[m-rev.] for review: add windows installer generator to extras

Ian MacLarty maclarty at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Wed Oct 26 01:39:00 AEST 2005

For review by anyone.

Estimated hours taken: 50
Branches: main

Implement a Wix source file generator.  Wix is an XML language used to
describe Windows installer packages (.msi files).

	Implement a wix library for generating Wix source files.

	Implement an example installer generator for the Mercury

Index: extras/windows_installer_generator/README
RCS file: extras/windows_installer_generator/README
diff -N extras/windows_installer_generator/README
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ extras/windows_installer_generator/README	25 Oct 2005 15:30:16 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+This is the top-level module for a Mercury Wix source file generator.
+WiX is an XML language that is used to generate Microsoft Windows Installer
+(.msi) packages.
+To compile the XML into an .msi file you need the WiX compiler, available
+from wix.sourceforge.net.  You will also need a tool to generate
+GUID. GUIDs are unique identifiers that Windows uses to identify all
+the components in a package.  A GUID generator for Linux is uuidgen.
+Microsoft Visual Studio also comes with a GUID generator, uuidgen.exe.
+For documentation on the toolkit API see wix.m in this directory.
+The predicate wix.installer.generate_installer will generate a .wxs file
+based on information in its arguments.
+The .wxs file can then be compiled to a .msi file using the Wix toolset.
+The following commands will generate <filename>.msi, given <filename>.wxs.
+candle <filename>.wxs
+light <filename>.wixobj
+NOTE that there are still a few features missing from the current
+implementation.  For example the user cannot select different features of a
+product to install -- it's all or nothing.  Also Windows installer error codes
+are not converted into friendlier error messages at the moment.  The installer
+wizard is also not as customizable as it could be.
+To build the wix library execute the command:
+mmc --make libwix
Index: extras/windows_installer_generator/wix.m
RCS file: extras/windows_installer_generator/wix.m
diff -N extras/windows_installer_generator/wix.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ extras/windows_installer_generator/wix.m	25 Oct 2005 13:33:27 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,583 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
+% Copyright (C) 2005 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% Main author: Ian MacLarty (maclarty at cs.mu.oz.au).
+:- module wix.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module io.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module string.
+:- import_module wix_gui.
+    % generate_installer(Installer, GUIDGenCommand, FileName, Result, !IO).
+    %
+    % Generate a Wix source file which can then be compiled into a
+    % Windows installer (.msi) file.
+    %
+    % The name of the source file to generate is given by FileName.
+    % By convention Wix source files have the suffix `.wxs'.
+    % The Installer argument contains all the information necessary to
+    % generate the installer (see the installer type below).
+    % GUIDGenCommand is a command to execute to generate a GUID.
+    % A GUID is a unique identifier that Windows uses to keep track of
+    % each installed component.  A seperate GUID is generated for
+    % each file installed.  `uuidgen.exe' is an example of a GUID generator
+    % and is available for both Windows and Linux.
+    %
+    % To compile the generated .wxs file into a windows installer first
+    % download the Wix toolset from wix.sourceforge.net and then run:
+    %
+    % candle <filename>.wxs
+    % light <filename>.wixobj
+    %
+    % from the Windows command prompt.  This will produce <filename>.msi.
+    %
+    % Result unifies with `ok' if the installer was successfully generated
+    % and `wix_error(Error)' if there was a problem.  See the definition of
+    % the wix_result type below for the possible errors that could occur.
+    %
+:- pred generate_installer(installer(L)::in, string::in, string::in,
+    wix_result::out, io::di, io::uo)
+    is det <= language_independent_tokens(L).
+    % Types of the following class are tokens used to represent
+    % fragments of text in the user interface of the installer in
+    % a language independent way.  The translate member should
+    % translate all the tokens for the languages supported by the installer.
+    % If translate fails for a given token/language combination during the
+    % generation of a Wix source file, then the source file will not be
+    % generated and generate_installer will result a wix_error result.
+    % It is a good idea to define translate in terms of another function
+    % that is deterministic for the languages you want to support.  That
+    % way the compiler will catch any missing translations.
+    % For a list of possible languages see the file languages.m in this
+    % directory.
+    %
+:- typeclass language_independent_tokens(L) where [
+    pred translate(L::in, language::in, string::out) is semidet
+    % The installer type is used to define a Windows installer.
+    % The values of type L are tokens representing fragments of
+    % text in the installer GUI.  The tokens are converted to the
+    % appropriate language based on the value of the wix_language field.
+    %
+:- type installer(L)
+    --->    installer(
+                    % Information about the product being installed.
+                    % (see below)
+                wix_product_info            :: product(L),
+                    % The language to be used in the GUI of the installer.
+                wix_language                :: language,
+                    % A list of environment variables to set when installing
+                    % the product (see the definition of set_env_var below).
+                wix_set_env_vars            :: list(set_env_var(L)),
+                    % A mapping from filenames to shortcuts which
+                    % should be placed on the desktop and/or programs
+                    % menu (see the definition of the shortcut_function
+                    % type below).
+                wix_shortcut_func           :: shortcut_function(L),
+                    % A token representing the text to display in the
+                    % title bar of the installer GUI.
+                wix_title                   :: L,
+                    % Tokens representing the heading and description
+                    % to display while installation is progressing.
+                wix_install_heading         :: L,
+                wix_install_descr           :: L,
+                    % Tokens representing the text in the Next, Back, Cancel
+                    % and Install wizard buttons.
+                wix_next_button             :: L,
+                wix_back_button             :: L,
+                wix_cancel_button           :: L,
+                wix_install_button          :: L,
+                    % A token representing the message to display to the user
+                    % when confirmin a cancel operation.
+                wix_cancel_message          :: L,
+                    % Tokens representing the heading, confirmation message
+                    % and Remove button text displayed in the
+                    % uninstallation confirmation dialog.
+                wix_remove_heading          :: L,
+                wix_remove_confirm          :: L,
+                wix_remove_button           :: L,
+                    % Tokens representing the heading and description to
+                    % display while uninstallation is progressing.
+                wix_remove_progress_heading :: L,
+                wix_remove_progress_descr   :: L,
+                    % Tokens representing the heading, message and Finish
+                    % button text to display in the final wizard dialog
+                    % which is displayed after installation has successfully
+                    % completed.
+                wix_finish_heading          :: L,
+                wix_finish_message          :: L,
+                wix_finish_button           :: L,
+                    % Tokens representing the heading and message to display
+                    % if the installer detects that some files are in
+                    % use which it needs to delete.
+                    % A list of the programs locking the files in use is
+                    % displayed after the message.
+                wix_files_in_use_heading    :: L,
+                wix_files_in_use_message    :: L,
+                    % Tokens representing the text to display on Ignore,
+                    % Retry, Yes and No buttons.
+                wix_ignore_button           :: L,
+                wix_retry_button            :: L,
+                wix_yes_button              :: L,
+                wix_no_button               :: L,
+                    % A token representing the text to display if the
+                    % user is not an administrator, but administrator
+                    % privileges are required for the installation.
+                    % (Administrator privileges will be required if any
+                    % system level environment variables need to be set
+                    % by the installer).
+                wix_must_be_admin_msg       :: L,
+                    % The path to a bitmap file to be displayed at the top of
+                    % each wizard step.  The bitmap can be any size, but will
+                    % be scaled to fit an area of 370x44 pixels.
+                    %
+                wix_banner_source           :: string,
+                    % The path to a larger bitmap image that will be
+                    % used as the background for the final wizard step
+                    % (after successful installation).  This bitmap will
+                    % also be used for wizard_start wizard steps
+                    % (see the wizard_start function in gui.m).
+                    % The bitmap can be any size, but will be scaled
+                    % to fit any area of 370x234 pixels.
+                wix_background_source       :: string,
+                    % A list of wizard steps the installer should go through
+                    % with the user before installation.
+                wix_wizard_steps            :: list(wizard_step(L))
+            ).
+    % The shortcut function determines which files should have shortcuts
+    % installed on the Desktop and/or the Programs menu.
+    % It takes two string arguments - the directory of the file and the
+    % name of the file.  It returns a list of shortcuts to generate for the
+    % given file.
+    %
+:- type shortcut_function(L) == (func(string, string) = list(shortcut(L))).
+:- type shortcut(L)
+	--->	shortcut(
+                shortcut_where	:: shortcut_where,  % Where to place the
+                                                    % shortcut.
+                shortcut_name	:: L                % The title of the shortcut
+                                                    % as the user will see it.
+            ).
+:- type shortcut_where
+	--->	programs    % Place the shortcut in the Programs menu under a
+                        % folder with the same name as the product.
+	;	    desktop.    % Place the shortcut on the Desktop.
+    % Values of this type give information about the product being
+    % installed.
+    %
+:- type product(L)
+    --->    product(
+                product_manufacturer        :: L,
+                product_name                :: L,
+                product_version             :: version_no,
+                product_description         :: L,
+                product_comments            :: L,
+                    % The path to the directory containing the files
+                    % and directories that should be installed to the user's
+                    % computer, on the machine where the installer will be
+                    % generated.
+                product_files_path          :: string,
+                    % The name of the folder under the "Program Files" folder
+                    % to install the product on the user's machine.
+                product_default_install_loc :: L
+            ).
+    % Wix only accepts version numbers of the form NN.NN.NN.NN.
+    %
+:- type version_no
+    --->    version_no(
+                version_major   :: int,
+                version_minor   :: int,
+                version_build   :: int,
+                version_other   :: int
+            ).
+    % This type is used to tell the installer what environment variables
+    % to set during the installation.
+    % Values can be appended or prepended to existing environment variables,
+    % or the value of an old environment variable can be overwritten
+    % completely.  If the environment variable doesn't exist it will be
+    % created.  Environement variables can also be set in the user or
+    % system environment space.  Setting an environment variable in the
+    % system user space will require the user to have administrator privileges.
+    %
+:- type set_env_var(L)
+    --->    set_env_var(
+                env_var_name            :: string,
+                env_var_value           :: L,
+                env_var_how_set         :: env_var_how_set,
+                env_var_system_or_user  :: env_var_system_or_user
+            ).
+:- type env_var_how_set
+    --->    replace % Replace the value of the environment variable with the
+                    % new value.
+    ;       prepend % Prepend the new value to the old value, separating the
+                    % old and new values with a `;' character.
+    ;       append. % Append the new value to the end of the old value,
+                    % separating the old and new values with a `;' character.
+    % Should the environment variable be set in the system or
+    % user environment space?
+    % Setting an environment variable in the system environment
+    % space requires administrator privileges, but the environment variable
+    % will be visible to all users.
+    %
+:- type env_var_system_or_user
+    --->    system
+    ;       user.
+	% license_wizard_step(Heading, Instructions, LicenseSrc) = WizardStep.
+    % Generate a wizard step that displays the contents of a rich text format
+    % (.rtf) file.  The name of the .rtf file should be given by LicenseSrc.
+    % Heading and Instructions are displayed above the contents
+    % of the .rtf file.
+	%
+:- func license_wizard_step(L, L, L) = wizard_step(L).
+    % welcome_wizard_step(Heading, Message) = WizardStep.
+    % Generate a welcome dialog with the given Heading and Message.
+    %
+:- func welcome_wizard_step(L, L) = wizard_step(L).
+    % notice_wizard_step(Heading, Message) = WizardStep.
+    % The notice wizard step is similar to the license wizard step,
+    % except that the text to display is given as a string, instead of
+    % in an .rtf file.  The text is also not displayed in a scrollable
+    % area, but in a static text area.
+    %
+:- func notice_wizard_step(L, L) = wizard_step(L).
