_analysis(ModuleInfo),
+        list.map(get_pred_id, PPIds), _RequiresAnalysis, RequiresNoAnalysis),
+    RequiresNoAnalysis = [_|_].
 :- pred not_defined_in_this_module(module_info::in, pred_proc_id::in)
     is semidet.
Index: compiler/handle_options.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/handle_options.m,v
retrieving revision 1.265
diff -u -d -r1.265 handle_options.m
--- compiler/handle_options.m	26 Apr 2006 03:05:34 -0000	1.265
+++ compiler/handle_options.m	27 Apr 2006 09:29:51 -0000
@@ -720,6 +720,8 @@
             globals.set_option(use_symlinks, bool(no), !Globals)
+        option_implies(structure_reuse_analysis, structure_sharing_analysis,
+            bool(yes), !Globals),
         option_implies(verbose_check_termination, check_termination,bool(yes),
         option_implies(check_termination, termination, bool(yes), !Globals),
@@ -2329,7 +2331,7 @@
 :- pred convert_dump_alias(string::in, string::out) is semidet.
-convert_dump_alias("ALL", "abcdfgilmnprstuvBCDIMPSTU").
+convert_dump_alias("ALL", "abcdfgilmnprstuvBCDIMPRSTU").
 convert_dump_alias("allD", "abcdfgilmnprstuvBCDMPT").
 convert_dump_alias("all", "abcdfgilmnprstuvBCMPST").
 convert_dump_alias("most", "bcdfgilmnprstuvP").
@@ -2342,6 +2344,7 @@
 convert_dump_alias("mm", "bdgvP").      % for debugging minimal model
 convert_dump_alias("osv", "bcdglmnpruvP").  % for debugging
                                             % --optimize-saved-vars-cell
+convert_dump_alias("ctgc", "cdinpGDRS").
 :- end_module handle_options.
Index: compiler/hlds_goal.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/hlds_goal.m,v
retrieving revision 1.155
diff -u -d -r1.155 hlds_goal.m
--- compiler/hlds_goal.m	20 Apr 2006 05:36:52 -0000	1.155
+++ compiler/hlds_goal.m	27 Apr 2006 09:29:59 -0000
@@ -769,6 +769,8 @@
                 hlds_goal   % goal to execute if match succeeds.
+:- func case_get_goal(case) = hlds_goal.
 % Information for all kinds of goals
@@ -1072,6 +1074,91 @@
+% Types and get/set predicates for the CTGC related information stored for each
+% goal.
+    % Information describing possible kinds of reuse on a per goal basis.
+    % - 'empty': before CTGC analysis, every goal is annotated with the reuse
+    % description 'empty', ie. no information about any reuse. 
+    % - 'potential_reuse': the value 'potential_reuse' states that in a reuse
+    % version of the procedure to which the goal belongs, this goal may safely
+    % be replaced by a goal implementing structure reuse.
+    % - 'reuse': the value 'reuse' states that in the current procedure (either
+    % the specialised reuse version of a procedure, or the original procedure
+    % itself) the current goal can safely be replaced by a goal performing
+    % structure reuse. 
+    % - 'missed_reuse': the value 'missed_reuse' gives some feedback when an
+    % opportunity for reuse was missed for some reason (only used for calls).
+    %
+:- type reuse_description
+    --->    empty
+    ;       missed_reuse(list(missed_message))
+    ;       potential_reuse(short_reuse_description)
+    ;       reuse(short_reuse_description).
+    % A short description of the kind of reuse allowed in the associated
+    % goal:
+    % - 'cell_died' (only relevant for deconstructions): states that the cell
+    % of the deconstruction becomes dead after that deconstruction.
+    % - 'cell_reused' (only relevant for constructions): states that it is
+    % allowed to reuse a previously discovered dead term for constructing a
+    % new term in the given construction. Details of which term is reused are
+    % recorded.
+    % - 'reuse_call' (only applicable to procedure calls): the called 
+    % procedure is an optimised procedure w.r.t. CTGC. Records whether the 
+    % call is conditional or not. 
+    %
+:- type short_reuse_description 
+    --->    cell_died   
+    ;       cell_reused(
+                prog_var,       % The dead variable selected
+                                % for reusing.
+                is_conditional, % states if the reuse is conditional. 
+                list(cons_id),  % What are the possible cons_ids that the 
+                                % variable to be reused can have.
+                list(needs_update)   
+                                % Which of the fields of the cell to be 
+                                % reused already contain the correct value.
+            )
+    ;       reuse_call(is_conditional).
+:- type is_conditional 
+    --->    conditional_reuse
+    ;       unconditional_reuse.
+:- type needs_update
+    --->    needs_update
+    ;       does_not_need_update.
+:- type missed_message == string.
+    % The following functions produce an 'unexpected' error when the
+    % requested values have not been set.
+    %
+:- func goal_info_get_lfu(hlds_goal_info) = set(prog_var).
+:- func goal_info_get_lbu(hlds_goal_info) = set(prog_var).
+:- func goal_info_get_reuse(hlds_goal_info) = reuse_description.
+    % Same as above, but instead of producing an error, the predicate
+    % fails.
+:- pred goal_info_maybe_get_lfu(hlds_goal_info::in, set(prog_var)::out) is
+    semidet.
+:- pred goal_info_maybe_get_lbu(hlds_goal_info::in, set(prog_var)::out) is 
+    semidet.
+:- pred goal_info_maybe_get_reuse(hlds_goal_info::in, reuse_description::out) 
+    is semidet.
+:- pred goal_info_set_lfu(set(prog_var)::in, hlds_goal_info::in, 
+    hlds_goal_info::out) is det.
+:- pred goal_info_set_lbu(set(prog_var)::in, hlds_goal_info::in, 
+    hlds_goal_info::out) is det.
+:- pred goal_info_set_reuse(reuse_description::in, hlds_goal_info::in, 
+    hlds_goal_info::out) is det.
 % Miscellaneous utility procedures for dealing with HLDS goals.
@@ -2243,14 +2330,16 @@
 :- type hlds_goal_extra_info
     --->    extra_info(
-                extra_info_ho_vals :: ho_values
+                extra_info_ho_vals  :: ho_values,
+                maybe_reuse         :: maybe(ctgc_info)
+                    % Any information related to structure reuse (CTGC). 
 :- func hlds_goal_extra_info_init = hlds_goal_extra_info.
 hlds_goal_extra_info_init = ExtraInfo :-
     HO_Values = map.init,
-    ExtraInfo = extra_info(HO_Values).
+    ExtraInfo = extra_info(HO_Values, no).
 goal_info_get_ho_values(GoalInfo) =
     GoalInfo ^ extra_goal_info ^ extra_info_ho_vals.
@@ -2258,6 +2347,113 @@
 goal_info_set_ho_values(Values, !GoalInfo) :-
     !:GoalInfo = !.GoalInfo ^ extra_goal_info ^ extra_info_ho_vals := Values.
+% hlds_goal_reuse_info
+:- type ctgc_info
+    --->    ctgc_info(
+                lfu     :: set(prog_var),
+                    % The local forward use set: this set contains the
+                    % variables that are syntactically needed during forward
+                    % execution. 
+                    % It is computed as the set of instantiated vars (input
+                    % vars + sum(pre_births), minus the set of dead vars
+                    % (sum(post_deaths and pre_deaths).
+                    % The information is needed for determining the direct
+                    % reuses. 
+                lbu     :: set(prog_var),
+                    % The local backward use set. This set contains the
+                    % instantiated variables that are needed upon backtracking
+                    % (i.e. syntactically appearing in any nondet call
+                    % preceding this goal). 
+                reuse   :: reuse_description
+                    % Any structure reuse information
+                    % related to this call.
+        ).
+:- func ctgc_info_init = ctgc_info.
+ctgc_info_init = ctgc_info(set.init, set.init, empty).
+goal_info_get_lfu(GoalInfo) = LFU :- 
+    (
+        goal_info_maybe_get_lfu(GoalInfo, LFU0)
+    -> 
+        LFU = LFU0
+    ;
+        unexpected(this_file, "Requesting LFU information while " ++ 
+            "CTGC field not set.")
+    ).
+goal_info_get_lbu(GoalInfo) = LBU :- 
+    (
+        goal_info_maybe_get_lbu(GoalInfo, LBU0)
+    ->
+        LBU = LBU0
+    ;
+        unexpected(this_file, "Requesting LBU information while " ++ 
+            "CTGC field not set.")
+    ).
+goal_info_get_reuse(GoalInfo) = Reuse :- 
+    (
+        goal_info_maybe_get_reuse(GoalInfo, Reuse0)
+    -> 
+        Reuse = Reuse0
+    ;   
+        unexpected(this_file, "Requesting reuse information while " ++ 
+            "CTGC field not set.")
+    ).
+goal_info_maybe_get_lfu(GoalInfo, LFU) :- 
+    MaybeCTGC = GoalInfo ^ extra_goal_info ^ maybe_reuse,
+    MaybeCTGC = yes(CTGC),
+    LFU = CTGC ^ lfu. 
+goal_info_maybe_get_lbu(GoalInfo, LBU) :- 
+    MaybeCTGC = GoalInfo ^ extra_goal_info ^ maybe_reuse,
+    MaybeCTGC = yes(CTGC),
+    LBU = CTGC ^ lbu. 
+goal_info_maybe_get_reuse(GoalInfo, Reuse) :- 
+    MaybeCTGC = GoalInfo ^ extra_goal_info ^ maybe_reuse,
+    MaybeCTGC = yes(CTGC),
+    Reuse = CTGC ^ reuse. 
+goal_info_set_lfu(LFU, !GoalInfo) :- 
+    MaybeCTGC0 = !.GoalInfo ^ extra_goal_info ^ maybe_reuse,
+    (
+        MaybeCTGC0 = yes(CTGC0)
+    ;
+        MaybeCTGC0 = no, 
+        CTGC0 = ctgc_info_init
+    ),
+    CTGC = CTGC0 ^ lfu := LFU,
+    MaybeCTGC = yes(CTGC),
+    !:GoalInfo = !.GoalInfo ^ extra_goal_info ^ maybe_reuse := MaybeCTGC.
