[m-rev.] for review: handle EXCP nodes in wrong and missing answer diagnosis

Ian MacLarty maclarty at cs.mu.OZ.AU
Fri Jan 7 12:34:42 AEDT 2005

I've made a few changes since my original posting:

I've added the following to the log:

	Since unexpected_exception_children and wrong_answer_children are now
	almost identical, replace them with one predicate contour_children.

And made the following code changes:

diff -u browser/declarative_tree.m browser/declarative_tree.m
--- browser/declarative_tree.m	4 Jan 2005 01:04:18 -0000
+++ browser/declarative_tree.m	6 Jan 2005 11:35:35 -0000
@@ -268,13 +268,13 @@
 			missing_answer_children(Store, PrecId, CallId, [], 
-			wrong_answer_children(Store, PrecId, CallId, [], 
-				Children)
+			contour_children(wrong_answer, Store, PrecId, CallId, 
+				[], Children)
 		Node = excp(PrecId, CallId, _, _, _),
 		not_at_depth_limit(Store, CallId),
-		unexpected_exception_children(Store, PrecId, CallId, [],
+		contour_children(exception, Store, PrecId, CallId, [],
@@ -299,32 +299,51 @@
 	call_node_from_id(Store, Ref, CallNode),
 	CallNode ^ call_at_max_depth = no.
-:- pred wrong_answer_children(S, R, R, list(edt_node(R)), list(edt_node(R)))
-		<= annotated_trace(S, R).
-:- mode wrong_answer_children(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+:- type contour_children_type
+	--->	wrong_answer
+	;	exception.
+:- pred contour_children(contour_children_type::in, S::in, R::in, R::in, 
+	list(edt_node(R))::in, list(edt_node(R))::out)  is det
+	<= annotated_trace(S, R).
-wrong_answer_children(Store, NodeId, StartId, Ns0, Ns) :-
+contour_children(ContourChildrenType, Store, NodeId, StartId, Ns0, Ns) :-
 		NodeId = StartId
 		Ns = Ns0
-		wrong_answer_children_2(Store, NodeId, StartId, Ns0, Ns)
+		contour_children_2(ContourChildrenType, Store, NodeId, StartId, 
+			Ns0, Ns)
-:- pred wrong_answer_children_2(S, R, R, list(edt_node(R)),
-	list(edt_node(R))) <= annotated_trace(S, R).
-:- mode wrong_answer_children_2(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
+:- pred contour_children_2(contour_children_type::in, S::in, R::in, R::in, 
+	list(edt_node(R))::in, list(edt_node(R))::out)  is det
+	<= annotated_trace(S, R).
-wrong_answer_children_2(Store, NodeId, StartId, Ns0, Ns) :-
+contour_children_2(ContourChildrenType, Store, NodeId, StartId, Ns0, Ns) :-
 	det_trace_node_from_id(Store, NodeId, Node),
-		( Node = call(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)
-		; Node = neg(_, _, _)
-		; Node = cond(_, _, failed)
+		( 
+			Node = call(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)
+		; 
+			%
+			% A non-failed NEGE could be encountered when gathering
+			% the children of an exception node, since the
+			% exception may have been thrown inside the negation.
+			%
+			(
+				ContourChildrenType = wrong_answer,
+				Node = neg(_, _, _)
+			;
+				ContourChildrenType = exception,
+				Node = neg(_, _, failed)
+			)
+		; 
+			Node = cond(_, _, failed)
-		throw(internal_error("wrong_answer_children_2",
+		throw(internal_error("contour_children_2",
 			"unexpected start of contour"))
 		( Node = exit(_, _, _, _, _, _)
@@ -367,7 +386,8 @@
 			% tell whether the call was in a negated context or
 			% backtracked over, so we have to assume the former.
-		wrong_answer_children(Store, Prec, NestedStartId, Ns0, Ns1)
+		contour_children(ContourChildrenType, Store, Prec, 
+			NestedStartId, Ns0, Ns1)
 		( Node = else(Prec, NestedStartId)
 		; Node = neg_succ(Prec, NestedStartId)
@@ -393,7 +413,7 @@
 		Ns1 = Ns0
 	Next = step_left_in_contour(Store, Node),
-	wrong_answer_children(Store, Next, StartId, Ns1, Ns).