+:- type language
+    --->    afrikaans_south_africa
+    ;       albanian_albania
+    ;       amharic_ethiopia
+    ;       arabic_saudi_arabia
+    ;       arabic_algeria
+    ;       arabic_bahrain
+    ;       arabic_egypt
+    ;       arabic_iraq
+    ;       arabic_jordan
+    ;       arabic_kuwait
+    ;       arabic_lebanon
+    ;       arabic_libya
+    ;       arabic_morocco
+    ;       arabic_oman
+    ;       arabic_qatar
+    ;       arabic_syria
+    ;       arabic_tunisia
+    ;       arabic_u_a_e
+    ;       arabic_yemen
+    ;       armenian_armenia
+    ;       assamese
+    ;       azeri_cyrillic
+    ;       azeri_latin
+    ;       basque
+    ;       belarusian
+    ;       bengali
+    ;       bengali_bangladesh
+    ;       bosnian_bosnia_herzegovina
+    ;       bulgarian
+    ;       burmese
+    ;       catalan
+    ;       cherokee_united_states
+    ;       chinese_peoples_republic_of_china
+    ;       chinese_singapore
+    ;       chinese_taiwan
+    ;       chinese_hong_kong_sar
+    ;       chinese_macao_sar
+    ;       croatian
+    ;       croatian_bosnia_herzegovina
+    ;       czech
+    ;       danish
+    ;       divehi
+    ;       dutch_netherlands
+    ;       dutch_belgium
+    ;       edo
+    ;       english_united_states
+    ;       english_united_kingdom
+    ;       english_australia
+    ;       english_belize
+    ;       english_canada
+    ;       english_caribbean
+    ;       english_hong_kong_sar
+    ;       english_india
+    ;       english_indonesia
+    ;       english_ireland
+    ;       english_jamaica
+    ;       english_malaysia
+    ;       english_new_zealand
+    ;       english_philippines
+    ;       english_singapore
+    ;       english_south_africa
+    ;       english_trinidad
+    ;       english_zimbabwe
+    ;       estonian
+    ;       faroese
+    ;       farsi
+    ;       filipino
+    ;       finnish
+    ;       french_france
+    ;       french_belgium
+    ;       french_cameroon
+    ;       french_canada
+    ;       french_democratic_rep_of_congo
+    ;       french_cote_divoire
+    ;       french_haiti
+    ;       french_luxembourg
+    ;       french_mali
+    ;       french_monaco
+    ;       french_morocco
+    ;       french_north_africa
+    ;       french_reunion
+    ;       french_senegal
+    ;       french_switzerland
+    ;       french_west_indies
+    ;       frisian_netherlands
+    ;       fulfulde_nigeria
+    ;       fyro_macedonian
+    ;       gaelic_ireland
+    ;       gaelic_scotland
+    ;       galician
+    ;       georgian
+    ;       german_germany
+    ;       german_austria
+    ;       german_liechtenstein
+    ;       german_luxembourg
+    ;       german_switzerland
+    ;       greek
+    ;       guarani_paraguay
+    ;       gujarati
+    ;       hausa_nigeria
+    ;       hawaiian_united_states
+    ;       hebrew
+    ;       hindi
+    ;       hungarian
+    ;       ibibio_nigeria
+    ;       icelandic
+    ;       igbo_nigeria
+    ;       indonesian
+    ;       inuktitut
+    ;       italian_italy
+    ;       italian_switzerland
+    ;       japanese
+    ;       kannada
+    ;       kanuri_nigeria
+    ;       kashmiri
+    ;       kashmiri_arabic
+    ;       kazakh
+    ;       khmer
+    ;       konkani
+    ;       korean
+    ;       kyrgyz_cyrillic
+    ;       lao
+    ;       latin
+    ;       latvian
+    ;       lithuanian
+    ;       malay_malaysia
+    ;       malay_brunei_darussalam
+    ;       malayalam
+    ;       maltese
+    ;       manipuri
+    ;       maori_new_zealand
+    ;       marathi
+    ;       mongolian_cyrillic
+    ;       mongolian_mongolian
+    ;       nepali
+    ;       nepali_india
+    ;       norwegian_bokmal
+    ;       norwegian_nynorsk
+    ;       oriya
+    ;       oromo
+    ;       papiamentu
+    ;       pashto
+    ;       polish
+    ;       portuguese_brazil
+    ;       portuguese_portugal
+    ;       punjabi
+    ;       punjabi_pakistan
+    ;       quecha_bolivia
+    ;       quecha_ecuador
+    ;       quecha_peru
+    ;       rhaeto_romanic
+    ;       romanian
+    ;       romanian_moldava
+    ;       russian
+    ;       russian_moldava
+    ;       sami_lappish
+    ;       sanskrit
+    ;       sepedi
+    ;       serbian_cyrillic
+    ;       serbian_latin
+    ;       sindhi_india
+    ;       sindhi_pakistan
+    ;       sinhalese_sri_lanka
+    ;       slovak
+    ;       slovenian
+    ;       somali
+    ;       sorbian
+    ;       spanish_spain_modern_sort
+    ;       spanish_spain_traditional_sort
+    ;       spanish_argentina
+    ;       spanish_bolivia
+    ;       spanish_chile
+    ;       spanish_colombia
+    ;       spanish_costa_rica
+    ;       spanish_dominican_republic
+    ;       spanish_ecuador
+    ;       spanish_el_salvador
+    ;       spanish_guatemala
+    ;       spanish_honduras
+    ;       spanish_latin_america
+    ;       spanish_mexico
+    ;       spanish_nicaragua
+    ;       spanish_panama
+    ;       spanish_paraguay
+    ;       spanish_peru
+    ;       spanish_puerto_rico
+    ;       spanish_united_states
+    ;       spanish_uruguay
+    ;       spanish_venezuela
+    ;       sutu
+    ;       swahili
+    ;       swedish
+    ;       swedish_finland
+    ;       syriac
+    ;       tajik
+    ;       tamazight_arabic
+    ;       tamazight_latin
+    ;       tamil
+    ;       tatar
+    ;       telugu
+    ;       thai
+    ;       tibetan_bhutan
+    ;       tibetan_peoples_republic_of_china
+    ;       tigrigna_eritrea
+    ;       tigrigna_ethiopia
+    ;       tsonga
+    ;       tswana
+    ;       turkish
+    ;       turkmen
+    ;       uighur_china
+    ;       ukrainian
+    ;       urdu
+    ;       urdu_india
+    ;       uzbek_cyrillic
+    ;       uzbek_latin
+    ;       venda
+    ;       vietnamese
+    ;       welsh
+    ;       xhosa
+    ;       yi
+    ;       yiddish
+    ;       yoruba
+    ;       zulu
+    ;       hid_human_interface_device.
+    % The following three types describe the possible errors that could occur
+    % while generating a Wix source file.
+:- type wix_result
+    --->    ok
+    ;       wix_error(wix_error).
+:- type wix_error
+	--->	some [L] no_translation(L, language)
+	;	    io_error(io.error)
+	;	    guid_gen_error(guid_error).
+:- type guid_error
+	--->	guid_eof
+	;	    guid_io_error(io.error)
+	;	    guid_cmd_error(io.system_result).
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module wix_installer.
+:- import_module wix_files.
+:- import_module wix_util.
+:- import_module wix_language.
+:- import_module exception.
+:- import_module std_util.
+:- import_module term_to_xml.
+generate_installer(Installer, GUIDGenCmd, FileName, Result, !IO) :-
+    io.open_output(FileName, OpenResult, !IO),
+    (
+        OpenResult = ok(OutStream),
+        %
+        % We know that, operationally, for a given input,
+        % gen_annotated_installer will either always throw an exception
+        % or always succeed.
+        %
+        promise_equivalent_solutions [TryResult, !:IO] (
+            try_io(
+                wix_installer.gen_annotated_installer(Installer, GUIDGenCmd),
+                TryResult,
+                !IO)
+        ),
+        (
+            TryResult = succeeded(AnnInstaller),
+            write_xml_doc(OutStream, AnnInstaller, !IO),
+            Result = ok
+        ;
+            TryResult = exception(Univ),
+            ( if univ_to_type(Univ, WixError) then
+                Result = wix_error(WixError)
+            else
+                throw(Univ)
+            )
+        )
+    ;
+        OpenResult = error(IOError),
+        Result = wix_error(io_error(IOError))
+    ).
+welcome_wizard_step(Heading, Message) = wizard_start(Heading, Message).
+wix.license_wizard_step(Heading, Instructions, LicenseSrc) =
+    wix_gui.license_wizard_step(Heading, Instructions, LicenseSrc).
+wix.notice_wizard_step(Heading, Message) =
+    wix_gui.notice_wizard_step(Heading, Message).
Index: extras/windows_installer_generator/wix_files.m
RCS file: extras/windows_installer_generator/wix_files.m
diff -N extras/windows_installer_generator/wix_files.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ extras/windows_installer_generator/wix_files.m	25 Oct 2005 13:33:27 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+% Copyright (C) 2005 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% Main author: Ian MacLarty (maclarty at cs.mu.oz.au).
+% This module is responsible for telling Wix what files and shortcuts to
+% install.
+% Each file corresponds to a `Component' element in the Wix source file.
+% Each component must have a unique GUID.
+% Components are grouped together under Features.  Wix allows Features to
+% be installed independently, however the current implementation of this
+% Wix source generator always installs all the Features.
+:- module wix_files.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module term_to_xml.
+:- import_module wix.
+:- import_module wix_util.
+:- type file(L)
+	--->	file(
+			filename	:: string,
+				% A list of shortcuts that should be
+				% created to the file.
+			shortcuts	:: list(shortcut(L))
+		)
+	;	directory(
+			dir_name	:: string,
+			dir_contents	:: list(file(L))
+		).
+	% Files are converted to annotated files and then to XML.
+	% annotated files contain more information, such as the Id and
+	% GUID of each file.
+	%
+:- type annotated_file.
+:- func annotated_file_to_xml(annotated_file) = xml.
+:- mode annotated_file_to_xml(in) = (out(xml_doc)) is det.
+	% Assign Ids and GUIDs to the files and their descendents.
+	%
+:- pred annotate_files(language::in, list(file(L))::in,
+	id_supply::in, id_supply::out,
+	string::in, string::in, list(annotated_file)::out,
+	io::di, io::uo) is det <= language_independent_tokens(L).
+:- pred gen_files(string::in, shortcut_function(L)::in,
+	list(file(L))::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+	% Generate Feature elements containing the given components.
+	% Multiple features will be generated if there are more than 800
+	% components.  This is to get round a limitation of Windows 9X where
+	% each feature may have no more that 817 components.
+	%
+:- func generate_feature_elements(list(annotated_file)) = list(xml).
+	% Succeed if there are any shortcuts from the Programs menu to any
+	% of the given files.
+	%
+:- pred is_shortcut_from_programs_menu(list(annotated_file)::in) is semidet.
+:- pred gen_guid(string::in, guid::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module bool.
+:- import_module dir.
+:- import_module exception.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module require.
+:- import_module string.
+:- import_module wix_language.
+:- type annotated_file
+	--->	annotated_file(
+			ann_comp_id		:: id,
+			ann_comp_guid		:: guid,
+			ann_file_id		:: id,
+			ann_filename		:: string,
+			ann_path		:: string,
+			ann_shortcuts		:: list(annotated_shortcut)
+		)
+	;	annotated_directory(
+			ann_dir_id	:: id,
+			ann_dir_name	:: string,
+			ann_contents	:: list(annotated_file)
+		).
+:- type annotated_shortcut
+	--->	annotated_shortcut(
+			ann_shortcut_id		:: id,
+			ann_shortcut_where	:: shortcut_where,
+			ann_shortcut_name	:: string
+		).
+gen_files(Dir, ShortCuts, Files, !IO) :-
+	dir.foldl2(add_file(ShortCuts), Dir, [], MaybeFiles, !IO),
+	(
+		MaybeFiles = ok(Files)
+	;
+		MaybeFiles = error(_, Err),
+		throw(io_error(Err))
+	).
+:- pred add_file(shortcut_function(L)::in, string::in, string::in,
+	io.file_type::in, bool::out,
+	list(file(L))::in, list(file(L))::out,
+	io::di, io::uo) is det.
+add_file(ShortCutsMap, DirName, BaseName, FileType, yes, !Files, !IO) :-
+	( if FileType = directory then
+		gen_files(DirName ++ dir_sep ++ BaseName, ShortCutsMap,
+			FilesInDir, !IO),
+		File = directory(BaseName, FilesInDir),
+		!:Files = [File | !.Files]
+	else
+		ShortCutsMap(DirName, BaseName) = ShortCuts,
+		!:Files = [file(BaseName, ShortCuts) | !.Files]
+	).
+:- pred annotate_file(language::in, file(L)::in, id_supply::in, id_supply::out,
+	string::in, string::in, annotated_file::out,
+	io::di, io::uo) is det <= language_independent_tokens(L).
+annotate_file(Language, file(Name, ShortCuts), !IdSupply, GUIDGenCmd, Path,
+		AnnotatedFile, !IO) :-
+	allocate_id(ComponentId, !IdSupply),
+	allocate_id(FileId, !IdSupply),
+	annotate_shortcuts(Language, ShortCuts, AnnShortCuts, !IdSupply),
+	gen_guid(GUIDGenCmd, GUID, !IO),
+	AnnotatedFile = annotated_file(ComponentId, GUID,
+		FileId, Name, Path, AnnShortCuts).
+annotate_file(Language, directory(Name, Files), !IdStore, GUIDGenCmd, Path0,
+		AnnotatedDir, !IO) :-
+	allocate_id(DirId, !IdStore),
+	Path = Path0 ++ dir_sep ++ Name,
+	annotate_files(Language, Files, !IdStore, GUIDGenCmd, Path,
+		AnnotatedFiles, !IO),
+	AnnotatedDir = annotated_directory(DirId, Name, AnnotatedFiles).
+annotate_files(_, [], !IdStore, _, _, [], !IO).
+annotate_files(Language, [File | Files], !IdStore, GUIDGenCmd, Path,
+		[AnnFile | AnnFiles], !IO) :-
+	annotate_file(Language, File, !IdStore, GUIDGenCmd, Path, AnnFile,
+		!IO),
+	annotate_files(Language, Files, !IdStore, GUIDGenCmd, Path, AnnFiles,
+		!IO).