+goal_info_set_lbu(LBU, !GoalInfo) :- 
+    MaybeCTGC0 = !.GoalInfo ^ extra_goal_info ^ maybe_reuse,
+    (
+        MaybeCTGC0 = yes(CTGC0)
+    ;
+        MaybeCTGC0 = no, 
+        CTGC0 = ctgc_info_init
+    ),
+    CTGC = CTGC0 ^ lbu := LBU,
+    MaybeCTGC = yes(CTGC),
+    !:GoalInfo = !.GoalInfo ^ extra_goal_info ^ maybe_reuse := MaybeCTGC.
+goal_info_set_reuse(Reuse, !GoalInfo) :- 
+    MaybeCTGC0 = !.GoalInfo ^ extra_goal_info ^ maybe_reuse,
+    (
+        MaybeCTGC0 = yes(CTGC0)
+    ;
+        MaybeCTGC0 = no, 
+        CTGC0 = ctgc_info_init
+    ),
+    CTGC = CTGC0 ^ reuse := Reuse,
+    MaybeCTGC = yes(CTGC),
+    !:GoalInfo = !.GoalInfo ^ extra_goal_info ^ maybe_reuse := MaybeCTGC.
+case_get_goal(case(_, Goal)) = Goal.
 :- func this_file = string.
Index: compiler/hlds_out.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/hlds_out.m,v
retrieving revision 1.391
diff -u -d -r1.391 hlds_out.m
--- compiler/hlds_out.m	20 Apr 2006 05:36:53 -0000	1.391
+++ compiler/hlds_out.m	27 Apr 2006 09:30:09 -0000
@@ -1402,6 +1402,53 @@
+    ( string.contains_char(Verbose, 'R') ->
+        (
+            goal_info_maybe_get_lfu(GoalInfo, LFU),
+            goal_info_maybe_get_lbu(GoalInfo, LBU), 
+            goal_info_maybe_get_reuse(GoalInfo, ReuseDescription), 
+            set.to_sorted_list(LFU, ListLFU),
+            set.to_sorted_list(LBU, ListLBU)
+        ->
+            write_indent(Indent, !IO),
+            io.write_string("% LFU: ", !IO),
+            mercury_output_vars(ListLFU, VarSet, AppendVarNums, !IO),
+            io.write_string("\n", !IO),
+            write_indent(Indent, !IO),
+            io.write_string("% LBU: ", !IO),
+            mercury_output_vars(ListLBU, VarSet, AppendVarNums, !IO),
+            io.write_string("\n", !IO),
+            write_indent(Indent, !IO),
+            write_string("% Reuse: ", !IO),
+            (
+                ReuseDescription = empty,
+                io.write_string("no", !IO)
+            ;
+                ReuseDescription = missed_reuse(Messages),
+                io.write_string("missed (", !IO), 
+                io.write_list(Messages, ", ", io.write_string, !IO),
+                io.write_string(")", !IO)
+            ;
+                ReuseDescription = potential_reuse(ShortReuseDescr),
+                io.write_string("potential reuse (", !IO), 
+                write_short_reuse_description(ShortReuseDescr, VarSet, 
+                    AppendVarNums, !IO), 
+                io.write_string(")", !IO)
+            ;
+                ReuseDescription = reuse(ShortReuseDescr),
+                io.write_string("reuse (", !IO), 
+                write_short_reuse_description(ShortReuseDescr, VarSet,
+                    AppendVarNums, !IO), 
+                io.write_string(")", !IO)
+            ), 
+            io.write_string("\n", !IO)
+        ;
+            true
+        )
+    ;
+        true
+    ),
     goal_info_get_code_gen_info(GoalInfo, CodeGenInfo),
         CodeGenInfo = no_code_gen_info
@@ -4101,6 +4148,34 @@
         expanded_inst_info(VarSet, ModuleInfo, Expansions), "", String).
+:- pred write_short_reuse_description(short_reuse_description::in, 
+    prog_varset::in, bool::in, 
+    io::di, io::uo) is det.
+write_short_reuse_description(ShortDescription, VarSet, AppendVarnums, !IO):- 
+    (
+        ShortDescription = cell_died, 
+        io.write_string("cell died", !IO)
+    ;
+        ShortDescription = cell_reused(Var, IsConditional, _, _),
+        io.write_string("cell reuse - ", !IO),
+        mercury_output_var(Var, VarSet, AppendVarnums, !IO),
+        io.write_string(" - ", !IO), 
+        write_is_conditional(IsConditional, !IO)
+    ;
+        ShortDescription = reuse_call(IsConditional),
+        io.write_string("reuse call - ", !IO), 
+        write_is_conditional(IsConditional, !IO)
+    ).
+:- pred write_is_conditional(is_conditional::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+write_is_conditional(IsConditional, !IO) :- 
+    (
+        IsConditional = conditional_reuse,
+        io.write_string("with condition", !IO)
+    ;
+        IsConditional = unconditional_reuse,
+        io.write_string("always safe", !IO)
+    ).
 :- func this_file = string.
Index: compiler/mercury_compile.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mercury_compile.m,v
retrieving revision 1.385
diff -u -d -r1.385 mercury_compile.m
--- compiler/mercury_compile.m	26 Apr 2006 03:05:36 -0000	1.385
+++ compiler/mercury_compile.m	27 Apr 2006 09:30:22 -0000
@@ -88,6 +88,8 @@
 :- import_module transform_hlds.unneeded_code.
 :- import_module transform_hlds.lco.
 :- import_module transform_hlds.ctgc.
+:- import_module transform_hlds.ctgc.structure_reuse.
+:- import_module transform_hlds.ctgc.structure_reuse.analysis.
 :- import_module transform_hlds.ctgc.structure_sharing.
 :- import_module transform_hlds.ctgc.structure_sharing.analysis.
 :- import_module transform_hlds.size_prof.
@@ -2038,6 +2040,8 @@
     globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, termination2, Termination2),
     globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, structure_sharing_analysis, 
+    globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, structure_reuse_analysis, 
+        ReuseAnalysis), 
     globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, analyse_exceptions,
     globals.lookup_bool_option(Globals, analyse_closures,
@@ -2059,6 +2063,7 @@
             ; ExceptionAnalysis = yes
             ; TrailingAnalysis = yes
             ; SharingAnalysis = yes
+            ; ReuseAnalysis = yes
             frontend_pass_by_phases(!HLDS, FoundModeError, !DumpInfo, !IO),
@@ -2106,6 +2111,13 @@
                     SharingAnalysis = no
+                    ReuseAnalysis = yes, 
+                    maybe_structure_reuse_analysis(Verbose, Stats,
+                        !HLDS, !IO)
+                ;
+                    ReuseAnalysis = no
+                ),
+                (
                     TrailingAnalysis = yes,
                     maybe_analyse_trail_usage(Verbose, Stats, !HLDS, !IO)
@@ -2178,6 +2190,8 @@
     maybe_dump_hlds(!.HLDS, 167, "trail_usage", !DumpInfo, !IO),
     maybe_structure_sharing_analysis(Verbose, Stats, !HLDS, !IO),
     maybe_dump_hlds(!.HLDS, 193, "structure_sharing", !DumpInfo, !IO),
+    maybe_structure_reuse_analysis(Verbose, Stats, !HLDS, !IO),
+    maybe_dump_hlds(!.HLDS, 194, "structure_reuse", !DumpInfo, !IO),
     trans_opt.write_optfile(!.HLDS, !IO).
 :- pred output_analysis_file(module_name::in,
@@ -2390,6 +2404,9 @@
     maybe_structure_sharing_analysis(Verbose, Stats, !HLDS, !IO), 
     maybe_dump_hlds(!.HLDS, 193, "structure_sharing", !DumpInfo, !IO), 
+    maybe_structure_reuse_analysis(Verbose, Stats, !HLDS, !IO), 
+    maybe_dump_hlds(!.HLDS, 194, "structure_reuse", !DumpInfo, !IO), 
     % If we are compiling in a deep profiling grade then now rerun simplify.
     % The reason for doing this now is that we want to take advantage of any
@@ -3624,13 +3641,30 @@
         maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% Structure sharing analysis...\n",
         maybe_flush_output(Verbose, !IO), 
-        structure_sharing_analysis(!HLDS, _SharingTable, !IO), 
+        structure_sharing_analysis(!HLDS, !IO), 
         maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% done.\n", !IO),
         maybe_report_stats(Stats, !IO)
         Sharing = no
+:- pred maybe_structure_reuse_analysis(bool::in, bool::in,
+    module_info::in, module_info::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+maybe_structure_reuse_analysis(Verbose, Stats, !HLDS, !IO) :- 
+    globals.io_lookup_bool_option(structure_reuse_analysis, 
+        ReuseAnalysis, !IO), 
+    (
+        ReuseAnalysis = yes, 
+        maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% Structure reuse analysis...\n",
+            !IO), 
+        maybe_flush_output(Verbose, !IO), 
+        structure_reuse_analysis(!HLDS, !IO), 
+        maybe_write_string(Verbose, "% done.\n", !IO),
+        maybe_report_stats(Stats, !IO)
+    ;
+        ReuseAnalysis = no
+    ).
 :- pred maybe_term_size_prof(bool::in, bool::in,
     module_info::in, module_info::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
Index: compiler/options.m
RCS file: /home/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/options.m,v
retrieving revision 1.511
diff -u -d -r1.511 options.m
--- compiler/options.m	26 Apr 2006 03:05:38 -0000	1.511
+++ compiler/options.m	27 Apr 2006 09:30:36 -0000
@@ -530,6 +530,9 @@
     % Stuff for the CTGC system (structure sharing / structure reuse).
     ;       structure_sharing_analysis
     ;           structure_sharing_widening
+    ;       structure_reuse_analysis
+    ;           structure_reuse_constraint
+    ;           structure_reuse_constraint_arg
     % Stuff for the new termination analyser.
     ;       termination2
@@ -1149,6 +1152,9 @@
     verbose_check_termination           -   bool(no),
     structure_sharing_analysis          -   bool(no), 
     structure_sharing_widening          -   int(0),
+    structure_reuse_analysis            -   bool(no), 
+    structure_reuse_constraint        -   string("within_n_cells_difference"),
+    structure_reuse_constraint_arg      -   int(0),
     termination                         -   bool(no),
     termination_single_args             -   int(0),
     termination_norm                    -   string("total"),
@@ -1981,6 +1987,12 @@
 % CTGC related options.
 long_option("structure-sharing",    structure_sharing_analysis).
 long_option("structure-sharing-widening", structure_sharing_widening).
