[m-rev.] diff: more cleanups

Zoltan Somogyi zs at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Wed Oct 12 11:27:33 AEST 2005

	Write out more information about construction unifications.

	Convert to four space indentation. Fix departures from our coding

	Minor cleanups.


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cvs diff: Diffing compiler
Index: compiler/hlds_out.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/hlds_out.m,v
retrieving revision 1.371
diff -u -b -r1.371 hlds_out.m
--- compiler/hlds_out.m	10 Oct 2005 07:54:35 -0000	1.371
+++ compiler/hlds_out.m	11 Oct 2005 15:16:55 -0000
@@ -2313,7 +2313,7 @@
     mercury_output_var(Y, ProgVarSet, AppendVarNums, !IO),
     io__write_string("\n", !IO).
-write_unification(construct(Var, ConsId, ArgVars, ArgModes, _ConstructHow,
+write_unification(construct(Var, ConsId, ArgVars, ArgModes, ConstructHow,
         Uniqueness, SubInfo), ModuleInfo, ProgVarSet, InstVarSet,
         AppendVarNums, Indent, !IO) :-
     write_indent(Indent, !IO),
@@ -2360,6 +2360,22 @@
             MaybeSize = no
+    ),
+    (
+        ConstructHow = construct_dynamically
+    ;
+        ConstructHow = construct_statically(StaticConsList),
+        write_indent(Indent, !IO),
+        io__write_string("% construct statically\n", !IO),
+        list__foldl(write_static_cons(Indent, 1, ProgVarSet, AppendVarNums),
+            StaticConsList, !IO)
+    ;
+        ConstructHow = reuse_cell(CellToReuse),
+        CellToReuse = cell_to_reuse(ReuseVar, _ReuseConsIds, _FieldAssigns),
+        write_indent(Indent, !IO),
+        io__write_string("% reuse cell: ", !IO),
+        mercury_output_var(ReuseVar, ProgVarSet, AppendVarNums, !IO),
+        io__write_string("\n", !IO)
 write_unification(deconstruct(Var, ConsId, ArgVars, ArgModes, CanFail, CanCGC),
@@ -2404,6 +2420,29 @@
     io__write_string("% type-info vars: ", !IO),
     mercury_output_vars(TypeInfoVars, ProgVarSet, AppendVarNums, !IO),
     io__write_string("\n", !IO).
+:- pred write_static_cons(int::in, int::in, prog_varset::in, bool::in,
+    static_cons::in, io::di, io::uo) is det.
+write_static_cons(Indent, Depth, VarSet, AppendVarNums, StaticCons, !IO) :-
+    StaticCons = static_cons(ConsId, ArgVars, ArgStaticConstList),
+    write_indent(Indent, !IO),
+    io__write_string("% ", !IO),
+    write_indent(Depth, !IO),
+    mercury_output_cons_id(ConsId, does_not_need_brackets, !IO),
+    io__write_string("\n", !IO),
+    (
+        ArgVars = []
+    ;
+        ArgVars = [_ | _],
+        write_indent(Indent, !IO),
+        io__write_string("% ", !IO),
+        write_indent(Depth, !IO),
+        mercury_output_vars(ArgVars, VarSet, AppendVarNums, !IO),
+        io__write_string("\n", !IO)
+    ),
+    list__foldl(write_static_cons(Indent, Depth + 1, VarSet, AppendVarNums),
+        ArgStaticConstList, !IO).
 :- pred write_functor_and_submodes(cons_id::in, list(prog_var)::in,
     list(uni_mode)::in, module_info::in, prog_varset::in, inst_varset::in,
Index: compiler/mark_static_terms.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mark_static_terms.m,v
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -b -r1.16 mark_static_terms.m
--- compiler/mark_static_terms.m	24 Mar 2005 05:34:07 -0000	1.16
+++ compiler/mark_static_terms.m	11 Oct 2005 15:23:17 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
 % Copyright (C) 2000-2005 The University of Melbourne.
 % This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
 % Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
@@ -30,28 +32,24 @@
 :- import_module hlds__hlds_data.
 :- import_module hlds__hlds_goal.
+:- import_module parse_tree__error_util.
 :- import_module parse_tree__prog_data.
 :- import_module bool.
-:- import_module list.
-:- import_module map.
-% As we traverse the goal, we keep track of which variables are static at
-% this point, and for each such variable, we keep information on how to
-% construct it.
-:- type static_info == map(prog_var, static_cons).
-:- import_module hlds__hlds_goal.
 :- import_module int.
 :- import_module list.
+:- import_module map.
 :- import_module require.
 :- import_module std_util.
+:- import_module svmap.
+    % As we traverse the goal, we keep track of which variables are static
+    % at the current program point, and for each such variable, we keep
+    % information on how to construct it.
+:- type static_info == map(prog_var, static_cons).
 mark_static_terms(_ModuleInfo, !Proc) :-
-		% The ModuleInfo argument is there just for passes_aux
+    % The ModuleInfo argument is there just for passes_aux.
 	proc_info_goal(!.Proc, Goal0),
 	goal_mark_static_terms(Goal0, Goal, StaticInfo0, _StaticInfo),
@@ -70,22 +68,21 @@
 	conj_mark_static_terms(Goals0, Goals, !SI).
 goal_expr_mark_static_terms(par_conj(Goals0), par_conj(Goals), !SI) :-
-	% it's OK to treat parallel conjunctions as if they were
-	% sequential here, since if we mark any variables as
-	% static, the computation of those variables will be
-	% done at compile time.
+    % It's OK to treat parallel conjunctions as if they were sequential here,
+    % since if we mark any variables as static, the computation of those
+    % variables will be done at compile time.
 	conj_mark_static_terms(Goals0, Goals, !SI).
 goal_expr_mark_static_terms(disj(Goals0), disj(Goals), !SI) :-
-	% we revert to the original static_info at the end of branched goals
+    % We revert to the original static_info at the end of branched goals.
 	disj_mark_static_terms(Goals0, Goals, !.SI).
 goal_expr_mark_static_terms(switch(A, B, Cases0), switch(A, B, Cases), !SI) :-
-	% we revert to the original static_info at the end of branched goals
+    % We revert to the original static_info at the end of branched goals.
 	cases_mark_static_terms(Cases0, Cases, !.SI).
 goal_expr_mark_static_terms(not(Goal0), not(Goal), !SI) :-
-	% we revert to the original static_info at the end of the negation
+    % We revert to the original static_info at the end of the negation.
 	goal_mark_static_terms(Goal0, Goal, !.SI, _SI).
 goal_expr_mark_static_terms(scope(A, Goal0), scope(A, Goal), !SI) :-
@@ -93,10 +90,9 @@
 goal_expr_mark_static_terms(if_then_else(A, Cond0, Then0, Else0),
 		if_then_else(A, Cond, Then, Else), SI0, SI0) :-
-	% we run the Cond and the Then in sequence,
-	% and we run the Else in parallel with that,
-	% and then we throw away the static_infos we computed
-	% and revert to the original static_info at the end,
+    % We run the Cond and the Then in sequence, and we run the Else
+    % in parallel with that, and then we throw away the static_infos
+    % we computed and revert to the original static_info at the end,
 	% since this was a branched goal.
 	goal_mark_static_terms(Cond0, Cond, SI0, SI_Cond),
 	goal_mark_static_terms(Then0, Then, SI_Cond, _SI_Then),
@@ -113,8 +109,8 @@
 goal_expr_mark_static_terms(Goal @ foreign_proc(_, _, _, _, _, _), Goal, !SI).
 goal_expr_mark_static_terms(shorthand(_), _, !SI) :-
-	% these should have been expanded out by now
-	error("fill_expr_slots: unexpected shorthand").
+    % These should have been expanded out by now.
+    unexpected(this_file, "fill_expr_slots: unexpected shorthand").
 :- pred conj_mark_static_terms(hlds_goals::in, hlds_goals::out,
 	static_info::in, static_info::out) is det.
@@ -127,7 +123,7 @@
 disj_mark_static_terms([], [], _).
 disj_mark_static_terms([Goal0 | Goals0], [Goal | Goals], SI0) :-
-	% we throw away the static_info obtained after each branch
+    % We throw away the static_info obtained after each branch.
 	goal_mark_static_terms(Goal0, Goal, SI0, _SI),
 	disj_mark_static_terms(Goals0, Goals, SI0).
@@ -137,49 +133,41 @@
 cases_mark_static_terms([], [], _SI0).
 cases_mark_static_terms([Case0 | Cases0], [Case | Cases], SI0) :-
 	Case0 = case(ConsId, Goal0),
-	Case = case(ConsId, Goal),
-	% we throw away the static_info obtained after each branch
+    % We throw away the static_info obtained after each branch.
 	goal_mark_static_terms(Goal0, Goal, SI0, _SI),
+    Case = case(ConsId, Goal),
 	cases_mark_static_terms(Cases0, Cases, SI0).
 :- pred unification_mark_static_terms(unification::in, unification::out,
 	static_info::in, static_info::out) is det.
-unification_mark_static_terms(Unification0, Unification,
-		StaticVars0, StaticVars) :-
+unification_mark_static_terms(Unification0, Unification, !StaticVars) :-
-		Unification0 = construct(Var, ConsId, ArgVars, D,
-			HowToConstruct0, F, G),
+        Unification0 = construct(Var, ConsId, ArgVars, D, HowToConstruct0,
+            F, G),
-			% if all the arguments are static,
-			% then the newly constructed variable
-			% is static too
-			CheckStaticArg = (pred(V::in, C::out) is semidet :-
-				map__search(StaticVars0, V, C)),
-			list__map(CheckStaticArg, ArgVars, StaticArgs)
+            % If all the arguments are static, then the newly constructed
+            % variable is static too.
+            list__map(map__search(!.StaticVars), ArgVars, StaticArgs)
 			HowToConstruct = construct_statically(StaticArgs),
-			map__det_insert(StaticVars0, Var,
-				static_cons(ConsId, ArgVars, StaticArgs),
-				StaticVars)
+            svmap__det_insert(Var, static_cons(ConsId, ArgVars, StaticArgs),
+                !StaticVars)
-			HowToConstruct = HowToConstruct0,
-			StaticVars = StaticVars0
+            HowToConstruct = HowToConstruct0
 		( HowToConstruct = HowToConstruct0 ->
-			% this is a minor optimization to improve the
-			% efficiency of the compiler: don't bother
-			% allocating memory if we don't need to
+            % This is a minor optimization to improve the efficiency of the
+            % compiler: don't bother allocating memory if we don't need to.
 			Unification = Unification0
-			Unification = construct(Var, ConsId, ArgVars, D,
-				HowToConstruct, F, G)
+            Unification = construct(Var, ConsId, ArgVars, D, HowToConstruct,
+                F, G)
 		Unification0 = deconstruct(_Var, _ConsId, _ArgVars, _UniModes,
 			_CanFail, _CanCGC),
-		Unification = Unification0,
-		StaticVars = StaticVars0
+        Unification = Unification0
 %		(
 %			% if the variable being deconstructed is static,
 %			% and the deconstruction cannot fail,
@@ -191,27 +179,32 @@
 %		->
 %			XXX insert ArgVars into StaticVars0
 %		;
-%			StaticVars = StaticVars0
+%           true
 %		)
 		Unification0 = assign(TargetVar, SourceVar),
 		Unification = Unification0,
-			% if the variable being assign from is static,
-			% then the variable being assigned to is static too
-			map__search(StaticVars0, SourceVar, Data)
+            % If the variable being assign from is static,
+            % then the variable being assigned to is static too.
+            map__search(!.StaticVars, SourceVar, Data)
-			map__det_insert(StaticVars0, TargetVar, Data,
-				StaticVars)
+            svmap__det_insert(TargetVar, Data, !StaticVars)
-			StaticVars = StaticVars0
+            true
 		Unification0 = simple_test(_, _),
-		Unification = Unification0,
-		StaticVars = StaticVars0
+        Unification = Unification0
 		Unification0 = complicated_unify(_, _, _),
-		Unification = Unification0,
-		StaticVars = StaticVars0
+        Unification = Unification0
+:- func this_file = string.