+:- pred annotate_shortcuts(language::in, list(shortcut(L))::in,
+	list(annotated_shortcut)::out, id_supply::in, id_supply::out) is det
+	<= language_independent_tokens(L).
+annotate_shortcuts(_, [], [], !IdSupply).
+annotate_shortcuts(Language, [ShortCut | ShortCuts], AnnShortCuts, !IdSupply)
+		:-
+	ShortCut = shortcut(Where, Name),
+	annotate_shortcuts(Language, ShortCuts, Rest, !IdSupply),
+	det_translate(Name, Language, TranslatedName),
+	allocate_id(ShortCutId, !IdSupply),
+	AnnShortCuts = [annotated_shortcut(ShortCutId,
+		Where, TranslatedName) | Rest].
+:- instance xmlable(annotated_file) where [
+	func(to_xml/1) is annotated_file_to_xml
+annotated_file_to_xml(annotated_file(CompId, GUID, FileId, Name, Path,
+		ShortCuts)) =
+	elem("Component", [
+			id_attr(CompId),
+			guid_attr(GUID)
+		],
+			[elem("File", [id_attr(FileId)] ++
+				name_attrs(Name, FileId) ++
+				[attr("src", Path ++ dir_sep ++ Name)]
+				++ [disk_id_attr],
+				list.map(annotated_shortcut_to_xml,
+					list.sort_and_remove_dups(ShortCuts))
+			)]
+		).
+annotated_file_to_xml(annotated_directory(DirId, Name, Files)) =
+	elem("Directory", [id_attr(DirId)] ++ name_attrs(Name, DirId),
+		list.map(annotated_file_to_xml, Files)).
+:- pred file_is_directory(annotated_file::in) is semidet.
+file_is_directory(annotated_directory(_, _, _)).
+:- func component_refs(annotated_file) = list(xml).
+component_refs(annotated_file(CompId, _, _, _, _, _)) =
+	[elem("ComponentRef", [id_attr(CompId)], [])].
+component_refs(annotated_directory(_, _, Files)) =
+	list.condense(list.map(component_refs, Files)).
+:- func annotated_shortcut_to_xml(annotated_shortcut) = xml.
+annotated_shortcut_to_xml(annotated_shortcut(Id, Where, Name)) =
+	elem("Shortcut", [
+		id_attr(Id),
+		shortcut_where_attr(Where)] ++
+		name_attrs(Name, Id), []).
+generate_feature_elements(Contents) = XML :-
+    % Win9X can't handle features with more than 817 components.
+    generate_component_list(Contents, [], Components),
+    list.chunk(Components, 800, ComponentChunks),
+    XML = generate_feature_chunks(1, ComponentChunks).
+:- pred generate_component_list(list(annotated_file)::in,
+    list(annotated_file)::in, list(annotated_file)::out) is det.
+generate_component_list([], !Components).
+generate_component_list([File | Files], Components0, Components) :-
+    (
+        File = annotated_file(_, _, _, _, _, _),
+        Components1 = [File]
+    ;
+        File = annotated_directory(_, _, FilesInDir),
+        generate_component_list(FilesInDir, [], Components1)
+    ),
+    generate_component_list(Files, Components0 ++ Components1, Components).
+:- func generate_feature_chunks(int, list(list(annotated_file))) = list(xml).
+generate_feature_chunks(_, []) = [].
+generate_feature_chunks(FeatureNum, [Chunk | Chunks]) = XML :-
+    XML =
+        [elem("Feature", [
+            id_attr("Feature" ++ int_to_string(FeatureNum)),
+            attr("Level", "1")
+        ],
+            ( if FeatureNum = 1 then
+                [elem("ComponentRef", [id_attr(env_vars_component_id)], [])]
+            else
+                []
+            ) ++
+            list.condense(list.map(component_refs, Chunk))
+        )] ++
+        generate_feature_chunks(FeatureNum + 1, Chunks).
+        [annotated_file(_, _, _, _, _, ShortCuts) | Files]) :-
+    (
+        is_shortcut_from_programs_menu_2(ShortCuts)
+    ;
+        is_shortcut_from_programs_menu(Files)
+    ).
+        [annotated_directory(_, _, MoreFiles) | Files]) :-
+    (
+        is_shortcut_from_programs_menu(MoreFiles)
+    ;
+        is_shortcut_from_programs_menu(Files)
+    ).
+:- pred is_shortcut_from_programs_menu_2(list(annotated_shortcut)::in)
+    is semidet.
+is_shortcut_from_programs_menu_2([annotated_shortcut(_, programs, _) | _]).
+is_shortcut_from_programs_menu_2([_ | Rest]) :-
+    is_shortcut_from_programs_menu_2(Rest).
+gen_guid(Cmd, GUID, !IO) :-
+	io.make_temp(TempFile, !IO),
+	io.call_system_return_signal(Cmd ++ " > " ++ TempFile, CallRes, !IO),
+	(
+		CallRes = ok(ExitStatus),
+		( if ExitStatus = exited(0) then
+			io.see(TempFile, SeeRes, !IO),
+			(
+				SeeRes = ok,
+				io.read_line_as_string(ReadRes, !IO),
+				(
+					ReadRes = ok(Line),
+					GUID = string.to_upper(
+						string.rstrip(Line)),
+					io.seen(!IO),
+					io.remove_file(TempFile, _, !IO)
+				;
+					ReadRes = eof,
+					io.remove_file(TempFile, _, !IO),
+					throw(guid_gen_error(guid_eof))
+				;
+					ReadRes = error(Err),
+					io.remove_file(TempFile, _, !IO),
+					throw(guid_gen_error(
+						guid_io_error(Err)))
+				)
+			;
+				SeeRes = error(Err),
+				io.remove_file(TempFile, _, !IO),
+				throw(guid_gen_error(guid_io_error(Err)))
+			)
+		else
+			io.remove_file(TempFile, _, !IO),
+			throw(guid_gen_error(guid_cmd_error(ExitStatus)))
+		)
+	;
+		CallRes = error(Err),
+		io.remove_file(TempFile, _, !IO),
+		throw(guid_gen_error(guid_io_error(Err)))
+	).
Index: extras/windows_installer_generator/wix_gui.m
RCS file: extras/windows_installer_generator/wix_gui.m
diff -N extras/windows_installer_generator/wix_gui.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ extras/windows_installer_generator/wix_gui.m	25 Oct 2005 13:33:27 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,745 @@
+% Copyright (C) 2005 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% Main author: Ian MacLarty (maclarty at cs.mu.oz.au).
+% This module is responsible for generating the GUI components of the
+% installer.
+% Throughout this module the type variable L indicates a language
+% independent token and the type variable D indicates a type representing
+% a set of dialog boxes (such as wizard_step_dlg).
+:- module wix_gui.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module wix.
+:- import_module wix_util.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module map.
+:- import_module term_to_xml.
+:- type wizard_step(L)
+	--->	wizard_step(
+			wiz_step_heading   :: L,
+			wiz_step_controls  :: list(control(L, wizard_step_dlg))
+		)
+	;	wizard_start(L, L).
+:- func license_wizard_step(L, L, L) = wizard_step(L).
+:- func notice_wizard_step(L, L) = wizard_step(L).
+	% Different types of wizard steps that can occur in the installer.
+	%
+:- type wizard_step_dlg
+	--->	wiz_step(int)
+	;	cancel_dlg
+	;	install_progress_dlg
+	;	remove_progress_dlg
+	;	remove_dlg
+	;	finish_dlg
+	;	files_in_use_dlg.
+	% A general dialog box.
+	%
+:- type dialog(L, D)
+	--->	dialog(
+			dialog_id		:: D,
+			dialog_size		:: size,
+			dialog_title		:: L,
+			dialog_modeless		:: modeless,
+			dialog_controls		:: list(control(L, D))
+		).
+	% Various widgets that can be placed in dialog boxes.
+	%
+:- type	control(L, D)
+	--->	button(
+			button_pos		:: position,
+			button_size		:: size,
+			button_default		:: button_default,
+			button_text		:: L,
+			button_events		:: list(event(D))
+		)
+	;	bitmap(
+			bitmap_pos		:: position,
+			bitmap_size		:: size,
+			bitmap_src		:: string
+		)
+	;	line(
+			line_pos		:: position,
+			line_size		:: size
+		)
+	;	scrollable_text(
+			scroll_text_pos		:: position,
+			scroll_text_size	:: size,
+			scroll_text_source	:: L
+		)
+	;	text(
+			text_pos		:: position,
+			text_size		:: size,
+			text_text		:: L,
+			text_style		:: text_style
+		)
+	;	progress_bar(
+			progress_bar_pos	:: position,
+			progress_bar_size	:: size
+		)
+	;	progress_text(
+			progress_text_pos	:: position,
+			progress_text_size	:: size
+		)
+	;	files_in_use_list(
+			files_in_use_pos	:: position,
+			files_in_use_size	:: size
+		).
+	% Used to indicate if a button is selected by default or not.
+	%
+:- type button_default
+	--->	default
+	;	not_default.
+:- type text_style
+	--->	normal
+	;	bold
+	;	heading.
+:- type	event(D)
+	--->	new_dialog(D)  	% Replace the current dialog with a new one.
+	;	spawn_dialog(D)	% Create the dialog in a new window.
+	;	return	       	% End the current sequence.
+				% Ending during the wizard causes installation
+				% to start.
+	;	exit		% Exit the installer.
+	;	remove_all	% Uninstall the product.
+	;	retry		% Retry an operation that failed.
+				% Currently this event only makes sense when
+				% triggered from a files-in-use dialog
+				% that tells the user that certain files
+				% are being locked by other applications.
+	;	ignore.		% Ignore some error condition and continue
+				% the installation regardless.
+				% Currently this event only makes sense when
+				% triggered from a files-in-use dialog
+				% that tells the user that certain files
+				% are being locked by other applications.
+:- type annotated_dialog.
+:- pred set_ann_dialog_id(id::in,
+	annotated_dialog::in, annotated_dialog::out) is det.
+:- pred annotate_dialogs(language::in,
+	list(dialog(L, D))::in, list(annotated_dialog)::out,
+	id_supply::in, id_supply::out,
+	map(D, id)::in, map(D, id)::out,
+	map(string, id)::in, map(string, id)::out) is det
+	<= language_independent_tokens(L).
+:- pred annotate_dialog(language::in, dialog(L, D)::in, annotated_dialog::out,
+	id_supply::in, id_supply::out,
+	map(D, id)::in, map(D, id)::out,
+	map(string, id)::in, map(string, id)::out) is det
+	<= language_independent_tokens(L).
+:- func bitmaps_to_xml(list(string), list(id)) = list(xml).
+:- pred generate_wizard_dialogs(L::in, L::in, L::in, L::in, L::in, string::in,
+	string::in, list(wizard_step(L))::in,
+	list(dialog(L, wizard_step_dlg))::out) is det.
+% Various default dialogs.
+:- func cancel_dialog(L, L, L, L) = dialog(L, wizard_step_dlg).
+:- func install_progress_dialog(L, L, L, L, string)
+	= dialog(L, wizard_step_dlg).
+:- func remove_progress_dialog(L, L, L, L, string)
+	= dialog(L, wizard_step_dlg).
+:- func remove_dialog(L, L, L, L, L, string) = dialog(L, wizard_step_dlg).
+:- func finish_dialog(L, L, L, L, string) = dialog(L, wizard_step_dlg).
+:- func files_in_use_dialog(L, L, L, L, L, L, string)
+	= dialog(L, wizard_step_dlg).
+	% Generate a list containing one UI element if the input list has
+	% any elements and an empty list if there are no dialogs in the input
+	% list.
+	%
+:- func maybe_ui_elements(list(annotated_dialog), id, id) = list(xml).
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module require.
+:- import_module std_util.
+:- import_module string.
+:- import_module svmap.
+:- import_module wix_language.
+:- type annotated_dialog
+	--->	annotated_dialog(
+			ann_dialog_id		:: id,
+			ann_dialog_size		:: size,
+			ann_dialog_title	:: string,
+			ann_dialog_modeless	:: modeless,
+			ann_dialog_controls	:: list(annotated_control)
+		).
+set_ann_dialog_id(Id, AD, AD ^ ann_dialog_id := Id).
+:- type	annotated_control
+	--->	annotated_button(
+			ann_button_id		:: id,
+			ann_button_pos		:: position,
+			ann_button_size		:: size,
+			ann_button_default	:: button_default,
+			ann_button_text		:: string,
+			ann_button_events	:: list(annotated_event)
+		)
+	;	annotated_bitmap(
+			ann_bitmap_id		:: id,
+			ann_bitmap_pos		:: position,
+			ann_bitmap_size		:: size,
+			ann_bitmap_src_id	:: id
+		)
+	;	annotated_line(
+			ann_line_id		:: id,
+			ann_line_pos		:: position,
+			ann_line_size		:: size
+		)
+	;	annotated_scrollable_text(
+			ann_scroll_text_id	:: id,
+			ann_scroll_text_pos	:: position,
+			ann_scroll_text_size	:: size,
+			ann_scroll_text_text	:: string
+		)
+	;	annotated_text(
+			ann_text_id		:: id,
+			ann_text_pos		:: position,
+			ann_text_size		:: size,
+			ann_text_text		:: string,
+			ann_text_style		:: text_style
+		)
+	;	annotated_progress_bar(
+			ann_prog_bar_id		:: id,
+			ann_prog_bar_pos	:: position,
+			ann_prog_bar_size	:: size
+		)
+	;	annotated_progress_text(
+			ann_prog_text_id	:: id,
+			ann_prog_text_pos	:: position,
+			ann_prog_text_size	:: size
+		)
+	;	annotated_files_in_use_list(
+			ann_files_in_use_id	:: id,
+			ann_files_in_use_pos	:: position,
+			ann_files_in_use_size	:: size
+		).