+long_option("structure-reuse",      structure_reuse_analysis).
+long_option("ctgc",                 structure_reuse_analysis).
+long_option("structure-reuse-constraint", structure_reuse_constraint).
+long_option("ctgc-constraint",      structure_reuse_constraint).
+long_option("structure-reuse-constraint-arg", structure_reuse_constraint_arg).
+long_option("ctgc-constraint-arg",  structure_reuse_constraint_arg).
 % HLDS->LLDS optimizations
 long_option("smart-indexing",       smart_indexing).
@@ -3197,7 +3209,23 @@
         "--structure-sharing-widening <n>",
         "\tPerform widening when the set of structure sharing pairs becomes",
         "\tlarger than <n>. When n=0, widening is not enabled.",
-        "\t(default: 0)."
+        "\t(default: 0).",
+        "--structure-reuse, --ctgc",
+        "\tPerform structure reuse analysis for all encountered",
+        "\tpredicates (Compile Time Garbage Collection).",
+        "--structure-reuse-constraint, --ctgc-constraint",
+        "\tConstraint on the way we allow structure reuse. Either reuse",
+        "\tis only allowed for terms with the same type and same constructor",
+        "\t(option same_cons_id), or reuse is allowed between terms of",
+        "\tdifferent constructors as long as the difference between the",
+        "\tarities does not exceed a certain threshold (option ",
+        "\twithin_n_cells_difference(n), where n specifies the threshold,",
+        "\tn needs to be set using --structure-reuse-constraint-arg).",
+        "\t(default: within_n_cells_difference(0))",
+        "--structure-reuse-constraint-arg, --ctgc-constraint-arg",
+        "\tSpecify the allowed difference in arities between the terms that",
+        "\tcan be reused, and the terms that reuse these terms.",
+        "\t(default: 0)"
 :- pred options_help_termination(io::di, io::uo) is det.
Index: compiler/structure_reuse.analysis.m
RCS file: compiler/structure_reuse.analysis.m
diff -N compiler/structure_reuse.analysis.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ compiler/structure_reuse.analysis.m	27 Apr 2006 09:30:36 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
+% Copyright (C) 2006 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: structure_reuse.analysis.m
+% Main authors: nancy
+% Implementation of the structure reuse analysis (compile-time garbage
+% collection system): each procedure is analysed to see whether some
+% of the terms it manipulates becomes garbage thus making it possible
+% to reuse that garbage straight away for creating new terms.
+% Structure reuse is broken up into three phases: 
+%   * the direct reuse analysis (structure_reuse.direct.m) 
+%   * the indirect analysis (structure_reuse.indirect.m)
+%   * and the generation of the optimised procedures.
+% list__append(H1, H2, H3) :-
+%   (
+%       H1 => [],
+%       H3 := H2
+%   ;
+%           % Cell H1 dies provided some condition about the
+%           % structure sharing of H1 is true.  A deconstruction
+%           % generating a dead cell, followed by a
+%           % construction reusing that cell, is called a direct
+%           % reuse. 
+%       H1 => [X | Xs],
+%           % If the condition about the structure sharing of H1
+%           % is true then we can call the version of list__append 
+%           % which does reuse. Calling the optimised version here leads
+%           % to a new condition to be met by the headvars of any
+%           % call to the resulting optimised version of append.
+%           % This is an indirect reuse.
+%       list__append(Xs, H2, Zs),
+%           % Reuse the dead cell H1.  This is a direct reuse.
+%       H3 <= [X | Zs]
+%   ).
+:- module transform_hlds.ctgc.structure_reuse.analysis.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module hlds.hlds_module.
+:- import_module io. 
+:- pred structure_reuse_analysis(module_info::in, module_info::out, 
+    io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module check_hlds.goal_path.
+:- import_module hlds.hlds_pred.
+:- import_module hlds.passes_aux.
+:- import_module libs.globals.
+:- import_module libs.options.
+:- import_module parse_tree.prog_out.
+:- import_module transform_hlds.ctgc.structure_reuse.direct.
+:- import_module transform_hlds.ctgc.structure_reuse.domain.
+:- import_module transform_hlds.ctgc.structure_reuse.lbu.
+:- import_module transform_hlds.ctgc.structure_reuse.lfu.
+:- import_module transform_hlds.ctgc.structure_sharing.domain.
+:- import_module string.
+structure_reuse_analysis(!ModuleInfo, !IO):- 
+    globals.io_lookup_bool_option(very_verbose, VeryVerbose, !IO),
+    % Load all available structure sharing information into a sharing table.
+    SharingTable = load_structure_sharing_table(!.ModuleInfo),
+    % Load all the available reuse information into a reuse table.
+    % XXX TO DO!
+    % ReuseTable0 = load_structure_reuse_table(!.ModuleInfo), 
+    % Pre-annotate each of the goals with "Local Forward Use" and
+    % "Local Backward Use" information, and fill in all the goal_path slots
+    % as well. 
+    maybe_write_string(VeryVerbose, "% Annotating in use information...", !IO), 
+    process_all_nonimported_procs(update_proc_io(annotate_in_use_information),
+         !ModuleInfo, !IO),
+    maybe_write_string(VeryVerbose, "done.\n", !IO),
+    % Determine information about possible direct reuses.
+    maybe_write_string(VeryVerbose, "% Direct reuse...\n", !IO), 
+    DummyReuseTable = reuse_as_table_init, 
+    direct_reuse_pass(SharingTable, !ModuleInfo, 
+        DummyReuseTable, _ReuseTable, !IO),
+    maybe_write_string(VeryVerbose, "% Direct reuse: done.\n", !IO).
+    % Determine information about possible indirect reuses.
+    % XXX TO DO!
+    % indirect_reuse_pass(SharingTable, ReuseTable1, ReuseTable2, 
+    %   !ModuleInfo, !IO), 
+    % For every procedure that has some potential (conditional) reuse (either 
+    % direct or indirect), create a new procedure that actually implements
+    % that reuse. 
+    % XXX TO DO!
+    % split_reuse_procedures(ReuseTable2, ReuseTable3, !ModuleInfo, !IO), 
+    % Record the results of the reuse table into the HLDS.
+    % XXX TO DO!
+    % map.foldl(save_reuse_in_module_info, ReuseTable3, !ModuleInfo).
+    %
+    % Output some profiling information.
+    % XXX TO DO!
+    % profiling(!.ModuleInfo, ReuseTable3).
+:- pred annotate_in_use_information(pred_id::in, proc_id::in,
+    module_info::in, proc_info::in, proc_info::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+annotate_in_use_information(_PredId, _ProcId, ModuleInfo, !ProcInfo, !IO) :- 
+    forward_use_information(!ProcInfo), 
+    backward_use_information(ModuleInfo, !ProcInfo),
+    goal_path.fill_goal_path_slots(ModuleInfo, !ProcInfo).
+:- func this_file = string.
+this_file = "structure_reuse.analysis.m".
+:- end_module transform_hlds.ctgc.structure_reuse.analysis.
Index: compiler/structure_reuse.direct.choose_reuse.m
RCS file: compiler/structure_reuse.direct.choose_reuse.m
diff -N compiler/structure_reuse.direct.choose_reuse.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ compiler/structure_reuse.direct.choose_reuse.m	27 Apr 2006 09:30:40 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1363 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
+% Copyright (C) 2006 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
+% File: structure_reuse.direct.choose_reuse.m
+% Main authors: nancy
+% Given a dead cell table listing the deconstructions that may leave garbage
+% (dead cells), we compute the concrete assignements of which constructions can
+% profit of these dead cells. Obviously, we want to find those assignments
+% which result in the 'best' form of memory reuse possible for the given goals.
+% Hence, the assignment problem is translated into a mapping problem (inspired
+% from Debray's paper: "On copy avoidance in single assignment languages", and
+% restricted to reuse of dead cells by at most one new cell).
+% When assigning constructions to dead deconstructions, a table is first
+% computed. For each dead cell, a value is computed that reflects the gain
+% a reuse might bring, and the list of constructions involved with reusing it.
+% The cell with highest value is selected first, the according constructions
+% are annotated, and the table is recomputed. This process is repeated until
+% no reusable dead deconstructions are left. 
+% The value of a dead cell (a specific deconstruction) is computed taking 
+% into account the call graph which can be simplified to take only into account
+% construction-unifications, conjunctions, and disjunctions. 
+% The source of the graph is the deconstruction, the leaves are
+% either constructions, or empty. The branches are either conjunctions
+% or disjunctions. 
+% The value of the dead cell is then computed as follows: 
+% 	- value of a conjunction = maximum of the values of each of the 
+%		conjunct branches. 
+% 		Intuitively: if a dead deconstruction is followed by
+%		two constructions which might reuse the dead cell: pick
+%		the one which allows the most potential gain. 
+%	- value of a disjunction = average of the value of each of the
+%		disjunct branches. 
+%		Intuitively: if a dead deconstruction is followed by
+% 		a disjunction with 2 disjuncts. If reuse is only possible
+% 		in one of the branches, allowing this reuse means that 
+% 		a priori reuse will occur in only 50% of the cases. 
+%		The value of the disjunct should take this into account. 
+%		Without precise notion of which branches are executed
+%		more often, taking the simple average of the values is 
+%		a good approximation. 
+%	- value of a construction = a value that takes into account
+%	 	the cost of constructing a new cell and compares it
+%		to the cost of updating a dead cell. If the arities
+%		between the dead and new cell differ, a penalty cost
+%		is added (approximated as the gain one would have had if
+%		the unusable words would have been reused too). 
+%		Weights are used to estimate all of these costs and are
+%		hard-coded. I don't think there is any need in making
+%		these values an option. 
+% Once the table is computed, usually the cell with highest value is selected.
+% To cut the decision between different dead cells with the same
+% value, we select the dead cell that has the least number of
+% opportunities to be reused. 
+% E.g. 
+%	X can be reused by 5 different constructions, 
+%		but reaches its highest value for a construction C1
+%		(value 10).