+this_file = "mark_static_terms.m".
Index: compiler/mlds.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mlds.m,v
retrieving revision 1.123
diff -u -b -r1.123 mlds.m
--- compiler/mlds.m	30 Sep 2005 08:08:27 -0000	1.123
+++ compiler/mlds.m	11 Oct 2005 15:16:55 -0000
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+% vim: ft=mercury ts=4 sw=4 et
 % Copyright (C) 1999-2005 The University of Melbourne.
 % This file may only be copied under the terms of the GNU General
 % Public License - see the file COPYING in the Mercury distribution.
@@ -259,7 +261,7 @@
 % command-line completion works even for mangled names (and hopefully
 % even shows all the possible alternatives...).]
-% To avoid ambiguity as to whether a name is qualified or not,,
+% To avoid ambiguity as to whether a name is qualified or not,
 % any procedures whose unqualified name matches the pattern for qualified
 % names, i.e. the regular expression `.*_[fp][0-9]*(_[0-9]+)?(_i[0-9]+)?',
 % should always be qualified (even if not overloaded).
@@ -395,16 +397,15 @@
 	--->	user_visible_interface
 	;	compiler_visible_interface.
-% An mlds__import specifies  FIXME
-% Currently an import just gives the name of the package to be imported.
-% This might perhaps need to be expanded to cater to different kinds of
-% imports, e.g. imports with wild-cards ("import java.lang.*").
+    % An mlds__import specifies  FIXME
+    % Currently an import just gives the name of the package to be imported.
+    % This might perhaps need to be expanded to cater to different kinds of
+    % imports, e.g. imports with wild-cards ("import java.lang.*").
 :- type mlds__import
 	--->	mercury_import(
 			mercury_mlds_import_type :: mercury_mlds_import_type,
 			import_name		:: mlds_module_name
 	;	foreign_import(
 			foreign_import_name	:: foreign_import_name
@@ -412,65 +413,79 @@
 :- type foreign_import_name
 	--->	il_assembly_name(mlds_module_name).
-% An mlds_module_name specifies the name of an mlds package or class.
+    % An mlds_module_name specifies the name of an mlds package or class.
 :- type mlds_module_name.
-% An mlds__package_name specifies the name of an mlds package.
+    % An mlds__package_name specifies the name of an mlds package.
 :- type mlds__package_name == mlds_module_name.
-% Given the name of a Mercury module, return the name of the corresponding
-% MLDS package in which this module is defined.
+    % Given the name of a Mercury module, return the name of the corresponding
+    % MLDS package in which this module is defined.
+    %
 :- func mercury_module_name_to_mlds(mercury_module_name) = mlds_module_name.
-% Given the name of a Mercury module, and a package name, return the
-% name of the corresponding MLDS module name in which this module is
-% defined.
-% In this case, the package is specified as the first parameter (c.f.
-% mercury_module_name_to_mlds above).
+    % Given the name of a Mercury module, and a package name, return the
+    % name of the corresponding MLDS module name in which this module is
+    % defined.
+    % In this case, the package is specified as the first parameter (c.f.
+    % mercury_module_name_to_mlds above).
+    %
 :- func mercury_module_and_package_name_to_mlds(mercury_module_name,
 		mercury_module_name) = mlds_module_name.
-% Given the name of a Mercury module return the fully qualified module
-% name.  ie For the name System.Object which is defined in the source
-% package mscorlib it will return System.Object.
+    % Given the name of a Mercury module return the fully qualified module
+    % name, e.g. for the name System.Object which is defined in the source
+    % package mscorlib, it will return System.Object.
+    %
 :- func mlds_module_name_to_sym_name(mlds__package_name) = sym_name.
-% Give the name of a Mercury module, return the name of the corresponding
-% MLDS package.
+    % Give the name of a Mercury module, return the name of the corresponding
+    % MLDS package.
+    %
 :- func mlds_module_name_to_package_name(mlds_module_name) = sym_name.
-% Is the current module a member of the std library,
-% and if so which module is it?
+    % Is the current module a member of the std library,
+    % and if so which module is it?
+    %
 :- pred is_std_lib_module(mlds_module_name::in, string::out) is semidet.
-% Given an MLDS module name (e.g. `foo.bar'), append another class qualifier
-% (e.g. for a class `baz'), and return the result (e.g. `foo.bar.baz').
-% The `arity' argument specifies the arity of the class.
-% The qual_kind argument specifies the qualifier kind of the module_name
-% argument.
+    % Given an MLDS module name (e.g. `foo.bar'), append another class
+    % qualifier (e.g. for a class `baz'), and return the result (e.g.
+    % `foo.bar.baz'). The `arity' argument specifies the arity of the class.
+    % The qual_kind argument specifies the qualifier kind of the module_name
+    % argument.
+    %
 :- func mlds__append_class_qualifier(mlds_module_name, mlds__qual_kind,
 		globals, mlds__class_name, arity) = mlds_module_name.
-% Append a wrapper class qualifier to the module name and leave the
-% package name unchanged.
+    % Append a wrapper class qualifier to the module name and leave the
+    % package name unchanged.
+    %
 :- func mlds__append_wrapper_class(mlds_module_name) = mlds_module_name.
-% Append an arbitrary qualifier to the module name and leave the package
-% name unchanged.
+    % Append an arbitrary qualifier to the module name and leave the package
+    % name unchanged.
+    %
 :- func mlds__append_name(mlds_module_name, string) = mlds_module_name.
-% When targetting languages such as IL, C#, and Java, which don't
-% support global methods or global variables, we need to wrap all the
-% generated global functions and global data inside a wrapper class.
-% This function returns the name to use for the wrapper class.
+    % When targetting languages such as IL, C#, and Java, which don't support
+    % global methods or global variables, we need to wrap all the generated
+    % global functions and global data inside a wrapper class. This function
+    % returns the name to use for the wrapper class.
+    %
 :- func wrapper_class_name = string.
 :- type mlds__defns == list(mlds__defn).
 :- type mlds__defn
 	---> mlds__defn(
-		mlds__entity_name,	% the name of the entity being declared
-		mlds__context,		% the source location
-		mlds__decl_flags,	% these contain the following:
+            % The name of the entity being declared.
+            mlds_entity_name        :: mlds__entity_name,
+            % The source location.
+            mlds_context            :: mlds__context,
+            % these contain the following:
 			% mlds__access,		% public/private/protected
 			% mlds__member_type,	% static/per_instance
 			% mlds__virtuality,	% virtual/non_virtual
@@ -478,20 +493,24 @@
 			% mlds__constness,	% const/modifiable  (data only)
 			% mlds__is_abstract,	% abstract/concrete
 			% etc.
-		mlds__entity_defn	% the definition of the entity
+            mlds_decl_flags         :: mlds__decl_flags,
+            mlds_entity_defn        :: mlds__entity_defn
-% An mlds name may contain arbitrary characters.
-% If the target language has restrictions on what names can be used
-% in identifiers, then it is the responsibility of the target language
-% generator to mangle these names accordingly.
+    % An mlds name may contain arbitrary characters.
+    % If the target language has restrictions on what names can be used
+    % in identifiers, then it is the responsibility of the target language
+    % generator to mangle these names accordingly.
 :- type mlds__qualified_entity_name
 	==	mlds__fully_qualified_name(mlds__entity_name).
 :- type mlds__fully_qualified_name(T)
 	--->	qual(mlds_module_name, mlds__qual_kind, T).
-% For the Java back-end, we need to distinguish between module qualifiers
-% and type qualifiers, because type names get the case of their initial 
-% letter inverted (i.e. lowercase => uppercase).
+    % For the Java back-end, we need to distinguish between module qualifiers
+    % and type qualifiers, because type names get the case of their initial
+    % letter inverted (i.e. lowercase => uppercase).
 :- type mlds__qual_kind
 	--->	module_qual
 	;	type_qual.
@@ -500,27 +519,28 @@
 	--->	type(mlds__class_name, arity)	% Name, arity.
 	;	data(mlds__data_name)
 	;	function(
-			mlds__pred_label,	% Identifies the source code
-						% predicate or function.
+                % Identifies the source code predicate or function.
+                mlds__pred_label,
-			proc_id,		% Mode number.
+                proc_id,
-				% A sequence number used to distinguish
-				% different MLDS functions when compiling a
-				% single HLDS predicate into multiple MLDS
-				% functions (e.g. to handle backtracking).
+                % A sequence number used to distinguish different MLDS
+                % functions when compiling a single HLDS predicate into
+                % multiple MLDS functions (e.g. to handle backtracking).
-				% This should generally not be needed much,
-				% since all the necessary information should
-				% be in the mlds__pred_label and/or in the
-				% mlds__entity_defn.  However, the target
-				% generator may want to refer to the HLDS
-				% for additional information.
-			pred_id			% Specifies the HLDS pred_id.
+                % Specifies the HLDS pred_id.
+                % This should generally not be needed much, since all the
+                % necessary information should be in the mlds__pred_label
+                % and/or in the mlds__entity_defn. However, the target
+                % generator may want to refer to the HLDS for additional
+                % information.
+                pred_id
-	;	export(string)	% A pragma export name.
-	.
+    ;       export(
+                % A pragma export name.
+                string
+            ).
 :- type mlds__func_sequence_num == int.
@@ -534,25 +554,26 @@
 	%		struct (value class)
 	%		enum
 :- type mlds__entity_defn
-		% constants or variables
 	--->	mlds__data(
+                % Represents a constant or variable.
-				% If accurate GC is enabled, we associate
-				% with each variable the code needed to
-				% trace that variable when doing GC.
+                % If accurate GC is enabled, we associate with each variable
+                % the code needed to trace that variable when doing GC.
-		% functions
 	;	mlds__function(
-			maybe(pred_proc_id),	% identifies the original
-						% Mercury procedure, if any
-			mlds__func_params,	% the arguments & return types
-			mlds__function_body,	% the function body
-			list(mlds__attribute)	% attributes
+                % Represents functions.
+                maybe(pred_proc_id),    % Identifies the original
+                                        % Mercury procedure, if any.
+                mlds__func_params,      % The arguments & return types.
+                mlds__function_body,    % The function body.
+                list(mlds__attribute)   % Attributes.
-		% packages, classes, interfaces, structs, enums
 	;	mlds__class(
+                % Represents packages, classes, interfaces, structs, enums.
@@ -580,22 +601,23 @@
 	--->	init_obj(mlds__rval)
 	;	init_struct(mlds__type, list(mlds__initializer))
 	;	init_array(list(mlds__initializer))
-	;	no_initializer
-	.
+    ;       no_initializer.
 :- type mlds__func_params
 	---> mlds__func_params(
 		mlds__arguments,	% names and types of arguments (inputs)
 		mlds__return_types	% types of return values (outputs)
 :- type mlds__arguments == list(mlds__argument).
 :- type mlds__argument
 	---> mlds__argument(
 		mlds__entity_name,		% argument name
 		mlds__type,			% argument type
-		mlds__maybe_gc_trace_code	% GC tracing code for this
-						% argument, if needed
+            mlds__maybe_gc_trace_code   % GC tracing code for this argument,
+                                        % if needed
 :- type mlds__arg_types == list(mlds__type).
 :- type mlds__return_types == list(mlds__type).
@@ -613,25 +635,22 @@
 :- func mlds__get_func_signature(mlds__func_params) = mlds__func_signature.
 :- type mlds__class_kind
-	--->	mlds__class		% A generic class:
-					% can inherit other classes and
-					% interfaces
-					% (but most targets will only support
-					% single inheritence, so usually there
-					% will be at most one class).
-	;	mlds__package		% A class with only static members
-					% (can only inherit other packages).
-					% Unlike other kinds of classes,
-					% packages should not be used as types.
-	;	mlds__interface		% A class with no variable data members
-					% (can only inherit other interfaces)
-	;	mlds__struct		% A value class
-					% (can only inherit other structs).
-	;	mlds__enum		% A class with one integer member and
-					% a bunch of static consts
-					% (cannot inherit anything).