+:- type	annotated_event
+	--->	annotated_new_dialog(id)
+	;	annotated_spawn_dialog(id)
+	;	annotated_return
+	;	annotated_exit
+	;	annotated_remove_all
+	;	annotated_ignore
+	;	annotated_retry.
+license_wizard_step(Heading, Instructions, LicenseSrc) =
+	wizard_step(Heading, [
+		scrollable_text(20 - 60, 330 - 160, LicenseSrc),
+		text(25 - 23, 280 - 15, Instructions, normal)]).
+notice_wizard_step(Heading, Notice) =
+	wizard_step(Heading, [text(20 - 60, 330 - 160, Notice, normal)]).
+install_progress_dialog(Title, Heading, Description, Cancel, BitMapSrc) =
+	dialog(install_progress_dlg, 370 - 270, Title, modeless, [
+		button(304 - 243, 56 - 17, default, Cancel,
+			[spawn_dialog(cancel_dlg)]),
+		progress_bar(35 - 115, 300 - 10),
+		progress_text(70 - 100, 265 - 10),
+		bitmap(0 - 0, 370 - 44, BitMapSrc),
+		text(35 - 65, 300 - 20, Description, normal),
+		text(20 - 15, 200 - 15, Heading, bold),
+		line(0 - 234, 370 - 0),
+		line(0 - 44, 370 - 0)]).
+remove_progress_dialog(Title, Heading, Description, Cancel, BitMapSrc) =
+	dialog(remove_progress_dlg, 370 - 270, Title, modeless, [
+		button(304 - 243, 56 - 17, default, Cancel,
+			[spawn_dialog(cancel_dlg)]),
+		progress_bar(35 - 115, 300 - 10),
+		progress_text(70 - 100, 265 - 10),
+		bitmap(0 - 0, 370 - 44, BitMapSrc),
+		text(35 - 65, 300 - 20, Description, normal),
+		text(20 - 15, 200 - 15, Heading, bold),
+		line(0 - 234, 370 - 0),
+		line(0 - 44, 370 - 0)]).
+remove_dialog(Title, Heading, AreYouSure, Remove, Cancel, BitMapSrc) =
+	dialog(remove_dlg, 370 - 270, Title, not_modeless, [
+		button(304 - 243, 56 - 17, default, Cancel,
+			[spawn_dialog(cancel_dlg)]),
+		button(236 - 243, 56 - 17, not_default, Remove,
+			[remove_all, new_dialog(remove_progress_dlg)]),
+		bitmap(0 - 0, 370 - 44, BitMapSrc),
+		text(35 - 65, 300 - 20, AreYouSure, normal),
+		text(20 - 15, 200 - 15, Heading, bold),
+		line(0 - 234, 370 - 0),
+		line(0 - 44, 370 - 0)]).
+finish_dialog(Title, Heading, Message, Finish, BackgroundSrc) =
+	dialog(finish_dlg, 370 - 270, Title, not_modeless, [
+		button(236 - 243, 56 - 17, not_default, Finish, [exit]),
+		bitmap(0 - 0, 370 - 234, BackgroundSrc),
+		text(135 - 70, 220 - 60, Message, normal),
+		text(135 - 20, 220 - 60, Heading, heading),
+		line(0 - 234, 370 - 0)]).
+files_in_use_dialog(Title, Heading, Message, Retry, Ignore, Cancel, BitMapSrc)
+	= dialog(files_in_use_dlg, 370 - 270, Title, keep_modeless, [
+		button(304 - 243, 56 - 17, default, Retry, [retry]),
+		button(235 - 243, 56 - 17, not_default, Ignore, [ignore]),
+		button(166 - 243, 56 - 17, not_default, Cancel, [exit]),
+		bitmap(0 - 0, 370 - 44, BitMapSrc),
+		text(35 - 65, 300 - 20, Message, normal),
+		text(20 - 15, 200 - 15, Heading, bold),
+		line(0 - 234, 370 - 0),
+		line(0 - 44, 370 - 0),
+		files_in_use_list(20 - 87, 330 - 130)]).
+cancel_dialog(Title, CancelMessage, Yes, No) =
+	dialog(cancel_dlg, 260 - 85, Title, not_modeless, [
+		button(132 - 57, 56 - 17, default, No, [return]),
+		button(72 - 57, 56 - 17, not_default, Yes, [exit]),
+		text(48 - 15, 194 - 30, CancelMessage, normal)]).
+annotate_dialogs(_, [], [], !IdSupply, !DialogIdMap, !BitMaps).
+annotate_dialogs(Language, [Dialog | Dialogs], [AnnDialog | AnnDialogs],
+		!IdSupply, !DialogIdMap, !BitMaps) :-
+	annotate_dialogs(Language, Dialogs, AnnDialogs, !IdSupply,
+		!DialogIdMap, !BitMaps),
+	annotate_dialog(Language, Dialog, AnnDialog, !IdSupply,
+		!DialogIdMap, !BitMaps).
+annotate_dialog(Language, Dialog, AnnDialog, !IdSupply, !DialogIdMap,
+		!BitMaps) :-
+	Dialog = dialog(DialogToken, Size, TitleToken, Modeless, Controls),
+	det_translate(TitleToken, Language, Title),
+	lookup_dialog_id(DialogToken, DialogId, !DialogIdMap, !IdSupply),
+	annotate_controls(Language, Controls, AnnControls, !DialogIdMap,
+		!IdSupply, !BitMaps),
+	AnnDialog = annotated_dialog(DialogId, Size, Title, Modeless,
+		AnnControls).
+:- func annotated_dialog_to_xml(annotated_dialog) = xml.
+annotated_dialog_to_xml(annotated_dialog(Id, Size, Title, Modeless, Controls))
+	= elem("Dialog",
+		[id_attr(Id)] ++
+		size_attrs(Size) ++
+		[title_attr(Title)] ++
+		[modeless_attr(Modeless)] ++
+		[attr("NoMinimize", "yes")],
+		list.map(annotated_control_to_xml, Controls)).
+:- pred annotate_controls(language::in, list(control(L, D))::in,
+	list(annotated_control)::out,
+	map(D, id)::in, map(D, id)::out,
+	id_supply::in, id_supply::out,
+	map(string, id)::in, map(string, id)::out) is det
+	<= language_independent_tokens(L).
+annotate_controls(_, [], [], !DialogIdMap, !IdSupply, !BitMaps).
+annotate_controls(Language, [Control | Controls], [AnnControl | AnnControls],
+		!DialogIdMap, !IdSupply, !BitMaps) :-
+	annotate_controls(Language, Controls, AnnControls, !DialogIdMap,
+		!IdSupply, !BitMaps),
+	annotate_control(Language, Control, AnnControl, !DialogIdMap,
+		!IdSupply, !BitMaps).
+:- pred annotate_control(language::in,
+	control(L, D)::in,
+	annotated_control::out,
+	map(D, id)::in, map(D, id)::out,
+	id_supply::in, id_supply::out,
+	map(string, id)::in, map(string, id)::out) is det
+	<= language_independent_tokens(L).
+annotate_control(Language, Control, AnnControl, !DialogIdMap, !IdSupply,
+		!BitMaps) :-
+	(
+		Control = button(Pos, Size, Default, TextToken, Events),
+		det_translate(TextToken, Language, Text),
+		allocate_id(Id, !IdSupply),
+		annotate_events(Events, AnnEvents, !DialogIdMap, !IdSupply),
+		AnnControl = annotated_button(Id, Pos, Size, Default, Text,
+			AnnEvents)
+	;
+		Control = bitmap(Pos, Size, Source),
+		allocate_id(BitMapControlId, !IdSupply),
+		( if map.search(!.BitMaps, Source, FoundSourceId) then
+			BitMapSourceId = FoundSourceId
+		else
+			allocate_id(BitMapSourceId, !IdSupply),
+			svmap.det_insert(Source, BitMapSourceId, !BitMaps)
+		),
+		AnnControl = annotated_bitmap(BitMapControlId, Pos, Size,
+			BitMapSourceId)
+	;
+		Control = line(Pos, Size),
+		allocate_id(LineId, !IdSupply),
+		AnnControl = annotated_line(LineId, Pos, Size)
+	;
+		Control = scrollable_text(Pos, Size, TextSrcToken),
+		det_translate(TextSrcToken, Language, TextSrc),
+		allocate_id(TextId, !IdSupply),
+		AnnControl = annotated_scrollable_text(TextId, Pos, Size,
+			TextSrc)
+	;
+		Control = text(Pos, Size, TextToken, Style),
+		det_translate(TextToken, Language, Text),
+		allocate_id(TextId, !IdSupply),
+		AnnControl = annotated_text(TextId, Pos, Size, Text, Style)
+	;
+		Control = progress_bar(Pos, Size),
+		allocate_id(Id, !IdSupply),
+		AnnControl = annotated_progress_bar(Id, Pos, Size)
+	;
+		Control = progress_text(Pos, Size),
+		allocate_id(Id, !IdSupply),
+		AnnControl = annotated_progress_text(Id, Pos, Size)
+	;
+		Control = files_in_use_list(Pos, Size),
+		allocate_id(Id, !IdSupply),
+		AnnControl = annotated_files_in_use_list(Id, Pos, Size)
+	).
+:- func annotated_control_to_xml(annotated_control) = xml.
+annotated_control_to_xml(annotated_button(Id, Pos, Size, Deflt, Text, Events))
+	= elem(control_elem,
+		[type_attr("PushButton")] ++
+		[id_attr(Id)] ++
+		size_attrs(Size) ++
+		pos_attrs(Pos) ++
+		[default_attr(Deflt)] ++
+		[text_attr(Text)],
+		list.map(annotated_event_to_xml, Events)).
+annotated_control_to_xml(annotated_bitmap(Id, Pos, Size, SrcId)) =
+	elem(control_elem,
+		[type_attr("Bitmap")] ++
+		[id_attr(Id)] ++
+		size_attrs(Size) ++
+		pos_attrs(Pos) ++
+		[text_attr(SrcId)] ++
+		[attr("TabSkip", "no")], []).
+annotated_control_to_xml(annotated_line(Id, Pos, Size)) =
+	elem(control_elem,
+		[type_attr("Line")] ++
+		[id_attr(Id)] ++
+		size_attrs(Size) ++
+		pos_attrs(Pos), []).
+annotated_control_to_xml(annotated_scrollable_text(Id, Pos, Size, TextSrc)) =
+	elem(control_elem,
+		[type_attr("ScrollableText")] ++
+		[id_attr(Id)] ++
+		pos_attrs(Pos) ++
+		size_attrs(Size) ++
+		[attr("Sunken", "yes")] ++
+		[attr("TabSkip", "no")], [
+			elem("Text", [attr("src", TextSrc)], [])]).
+annotated_control_to_xml(annotated_text(Id, Pos, Size, Text, Style)) =
+	elem(control_elem,
+		[type_attr("Text")] ++
+		[id_attr(Id)] ++
+		pos_attrs(Pos) ++
+		size_attrs(Size) ++
+		[attr("Transparent", "yes")] ++
+		[attr("NoPrefix", "yes")], [
+			elem("Text", [], [
+				data(text_style_modifier(Style) ++ Text)])]).
+annotated_control_to_xml(annotated_progress_bar(Id, Pos, Size)) =
+	elem(control_elem,
+		[id_attr(Id)] ++
+		[type_attr("ProgressBar")] ++
+		pos_attrs(Pos) ++
+		size_attrs(Size) ++
+		[attr("ProgressBlocks", "yes")] ++
+		[attr("Text", " ")],
+		[elem("Subscribe", [
+			attr("Event", "SetProgress"),
+			attr("Attribute", "Progress")], [])]).
+annotated_control_to_xml(annotated_progress_text(Id, Pos, Size)) =
+	elem(control_elem,
+		[id_attr(Id)] ++
+		[type_attr("Text")] ++
+		pos_attrs(Pos) ++
+		size_attrs(Size),
+		[elem("Subscribe", [
+			attr("Event", "ActionText"),
+			attr("Attribute", "Text")], [])]).