+%	Y can be reused by only one construction, also C1 (value 10). 
+% First selecting X (and reusing it with construction C1) would 
+% jeopardize the reuse of Y and leaves us with only one cell reused. 
+% If, on the contrary, one would select Y first, chances are that
+% after recomputing the table, X can still be reused by other
+% constructions, hence possibly 2 cells reused. 
+% Even if Y would be of smaller value, selecting Y first would still 
+% be more interesting. Hence, instead of selecting the cell 
+% with highest value, we select the cell with highest
+% value/degree ratio, degree being the number of constructions at which
+% the cell could potentially be reused. 
+% Note that cells being deconstructed in the different branches of a
+% disjunction can now also be reused after the the disjunction. 
+% e.g.:
+%	( 
+%		..., X => f(... ), ... 		% X dies
+%	; 
+%		..., X => g(... ), ... 		% X dies
+%	), 
+%	Y <= f(... ), ... 			% Y can reuse X
+% In this example, it is allowed to reuse X for Y. And it will also be
+% discovered by the analysis. 
+:- module transform_hlds.ctgc.structure_reuse.direct.choose_reuse.
+:- interface.
+:- pred determine_reuse(strategy::in, module_info::in, proc_info::in,
+    dead_cell_table::in, hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out, reuse_as::out, 
+    io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module check_hlds.type_util.
+:- import_module hlds.hlds_data.
+:- import_module float.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module maybe.
+:- import_module multi_map.
+:- import_module pair.
+determine_reuse(Strategy, ModuleInfo, ProcInfo, DeadCellTable, 
+    !Goal, ReuseAs, !IO):-
+    % Check for local reuse:
+    process_goal(
+        background_info_init(Strategy, ModuleInfo, ProcInfo), DeadCellTable, 
+        RemainingDeadCellTable, !Goal, reuse_as_init, ReuseAs, !IO),
+    % Check for cell caching.
+    check_for_cell_caching(RemainingDeadCellTable, !Goal, !IO).
+:- type background_info 
+    --->    background(
+                strategy	:: strategy,
+                module_info	:: module_info, 
+                proc_info   :: proc_info, 
+                vartypes	:: vartypes
+            ).
+:- func background_info_init(strategy, module_info, proc_info) = 
+    background_info.
+background_info_init(Strategy, ModuleInfo, ProcInfo) = Background :- 
+    proc_info_get_vartypes(ProcInfo, VarTypes),
+    Background = background(Strategy, ModuleInfo, ProcInfo, VarTypes).
+% Some types and predicates for the administration of the deconstructions,
+% constructions and the 'matches' we want to derive from them.
+    % Details of a deconstruction yielding garbage.
+    %
+:- type deconstruction_spec
+	---> 	decon(
+			decon_var	:: prog_var, 
+			decon_pp	:: program_point, 
+			decon_cons_id	:: cons_id, 
+			decon_args	:: prog_vars, 
+			decon_conds	:: reuse_as
+		).
+    % Details of a construction possibly reusing some specific garbage cells
+    % generated at a deconstruction.
+    %
+:- type construction_spec 
+	---> 	con(
+			con_pp		:: program_point, 
+			con_reuse	:: reuse_type
+		).
+    % The reuse-type is a basic identification of whether the cons-ids involved
+    % in the reuse are the same, what the arities of the old and new cells are,
+    % and which arguments don't have to be updated. 
+    %
+:- type reuse_type 
+	---> 	reuse_type(
+			same_cons	:: bool, 	
+			reuse_fields 	:: list(needs_update),
+                % States whether the corresponding argument in the list of
+                % arguments of the reused cons needs to be updated when reused
+                % or not. 
+				% Note that list.length(reuse_fields) is the arity of the
+                % reused term.
+			tmp_value	:: float
+                % A metrics measuring the value of the reuse. A high value
+                % should represent a 'good' reuse (yielding possibly good
+                % results on the general memory behaviour of the procedure)
+                % compared to a reuse with a lower value. 
+		). 
+        % One match is a description of a list of deconstructions and a list of
+        % constructions. The deconstructions and constructions can all be coded
+        % into reuses, as they are such that at run-time at most one
+        % deconstruction yielding the dead cell will occur on the same
+        % execution path as a construction that
+        % can reuse that cell. 
+        % This means that all the deconstructions can be coded as
+        % deconstructions yielding dead cell, and all the constructions can be
+        % coded as constructions reusing the cell that becomes available
+        % through one of the deconstructions.
+        %
+:- type match
+    --->    match(
+                decon_specs	:: list(deconstruction_spec),
+                con_specs	:: list(construction_spec),
+                match_value	:: float,
+                match_degree	:: int
+            ).
+:- type match_table == multi_map(prog_var, match).
+    % Initialise a deconstruction_spec.
+    %
+:- func deconstruction_spec_init(prog_var, program_point, cons_id, 
+		list(prog_var), reuse_as) = deconstruction_spec.
+deconstruction_spec_init(Var, PP, ConsId, Args, Cond) =  DS :- 
+	DS = decon(Var, PP, ConsId, Args, Cond). 
+    % Pre-condition: the set of variables to which the list of deconstructions
+    % relate (the dead vars) should be a singleton set. In other words, 
+    % all of the deconstructions in a match relate to one and the same
+    % dying variable. 
+    %
+:- func match_init(list(deconstruction_spec)) = match.
+match_init(DS) =  match(DS, [], 0.00, 0).
+    % Verify that a match is still 'empty', ie. has no constructions that
+    % can reuse the dead cell available from the deconstructions listed
+    % in the match.
+    %
+:- pred match_has_no_construction_candidates(match::in) is semidet.
+match_has_no_construction_candidates(match(_, [], _, _)).
+    % Determine the variable whose term is involved in the reuse if the
+    % match would be implemented. 
+    %
+:- func match_get_dead_var(match) = prog_var. 
+match_get_dead_var(Match) = Var :- 
+	GetVar = (pred(D::in, V::out) is det :- 
+			V = D ^ decon_var), 
+	list.map(GetVar, Match ^ decon_specs, DeadVars0), 
+	list.remove_dups(DeadVars0, DeadVars), 
+	(
+		DeadVars = [Var|Rest], 
+		(
+			Rest = [_|_]
+		-> 
+			unexpected(choose_reuse.this_file, "match_get_dead_var: " ++
+                "too many dead vars.")
+		;
+			true
+		)
+	; 
+		DeadVars = [], 
+		unexpected(choose_reuse.this_file, "match_get_dead_vars: " ++
+            "empty list of vars.") 
+	).
+    % Get the list of cons_ids that the dead variable may have when it
+    % will be reused. 
+    %
+:- func match_get_dead_cons_ids(match) = list(cons_id).
+match_get_dead_cons_ids(Match) = ConsIds :- 
+	GetConsId = (pred(D::in, C::out) is det :- 
+			C = D ^ decon_cons_id), 
+	list.map(GetConsId, Match ^ decon_specs, ConsIds). 
+    % Determine the reuse condition of the match. 
+    %
+:- func match_get_condition(background_info, match) = reuse_as.
+match_get_condition(Background, Match) = Condition :- 
+	GetCond = (pred(D::in, C::out) is det :- 
+			C = D ^ decon_conds),
+	list.map(GetCond, Match ^ decon_specs, Conditions), 
+	(
+		Conditions = [First | Rest], 
+		list.foldl(
+            reuse_as_least_upper_bound(Background ^ module_info, 
+                Background ^ proc_info),
+            Rest, First, Condition)
+	; 
+		Conditions = [], 
+		unexpected(choose_reuse.this_file, "match_get_condition: " ++
+            "no reuse conditions.\n")
+	). 
+    % Add a construction as a potential place for reusing the garbage
+    % produced by any of the deconstructions listed in the match.
+    % This changes the value of the match.
+    %
+:- pred match_add_construction(construction_spec::in, match::in, 
+		match::out) is det.
+match_add_construction(ConSpec, Match0, Match) :- 
+	Match0 = match(DeconSpecs0, ConSpecs0, Value0, Degree0), 
+	ConSpecs = [ConSpec | ConSpecs0],
+	Degree = Degree0 + 1, 
+	FDegree0 = float(Degree0), 
+	FDegree = float(Degree), 
+	Value = (Value0 * FDegree0 + ConSpec ^ con_reuse ^ tmp_value) / FDegree,
+	Match = match(DeconSpecs0, ConSpecs, Value, Degree).
+% Manipulating the values of matches... 
+:- func highest_match_degree_ratio(match_table) = match.
+highest_match_degree_ratio(MatchTable) = Match :-
+	multi_map.values(MatchTable, Matches), 
+	list.sort(reverse_compare_matches_value_degree, 
+			Matches, Sorted), 
+	(
+		Sorted = [Match|_]
+	; 
+		Sorted = [], 
+		unexpected(choose_reuse.this_file, "highest_match_degree_ratio: " ++
+            "empty multi_map.\n")
+	). 
+:- pred compare_matches_value_degree(match::in, match::in, 
+		comparison_result::out) is det. 
+compare_matches_value_degree(Match1, Match2, Result) :- 
+	match_value_degree(Match1, V1), 
+	match_value_degree(Match2, V2), 
+	compare(Result, V1, V2). 
+:- pred reverse_compare_matches_value_degree(match::in, match::in,
+		comparison_result::out) is det. 
+reverse_compare_matches_value_degree(Match1, Match2, Result) :- 
+	compare_matches_value_degree(Match2, Match1, Result). 
+:- pred match_value_degree(match::in, float::out) is det.
+match_value_degree(Match, V) :- 
+	(
+		Match ^ match_value \= 0.00
+	-> 
+		V = Match ^ match_value / float(Match ^ match_degree)
+	;
+		V = 0.00
+	).
+:- pred compare_matches_value(match::in, match::in, 
+		comparison_result::out) is det.
+compare_matches_value(Match1, Match2, Result) :- 
+	V1 = Match1 ^ match_value,
+	V2 = Match2 ^ match_value,
+	compare(Result, V1, V2).
+:- pred reverse_compare_matches_value(match::in, match::in, 
+		comparison_result::out) is det.
+reverse_compare_matches_value(Match1, Match2, Result) :- 
+	compare_matches_value(Match2, Match1, Result). 