-	.
+    --->    mlds__class     % A generic class: can inherit other classes and
+                            % interfaces (but most targets will only support
+                            % single inheritence, so usually there will be
+                            % at most one class).
+    ;       mlds__package   % A class with only static members (can only
+                            % inherit other packages). Unlike other kinds
+                            % of classes, packages should not be used as types.
+    ;       mlds__interface % A class with no variable data members (can only
+                            % inherit other interfaces).
+    ;       mlds__struct    % A value class (can only inherit other structs).
+    ;       mlds__enum.     % A class with one integer member and a bunch
+                            % of static consts (cannot inherit anything).
 :- type mlds__class_name == string.
 :- type mlds__class == mlds__fully_qualified_name(mlds__class_name).
@@ -643,32 +662,37 @@
 :- type mlds__class_defn
 	---> mlds__class_defn(
 		kind	::	mlds__class_kind,
-		imports	::	mlds__imports,	% imports these classes (or
-						% modules, packages, ...)
+            imports     :: mlds__imports,
+                        % Imports these classes (or modules, packages, ...).
 		inherits ::	list(mlds__class_id),
-						% inherits these base classes
+                        % Inherits these base classes.
 		implements ::	list(mlds__interface_id),
-						% implements these interfaces
-		ctors	::	mlds__defns,	% has these constructors
-		members ::	mlds__defns	% contains these members
+                        % Implements these interfaces.
+            ctors       :: mlds__defns,
+                        % Has these constructors.
+            members     :: mlds__defns
+                        % Contains these members.
 	% Note: the definition of the `mlds__type' type is subject to change.
 	% In particular, we might add new alternatives here, so try to avoid
 	% switching on this type.
 :- type mlds__type
-	--->	% Mercury data types
-		mercury_type(
-			prog_data__type,	% the exact Mercury type
-			type_category,		% what kind of type it is:
-						% enum, float, etc.
-			exported_type		% a representation of the type
-						% which can be used to
-						% determine the foreign
-						% language representation of
-						% the type.
+    --->    mercury_type(
+                % Mercury data types
+                prog_data__type,    % The exact Mercury type.
+                type_category,      % What kind of type it is: enum, float, ...
+                exported_type       % A representation of the type which can be
+                                    % used to determine the foreign language
+                                    % representation of the type.
+    ;       mlds__mercury_array_type(mlds__type)
 	 	% The Mercury array type is treated specially, some backends
 		% will treat it like any other mercury_type, whereas other may
 		% use a special representation for it.
@@ -681,12 +705,12 @@
 		% Note that mlds__mercury_array_type/1 is used for representing
 		% Mercury arrays, whereas mlds__array_type/1 (see below)
 		% is used for representing the target language's native arrays.
-	;	mlds__mercury_array_type(mlds__type)
-		% The type for the continuation functions used
-		% to handle nondeterminism
 	;	mlds__cont_type(mlds__return_types)
+            % The type for the continuation functions used to handle
+            % nondeterminism
+    ;       mlds__commit_type
 		% mlds__commit_type is used for storing information about a
 		% commit. This is an abstract type; the exact definition
 		% will depend on the back-end.  The only operations on this ADT
@@ -710,29 +734,30 @@
 		% See also the comments in ml_code_gen.m which show how commits
 		% can be implemented for different target languages.
-	;	mlds__commit_type
-		% MLDS native builtin types.
-		% These are the builtin types of the MLDS target language,
-		% whatever that may be.
-		% Currently we don't actually use many of these.
 	;	mlds__native_bool_type
 	;	mlds__native_int_type
 	;	mlds__native_float_type
 	;	mlds__native_char_type
+            % MLDS native builtin types.
+            % These are the builtin types of the MLDS target language,
+            % whatever that may be.
+            % Currently we don't actually use many of these.
-		% This is a type of the target language.
 	;	mlds__foreign_type(
+                % This is a type of the target language.
-		% MLDS types defined using mlds__class_defn
 	;	mlds__class_type(
+                % MLDS types defined using mlds__class_defn.
 			mlds__class,		% name
+    ;       mlds__array_type(mlds__type)
 		% MLDS array types.
 		% These are single-dimensional, and can be indexed
 		% using the `field' lval with an `offset' field_id;
@@ -754,30 +779,26 @@
 		% (c) for any other arrays generated internally by the
 		%     MLDS code generator, e.g. the arrays used for
 		%     string switches.
-	;	mlds__array_type(mlds__type)
+    ;       mlds__ptr_type(mlds__type)
 		% Pointer types.
 		% Currently these are used for handling output arguments.
-	;	mlds__ptr_type(mlds__type)
-		% Function types.
-		% For the C back-end, these are mapped to function
-		% pointer types, since C doesn't have first-class
-		% function types.
 	;	mlds__func_type(mlds__func_params)
+            % Function types.
+            % For the C back-end, these are mapped to function pointer types,
+            % since C doesn't have first-class function types.
+    ;       mlds__generic_type
 		% A generic type (e.g. `Word') that can hold any Mercury value.
 		% This is used for implementing polymorphism.
-	;	mlds__generic_type
-		% A generic pointer type (e.g. `void *' in C)
-		% that can be used to point to the environment
-		% (set of local variables) of the containing function.
-		% This is used for handling nondeterminism,
-		% if the target language doesn't support
-		% nested functions, and also for handling
-		% closures for higher-order code.
 	;	mlds__generic_env_ptr_type
+            % A generic pointer type (e.g. `void *' in C) that can be used
+            % to point to the environment (set of local variables) of the
+            % containing function. This is used for handling nondeterminism,
+            % if the target language doesn't support nested functions, and
+            % also for handling closures for higher-order code.
 	;	mlds__type_info_type
@@ -785,18 +806,17 @@
 	;	mlds__rtti_type(rtti_id_maybe_element)
-		% A type used by the ML code generator for references
-		% to variables that have yet to be declared.  This occurs
-		% once in ml_code_util.m where references to env_ptr's are
-		% generated but the declaration of these env_ptr's does not
-		% occur until the ml_elim_nested pass.
 	;	mlds__unknown_type.
+            % A type used by the ML code generator for references to variables
+            % that have yet to be declared. This occurs once in ml_code_util.m
+            % where references to env_ptr's are generated but the declaration
+            % of these env_ptr's does not occur until the ml_elim_nested pass.
 :- type mercury_type == prog_data__type.
 :- func mercury_type_to_mlds_type(module_info, mercury_type) = mlds__type.
-% Hmm... this is tentative.
+    % Hmm... this is tentative.
 :- type mlds__class_id == mlds__type.
 :- type mlds__interface_id == mlds__type.
@@ -808,35 +828,30 @@
 :- type mlds__decl_flags.
 :- type access
-	%
-	% used for class members (this includes globals,
+    % The following used for class members (this includes globals,
 	% which are actually members of the top-level package)
-	%
-	--->	public		% accessible to anyone
-	;	protected	% only accessible to the class and to
-				% derived classes
-	;	private		% only accessible to the class
-	;	default		% Java "default" access or .NET assembly
-				% access: accessible to anything defined
-				% in the same package.
-	%
-	% Used for entities defined in a block/2 statement,
+    --->    public      % Accessible to anyone.
+    ;       protected   % Only accessible to the class and to derived classes.
+    ;       private     % Only accessible to the class.
+    ;       default     % Java "default" access or .NET assembly access:
+                        % accessible to anything defined in the same package.
+    % The following is used for entities defined in a block/2 statement,
 	% i.e. local variables and nested functions.
-	%
-	;	local		% only accessible within the block
-				% in which the entity (variable or
-				% nested function) is defined
-	.
+    ;       local.      % Only accessible within the block in which the entity
+                        % (variable or nested function) is defined.
 :- type per_instance
-	--->	one_copy	% i.e. "static" storage duration
-				% (but not necessarily static linkage)
-				% or static member function
-				% Note that `one_copy' variables
-				% *must* have an initializer
+    --->    one_copy    % I.e. "static" storage duration (but not necessarily
+                        % static linkage) or static member function. Note that
+                        % `one_copy' variables *must* have an initializer
 				% (the GCC back-end relies on this.)
-	;	per_instance.	% i.e. "auto" local variable in function,
-				% or non-static member of class.
+    ;       per_instance.
+                        % I.e. "auto" local variable in function, or non-static
+                        % member of class.
 :- type virtuality
 	--->	non_virtual
@@ -874,14 +889,11 @@
 % Foreign code interfacing
-	%
 	% Foreign code required for the foreign language interface.
 	% When compiling to a language other than the foreign language,
 	% this part still needs to be generated as C (or whatever) code
 	% and compiled with a C (or whatever) compiler.
-	%
 :- type mlds__foreign_code
 	---> mlds__foreign_code(
@@ -890,10 +902,7 @@
-	%
-	% Information required to generate code for each
-	% `pragma export'.
-	%
+    % Information required to generate code for each `pragma export'.
 :- type mlds__pragma_export
 	---> ml_pragma_export(
 		string,			% Exported name
@@ -905,7 +914,6 @@
 % Attributes
 :- type mlds__attribute
 	---> custom(
@@ -915,9 +923,8 @@
 % Contexts (i.e. source code locations)
-	% mlds__context is probably == prog_context,
+    % Mlds__context is probably == prog_context,
 	% but might also contain goal_path or other information.
 :- type mlds__context.
@@ -939,29 +946,23 @@
 :- type mlds__stmt
-	--->
+    % Sequence.
-	%
-	% sequence
-	%
-		block(mlds__defns, list(mlds__statement))
+    --->    block(mlds__defns, list(mlds__statement))
+    % Iteration.
-	%
-	% iteration
-	%
 	;	while(mlds__rval, mlds__statement, bool)
-			% the `bool' is true iff the loop is guaranteed
-			% to iterate at least once -- in that case,
-			% the compiler can generate a `do...while' loop
-			% rather than a `while...' loop.
+            % The `bool' is true iff the loop is guaranteed to iterate at
+            % least once -- in that case, the compiler can generate a
+            % `do...while' loop rather than a `while...' loop.
-	%
-	% selection (see also computed_goto)
-	%
-	;	if_then_else(mlds__rval, mlds__statement,
-			maybe(mlds__statement))
+    % Selection (see also computed_goto).
+    ;       if_then_else(mlds__rval, mlds__statement, maybe(mlds__statement))
+    ;       switch(
 		% This representation for switches is very general:
 		% it allows switching on any type, and cases can match
 		% on ranges as well as on values.
@@ -974,64 +975,57 @@
 		% Note that unlike C, MLDS cases do NOT fall through; if you
 		% want to achieve that effect, you need to use an explicit goto.
-	;	switch(
 			% The value to switch on
-			% The range of possible values which the
-			% value might take (if known)
+                % The range of possible values which the value might take
+                % (if known).
-			% The different cases
+                % The different cases.
-			% What to do if none of the cases match
+                % What to do if none of the cases match.
-	%
-	% transfer of control
-	%
+    % Transfer of control.
 	;	label(mlds__label)
-			% Defines a label that can be used as the
-			% target of calls, gotos, etc.
+            % Defines a label that can be used as the target of calls,
+            % gotos, etc.
 	;	goto(mlds__goto_target)
-			% goto(Target)
-			% Branch to the specified address.
+            % goto(Target): Branch to the specified address.
 	;	computed_goto(mlds__rval, list(mlds__label))
-			% Evaluate rval, which should be an integer,
-			% and jump to the (rval+1)th label in the list.
-			% e.g. computed_goto(2, [A, B, C, D])
+            % Evaluate rval, which should be an integer, and jump to the
+            % (rval+1)th label in the list. e.g. computed_goto(2, [A, B, C, D])
 			% will branch to label C.
-	%
-	% function call/return
-	%
+    % Function call/return.
 	;	call(
-			mlds__func_signature,	% signature of the func
-			mlds__rval,		% the function to call
-			maybe(mlds__rval),	% for method calls, this field
-						% specifies the `this' object
-			list(mlds__rval),	% ordinary function arguments
-			list(mlds__lval),	% places to store the
-						% function return value(s)
-			call_kind		% indicates whether this
-						% call is a tail call
+                mlds__func_signature,   % Signature of the function.