+annotated_control_to_xml(annotated_files_in_use_list(Id, Pos, Size)) =
+	elem(control_elem,
+		[id_attr(Id)] ++
+		[type_attr("ListBox")] ++
+		pos_attrs(Pos) ++
+		size_attrs(Size) ++
+		[attr("Property", "FileInUseProcess")] ++
+		[attr("TabSkip", "yes")] ++
+		[attr("Sunken", "yes")],
+		[elem("Subscribe", [
+			attr("Event", "ActionText"),
+			attr("Attribute", "Text")], [])]).
+:- func text_style_modifier(text_style) = string.
+text_style_modifier(normal) = "".
+text_style_modifier(bold) = "{&DlgFontBold8}".
+text_style_modifier(heading) = "{\\VerdanaBold13}".
+:- func annotated_event_to_xml(annotated_event) = xml.
+annotated_event_to_xml(annotated_new_dialog(DialogId)) =
+	elem(publish_elem, [
+		attr("Event", "NewDialog"),
+		attr("Value", DialogId)],
+		[data("1")]).
+annotated_event_to_xml(annotated_spawn_dialog(DialogId)) =
+	elem(publish_elem, [
+		attr("Event", "SpawnDialog"),
+		attr("Value", DialogId)],
+		[data("1")]).
+annotated_event_to_xml(annotated_return) =
+	elem(publish_elem, [
+		attr("Event", "EndDialog"),
+		attr("Value", "Return")],
+		[data("1")]).
+annotated_event_to_xml(annotated_exit) =
+	elem(publish_elem, [
+		attr("Event", "EndDialog"),
+		attr("Value", "Exit")],
+		[data("1")]).
+annotated_event_to_xml(annotated_remove_all) =
+	elem(publish_elem, [
+		attr("Event", "Remove"),
+		attr("Value", "All")],
+		[data("1")]).
+annotated_event_to_xml(annotated_retry) =
+	elem(publish_elem, [
+		attr("Event", "EndDialog"),
+		attr("Value", "Retry")],
+		[data("1")]).
+annotated_event_to_xml(annotated_ignore) =
+	elem(publish_elem, [
+		attr("Event", "EndDialog"),
+		attr("Value", "Ignore")],
+		[data("1")]).
+:- func control_elem = string.
+control_elem = "Control".
+:- func publish_elem = string.
+publish_elem = "Publish".
+bitmaps_to_xml([], []) = [].
+bitmaps_to_xml([Source | Sources], [Id | Ids]) =
+	[elem("Binary", [
+		id_attr(Id),
+		attr("src", Source)],
+		[])] ++
+	bitmaps_to_xml(Sources, Ids).
+bitmaps_to_xml([], [_ | _]) = _ :-
+	error("bitmaps_to_xml: more ids than sources").
+bitmaps_to_xml([_ | _], []) = _ :-
+	error("bitmaps_to_xml: more sources than ids").
+:- pred annotate_events(list(event(D))::in, list(annotated_event)::out,
+	map(D, id)::in, map(D, id)::out,
+	id_supply::in, id_supply::out) is det.
+annotate_events([], [], !DialogIdMap, !IdSupply).
+annotate_events([Event | Events], [AnnEvent | AnnEvents], !DialogIdMap,
+		!IdSupply) :-
+	annotate_events(Events, AnnEvents, !DialogIdMap, !IdSupply),
+	annotate_event(Event, AnnEvent, !DialogIdMap, !IdSupply).
+:- pred annotate_event(event(D)::in, annotated_event::out,
+	map(D, id)::in, map(D, id)::out,
+	id_supply::in, id_supply::out) is det.
+annotate_event(Event, AnnEvent, !DialogIdMap, !IdSupply) :-
+	(
+		Event = new_dialog(DialogToken),
+		lookup_dialog_id(DialogToken, DialogId, !DialogIdMap,
+			!IdSupply),
+		AnnEvent = annotated_new_dialog(DialogId)
+	;
+		Event = spawn_dialog(DialogToken),
+		lookup_dialog_id(DialogToken, DialogId, !DialogIdMap,
+			!IdSupply),
+		AnnEvent = annotated_spawn_dialog(DialogId)
+	;
+		Event = return,
+		AnnEvent = annotated_return
+	;
+		Event = exit,
+		AnnEvent = annotated_exit
+	;
+		Event = remove_all,
+		AnnEvent = annotated_remove_all
+	;
+		Event = retry,
+		AnnEvent = annotated_retry
+	;
+		Event = ignore,
+		AnnEvent = annotated_ignore
+	).
+:- pred lookup_dialog_id(D::in, id::out,
+	map(D, id)::in, map(D, id)::out,
+	id_supply::in, id_supply::out) is det.
+lookup_dialog_id(DialogToken, DialogId, !DialogIdMap, !IdSupply) :-
+	( if map.search(!.DialogIdMap, DialogToken, FoundDialogId) then
+		DialogId = FoundDialogId
+	else
+		allocate_id(DialogId, !IdSupply),
+		svmap.det_insert(DialogToken, DialogId, !DialogIdMap)
+	).
+generate_wizard_dialogs(Title, Next, Back, Cancel, Install, BannerSrc,
+		BackgroundSrc, WizardSteps, Dialogs) :-
+	generate_wizard_dialogs_2(Title, Next, Back, Cancel, Install,
+		BannerSrc, BackgroundSrc, WizardSteps, 0, [], Dialogs).
+:- pred generate_wizard_dialogs_2(L::in, L::in, L::in, L::in, L::in,
+	string::in, string::in, list(wizard_step(L))::in, int::in,
+	list(dialog(L, wizard_step_dlg))::in,
+	list(dialog(L, wizard_step_dlg))::out) is det.
+generate_wizard_dialogs_2(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, [], _, Dialogs,
+	list.reverse(Dialogs)).
+generate_wizard_dialogs_2(Title, Next, Back, Cancel, Install, BannerSrc,
+		BackgroundSrc, [WizardStep | WizardSteps], StepNum, !Dialogs)
+		:-
+	(
+		WizardSteps = [],
+		NextButton = [button(236 - 243, 56 - 17, default, Install,
+			[new_dialog(install_progress_dlg)])]
+	;
+		WizardSteps = [_ | _],
+		NextButton = [button(236 - 243, 56 - 17, default, Next,
+			[new_dialog(wiz_step(StepNum + 1))])]
+	),
+	( if StepNum = 0 then
+		BackButton = []
+	else
+		BackButton = [button(180 - 243, 56 - 17, not_default, Back,
+			[new_dialog(wiz_step(StepNum - 1))])]
+	),
+	CancelButton = [button(304 - 243, 56 - 17, not_default, Cancel,
+		[spawn_dialog(cancel_dlg)])],
+	(
+		WizardStep = wizard_step(Heading, Controls),
+		Banner = [bitmap(0 - 0, 370 - 44, BannerSrc)],
+		BottomLine = [line(0 - 234, 370 - 0)],
+		BannerLine = [line(0 - 44, 370 - 0)],
+		HeadingText = [text(15 - 6, 280 - 15, Heading, bold)],
+		WizControls = Controls ++ NextButton ++ BackButton ++
+			CancelButton ++ Banner ++ BottomLine ++ BannerLine ++
+			HeadingText
+	;
+		WizardStep = wizard_start(Heading, Message),
+		Background = [bitmap(0 - 0, 370 - 234, BackgroundSrc)],
+		HeadingText = [text(135 - 20, 220 - 60, Heading, heading)],
+		MessageText = [text(135 - 70, 220 - 30, Message, normal)],
+		BottomLine = [line(0 - 234, 370 - 0)],
+		WizControls = NextButton ++ CancelButton ++
+			HeadingText ++ MessageText ++ Background ++
+			BottomLine
+	),
+	Dialog = dialog(wiz_step(StepNum), 370 - 270, Title, not_modeless,
+		WizControls),
+	generate_wizard_dialogs_2(Title, Next, Back, Cancel, Install,
+		BannerSrc, BackgroundSrc, WizardSteps, StepNum + 1,
+		[Dialog | !.Dialogs], !:Dialogs).
+maybe_ui_elements([], _, _) = [].
+maybe_ui_elements([Dialog | Dialogs], RemoveDlgId, FinishDlgId) = XML :-
+    DialogId = Dialog ^ ann_dialog_id,
+    XML = [
+        elem("UI", [],
+            [elem("Property", [id_attr("DefaultUIFont")], [data("DlgFont8")])]
+            ++ list.map(annotated_dialog_to_xml, [Dialog | Dialogs]) ++
+            [elem("InstallUISequence", [], [
+                elem("Show", [
+                    %
+                    % Launch the first step of the wizard if the product is
+                    % not installed.
+                    %
+                    attr("Dialog", DialogId),
+                    attr("After", "LaunchConditions")
+                ], [data("NOT Installed")]),
+                elem("Show", [
+                    %
+                    % If the product is already installed should the
+                    % removal dialog box.
+                    %
+                    attr("Dialog", RemoveDlgId),
+                    attr("After", "MigrateFeatureStates")
+                ], [data("Installed")]),
+                elem("Show", [
+                    %
+                    % Should the finish dialog when installation is complete.
+                    %
+                    attr("Dialog", FinishDlgId),
+                    attr("OnExit", "success")
+                ], [data("NOT Installed")])
+            ])] ++
+            %
+            % Define some commonly used fonts.
+            %
+            [elem("TextStyle", [
+                id_attr("DlgFont8"),
+                attr("FaceName", "Tahoma"),
+                attr("Size", "8")], [])] ++
+            [elem("TextStyle", [
+                id_attr("DlgFontBold8"),
+                attr("FaceName", "Tahoma"),
+                attr("Size", "8"),
+                attr("Bold", "yes")], [])] ++
+            [elem("TextStyle", [
+                id_attr("VerdanaBold13"),
+                attr("FaceName", "Verdana"),
+                attr("Size", "13"),
+                attr("Bold", "yes")], [])]
+        )].
Index: extras/windows_installer_generator/wix_installer.m
RCS file: extras/windows_installer_generator/wix_installer.m
diff -N extras/windows_installer_generator/wix_installer.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ extras/windows_installer_generator/wix_installer.m	25 Oct 2005 13:33:27 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
+% Copyright (C) 2005 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% Main author: Ian MacLarty (maclarty at cs.mu.oz.au).
+% This moduleis reposible for generating the Wix source code for the
+% installer.
+% The installer is first converted to an annotated installer and then
+% to XML.  The annotated installer contains extra information, like Ids
+% for all the elements.
+:- module wix_installer.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- import_module term_to_xml.
+:- import_module wix.
+% gen_annotated_installer(Installer, GUIDGenCmd, AnnotatedInstaller, !IO).
+:- pred gen_annotated_installer(installer(L)::in, string::in,
+    annotated_installer::out, io::di, io::uo) is det
+    <= language_independent_tokens(L).
+:- instance xmlable(annotated_installer).
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module exception.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module map.
+:- import_module std_util.
+:- import_module string.
+:- import_module term_to_xml.
+:- import_module wix_files.
+:- import_module wix_gui.
+:- import_module wix_language.
+:- import_module wix_util.
+:- type annotated_installer
+    --->    annotated_installer(
+                ann_installer_product_info  :: annotated_product,
+                ann_installer_language      :: language,
+                ann_installer_env_vars_guid :: guid,
+                ann_installer_set_env_vars  :: list(ann_set_env_var),
+                ann_installer_wizard_steps  :: list(annotated_dialog),
+                ann_installer_bitmaps       :: map(string, id),
+                ann_installer_removedlg_id  :: id,
+                ann_installer_finish_id     :: id,
+                ann_installer_checkifadmin  :: maybe(string)
+            ).
+:- type ann_set_env_var
+    --->    ann_set_env_var(
+                ann_env_var                 :: string,
+                ann_env_var_value           :: string,
+                ann_env_var_how_set         :: env_var_how_set,
+                ann_env_var_system_or_user  :: env_var_system_or_user,
+                ann_env_var_id              :: id
+            ).
+:- type annotated_product
+    --->    annotated_product(
+                ann_prod_guid                   :: guid,
+                    % XXX Upgrade installers are not yet supported,
+                    % however the upgrade code is required so that
+                    % deployed packages can be upgraded when
+                    % upgrade installers are supported.
+                ann_prod_upgrade_guid           :: guid,
+                ann_prod_manufacturer           :: string,
+                ann_prod_name                   :: string,
+                ann_prod_version                :: version_no,
+                ann_prod_description            :: string,
+                ann_prod_comments               :: string,
+                ann_prod_contents               :: list(annotated_file),
+                ann_prod_default_install_loc    :: string
+            ).
+:- instance xmlable(annotated_installer) where [
+    func(to_xml/1) is annotated_installer_to_xml
+:- func annotated_installer_to_xml(annotated_installer::in) =
+    (xml::out(xml_doc)) is det.