+:- pred match_allows_reuse(match::in) is semidet. 
+match_allows_reuse(Match) :- 
+	Constructions = Match ^ con_specs, 
+	Value = Match ^ match_value,  
+	Constructions = [_|_], 
+	Value > 0.00.
+:- pred highest_match_in_list(list(match)::in, match::in, match::out) is det.
+highest_match_in_list(Matches, Match0, Match) :- 
+	list__sort(reverse_compare_matches_value, [Match0 | Matches], Sorted), 
+	(
+		Sorted = [Match|_]
+	;
+		Sorted = [], 
+		unexpected(choose_reuse.this_file, "highest_match_in_list: " ++
+            "empty list of matches.\n")
+	).
+	% Given a list of matches concerning the same (list of) deconstruction,
+	% compute the average reuse value of that deconstruction. This means
+	% merging all the constructions together into one list, and using the
+	% average value of the reuses of each of the matches. The final degree
+	% of the match is set to the sum of all degrees. 
+:- pred average_match(list(match)::in, match::out) is det.
+average_match(List, AverageMatch):- 
+	(
+		List = [First|Rest], 
+		list__length(List, Length), 
+		P = (pred(M::in, Acc0::in, Acc::out) is det :- 
+			DeconSpecs = Acc0 ^ decon_specs, 
+			ConSpecs = append(Acc0 ^ con_specs, M ^ con_specs),
+			Val = Acc0 ^ match_value + M ^ match_value, 
+			Deg = Acc0 ^ match_degree + M ^ match_degree, 
+			Acc = match(DeconSpecs, ConSpecs, Val, Deg)),
+		list__foldl(P, Rest, First, Match0), 
+		AverageMatch = (Match0 ^ match_value := 
+				(Match0 ^ match_value / float(Length)))
+	; 
+		List = [], 
+		unexpected(choose_reuse.this_file, "average_match: empty list.\n")
+	). 
+% Process one single goal:
+%   * determine a match table
+%   * find the best match
+%   * annotate the goal with the reuse described by that match
+%   * and reprocess the goal until no matches are found.
+:- pred process_goal(background_info::in, dead_cell_table::in,
+    dead_cell_table::out, hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out, reuse_as::in,
+    reuse_as::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+process_goal(Background, !DeadCellTable, !Goal, !ReuseAs, !IO):-
+    globals.io_lookup_bool_option(very_verbose, VeryVerbose, !IO),
+        % Compute a match table.
+	compute_match_table(Background, !.DeadCellTable, !.Goal, 
+        MatchTable, !IO),  
+        % As long as the match table is not empty, pick out the match
+        % with the highest value, annotate the goal accordingly, and
+        % repeat the procedure. 
+        % If the match table is empty, the work is finished.
+	(
+		multi_map__is_empty(MatchTable)
+	-> 
+        true
+	;
+        % 1. select the deconstructions-constructions with
+        % highest value. 
+        Match = highest_match_degree_ratio(MatchTable),
+        % 2. dump all the matches recorded in the table, highlight the
+        % match with the highest value. 
+        maybe_write_string(VeryVerbose, "% Reuse results: \n", 
+            !IO), 
+        maybe_dump_match_table(VeryVerbose, MatchTable, 
+            Match, !IO), 
+        % 3. realise the reuses by explicitly annotating the
+        % procedure goal. 
+        annotate_reuses_in_goal(Background, Match, !Goal), 
+        % remove the deconstructions from the available map of
+        % dead cells: 
+        remove_deconstructions_from_dead_cell_table(Match, !DeadCellTable),
+        % 4. Add the conditions involved in the reuses to the
+        % existing conditions. 
+        reuse_as_least_upper_bound(Background ^ module_info, 
+            Background ^ proc_info, match_get_condition(Background, Match),
+            !ReuseAs), 
+        % 5. Process the goal for further reuse-matches. 
+        process_goal(Background, !DeadCellTable, !Goal, 
+            !ReuseAs, !IO)
+	). 
+:- pred remove_deconstructions_from_dead_cell_table(match::in, 
+    dead_cell_table::in, dead_cell_table::out) is det.
+remove_deconstructions_from_dead_cell_table(Match, !DeadCellTable):- 
+    DeconSpecs = Match ^ decon_specs, 
+    list.foldl(remove_deconstruction_from_dead_cell_table, DeconSpecs, 
+        !DeadCellTable).
+:- pred remove_deconstruction_from_dead_cell_table(deconstruction_spec::in,
+    dead_cell_table::in, dead_cell_table::out) is det.
+remove_deconstruction_from_dead_cell_table(DeconSpec, !DeadCellTable):- 
+    dead_cell_table_remove(DeconSpec ^ decon_pp, !DeadCellTable).
+% Compute the match table for a given goal. 
+% The table is computed by traversing the whole goal. For each
+% deconstruction encountered that is also listed in the dead_cell_table,
+% compute a match. 
+:- pred compute_match_table(background_info::in, dead_cell_table::in,
+    hlds_goal::in, match_table::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+compute_match_table(Background, DeadCellTable, Goal, MatchTable, !IO) :- 
+    ContinuationGoals = [], 
+	compute_match_table_with_continuation(Background, DeadCellTable, 
+		Goal, ContinuationGoals, multi_map.init, MatchTable, !IO).
+:- pred compute_match_table_goal_list(background_info::in, dead_cell_table::in,
+    list(hlds_goal)::in, match_table::in, match_table::out, io::di, 
+    io::uo) is det.
+compute_match_table_goal_list(Background, DeadCellTable, Goals, 
+        !Table, !IO) :- 
+    (
+        Goals = []
+    ;
+        Goals = [CurrentGoal | Cont],
+        compute_match_table_with_continuation(Background, DeadCellTable,
+            CurrentGoal, Cont, !Table, !IO)
+    ).
+:- pred compute_match_table_with_continuation(background_info::in,
+    dead_cell_table::in, hlds_goal::in, list(hlds_goal)::in, 
+    match_table::in, match_table::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+compute_match_table_with_continuation(Background, DeadCellTable, 
+        CurrentGoal, Cont, !Table, !IO) :- 
+    CurrentGoal = GoalExpr - GoalInfo, 
+    (
+        GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, Unification, _),
+        (
+            Unification = deconstruct(Var, ConsId, Args, _, _, _)
+        ->
+            ProgramPoint = program_point_init(GoalInfo),
+            (
+                Condition = dead_cell_table_search(ProgramPoint, 
+                    DeadCellTable)
+            ->
+                ReuseAs = reuse_as_init_with_one_condition(Condition), 
+                DeconstructionSpec = deconstruction_spec_init(Var, 
+                    ProgramPoint, ConsId, Args, ReuseAs),
+                Match0 = match_init([DeconstructionSpec]),
+                find_best_match_in_conjunction(Background, Cont, Match0, Match),
+                multi_map.set(!.Table, Var, Match, !:Table)
+            ;
+                true
+            )
+        ;
+            true
+        ),
+        compute_match_table_goal_list(Background, DeadCellTable, Cont, !Table,
+            !IO)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = call(_, _, _, _, _, _),
+        compute_match_table_goal_list(Background, DeadCellTable, 
+            Cont, !Table, !IO)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = generic_call( _, _, _, _),
+        compute_match_table_goal_list(Background, DeadCellTable, 
+            Cont, !Table, !IO)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _),
+        compute_match_table_goal_list(Background, DeadCellTable, 
+            Cont, !Table, !IO)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = conj(_, Goals),
+        list.append(Goals, Cont, NewCont),
+        compute_match_table_goal_list(Background, DeadCellTable, 
+            NewCont, !Table, !IO)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = disj(Goals),
+        compute_match_table_in_disjunction(Background, DeadCellTable, Goals, 
+            Cont, !Table, !IO),
+        compute_match_table_goal_list(Background, DeadCellTable, Cont, !Table,
+            !IO)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = switch(_, _, Cases),
+        compute_match_table_in_disjunction(Background, DeadCellTable, 
+            list.map(case_get_goal, Cases), Cont, !Table, !IO),
+        compute_match_table_goal_list(Background, DeadCellTable, Cont, !Table,
+            !IO)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = not(Goal),
+        % if Goal contains deconstructions, they should not be reused within
+        % Cont. 
+        compute_match_table_with_continuation(Background, DeadCellTable, 
+            Goal, [], !Table, !IO),
+        compute_match_table_goal_list(Background, DeadCellTable, Cont, 
+            !Table, !IO)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(_, Goal),
+        compute_match_table_with_continuation(Background, DeadCellTable, 
+            Goal, Cont, !Table, !IO)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = if_then_else(_, CondGoal, ThenGoal, ElseGoal),
+        multi_map.init(Table0), 
+        compute_match_table_with_continuation(Background, DeadCellTable, 
+            CondGoal, [ThenGoal], Table0, TableThen, !IO),
+        compute_match_table_with_continuation(Background, DeadCellTable, 
+            ElseGoal, [], Table0, TableElse, !IO),
+        multi_map.merge(TableThen, !Table), 
+        multi_map.merge(TableElse, !Table), 
+        process_possible_common_dead_vars(Background, Cont, 
+            [TableThen, TableElse], CommonDeadVarsTables, !IO),
+        list.foldl(multi_map.merge, CommonDeadVarsTables, !Table),
+        compute_match_table_goal_list(Background, DeadCellTable, Cont, 
+            !Table, !IO)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
+        unexpected(choose_reuse.this_file, "compute_match_table: " ++
+            "shorthand goal.")
+    ).
+:- pred compute_match_table_in_disjs(background_info::in, dead_cell_table::in,
+    hlds_goals::in, list(match_table)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+compute_match_table_in_disjs(Background, DeadCellTable, Branches, Tables, 
+        !IO) :-     
+    list.map_foldl(compute_match_table(Background, DeadCellTable),
+        Branches, Tables, !IO).
+:- pred compute_match_table_in_disjunction(background_info::in,
+    dead_cell_table::in, hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::in, 
+    match_table::in, match_table::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.  
+compute_match_table_in_disjunction(Background, DeadCellTable, DisjGoals, Cont, 
+        !Table, !IO) :-
+    % Compute a match table for each of the branches of the disjunction.