+                mlds__rval,             % The function to call.
+                maybe(mlds__rval),      % For method calls, this field
+                                        % specifies the `this' object.
+                list(mlds__rval),       % Ordinary function arguments.
+                list(mlds__lval),       % Places to store the function return
+                                        % value(s).
+                call_kind               % Indicates whether this call is a
+                                        % tail call.
 	;	return(list(mlds__rval))	% Some targets will not support
-						% returning more than one value
+                                        % returning more than one value.
-	%
-	% commits (a specialized form of exception handling)
-	%
+    % Commits (a specialized form of exception handling).
+    ;       try_commit(mlds__lval, mlds__statement, mlds__statement)
+    ;       do_commit(mlds__rval)
 		% try_commit(Ref, GoalToTry, CommitHandlerGoal):
 		%	Execute GoalToTry.  If GoalToTry exits via a
 		%	`commit(Ref)' instruction, then execute
@@ -1042,66 +1036,51 @@
 		%	statement for Ref, and branch to the CommitHandlerGoal
 		%	that was specified in that try_commit instruction.
-		% For both try_commit and do_commit instructions,
-		% Ref should be the name of a local variable of type
-		% mlds__commit_type.  (This variable can be used by
-		% the back-end's implementation of do_commit and
-		% try_commit to store information needed to unwind
-		% the stack.)  There should be exactly
-		% one try_commit instruction for each Ref.
-		% do_commit(Ref) instructions should only be used
-		% in goals called from the GoalToTry goal in the
-		% try_commit instruction with the same Ref.
-		%
-		% The C and GCC back-ends require each try_commit
-		% to be put in its own nested function, to avoid
-		% problems with setjmp() and local vars not declared
-		% volatile.  They also require each do_commit
-		% to be put in its own function -- this is needed when
-		% using __builtin_setjmp()/__builtin_longjmp() to
-		% ensure that the call to __builtin_longjmp() is
-		% not in the same function as the call to
-		% __builtin_setjmp().
-		%
-	;	try_commit(mlds__lval, mlds__statement, mlds__statement)
-	;	do_commit(mlds__rval)
+            % For both try_commit and do_commit instructions, Ref should be
+            % the name of a local variable of type mlds__commit_type.
+            % (This variable can be used by the back-end's implementation
+            % of do_commit and try_commit to store information needed to unwind
+            % the stack.) There should be exactly one try_commit instruction
+            % for each Ref. do_commit(Ref) instructions should only be used
+            % in goals called from the GoalToTry goal in the try_commit
+            % instruction with the same Ref.
+            %
+            % The C and GCC back-ends require each try_commit to be put in
+            % its own nested function, to avoid problems with setjmp() and
+            % local vars not declared volatile. They also require each
+            % do_commit to be put in its own function -- this is needed when
+            % using __builtin_setjmp()/__builtin_longjmp() to ensure that
+            % the call to __builtin_longjmp() is not in the same function
+            % as the call to __builtin_setjmp().
+    % Exception handling.
-	% exception handling
-	%
-XXX Full exception handling support is not yet implemented.
 	% We use C++-style exceptions.
 	% For C, the back-end can simulate them using setjmp/longjmp.
 	% XXX This is tentative -- the current definition may be
 	% a bit too specific to C++-style exceptions.
 	% It might not be a good choice for different target languages.
+    % XXX Full exception handling support is not yet implemented.
-		% throw the specified exception
-	;	throw(mlds__type, mlds__rval)
+%   ;       throw(mlds__type, mlds__rval)
+%           % Throw the specified exception.
-		% rethrow the current exception
-		% (only valid inside an exception handler)
-	;	rethrow
-		% Execute the specified statement, and if it throws an exception,
-		% and the exception matches any of the exception handlers,
-		% then execute the first matching exception handler.
-	;	try_catch(
-			mlds__statement,
-			list(mlds__exception_handler)
-		)
+%   ;       rethrow
+%           % Rethrow the current exception
+%           % (only valid inside an exception handler).
+%   ;       try_catch(
+%               mlds__statement,
+%               list(mlds__exception_handler)
+%           )
+%           % Execute the specified statement, and if it throws an exception,
+%           % and the exception matches any of the exception handlers,
+%           % then execute the first matching exception handler.
-	%
-	% atomic statements
-	%
+    % Atomic statements.
-	;	atomic(mlds__atomic_statement)
-	.
+    ;       atomic(mlds__atomic_statement).
@@ -1121,63 +1100,58 @@
 :- type mlds__switch_cases == list(mlds__switch_case).
 :- type mlds__switch_case == pair(mlds__case_match_conds, mlds__statement).
-	% case_match_conds should be a _non-empty_ list of conditions;
+    % Case_match_conds should be a _non-empty_ list of conditions;
 	% if _any_ of the conditions match, this case will be selected.
 :- type mlds__case_match_conds == list(mlds__case_match_cond).
 	% A case_match_cond specifies when a switch case will be selected
 :- type mlds__case_match_cond
-	--->	match_value(mlds__rval)		% match_value(Val) matches if
-						% the switch value is equal to
-						% the specified Val
-	;	match_range(mlds__rval, mlds__rval).  % match_range(Min, Max)
-						% matches if the switch value
-						% is between Min and Max,
-						% inclusive.
-						% Note that this should only be
-						% used if the target supports
-						% it; currently the C back-end
-						% supports this only if you're
-						% using the GNU C compiler.
+    --->    match_value(mlds__rval)
+            % match_value(Val) matches if the switch value is equal to
+            % the specified Val.
+    ;       match_range(mlds__rval, mlds__rval).
+            % match_range(Min, Max) matches if the switch value is between
+            % Min and Max, inclusive. Note that this should only be used
+            % if the target supports it; currently the C back-end supports
+            % this only if you're using the GNU C compiler.
 	% The switch_default specifies what to do if none of the switch
 	% conditions match.
 :- type mlds__switch_default
-	--->	default_is_unreachable		% The switch is exhaustive,
-						% so the default case should
+    --->    default_is_unreachable
+            % The switch is exhaustive, so the default case should
 						% never be reached.
-	;	default_do_nothing		% The default action is to
-						% just fall through to the
-						% statement after the switch.
+    ;       default_do_nothing
+            % The default action is to just fall through to the statement
+            % after the switch.
-	;	default_case(mlds__statement).	% The default is to execute
-						% the specified statement.
+    ;       default_case(mlds__statement).
+            % % The default is to execute the specified statement.
 % Extra info for labels
 :- type mlds__label == string.
 :- type mlds__goto_target
 	--->	label(mlds__label) % Branch to the specified label.
 	;	break		% Branch to just after the end of the
 				% immediately enclosing loop or switch,
 				% just like a C/C++/Java `break' statement.
 				% Not supported by all target languages.
-	;	continue.	% Branch to the end of the loop body for
-				% the immediately enclosing loop,
-				% just like a C/C++/Java/C# `continue'
-				% statement.
+    ;       continue.           % Branch to the end of the loop body for the
+                                % immediately enclosing loop, just like a
+                                % C/C++/Java/C# `continue' statement.
 				% Not supported by all target languages.
 % Extra info for calls
 	% The `call_kind' type indicates whether a call is a tail call
 	% and whether the call is know to never return.
@@ -1191,18 +1165,15 @@
 	% hint and generate code which does not remove the caller's
 	% stack frame and/or which falls through to the following
 	% statement.
-	%
 :- type call_kind
-	--->	no_return_call	% a call that never returns
+    --->    no_return_call  % A call that never returns
 				% (this is a special case of a tail call)
-	;	tail_call	% a tail call
-	;	ordinary_call	% just an ordinary call
-	.
+    ;       tail_call       % A tail call.
+    ;       ordinary_call.  % Just an ordinary call.
 % Extra info for exception handling
 	% XXX This is tentative -- the current definition may be
 	% a bit too specific to C++-style exceptions.
@@ -1210,13 +1181,13 @@
 :- type mlds__exception_handler
 	--->	handler(
-				% if `yes(T)', specifies the type of exceptions to catch
-				% if `no', it means catch all exceptions
+                % If `yes(T)', specifies the type of exceptions to catch.
+                % If `no', it means catch all exceptions.
-				% if `yes(Name)', gives the variable name to use for
-				%	the exception value
-				% if `no', then exception value will not be used
+                % If `yes(Name)', gives the variable name to use for the
+                % exception value.
+                % If `no', then exception value will not be used.
@@ -1234,14 +1205,13 @@
 			% Assign the value specified by rval to the location
 			% specified by lval.
-	%
-	% heap management
-	%
+    % Heap management.
 	;	delete_object(mlds__lval)
 			% Compile time garbage collect (ie explicitly
 			% deallocate) the memory used by the lval.
+    ;       new_object(
 			% new_object(Target, Tag, Type,
 			%	Size, CtorName, Args, ArgTypes):
 			% Allocate a memory block of the given size,
@@ -1250,47 +1220,43 @@
 			% arguments, and put its address in the given lval,
 			% possibly after tagging the address with a given tag.
 			% (Some targets might not support tags.)
-	;	new_object(
-			mlds__lval,	% The target to assign the new object's
-					% address to.
+                % The target to assign the new object's address to.
+                mlds__lval,
+                % A (primary) tag to tag the address with before assigning
+                % the result to the target.
-					% A (primary) tag to tag the address
-					% with before assigning the result to
-					% the target.
-			bool,		% Indicates whether or not there is
-					% a secondary tag.  If so, it will
-					% be stored as the first argument
-					% in the argument list (see below).
-			mlds__type,	% The type of the object being
-					% allocated.
+                % Indicates whether or not there is a secondary tag. If so,
+                % it will be stored as the first argument in the argument list
+                % (see below).
+                bool,
+                % The type of the object being allocated.
+                mlds__type,
+                % The amount of memory that needs to be allocated for the new
+                % object, measured in words (NOT bytes!).
-					% The amount of memory that needs to
-					% be allocated for the new object,
-					% measured in words (NOT bytes!).
+                % The name of the constructor to invoke.
-					% The name of the constructor to
-					% invoke.
-			list(mlds__rval),
 					% The arguments to the constructor.
-			list(mlds__type)
-					% The types of the arguments to the
-					% constructor.
+                list(mlds__rval),
+                % The types of the arguments to the constructor.
-					% Note that for --low-level-data, we box
-					% all fields of objects created with
-					% new_object, i.e. they are reprsented
-					% with type mlds__generic_type.
-					% We also do that for some fields
-					% even for --high-level-data
-					% (e.g. floating point fields for the
-					% MLDS->C and MLDS->asm back-ends).
-					% In such cases, the type here
-					% should be mlds__generic_type;
-					% it is the responsibility of the
-					% HLDS->MLDS code generator
-					% to insert code to box/unbox
+                % Note that for --low-level-data, we box all fields of objects
+                % created with new_object, i.e. they are reprsented with type
+                % mlds__generic_type. We also do that for some fields even
+                % for --high-level-data (e.g. floating point fields for the
+                % MLDS->C and MLDS->asm back-ends). In such cases, the type
+                % here should be mlds__generic_type; it is the responsibility
+                % of the HLDS->MLDS code generator to insert code to box/unbox
 					% the arguments.
-					%
+                list(mlds__type)
 	;	gc_check
@@ -1300,12 +1266,11 @@
 			% with the MLDS->C back-end.
 	;	mark_hp(mlds__lval)
-			% Tell the heap sub-system to store a marker
-			% (for later use in restore_hp/1 instructions)
-			% in the specified lval.
+            % Tell the heap sub-system to store a marker (for later use in
+            % restore_hp/1 instructions) in the specified lval.
-			% It's OK for the target to treat this as a no-op,
-			% and probably that is what most targets will do.
+            % It's OK for the target to treat this as a no-op, and probably
+            % that is what most targets will do.
 	;	restore_hp(mlds__rval)
 			% The rval must be a marker as returned by mark_hp/1.
@@ -1315,76 +1280,60 @@
 			% It's OK for the target to treat this as a no-op,
 			% and probably that is what most targets will do.