+annotated_installer_to_xml(Installer) = XML :-
+    Installer = annotated_installer(Product, LanguageId, EnvVarsGUID, EnvVars,
+        WizardSteps, BitMaps, RemoveDlgId, FinishDlgId, CheckIfAdmin),
+    language_to_lcid(LanguageId, LCID),
+    Product = annotated_product(
+        GUID,
+        UpgradeGUID,
+        Manufacturer,
+        Name,
+        Version,
+        Description,
+        Comments,
+        Contents,
+        DefInstallLoc),
+    XML = elem("Wix", [
+            attr("xmlns","http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2003/01/wix")],
+        [
+        elem("Product", [
+            id_attr(GUID),
+            attr("UpgradeCode", UpgradeGUID),
+            attr("Name", Name),
+            attr("Version", version_no_to_string(Version)),
+            attr("Language", int_to_string(LCID)),
+            attr("Manufacturer", Manufacturer)
+        ],
+            [elem("Package",
+                % The following causes wix to generate a fresh guid each time
+                % it compiles the XML file.
+                [id_attr("????????-????-????-????-????????????")] ++
+                attr_if_not_blank(attr("Description", Description)) ++
+                [attr("Manufacturer", Manufacturer)] ++
+                attr_if_not_blank(attr("Comments", Comments)) ++
+                [attr("InstallerVersion", "150")] ++
+                [attr("Compressed", "yes")]
+                , [])] ++
+            ( if CheckIfAdmin = yes(MustBeAdminMessage) then
+                [elem("Condition", [attr("Message", MustBeAdminMessage)],
+                    [data("Privileged")])]
+            else
+                []
+            ) ++
+            [elem("Media", [
+                id_attr("1"),
+                attr("Cabinet", "contents.cab"),
+                attr("EmbedCab", "yes"),
+                attr("CompressionLevel", "high")], [])] ++
+            [elem("Directory", [
+                id_attr("TARGETDIR"),
+                attr("Name", "SourceDir")
+            ], [
+                elem("Component", [
+                    id_attr(env_vars_component_id),
+                    guid_attr(EnvVarsGUID)
+                ], list.map(ann_set_env_var_to_xml, EnvVars)),
+                elem("Directory", [
+                    id_attr("ProgramFilesFolder"),
+                    attr("Name", "PFiles")
+                ], [
+                    elem("Directory",
+                        [id_attr("INSTALLDIR")] ++
+                        name_attrs(DefInstallLoc, "INSDIR"),
+                        list.map(annotated_file_to_xml, Contents))
+                ]),
+                elem("Directory", [
+                    id_attr(desktop_id),
+                    attr("Name", "Desktop")],
+                   [])
+                ] ++
+                programs_menu_directory_if_required(Name, Contents)
+            )] ++
+            generate_feature_elements(Contents) ++
+            maybe_ui_elements(WizardSteps, RemoveDlgId, FinishDlgId) ++
+            bitmaps_to_xml(map.keys(BitMaps), map.values(BitMaps))
+        )
+    ]).
+:- func ann_set_env_var_to_xml(ann_set_env_var) = xml.
+ann_set_env_var_to_xml(ann_set_env_var(Name, Value, HowSet, SysOrUser, EnvId))
+    = elem("Environment", [
+        id_attr(EnvId),
+        attr("Name", Name),
+        attr("Part", how_set_to_string(HowSet)),
+        attr("Action", "set"),
+        attr("System", system_or_user_to_string(SysOrUser)),
+        attr("Value", Value)], []).
+gen_annotated_installer(Installer, GUIDGenCmd, AnnotatedInstaller, !IO) :-
+    some [!IdSupply, !DialogIdMap, !BitMaps] (
+        !:IdSupply = init_id_supply,
+        !:DialogIdMap = map.init,
+        !:BitMaps = map.init,
+        Installer = installer(
+            Product,
+            Language,
+            EnvVars,
+            ShortCuts,
+            Title, InstallHeading, InstallDescr,
+            Next, Back, Cancel, Install, CancelMessage,
+            RemoveHeading, RemoveConfirm, Remove,
+            RemoveProgressHeading, RemoveProgressDescr,
+            FinishHeading, FinishMessage, Finish,
+            FilesInUseHeading, FilesInUseMessage, Ignore, Retry,
+            Yes, No, MustBeAdminMessage, BannerSrc, BackgroundSrc,
+            WizardSteps),
+        Product = product(
+            ManufacturerToken,
+            NameToken,
+            Version,
+            DescriptionToken,
+            CommentsToken,
+            FilesPath,
+            DefaultInstallToken),
+        generate_wizard_dialogs(Title, Next, Back, Cancel, Install,
+            BannerSrc, BackgroundSrc, WizardSteps, WizDialogs),
+        CancelDlg = cancel_dialog(Title, CancelMessage, Yes, No),
+        FinishDlg = finish_dialog(Title, FinishHeading, FinishMessage,
+            Finish, BackgroundSrc),
+        InstallProgressDlg =
+            install_progress_dialog(Title, InstallHeading, InstallDescr,
+                Cancel, BannerSrc),
+        RemoveProgressDlg =
+            remove_progress_dialog(Title, RemoveProgressHeading,
+                RemoveProgressDescr, Cancel, BannerSrc),
+        RemoveDlg = remove_dialog(Title, RemoveHeading, RemoveConfirm,
+            Remove, Cancel, BannerSrc),
+        annotate_dialogs(Language, WizDialogs ++
+            [CancelDlg, InstallProgressDlg,
+            RemoveDlg, RemoveProgressDlg, FinishDlg],
+            AnnDialogs0, !IdSupply, !DialogIdMap, !BitMaps),
+        %
+        % Generate the default files-in-use dialog which asks the user
+        % to close applications that are using installed files.
+        % The dialog must be handled separately because it has the
+        % reserved id `FilesInUse'.
+        %
+        FilesInUseDlg = files_in_use_dialog(Title, FilesInUseHeading,
+            FilesInUseMessage, Retry, Ignore, Cancel, BannerSrc),
+        annotate_dialog(Language, FilesInUseDlg, AnnFilesInUseDlg0, !IdSupply,
+            !DialogIdMap, !BitMaps),
+        set_ann_dialog_id("FilesInUse", AnnFilesInUseDlg0, AnnFilesInUseDlg),
+        list.append(AnnDialogs0, [AnnFilesInUseDlg], AnnDialogs),
+        % Look up the ID assigned to the remove dialog which will be
+        % shown if the product is already installed.
+        map.lookup(!.DialogIdMap, remove_dlg, RemoveDlgId),
+        % Look up the ID assigned to the finish dialog so we can call it
+        % after installation has finished.
+        map.lookup(!.DialogIdMap, finish_dlg, FinishDlgId),
+        annotate_env_vars(Language, EnvVars, AnnEnvVars, !IdSupply,
+            RequiredPrivilege),
+        (
+            RequiredPrivilege = admin,
+            det_translate(MustBeAdminMessage, Language, MustBeAdminMsgStr),
+            CheckForAdmin = yes(MustBeAdminMsgStr)
+        ;
+            RequiredPrivilege = normal,
+            CheckForAdmin = no
+        ),
+        det_translate(ManufacturerToken, Language, Manufacturer),
+        det_translate(NameToken, Language, Name),
+        det_translate(DescriptionToken, Language, Description),
+        det_translate(CommentsToken, Language, Comments),
+        det_translate(DefaultInstallToken, Language, DefInsLoc),
+        gen_files(FilesPath, ShortCuts, Files, !IO),
+        annotate_files(Language, Files, !.IdSupply, _, GUIDGenCmd, FilesPath,
+            AnnotatedFiles, !IO),
+        gen_guid(GUIDGenCmd, ProductGUID, !IO),
+        gen_guid(GUIDGenCmd, UpgradeGUID, !IO),
+        gen_guid(GUIDGenCmd, EnvVarsGUID, !IO),
+        AnnotatedInstaller =
+            annotated_installer(
+                annotated_product(
+                    ProductGUID,
+                    UpgradeGUID,
+                    Manufacturer,
+                    Name,
+                    Version,
+                    Description,
+                    Comments,
+                    AnnotatedFiles,
+                    DefInsLoc
+                ),
+                Language,
+                EnvVarsGUID,
+                AnnEnvVars,
+                AnnDialogs,
+                !.BitMaps,
+                RemoveDlgId,
+                FinishDlgId,
+                CheckForAdmin
+            )
+    ).
+:- pred annotate_env_vars(language::in,
+    list(set_env_var(L))::in, list(ann_set_env_var)::out,
+    id_supply::in, id_supply::out, privilege::out)
+    is det <= language_independent_tokens(L).
+annotate_env_vars(_, [], [], !IdSupply, normal).
+annotate_env_vars(Language, [Var | Vars], [AnnVar | AnnVars], !IdSupply, Priv)
+        :-
+    Var = set_env_var(VarName, ValueToken, HowSet, SysOrUser),
+    det_translate(ValueToken, Language, Value),
+    allocate_id(EnvId, !IdSupply),
+    AnnVar = ann_set_env_var(VarName, Value, HowSet, SysOrUser, EnvId),
+    annotate_env_vars(Language, Vars, AnnVars, !IdSupply, Priv0),
+    (
+        SysOrUser = system,
+        Priv = admin
+    ;
+        SysOrUser = user,
+        Priv = Priv0
+    ).
+:- func programs_menu_directory_if_required(string, list(annotated_file)) =
+    list(xml).
+programs_menu_directory_if_required(Name, Contents) = XML :-
+    ( if is_shortcut_from_programs_menu(Contents) then
+        XML = [elem("Directory", [
+            id_attr("ProgramMenuFolder"),
+            attr("Name", "PMENU"),
+            attr("LongName", "Programs")
+        ], [
+            elem("Directory",
+                [id_attr(programs_menu_id)] ++
+                name_attrs(Name, "PROGMENU"), [])
+        ])]
+    else
+        XML = []
+    ).
Index: extras/windows_installer_generator/wix_language.m
RCS file: extras/windows_installer_generator/wix_language.m
diff -N extras/windows_installer_generator/wix_language.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ extras/windows_installer_generator/wix_language.m	25 Oct 2005 13:33:28 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+% Copyright (C) 2005 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% Main author: Ian MacLarty (maclarty at cs.mu.oz.au).
+% A few language-related utility predicates.
+:- module wix_language.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module wix.
+:- pred det_translate(L::in, language::in, string::out) is det
+	<= language_independent_tokens(L).
+:- type lcid == int.
+    % Convert a language to a MicroSoft locale code (lcid).
+    %
+:- pred language_to_lcid(language, lcid).
+:- mode language_to_lcid(in, out) is det.
+:- mode language_to_lcid(out, in) is semidet.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module exception.
+:- import_module wix_util.
+    % This table was obtained from:
+    % http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/reference/lcid-all.mspx
+    % on 28 August 2005.
+    %
+language_to_lcid(afrikaans_south_africa, 1078).
+language_to_lcid(albanian_albania, 1052).
+language_to_lcid(amharic_ethiopia, 1118).
+language_to_lcid(arabic_saudi_arabia, 1025).
+language_to_lcid(arabic_algeria, 5121).
+language_to_lcid(arabic_bahrain, 15361).
+language_to_lcid(arabic_egypt, 3073).
+language_to_lcid(arabic_iraq, 2049).
+language_to_lcid(arabic_jordan, 11265).
+language_to_lcid(arabic_kuwait, 13313).
+language_to_lcid(arabic_lebanon, 12289).
+language_to_lcid(arabic_libya, 4097).
+language_to_lcid(arabic_morocco, 6145).
+language_to_lcid(arabic_oman, 8193).
+language_to_lcid(arabic_qatar, 16385).
+language_to_lcid(arabic_syria, 10241).
+language_to_lcid(arabic_tunisia, 7169).
+language_to_lcid(arabic_u_a_e, 14337).
+language_to_lcid(arabic_yemen, 9217).
+language_to_lcid(armenian_armenia, 1067).
+language_to_lcid(assamese, 1101).
+language_to_lcid(azeri_cyrillic, 2092).
+language_to_lcid(azeri_latin, 1068).
+language_to_lcid(basque, 1069).
+language_to_lcid(belarusian, 1059).
+language_to_lcid(bengali, 1093).
+language_to_lcid(bengali_bangladesh, 2117).
+language_to_lcid(bosnian_bosnia_herzegovina, 5146).
+language_to_lcid(bulgarian, 1026).
+language_to_lcid(burmese, 1109).
+language_to_lcid(catalan, 1027).
+language_to_lcid(cherokee_united_states, 1116).
+language_to_lcid(chinese_peoples_republic_of_china, 2052).
+language_to_lcid(chinese_singapore, 4100).
+language_to_lcid(chinese_taiwan, 1028).
+language_to_lcid(chinese_hong_kong_sar, 3076).
+language_to_lcid(chinese_macao_sar, 5124).
+language_to_lcid(croatian, 1050).
+language_to_lcid(croatian_bosnia_herzegovina, 4122).
+language_to_lcid(czech, 1029).
+language_to_lcid(danish, 1030).
+language_to_lcid(divehi, 1125).
+language_to_lcid(dutch_netherlands, 1043).
+language_to_lcid(dutch_belgium, 2067).
+language_to_lcid(edo, 1126).
+language_to_lcid(english_united_states, 1033).
+language_to_lcid(english_united_kingdom, 2057).
+language_to_lcid(english_australia, 3081).