+    % Each of these tables will contain information about local reuses
+    % w.r.t. the disjunction, i.e. a data structure is reused within the
+    % same branch in which it dies. 
+    compute_match_table_in_disjs(Background, DeadCellTable, DisjGoals, 
+        DisjTables, !IO),
+    list.foldl(multi_map.merge, DisjTables, !Table),
+    % It is possible that each of the branches of the disjunctions
+    % deconstructs the same (non local) dead variable. In such a case, we
+    % need to check if that dead variable can be reused outside of the
+    % disjunction.
+    process_possible_common_dead_vars(Background, Cont, DisjTables,
+        CommonDeadVarsDisjTables, !IO),
+    list.foldl(multi_map.merge, CommonDeadVarsDisjTables, !Table).
+:- pred process_possible_common_dead_vars(background_info::in, hlds_goals::in,
+    list(match_table)::in, list(match_table)::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+process_possible_common_dead_vars(Background, Cont, DisjTables, 
+        ExtraTables, !IO) :- 
+    CommonDeadVars = common_vars(DisjTables),
+    (
+        CommonDeadVars = [_|_]
+    ->
+        list.filter_map(process_common_var(Background, Cont, DisjTables),
+            CommonDeadVars, ExtraTables)
+    ;
+        ExtraTables = []
+    ).
+:- func common_vars(list(match_table)) = list(prog_var).
+common_vars(Tables) = CommonVars :- 
+    (  
+        Tables = [ First | RestTables ],
+        CommonVars = list.foldl(common_var_with_list, RestTables, 
+            map.keys(First))
+    ;
+        Tables = [], 
+        CommonVars = []
+    ).
+:- func common_var_with_list(match_table, list(prog_var)) = list(prog_var).
+common_var_with_list(Table, List0) = List :- 
+    map.keys(Table, Keys),
+    Set = set.intersect(list_to_set(List0), list_to_set(Keys)), 
+    List = set.to_sorted_list(Set).
+:- pred process_common_var(background_info::in, hlds_goals::in,
+    list(match_table)::in, prog_var::in, match_table::out) is semidet.
+process_common_var(Background, Cont, DisjTables, CommonDeadVar, Table) :- 
+    Match0 = match_init(deconstruction_specs(CommonDeadVar, DisjTables)),
+    find_best_match_in_conjunction(Background, Cont, Match0, Match),
+    match_allows_reuse(Match), % can fail
+    multi_map.init(Table0),
+    multi_map.det_insert(Table0, CommonDeadVar, Match, Table).
+:- func deconstruction_specs(prog_var, list(match_table)) = 
+    list(deconstruction_spec).
+deconstruction_specs(DeadVar, Tables) = DeconstructionSpecs :- 
+    list.foldl(deconstruction_specs_2(DeadVar), Tables, [], 
+        DeconstructionSpecs).
+:- pred deconstruction_specs_2(prog_var::in, match_table::in, 
+    list(deconstruction_spec)::in, list(deconstruction_spec)::out) is det.
+deconstruction_specs_2(DeadVar, Table, !DeconstructionSpecs) :- 
+    multi_map.lookup(Table, DeadVar, Matches),
+    NewSpecs = list.condense(list.map(match_get_decon_specs, Matches)),
+    append(NewSpecs, !DeconstructionSpecs).
+:- func match_get_decon_specs(match) = list(deconstruction_spec). 
+match_get_decon_specs(Match) = Match ^ decon_specs. 
+% Find construction unifications for dead cells, compute the values of the
+% matches.
+    % 
+    % Compute the value of a dead cel with respect to its possible reusesi in a
+    % conjunction of goals. If reuse is possible, add the specification of the
+    % construction where it can be reused to the list of constructions recorded
+    % in the match. 
+    %
+    % In a conjunction, a dead cell can only be reused in at most one of its
+    % direct childs. This means that for each child a new value is computed. At
+    % the end of a conjunction, we immediately choose the reuse with the
+    % highest value.  
+    %
+    % XXX This may not be such a good idea, as the notion of "degree" is used
+    % to decide between reuses with the same value later on, once the full
+    % match_table is computed.  
+    %
+    %
+:- pred find_best_match_in_conjunction(background_info::in, 
+    hlds_goals::in, match::in, match::out) is det.
+find_best_match_in_conjunction(Background, Goals, !Match) :- 
+    Match0 = !.Match,
+	list.map(find_match_in_goal(Background, Match0), Goals, ExclusiveMatches), 
+	Degree = count_candidates(ExclusiveMatches),
+    highest_match_in_list(ExclusiveMatches, !Match),
+    !:Match = !.Match ^ match_degree := Degree.
+    % Compute the matches for a dead cell in the context of a disjunction. For
+    % each of the branches of the disjunction, a different match may be found.
+    % At the end, these matches are merged together into one single match,
+    % taking the average of match values to be the value of the final match. 
+    % Each construction involved in the reuses is counted as a possibility for
+    % reuse, hence is reflected in the degree of the final match description.
+    %
+:- pred find_match_in_disjunction(background_info::in, hlds_goals::in,
+    match::in, match::out) is det.
+find_match_in_disjunction(Background, Branches, !Match) :- 
+    (
+        Branches = []
+    ;
+        Branches = [_|_],
+        list.map(find_match_in_goal(Background, !.Match), Branches,
+            BranchMatches),
+        average_match(BranchMatches, !:Match)
+    ).
+:- pred find_match_in_goal(background_info::in, match::in, hlds_goal::in,
+    match::out) is det.
+find_match_in_goal(Background, Match0, Goal, Match) :- 
+    find_match_in_goal_2(Background, Goal, Match0, Match).
+:- pred find_match_in_goal_2(background_info::in, hlds_goal::in, 
+    match::in, match::out) is det.
+find_match_in_goal_2(Background, Goal, !Match) :- 
+    Goal = GoalExpr - GoalInfo, 
+    (
+        GoalExpr = unify(_, _, _, Unification, _),
+        (
+            Unification = construct(Var, Cons, Args, _, _, _, _),
+                % Is the construction still looking for reuse-possibilities...
+            empty_reuse_description(goal_info_get_reuse(GoalInfo))
+        ->
+                % Is it possible for the construction to reuse the dead cell
+                % specified by the match?
+            verify_match(Background, Var, Cons, Args, 
+                program_point_init(GoalInfo), !Match)
+        ;
+            true
+        )
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = call(_, _, _, _, _, _)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = generic_call( _, _, _, _)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = conj(_, Goals),
+        find_best_match_in_conjunction(Background, Goals, !Match)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = disj(Goals),
+        find_match_in_disjunction(Background, Goals, !Match)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = switch(_, _, Cases),
+        find_match_in_disjunction(Background, list.map(case_get_goal, Cases), 
+            !Match)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = not(_)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = scope(_, ScopeGoal),
+        find_match_in_goal_2(Background, ScopeGoal, !Match)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = if_then_else(_, CondGoal, ThenGoal, ElseGoal),
+        Match0 = !.Match, 
+        find_best_match_in_conjunction(Background, [CondGoal, ThenGoal], 
+            !Match),
+        find_match_in_goal_2(Background, ElseGoal, Match0, MatchElse),
+        average_match([!.Match, MatchElse], !:Match)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr = shorthand(_),
+        unexpected(choose_reuse.this_file, "find_match_in_goal: " ++
+            "shorthand goal.")
+    ).
+:- func count_candidates(list(match)) = int.
+count_candidates(Matches) = list.foldl(add_degree, Matches, 0).
+:- func add_degree(match, int) = int. 
+add_degree(Match, Degree0) = Degree0 + Match ^ match_degree.
+:- pred empty_reuse_description(reuse_description::in) is semidet.
+% Verify the value of a match for a given construction.
+% The value is computed using the following rule: 
+% Gain = (Alfa + Gamma) * ArityNewCell + Beta
+%		- Gamma * (ArityNewCell - UptoDateFields)
+%		- Alfa * (ArityOldCell - ArityNewCell)
+% where
+% * Alfa: cost of allocating one single memory cell on the heap; 
+% * Gamma: cost of setting the value of one single memory cell on the heap; 
+% * Beta: cost of setting the value of the cons_id field; 
+:- func alfa_value = int is det.
+:- func gamma_value = int is det.
+:- func beta_value = int is det.
+alfa_value = 5. 
+gamma_value = 1.
+beta_value = 1. 
+:- pred verify_match(background_info::in, prog_var::in, cons_id::in, 
+    list(prog_var)::in, program_point::in, match::in, match::out) is det.
+verify_match(Background, NewVar, NewCons, NewArgs, PP, !Match) :- 
+    DeconSpecs = !.Match ^ decon_specs, 
+    list.filter_map(compute_reuse_type(Background, NewVar, NewCons, NewArgs),
+        DeconSpecs, ReuseTypes),
+    (
+        ReuseType = glb_reuse_types(ReuseTypes) % Can Fail.
+    ->
+        ConSpec = con(PP, ReuseType),
+        match_add_construction(ConSpec, !Match)
+    ;
+        true
+    ).
+    % compute_reuse_type(Background, NewVar, NewCons, NewArgs, 
+    %   DeconstructionSpecification) = Cost (represented as a reuse_type).
+    %
+    % Compute a description (including its cost) of reusing the 
+    % specified deconstruction for the construction of the new var (NewVar),
+    % with cons_id NewCons, and arguments NewArgs.
+    %
+    % The predicate fails if the construction is incompatible with the
+    % deconstructed dead data structure.
+    %
+:- pred compute_reuse_type(background_info::in, prog_var::in, cons_id::in,
+    list(prog_var)::in, deconstruction_spec::in, 
+    reuse_type::out) is semidet.
+compute_reuse_type(Background, NewVar, NewCons, NewCellArgs, DeconSpec, 
+			ReuseType) :- 
+	DeconSpec = decon(DeadVar, _, DeadCons, DeadCellArgs, _),
+	ModuleInfo = Background ^ module_info, 
+	Vartypes   = Background ^ vartypes, 
+	NewArity = list.length(NewCellArgs), 
+	DeadArity = list.length(DeadCellArgs), 
+    % Cells with arity zero can not reuse heap cells. 
+    NewArity \= 0, 
+	% The new cell must not be bigger than the dead cell. 
+	NewArity =< DeadArity,
+	% Verify wether the cons_ids and arities match the reuse constraint
+    % specified by the user. 