-	%
-	% trail management
-	%
+    % Trail management.
 	;	trail_op(trail_op)
-	%
-	% foreign language interfacing
-	%
+    % Foreign language interfacing.
 	;	inline_target_code(target_lang, list(target_code_component))
-			% Do whatever is specified by the
-			% target_code_components, which can be any piece
-			% of code in the specified target language (C,
-			% assembler, or whatever) that does not have any
-			% non-local flow of control.
-			% This is implemented by embedding the target
-			% code in the output stream of instructions or
-			% statements.
+            % Do whatever is specified by the target_code_components, which
+            % can be any piece of code in the specified target language (C,
+            % assembler, or whatever) that does not have any non-local flow
+            % of control. This is implemented by embedding the target code
+            % in the output stream of instructions or statements.
 	;	outline_foreign_proc(
+                % Do whatever is specified by the string, which can be any
+                % piece of code in the specified foreign language (C#,
+                % managed C++, or whatever). This is implemented by calling
+                % an externally defined function, which the backend must
+                % generate the definition for (in some other file perhaps)
+                % and calling it. The lvals are use to generate the appropriate
+                % forwarding code.
+                % XXX We should also store the list of mlds__rvals where
+                % the input values come from.
+                % The foreign language this code is written in.
-					% the foreign language this code is
-					% written in.
+                % Where to store return value(s).
-					% where to store return value(s)
+                % The user's foreign language code fragment.
-					% the user's foreign language code
-					% fragment
-		)
-			% Do whatever is specified by the string, which
-			% can be any piece of code in the specified
-			% foreign language (C#, managed C++, or
-			% whatever).
-			% This is implemented by calling an externally
-			% defined function, which the backend must
-			% generate the definition for (in some other
-			% file perhaps) and calling it.
-			% The lvals are use to generate the appropriate
-			% forwarding code.
-			% XXX we should also store the list of mlds__rvals
-			% where the input values come from, and use
-	.
+            ).
 	% Stores information about each argument to an outline_foreign_proc.
 :- type outline_arg
 	--->	in(
-			mlds__type,
-				% The type of the argument.
-			string,
-				% The name of the argument in the foreign code.
-			mlds__rval
-				% The rval which holds the value of this
+                mlds__type,     % The type of the argument.
+                string,         % The name of the argument in the foreign code.
+                mlds__rval      % The rval which holds the value of this
 				% argument.
 	;	out(
-			mlds__type,
-				% The type of the argument.
-			string,
-				% The name of the argument in the foreign code.
-			mlds__lval
-				% The lval where we are to place the result
+                mlds__type,     % The type of the argument.
+                string,         % The name of the argument in the foreign code.
+                mlds__lval      % The lval where we are to place the result
 				% calculated by the foreign code into.
 	;	unused.
-	%
 	% This is just a random selection of possible languages
 	% that we might want to target...
-	%
 :- type target_lang
 	--->	lang_C
 	;	lang_GNU_C
@@ -1393,27 +1342,32 @@
 	;	lang_il
 	;	lang_java
 	;	lang_java_asm
-	;	lang_java_bytecode
-	.
+    ;       lang_java_bytecode.
 :- type target_code_component
-	--->	user_target_code(string, maybe(prog_context),
-				target_code_attributes)
-			% user_target_code holds C code from
-			% the user's `pragma c_code' declaration
-	;	raw_target_code(string, target_code_attributes)
-			% raw_target_code holds C code that the
-			% compiler has generated.  To ensure that
-			% following `#line' directives work OK,
-			% either the string in a raw_target_code must
-			% end in `\n' (or `\n' followed by whitespace),
-			% or the following target_code_component must be
-			% a `name(Name)' component, for which we do not
-			% output #line directives.
+    --->    user_target_code(
+                % User_target_code holds C code from the user's
+                % `pragma foreign_proc' declaration.
+                string,
+                maybe(prog_context),
+                target_code_attributes
+            )
+    ;       raw_target_code(
+                % Raw_target_code holds C code that the compiler has generated.
+                % To ensure that following `#line' directives work OK, either
+                % the string in a raw_target_code must end in `\n' (or `\n'
+                % followed by whitespace), or the following
+                % target_code_component must be a `name(Name)' component,
+                % for which we do not output #line directives.
+                string,
+                target_code_attributes
+            )
 	;	target_code_input(mlds__rval)
 	;	target_code_output(mlds__lval)
-	;	name(mlds__qualified_entity_name)
-	.
+    ;       name(mlds__qualified_entity_name).
 :- type target_code_attributes == list(target_code_attribute).
@@ -1427,18 +1381,13 @@
 		% `IL' foreign language interface, and is measured in units
 		% of stack items.
-	%
-	% constructor id
-	%
+    % Constructor id.
 :- type ctor_name == mlds__qualified_ctor_id.
 :- type mlds__ctor_id ---> ctor_id(mlds__class_name, arity).
-:- type mlds__qualified_ctor_id ==
-	mlds__fully_qualified_name(mlds__ctor_id).
+:- type mlds__qualified_ctor_id == mlds__fully_qualified_name(mlds__ctor_id).
-	%
-	% trail management
-	% For documentation, see the corresponding LLDS instructions
-	% in llds.m.
+    % Trail management.
+    % For documentation, see the corresponding LLDS instructions in llds.m.
 :- type trail_op
 	--->	store_ticket(mlds__lval)
@@ -1446,110 +1395,94 @@
 	;	discard_ticket
 	;	prune_ticket
 	;	mark_ticket_stack(mlds__lval)
-	;	prune_tickets_to(mlds__rval)
-% 	;	discard_tickets_to(mlds__rval)	% used only by the library
-	.
+    ;       prune_tickets_to(mlds__rval).
+%   ;       discard_tickets_to(mlds__rval).  % used only by the library
-	%
-	% A field_id represents some data within an object
-	%
+    % A field_id represents some data within an object.
 :- type field_id
-	--->		% offset(N) represents the field
-			% at offset N Words.
-	 	offset(mlds__rval)
-	;		% named_field(Name, CtorType) represents the field
-			% with the specified name.  The CtorType gives the
-			% MLDS type for this particular constructor.
-			% The type of the object is given by the PtrType
-			% in the field(..) lval; CtorType may either be
-			% the same as PtrType, or it may be a pointer to
-			% a derived class.  In the latter case, the
-			% MLDS->target code back-end is responsible
-			% for inserting a downcast from PtrType to CtorType
-			% before accessing the field.
-		named_field(mlds__fully_qualified_name(field_name), mlds__type)
-	.
+    --->    offset(mlds__rval)
+            % offset(N) represents the field at offset N Words.
+    ;       named_field(mlds__fully_qualified_name(field_name), mlds__type).
+            % named_field(Name, CtorType) represents the field with the
+            % specified name. The CtorType gives the MLDS type for this
+            % particular constructor. The type of the object is given by
+            % the PtrType in the field(..) lval; CtorType may either be
+            % the same as PtrType, or it may be a pointer to a derived class.
+            % In the latter case, the MLDS->target code back-end is responsible
+            % for inserting a downcast from PtrType to CtorType before
+            % accessing the field.
 :- type field_name == string.
-	%
 	% An mlds__var represents a variable or constant.
-	%
 :- type mlds__var == mlds__fully_qualified_name(mlds__var_name).
-:- type mlds__var_name --->
-		mlds__var_name(string, maybe(int)).
-		% var name and perhaps a unique number to be added as a
+:- type mlds__var_name
+    --->    mlds__var_name(string, maybe(int)).
+            % Var name and perhaps a unique number to be added as a
 		% suffix where necessary.
-	%
 	% An lval represents a data location or variable that can be used
 	% as the target of an assignment.
-	%
 :- type mlds__lval
-	%
-	% values on the heap
-	% or fields of a structure
-	%
-	--->	field(maybe(mlds__tag), mlds__rval, field_id,
-			mlds__type, mlds__type)
-				% field(Tag, Address, FieldId, FieldType,
-				%	PtrType)
-				% selects a field of a compound term.
-				% Address is a tagged pointer to a cell
-				% on the heap; the position in the cell,
-				% FieldId, is represented either as a field
-				% name or a number of words offset. If Tag is
-				% yes, the arg gives the value of the tag; if
-				% it is no, the tag bits will have to be masked
-				% off. The value of the tag should be given if
-				% it is known, since this will lead to
-				% faster code.
-				% The FieldType is the type of the field.
-				% The PtrType is the type of the pointer
-				% from which we are fetching the field.
-				%
-				% Note that for --low-level-data, we box
-				% all fields of objects created with
-				% new_object, i.e. they are reprsented
-				% with type mlds__generic_type.
-				% We also do that for some fields
-				% even for --high-level-data
-				% (e.g. floating point fields for the
-				% MLDS->C and MLDS->asm back-ends)
-				% In such cases,
-				% the type here should be mlds__generic_type,
-				% not the actual type of the field.
-				% If the actual type is different, then it
-				% is the HLDS->MLDS code generator's
-				% responsibility to insert the necessary
-				% code to handle boxing/unboxing.
-	%
-	% values somewhere in memory
-	% this is the deference operator (e.g. unary `*' in C)
-	%
-	;	mem_ref(mlds__rval, mlds__type)
-				% The rval should have originally come
-				% from a mem_addr rval.
-				% The type is the type of the value being
-				% dereferenced
-	%
-	% variables
-	% these may be local or they may come from some enclosing scope
-	% the variable name should be fully qualified
-	;	var(mlds__var, mlds__type)
+    % Values on the heap or fields of a structure.
+    --->    field(
+                % field(Tag, Address, FieldId, FieldType, PtrType):
+                % Selects a field of a compound term.
+                % Address is a tagged pointer to a cell on the heap.
+                % The position in the cell, FieldId, is represented either
+                % as a field name or a number of words offset. If Tag is yes,
+                % the arg gives the value of the tag; if it is no, the tag bits
+                % will have to be masked off. The value of the tag should be
+                % given if it is known, since this will lead to faster code.
+                % The FieldType is the type of the field. The PtrType is the
+                % type of the pointer from which we are fetching the field.
+                %
+                % Note that for --low-level-data, we box all fields of objects
+                % created with new_object, i.e. they are reprsented with type
+                % mlds__generic_type. We also do that for some fields even
+                % for --high-level-data (e.g. floating point fields for the
+                % MLDS->C and MLDS->asm back-ends). In such cases, the type
+                % here should be mlds__generic_type, not the actual type of
+                % the field. If the actual type is different, then it is the
+                % HLDS->MLDS code generator's responsibility to insert the
+                % necessary code to handle boxing/unboxing.
+                field_tag       :: maybe(mlds__tag),
+                field_addr      :: mlds__rval,
+                field_field_id  :: field_id,
+                field_type      :: mlds__type,
+                field_ptr_typ   :: mlds__type
+            )
+    % Values somewhere in memory.
+    % This is the deference operator (e.g. unary `*' in C).
+    ;       mem_ref(
+                % The rval should have originally come from a mem_addr rval.
+                % The type is the type of the value being dereferenced
+                mlds__rval,
+                mlds__type
+            )
-	.
+    % Variables.
+    % These may be local or they may come from some enclosing scope
+    % the variable name should be fully qualified.
+    ;       var(
+                mlds__var,
+                mlds__type
+            ).
 % Expressions
 	% An rval is an expression that represents a value.
 :- type mlds__rval
@@ -1574,30 +1507,25 @@
 		% The address of a variable, etc.
 	;	self(mlds__type).
-		% The equivalent of the `this' pointer in C++ with the
-		% type of the object.  Note that this rval is valid iff
-		% we are targetting an object oriented backend and we
-		% are in an instance method (procedures which have the
-		% per_instance flag set).
+            % The equivalent of the `this' pointer in C++ with the type of the
+            % object. Note that this rval is valid iff we are targeting an
+            % object oriented backend and we are in an instance method
+            % (procedures which have the per_instance flag set).