+language_to_lcid(english_belize, 10249).
+language_to_lcid(english_canada, 4105).
+language_to_lcid(english_caribbean, 9225).
+language_to_lcid(english_hong_kong_sar, 15369).
+language_to_lcid(english_india, 16393).
+language_to_lcid(english_indonesia, 14345).
+language_to_lcid(english_ireland, 6153).
+language_to_lcid(english_jamaica, 8201).
+language_to_lcid(english_malaysia, 17417).
+language_to_lcid(english_new_zealand, 5129).
+language_to_lcid(english_philippines, 13321).
+language_to_lcid(english_singapore, 18441).
+language_to_lcid(english_south_africa, 7177).
+language_to_lcid(english_trinidad, 11273).
+language_to_lcid(english_zimbabwe, 12297).
+language_to_lcid(estonian, 1061).
+language_to_lcid(faroese, 1080).
+language_to_lcid(farsi, 1065).
+language_to_lcid(filipino, 1124).
+language_to_lcid(finnish, 1035).
+language_to_lcid(french_france, 1036).
+language_to_lcid(french_belgium, 2060).
+language_to_lcid(french_cameroon, 11276).
+language_to_lcid(french_canada, 3084).
+language_to_lcid(french_democratic_rep_of_congo, 9228).
+language_to_lcid(french_cote_divoire, 12300).
+language_to_lcid(french_haiti, 15372).
+language_to_lcid(french_luxembourg, 5132).
+language_to_lcid(french_mali, 13324).
+language_to_lcid(french_monaco, 6156).
+language_to_lcid(french_morocco, 14348).
+language_to_lcid(french_north_africa, 58380).
+language_to_lcid(french_reunion, 8204).
+language_to_lcid(french_senegal, 10252).
+language_to_lcid(french_switzerland, 4108).
+language_to_lcid(french_west_indies, 7180).
+language_to_lcid(frisian_netherlands, 1122).
+language_to_lcid(fulfulde_nigeria, 1127).
+language_to_lcid(fyro_macedonian, 1071).
+language_to_lcid(gaelic_ireland, 2108).
+language_to_lcid(gaelic_scotland, 1084).
+language_to_lcid(galician, 1110).
+language_to_lcid(georgian, 1079).
+language_to_lcid(german_germany, 1031).
+language_to_lcid(german_austria, 3079).
+language_to_lcid(german_liechtenstein, 5127).
+language_to_lcid(german_luxembourg, 4103).
+language_to_lcid(german_switzerland, 2055).
+language_to_lcid(greek, 1032).
+language_to_lcid(guarani_paraguay, 1140).
+language_to_lcid(gujarati, 1095).
+language_to_lcid(hausa_nigeria, 1128).
+language_to_lcid(hawaiian_united_states, 1141).
+language_to_lcid(hebrew, 1037).
+language_to_lcid(hindi, 1081).
+language_to_lcid(hungarian, 1038).
+language_to_lcid(ibibio_nigeria, 1129).
+language_to_lcid(icelandic, 1039).
+language_to_lcid(igbo_nigeria, 1136).
+language_to_lcid(indonesian, 1057).
+language_to_lcid(inuktitut, 1117).
+language_to_lcid(italian_italy, 1040).
+language_to_lcid(italian_switzerland, 2064).
+language_to_lcid(japanese, 1041).
+language_to_lcid(kannada, 1099).
+language_to_lcid(kanuri_nigeria, 1137).
+language_to_lcid(kashmiri, 2144).
+language_to_lcid(kashmiri_arabic, 1120).
+language_to_lcid(kazakh, 1087).
+language_to_lcid(khmer, 1107).
+language_to_lcid(konkani, 1111).
+language_to_lcid(korean, 1042).
+language_to_lcid(kyrgyz_cyrillic, 1088).
+language_to_lcid(lao, 1108).
+language_to_lcid(latin, 1142).
+language_to_lcid(latvian, 1062).
+language_to_lcid(lithuanian, 1063).
+language_to_lcid(malay_malaysia, 1086).
+language_to_lcid(malay_brunei_darussalam, 2110).
+language_to_lcid(malayalam, 1100).
+language_to_lcid(maltese, 1082).
+language_to_lcid(manipuri, 1112).
+language_to_lcid(maori_new_zealand, 1153).
+language_to_lcid(marathi, 1102).
+language_to_lcid(mongolian_cyrillic, 1104).
+language_to_lcid(mongolian_mongolian, 2128).
+language_to_lcid(nepali, 1121).
+language_to_lcid(nepali_india, 2145).
+language_to_lcid(norwegian_bokmal, 1044).
+language_to_lcid(norwegian_nynorsk, 2068).
+language_to_lcid(oriya, 1096).
+language_to_lcid(oromo, 1138).
+language_to_lcid(papiamentu, 1145).
+language_to_lcid(pashto, 1123).
+language_to_lcid(polish, 1045).
+language_to_lcid(portuguese_brazil, 1046).
+language_to_lcid(portuguese_portugal, 2070).
+language_to_lcid(punjabi, 1094).
+language_to_lcid(punjabi_pakistan, 2118).
+language_to_lcid(quecha_bolivia, 1131).
+language_to_lcid(quecha_ecuador, 2155).
+language_to_lcid(quecha_peru, 3179).
+language_to_lcid(rhaeto_romanic, 1047).
+language_to_lcid(romanian, 1048).
+language_to_lcid(romanian_moldava, 2072).
+language_to_lcid(russian, 1049).
+language_to_lcid(russian_moldava, 2073).
+language_to_lcid(sami_lappish, 1083).
+language_to_lcid(sanskrit, 1103).
+language_to_lcid(sepedi, 1132).
+language_to_lcid(serbian_cyrillic, 3098).
+language_to_lcid(serbian_latin, 2074).
+language_to_lcid(sindhi_india, 1113).
+language_to_lcid(sindhi_pakistan, 2137).
+language_to_lcid(sinhalese_sri_lanka, 1115).
+language_to_lcid(slovak, 1051).
+language_to_lcid(slovenian, 1060).
+language_to_lcid(somali, 1143).
+language_to_lcid(sorbian, 1070).
+language_to_lcid(spanish_spain_modern_sort, 3082).
+language_to_lcid(spanish_spain_traditional_sort, 1034).
+language_to_lcid(spanish_argentina, 11274).
+language_to_lcid(spanish_bolivia, 16394).
+language_to_lcid(spanish_chile, 13322).
+language_to_lcid(spanish_colombia, 9226).
+language_to_lcid(spanish_costa_rica, 5130).
+language_to_lcid(spanish_dominican_republic, 7178).
+language_to_lcid(spanish_ecuador, 12298).
+language_to_lcid(spanish_el_salvador, 17418).
+language_to_lcid(spanish_guatemala, 4106).
+language_to_lcid(spanish_honduras, 18442).
+language_to_lcid(spanish_latin_america, 58378).
+language_to_lcid(spanish_mexico, 2058).
+language_to_lcid(spanish_nicaragua, 19466).
+language_to_lcid(spanish_panama, 6154).
+language_to_lcid(spanish_paraguay, 15370).
+language_to_lcid(spanish_peru, 10250).
+language_to_lcid(spanish_puerto_rico, 20490).
+language_to_lcid(spanish_united_states, 21514).
+language_to_lcid(spanish_uruguay, 14346).
+language_to_lcid(spanish_venezuela, 8202).
+language_to_lcid(sutu, 1072).
+language_to_lcid(swahili, 1089).
+language_to_lcid(swedish, 1053).
+language_to_lcid(swedish_finland, 2077).
+language_to_lcid(syriac, 1114).
+language_to_lcid(tajik, 1064).
+language_to_lcid(tamazight_arabic, 0414).
+language_to_lcid(tamazight_latin, 1119).
+language_to_lcid(tamil, 1097).
+language_to_lcid(tatar, 1092).
+language_to_lcid(telugu, 1098).
+language_to_lcid(thai, 1054).
+language_to_lcid(tibetan_bhutan, 2129).
+language_to_lcid(tibetan_peoples_republic_of_china, 1105).
+language_to_lcid(tigrigna_eritrea, 2163).
+language_to_lcid(tigrigna_ethiopia, 1139).
+language_to_lcid(tsonga, 1073).
+language_to_lcid(tswana, 1074).
+language_to_lcid(turkish, 1055).
+language_to_lcid(turkmen, 1090).
+language_to_lcid(uighur_china, 1152).
+language_to_lcid(ukrainian, 1058).
+language_to_lcid(urdu, 1056).
+language_to_lcid(urdu_india, 2080).
+language_to_lcid(uzbek_cyrillic, 2115).
+language_to_lcid(uzbek_latin, 1091).
+language_to_lcid(venda, 1075).
+language_to_lcid(vietnamese, 1066).
+language_to_lcid(welsh, 1106).
+language_to_lcid(xhosa, 1076).
+language_to_lcid(yi, 1144).
+language_to_lcid(yiddish, 1085).
+language_to_lcid(yoruba, 1130).
+language_to_lcid(zulu, 1077).
+language_to_lcid(hid_human_interface_device, 1279).
+det_translate(Token, Language, Translation) :-
+	( if translate(Token, Language, WasTranslation) then
+		Translation = WasTranslation
+	else
+		throw('new no_translation'(Token, Language))
+	).
Index: extras/windows_installer_generator/wix_util.m
RCS file: extras/windows_installer_generator/wix_util.m
diff -N extras/windows_installer_generator/wix_util.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ extras/windows_installer_generator/wix_util.m	25 Oct 2005 13:33:28 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+% Copyright (C) 2005 The University of Melbourne.
+% This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU Library General
+% Public License - see the file COPYING.LIB in the Mercury distribution.
+% Main author: Ian MacLarty (maclarty at cs.mu.oz.au).
+% Various misc predicates and functions used by the wix modules.
+:- module wix_util.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module term_to_xml.
+:- import_module std_util.
+:- import_module wix.
+:- import_module wix_gui.
+	% Mode options for dialog boxes.
+	%
+:- type modeless
+	--->	modeless
+	;	not_modeless
+	;	keep_modeless.
+:- type privilege
+	--->	admin
+	;	normal.
+% Various attributes used in the generation of the Wix source file.
+:- func guid_attr(guid) = attr.
+:- func id_attr(string) = attr.
+:- func disk_id_attr = attr.
+:- func name_attrs(string, string) = list(attr).
+:- func size_attrs(size) = list(attr).
+:- func pos_attrs(position) = list(attr).
+:- func title_attr(string) = attr.
+:- func default_attr(button_default) = attr.
+:- func modeless_attr(modeless) = attr.
+:- func text_attr(string) = attr.
+:- func type_attr(string) = attr.
+:- func shortcut_where_attr(shortcut_where) = attr.
+:- type position == pair(int).
+:- type size == pair(int).
+:- func dir_sep = string.
+:- type id == string.
+:- type guid == string.
+:- type id_supply.
+:- pred allocate_id(id::out, id_supply::in, id_supply::out)
+	is det.
+:- func init_id_supply = id_supply.
+:- func attr_if_not_blank(attr) = list(attr).
+:- func version_no_to_string(version_no) = string.
+:- func env_vars_component_id = string.
+:- func desktop_id = string.
+:- func programs_menu_id = string.
+:- func how_set_to_string(env_var_how_set) = string.
+:- func system_or_user_to_string(env_var_system_or_user) = string.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module counter.
+:- import_module dir.
+:- import_module exception.
+:- import_module int.
+:- import_module require.
+:- import_module string.
+guid_attr(GUID) = attr("Guid", GUID).
+id_attr(Id) = attr("Id", Id).
+	% XXX Currently installers can span only one volume.
+	%
+disk_id_attr = attr("DiskId", "1").
+name_attrs(FileName, ShortName) = Attrs :-
+	( if is_legal_windows_short_name(FileName) then
+		Attrs = [attr("Name", FileName)]
+	else
+		Attrs = [attr("Name", ShortName), attr("LongName", FileName)]
+	).
+pos_attrs(X - Y) = [attr("X", int_to_string(X)), attr("Y", int_to_string(Y))].
+size_attrs(Width - Height) =
+	[attr("Width", int_to_string(Width)),
+	attr("Height", int_to_string(Height))].
+title_attr(Title) = attr("Title", Title).
+default_attr(default) = attr("Default", "yes").
+default_attr(not_default) = attr("Default", "no").
+text_attr(Text) = attr("Text", Text).
+type_attr(Type) = attr("Type", Type).
+shortcut_where_attr(programs) = attr("Directory", programs_menu_id).
+shortcut_where_attr(desktop) = attr("Directory", desktop_id).
+modeless_attr(modeless) = attr("Modeless", "yes").
+modeless_attr(not_modeless) = attr("Modeless", "no").
+modeless_attr(keep_modeless) = attr("KeepModeless", "yes").
+:- pred is_legal_windows_short_name(string::in) is semidet.