+	Constraint = Background ^ strategy, 
+	DiffArity = DeadArity - NewArity, 
+	( NewCons = DeadCons -> SameCons = yes ; SameCons = no), 
+	( 
+		Constraint = within_n_cells_difference(N),
+		DiffArity =< N
+	; 
+		Constraint = same_cons_id, 
+		SameCons = yes
+	),
+    % Upon success of all the previous checks, determine the number of
+    % fields that do not require an update if the construction unification 
+    % would reuse the deconstructed cell. 
+    %
+	has_secondary_tag(ModuleInfo, Vartypes, NewVar, 
+		NewCons, SecTag), 
+	has_secondary_tag(ModuleInfo, Vartypes, DeadVar, 
+		DeadCons, DeadSecTag), 
+	ReuseFields = already_correct_fields(SecTag, NewCellArgs, 
+		DeadSecTag - DeadCellArgs),
+	UpToDateFields = list.length(
+		list.delete_all(ReuseFields, needs_update)),
+	%
+	% Finally, compute the value of this reuse-configuration.
+    %
+	( SameCons = yes -> SameConsV = 0; SameConsV = 1),
+	Weight = ( (alfa_value + gamma_value) * NewArity + beta_value
+		- gamma_value * (NewArity - UpToDateFields)
+		- beta_value * SameConsV
+		- alfa_value * DiffArity ),
+	Weight > 0,
+	ReuseType = reuse_type(SameCons, ReuseFields, float(Weight)).
+:- func glb_reuse_types(list(reuse_type)) = reuse_type is semidet.
+glb_reuse_types([First|Rest]) = 
+	list.foldl(glb_reuse_types_2, Rest, First).
+:- func glb_reuse_types_2(reuse_type, reuse_type) = reuse_type.
+glb_reuse_types_2(R1, R2) = R :- 
+	R1 = reuse_type(SameCons1, Fields1, V1),
+	R2 = reuse_type(SameCons2, Fields2, V2),
+	R = reuse_type(SameCons1 `and` SameCons2, Fields1 `ands` Fields2, 
+		(V1 + V2) / 2.00 ).
+:- func ands(list(needs_update), list(needs_update)) = list(needs_update). 
+ands(L1, L2) = L :- 
+	(
+		length(L1) =< length(L2)
+	-> 
+		L1b = L1, 
+		L2b = take_upto(length(L1), L2)
+	;
+		L1b = take_upto(length(L2), L1),
+		L2b = L2
+	),
+	L = list.map_corresponding(needs_update_and, L1b, L2b).
+:- func needs_update_and(needs_update, needs_update) = needs_update.
+needs_update_and(needs_update, needs_update) = needs_update.
+needs_update_and(needs_update, does_not_need_update) = needs_update.
+needs_update_and(does_not_need_update, needs_update) = needs_update.
+needs_update_and(does_not_need_update, does_not_need_update) = 
+    does_not_need_update.
+        %
+        % has_secondary_tag(Var, ConsId, HasSecTag) is true iff the
+        % variable, Var, with cons_id, ConsId, requires a remote
+        % secondary tag to distinguish between its various functors.
+        %
+:- pred has_secondary_tag(module_info::in, vartypes::in,
+                prog_var::in, cons_id::in, bool::out) is det.
+has_secondary_tag(ModuleInfo, VarTypes, Var, ConsId, SecondaryTag) :- 
+	(
+		map.lookup(VarTypes, Var, Type),
+        type_util.type_to_type_defn_body(ModuleInfo, Type, TypeBody),
+        TypeBody = du_type(_, ConsTagValues, _, _, _, _),
+        map.search(ConsTagValues, ConsId, ConsTag),
+        MaybeSecondaryTag = get_secondary_tag(ConsTag), 
+        MaybeSecondaryTag = yes(_)
+	->
+		SecondaryTag = yes
+	;
+		SecondaryTag = no
+	).
+	%
+	% already_correct_fields(HasSecTagC, VarsC, HasSecTagR - VarsR)
+    % takes a list of variables, VarsC, which are the arguments for the cell to
+    % be constructed and the list of variables, VarsR, which are the arguments
+    % for the cell to be reused and returns a list of 'needs_update' values.
+    % Each occurrence of 'does_not_need_update' indicates that the argument at
+    % the corresponding position in the list of arguments already has the
+    % correct value stored in it.  To do this correctly we
+    % need to know whether each cell has a secondary tag field.
+	%
+:- func already_correct_fields(bool, prog_vars,
+		pair(bool, prog_vars)) = list(needs_update).
+already_correct_fields(SecTagC, CurrentCellVars, SecTagR - ReuseCellVars)
+	    = NeedsNoUpdate ++ list.duplicate(LengthC - LengthB, needs_update) :-
+	NeedsNoUpdate = already_correct_fields_2(SecTagC, CurrentCellVars,
+		SecTagR, ReuseCellVars),
+	LengthC = list.length(CurrentCellVars),
+	LengthB = list.length(NeedsNoUpdate).
+:- func already_correct_fields_2(bool, prog_vars, bool, prog_vars) 
+    = list(needs_update).
+already_correct_fields_2(yes, CurrentCellVars, yes, ReuseCellVars)
+	= equals(CurrentCellVars, ReuseCellVars).
+already_correct_fields_2(yes, CurrentCellVars, no, ReuseCellVars)
+	= [needs_update | equals(CurrentCellVars, drop_one(ReuseCellVars))].
+already_correct_fields_2(no, CurrentCellVars, yes, ReuseCellVars) 
+	= [needs_update | equals(drop_one(CurrentCellVars), ReuseCellVars)].
+already_correct_fields_2(no, CurrentCellVars, no, ReuseCellVars) 
+	= equals(CurrentCellVars, ReuseCellVars).
+	%
+	% equals(ListA, ListB) produces a list of 'needs_update' that indicates
+    % whether the corresponding elements from ListA and ListB are equal.  If
+    % ListA and ListB are of different lengths, the resulting list is the
+    % length of the shorter of the two.
+	%
+:- func equals(list(T), list(T)) = list(needs_update).
+equals([], []) = [].
+equals([], [_|_]) = [].
+equals([_|_], []) = [].
+equals([X | Xs], [Y | Ys]) = [NeedsUpdate | equals(Xs, Ys)] :-
+	( X = Y ->
+		NeedsUpdate = does_not_need_update
+	;
+		NeedsUpdate = needs_update
+	).
+:- func drop_one(list(T)) = list(T).
+drop_one([]) = [].
+drop_one([_ | Xs]) = Xs.
+    % Once a match is selected (hence a set of deconstructions and matching
+    % constructions), annotate all the involved unifications in the goal.
+    %
+:- pred annotate_reuses_in_goal(background_info::in, match::in, hlds_goal::in, 
+    hlds_goal::out) is det.
+annotate_reuses_in_goal(Background, Match, !Goal) :- 
+    !.Goal = GoalExpr0 - GoalInfo0, 
+    (
+        GoalExpr0 = unify(_, _, _, Unification, _),
+        GoalExpr = GoalExpr0, 
+        annotate_reuse_for_unification(Background, Match, Unification, 
+            GoalInfo0, GoalInfo)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = call(_, _, _, _, _, _),
+        GoalExpr = GoalExpr0, 
+        GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = generic_call( _, _, _, _),
+        GoalExpr = GoalExpr0, 
+        GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _),
+        GoalExpr = GoalExpr0, 
+        GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = conj(A, Goals0),
+        list.map(annotate_reuses_in_goal(Background, Match), Goals0, Goals),
+        GoalExpr = conj(A, Goals),
+        GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = disj(Goals0),
+        list.map(annotate_reuses_in_goal(Background, Match), Goals0, Goals),
+        GoalExpr = disj(Goals),
+        GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = switch(A, B, Cases0),
+        list.map(annotate_reuses_in_case(Background, Match), Cases0, Cases),
+        GoalExpr = switch(A, B, Cases),
+        GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = not(_),
+        GoalExpr = GoalExpr0, 
+        GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = scope(A, ScopeGoal0),
+        annotate_reuses_in_goal(Background, Match, ScopeGoal0, ScopeGoal),
+        GoalExpr = scope(A, ScopeGoal),
+        GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(A, CondGoal0, ThenGoal0, ElseGoal0),
+        annotate_reuses_in_goal(Background, Match, CondGoal0, CondGoal),
+        annotate_reuses_in_goal(Background, Match, ThenGoal0, ThenGoal), 
+        annotate_reuses_in_goal(Background, Match, ElseGoal0, ElseGoal),
+        GoalExpr = if_then_else(A, CondGoal, ThenGoal, ElseGoal),
+        GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_),
+        unexpected(choose_reuse.this_file, "annotate_reuses: " ++
+            "shorthand goal.")
+    ),
+    !:Goal = GoalExpr - GoalInfo.
+:- pred annotate_reuses_in_case(background_info::in, match::in, 
+    case::in, case::out) is det.
+annotate_reuses_in_case(Background, Match, !Case) :-
+    !.Case = case(A, Goal0),
+    annotate_reuses_in_goal(Background, Match, Goal0, Goal), 
+    !:Case = case(A, Goal).
+:- pred annotate_reuse_for_unification(background_info::in, 
+    match::in, unification::in, 
+    hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_info::out) is det.
+annotate_reuse_for_unification(Background, Match, Unification, !GoalInfo):- 
+    CurrentProgramPoint = program_point_init(!.GoalInfo),
+    (
+        Unification = deconstruct(_, _, _, _, _, _),
+        (
+            match_find_deconstruction_spec(Match, CurrentProgramPoint, 
+                _DeconSpec)
+        -> 
+            goal_info_set_reuse(potential_reuse(cell_died), !GoalInfo)
+        ;
+            true
+        )
+    ;
+        Unification = construct(_, _, _, _, _, _, _),
+        (   
+            match_find_construction_spec(Match, CurrentProgramPoint, ConSpec)
+        ->
+            DeadVar = match_get_dead_var(Match),
+            DeadConsIds = match_get_dead_cons_ids(Match),
+            ReuseAs = match_get_condition(Background, Match),
+            ReuseFields = ConSpec ^ con_reuse ^ reuse_fields,
+            (
+                reuse_as_conditional_reuses(ReuseAs)
+            -> 
+                Kind = conditional_reuse
+            ;
+                reuse_as_all_unconditional_reuses(ReuseAs)
+            ->
+                Kind = unconditional_reuse
+            ;
+                % reuse_as_no_reuses(ReuseAs)
+                unexpected(choose_reuse.this_file, 
+                    "annotate_reuse_for_unification: no reuse conditions!")