 :- type mlds__unary_op
-			% box(MLDSType)
-			% convert from MLDSType to mlds__generic_type,
-			% by boxing if necessary, or just casting if not
 	--->	box(mlds__type)
+            % box(MLDSType); convert from MLDSType to mlds__generic_type,
+            % by boxing if necessary, or just casting if not.
-			% unbox(MLDSType)
-			% convert from mlds__generic_type to MLDSType,
-			% applying the inverse transformation to box/1,
-			% i.e. unboxing if boxing was necessary,
-			% and just casting otherwise.
 	;	unbox(mlds__type)
+            % unbox(MLDSType): convert from mlds__generic_type to MLDSType,
+            % applying the inverse transformation to box/1, i.e. unboxing
+            % if boxing was necessary, and just casting otherwise.
-			% cast(MLDSType):
-			% Coerce the type of the rval to be MLDSType.
-			% XXX it might be worthwhile adding the
-			% type that we cast from.
 	;	cast(mlds__type)
+            % cast(MLDSType): Coerce the type of the rval to be MLDSType.
+            % XXX It might be worthwhile adding the type that we cast from.
 	;	std_unop(builtin_ops__unary_op).
 :- type mlds__rval_const
@@ -1606,67 +1534,75 @@
 	;	int_const(int)
 	;	float_const(float)
 	;	string_const(string)
-			% A multi_string_const is a string containing
-			% embedded NULs, whose real length is given
-			% by the integer, and not the location of the
-			% first null character.
 	;	multi_string_const(int, string)
+            % A multi_string_const is a string containing embedded NULs,
+            % whose real length is given by the integer, and not the location
+            % of the first null character.
 	;	code_addr_const(mlds__code_addr)
 	;	data_addr_const(mlds__data_addr)
-		% A null value, of the given type.
-		% Usually the type will be a pointer (mlds__ptr_type)
-		% but it could also be string or a func_type.
-		% (Null is not a valid value of type string
-		% or func_type, but null values of those types
-		% may be useful as placeholders in cases where the
-		% value will never be used.)
-	; 	null(mlds__type).
+    ;       null(mlds__type).
+            % A null value, of the given type. Usually the type will be a
+            % pointer (mlds__ptr_type) but it could also be string or a
+            % func_type. (Null is not a valid value of type string or
+            % func_type, but null values of those types may be useful as
+            % placeholders in cases where the value will never be used.)
 :- type mlds__code_addr
-	--->	proc(mlds__qualified_proc_label, mlds__func_signature)
-	;	internal(mlds__qualified_proc_label, mlds__func_sequence_num,
-			mlds__func_signature).
+    --->    proc(
+                mlds__qualified_proc_label,
+                mlds__func_signature
+            )
+    ;       internal(
+                mlds__qualified_proc_label,
+                mlds__func_sequence_num,
+                mlds__func_signature
+            ).
 :- type mlds__data_addr
-	--->	data_addr(mlds_module_name, mlds__data_name).
-			% module name; which var
+    --->    data_addr(
+                mlds_module_name,   % The name of the module module.
+                mlds__data_name     % The id of the variable inside the module.
+            ).
 :- type mlds__data == mlds__fully_qualified_name(mlds__data_name).
 :- type mlds__data_name
 	--->	var(mlds__var_name)
-			% ordinary variables
+            % Ordinary variables.
 	;	common(int)
-			% Compiler-introduced constants representing
-			% global constants.  These are called "common"
-			% because they may be common sub-expressions.
-	%
+            % Compiler-introduced constants representing global constants.
+            % These are called "common" because they may be common
+            % subexpressions.
 	% Stuff for handling polymorphism/RTTI and type classes.
-	%
 	;	rtti(rtti_id)
-	%
 	% Stuff for handling debugging and accurate garbage collection.
 	% (Those features are not yet implemented for the MLDS back-end,
 	% so these data_names are not yet used.)
-	%
 	;	module_layout
 			% Layout information for the current module.
 	;	proc_layout(mlds__proc_label)
 			% Layout structure for the given procedure.
 	;	internal_layout(mlds__proc_label, mlds__func_sequence_num)
 			% Layout structure for the given internal MLDS func.
-	%
 	% Stuff for tabling
-	%
 	;	tabling_pointer(mlds__proc_label).
-			% A variable that contains a pointer that points to
-			% the table used to implement memoization, loopcheck
-			% or minimal model semantics for the given procedure.
+            % A variable that contains a pointer that points to the table
+            % used to implement memoization, loopcheck or minimal model
+            % semantics for the given procedure.
 % Note: the types `tag' and `reset_trail_reason' here are all
 % defined exactly the same as the ones in llds.m.  The definitions are
 % duplicated here because we don't want mlds.m to depend on llds.m.
@@ -1674,7 +1610,6 @@
 % imported by both mlds.m and llds.m, but these definitions are small enough
 % and simple enough that I don't think it is worth creating a new module
 % just for them.)
 	% A tag should be a small non-negative integer.
 :- type tag == int.
@@ -1685,8 +1620,7 @@
 	;	commit
 	;	solve
 	;	exception
-	;	gc
-	.
+    ;       gc.
@@ -1710,14 +1644,14 @@
 :- type mlds__pred_label
 	--->	pred(
 			pred_or_func,		% predicate/function
+                maybe(mercury_module_name),
 				% The declaring module,
 				% if different to the defining module
-			maybe(mercury_module_name),
-			string,			% name
-			arity,			% arity
-			code_model,		% code model
-			bool			% function without return value
-						% (i.e. non-default mode)
+                string,             % Name.
+                arity,              % Arity.
+                code_model,         % Code model.
+                bool                % Function without return value
+                                    % (i.e. non-default mode).
 	;	special_pred(
@@ -1726,18 +1660,20 @@
 				% The module declaring the type,
 				% if this is different to module defining
 				% the special_pred.
-			string,			% the type name
-			arity			% the type arity
+                string,             % The type name.
+                arity               % The type arity.
 	% Invert the case of the first letter of the string.
 	% This is used for the Java back-end.
+    %
 :- func flip_initial_case(string) = string.
 	% Invert the case of the first letter of the last component of
 	% a (possibly) qualified name.  This is used for the Java back-end.
+    %
 :- func flip_initial_case_of_final_part(sym_name) = sym_name.
@@ -1767,7 +1703,8 @@
 % Currently mlds__contexts just contain a prog_context.
-:- type mlds__context ---> mlds__context(prog_context).
+:- type mlds__context
+    --->    mlds__context(prog_context).
 mlds__make_context(Context) = mlds__context(Context).
@@ -1796,8 +1733,7 @@
 		module_info_get_type_table(ModuleInfo, Types),
 		map__search(Types, TypeCtor, TypeDefn),
 		hlds_data__get_type_defn_body(TypeDefn, Body),
-		Body = foreign_type(foreign_type_body(MaybeIL, MaybeC,
-				MaybeJava))
+        Body = foreign_type(foreign_type_body(MaybeIL, MaybeC, MaybeJava))
 		module_info_get_globals(ModuleInfo, Globals),
 		globals__get_target(Globals, Target),
@@ -1805,13 +1741,11 @@
 			Target = c,
 				MaybeC = yes(Data),
-				Data = foreign_type_lang_data(CForeignType,
-					_, _),
+                Data = foreign_type_lang_data(CForeignType, _, _),
 				ForeignType = c(CForeignType)
 				MaybeC = no,
-				% This is checked by check_foreign_type
-				% in make_hlds.
+                % This is checked by check_foreign_type in make_hlds.
 				"mercury_type_to_mlds_type: No C foreign type")
@@ -1819,13 +1753,11 @@
 			Target = il,
 				MaybeIL = yes(Data),
-				Data = foreign_type_lang_data(ILForeignType,
-					_, _),
+                Data = foreign_type_lang_data(ILForeignType, _, _),
 				ForeignType = il(ILForeignType)
 				MaybeIL = no,
-				% This is checked by check_foreign_type
-				% in make_hlds.
+                % This is checked by check_foreign_type in make_hlds.
 				"mercury_type_to_mlds_type: No IL foreign type")
@@ -1833,29 +1765,24 @@
 			Target = java,
 				MaybeJava = yes(Data),
-				Data = foreign_type_lang_data(JavaForeignType,
-					_, _),
+                Data = foreign_type_lang_data(JavaForeignType, _, _),
 				ForeignType = java(JavaForeignType)
 				MaybeJava = no,
-				% This is checked by check_foreign_type
-				% in make_hlds.
+                % This is checked by check_foreign_type in make_hlds.
-					"mercury_type_to_mlds_type: " ++
-					"No Java foreign type")
+                    "mercury_type_to_mlds_type: no Java foreign type")
 			Target = asm,
 				MaybeC = yes(Data),
-				Data = foreign_type_lang_data(CForeignType,
-					_, _),
+                Data = foreign_type_lang_data(CForeignType, _, _),
 				ForeignType = c(CForeignType)
 				MaybeC = no,
-				% XXX This ought to be checked by the
-				% front-end, e.g. check_foreign_type
-				% in make_hlds.
+                % XXX This ought to be checked by the front-end, e.g.
+                % check_foreign_type in make_hlds.
 				"mercury_type_to_mlds_type: No C foreign type")
@@ -1922,10 +1849,8 @@
 mlds__append_class_qualifier(name(Package, Module), QualKind, Globals,
 			ClassName, ClassArity) =
 		name(Package, qualified(AdjustedModule, ClassQualifier)) :-
-	%
-	% For the Java back-end, we flip the initial case of an type
-	% qualifiers, in order to match the usual Java conventions.
-	%
+    % For the Java back-end, we flip the initial case of an type qualifiers,
+    % in order to match the usual Java conventions.
 		globals__get_target(Globals, CompilationTarget),
 		CompilationTarget = java,
@@ -1935,8 +1860,7 @@
 		AdjustedModule = Module
-	string__format("%s_%d", [s(ClassName), i(ClassArity)],
-		ClassQualifier).
+    string__format("%s_%d", [s(ClassName), i(ClassArity)], ClassQualifier).
 mlds__append_wrapper_class(Name) = mlds__append_name(Name, wrapper_class_name).
@@ -1967,13 +1891,10 @@
-% We represent the set of declaration flags as a bunch of bit-fields packed
-% into a single int.
+    % We represent the set of declaration flags as a bunch of bit-fields packed
+    % into a single int.
 :- type mlds__decl_flags == int.
 % Here we define which bits are used to store each bitfield.
 % It would be nicer to use a language builtin, e.g. index/2, for these.
@@ -1991,7 +1912,6 @@
 % On the other hand, doing it manually may be more efficient than either
 % of those two approaches.
 :- func access_bits(access) = int.
 :- mode access_bits(in) = out is det.
@@ -2079,7 +1999,6 @@
 promise_det(Pred) = X :-
 	(if Pred(X0) then X = X0 else error("promise_det failed")).
 % Here we define the functions to set a member of the set.
@@ -2114,6 +2033,7 @@
 :- func this_file = string.
 this_file = "mlds.m".
Index: compiler/mode_constraints.m
RCS file: /home/mercury/mercury1/repository/mercury/compiler/mode_constraints.m,v
retrieving revision 1.14
diff -u -b -r1.14 mode_constraints.m
--- compiler/mode_constraints.m	30 Sep 2005 08:08:27 -0000	1.14
+++ compiler/mode_constraints.m	11 Oct 2005 15:16:55 -0000
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
 :- import_module hlds__hlds_module.
 :- import_module io.
-:- pred mode_constraints__process_module(module_info::in, module_info::out,
+:- pred process_module(module_info::in, module_info::out,
     io::di, io::uo) is det.
 :- implementation.
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
     func 'ho_modes :='(T, ho_modes) = T
-mode_constraints__process_module(!ModuleInfo, !IO) :-
+process_module(!ModuleInfo, !IO) :-
     module_info_predids(!.ModuleInfo, PredIds),
     globals__io_lookup_bool_option(simple_mode_constraints, Simple, !IO),
     globals__io_lookup_bool_option(prop_mode_constraints, New, !IO),
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@
     % Stage 1: Process SCCs bottom-up to determine variable producers.