+is_legal_windows_short_name(FileName) :-
+	Parts = string.words(unify('.'), FileName),
+	(
+		Parts = [BaseName, Extension],
+		string.length(BaseName) =< 8,
+		string.length(Extension) =< 3,
+		string.is_alnum_or_underscore(BaseName),
+		string.is_alnum_or_underscore(Extension)
+	;
+		Parts = [BaseName],
+		string.length(BaseName) =< 8,
+		string.is_alnum_or_underscore(BaseName)
+	).
+	% XXX I don't know exactly how to do this, so am ignoring it for
+	% now.  It should only cause problems on versions of windows which
+	% don't support long file names.  To my knowledge this is versions
+	% prior to Windows 95 which Mercury won't run on anyway - Ian MacLarty.
+	%
+:- func make_short_filename(string) = string.
+make_short_filename(_) = "XXX.XXX".
+dir_sep = char_to_string(dir.directory_separator).
+:- type id_supply == counter.
+allocate_id("id" ++ int_to_string(Id), !IdSupply) :-
+	counter.allocate(Id, !IdSupply).
+init_id_supply = counter.init(1).
+attr_if_not_blank(attr(Name, Value)) = AttrList :-
+    ( if Value = "" then
+        AttrList = []
+    else
+        AttrList = [attr(Name, Value)]
+    ).
+version_no_to_string(version_no(Major, Minor, Build, Other)) =
+    int_to_string(Major) ++ "." ++ int_to_string(Minor) ++ "." ++
+    int_to_string(Build) ++ "." ++ int_to_string(Other).
+env_vars_component_id = "ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES_COMPONENT".
+desktop_id = "DesktopFolder".
+programs_menu_id = "PROGRAMSMENU".
+how_set_to_string(replace) = "all".
+how_set_to_string(prepend) = "first".
+how_set_to_string(append) = "last".
+system_or_user_to_string(system) = "yes".
+system_or_user_to_string(user) = "no".
Index: extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/Mercury.options
RCS file: extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/Mercury.options
diff -N extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/Mercury.options
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/Mercury.options	25 Oct 2005 15:16:01 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+MCFLAGS=-I../ -L../ -lwix
Index: extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/README
RCS file: extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/README
diff -N extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/README
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/README	25 Oct 2005 15:28:43 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+This directory contains the program gen_merc_wxs, which can be used to generate
+a windows installer for the Mercury distribution.
+To compile gen_merc_wxs, first build the wix library in the parent directory
+and then do:
+mmc --make gen_merc_wxs
+Usage: gen_merc_wxs <version> <path to merc files> <guid command> <out file>
+For example the command:
+gen_merc_wxs 0.12.0 c:\mercury uuidgen installer.wxs
+will produce the file installer.wxs based on the files in c:\mercury.
+The .wxs file can then be compiled into a Microsoft installer (.msi)
+file using the Wix compiler and linker (candle.exe and light.exe), available
+from wix.sourceforge.net:
+candle installer.wxs
+light installer.wixobj
Index: extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/gen_merc_wxs.m
RCS file: extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/gen_merc_wxs.m
diff -N extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/gen_merc_wxs.m
--- /dev/null	1 Jan 1970 00:00:00 -0000
+++ extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/gen_merc_wxs.m	25 Oct 2005 15:19:01 -0000
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+:- module gen_merc_wxs.
+:- interface.
+:- import_module io.
+:- pred main(io::di, io::uo) is det.
+:- implementation.
+:- import_module bool.
+:- import_module list.
+:- import_module std_util.
+:- import_module string.
+:- import_module term_to_xml.
+:- import_module wix.
+main(!IO) :-
+	io.command_line_arguments(Args, !IO),
+	( if Args = [Version, Path, GUIDGenCmd, OutFile] then
+		Product = product(
+			merc_group,
+			merc_comp(Version),
+			version_no(0, 0, 0, 0), % This is just to keep the
+						% Wix compiler happy.
+			merc_comp(Version),
+			product_comments,
+			Path,
+			merc_comp(Version)),
+		Installer ^ wix_product_info            = Product,
+		Installer ^ wix_language                = english_south_africa,
+		Installer ^ wix_set_env_vars            =
+			[set_env_var("PATH", path, prepend, system)],
+		Installer ^ wix_shortcut_func           = doc_shortcuts,
+		Installer ^ wix_title                   = title,
+		Installer ^ wix_install_heading         = install_heading,
+		Installer ^ wix_install_descr           = install_descr,
+		Installer ^ wix_next_button             = next,
+		Installer ^ wix_back_button             = back,
+		Installer ^ wix_cancel_button           = cancel,
+		Installer ^ wix_install_button          = install,
+		Installer ^ wix_cancel_message          = cancel_message,
+		Installer ^ wix_remove_heading          = remove_heading,
+		Installer ^ wix_remove_confirm          = remove_confirm,
+		Installer ^ wix_remove_button           = remove,
+		Installer ^ wix_remove_progress_heading = remove_prog_heading,
+		Installer ^ wix_remove_progress_descr   = remove_prog_descr,
+		Installer ^ wix_finish_heading          = finish_heading,
+		Installer ^ wix_finish_message          = finish_message,
+		Installer ^ wix_finish_button           = finish,
+		Installer ^ wix_files_in_use_heading    = files_in_use_heading,
+		Installer ^ wix_files_in_use_message    = files_in_use_message,
+		Installer ^ wix_ignore_button           = ignore,
+		Installer ^ wix_retry_button            = retry,
+		Installer ^ wix_yes_button              = yes,
+		Installer ^ wix_no_button               = no,
+		Installer ^ wix_must_be_admin_msg       = admin_message,
+		Installer ^ wix_banner_source           = "images\\banner.bmp",
+		Installer ^ wix_background_source       = "images\\bg.bmp",
+		Installer ^ wix_wizard_steps            = [
+			welcome_wizard_step(welcome, welcome_message),
+			license_wizard_step(license_heading, blank, notice_src)
+		],
+		generate_installer(Installer, GUIDGenCmd, OutFile, Result,
+			!IO),
+		(
+			Result = ok
+		;
+			Result = wix_error(Error),
+			io.format("Error generating wix source: %s\n",
+				[s(string.string(Error))], !IO)
+		)
+	else
+		io.write_string(merc_installer_usage_message, !IO),
+		io.nl(!IO)
+	).
+:- type language_token
+	--->	merc_group
+	;	merc_comp(string)
+	;	product_comments
+	;	path
+	;	welcome
+	;	welcome_message
+	;	title
+	;	next
+	;	back
+	;	cancel
+	;	install
+	;	license_heading
+	;	notice_src
+	;	cancel_message
+	;	yes
+	;	no
+	;	install_heading
+	;	install_descr
+	;	remove_heading
+	;	remove_confirm
+	;	remove
+	;	files_in_use_message
+	;	files_in_use_heading
+	;	ignore
+	;	retry
+	;	remove_prog_heading
+	;	remove_prog_descr
+	;	admin_message
+	;	finish_heading
+	;	finish_message
+	;	finish
+	;	html_ref_man
+	;	html_lib_ref
+	;	html_user_guide
+	;	pdf_ref_man
+	;	pdf_lib_ref
+	;	pdf_user_guide
+	;	pdf_tutorial
+	;	blank.
+	% This function is used to generate shortcuts to the Mercury
+	% documentation in the Start/Programs menu.
+	%
+:- func doc_shortcuts(string, string) = list(shortcut(language_token)).
+doc_shortcuts(_, FileName) = Shortcuts :-
+	( if FileName = "mercury_ref.html" then
+		Shortcuts = [shortcut(programs, html_ref_man)]
+	else if FileName = "mercury_user_guide.html" then
+		Shortcuts = [shortcut(programs, html_user_guide)]
+	else if FileName = "mercury_library.html" then
+		Shortcuts = [shortcut(programs, html_lib_ref)]
+	else if FileName = "reference_manual.pdf" then
+		Shortcuts = [shortcut(programs, pdf_ref_man)]
+	else if FileName = "user_guide.pdf" then
+		Shortcuts = [shortcut(programs, pdf_user_guide)]
+	else if FileName = "library.pdf" then
+		Shortcuts = [shortcut(programs, pdf_lib_ref)]
+	else if FileName = "book.pdf" then
+		Shortcuts = [shortcut(programs, pdf_tutorial)]
+	else
+		Shortcuts = []
+	).
+:- instance language_independent_tokens(language_token) where [
+	pred(translate/3) is translate_token
+:- pred translate_token(language_token, language, string).
+:- mode translate_token(in, in, out) is semidet.
+:- mode translate_token(in, in(english), out) is det.
+	% Ralph would object...
+	%
+:- inst english
+	--->	english_united_states
+	;       english_united_kingdom
+	;       english_australia
+	;       english_belize
+	;       english_canada
+	;       english_caribbean
+	;       english_hong_kong_sar
+	;       english_india
+	;       english_indonesia
+	;       english_ireland
+	;       english_jamaica
+	;       english_malaysia
+	;       english_new_zealand
+	;       english_philippines
+	;       english_singapore
+	;       english_south_africa
+	;       english_trinidad
+	;       english_zimbabwe.
+translate_token(Token, Language, Translation) :-
+	( Language = english_united_states
+	; Language = english_united_kingdom
+	; Language = english_australia
+	; Language = english_belize
+	; Language = english_canada
+	; Language = english_caribbean
+	; Language = english_hong_kong_sar
+	; Language = english_india
+	; Language = english_indonesia
+	; Language = english_ireland
+	; Language = english_jamaica
+	; Language = english_malaysia
+	; Language = english_new_zealand
+	; Language = english_philippines
+	; Language = english_singapore
+	; Language = english_south_africa
+	; Language = english_trinidad
+	; Language = english_zimbabwe
+	),
+	token_to_english(Token, Translation).
+:- pred token_to_english(language_token::in, string::out) is det.
+token_to_english(blank, "").
+token_to_english(merc_group, "The Mercury Group").
+token_to_english(merc_comp(Version), "Mercury " ++ Version).
+token_to_english(product_comments, "").
+token_to_english(path, "\"[INSTALLDIR]bin\"").
+token_to_english(welcome, "Welcome.").
+	"This program will install the Melbourne Mercury distribution " ++
+	"to your compiler. Click Next to continue.").
+token_to_english(title, "Mercury installer").
+token_to_english(next, "Next >").
+token_to_english(back, "< Back").
+token_to_english(cancel, "Cancel").
+token_to_english(install, "Install").
+token_to_english(license_heading, "Licences").
+token_to_english(notice_src, "NOTICE.rtf").
+token_to_english(cancel_message, "Are you sure you want to cancel?").
+token_to_english(yes, "yes").
+token_to_english(no, "no").
+token_to_english(install_heading, "Installing Mercury").
+	"Installation may take a few minutes, please be patient.").
+token_to_english(remove_heading, "Uninstall").
+token_to_english(remove_confirm, "Are you sure you wish to uninstall?").
+token_to_english(remove, "Remove").
+	"Some files that need to be updated are currently in use.").
+	"The following applications are using files that need to be " ++
+	"updated by this setup. Close these applications and then click " ++
+	"Retry to continue the installation or Cancel to exit it.").
+token_to_english(retry, "Retry").
+token_to_english(ignore, "Ignore").
+token_to_english(remove_prog_heading, "Uninstalling").
+	"Uninstallation may take a few minutes, please be patient.").
+	"You need to be an administrator to install this software.").
+token_to_english(finish_heading, "All done.").
+	"Thank you for installing Mercury. " ++
+	"Online documentation is avalible from www.cs.mu.oz.au/mercury. " ++
+	"Please email any bug reports to mercury-bugs at cs.mu.oz.au. " ++
+	"Click finish to exit the Mercury installer.").
+token_to_english(finish, "Finish").
+token_to_english(html_ref_man, "Reference Manual (HTML)").
+token_to_english(pdf_ref_man, "Reference Manual (PDF)").
+token_to_english(html_lib_ref, "Library Reference (HTML)").
+token_to_english(pdf_lib_ref, "Library Reference (PDF)").
+token_to_english(html_user_guide, "User Guide (HTML)").
+token_to_english(pdf_user_guide, "User Guide (PDF)").
+token_to_english(pdf_tutorial, "Introductory Tutorial (PDF)").
+:- func merc_installer_usage_message = string.
+merc_installer_usage_message =
+	"Usage: gen_merc_wxs <version> <path to merc files> " ++
+	"<guid command> <out file>".
Index: extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/images/Exclam.ico
RCS file: extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/images/Exclam.ico
diff -N extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/images/Exclam.ico
Binary files /dev/null and Exclam.ico differ
Index: extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/images/Info.ico
RCS file: extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/images/Info.ico
diff -N extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/images/Info.ico
Binary files /dev/null and Info.ico differ
Index: extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/images/banner.bmp
RCS file: extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/images/banner.bmp
diff -N extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/images/banner.bmp
Binary files /dev/null and banner.bmp differ
Index: extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/images/bg.bmp
RCS file: extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/images/bg.bmp
diff -N extras/windows_installer_generator/sample/images/bg.bmp
Binary files /dev/null and bg.bmp differ

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