+            ),
+            CellReused = cell_reused(DeadVar, Kind, DeadConsIds, 
+                ReuseFields),
+            (
+                Kind = conditional_reuse,
+                KindReuse = potential_reuse(CellReused)
+            ;
+                % When the reuse is unconditional, we can safely annotate
+                % that the unification is always a reuse unification.
+                Kind = unconditional_reuse, 
+                KindReuse = reuse(CellReused)
+            ),
+            goal_info_set_reuse(KindReuse, !GoalInfo)
+        ;
+            true
+        )
+    ;
+        Unification = assign(_, _)
+    ;
+        Unification = simple_test(_, _)
+    ;
+        Unification = complicated_unify(_, _, _),
+        unexpected(choose_reuse.this_file, 
+            "annotate_reuse_for_unification: complicated_unify.")
+    ).
+:- pred match_find_deconstruction_spec(match::in, program_point::in, 
+    deconstruction_spec::out) is semidet.
+match_find_deconstruction_spec(Match, ProgramPoint, DeconstructionSpec) :-
+    list.filter(deconstruction_spec_with_program_point(ProgramPoint),
+        Match ^ decon_specs, [DeconstructionSpec]).
+:- pred match_find_construction_spec(match::in, program_point::in, 
+    construction_spec::out) is semidet.
+match_find_construction_spec(Match, ProgramPoint, ConstructionSpec) :-
+    list.filter(construction_spec_with_program_point(ProgramPoint),
+        Match ^ con_specs, [ConstructionSpec]).
+:- pred deconstruction_spec_with_program_point(program_point::in, 
+    deconstruction_spec::in) is semidet.
+deconstruction_spec_with_program_point(DeconstructionSpec ^ decon_pp, 
+    DeconstructionSpec).
+:- pred construction_spec_with_program_point(program_point::in, 
+    construction_spec::in) is semidet.
+construction_spec_with_program_point(ConstructionSpec ^ con_pp,
+    ConstructionSpec).
+% Predicates to print intermediate results as stored in a match_table.
+:- func line_length = int. 
+line_length = 79.
+:- pred dump_line(string::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+dump_line(Msg, !IO) :- 
+	Prefix = "%---", 
+	Start = string.append(Prefix, Msg), 
+	Remainder = line_length - string.length(Start) - 1, 
+	Line = Start ++ string.duplicate_char('-', Remainder),
+	io.write_string(Line, !IO),
+	io.write_string("%\n", !IO).
+:- pred maybe_dump_match_table(bool::in, match_table::in, match::in,
+		io::di, io::uo) is det.
+maybe_dump_match_table(VeryVerbose, MatchTable, HighestMatch, !IO) :- 
+	(
+		VeryVerbose = yes
+	->
+		dump_line("reuse table", !IO), 
+		io.write_string("%\t|\tvar\t|\tvalue\t|\tdegree\n", !IO),
+		dump_match("%-sel- ", HighestMatch, !IO),
+		dump_full_table(MatchTable, !IO),
+		dump_line("", !IO)
+	;
+		true
+	).
+:- pred dump_match(string::in, match::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+dump_match(Prefix, Match, !IO):- 
+	io.write_string(Prefix, !IO), 
+	io.write_string("\t|\t", !IO),
+	io.write_int(term.var_to_int(match_get_dead_var(Match)), !IO),
+	io.write_string("\t|\t", !IO),
+	Val = Match ^ match_value, 
+	(
+		Val \= 0.00 
+	-> 	
+		io.format("%.2f", [f(Val)], !IO)
+	; 
+		io.write_string("-", !IO)
+	),
+	Degree = Match ^ match_degree, 
+	io.write_string("\t|\t", !IO),
+	io.write_int(Degree, !IO),
+	io.write_string("\t", !IO), 
+	dump_match_details(Match, !IO),
+	io.nl(!IO).
+:- pred dump_match_details(match::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+dump_match_details(Match, !IO) :- 
+	Conds = list.map(
+		(func(DeconSpec) = Cond :- 
+			Cond = DeconSpec ^ decon_conds), 
+			Match ^ decon_specs),
+	(
+		list.takewhile(
+            reuse_as_all_unconditional_reuses, 
+			Conds, _, [])
+	-> 
+		CondsString = "A"
+	;
+		CondsString = "C"
+	), 
+	D = list.length(Match ^ decon_specs), 
+	C = list.length(Match ^ con_specs), 
+	string.append_list(["d: ", int_to_string(D), ", c: ", 
+		int_to_string(C), 
+		", Co: ", CondsString], Details), 
+	io.write_string(Details, !IO).
+:- pred dump_full_table(match_table::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+dump_full_table(MatchTable, !IO) :- 
+	(
+		multi_map.is_empty(MatchTable)
+	-> 
+		dump_line("empty match table", !IO)
+	; 
+		dump_line("full table (start)", !IO), 
+		multi_map.values(MatchTable, Matches), 
+		list.foldl(dump_match("%-----"), Matches, !IO),
+		dump_line("full table (end)", !IO)
+	).
+:- pred maybe_dump_full_table(bool::in, match_table::in, io::di,
+		io::uo) is det.
+maybe_dump_full_table(no, _M, !IO).
+maybe_dump_full_table(yes, M, !IO) :- dump_full_table(M, !IO).
+    % After determining all local reuses of dead datastructures (a data
+    % structure becomes dead and is reused in one and the same procedure), we
+    % determine the 'global reuses': deconstructions that yield dead data
+    % structures, without imposing any reuse constraints are annotated so that
+    % these cells can be cached whenever the user specifies that option. 
+    %
+:- pred check_for_cell_caching(dead_cell_table::in, hlds_goal::in, 
+    hlds_goal::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+check_for_cell_caching(DeadCellTable0, !Goal, !IO) :- 
+    dead_cell_table_remove_conditionals(DeadCellTable0, DeadCellTable),
+	globals__io_lookup_bool_option(very_verbose, VeryVerbose, !IO),
+    (
+        \+ dead_cell_table_is_empty(DeadCellTable)
+    -> 
+        maybe_write_string(VeryVerbose, "% Marking cacheable cells.\n", !IO),
+        check_cc(DeadCellTable, !Goal)
+    ;
+        maybe_write_string(VeryVerbose, "% No cells to be cached.\n", !IO)
+    ).
+:- pred check_cc(dead_cell_table::in, hlds_goal::in, hlds_goal::out) is det.
+check_cc(DeadCellTable, !Goal):- 
+    !.Goal = GoalExpr0 - GoalInfo0, 
+    (
+        GoalExpr0 = unify(A, B, C, Unification0, D),
+        check_cc_for_unification(DeadCellTable, 
+            Unification0, Unification, GoalInfo0, GoalInfo),
+        GoalExpr = unify(A, B, C, Unification, D)
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = call(_, _, _, _, _, _),
+        GoalExpr = GoalExpr0, 
+        GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = generic_call( _, _, _, _),
+        GoalExpr = GoalExpr0, 
+        GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _),
+        GoalExpr = GoalExpr0, 
+        GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = conj(A, Goals0),
+        list.map(check_cc(DeadCellTable), Goals0, Goals),
+        GoalExpr = conj(A, Goals),
+        GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = disj(Goals0),
+        list.map(check_cc(DeadCellTable), Goals0, Goals),
+        GoalExpr = disj(Goals),
+        GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = switch(A, B, Cases0),
+        list.map(check_cc_in_case(DeadCellTable), Cases0, Cases),
+        GoalExpr = switch(A, B, Cases),
+        GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = not(_),
+        GoalExpr = GoalExpr0, 
+        GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = scope(A, ScopeGoal0),
+        check_cc(DeadCellTable, ScopeGoal0, ScopeGoal),
+        GoalExpr = scope(A, ScopeGoal),
+        GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = if_then_else(A, CondGoal0, ThenGoal0, ElseGoal0),
+        check_cc(DeadCellTable, CondGoal0, CondGoal),
+        check_cc(DeadCellTable, ThenGoal0, ThenGoal), 
+        check_cc(DeadCellTable, ElseGoal0, ElseGoal),
+        GoalExpr = if_then_else(A, CondGoal, ThenGoal, ElseGoal),
+        GoalInfo = GoalInfo0
+    ;
+        GoalExpr0 = shorthand(_),
+        unexpected(choose_reuse.this_file, "check_cc: " ++
+            "shorthand goal.")
+    ),
+    !:Goal = GoalExpr - GoalInfo.
+:- pred check_cc_in_case(dead_cell_table::in, case::in, case::out) is det.
+check_cc_in_case(DeadCellTable, !Case) :-
+    !.Case = case(A, Goal0),
+    check_cc(DeadCellTable, Goal0, Goal), 
+    !:Case = case(A, Goal).
+:- pred check_cc_for_unification(dead_cell_table::in,
+    unification::in, unification::out, 
+    hlds_goal_info::in, hlds_goal_info::out) is det.
+check_cc_for_unification(DeadCellTable, !Unification, !GoalInfo):- 
+    (
+        !.Unification = deconstruct(A, B, C, D, E, _),
+        Condition = dead_cell_table_search(program_point_init(!.GoalInfo), 
+            DeadCellTable),
+        \+ reuse_condition_is_conditional(Condition)
+    -> 
+        !:Unification = deconstruct(A, B, C, D, E, can_cgc),
+        ReuseInfo = potential_reuse(cell_died),
+        goal_info_set_reuse(ReuseInfo, !GoalInfo)
+    ;
+        true
+    ).
+:- func this_file = string.
+this_file = "structure_reuse.direct.choose_reuse.m". 
+:- end_module transform_hlds.ctgc.structure_reuse.direct.choose_reuse.

nancy.mazur at cs.kuleuven.ac.be ------------ Katholieke Universiteit Leuven -
tel: +32-16-327596 - fax: +32-16-327996 ------- Dept. of Computer Science -

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