         New = no,
-        list__foldl3(mode_constraints__process_scc(Simple), SCCs,
+        list__foldl3(process_scc(Simple), SCCs,
             !ModuleInfo, map__init, PredConstraintMap, !IO),
         % Stage 2: Process SCCs top-down to determine execution order of
@@ -145,11 +145,11 @@
-:- pred mode_constraints__process_scc(bool::in, list(pred_id)::in,
+:- pred process_scc(bool::in, list(pred_id)::in,
     module_info::in, module_info::out,
     pred_constraint_map::in, pred_constraint_map::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
-mode_constraints__process_scc(Simple, SCC, !ModuleInfo, !PredConstraintMap,
+process_scc(Simple, SCC, !ModuleInfo, !PredConstraintMap,
         !IO) :-
     some [!ModeConstraint, !ModeConstraintInfo] (
         !:ModeConstraint = one,
@@ -158,12 +158,12 @@
         save_threshold(Threshold, !ModeConstraintInfo),
-        mode_constraints__process_scc_pass_1(SCC, SCC, !ModuleInfo,
+        process_scc_pass_1(SCC, SCC, !ModuleInfo,
             !ModeConstraint, !ModeConstraintInfo, !IO),
         !:ModeConstraint = restrict_threshold(Threshold, !.ModeConstraint),
         !:ModeConstraint = ensure_normalised(!.ModeConstraint),
-        mode_constraints__process_scc_pass_2(SCC, !.ModeConstraint,
+        process_scc_pass_2(SCC, !.ModeConstraint,
             !.ModeConstraintInfo, !ModuleInfo, !IO),
         Insert = (pred(PredId::in, PCM0::in, PCM::out) is det :-
@@ -446,40 +446,40 @@
         Cases0, Cases, !RInfo),
     Occurring = Occurring0 `set__union` Occurring1.
-:- pred mode_constraints__process_scc_pass_1(list(pred_id)::in,
+:- pred process_scc_pass_1(list(pred_id)::in,
     list(pred_id)::in, module_info::in,
     module_info::out, mode_constraint::in, mode_constraint::out,
     mode_constraint_info::in, mode_constraint_info::out,
     io::di, io::uo) is det.
-mode_constraints__process_scc_pass_1([], _, !ModuleInfo,
+process_scc_pass_1([], _, !ModuleInfo,
         !ModeConstraint, !ModeConstraintInfo, !IO).
-mode_constraints__process_scc_pass_1([PredId | PredIds], SCC,
+process_scc_pass_1([PredId | PredIds], SCC,
         !ModuleInfo, !ModeConstraint, !ModeConstraintInfo, !IO) :-
     !:ModeConstraintInfo = !.ModeConstraintInfo ^ pred_id := PredId,
-    mode_constraints__process_pred(PredId, SCC, !ModuleInfo,
+    process_pred(PredId, SCC, !ModuleInfo,
         !ModeConstraint, !ModeConstraintInfo, !IO),
-    mode_constraints__process_scc_pass_1(PredIds, SCC, !ModuleInfo,
+    process_scc_pass_1(PredIds, SCC, !ModuleInfo,
         !ModeConstraint, !ModeConstraintInfo, !IO).
-:- pred mode_constraints__process_scc_pass_2(list(pred_id)::in,
+:- pred process_scc_pass_2(list(pred_id)::in,
     mode_constraint::in, mode_constraint_info::in, module_info::in,
     module_info::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
-mode_constraints__process_scc_pass_2([], _, _, !ModuleInfo, !IO).
-mode_constraints__process_scc_pass_2([PredId | PredIds], ModeConstraint,
+process_scc_pass_2([], _, _, !ModuleInfo, !IO).
+process_scc_pass_2([PredId | PredIds], ModeConstraint,
         ModeConstraintInfo, !ModuleInfo, !IO) :-
-    mode_constraints__process_pred_2(PredId, ModeConstraint,
+    process_pred_2(PredId, ModeConstraint,
         ModeConstraintInfo ^ pred_id := PredId, !ModuleInfo, !IO),
-    mode_constraints__process_scc_pass_2(PredIds, ModeConstraint,
+    process_scc_pass_2(PredIds, ModeConstraint,
         ModeConstraintInfo, !ModuleInfo, !IO).
-:- pred mode_constraints__process_pred(pred_id::in, list(pred_id)::in,
+:- pred process_pred(pred_id::in, list(pred_id)::in,
     module_info::in, module_info::out, mode_constraint::in,
     mode_constraint::out, mode_constraint_info::in,
     mode_constraint_info::out, io::di, io::uo) is det.
-mode_constraints__process_pred(PredId, SCC, !ModuleInfo, !ModeConstraint,
+process_pred(PredId, SCC, !ModuleInfo, !ModeConstraint,
         !ModeConstraintInfo, !IO) :-
     module_info_pred_info(!.ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo0),
     write_pred_progress_message("% Calculating mode constraints for ",
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@
         ModeDeclInfo0 = mode_decl_info(!.ModeConstraintInfo, HOModes0),
-            mode_constraints__mode_decl_to_constraint(!.ModuleInfo,
+            mode_decl_to_constraint(!.ModuleInfo,
                 InstGraph, HeadVars, PredInfo0),
             ProcTable0, ProcTable,
             zero, DeclConstraint, ModeDeclInfo0, ModeDeclInfo),
@@ -521,8 +521,7 @@
     ( pred_info_is_imported(PredInfo1) ->
         PredInfo = PredInfo1
-        mode_constraints__process_clauses_info(!.ModuleInfo, SCC,
+        process_clauses_info(!.ModuleInfo, SCC,
             ClausesInfo0, ClausesInfo, InstGraph, HOModes,
             !ModeConstraint, !ModeConstraintInfo, !IO),
@@ -530,11 +529,11 @@
     module_info_set_pred_info(PredId, PredInfo, !ModuleInfo).
-:- pred mode_constraints__process_pred_2(pred_id::in, mode_constraint::in,
+:- pred process_pred_2(pred_id::in, mode_constraint::in,
     mode_constraint_info::in, module_info::in, module_info::out,
     io::di, io::uo) is det.
-mode_constraints__process_pred_2(PredId, ModeConstraint, ModeConstraintInfo0,
+process_pred_2(PredId, ModeConstraint, ModeConstraintInfo0,
         !ModuleInfo, !IO) :-
     module_info_pred_info(!.ModuleInfo, PredId, PredInfo0),
@@ -672,15 +671,15 @@
     % Convert a procedure's arg_modes to a constraint.
-:- pred mode_constraints__mode_decl_to_constraint(module_info::in,
+:- pred mode_decl_to_constraint(module_info::in,
     inst_graph::in, list(prog_var)::in, pred_info::in, proc_id::in,
     proc_info::in, proc_info::out,
     mode_constraint::in, mode_constraint::out,
     mode_decl_info::in, mode_decl_info::out) is det.
-mode_constraints__mode_decl_to_constraint(ModuleInfo, InstGraph, HeadVars,
+mode_decl_to_constraint(ModuleInfo, InstGraph, HeadVars,
         _PredInfo, _ProcId, !ProcInfo, !Constraint, !Info) :-
-    mode_constraints__process_mode_decl_for_proc(ModuleInfo,
+    process_mode_decl_for_proc(ModuleInfo,
         InstGraph, HeadVars,
         false_var(initial), true_var(initial), yes,
         false_var(final), true_var(final), no,
@@ -696,7 +695,7 @@
     !:Constraint = !.Constraint + DeclConstraint,
     proc_info_set_head_modes_constraint(DeclConstraint, !ProcInfo).
-:- pred mode_constraints__process_mode_decl_for_proc(module_info::in,
+:- pred process_mode_decl_for_proc(module_info::in,
     inst_graph::in, list(prog_var)::in,
     constrain_var::in(constrain_var), constrain_var::in(constrain_var),
@@ -705,35 +704,32 @@
     proc_info::in, mode_constraint::in, mode_constraint::out,
     mode_decl_info::in, mode_decl_info::out) is det.
-mode_constraints__process_mode_decl_for_proc(ModuleInfo, InstGraph, HeadVars,
-        InitialFree, InitialBound, InitialHO,
-        FinalFree, FinalBound, FinalHO,
+process_mode_decl_for_proc(ModuleInfo, InstGraph, HeadVars,
+        InitialFree, InitialBound, InitialHO, FinalFree, FinalBound, FinalHO,
         ProcInfo, !Constraint, !MDI) :-
     % proc_info_declared_argmodes(ProcInfo, ArgModes),
     proc_info_argmodes(ProcInfo, ArgModes),
-    mode_constraints__process_mode_decl(ModuleInfo, InstGraph, HeadVars,
-        InitialFree, InitialBound, InitialHO,
-        FinalFree, FinalBound, FinalHO,
+    process_mode_decl(ModuleInfo, InstGraph, HeadVars,
+        InitialFree, InitialBound, InitialHO, FinalFree, FinalBound, FinalHO,
         ArgModes, !Constraint, !MDI).
-:- pred mode_constraints__process_mode_decl(module_info::in,
+:- pred process_mode_decl(module_info::in,
     inst_graph::in, list(prog_var)::in, constrain_var::in(constrain_var),
     constrain_var::in(constrain_var), bool::in,
     constrain_var::in(constrain_var), constrain_var::in(constrain_var),
     bool::in, list(mode)::in, mode_constraint::in, mode_constraint::out,
     mode_decl_info::in, mode_decl_info::out) is det.
-mode_constraints__process_mode_decl(ModuleInfo, InstGraph, HeadVars,
+process_mode_decl(ModuleInfo, InstGraph, HeadVars,
         InitialFree, InitialBound, InitialHO,
         FinalFree, FinalBound, FinalHO, ArgModes, !Constraint, !MDI) :-
     assoc_list__from_corresponding_lists(HeadVars, ArgModes, VarModes),
-    list__foldl2(mode_constraints__process_arg_modes(ModuleInfo, InstGraph,
-        InitialFree, InitialBound, InitialHO,
-        FinalFree, FinalBound, FinalHO),
+    list__foldl2(process_arg_modes(ModuleInfo, InstGraph,
+        InitialFree, InitialBound, InitialHO, FinalFree, FinalBound, FinalHO),
         VarModes, one, NewConstraint, !MDI),
     !:Constraint = !.Constraint + NewConstraint.
-:- pred mode_constraints__process_arg_modes(module_info::in, inst_graph::in,
+:- pred process_arg_modes(module_info::in, inst_graph::in,
     constrain_var::in(constrain_var), constrain_var::in(constrain_var),
     constrain_var::in(constrain_var), constrain_var::in(constrain_var),
@@ -742,15 +738,15 @@
     mode_constraint::in, mode_constraint::out,
     mode_decl_info::in, mode_decl_info::out) is det.
-mode_constraints__process_arg_modes(ModuleInfo, InstGraph,
+process_arg_modes(ModuleInfo, InstGraph,
         InitialFree, InitialBound, InitialHO,
         FinalFree, FinalBound, FinalHO,
         Var - Mode, !Constraint, !MDI) :-
     mode_get_insts(ModuleInfo, Mode, InitialInst, FinalInst),
-    mode_constraints__process_inst(ModuleInfo, InstGraph,
+    process_inst(ModuleInfo, InstGraph,
         InitialFree, InitialBound, InitialHO, InitialInst,
         set__init, Var, !Constraint, !MDI),
-    mode_constraints__process_inst(ModuleInfo, InstGraph,
+    process_inst(ModuleInfo, InstGraph,
         FinalFree, FinalBound, FinalHO, FinalInst,
         set__init, Var, !Constraint, !MDI).
@@ -814,34 +810,34 @@
     mode_constraint_info, mode_constraint_info).
 :- inst constrain_var == (pred(in, in, out, in, out) is det).
-:- pred mode_constraints__process_inst(module_info::in, inst_graph::in,
+:- pred process_inst(module_info::in, inst_graph::in,
     constrain_var::in(constrain_var), constrain_var::in(constrain_var),
     bool::in, (inst)::in, set(prog_var)::in, prog_var::in,
     mode_constraint::in, mode_constraint::out,
     mode_decl_info::in, mode_decl_info::out) is det.