+	contour_children(ContourChildrenType, Store, Next, StartId, Ns1, Ns).
 :- pred missing_answer_children(S, R, R, list(edt_node(R)), list(edt_node(R)))
 		<= annotated_trace(S, R).
@@ -438,7 +458,8 @@
 			% There is a nested successful context.
-		wrong_answer_children(Store, Prec, NestedStartId, Ns0, Ns1)
+		contour_children(wrong_answer, Store, Prec, 
+			NestedStartId, Ns0, Ns1)
 		( Node = else(Prec, NestedStartId)
 		; Node = neg_succ(Prec, NestedStartId)
@@ -461,100 +482,4 @@
 	missing_answer_children(Store, Next, StartId, Ns1, Ns).
-:- pred unexpected_exception_children(S, R, R, list(edt_node(R)),
-		list(edt_node(R))) <= annotated_trace(S, R).
-:- mode unexpected_exception_children(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
-unexpected_exception_children(Store, NodeId, StartId, Ns0, Ns) :-
-	(
-		NodeId = StartId
-	->
-		Ns = Ns0
-	;
-		unexpected_exception_children_2(Store, NodeId, StartId, Ns0, Ns)
-	).
-:- pred unexpected_exception_children_2(S, R, R, list(edt_node(R)),
-	list(edt_node(R))) <= annotated_trace(S, R).
-:- mode unexpected_exception_children_2(in, in, in, in, out) is det.
-unexpected_exception_children_2(Store, NodeId, StartId, Ns0, Ns) :-
-	det_trace_node_from_id(Store, NodeId, Node),
-	(
-		( Node = call(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _)
-		; Node = neg(_, _, failed)
-		; Node = cond(_, _, failed)
-		)
-	->
-		throw(internal_error("unexpected_exception_children_2",
-			"unexpected start of contour"))
-	;
-		( Node = exit(_, _, _, _, _, _)
-		; Node = excp(_, _, _, _, _)
-		)
-	->
-			%
-			% Add a child for this node.
-			%
-		Ns1 = [dynamic(NodeId) | Ns0]
-	;
-		Node = fail(_, CallId, _, _)
-	->
-			%
-			% Fail events can be reached here if there
-			% were events missing due to a parent being
-			% shallow traced.  In this case, we can't tell
-			% whether the call was in a negated context
-			% or backtracked over, so we have to assume
-			% the former.
-			%
-			% Fail events can also be reached here if the
-			% parent was a variant of solutions/2.
-			%
-			% If this really is in a negated context, the start of
-			% the context would be just before the entry to this
-			% failed call, modulo any det/semidet code which
-			% succeeded.
-			%
-		call_node_from_id(Store, CallId, Call),
-		NestedStartId = Call ^ call_preceding,
-		missing_answer_children(Store, NodeId, NestedStartId, Ns0, Ns1)
-	;
-		Node = neg_fail(Prec, NestedStartId)
-	->
-			%
-			% There is a nested context.  Neg_fail events can be
-			% reached here if there were events missing due to a
-			% parent being shallow traced.  In this case, we can't
-			% tell whether the call was in a negated context or
-			% backtracked over, so we have to assume the former.
-			%
-		wrong_answer_children(Store, Prec, NestedStartId, Ns0, Ns1)
-	;
-		( Node = else(Prec, NestedStartId)
-		; Node = neg_succ(Prec, NestedStartId)
-		)
-	->
-			%
-			% There is a nested context.
-			%
-		missing_answer_children(Store, Prec, NestedStartId, Ns0, Ns1)
-	;
-			%
-			% This handles the following cases:
-			% redo, switch, first_disj, later_disj, and
-			% then.  Also handles neg and cond when the
-			% status is anything other than failed.
-			%
-			% Redo events can be reached here if there
-			% were missing events due to a shallow tracing.
-			% In this case, we have to scan over the entire
-			% previous contour, since there is no way to
-			% tell how much of it was backtracked over.
-			%
-		Ns1 = Ns0
-	),
-	Next = step_left_in_contour(Store, Node),
-	unexpected_exception_children(Store, Next, StartId, Ns1, Ns).
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