-mode_constraints__process_inst(ModuleInfo, InstGraph, Free, Bound, DoHO, Inst,
+process_inst(ModuleInfo, InstGraph, Free, Bound, DoHO, Inst,
         Seen, Var, !Constraint, !MDI) :-
     ( Var `set__member` Seen ->
         ( Inst = defined_inst(InstName) ->
             inst_lookup(ModuleInfo, InstName, Inst1),
-            mode_constraints__process_inst(ModuleInfo, InstGraph,
+            process_inst(ModuleInfo, InstGraph,
                 Free, Bound, DoHO, Inst1, Seen, Var, !Constraint, !MDI)
-            mode_constraints__do_process_inst(ModuleInfo, InstGraph,
+            do_process_inst(ModuleInfo, InstGraph,
                 Free, Bound, DoHO, Inst, Seen, Var, !Constraint, !MDI)
-:- pred mode_constraints__do_process_inst(module_info::in, inst_graph::in,
+:- pred do_process_inst(module_info::in, inst_graph::in,
     constrain_var::in(constrain_var), constrain_var::in(constrain_var),
     bool::in, (inst)::in, set(prog_var)::in, prog_var::in,
     mode_constraint::in, mode_constraint::out,
     mode_decl_info::in, mode_decl_info::out) is det.
-mode_constraints__do_process_inst(ModuleInfo, InstGraph, Free, Bound, DoHO,
+do_process_inst(ModuleInfo, InstGraph, Free, Bound, DoHO,
         Inst, Seen, Var, !Constraint, !MDI) :-
     update_mc_info((pred(C::out, S0::in, S::out) is det :-
@@ -872,7 +868,7 @@
                     Insts, VarInsts),
                 list__foldl2((pred((V - I)::in, C1::in, C2::out,
                         T0::in, T::out) is det :-
-                    mode_constraints__process_inst(ModuleInfo, InstGraph,
+                    process_inst(ModuleInfo, InstGraph,
                         Free, Bound, DoHO, I, Seen `set__insert` Var,
                         V, C1, C2, T0, T)
                     ), VarInsts, C0, C, S0, S)
@@ -882,11 +878,10 @@
-                mode_constraints__process_inst(ModuleInfo, InstGraph,
+                process_inst(ModuleInfo, InstGraph,
                     Free, Bound, DoHO, Inst, Seen `set__insert` Var),
                 Vs, C0, C, S0, S)
         )), Functors, !Constraint, !MDI),
         DoHO = yes,
         Inst = ground(_, higher_order(pred_inst_info(_, ArgModes, _)))
@@ -899,13 +894,13 @@
-:- pred mode_constraints__process_clauses_info(module_info::in,
+:- pred process_clauses_info(module_info::in,
     list(pred_id)::in, clauses_info::in, clauses_info::out, inst_graph::in,
     ho_modes::in, mode_constraint::in, mode_constraint::out,
     mode_constraint_info::in, mode_constraint_info::out,
     io::di, io::uo) is det.
-mode_constraints__process_clauses_info(ModuleInfo, SCC, !ClausesInfo,
+process_clauses_info(ModuleInfo, SCC, !ClausesInfo,
         InstGraph, HOModes0, !Constraint, !ConstraintInfo, !IO) :-
     clauses_info_varset(!.ClausesInfo, VarSet0),
     globals__io_lookup_bool_option(very_verbose, VeryVerbose, !IO),
@@ -1157,7 +1152,7 @@
             map__values(ProcTable, ProcInfos),
             update_md_info((pred(C::out, S0::in, S::out) is det :-
-                    mode_constraints__process_mode_decl_for_proc(ModuleInfo,
+                    process_mode_decl_for_proc(ModuleInfo,
                         InstGraph, Args, ignore, call_in(GoalPath), no,
                         false_var(goal_path(GoalPath)), call_out(GoalPath),
@@ -1527,7 +1522,7 @@
     ArgModes = list__duplicate(length(NonLocals), in_mode) ++ Modes,
     LambdaHeadVars = NonLocals ++ LambdaVars,
     ModuleInfo = !.GCInfo ^ module_info,
-    update_md_info(mode_constraints__process_mode_decl(ModuleInfo,
+    update_md_info(process_mode_decl(ModuleInfo,
         InstGraph, LambdaHeadVars, false_var(initial),
         true_var(initial), yes, false_var(final), true_var(final), no,
         ArgModes, zero), DeclConstraint, !GCInfo),
@@ -1608,7 +1603,7 @@
                 (pred((GoalPath - Args)::in, C0::in, C::out,
                     in, out) is det -->
-                    mode_constraints__process_mode_decl(
+                    process_mode_decl(
                         ModuleInfo, InstGraph, Args, ignore,
                         call_in(GoalPath), no,
@@ -1696,7 +1691,7 @@
     % the rest of their SCC since the mode declaration can be used in any
     % calls to them.  Such predicates should be processed last to take
     % advantage of mode info inferred from other predicates.
-    extract_mode_decl_preds(ModuleInfo, [], SCCs0, SCCs1),
+    extract_mode_decl_preds(ModuleInfo, SCCs0, [], SCCs1),
     % We add imported preds to the end of the SCC list, one SCC per pred.
     % This allows a constraint to be created for each imported pred
@@ -1706,22 +1701,24 @@
 :- pred extract_mode_decl_preds(module_info::in, sccs::in, sccs::in, sccs::out)
     is det.
-extract_mode_decl_preds(_ModuleInfo, DeclaredPreds, [], DeclaredPreds).
-extract_mode_decl_preds(ModuleInfo, DeclaredPreds0, [SCC0 | SCCs0], SCCs) :-
+extract_mode_decl_preds(_ModuleInfo, [], !DeclaredPreds).
+extract_mode_decl_preds(ModuleInfo, [SCC0 | SCCs0], !DeclaredPreds) :-
     list__filter(pred_has_mode_decl(ModuleInfo), SCC0, Declared, SCC),
-    ( Declared = [] ->
-        DeclaredPreds = DeclaredPreds0
+    (
+        Declared = []
+        Declared = [_ | _],
             (pred(Pred::in, Preds0::in, Preds::out) is det :-
                 Preds = [[Pred] | Preds0]
-            ), Declared, DeclaredPreds0, DeclaredPreds)
+            ), Declared, !DeclaredPreds)
-    extract_mode_decl_preds(ModuleInfo, DeclaredPreds, SCCs0, SCCs1),
-    ( SCC = [] ->
-        SCCs = SCCs1
+    extract_mode_decl_preds(ModuleInfo, SCCs0, !DeclaredPreds),
+    (
+        SCC = []
-        SCCs = [SCC | SCCs1]
+        SCC = [_ | _],
+        !:DeclaredPreds = [SCC | !.DeclaredPreds]
 :- pred pred_has_mode_decl(module_info::in, pred_id::in) is semidet.
@@ -1751,8 +1748,7 @@
         cons_id_in_bound_insts(ConsId, BIs, Insts)
-:- pred equivalent_cons_ids(cons_id, cons_id).
-:- mode equivalent_cons_ids(in, in) is semidet.
+:- pred equivalent_cons_ids(cons_id::in, cons_id::in) is semidet.
 equivalent_cons_ids(ConsIdA, ConsIdB) :-
@@ -1765,8 +1761,7 @@
         ConsIdA = ConsIdB
-:- pred equivalent_sym_names(sym_name, sym_name).
-:- mode equivalent_sym_names(in, in) is semidet.
+:- pred equivalent_sym_names(sym_name::in, sym_name::in) is semidet.
 equivalent_sym_names(unqualified(S), unqualified(S)).
 equivalent_sym_names(qualified(_, S), unqualified(S)).
cvs diff: Diffing compiler/notes
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cvs diff: Diffing extras/graphics/samples/maze
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cvs diff: Diffing extras/lazy_evaluation
cvs diff: Diffing extras/lex
cvs diff: Diffing extras/lex/samples
cvs diff: Diffing extras/lex/tests
cvs diff: Diffing extras/logged_output
cvs diff: Diffing extras/moose
cvs diff: Diffing extras/moose/samples
cvs diff: Diffing extras/moose/tests
cvs diff: Diffing extras/morphine
cvs diff: Diffing extras/morphine/non-regression-tests
cvs diff: Diffing extras/morphine/scripts
cvs diff: Diffing extras/morphine/source
cvs diff: Diffing extras/odbc
cvs diff: Diffing extras/posix
cvs diff: Diffing extras/quickcheck
cvs diff: Diffing extras/quickcheck/tutes
cvs diff: Diffing extras/references
cvs diff: Diffing extras/references/samples
cvs diff: Diffing extras/references/tests
cvs diff: Diffing extras/solver_types
cvs diff: Diffing extras/solver_types/library
cvs diff: Diffing extras/stream
cvs diff: Diffing extras/trailed_update
cvs diff: Diffing extras/trailed_update/samples
cvs diff: Diffing extras/trailed_update/tests
cvs diff: Diffing extras/xml
cvs diff: Diffing extras/xml/samples
cvs diff: Diffing extras/xml_stylesheets
cvs diff: Diffing java
cvs diff: Diffing java/runtime
cvs diff: Diffing library
cvs diff: Diffing mdbcomp
cvs diff: Diffing profiler
cvs diff: Diffing robdd
cvs diff: Diffing runtime
cvs diff: Diffing runtime/GETOPT
cvs diff: Diffing runtime/machdeps
cvs diff: Diffing samples
cvs diff: Diffing samples/c_interface
cvs diff: Diffing samples/c_interface/c_calls_mercury
cvs diff: Diffing samples/c_interface/cplusplus_calls_mercury
cvs diff: Diffing samples/c_interface/mercury_calls_c
cvs diff: Diffing samples/c_interface/mercury_calls_cplusplus
cvs diff: Diffing samples/c_interface/mercury_calls_fortran
cvs diff: Diffing samples/c_interface/simpler_c_calls_mercury
cvs diff: Diffing samples/c_interface/simpler_cplusplus_calls_mercury
cvs diff: Diffing samples/diff
cvs diff: Diffing samples/muz
cvs diff: Diffing samples/rot13
cvs diff: Diffing samples/solutions
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/c_interface
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/c_interface/c_calls_mercury
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/c_interface/cplusplus_calls_mercury
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/c_interface/mercury_calls_c
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/c_interface/mercury_calls_cplusplus
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/c_interface/mercury_calls_fortran
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/c_interface/simpler_c_calls_mercury
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/c_interface/simpler_cplusplus_calls_mercury
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/diff
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/muz
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/rot13
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/solutions
cvs diff: Diffing samples/tests/toplevel
cvs diff: Diffing scripts
cvs diff: Diffing slice
cvs diff: Diffing tests
cvs diff: Diffing tests/benchmarks
cvs diff: Diffing tests/debugger
cvs diff: Diffing tests/debugger/declarative
cvs diff: Diffing tests/dppd
cvs diff: Diffing tests/general
cvs diff: Diffing tests/general/accumulator
cvs diff: Diffing tests/general/string_format
cvs diff: Diffing tests/general/structure_reuse
cvs diff: Diffing tests/grade_subdirs
cvs diff: Diffing tests/hard_coded
cvs diff: Diffing tests/hard_coded/exceptions
cvs diff: Diffing tests/hard_coded/purity
cvs diff: Diffing tests/hard_coded/sub-modules
cvs diff: Diffing tests/hard_coded/typeclasses
cvs diff: Diffing tests/invalid
cvs diff: Diffing tests/invalid/purity
cvs diff: Diffing tests/misc_tests
cvs diff: Diffing tests/mmc_make
cvs diff: Diffing tests/mmc_make/lib
cvs diff: Diffing tests/recompilation
cvs diff: Diffing tests/tabling
cvs diff: Diffing tests/term
cvs diff: Diffing tests/valid
cvs diff: Diffing tests/warnings
cvs diff: Diffing tools
cvs diff: Diffing trace
cvs diff: Diffing util
cvs diff: Diffing vim
cvs diff: Diffing vim/after
cvs diff: Diffing vim/ftplugin
cvs diff: Diffing vim/syntax
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